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Definition of International Law 国际法的定义
Refer to a body of rules governing international relations
Terms术语: a. Jus Gentium and Grotius (1583-1645)
b. Law of Nations 万国公法
c. International Law and Bentham (1748-1832)
d. Law of Mankind 人类法
e. World Law 世界法
f. Transnational Law 跨国法
Features of international law compared with municipal law
A. Subjects 对象
B. Law-making process 立法过程
C. Law enforcement 执法
Relationship Between International Law and Municipal Law
Theories 理论
Monism一元论: One single legal system. 单一法律系统。
Which prevail? 哪个优先?
Dualism二元论: Two independent legal systems. 两个独立的法律系统。
How to transfer? 如何转换?
Practices 实践
1. US 美国
Treaties条约: Supreme law of the land; 国家的至上法律;
Distinguish self-executing treaty and non-self-executing treaty;
Customs习惯: Viewed as common law; 视作习惯法;
Can be applied directly by courts. 可以直接由法院实施。
2. UK 英国
UK does not permit treaty to take effect in domestic society without the legislative enactment.
UK denies the existence of self-executing treaty.
Custom is viewed as common law and can be applied directly by courts.
3. Russia 俄罗斯
Russian Constitution provides that“the commonly recognized principles and norms of the international law and the international treaties of the Russian Federation shall be the component part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation stipulates other rules than those stipulated by the Russian Federation law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply”.
4. Germany 德国
In Germany duly ratified or accepted treaty has effect over German law and can create rights and obligations for Germans.
5. China 中国
No related provisions in Constitution. 在宪法中没有相关的条款。
Some domestic laws provide that treaties prevail.
Some domestic laws provide that international usage can merely be applied when treaties and domestic laws of China both failed to provide rules.
Classic criteria for statehood国家地位的传统标准
Permanent Population固定的居民
Defined Territory确定的领土
Government (with actual control over the territory)
Capacity to Enter Into Relations With Other States
Five Fundamental Principles 和平共处五项原则
1. Principle of mutual respect for sovereignty and integrity of territory
2. Principle of mutual non-aggression互不侵犯
3. Principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs互不干涉内政
4. Principle of equality and mutual benefit平等互利
5. Principle of peaceful co-existence和平共处
Sources of International Law 国际法的渊源
Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice
1. Strictly speaking, constitutes a standing directive to the court as to what to apply in deciding cases brought before it.
2. However, has exercised an enormous influence in the sources field, and frequently cited as an authoritative enumeration of the sources of international law.
—not exhaustive enumeration, more practical
Court Shall Apply 法院应当遵守
1. Three sources 三个渊源
a. international conventions 国际协约
b. international custom 国际习惯
c. general principles of law 一般法律原则
2. Subsidiary means of determining rules of law 确定法律原则的辅助方法
a. judicial decisions 司法判例
b. writings of most highly qualified publicists (i.e. scholarly writings)
3. At the request of the parties to a dispute, Court may decide a case ex aequo et bono (“in justice and fairness”, or “according to what is just and good”).
Treaties 条约
Nature of Treaties 条约的本质
1. Essential features 必要特征
a. intention of parties to create binding obligations
b. agreement to be governed by international law
2. Distinction is sometimes drawn between law-making treaties and treaty-contracts
a. Law-making treaties codify, define or interpret international law
b. Treaty-contracts do not create general rules of international law, only
create obligations between parties
3. Binding force of treaties: Pacta sunt servanda
4. Generally based on reciprocal obligation; but unilateral declaration of intent may create international obligations under unusual circumstances 总体上基于互相之间的权利义务,但单方声明的意图会产生特殊情况下的国际契约
Reservations 条约的保留
A. Definition of reservation 保留的定义
B. Two separate questions arise: “permissibility” and “opposability”
C. Legal effect of reservations 保留的法律效果
D. Bear in mind procedural requirements; most important is that reservations must be made in writing and communicated to the contracting states.
E. Also keep in mind distinction between reservations and “interpretati ve declarations”
Theories of Recognition承认的学说
A. Two theories of the effects of recognition 承认效果的两种学说
1. Constitutive Theory 构成说
2. Declaratory Theory 宣告说
3. More accurate view is that recognition has both constitutive and
declaratory aspects.
B. EC “Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union”, in response to situation in Yugoslavia.
State Immunity 国家豁免
Concept of state immunity is based on sovereign equality of states coupled with notion of reciprocity.
