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工厂采购部Factory Purchasing Department

采购部经理Purchasing Department Manager

采购部主管 Purchasing Supervisor/Manager

采购部经理助理Purchasing Department Manager Assistant Finance Department


1、研发 R&D ( Research & Design )

2、自动采购系统 APS ( Automated Purchasing System )

3、计算机辅助设计 CAD ( Computer Automated Design )

4、电子数据交换系统 EDI( Electronic Data Interchange )

5、企业资源计划 ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning )

6、自动网络交换 ANE ( Automotive Network Exchange )

7、采购总监 CPO ( Chief Procurement Officers )

8、合作计划和执行 CPE ( Collaborative Planning and Execution )

9、总获取成本 TCA( Total Cost of Acquisition )

10、合作计划预测补充CPFR(Collaborative, Planning, Forecasting, Replenishment)

11、供应链管理 SCM( Supply Chain Management )

12、卖方管理库存 VMI( Vendor Managed Inventory )

13、卖方管理补货 VMR ( Vendor managed Replenishment )

14、供应链管理指南 SCOR ( Supply Chain Operations Reference

15、最小离岸价 LEW ( Least Ex Works )

16、成本变动 MOM ( Markup Overcoat Model )

17、第三方后勤服务 3PL ( Third Party Logistics )

18、物料需求计划 MRP ( Material Requirements Planning )

19、信息主管 CIO ( Computer Information Officers )

20、计划-实施-检查-行动循环 PDCA ( Plan-Do-Check-Action Cycle )

21、(生产厂家)工厂交货(价) EXW ( Ex work )

22、离厂(价) FCA ( Free carrier )

23、码头(船头)交货(价) FAS ( Free Alongside Ship )

24、离岸(价) FOB ( Free On Board )

25、目的地(不含保险)交货(价) CPT ( Carriage Paid To )

26、目的地(含保险)交货(价) CIP ( Carriage and Insurance Paid to )

27、到岸(不含保险)交货(价) C&F ( Cost and Freight )

28、到岸(含保险)交货(价) CIF ( Cost, Insurance, Freight )

29、关前交货 DAF ( Delivered At Frontier )

30、到岸船上交货(价) DES ( Delivered Ex Ship )

31、到岸码头交货(价) DEQ ( Delivered Ex Quay )

32、送货上门(不含进口关税)(价) DDU ( Delivered Duty Unpaid )

33、送货上门(已付进口关税)(价) DDP ( Delivered Duty Paid )


A/P Accounts Payable应付货款

A/R Accounts Receivable应收货款

ACT Accumulative Depreciation累計折旧

APL Approval Part list合格料品表

ASP Average Selling Price平均价

AVL Approval Vendor List合格供应商名录

B/B RATIO Booking to Billing Ratio订单出货比率

B/L Backlog待出订单

CCR Customer Complaint Request客戶抱怨

COGS Cost of Goods Sold销货成本

CRL Customer Request List客戶需求表

CRP Cost Reduce Program成本降低计划

DO Delivery Order送货单

DSC Delivery Schedule Confirmation交期确认表

EMP Excess Material Prediction呆滯材料預估

EP Earning Per Share每股盈餘

F/G Finished Goods成品

FCST Forecast預算

FIFO First In First Out先进先出

G&A General and Administrative管理費用

GPM Gross Profit Margin销货毛利

GUI Government uniform Invoice统一发票

INV Inventory库存

IR Incoming Reject / Issue Report來料不良/工单发料单JIT Just In Time及时供料

LC Letter Credence信用狀

MC Material Control物料控制

MLO Material , Labor , Overhead制造成本

MPS Master Production Schedule生产主排程

MRP Material Requirement Planning物料需求计划

N/P Notes Payable应付票据

N/R Notes Receivable应收票据

NBR Number数量,数目

NSB Net Sales Billed净销货金额

NSE Net Sales Entered受訂金額

NUB Net Units Billed销货数量

O/E Other Expence营业外支出

O/I Other Income营业外收入

OA Open Account票結

OAY Overall Yield产品良率

ODR On-Time Delivery Rate准时交货率

OH Overhead制造费用

OP Operating Profit营业凈利
