


银行锁定函操作要点一. 申請資格1. 項目方為在中國大陸境內合法登記且正當經營的企業(不限國營或是民營的企業)2. 最低申請擺帳金額: 5億人民幣,最高: 無上限3.項目方須先有預計需求擺帳金額的18%+2%之資金證明[註]4. 項目方無需提供擔保品[註] 我方能接受的資金證明,僅限於"銀行對公帳戶對帳單": 涵蓋最近二個月的日期,摘要,借,貸,以及餘額之明細。



二. 週期與成本1. 五年期2. 合計項目方之成本五年共18%+2%,於現金擺入時一次性付清。

分攤每年成本相當於4.4%3. 項目方银行锁定该资金現金,到期资金凭银行开出的锁定及进账单提取本金。

三. 簡明流程1. 項目方先提供給我方預計擺帳金額的18%資金證明彩色清晰掃描電子文件,並授權我方查詢,年息4%年底支付一次。

2. 初步認可後,我方會要求項目方更多書面資料,例如: 公司符合法律的證件.....等。

3. 經我方初步審核符合條件者,我方會盡速指派專人接洽項目方。


4. 雙方同意合同條款後,簽訂合同。

5. 我方依實際情況需要,派出工作小組(含律師,金融專家,銀行專家..等)至項目方銀行操作,約需二到三個工作天。


6. 當擺帳成功,相關的介紹人和經辦人共同享有擺入資金的1% 獎金的分配。

接洽過程將比照國際商會ICC 500/600 範例,相關人簽署不愈越,不洩密,不可撤銷的合作協議和獎勵保護協議(NCNDA/IMFPA)。

7. 操作平臺需先審核專案方提供的相關資料,如資料查驗通過,將前往項目所在地辦理前期手續,如變更企業股東(平臺48%股份,五年到期資金撤出後退出)、(共計五年,每年1%管理費用)等。




To attn:致:XXX 先生Via :经由 XXX有限公司&XXX有限公司Date: XXX日期:XXXValidity: XXX有效性:XXX天Letter of Intent意向书DearsSirs,尊敬的_XXX_先生:We XXX Management Co., Ltd. Represented byXXX hereby confirm with full legal and able to enter into a contract for the purchase of the following commodity as specified below:我XXX有限公司由XXX全权代表承担法律和伪证罪责任,我方准备好,愿意并且能够就采购以下列明商品签订合同:THEPRODUCT: Raw Sugar - ICUMSA 45产品:原糖 - ICUMSA 45QUANTITY: 50,000 Metric Tons数量:50,000公吨TOTAL QUANTITY: 150,000MetricTons总数量:150,000公吨DESTINATION: CIFASWP(asperattachedShippingSchedule)目的地:CIF 任何安全港口(按照附带的运输计划)ORIGIN: XXX始发地:XXXLOADINGPORT: XXXXXX装运港:XXXXXXINSPECTION: SGS(AnyInternationalAgency)检验:SGS(任何国际机构)METHODOFPAYMENT: IRDLC付款方式:不可撤销跟单信用证DELIVERY PORT: CIF –XXX交货港: CIF–XXXFIRSTDELIVERY: XXX首次交付:XXXCONTRACTDURATION: 3months, with rolls & extensions (if any)合同时限:3个月,加合同的续订(如有)TARGETPRICE: USDXX.00/Metric TonCIFbasis目标价格:US$ XX.00/ 基于CIF 每公吨TERMSOFPAYMENT: ARDLC100%付款条款:自动循环信用证100%SPECIFICATIONS货物材质WHITE REFINED SUGAR - ICUMSA 45 FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS:COMMODITY: WHITE REFINED CANE SUGAR HUMAN CONSUMPTION CERTIFICATES:• FREE RADIACTION CERTIFICATE• PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE• SGS INSPECTIONORIGIN: BRAZILICUMSA: 45 RBUCOLOR: SPARKLING WHITEPOLARIZATION: 99.80% MINIMUM AT 20 DEG. CENTIGRADE SOLUBILITY: 100% DRY/FREE FINE FLOWINGMOISTURE: 0.04% MAXIMUM ON DRY WEIGHT BASISASH CONTENT: 0.04% MAXIMUM BY ELECTRICAL CONDUCT GRANULATION: FINE STANDARD- 0.55-0.70 AM/MMSUBSTANCE: SOLID CRYSTALMAGNETIC PARTICLE: 4 MAX MG/KGRADIATION: NORMAL W/O PRESENCEOF CESIUM OR IODINE REDUCING SUGAR: 0.05% MAXIMUM BY WEIGHTSEDIMENTS: NONESMELL: FREE OF ANY SMELLHPN STAPH AUREUS: NILSO2: 20 MG/KG MAXIMUMMAX AS: 1 P.P.MMAX PB: 2 P.P.MMAX CU: 3 P.P.MPROCEDURE ACCEPTED BY THE BUYER买家可以接受的过程1.(Optional) Buyer sends a Letter Of Intent to the Seller (LOI);(可选)买家向供货商发出LOI 求购函2.Seller provides a Full Corporate Offer to the Buyer (FCO);供货方向买家发出FCO价格确认函3.Seller or Buyer drafts Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA);交换合同的买卖双方4.Seller, Buyer and Intermediaries sign a Non-Circumvention & Non-DisclosureAgreement (NCNDA);供货方、买家与中间人签订保密协议5.Seller, Buyer and Intermediaries sign an Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement(IMFPA);供货方、买家与中间人签订不可撤销佣金保障协议6.Buyer sends to the Seller an Irrevocable Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO);买家发出不可撤消的订购函7.Buyer sends to the Seller a Bank Comfort Letter (BCL);买家把银行资料和资金证明交给卖家银行8.Seller e-mails a soft copy of the SPA to the Buyer confirming its terms;供货方发出合同样板9.Buyer e-mails a soft copy of the SPA to the Seller confirming its terms;买家确认合同条款及内容10.SPA is lodged with the Buyer’s Bank;买家银行资料确认11.Proof of Fund (POF) is sent by the Buyer’s Bank to the Seller’s Bank;买家把POF证明文件发到供货方银行12.Proof of Product (POP) is sent by the Seller’s Bank to the Buyer’s Bank;供货方把POP证明文件发到买家银行13.Seller determines an allocation number and transmits the number to the Buyer;卖家锁定货物的编号给买家14.Seller signs the SPA hard copy;供货方签订合同15.Buyer signs the SPA hard copy;买家签合同16.Seller provides a 2% Performance Bond;供货方提供2%的履约保函17.Buyer issues a DLC (as agreed in the SPA);买家开出DLC18.Performance Bond activates DLC;履行保证激活信用证19.Shipment starts.开始发货,交易正式开始Other comments:其他评论This LOI is drafted both in English and Chinese. Should there be anissue in its interpretation, the English version shall prevail.本意向书采用中英文撰写,如果中文版本和英文版本发生冲突,以英文文本为准。



楼主这个是国际上通用的佣金协议不可撤销佣金保障协议(IMFPA)不可撤销佣金保障协议和保密协定附录日期:支付文书代码:合同编号/交易代码:商品:核定总数量-/+ 5%:合同期限:货物总数量:每批货数量:买方联系信息买方名称:买方地址:买方电话:买方传真:买方邮箱:买方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:卖方联络信息卖方名称:卖方地址:卖方电话:卖方传真:卖方邮箱:卖方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:1.1 我方,公司名称和地址完全遵循法律规范且履行企业职责,保证上述交易双方每批货物的成功交易。




1.2 该佣金无条件无障碍免税不得留置,用美金在货款支付当天支付,若要求延期支付则必须通过双方书面达成共识否则不得延误。

买方中间方/授权方/委任方中间方企业名称:中间方代理人姓名:中间方地址:中间方电话:中间方传真:中间方邮箱:中间方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:2.1 我们,公司名称和地址(填写中间方公司名称和地址),同意立即执行任何可能有利于促进目标达成的增加文件。