1. Immunity is seen as the logical outgrowth of the nature of the international system.
2. Classic articulation in The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon (1812: U.S.S.C.)
3. Should immunity change to reflect changes in the international system itself?
Absolute Immunity v. Restrictive Immunity 绝对豁免与有限豁免
1. Absolute immunity: any and all acts of the sovereign enjoy immunity from the jurisdiction of courts of another State.
2. Restrictive immunity: immunity should be enjoyed only for acts of a governmental nature not for commercial acts.
3. Latter doctrine found increasing acceptance around the world.
Traditionally territory could be acquired in a number of ways
1. Occupation 先占
2. Cession 割让
3. Prescription 时效
4. Conquest 政府
5. Accretion 添附
Jurisdiction Over Marine Zones 海洋区域管辖权
Territorial Sea (12 n. miles from baseline) 领海(从基线量起12海里)
A. Distinction between territorial sea and internal waters.
B. Drawing baselines 绘制基线
Contiguous Zone (12 n. miles from territorial water)
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) 专属经济区
A. Customary international law be codified by UNCLOS
B. Definition and breadth 定义和宽度
1. Specific legal regime beyond territorial sea
2. Overlaps with contiguous zone 与毗连区重叠
3. Not extending beyond 200 n.m. from baseline
C. Rights, jurisdiction and duties of coastal state
1. Limited sovereign rights, mainly over natural resources
2. Regulatory powers of coastal state in EEZ
a. Artificial islands 人工岛屿
b. Conservation of living resources 生物资源的保护
c. Utilization of living resources 生物资源的利用
D. Rights and duties of other states 其它国家的权利与义务
High Seas公海
A. Definition: all parts of the sea not in EEZ, territorial sea or internal waters of a State 定义:除专属经济区、领海、内水以外一个国家全部的水域。
B. Legal regime of high seas 公海的法律制度
1. Freedom of navigation, over-flight, cable laying, artificial islands,
2. Reserved for peaceful purposes 只用于和平目的
3. Limited exceptions to freedom of navigation 航行自由的有限例外
C. Flag-state jurisdiction 船旗国管辖权
D. Right of hot pursuit 紧追权
Civil Aviation Safety Regime 民用航空安全制度
A. 1963 Tokyo Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft
B. 1970 Hague Convention for Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
C. 1971 Montreal Sabotage Convention
Refer to Case of Terrorist Bombing of Pan American Flight 103 over Lockerbie and Case of KAL Flight 007
State Jurisdiction Over Persons 国家对于人的管辖权
Jurisdiction Over Offence 罪行管辖权
A. Scope of Jurisdiction Generally 管辖权的总体范围
B. Bases of Criminal Jurisdiction 刑事管辖权的基础
1. Territorial Principle 属地原则
2. Nationality Principle 属人原则
3. Passive Personality Principle 被动人格原则
4. Protective Principle 保护原则
5. Universal Principle 普遍性原则
6. By Agreement 依照约定
Nationality of an individual 个人的国籍
An individual’s nationality is a bond between an individual and a state that establishes their reciprocal rights and duties.
Three ways to acquire nationality三种获得国籍的方法:
1. Parentage (blood rule) 血统主义原则
2. Place of birth (soil rule) 出生地主义原则
3. Change of nationality 国籍变更
Special issue of dual or multiple nationality and statelessness. Reduce/eliminate dual or multiple nationality and statelessness:
1. Through municipal legislation 通过国内立法
2. By bilateral treaty 通过双边条约
3. By multilateral arrangement 通过多边协商
Invocation of State Responsibility 援引国家责任
A. An “injured State” is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another State if the obligation breached is owed to that State individually or a group of States (including the injured State) or the international community as a whole, if the breach specially affects that State, or radically changes the position of all the other States to which the obligation is owed with respect to the further performance of the obligation.
B. Any State other than an injured State is entitled to invoke the responsibility of another State if the obligation breached is owed to a group of States (including that State) and is established for the protection of a collective interest of the group, or the obligation breached is owed to the international community as a whole. In cases such as these, a State can claim cessation of the wrongful act and performance of the obligation of reparation “in the interest of the injured State or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.”
Countermeasures 反措施
A. Definition: a countermeasure is an act that would itself be internationally wrongful if it were not a response to a previous wrongful act.
B. Traditionally, two different types of countermeasures were recognized:
1. Reciprocal measures or measures by way of reciprocity
2. Reprisals 报复
C. Countermeasures in the ILC Articles on State responsibility
Range of Mechanisms Available 机制适用范围
A. Article 33 of Charter lists number of alternatives means of peaceful dispute settlement; not meant to be exhaustive.
B. Mechanisms can be seen as lying at different points along a continuum of third-party involvement and “binding” character.
C. Distinction can be made between “diplomatic” means and “adjudicative” means of dispute settlement.
Non-adjudicative Procedures and Adjudicative Procedures
1. Non-adjudicative Procedures 非司法程序
a. Negotiation 谈判
b. Good offices斡旋
c. Mediation 调停
d. Inquiry 调查
e. Conciliation 和解
2. Adjudicative Procedures 司法程序
a. Arbitration 仲裁
b. Judicial settlement 司法解决
Judges of the Court 法院的法官
A. Composition of the Court 法院的组成
1. 15 members: elected by GA and SC of UN
2. Judges’ qualification 法官的资格
3. Body as a whole should represent main forms of civilization and legal
B. The role of nationality 国籍的作用
1. Only one judge of each nationality 每个国际只能有一名法官
2. Party to a dispute may appoint a judge of its nationality if one is not
already on the bench
C. Overall composition of the Court has changed over the years to reflect the development of regional representation within the U.N. system more generally.
