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序号________ 授课地点 _______________学号__________________姓名_____________ 一.选择正确答案填入相应的空格处:(70%)

1.The forest guards often find campfires thet have not been ______ completely.

A.turned down

B. put out

C. put away

D.turned over

2..Of all the economically important plants, palms have been ______.

A.the least studied

B.study the least

C.study less and less

D.to study the less

3.All____ is a continuous supply of fuel oil.

A.the things needed

B.what is needed

C.that is needed

D.for their need

4. The survey indicates that each Chinese family averaged_____ of daily television

usage in 1994than in 1993.

A.as many as 60 minutes

B. 60 minutes more

C. 60 minutes C. more 60 minutes

5. All evidence the court has collected boils_____ to the fact that he is a spy.

A. down

B. off

C. up

D. over

6.______their luggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport.

A. After packed


C.Having packed

D.Finished packing

7.Jane was always nervous_____ in city traffic.

A.to driving

B. driving

C.with driving

D.for driving

8. I saw Alan skimming over the water and, finally, ____ into it.

A. plunged

B. plunging C plunge D.being plunged

9. Jane leaned____ an old tree when she was talking with her boy-friend.

A. from

B. against

C. on

D. toward

10. The only thing _____ is of importance is to gather all the money we have to lay a

fund for the sick and the wounded.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. as

11. ______ he is wealthy does not necessarily mean that he is greedy.

A.For the reason

B. The reason that

C. That

D. Just because

12. While waiting for Jane, I killed time____reading posters on the notice board.

A. by

B. in

C. with

D. on

13. The size of the audience, ____ we had expected, was well over one thousand.


B. who

C. as

D. that

14. Science has brought ____ many changes in our lives.

A. out

B. into

C. about

D. forward

15. The basketball match was televised____ from the Worker’s Stadium.

A. alive

B. life

C. live

D. lively

16. Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____ in both the United States

and Europe well before 1900.

A. have been conducting

B. were conducting

C. had been conducting

D. being conducted

17. We_____ him with a detached house but he specifically asked for a small flat.

A. must have provided

B.could have provided

C. might provide

D.ought to provide

18. She had just been to the hospital to see her husband and had returned home rather

____ by her experience.

A. had been distressed

B.to be distressed

C. distressed

D. being distressed

19. Many people are unware that prairies once existed _______ is now the state of


A. in that

B. in that place

C. in which

D. where

20. To what extent will future scientific discoveries_____ the lengthening of the human

life ?

A.be made possible

B. make it possible

C. make possible

D. be made it possible

21. As it turned out to be a small party , we ____ so formally.

A. needn’t dress up

B. did not need have dressed up

C. did not need dress up

D. needn’t have dressed up

22. I apologize if I ______ you, but I assure you it was unintentional.

A. offend

B. had offended

C.should have offended

D.might have offended

23.Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food

shortage____ avoided.

A. is to be

B. can be

C. will be

D. has been

24. I’ve kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school ____ twenty years ago.

A. about


C. till

D. with

25. A statue, a monument, a building, or a park may be dedicated____ a distinguished


A. in order to honor

B. to honoring

C.to honor

D. for honoring

26. It was such a newspaper of a new type,____ had never before existed in the history

of the labor movement.

A. such as

B. when it

C. that

D. which it

27. The woman, who works in a joint venture, is married to a ____ man who is in charge

of the financial affairs in the company.

A. Russian young brilliant

B. young brilliant Russian

B. brilliant young Russian D. brilliant Russian young

28. X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make ______ details that are

otherwise impossible.

A. it visible

B. them visible


D. visible

29. The invention of the contact lens literally opened a new view for people who ____

wear glasses.

A. neither could or would

B.either could not nor would not

C. neither could not nor would not

D. either could not or would not
