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Unit 3 句子翻译练习

1.我们迫不及待地想骑车旅行了。(can’t wait to do)


3.她试着说服她丈夫坐飞机去,但他丈夫坚持要做火车去。(persuade, insist on)

4.Tom一直梦想着做一次环球旅行。(dream about, journey)


6.我认为在夜空下爬山是一件有趣的事。(it’s fun…., beneath)

7.自从他10年前离家出走,她就没有他的音讯了。(ever since)

8.我不并乎钓到多少鱼,我只是喜欢钓鱼时的宁静。(care about, care for)

9.他们决定第二天一大早就出发。(determine )


11.如果一个人老是改变主意,他将一事无成。(change one’s mind)


13.她从不向困难妥协。(give in)


15.他想用自己的羊毛衫换你的茄克衫。(wool coat, change…for….)


1.We can’t wait to take a bike trip.

2. I prefer to stay at home rather than go to

the movie.

I prefer staying at home to going to the movie.

3.She tried to persuade her husband to travel

by plane ,but he insisted on going by train.

4.Tom has been dreaming about making a

journey around the world.

5.People here use the river to transport

( for transporting ) people and goods. 6.I think it’s fun to climb the mountain

beneath the stars.

7.She hasn’t heard from him ever since he

left home 10 years ago.

.I don’t care about how many fish I catch. What I care for is the peace while fishing.

(I just care for the peace while fishing. )

9.They determined to leave/set off

early the next morning.

10.The meeting was badly organized.

11.If one is always changing his mind, he will

succeed in nothing.

12.He insisted (that) he hadn’t stolen anything and that he (should) be set free.

13.She never gives in to difficulties.

14.It’s hard to breathe at a high altitude.

15.He wants to change his wool coat for

your jacket.

16. I’m leaving for America next Wednesday, and the plane takes off at 3 pm.
