Reducing your carbon footprint-减少碳足迹

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Reducing your carbon footprint




What do you do, in your daily life, that's bad for the environment? What are your 'environmentally unfriendly'' actions? Do you drive a car? Are you a frequent flyer? Do you buy imported stuff you don't really need then throw away the packaging?



I mean, I know sometimes I do. In this age of consumerism, everyone does! But we do have a choice. One way to work out and then reduce the impact you personally have on the

environment is to calculate your carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint is the total carbon sum of your actions, be it when you travel, when you shop, when you eat, when you bathe - any action that uses up fossil fuels such as oil, coal or gas.



And just as we have two feet, we also have two carbon footprints - the primary and the secondary. Your primary carbon footprint measures your direct use of fossil fuels. That is, the amount of gas, oil or coal you use every day by commuting to work, cooking your dinner or watching TV. Think, for example, about where you live. How much electricity and gas do you use to keep your home warm in the winter or cool in the summer?




Do you use low-energy light bulbs? How many electrical appliances do you have on at the same time when you're at home? Now, think about all these and write them down. Go on, it's important! Next, think about how you travel.



Do you drive a car? Do you take the bus, subway or train to work? Or do you cycle or walk? How often do you fly? Write these down too.



Now let's think about your secondary carbon footprint; that is, how you use up fossil fuels indirectly. Think about the difference between buying a shirt made locally, and a shirt

imported from a faraway foreign country. Which one do you think uses up the most fossil fuels? That's right, the imported shirt; it has to travel hundreds or even thousands of miles on a ship or in an airplane to reach your local shop. And that uses up a lot of carbon.


So, think about the things you buy. Do you buy locally grown vegetables or fancy foreign imported ones? What kind of clothes do you wear? Are they locally made? Do you like German cars, American computers and Japanese DVD players? 所以想想你買的東西。你買當地收成的蔬菜還是國外進口看起來十分美貌的蔬菜?你穿哪種衣服?它們是當地製造的嗎?你喜歡德國車、美國電腦或日本的DVE播放機嗎?


Now, write it all down. And be honest! Remember, everything you do and everything you buy contributes to your carbon