Jurisdiction of the Court 法院的管辖权
A. Unlimited as to subject matter 对内容问题无限制
B. Jurisdiction over States based on voluntary acceptance, which generally takes place in one of three ways:
1. By special agreement 通过特别协定
2. By treaty provision 通过条约规定
3. By way of "optional clause”通过“任择条款”的方式
C. Court has final word on whether or not it has jurisdiction.
D. In certain rare instances, Court may be precluded from exercising jurisdiction over a dispute in which two parties have accepted its jurisdiction because of the effect of the judgment on third parties.
Security Council of UN 联合国安全理事会
Has primary responsibility for maintenance of international peace & security 具有维持国际和平及安全之主要责任
All UN members agree to accept and carry out decisions made by it
Powers in relation to pacific settlement of disputes
i. Broad powers to investigate matters likely to endanger world peace
ii. Any member of UN may bring dispute to Security Council
iii. Security council may recommend procedures for dispute resolution
Action with respect to threats to the peace
Membership of Security Council 安全理事会的成员
i. 15 members 15个成员国
ii. 5 permanent members: China, France, Russian Federation, UK, and
Security Council Voting Procedure 安理会投票程序
i. On procedure requires 9 affirmative votes
ii. On all other matters: 9 affirmative votes including permanent
—a permanent member can abstain and wouldn’t be considered as a
vote against一个常任理事国可以弃权并且不会被视作反对票—a permanent member vote against would veto the resolution
任一常任理事国的反对票都可以否决决议Justifications for the Use of Force 使用武力的依据
The Right of Self-Defence
A. At customary international law: subject to requirements of necessity and proportionality
B. Right preserved in U.N. Charter Article 51
C. Have developments in the last few years changed the parameters of the right of self-defense, particularly 9/11?
The notion of “generations” of rights
1. First generation rights
2. Second generation rights
3. Third generation rights
a. Right to environment
b. Right to peace
c. Right to development
Specific Treaty Mechanisms
1. Human rights treaties generally establish committees to monitor treaty implementation, E.g.:
a. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
b. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
c. Committee against Torture
2. Perhaps the best-known example is the Human Rights Committee, set up pursuant to the Optional Protocol to the ICCPR.
3. ICESCR lacked any kind of committee mechanism until Economic and Social Council established the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1985) to monitor implementation of the ICESCR.
Inadequacy and Difficulties
General perception of inadequacy of traditional international law and a number of difficulties in applying standard notions of state responsibility to
environmental damage, in particular:
1. Vagueness of rules
2. Difficulty in pinpointing responsible states
Selected Contemporary Developments
A. The Role of Non-State Actors
B. Sustainable Development: purporting to reconcile environment and development
C. Intergenerational Equity
D. The Environment, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
E. The Precautionary Principle
F. Environmental Impact Assessment
G. Common but Differentiated Responsibilities
H. Polluter Pays Concept
What Is International Criminal Law
A. Has been referred to as a product of “the convergence of two disciplines:
1. the penal aspects of international law and
2. the international aspects of national criminal law.
B. Fairly loose and broad term, but used in this chapter to refer to the body of norms dealing with “international crimes”.
C. Has gained enormous momentum over the past fifteen years, in no small measure because of the Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and the International Criminal Court.
The International Criminal Court
Structure of Rome Statute: Preamble followed by Parts 1-13
1 Establishment of the Court
2. Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Applicable Law
3. General Principles of Criminal Law
4. Composition and Administration of the Court
5. Investigation and Prosecution
6. The Trial
7. Penalties
8. Appeal and Revision
9. International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance
10. Enforcement
11. Assembly of States Parties
12. Financing
13. Final Clauses
Definition of International Economic Law
International economic law has been defined as all the international law and international agreements governing economic transactions that cross state boundaries or otherwise have implications for more than one state.
Current International Economic System
A. The system is based on the international regulations established by Bretton Woods Conference 1944.
B. Three pillars of the system
1. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
2. The World Bank
3. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was replaced
by WTO in 1995
Fields WTO Covers
a. Tariffs
b. Agriculture
c. Textiles
d. Services
e. Intellectual Property
Basic Principles of Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods
1. Most-favored national treatment
2. National treatment
3. Schedule of concessions
4. Quantitative restrictions
5. Transparency
6. Exceptions such as protection of pubic morals, of human and animal life and health, and of environment, exceptions for free-trade zones and custom unions, etc.
7. Special provisions on developing countries.
International Investment Law
Main Features
A. Cooperation and conflict between capital exporting countries and capital importing countries leads to this law.
B. The law consists of bilateral or multilateral investment treaties, investment insurance schemes, and investment dispute settlement mechanisms.
Investment Insurance Schemes
A. Some capital exporting countries have established national investment insurance schemes.
B. The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency。