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Yield Strength Grade 钢级 1010 屈服强度 Min 32000 PSI (221 MPa) Tensile Strength 抗拉强度 Min 45000 PSI (310 MPa) Elongation 伸长率 % Min 15
2.4 Flatting test 压扁试验
A test 4 to 6 inches in length shall be flattened between parallel plates with the weld 90 degree from the direction of applied force (at the point of maximum bending) until opposite walls of the tubing meet. 从一个批号中去一端长度为 4 到 6 英寸的试样在两块平行的压板之间做压扁试验。 试验时在与焊缝位置成 90 度的方向(弯曲应力最大处)上施加压力,直到管子 的两面贴合在一起。 No opening in the weld shall take place until the distance between the plates is less than two thirds of the original outside diameter of the tubing. No cracks or breaks in the base metal shall occur until the distance between the plates is less than one third of the original outside diameter of the tubing, but in no case less than five times the thickness of the tubing wall. Evidence of lamination or burnt material shall not develop during the flattening process, and the weld shall not show injurious defects. 在两个压板之间的距离小于管子原始直径的三分之二前,焊缝不应有开裂;在两 个压板之间的距离小于管子原始直径的三分之一前(在任何情况下,板间距离不 得低于管子壁厚的 5 倍),基体材料不得有开裂或者裂纹。在压扁过程中,不应 有材料分层或者烧伤的现象,且焊缝不应有损伤缺陷。 Test frequency: 2 psc per lot. 试验频率:2 支每批。
Serial No. 序号 1 2 O.D 外径 (mm) 44.45 49.20 W.T 壁厚 (mm) 1.65 1.65 Grade 钢级 1010 1010 Single Length 单支长度 6705.6 6705.6 Endwenku.baidu.comfinished 端部加工 Square cut 切平 Square cut 切平
2. Product Quality Specification 产品质量标准 2.1 General 总体要求
Charge tube manufactured according to this requirement shall conform to latest edition of ASTM A 513. 按照本要求生产的弹架管应满足 ASTM A 513 最新版的要求。
每支管子应用如下的任何方法进行无损检测: 涡流, 超声, 漏磁。 对于涡流检测, 由制造厂选择, 在样管上加工出如下任何一项的缺陷以建立拒收的最低灵敏度水 平。 Drilled Hole—A hole not larger than 0.031 in. (0.79 mm) in diameter shall be drilled radially and completely through the tube wall, care being taken to avoid distortion of the tube while drilling. 钻孔:钻一个直径不大于 0.031 in. (0.79 mm)的径向通孔,在钻孔时,应注意不 让管子扭曲。 Transverse Tangential Notch—Using a round tool or file with a 1/4” (6.4mm) diameter, a notch shall be filed or milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitudinal axis of the tube. Said notch shall have a depth not exceeding 121⁄2 % of the specified wall thickness of the tube or 0.004 in. (0.102 mm), whichever is greater. 横的切向刻槽:用一个直径为 1/4” (6.4mm)圆的工具或者锉刀在管子表面上锉或 者铣横的切向槽。刻槽深度不应大于管子公称壁厚的 12.5%或者 0.004” (0.102 mm)之中的较大者。 Longitudinal Notch—Anotch 0.031 in. (0.79 mm) or less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the tube axis on the outside surface of the tube, to have a depth not exceeding 121⁄2 % of the specified wall thickness of the tube or 0.004 in. (0.102 mm), whichever is greater. The length of the notch shall be compatible with the testing method. 纵向刻槽:在与管子轴线平行的径向平面方面上外表面刻宽度为不大于 0.031“ (0.79 mm) 的槽,槽的深度不应大于管子公称壁厚的 12.5%或者 0.004” (0.102 mm)之中的较大者,槽的长度应适合于相应的检测方法。 For ultrasonic testing, the longitudinal calibration reference notches shall be at the option of the producer, any one of the three common notch shapes shown in Practice E 213 or Practice E 273. The depth of notch shall not exceed 121⁄2 % of the specified wall thickness of the tube or 0.004 in. (0.102 mm), whichever is greater. The notch shall be placed in the weld. 对于超声波检测,纵向校样参考刻槽形状由制造厂选择 ASTM E213 或者 ASTM E273 中规定的三种形状中的一种。槽的深度不应大于管子公称壁厚的 12.5%或 者 0.004” (0.102 mm)之中的较大者。刻槽应在焊缝上。 For flux leakage testing, each of the longitudinal calibration notches shall be a straight sided notch not over 121⁄2 % of the wall thickness in depth and not over 1.0 in. (25 mm) in length. Both outside diameter and inside diameter notches shall be placed in the tube located sufficiently apart to enable separation and identification of the signals. 对于漏磁检测,每个纵向刻槽的边应垂直,深度不大于管子公称壁厚的 12.5%, 长度不大于 1.0” (25.4 mm)。内外刻槽的位置应有足够的距离以便能够将检测信 号区分开。 Tubing producing a signal equal to or greater than the calibration defect shall be subject to rejection. The area producing the signal may be examined. 如果检测到的信号大于或者等于校样时的信号,该管应拒收。产生信号的部分可 以做进一步检查。
Note:When manufacturer do chemical composition analysis, apart from what is listed on table, the rest main chemical elements shall be reported on MTC. 注意:在制造厂做化学成分分析时,除了上表中要求外,还必须在质保书上列出其余主要元 素的含量。
弹架管技术要求 Technical Requirements for Charge Tube
1. Scope 范围
This technical requirement gives the acceptance / rejection criteria for the following charge tubes. 本技术要求规定了下列弹架管的接受/拒收标准。 This technical requirement covers as-weld tubing made from cold rolled steel. 本要求规定由冷轧钢板焊接的钢管技术要求。 This technical requirement is only suitable for φ44.45*1.65 and φ49.20*1.65 charge tube. 本技术要求仅适用于 φ44.45*1.65 和 φ49.20*1.65 规格的弹架管。
2.2 Chemical Composition Requirements 化学成分要求
Grade 钢级 1010 Min 0.08 Chemical Composition 化学成分 C碳 Max 0.13 Min 0.30 Mn 锰 Max 0.60 weight 重量% P磷 Max 0.035 S硫 Max 0.035
2.6 NDT 无损检测
Each tube shall be tested by one of the following method: eddy current, UT, flux leakage. For eddy-current testing, the calibration tube shall contain, at the option of the producer, any one of the following discontinuities to establish a minimum sensitivity level for rejection.
2.5 Flaring Test 扩口试验
A section of tube approximately 4” in length shall stand being flared with a tool having a 60° included angle until the tube at the mouth of the flare has been expanded 15 % of the inside diameter, without cracking or showing flaws. 应取一段长度大约为 4”的管子在锥度为 60 度的顶心上做扩口试验,内径扩口率 为 15%,试验后不得有裂纹或者裂缝。 Test frequency: 2 psc per lot. 试验频率:2 支每批。
Test frequency 分析频率: Heat analysis: once per heat. 熔炼分析:每炉一次。 Product analysis: twice per lot. 产品分析:2 次每批。
2.3 Mechanical properties Requirements 机械性能要求