INTERNATIONALCHAMBEROFCOMMERCE(I.C.C400/500/600)国际商会(I.C.C400/500/600)/NON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE&WORKINGAGREEMENT(NCNDA) IRREVOCABLEMASTERFEEPROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约TRANSACTIONCODE交易代码:SELLER’S CODE卖方代码:BUP ER’S CODE买方代码:TPPEOFCONTRACT合同类型:SPAwithrollsandeGtensions可滚动买卖协议COMMODITP商品名称:GGGGQUANTITP合同量:GGGwithrollsandeGtensionsuptoGGGGGG滚动至GGGPRICE价格:SecondFiGLBMAminusdiscount伦敦黄金市场协会第二次定價為交易價格DISCOUNT贬损率:GG%grossandGG%nettothebuPer贬损率GG%,买方贬损率为GG%COMMISSION佣金: GGG%to Seller’s side(closed)–paidbPthesellerGGG%toFacilitator(closed)–paidbPthesellerGGG%toBuP er’s side–paidbPthebuPer卖方GGG%(封闭)-由卖方账户支付卖方中介GGG%(封闭)-由卖方账户支付买方GGG%-由买方账户支付PAPMENTTERMS付款条件:AsperSPA遵循买卖协议LOCATION存放处所:GGGDELIVERP交货地点:GGGSELLER’S NAME卖方姓名:GGGBUP ER’S NAME买方名称:GGGGGGBUP ER’S ADDRESS买方地址:GGGGGGNON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE&WORKINGAGREEMENT(NCNDA)IRREVOCABLEMASTERFEEPROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约WHEREAS theundersignedwishtoenterintothisAgreementtodefinecertain parametersofthefuturelegalobligations,areboundbPadutPofConfidentialit Pwithrespecttotheirsourcesandcontacts.ThisdutPisinaccordancewiththeI nternationalChamberofCommerce.签名人愿达成本协议,用其定义将来的法律责任及信息方和合同方应承担的保密责任,该责任符合国际商会的规定。


H: This Agreement is valid for any and all transactions between the parties herein, and shallbe governed by the enforceableChina mainlandlaws.
Trader will inform buyers name and details, the current buyers are:现有的客户名称
Parties: Supplier & Trader签约双方(供应商与贸易商)
Project: either buying or selling through and between the Supplier, Trader & Trader’s Buyers to this Agreement, and other business opportunities, which are agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement, and for the mutual benefit of the parties to this Agreement.无论是签约双方之间的交易,通过其中一方进行的交易,还是贸易商与其客户的交易,或者是其他的由本协议可能引起的商机,都以本协议为准



SALES&PURCHASECONTRACTCopperCathode电解铜购销合同合同号码CONTRACTNO:卖家号码SELLERCODE:买家号码BUYERCODE: ThisContractismadeandenteredintothisdateXXXbyandbetween:这合同由下列买卖双方签订于竺_年月日1.0PRODUCT产品BothBuyerandSellerdoconfirmwithfullcorporateauthority,thattheyareready,willingandabletoexecutet hesaidTransaction.ThesellerherewithsellandtheBuyerherewithpurchaseElectrolyticCopperCathodesin accordancewiththespecificationsandqualitydescribedinthiscontract(hereinaftercalled"Goods").买卖双方都要详细地确认法人权威,双方准备,愿意并能够执行所谈的交易。


2.0DELIVERYBASISANDTERMS交货条款2.1:SellershalltakeupamarineinsuranceforallrisksorotherwisespecificinaccordancewiththeInstituteCar goClause(A)includingrevisedinsolvencyexclusionclausesS.R.C.C.WarRiskClauses,fortheamountof110 %ofthefullshipped-valueoftheGoods.卖方承担一切保险或规定货物条款(A)标明的其他海洋保险包括修正的无能力偿付债务除外条款,SRC.C战争险条款,由最终卖方为电解铜装货所有价值的110%金额投保2.2:OriginofGoods:XXX商品原产地:XXX2.3:PortofLoading:XXX装货港:XXX2.4:UnloadingPort:卸货港:3.0QUANTITYOFGOODS商品的数量Seller'sinitialBuyer'sinitialPage1of9Trialorder:2000tons(+/-5%) Thefirstcontractisonlyatestoperationbetweentheparties,afterthelattertwopartieswillengageinalong-te rmcollaboration.TheContract:4000MTuppermonthfor12months.R&EFiveyears)试单2000吨,年单合同每月4000吨以上,合同延至第五年。



INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (I.C.C 400/500/600)/NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT(NCNDA)IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA)Fill in correct information area belowCONTRACT CODE :SE LLER’S TRANSACTIONCODE :SELLER’S CODE :BUYER’S CODE :I.C.P.O.’S CODE :PRODUCT :MAZUT 100 GOST 10585-75PRODUCT ORIGIN :RUSSIACONTRACT QUANTITY :6,000,000 MTCONTRACT PERIOD :500,000 MT x 12 Months With Rolls and Extensions PAYMENT TERM :MT 103 / DLC/BG/SBLCPRICE: USD$525USDSELLER’S NAME :SELLER’S SIDEREPRESENTATIVEBUYER’S NAME :BUYER’S SIDEREPRESENTATIVECONTRACT RELEASED DATE :NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA)IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA)WHEREAS the undersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations, are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respect to their sources and contacts. This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce.WHEREAS the undersigned desire to enter a working business relationship to the mutual and common benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organizations (hereinafter referred to as “Affiliates”).NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:1. TERMS AND CONDITIONSA. The parties will not in any manner solicit, nor accept anybusiness in any manner from sources or their affiliates,which sources were made available through this agreement,without the express permission of the party who madeavailable the source and,B. The parties will maintain complete confidentiality regardingeach other business sources and/or their Affiliates and willdisclose such business sources only to the named partiespursuant to the express written permission of this party who We the undersigned herewith referred as the BUYER, under penalty of perjury do hereby irrevocably confirm and irrevocably accept to pay all intermediaries and fee holders at the same time and in a manner as the seller is being paid for each and every transaction of this contract up to the completion of the contract plus rollovers and extensions and in accordance with the bank details to be specified in the hard copies of this contract.We, the BUYER, irrevocably confirm that we will order and direct our bank to endorse automatic payment orders to the beneficiaries named below; furthermore, We, the BUYER, confirm that all pay orders shall automatically transfer funds as directed into each beneficiaries designated bank account within 1 (one) day after the date of closing and completion of each and every shipment of the product during the contract term plus any/or extensions and rollover of the specified contract. For the purpose of clarity, we confirm that the closing and completion of each and every shipment shall be deemed to take place when the letter of credit issued by the buyer has been drawn down at the counters of the issuing bank.We, BUYER, agrees to provide all beneficiaries with written evidence of the pay orders lodged with our bank together with acknowledgements of their acceptance. Furthermore, our bank shall be instructed to provide duly signed and stamped acknowledgement of this instruction as set out in the annex.made available the source, and,C. That they will not in any of the transactions the parties aredesirous of entering into and do, to the best of their abilitiesassure the other that the transaction codes established willnot be affected.D. That they will not disclose names, addresses, e-mailaddress, telephone and tele-fax or telex numbers toany contacts by either party to third parties and that theyeach recognize such contracts as the exclusive property of therespective parties and they will not enter into any directnegotiations or transactions with such contracts revealed bythe other party andE. That they further undertake not to enter into businesstransaction with banks, investors, sources of funds or otherbodies, the names of which have been provided by one of theF. Parties to this agreement, unless written permission has beenobtained from the other party (ies) to do so. For the sale ofthis agreement, it does not matter whether informationobtained from a natural or a legal person. The parties alsoundertake not to make use of a third party to circumvent thisclause.G. That in the event of circumvention of this Agreement byeither party, directly or indirectly, the circumvented partyshall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty equal to themaximum service it should realize from such a transactionplus any and all expenses, including but not limited to alllegal costs and expenses incurred to recover the lost revenue.H. All considerations, benefits, bonuses, participation feesand/or commissions received as a result of the contributionsof the parties in the Agreement, relating to any and alltransactions will be allocated as mutually agreed.I. This Agreement is valid for any and all transaction betweenthe parties herein and shall be governed by the enforceablelaw in All Commonwealth Country’s, European UnionCountry’s, USA Courts, or under Swiss Law in Zurich, inthe event of dispute, the arbitration laws of states will apply.J. The signing parties hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue. The duration of the Agreement shallperpetuate for five (5) years from last date of signing.2. AGREEMENT TO TERMSA. Signatures on this Agreement received by the way ofFacsimile, Mail and/or E-mail shall be an executed contract.Agreement enforceable and admissible for all purposesas may be necessary under the terms of the Agreement.B. All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read theforegoing Agreement and by their initials and signature thatthey have full and complete authority to execute thedocument for and in the name of the party for which theyhave given their signature. Forming part of this agreement. It is understood that for the purposes of this Master Fee Protection Agreement, our bank shall be the same bank and this IMFPA acts as an integral part of it. We the undersigned being BUYER or the seller named legally authorized representative as stated within the signed and legally binding main transaction, contract unconditionally agree and undertake to approve and originate all payments in USD currency to all beneficiaries named below as their rightful and payable commissions. This agreement also acts as a record confirming the commission amounts for each named beneficiary as set out below:-TERMS & CONDITIONS:This master fee protection agreement covers the initial contract and shall include any renewals, extensions, rollovers, additions or any new or transfer contract any how originated from this transaction because of the above intermediaries or changing codes of the initial contract entered into between the BUYER and SELLER.This master fee protection agreement and any subsequently issued pay orders shall be assignable, transferable and divisible and shall not be amended without the express written and notarized consent of the receiving beneficiary. All parties agree neither to circumvent nor to attempt circumvent either for the transaction of this current contract or in the future for a period of five (5) years from the date of the execution of this fee protection agreement. This document binds all parties, their employees, associates, transferees and assignees or designees.All faxed and/or e-mailed signatures shall be considered asoriginal signatures for the purpose of binding all parties to this agreement. This document may be signed & in any number ofcounterparts all of which shall be taken together and shall constitute as being one & the same instrument.Any party may enter into this document and the agreement constituted thereby by signing any counterpart any time, date or period mentioned in any provision of this document shall only be amended by agreement in writing and signed off by all parties concerned.Furthermore, we agree that any and all commissions due shall be paid to the beneficiary as a result of any renewal, all rollovers and extensions of the contract and that we shall effect all necessary documentation with our bank without any undue delays to ensure such commissions and paid within the terms of the agreement. PARTIAL INVALIDITY:The illegality, invalidity and non-enforceable provision of this document under the laws of any jurisdiction shall not affect its illegality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other jurisdiction or provision.GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION:This document shall be governed & construed in accordance with current English or I.C.C 400/500/600 signed between partners NCND laws.ARBITRATION:All parties agree to refer any disputes between the parties arising out of or in connection with this agreement including any questions regarding its existence, validity or termination to arbitration rules of the international arbitration centre (I.A.C). The appointed arbitrator shall hold the proceedings in any country chosen by the parties and the rules of the IAC shall apply. This document is signed and accepted by parties named below asBuyer’s IntermediarieGroup 1ºBuyer’s IntermediarieGroup 2ºSELLER SIDE COMMISSION$10.00per Metric Ton/xxxxxxxxUnited States Dollars EXACTLYNON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA)IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) SELLER SIDE - $12.50 per MT / Twelve point Five United States Dollars EXACTLYSELLER REPRESENTATIVE - SELLER SIDE COMMISSION (CLOSED)NAME :DESIGNATION :COMPANY NAME :ADDRESS :TELEPHONE :MOBILE:FAX :EMAIL ADDRESS :PASSPORT NO :NATIONALITY :BENEFICIARY NAME :BANK NAME :BANK ADDRESS :ACCOUNT NAME:ACCOUNT NO :SWIFT CODE :BANK OFFICER :BANK TELEPHONE :BANK FAX :BANK EMAIL:COMMISSIONS : ACCEPT TO PAY $12.50 per MT, USD THREE DOLLAR TEN CENT PER MTEXACTLYA C C E P T E D&A G R E E D Signature/SealToday's Date :October 20th 2011. PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER & EMAIL a notification immediately upon each tranche transfer payment together with the transactions code/s to: e-mail: XXXXXXXXX@XXXXX. Required Message: ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS SHALL STATE: "Immediate credit – same day value / instant cash upon receipt; Required Message: Remitter is known to us. This is done with full banking responsibility and we are satisfied as to the source of the funds sent us." "Funds are clean and Clear, of non-criminal origin and are payable in cash immediately upon receipt by beneficiary bank."ALL BANK CHARGES SHOULD BE BORNE BY ACCOUNT BENEFICIARIES ABOVEBUYER SIDE COMMISSION$10.00 per Metric Ton/TEN United States Dollars EXACTLYNON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA)IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) BUYER MANDATE - $12.50 per MT / Twelve point Five United States Dollars EXACTLYBUYER MANDATE - BUYER SIDE COMMISSION - PAYMASTERNAME :DESIGNATION :COMPANY NAME :ADDRESS :TELEPHONE :+86-MOBILE:+86-FAX :EMAIL ADDRESS :PASSPORT NO :NATIONALITY :Intermediary BankSWIFT CodeBeneficiary BankBeneficiary Bank’s AddressACCOUNT NO :SWIFT CODE :BANK OFFICER :BANK TELEPHONE :+86-BANK FAX :BANK EMAIL:COMMISSIONS : ACCEPT TO PAY $12.50 per MT, USD Twelve DOLLAR TEN CENT PER MTEXACTLYA C C E P T E D&A G R E E D USD THREE DOLLAR TEN CENT PER MT EXACTLYToday's Date :October 15th 2011. PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER & EMAIL a notification immediately upon each tranche transfer payment together with the transactions code/s to: e-mail: ******************. Required Message: ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS SHALL STATE: "Immediate credit – same day value / instant cash upon receipt; Required Message: Remitter is known to us. This is done with full banking responsibility and we are satisfied as to the source of the funds sent us." "Funds are clean and Clear, of non-criminal origin and are payable in cash immediately upon receipt by beneficiary bank."。



