外研版英语八下_Module 9 whether if 及疑问词引导宾语从句辅导讲义

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Key vocabulary:

1.helpline 服务热线

2.separate v.使分开;分隔adj.分开的;单独的

3.explain 解释;说明

4.mention 提及;谈到

5.refuse 拒绝

6.treat 对待;看待

7.herself 她自己8.whether 是否

9.lonely 孤独的;寂寞的10.regret 懊悔;遗憾

11.patient 有耐心的;能忍耐的12.introduce 介绍;引见

【用法2】day after day 日复一日地(强调重复性)

——Day by day she learnt more about her job.

——Day after day he waited for that letter and it never came.


如果我们要表达像“他不知道他们周六是否会去植树”或“我记不清以前是否见过他”这样的不确定的概念时,从句就要用 whether 或 if 来引导,不能用 that。

——He does not know whether they will plant trees on Saturday or not. 他不知道他们周六是否会去植树。

——He asks whether/if we will go fishing on Sunday. 他问我们周日是否去钓鱼。

——Tom wants to know whether/if he needs to come early tomorrow. 汤姆想知道他明天是否需要早点来。

注意:if与whether引导宾语从句时都有“是否”的意思,一般情况下可以互换。但是在动词不定式之前、介词之后或者句尾有or not出现时,一般只能用whether。

——We haven’t decided whethe r to go or not. 我们还没决定是否会去。


1.I don’t know ______ or not you will go.

2.______ you have met George before, I can’t remember.

3.I’m thinking about ______we’ll have a meeting.

4.The question is ______ we can get there on time.

5.I asked her ______ she studied English there.

【答案】1. whether 2. Whether 3. whether 4. whether 5. if/ whether


通过本模块的学习,相信同学们已经注意到,有的宾语从句既不用that引导,也不用whether 或if引导,而是用when,where,how或why等疑问词引导,这是从句意思表达的需要。


——He asks how we can help protect the environment. 他问我们如何帮助保护环境。

——Do you know when we will hold the sports meeting? 你知道我们什么时候举办运动会吗?


()1. Did the radio say _______ ? Yes ,from Hunan.

A. how the bad rice came

B. Where the bad rice came from

C. how did the bad rice come

D. Where did the bad rice come from

()2. I have some tickets for the basketball match .I wonder _______ .

A. where you buy the tickets

B. Why you like to go there

C. if you’d like to come along

D. when you watch the match

()3. Can you tell me ________ ? He is in the library .

A where was Jack B. where Jack was C. Where is Jack D. Where Jack is

()4. How about going to the South Lake for a picnic next weekend ? Ok. But I’m not sure _____it will rain .

A. why

B. where

C. how

D. whether

()5. ——Do you know _____ they are looking for ? ——Yes ,their ID cards .

A. whether

B. how

C. What

D. Where

6. Mother’s Day is coming .I’m thinking about _____ .
