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面对用户需求个性化、多样化以及快速多变的市场,企业应充分利用以网络为核心的信息技术,用新的设计、制造模式来提升企业竞争力,实现对地域上分布的设计资源的快速调集与利用,形成基于网络的企业内部或企业之间团队化产品协同设计模式。合理而有效的组织结构和管理机制是保证协同设计顺利进行的条件之一。因此,本文对产品协同设计的组织结构、总体框架、系统模型及支持技术进行了深入研究,包括的内容: (1) 产品协同设计系统总体框架和系统模型通过对产品设计过程及特点的考察,分析其中的协同需求。并在此基础上,建立产品协同设计系统工作模式、组织结构、支持技术等的总

体框架和系统模型。 (2) 产品协同设计的组织结构总结了现有设计部门的团队工作方式,提出了基于项目的协同设计组织结构。该结构支持并行协同工作方式,能实现以产品设计为核心的横向动态管理。 (3) 面向产品协同设计的项目管理系统的构建

在对协同设计系统中的组织结构和设计流程分析的基础上,提出了面向产品协同设计的项目管理系统,并对原型系统中各功能模块,如组织管理器、过程建模器、任务执行引擎等模块的设计进行了详细的描述。 (4) 产品协同设计项目管理过程中的对象建模分析了在管理过程中起主导作用的三种信息的特点,用面向对象的建模技术构建了三个相互关联的对象模型,即组织模型、过程模型和产品模型,从而为项目管理系统的建立提供依据。

【英文摘要】 In the face of the individuation and diversificat ion of customers’ demands and the rapid changes on the marker, enterprises should employ the network-centered information technologies, improve the power of competition by the means of the new design and manufacture mode, realize quick assembling and exploiting of geographically distributed design resource and shape a team-based collaborative design mode through the network inside or between the enterprises. Rational and efficient organization structure and management organism is one of the most important conditions to guarantee that collaborative design works well. This thesis primarily

concentrates on the collaborative design system and its organizational structure, overall framework, system model and supporting technologies. The main contents are listed as the following:(1) Overall framework and system model of product collaborative design systemBased on the research on the product design process and its characteristics, as well as the requirements for collaboration, this thesis constructs an overall framework and system model including working mode, organizational structure, supporting technologies, etc.(2) Organizational structure of product collaborative design systemBased on the conclusion of the current organizational mode of design departments, this thesis puts forward a project-based organizational structure, which supports the concurrent collaborative working mode and can realize the transverse dynamic management.(3) Project management system for product collaborative designBased on the analysis of organizational structure and design process, this thesis puts forward a project management system faced to product collaborative design, and describe in detail very functional module in this system, such as organization modeler, process modeler, task executor, etc.(4) Object modeling in the process of product collaborative design managementThis thesis analyzes