秘书处Secretariat国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union ( ITU)国际法庭International Court of Justice (ICJ)国际海事组织International Maritime Organization (IMO)国际开发协会international development association (IDA)国际劳工组织international labor organization (ILO)国际民用航空组织international civil aviation organization (ICAO) 国际农业发展基金international fund for agricultural development IFAD国际航空运输协会international air transport association IATA国际能源机构international energy agency IEA国际货币基金组织international monetary fund IAEA国际原子能机构international atomic energy agency IAEA联合国大会general assembly of the United Nations UNGA联合国安全理事会United Nations security council SC联合国经济及社会理事会United nations economic and social council ECOSOC*联合国人权委员会United nations commission on human rights UNCHR联合国儿童基金会United nations children’s fund UNICEF 联合国工业发展组织United nations industrial development organization UNIDO联合国环境规划署United nations environmental programme UNEP联合国教育科学文化组织United nations educational, scientific and cultural organization UNESCO联合国开发计划署United nations development programme UNDP 联合国粮食及农业组织Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations FAO联合国国际贸易法委员会United nations commission on international trade law UNCITRAL联合国贸易和发展会议United nations conference trade and development UNCTAD联合国难民事务高级难民专员办事处Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR*联合国人口活动基金United Nations Population Fund UNFPA联合国特别基金United Nations Special Fund UNSF联合国训练研究所United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNITAR联合国欧洲经济委员会United nations economic commission for Europe UNECE世界粮食理事会World Food council WFC世界贸易组织world trade organization WTO世界气象组织World meteorological organization WMO世界卫生组织World health organization WHO世界知识产权组织World intellectual property organization WIPO 世界旅游组织World tourism organization UNWTO世界银行/国际复兴开发银行World bank/ international bank for reconstruction and development IBRD世界能源理事会World energy council WEC世界人权大会World Conference on Human Right世界伊斯兰/犹太人大会World Islamic/Jewish Congress世界宗教和平大会World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) 托管理事会Trusteeship council TC万国邮政联盟Universal postal union UPU非洲开发银行African development bank ADB非洲开发基金African development Fund ADF安第斯共同体Andean community阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会Arab fund for economic and social development AFESD阿拉伯议会联盟Arab inter-parliamentary Union AIPU阿拉伯石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)石油输出国组织Organization of the petroleum exporting countries OPEC亚非会议(万隆会议)Asian-African conference ( BandungConference)亚洲开发银行Asia development bank ADB亚太经济合作组织Asia-Pacific economic cooperation APEC亚太安全合作理事会Council on Security Cooperation in Asia and Pacific Region (CSCAP)*中非国家银行Bank of central African states BEAC博鳌亚洲论坛Boao forum for Asia BFA*国际展览局Bureau of international expositions BIE加勒比共同体和共同市场Caribbean community and common market CARICOM中美洲经济一体化银行Central American bank for economic integration BCIE/CABEI中美洲一体化体系Central American integration system SICA东非共同体East African community EAC东南亚国家联盟Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) 中部非洲国家经济共同体economic community of central African states ECCAS欧洲复兴开发银行European bank for reconstruction and development EBRD欧洲中央银行European central bank ECB欧洲自由贸易联盟European free trade association EFTA欧洲经济合作组织Organization for European EconomicCooperation (OEEC)欧洲联盟(欧盟)European Union (EU)反洗钱金融行动特别工作组Financial action task force on money laundering FATF环印度洋地区合作联盟Indian ocean rim association for regional cooperation IOR-ARC美洲开发银行Inter-American development bank IDB拉美经济体系Latin American economic system LAES/SELA 拉美一体化协会Latin American integration association LAIA 拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会Economic commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLA拉丁美洲共同市场Latin American Common Market (LACM)拉丁美洲自由贸易区Latin American Free Trade Area (LAFTA)非洲发展新伙伴计划New partnership for Africa’s development NEPAD北大西洋公约组织North Atlantic treaty organization NATO北美自由贸易区North American Free Trade Area/Zone (NAFTA) 经济合作与发展组织Organization for economic cooperation and development OECD太平洋共同体Pacific community PC太平洋岛国论坛Pacific islands forum太平洋自由贸易区Atlantic Free Trade Area/Zone (AFTA)上海合作组织Shanghai cooperation organization SCO南方共同市场South American common market MERCOSUR南南磋商与合作首脑级集团(15国集团) Summit level group for south-south consultation and cooperation (Group 15)南南会议South-South Conference不结盟运动Non-Aligned Movement七国集团Group of Seven (G7)英联邦British Commonwealth of Nation (Commonwealth)西方七国首脑大会Seven-Nation Economic Summit (G7 Summit)。



INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (I.C.C 400/500/600)国际商会(ICC 400/500/600)NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA)性和工作协议(NCNDA)IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA)不可撤销的佣金保护协议(IMFPA)Contract Code :合同代码:Selle r’s Code :卖方代码:Buyer’s Code :买方代码:Type of Deal : 交易类型Contract ( S & P ) 买卖合同Product : 产品Saudi Light Crude Oil (SLCO)/ ARAMOC Standard Export Specifications沙特轻质原油/ 阿美公司标准的出口质量Product Origin : 原产地Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯王国Price:价格:Discount: 折扣:Based on Dubai Platt Oil Market Wire Published Posted Price 基于普氏原油市场报告公布的迪拜市场原油价格Gross USD12.00 Per Barrel/Net USD6.00 Per Barrel总折扣 12.00美金/桶,净折扣 6.00美金/桶Contract Quantity : 合同数量:60 Million Barrels (5 Million Barrels Per Month) 六千万桶(每月五百万桶)Delivery Terms : 交易条款:CIF ASWPCIF 世界任何安全港Seller’s Name :卖方:ARAMCO沙特阿美公司Seller’s sideRepresentative :卖方代表:Dr. Yasin S. IndarkiriBuyer’s Name :买方:Buyer’s/SellerCoordinator :买方/卖方协调者Mohammed TContract Date :合同日期:NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKINGAGREEMENT (NCNDA)性和工作协议IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT(IMFPA)不可撤销的佣金保护协议WHEREAS the undersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations, are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respect to their sources and contacts. This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce.鉴于,以下署名者,凡意欲加入本协议并以此来规其将来可能承担的法律责任的,为了表示对信息披露方及其联系人的尊重,必须承担各自应尽的义务。



WHEREAS the undersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations, are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respect to their sources and contacts. This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce.鉴于,以下署名者,凡意欲加入本协议并以此来规范其将来可能承担的法律责任的,为了表示对信息披露方及其联系人的尊重,必须承担各自应尽的保密义务。


WHEREAS the undersigned desire to enter a working business relationship to the mutual and common benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organizations (hereinafter referred to as “Affiliates”).鉴于,以下各方意欲签订一份保密工作协议,其保密协定的签署涉及相互利益的双方,且包括双方的附属企业、子公司、股东、合作伙伴、合资和贸易伙伴及其他关联机构(在下文中表示为“附属企业”)。

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows: 因此,鉴于各方在此的互相承诺以及其他有效对价。



不可撤销佣金保障协议(IMFPA)不可撤销佣金保障协议和保密协定附录日期:支付文书代码:合同编号/交易代码:商品:核定总数量-/+ 5%:合同期限:货物总数量:每批货数量:买方联系信息买方名称:买方地址:买方电话:买方传真:买方邮箱:买方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:卖方联络信息卖方名称:卖方地址:卖方电话:卖方传真:卖方邮箱:卖方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:1.1 我方,公司名称和地址完全遵循法律规范且履行企业职责,保证上述交易双方每批货物的成功交易。




1.2 该佣金无条件无障碍免税不得留置,用美金在货款支付当天支付,若要求延期支付则必须通过双方书面达成共识否则不得延误。

买方中间方/授权方/委任方中间方企业名称:中间方代理人姓名:中间方地址:中间方电话:中间方传真:中间方邮箱:中间方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:2.1 我们,公司名称和地址(填写中间方公司名称和地址),同意立即执行任何可能有利于促进目标达成的增加文件。






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---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ NCNDA-IMFPA -TEMPLATE 1INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (I.C.C 400/500/600) mon benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organizations (hereinafter referred to as Affiliates). NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The parties will not in any manner solicit, nor accept any business in any manner from sources or their affiliates, which sources were made available through this agreement, without the express permission of the party who made available the source and, B. The parties will maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other business sources and/or their Affiliates and will disclose such business sources only to the named parties pursuant to the express written permission of this party who made available the source, and, C. That they will not in any of the transactions the parties are desirous of entering into and do, to the best of their abilities We the undersigned herewith referred as the ,1 / 13under penalty of perjury do hereby irrevocably confirm and irrevocably accept to pay all intermediaries and fee holders at the same time and in a manner as the seller is being paid for each and every transaction of this contract up to the completion of the contract plus rollovers and extensions and in accordance with the bank details to be specified in the hard copies of this contract. We, the BUYER , irrevocably confirm that we will order and direct our bank to endorse automatic payment orders to the beneficiaries named below; furthermore, We, the BUYER , confirm that all pay orders shall automatically transfer funds as directed into each beneficiaries designated bank account within 1 (one) day after the date of closing and completion of each and every shipment of the product during the contract term plus any/or extensions and rollover of the specified contract. For the purpose of clarity, we confirm that the closing and completion of each and every shipment shall be deemed to take place when the letter of credit issued by the buyer has been drawn down at the counters of the issuing bank. We, BUYER , agrees to provide all beneficiaries with written evidence of the pay orders lodged with our bank together with acknowledgements of their acceptance. Furthermore, our bank shall be instructed to---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ provide duly signed and stamped acknowledgement of this instruction as set out in the annex. Forming part of this agreement. It is understood that for the purposes of this Master Fee Protection Agreement, our bank shall be the same bank and this IMFPA acts as an integral part of it. assure the other that the transaction codes established will not be affected.D. That they will not disclose names, addresses, e-mail address, telephone and tele-fax or telex numbers to any contacts by either party to third parties and that they each recognize such contracts as the exclusive property of the respective parties and they will not enter into any direct negotiations or transactions with such contracts revealed by the other party andE. That they further undertake not to enter into business transaction with banks, investors, sources of funds or other bodies, the names of which have been provided by one of theF. Parties to this agreement, unless written permission has been obtained from the other party (ies) to do so. For the sale of this agreement, it does not matter whether information obtained from a natural or a legal person. The parties also undertake not to make use of a third party to circumvent this clause.G. That in the event of circumvention of this Agreement by either3 / 13party, directly or indirectly, the circumvented party shall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty equal to the maximum service it should realize from such a transaction plus any and all expenses, including but not limited to all legal costs and expenses incurred to recover the lost revenue. H. All considerations, benefits, bonuses, participation fees and/or commissions received as a result of the contributions of the parties in the Agreement, relating to any and all transactions will be allocated as mutually agreed. I. This Agreement is valid for any and all transaction between the parties herein and shall be governed by the enforceable law in All Commonwealth Countrys, European Union Countrys, USA Courts, or under Swiss Law in Zurich, in the event of dispute, the arbitration laws of states will apply. J. The signing parties hereby accept such selected jurisdiction as the exclusive venue. The duration of the Agreement shall perpetuate for five (5) years from last date of signing. 2. AGREEMENT TO TERMS A. Signatures on this Agreement received by the way of Facsimile, Mail and/or E-mail shall be an executed contract. Agreement enforceable and admissible for all purposes as may be necessary under the terms of the Agreement. B. All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read the foregoing Agreement and by their initials---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------and signature that they have full and complete authority to execute the document for and in the name of the party for which they have given their signature. We the undersigned being BUYER or the seller named legally authorized representative as stated within the signed and legally binding main transaction, contract unconditionally agree and undertake to approve and originate all payments in USD currency to all beneficiaries named below as their rightful and payable commissions. This agreement also acts as a record confirming the commission amounts for each named beneficiary as set out below:- TERM CONDITIONS: This master fee protection agreement covers the initial contract and shall include any renewals, extensions, rollovers, additions or any new or transfer contract any how originated from this transaction because of the above intermediaries or changing codes of the initial contract entered into between the BUYER and SELLER. This master fee protection agreement and any subsequently issued pay orders shall be assignable, transferable and divisible and shall not be amended without the express written and notarized consent of the receiving beneficiary. All parties agree neither to circumvent nor to attempt circumvent either5 / 13for the transaction of this current contract or in the future for a period of five (5) years from the date of the execution of this fee protection agreement. This document binds all parties, their employees, associates, transferees and assignees or designees. All faxed and/or e-mailed signatures shall be considered as original signatures for the purpose of binding all parties to this agreement. This document may be signed in any number of counterparts all of which shall be taken together and shall constitute as being one the same instrument. Any party may enter into this document and the agreement constituted thereby by signing any counterpart any time, date or period mentioned in any provision of this document shall only be amended by agreement in writing and signed off by all parties concerned. Furthermore, we agree that any and all commissions due shall be paid to the beneficiary as a result of any extension or rolls of the contract and that we shall effect all necessary documentation with our bank without any undue delays to ensure such commissions and paid within the terms of the agreement. PARTIAL INVALIDITY: The illegality, invalidity and non-enforceable provision of this document under the laws of any jurisdiction shall not affect its illegality, validity or enforceability under the law of any---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ other jurisdiction or provision. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION: This document shall be governed construed in accordance with current English or I.C.C 400/500/600 signed between partners NCND laws. ARBITRATION: All parties agree to refer any disputes between the parties arising out of or in connection with this agreement including any questions regarding its existence, validity or termination to arbitration rules of the international arbitration centre (I.A.C). The appointed arbitrator shall hold the proceedings in any country chosen by the parties and the rules of the IAC shall apply. This document is signed and accepted by parties named below as to be included in the main contract. Accepted and agreed without change (Electronic signature is valid and accepted as hand signature) EDT ( ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT TRANSMISSIONS) 1 . EDT (Electronic document transmissions) shall be deemed valid and enforceable in respect of any provisions of this Contract. As applicable, this agreement shall be:- Incorporate U.S. Public Law 1 06-229, Electronic Signatures in Global National Commerce Act or such other applicable law conforming to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Signatures (2019 ) 2. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE7 / 13AGREEMENT (ECE/TRADE/257, Geneva, May 2019) adopted by theUnited Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and ElectronicBusiness (UN/CEFACT). 3. EDT documents shall be subject toEuropean Community Directive No. 95/46/EEC, as applicable.Either Party may request hard copy of any document that has beenpreviously transmitted by electronic means provided however,that any such request shall in no manner delay the parties fromperforming their respective obligations and duties under EDT instruments. -- TOTAL COMMISSION SHALL BE PAID BY THE BUYER ASFOLLOWS :- The amount of delivered refinery should be settledas herein stated to be transferred into the account as follows:Total Commissions : USD $.10.00 MT Seller Side $5 MT USDX asContract Condition Buyer Side USD 5.00 MT USDX as ContractCondition Open 100% to buyer side comm. Open To split tobuyer’s side as follows : Closed Seller Facilitators Group 1Open Buyer Mandate Group 3 Intermediaries 3 Closed$5 .00 MT $.1.68 MT Closed .$1.66 MT $1.66 MT --NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) BUYER -NAME : DESIGNATION : COMPANY NAME : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : MOBILE FAX : EMAIL ADDRESS :SKYPE ID : PASSPORT NO : NATIONALITY : BENEFICIARY NAME : BANK---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------NAME : BANK ADDRESS : ACCOUNT NO : SWIFT CODE : BANK OFFICER :BANK TELEPHONE : BANK FAX : COMMISSIONS ACCEPTED TO PAY $10PER Metric Ton Signature/Seal A AC CC CE EP PT TE ED D AAG GR RE EE ED D Today’s Date : 3 NON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) SELLER NAME : DESIGNATION : COMPANY NAME : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : MOBILE FAX :EMAIL ADDRESS : SKYPE ID : PASSPORT NO : NATIONALITY : BENEFICIARY NAME : BANK NAME : BANK ADDRESS : ACCOUNT NO :SWIFT CODE : BANK OFFICER : BANK TELEPHONE : BANK FAX : A ACCC CE EP PT TE ED D Signature/Seal A AG GR RE EE ED D Today’s Date :NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA)SELLER MANDATE NAME : DESIGNATION : COMPANY NAME : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : MOBILE FAX : EMAIL ADDRESS : SKYPE ID : PASSPORTNO : NATIONALITY : BENEFICIARY NAME : BANK NAME : BANKADDRESS : ACCOUNT NO : SWIFT CODE : BANK OFFICER : BANK TELEPHONE : BANK FAX : A AC CC CE EP PT TE ED D Signature/Seal A AG GR RE EE ED D Today’s Date :BUYER SIDE COMMISSION-$10 MT NON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) IRREVOCABLE MASTERFEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) SELLER FECILITATOR GROUP 1-9 / 13USD $1.68 ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx exactly) per Metric. Ton X xxx Million Metric Ton. = USD $ xxxxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx United States Dollars.)EXACTLY SELLER FECILITATOR GROUP 1- BUYER SIDE COMMISSION NAME : AMAK DESIGNATION : C.E.O. COMPANY NAME : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : MOBILE FAX : EMAIL ADDRESS : PAY MASTER FOR PAN NO : NATIONALITY : BENEFICIARY NAME :BANK NAME : BANK ADDRESS : ACCOUNT NO : SWIFT CODE : BANK OFFICER : BANK TELEPHONE : BANK FAX : COMMISSIONS $.1.68 Per MT A AC CC CE EP PT TE ED D A AG GR RE EE EDD Today’s Date : Signature/Seal Special Wire Instructions PREADVICE MUST BESENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER EMAIL a notification immediately upon each tranche transfer payment together withthe transactions code/s to: e-mail: XXXXXXXXXRequired Message:ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS SHALL STATE: Immediate credit sameday value / instant cash upon receipt; Required Message: Remitter is known to us. This is done with full banking responsibility and we are satisfied as to the source of thefunds sent us. Funds are clean and Clear, of non-criminal originand are payable in cash immediately upon receipt by beneficiarybank. NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ AGREEMENT (NCNDA) IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) BUYER MANDATE GROUP 2: - USD $1.66( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx exactly) per Metric.Ton X xxx Million Metric Ton. = USD $ xxxxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx United States Dollars.)EXACTLY BUYER MANDATE GOUP 3 NAME : DESIGNATION : COMPANY NAME : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : FAX : EMAIL ADDRESS : PASSPORT NO : NATIONALITY : BENEFICIARY NAME : BANK NAME : BANK ADDRESS : ACCOUNT NO : SWIFT CODE : BANK OFFICER : BANK TELEPHONE : BANK FAX : COMMISSIONS PAYMASTER FORA AC CC CE EP PT TE ED D Today’s Date : A AG GR RE EEED D Signature/Seal PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER EMAIL a notification immediately uponeach tranche transfer payment together with the transactionscode/s to: e-mail: Required Message: ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS SHALL STATE: Immediate credit same day value / instant cash upon receipt; Required Message: Remitter is knownto us. This is done with full banking responsibility and we are satisfied as to the source of the funds sent us. Funds are cleanand Clear, of non-criminal origin and are payable in cash immediately upon receipt by beneficiary bank.11 / 13NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA) INTERMEDIARY GROUP 3- USD $1.66 ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx exactly) per Metric. Ton X xxx Million Metric Ton. = USD $ xxxxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx United States Dollars.)EXACTLY INTERMEDIARY GROUP 3 - BUYER SIDE COMMISSION NAME : DESIGNATION : COMPANY NAME : ADDRESS : TELEPHONE : MOBILE FAX : EMAIL ADDRESS : PAY MASTER FOR PASSPORT NO : NATIONALITY : BENEFICIARY NAME : BANK NAME : BANK ADDRESS : ACCOUNT NO : SWIFT CODE : BANK OFFICER : BANK TELEPHONE : BANK FAX : COMMISSIONS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS; Signature/Seal A AC CC CE EP PT TE ED D A AG GR RE EE ED D Today’s Date : PREADVICE MUST BE SENT VIA SWIFT PRIOR TO WIRE TRANSFER EMAIL a notification immediately upon each tranche transfer payment together with the transactions code/s to: e-mail: Required Message: ALL TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS SHALL STATE: Immediate credit same day value / instant cash upon receipt; Required Message: Remitter is known to us. This is done with full banking responsibility and we are satisfied as to the source of the funds sent us. Funds are clean and Clear, of non-criminal origin and are payable in---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------cash immediately upon receipt by beneficiary bank. ALL BANKCHARGES SHOULD BE BORNE BY ACCOUNT BENEFICIARIES ABOVE NOTARY PUBLIC ON THIS DATE OF : , 2008 BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED THE FOLLOWING :TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE INDIVIDUALS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND WHO EXECUTED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY EXECUTED THE SAME AS THEIR FREE ACT AND DEED. MY COMMISSIONEXPIRES : _______________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE OFFICER NAME : TITLE : NOTARY PUBLIC NAME : ADDRESS :TEL : TODAYS DATE : [SEAL] BANK ENDORSEMENTTHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IRREVOCABLE PAYMENT ORDER HASBEEN LODGED WITH US AND WILL BE EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS STIPULATED IN THIS DOCUMENT. . BANK OFFICER1 SIGNATURE BANK OFFICE NAME : TITLE : TELEPHONE: EMAIL:PIN NUMBER : BANK NAME BANK ADDRESS : BANK TEL : SWIFT / ABA:IBAN NUMBER : TODAYS DATE : [SEAL] . BANK OFFICER 1 SIGNATURE BANK OFFICE NAME : TITLE : TELEPHONE: EMAIL:PIN NUMBER : BANK NAME BANK ADDRESS : BANK TEL : SWIFT / ABA:IBAN NUMBER : TODAYS DATE : [SEAL] .13 / 13。



售卖及购买协议俄国 GASOIL D2-L。

0-2-62-GOST 305-821,000,000 12个月的 MTS这协议在这之上制造…………………………………………。

, 2012. 在:之间-以下简称卖方:-公司名字:住址:电话号码:电子邮件帐号?:表现被:名称:总统日期:THMarch, 2012及以下简称买主:-公司名字:住址:电话号码:电子邮件帐号:表现被:名称:日期:(以下将集体地被提到当做 " 派对 " 或少见地当做 " 派对 ").然而,派对互相地接受提及一般的期限和定义,如 INCOTERMS 版本 2010 所宣布,以最新的改善,完全有下列的用辞了解而且接受了:定义公吨对重量的衡量同等物对一千公斤块(1,000 公斤)日用品 " 俄国 GASOIL D2- 瞧!-2-62-GOST 305-82" 其他地方也是这协议提到到当做 " 产品 " 或者 " GASOIL", 规格为似乎在附属物 A 被附上而且这叁考确认一个这协议的主要部份。


月意谓一个罗马教皇 Gregory 的日历月。





装载的比尔官员文件,在载入操作的在完成负荷港口发行了,在其他事物之中,说船已经装载量,在立方公尺(m 3) 中表达和在此的每一定义的公吨(机械翻译)。




会长亲自整理模拟联合国大会常用词汇中英文对照来源:1. Ame ndme nt 修正案2. Badge 胸卡3 Deprive the right to rote 取消表决权4. Chair 主席5. Close the debate 结束辩论6. Director会议指导7. Delegate 代表8. Deputy 副代表9. Head Delegate代表团团长,领队10. Faculty Advisor 代表团指导11. Delegation Bloc 代表团12. Distributio n 分发13. Document officer文件分发人员14. Drafti ng committee 起草委员会15. Draft Resolution 决议草案16. Draw lots 抽签17. Elect by an absolute (a simple) majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出18. Emerge ncy meet ing 紧急会议19. Enjoy privileges 享受特权20. En try in to force 开始生效21. Executive secretary 执行秘书22. Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权23. Expert 专家24. Explain one ' rote对所投的票加以说明25. Extend the term of office 延长任期26. Extraordinary session 特另U会议27. Fill a vacancy 补缺28. Final report 最后报告29. First ballot第一次投票表决30. First priority 最优先项目31. Fix the timetable of the sett in gs 安排各次会议的时间表32. Foot- note 脚注33. Gallery 旁听席34. Ge neral committee 总务委员会35. Ge neral debate 一般性辩论36. Geographical distributio n 按地域分配37. Give a ruling 作出裁疋38. Give a warning 警告39. Give up one ' turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给40. Give up the office to chairman 放弃主席的职务41. Go back upon a vote 重新表决42. Governing body 执行机构43. Hand over the Chair to the Vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席44. Have priority 有优先权45. Have the initiative 有倡议权46. Head of delegation 代表团团长47. Head ing 标题48. Hon orary preside nt 名誉主席(会长)|49. Host country 东道国50. I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权51. I ask for the floor我请求发言52. I give the floor to 我请…(发言)53. I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言54. Immun ities 豁免55. Implement the provisions of a Convention 实施公约的规定56. Impose a vote行使否决权57. In a private capacity 以私人身份59. In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份60. In the han ds of chairman 听从主席决定61. Include in the agenda 列入议程62. Information desk 问讯处(台)63. Infrin geme nt 违反行为64. Initiate a discussion 进行讨论65. In structio ns 指示、命令66. In ternatio nal in strume nt 国际文件(特指国际公约等)67. Interrupt a vote 中断表决68. Intervene in a debate 参加辩论69. Invite speakers to be brief请发言人简明扼要些70. Invoke the chairman 'auihority 请使用主席的权利71. Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定72. Item on the agenda 议程项目73. Leave the matter to the chairman 'decision 把事情交由主席决定74. Legal adviser 法律顾问75. List of delegates 代表名单76. List of speakers 发言人名单77. Lobby 大厅、休息厅78. Maintain one ' candidature 保持候选资格79. Ma in ta in order 维持秩序80. Make a personal statement 以个人名义发表声明81. Memora ndum 备忘录82. Merge together several amendments 把几个修正案合并起来83. Micropho ne 麦克风84. Minu tes 会议记录85. Motion to Change the Speaking Time 动议更改发言时间86. Motion for a Moderated Caucus 动议有主持核心商榷87. Motion for an Un-moderated Caucus 动议自由商榷88. Motion to Close Debate 动议结束辩论89. Move that a separate vote be taken 提议分开表决90. Move the closure of debate 动议结束辩论91. Negative vote 反对票92. Note 照会93. Note a statement 将一个声明载入记录94. Note a violation of the rules 指出对规则的破坏95. Object in principle 在原则上反对96. Observer 观察员97. Occupy the chair 担任主席98. Office 职务99. Official languages 正式语言100. Official meeting 正式会议101. Open a debate oprocedure开始程序问题的辩论~|n102. Open the Speakers List 产生发言名单103. Oppose a proposal 反对一个建议104. Origi nal text 原文105. Overrule 驳叵I106. Page意向条107. Participa nts 参加者108. Party to a convention 公约缔约国109. Pass a vote of censure 通过指责决议110. Perma nent delegate 常人代表,常驻代表111. Placard 国家牌112. Place a statement on record 将一个声明载入纪录113. Place at the end of the agenda 列在议程末尾114. Platform 主席台115. Plenary assembly116. Pie nipote ntiary 全权代表117. Point of Inquiry 咨询性问题118. Point of Order程序性问题119. Point of Personal Privilege 个人特权问题120. Position Paper .立场文件121. Postp one a vote .延期表决122. Postp one the discussi on .推迟讨论123. Postp one to the n ext sessi on( sitt in g). 延至U.下一届(次)会124. Preamble 序言.............125. Preparatory committee 筹备委员会...............126. Preparatory meet ing 预备会议127. Preside nt (submit) an ame ndme nt in writi ng 提出书面修正案128. Press gallery新闻记者席129. Press releases 新闻稿.............130. Press-officer 新闻官.............131. Private meeting 秘密会议132. Proceed to the discussion of the articles 开始讨论条款133. Proceed to a second reading 进行二读134. Proceed to a vote .进行表决135. Programme of meetings 会议日程表136. Programme of work 工作日程137. Progress report 工作进展情况报告...............138. Protocol 议定书.............139. Provisional agenda 临时议程 ..........................140. Public gallery 公众旁听席 .............141. Public meeting 公开会议142. Put a question to the vote 把冋题付诸表决143. Put a written question 提出书面问题144. Put one ' name on the list of speakers 登记发言...................145. Questio nn aire 调查表,冋题单146. Raise a point of order提出程序问题147. Raise an objection of principle 提出原则性的反对意见148. Rappotuer主席助理,报告员149. Ratify a Convention 批准公约150. Recall the terms of the rules 忆及规则的条款151. Recomme ndati on 建议152. Record in the minutes 歹U入会议记录153. Refer to existing traditions 参照现存惯例.................. 154. Refer to the text 参照原文................155. Refuse an appointment 不接受责任、职务156. Refuse an office 不接受职务157. Refuse to take the initiative 拒绝带头..................158. Regional conference 规则(条例,规章)159. Remit to the appropriate committee 送交主管的委员会Renewal of term of office 连任160.Renounce the office of chairman 辞去主席的职务161.Report 报告.............162.163. Represe ntati on 代表权............164. Represe ntative 代表.............165. Request a legal opinion 征询法律意见.................166. Request the speaker to keep the point under discussion 请发言人不要离开主题167. Reservati ons 保留168. Reserve one ' right to answer at a later stage 保留以后再答复的权利169. Resoluti on 决议170. Resoluti on committee 决议委员会171. Restrict the time accorded to speakers 限制发言时间172. Resume a debate 继续辩论173. Resume a sitting 继续开会174. Resume the chairmanship 继续担任主席175. Right of vote 表决权176. Role Call 点名177. Rostrum 讲台178. Round table meeting 圆桌会议179. Rules规则,法规180. Rules of procedure 议事规则181. Seat座位182. Secret ballot无记名投票183. Secretariat 秘书处184. Secretary General 秘书长185. Serve in (a Board)在(理事会)中担任理事186. Set up a committee 设立一个委员会187. Signatory to a convention 公约签字国188. Sig natory 附议国189. Sit on a committee 参加委员会为委员190. Setting the Agenda 确定议题191. Speak from one ' pdace 在坐席上发言192. Sponsor 起草国193. Stand adjourned 休会194. Stand for election 担任候选人195. Standing body常设机构196. Stateme nt声明,发言197. Status 地位.............198. Statutes 章程.............199. Steering committee 指导委员会 ............... 200. Sub-committee 小组委员会.............. 201. Sub-headi ng 小标题,副标题202. Submit a draft resolution 提出决议草案203. Submit to the rules governing •服从有关... 的规则204. Subsidiary body 附属机构205. Substa ntive moti on 实质行动议206. Substitute resolution 替代的决议207. Summary record 简要记录(纪要)208. Support a candidature 支持(某人)的候选资格209. Support a nomination 支持某个提名210. Suspend the rules放弃对规则的适用211. Suspend the sitting 停止会议212. Take a decision upon a motion 对动议作出决定213. Take a sta nd for (aga in st) a proposal 赞成(反对)214. Take in to con siderati on 考虑至U215. Take part in a poll 参加选举216. Take the floor 发言217. Take up the discussion 开始讨论218. Technical adviser 技术顾冋219. Term of office 任期...............220. The list of speakers in closed 发言登记已截止221. The majority is obtained 获得多数.................222. The majority of members present and voting 出席并投票的成员多数223. The meeting is called to order 宣布会议开始.................. 224. The motion is adopted 动议获得通过.................225. The motion is rejected 动议被否决226. The requisite majority 必要的多数................227. The result is final结果是最后的228. To address the meeting 发言229. To be in office 在职230. To be in session 开会231. Treasurer 司库232. Treaty条约233. Tri-partite 二方面 .............234. Typewriting service pool 打字组................235. Unanimous vote 一致同意236. Unofficial meeting 非正式会议........................... 237. Valid ballot papers 有效票238. Verbatim record 逐字记录...............239. Verbatim reporters 速记人员 ...............240. Veto否决241. Vice-Chairma n 副主席242. Vice-Chairmanship 副主席 ............243. Vice-Preside ncy 畐U会长244. Vice-Preside nt 副会长245. Vote投票表决246. Vote by roll call 唱名表决247. Vote by show of hands 举手表决248. Vote indicator 表决指示牌...............249. Vote of thanks 大会申谢..............250. Vote on the motion as a whole 表决整个动议................... 251. Vote without debate 不经辩论的表决 ...............252. Votes cast已投的票数..............253. Waive the rules放弃对规则的适用254. We have a quorum 我们已足法定人数255. Withdraw a proposal 撤回提案256. Withdraw one ' csandidature 撤销候选人资格257. Working Ianguages 工作人员...............258. Working paper 工作文件...............259. Yield Time to An other Delegate 让渡给他国代表.................Yield Time to Questions 让渡给问题 Yield Time to Chair 让渡给主席 ..............260.261.。

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1.商品金(Au)1)金条纯度标记小于4年(庄信万丰库存)2)重量:1KG&12.5KG 金条3)纯度:99.95%4)总计:_______公斤或吨/每周或每月或1)金银块无质量标记2)纯度:95%或更高3)总计:_______公斤或吨/每周或每月2.数量最低装运500公斤黄金(每批每月×12个月)最低装运200公斤金银块(每批每月×12个月)金条或金银块的最大首次装货是每周5吨3. 黄金来源香港,英国,新加坡或土耳其4.交货CIF合同国际机场5.价格/折扣–金条第二固定伦敦金交所价买家净折扣小于6%在买方精炼厂发出最终分析报告,并根据纯金的数量进行交易,买家以第二固定伦敦金交所价的买家净折扣小于6%的价格向卖家支付。


6.货币美利坚合众国的法定货币(USD)($)7.付款以确定资金为清洁和非犯罪来源明确的美元通过信汇(Swift)方式汇款,如果买家使用备用信用证买家通过SWIFT MT 760发出有效期365天的备用信用证(未被激活)到卖方的银行,价值等于要求的装运货物。



NCNDA-IMFPA--中英文对照INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (I.C.C 400/500/600)国际商会(ICC 400/500/600)NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA)机密性和工作协议(NCNDA)IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA)不可撤销的佣金保护协议(IMFPA)Contract Code :合同代码:Seller’s Code :卖方代码:Buyer’s Code :买方代码:Type of Deal : 交易类型Contract ( S & P ) 买卖合同Product : 产品Saudi Light Crude Oil (SLCO)/ ARAMOC Standard Export Specifications沙特轻质原油/ 阿美公司标准的出口质量Product Origin : 原产地Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯王国Price:价格:Discount: 折扣:Based on Dubai Platt Oil Market Wire Published Posted Price 基于普氏原油市场报告公布的迪拜市场原油价格Gross USD12.00 Per Barrel/Net USD6.00 Per Barrel总折扣12.00美金/桶,净折扣6.00美金/桶Contract Quantity : 合同数量:60 Million Barrels (5 Million Barrels Per Month) 六千万桶(每月五百万桶)Delivery Terms : 交易条款:CIF ASWPCIF 世界任何安全港Seller’s Name :卖方:ARAMCO 沙特阿美公司Seller’s side Representative :卖方代表:Dr. Yasin S. Indarkiri Buyer’s Name :买方:Buyer’s/Seller Coordinator :买方/卖方协调者Mohammed T Contract Date :合同日期:NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE & WORKING AGREEMENT (NCNDA) IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT (IMFPA)机密性和工作协议不可撤销的佣金保护协议WHEREAS the undersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations, are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respect to their sources and contacts. This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce.鉴于,以下署名者,凡意欲加入本协议并以此来规范其将来可能承担的法律责任的,为了表示对信息披露方及其联系人的尊重,必须承担各自应尽的保密义务。



NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT(NCNDA)&IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约现货买卖委托合同编号:本合同编号:Party A甲方:Party B乙方受益人1:ID-codes证件名称及证件号:Name of the bank银行名称:Bank account银行账号:Branch address开户行地址:SWIFT:Signature签名:乙方受益人2:ID-codes证件名称及证件号:Name of the bank银行名称:Bank account银行账号:Branch address开户行地址:SWIFT:Signature签名:乙方受益人3:ID-codes证件名称及证件号:Name of the bank银行名称:Bank account银行账号:Branch address开户行地址:SWIFT:Signature签名:1. This Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (IMFPA) is issued to the allinvolved in the sale of the Commodity identified by the Contract Numbercaptioned in the footer of this agreement .Commission payments will be made after the delivery and payment for each shipment, as agreed between theMandate Buyers and the beneficiaries Paymaster. The commission will be paid to the beneficiaries named in the MFPA for all contracted quantity including allextensions and rollovers on tranche-by-tranche basis as per the followingprocedure本主要酬金保护协议(IMFPA) 是签发给所有与本协议脚注所标明合同号一致合同所确定之商品销售有关的人员。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
H.All considerations,benefits,bonuses, participation fees and/or commissions received as a result of the contributions of the parties in the Agreement, relating to any and all transactions will be allocated as mutually agreed.
E.y20505 5019候21845 5555啕*28096 6DC0淀20059 4E5B乛
F.That they further undertake not to enter into business transaction with banks, investors,sources of fundsor other bodies, the names of which have been provided by one of theParties to this agreement, unless written permission has been obtained from the otherparty (ies) to do so。For the sake of this agreement, it does not matter whether information obtained from a natural or a legal person。The parties also undertake not to make use of a third party to circumvent this clause。
A.The parties will not in any manner solicit, nor accept any business in any manner from sources or their affiliates, which sources were made available through this agreement,without the express permission of the party who made available the source and,
Contract Code:
Seller’s Code:
Buyer’s Code:
Type ofDeal:
Contract( S&P)
Product :
Saudi Light Crude Oil (SLCO)/ ARAMOC Standard Export Specifications
C.That they will not in any of the transactions the parties are desirous of entering into and do,to the best of their abilities assure the other that the transaction codes established will not be affected。
24970 618A憊31752 7C08簈25417 6349捉242465EB6庶31668 7BB4箴bz
WHEREASthe undersigned wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations,are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respect to theirsources and contacts。This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce。
Dr。Yasin S。Indarkiri
Buyer’s Name:
Mohammed T
Contract Date:
I.This Agreement is valid for any and all transaction between the parties herein and shall be governed bythe enforceable lawinAll Commonwealth Country’s, European Union Country’s,USA Courts,or under Swiss Law in Zurich, in the event of dispute,the arbitration laws of states will apply.
WHEREASthe undersigned desire to enter aworking business relationshipto the mutual and common benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates,subsidiaries, stockholders, partners,co—ventures, trading partners,and other associated organizations(hereinafter referred to as “Affiliates”)。
NOW THEREFOREin consideration of the mutual promises,assertions and covenants herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:
D.That they will not disclosenames, addresses, e-mail address, telephone and tele-fax or telex numbersto any contacts by either party to third parties and that they each recognize such contracts as the exclusive property of the respective parties and they will not enter into any direct negotiations or transactions with such contracts revealed by the other party and