






关键词:英汉数字;内涵意义;翻译;实指义;虚指义;词汇空缺The Cultural Differences and Translation of Figure between English and ChineseAbstractEvery language in the world takes root in a special cultural background, and the language reflects the contents of the culture. Figure is the count and quantity which reflects the scope and size of the objective world. The social meanings of figure are different because there are some differences in cultural tradition, the concept of thinking and the understanding and using of the figure among all kinds of languages. This paper is to discuss the differences between English and Chinese figure from the traditional conception, the meanings of the figure and the translation with figure between the two languages. The aim from which is expected to make an advantage in cross-cultural communication.Key words: figure in English and Chinese; implied meaning; translation; grammatical meaning; false meaning; vocabulary vacancy“语言与文化有着密切的关系。

毕业论文 中英数字的文化对比研究及翻译

毕业论文 中英数字的文化对比研究及翻译



关键词:毕业论文网 中英数字文化对比研究翻译方法1.引言由于受中西方文化传统、宗教信仰、语言崇拜、地理环境等方面的影响,数字的神化存在着中西方的差异,但也存在着共同的规律。


















中西方数字文化差异英语作文The world we live in is a diverse and complex one where different cultures and traditions coexist. One such area where cultural differences are particularly pronounced is in the realm of numerical representation and its associated meanings. The disparity between the numerical cultures of the East and West is a fascinating subject that sheds light on the nuanced ways in which societies perceive and interpret numerical systems.At the most fundamental level the numerical systems employed in the East and West differ in their base structures. The Western numerical system is primarily based on the decimal system which utilizes the digits 0 through 9. This system has its origins in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system that was developed in India and subsequently spread to the Middle East and Europe. In contrast the traditional numerical systems used in East Asian countries such as China Japan and Korea are based on the decimal system but also incorporate elements of the sexagesimal system which uses a base of 60.This difference in base structures has led to some interesting divergences in the way numbers are conceptualized and expressed. For instance in the Chinese language individual digits are assigned unique names rather than simply being referred to by their numerical value. The number 4 for example is known as "si" while 7 is "qi". This stands in contrast to the more straightforward numerical naming conventions used in Western languages. Additionally Chinese numerals are written using logographic characters rather than the alphabetic digits employed in the West further emphasizing the distinct visual representation of numbers.The cultural significance assigned to certain numbers also varies greatly between Eastern and Western societies. In the West the number 13 is often viewed with superstition and considered to be unlucky. This belief is so pervasive that many buildings omit a 13th floor and airports lack a Gate 13. In contrast in China the number 4 is widely regarded as unlucky due to its phonetic similarity to the word for "death" in Mandarin. As a result Chinese buildings and product packaging frequently skip the fourth floor or fourth item in a series.Numerical symbolism also manifests in more subtle ways. In Western countries even numbers are often perceived as more balanced and harmonious while odd numbers are seen as less stable. This preference for even numbers can be observed in the layout of buildings the design of consumer products and the organization ofevents. Conversely in East Asian cultures odd numbers are frequently associated with masculinity and vitality while even numbers symbolize femininity and passivity.These divergent attitudes towards numbers extend to their practical applications as well. In the business world for instance Chinese negotiators may place a higher premium on auspicious numbers when making deals. The number 8 for example is considered extremely lucky in China due to its phonetic similarity to the word for "prosperity". As a result Chinese companies may deliberately choose addresses or phone numbers containing multiple 8s. Western business practices on the other hand tend to be more pragmatic and numbers-driven with less emphasis on symbolic significance.Differences in numerical culture can also be seen in the realm of personal names. In the West names are often chosen for their meaning sound or connection to family heritage. Numerical considerations play a relatively minor role. However in China and other East Asian societies the selection of names with favorable numeric associations is extremely important. Parents will carefully choose characters for their children's names that incorporate lucky numbers or avoid unlucky ones. The goal is to endow the individual with positive numeric energy that will bring good fortune and success throughout their life.Ultimately the divergent attitudes towards numbers between Eastern and Western societies stem from deep-rooted cultural traditions and philosophical worldviews. The decimal-based numerical system used in the West reflects a linear and quantitative approach to mathematics and problem-solving. In contrast the incorporation of sexagesimal elements and symbolic number associations in East Asian numerical culture points to a more holistic and qualitative understanding of the role of numbers in the universe.These fundamental differences have profound implications not just for how numbers are perceived and utilized but for the broader mindsets and behaviors that characterize Eastern and Western societies. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected it is crucial to develop a nuanced appreciation for these cross-cultural numerical distinctions. Only then can we navigate the complexities of a globalized world with greater cultural sensitivity and mutual understanding.。



【标题】中西方数字的文化差异【作者】柯娟【关键词】数字;吉祥文化;禁忌文化;差异【指导老师】余烈全【专业】英语【正文】I. IntroductionCulture consists of material civilization and spirit civilization of the whole society. Chinese scholars, such as Hu Wenzhong and Jia Yuxin, have defined culture into two senses. In a broad sense, culture refers to all the material and spiritual products created by man. In a narrow sense, it refers only to spiritual products including language, literature, fine arts and so on. 1 Different people define “culture” from different angles. In fact, there are more than two hundred and fifty definitions. What has been termed the classic definition of culture was provided by the 19th century English anthropologist Edward Burnett Tyler declared that Culture is a complex whole, which included knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of Cultural differences reflect that people in different environments possess differences of many aspects, such as language, knowledge, and religious faiths. Differences in culture, especially between China and English speaking countries, may lead to various understanding and explanation on the same thing or conception, even to reduce misunderstanding each other. Number is a combination of concept and mark, which is a conclusion that humankind observe object world and understand material world. 3 Number is used to mean the quantity or to assign the place of a series by order of number. 4 However, a special numerical culture exists in different language backgrounds and national cultures. Numbers clearly reflect the psychological bases, traditions and characteristics of culture because of the impact of cultural differences, such as national psychology, religious belief, language worship and aesthetic notion. Numbers have various mysterious taboo, lucky and symbolic meaning, and they show cultural characteristics of nations, even their own numeral culture. Meanwhile such numeral culture unavoidably influence people’s psycholo gy and behaviors. Number, as one kind of important culture language, is used frequently as thought and intercourse tool. Hence, this article is to discus the causes of cultural differences of numbers by analyzing on some representative numbers in both Chinese and English, to know the differences in order torespect each other mutually, reduce misunderstanding and do better cross-cultural communication.Ⅱ.The Causes of Cultural Differences of NumbersA. Symbolic Meaning Brought by Homophony and Partial Meaning of Numbers Homophony refers to two or more words with the same form but with different meaning. In Chinese language, there are a large number of homonyms. Homonyms are words with different meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in spelling or sound. 5 So homophony is not only a linguistic phenomenon but also a cultural phenomenon. It is connected with the culture, national mentality and aesthetic customs. Among the homonymous phenomena, numbers are typical. It is the case that English and Chinese people live in an absolutely different natural environment and social cultural origins, Chinese people have strong psychology of symmetry, doubleness, association and analogy, pursuing goodness and avoiding badness. It is natural that people are fully aware of usage of homophony. Compared with other languages all over the world, Chinese language has a great number of cultures of homophony and partial meaning. For example, the number 8(八,ba) sounds like 发(fa)in Chinese, then 8 becomes a popular number nowadays. People hope that all the substance they owned can be related to number 8, such as phone number, house number, license number and so on. One more example, the number 5, is similar to 吾(I); of course, number 58 means 吾发(making fortune), the number 9,(久, long-lasting)means permanent, which is still a popular number. The reason why those numbers become lucky number is that their pronunciation is similar to commendatory words.At the same time, a few numbers are considered as taboo numbers because of bad homophony. Especially the number 4(four,四,si). It is avoided because it sounds like “die”(死,si) and it is the most worst number in the public minds. As a result, some people go so far as to call the fourth floor of a building 3A because the pronunciation of the “fourth floor”(四楼,si lou) is identical with 死楼. As a mater of fact, a few of nations in western countries show great respect for number 4, which stands for fair, justice and power.In contrast, the number “eight”(8) is an ordinary and lucky number in both English and Chinese cultures, not its homophony but its structure. It gives us a meaning imagination. People consider that the number 8 is combined by double 0(zero), which is not only a sign of special meaning, but also a stable and harmonious sign.B. The Close Association with Mythology and ReligionMythology is a body of myth, especially those relating to a people’s gods and heroes and to their origins or those connected with certain subject.6 Myths connect with numbers in both Chinese and English cultures. It can be seem that mythology offers cultural origins of a nation. Mythology strongly influences cultural development and cultural connotations ofnumbers. In Chinese culture, the connotations of numbers have close connection with Chinese ancient myths. Chinese gods are often described as the embodiment of supreme reign far from human beings, or the symbols of all-rounder and virtues. In opposite, Western Mythology, originating from Greek mythology, gods have similar characters of human beings. They filled with feelings, love, anger and hatred. Great cultural diversities exist in ancient mythical connotation in china and western countries, which reflect Sino–western nation’s profound diversities on character and decide the trend of development of two cultural systems completely. Those diversities still reflect in aspects of Culture of Number.In Sino-western cultures, the number 7 possesses mysterious colors. Christianity culture is one main stream of western culture, in which figure 7 was a mysterious but power number at the beginning, says the Bible, god spent six days in creating the heaven and earth even human being. Until the 7th day, God had to rest. Therefore, the day was called Sabbath. Similarly, in Chinese ancient mythology and books, a large number of aspects refer to number seven. July(qi yue,七月) was used to express a circle, says the Yi-jing (Book of Change,易经), a ancient book. Dating from the Qin dynasty, some ancient books recorded that July always meant limit of many great events, such as七日不火食。


1. the five elements" : gold, wood, water, fire and earth五行.
2. the five ethical relations " : monarch and his subjects, father and son, brothers, husband and wife , and friends五伦:封建礼教 指君臣、父子、兄弟、夫妇、朋友五种伦理关系.
3.Jesus was also persecuted on Friday.
In Chinese culture, 6 is widely used and carries great value and lucky connotations.内 涵
1. According to the Bible, the Lord God created the first man Adam. And he took a rib from Adam to create Eve-the first woman. And it is said that Adam was created on Friday. Besides, he and Eve ate the forbidden fruit-the apple on Friday as well.
Most of the time, however, the Chinese the number 4 is a taboo禁忌 due to its similar pronunciation with 死death. So hospitals do not arrange beds numbered 4 ; the hotels have no room and floors labeled number 4 .







东西方数字九的文化对比分析与翻译编辑:凌月仙仙作者:haixin619 出处:中国论文下载中心日期:2005-8-15一、前言"数是人类思维发展到一定阶段,为适应社会生产活动的需要,在符号的帮助下产生的。

"(苏金智,19 91)"数字是语言学中的一个特殊的领域。

在科学的数字世界里,它的功能是计算,秩序严谨,职司分明,是实数;而在人类心灵的数字世界中,它的功能是表义,许多数字经过“神化”后成为“玄数”、“虚数”、“ 天数"。








在1998 年南昌大学主办的"中国英汉语比较研究会第二届年会暨第三次学术研讨会"上,英汉文化对比专业委员会会员曾就中南工业大学外语学院吴玲英老师的《中西文学中"以三为法”的文化模式》展开了激烈的讨论。

本人认为东方人,尤其是中国人,自己心目中的天数是"九"而不是"三",也并非完全是因为"九" 是"三"的倍数。


i u e me n n h we o d f r n e i oh En l n i e e Bu u i g t e d v l p n fh soy, n e c d b a i a p y h l g , ei i u fg r a i g s o d n i e e c n b t gih a d Ch n s . td rn h e e o me to itr i fu n e y n t n s c oo y r lgo s s l ol
“ ” 最 大 的 阳数 。 征着 天 。 说 古代 中 国人 把 天分 为 九 层 的 最 高处 , 语 中有 关 词 汇 有 “ 重 霄 ” 指 极 高 的 天 空 ) “ 霄 云 汉 九 ( ,九 外 ” “ 天揽 月 ” “ 天九 地 ” 。 中 国人 以“ ” 大 数 , 师培 在 《 ,九 ,九 等 九 为 刘 古 符 号 的帮 助 下产 生 的 . 是语 言 学 中 的一 个 特 殊 的领 域 。 在 科 学 的数 书疑 义 举 例补 》 书 中写 道 :凡 数 指 其极 者 , 它 “ 一 “ 皆得 称 之 为 九 ”; 素 问》 《 字 世 界里 , 的 功能 是 计 算 , 序 严 谨 , 司分 明 , 实 数 ; 在 人类 心 它 秩 职 是 而 中说 :天 地之 数 . 于 一 , 于 九 。 ” “ 始 终 因此 , 语 中有 “ 九 归 一 ” “ 汉 九 或 九 灵 的数 字 世 界 中 . 的 功 能 是 表 义 。 多数 字 经 过 “ 化 ” 成 为 “ 它 许 神 后 玄 九归 原 ” 说 。因 从 “ ” 数 之 极 而 引 出人 生 之 限 , “ 之 九 为 故 明九 ” “ 或 暗 数” “ 数”“ 、虚 、天数 ” 。它 们 有 着极 其 丰 富 的外 延 和 内 涵 。 ” 王秉 钦 , ( 九 ” 为 人 生 之 “ ” 避 讳 有 “ ” 岁 。例 如 : 老 太 太 因 明 年八 十 一 均 坎 . 九 之 “ 19 )由于 受 东西 方 文 化 传 统 、 98 宗教 信仰 、 言 崇 拜 、 理 环 境 等方 面 语 地 岁 , 个 暗 九 。” 《 楼 梦》 是 (红 ) 的影 响 , 字 的 神化 存 在 着 东西 方 的 差 异 , 也 存 在 着 共 性 , 着共 同 数 但 有 1 英 汉语 言 中数 字 “ ” . 2 九 的共 性 的规 律 。在 “ 的灵 物 崇拜 ” 各 民族 都 有 普 通性 。东 方人 有 自己 心 目 数 上 1 . 东 西方 大 多 数 人 把数 字 “ ” 成 神秘 的数 字 , 象 征 意 义 均 有 .1 2 九 看 其 中的 “ 数 ” 而西 方 人 也有 自己心 目 中的 “ 数 ” (王 秉 钦 ,9 8 例 天 , 神 。 19 ) “ 圣 ”之 意 。对 西 方 人 来 说 ,九 ” 的象 征 意 义 是 “ 性 ” “ 圣 之 神 “ 神 、神 如 : 所 周知 , 西 方 , 十三 ” 认 为 是 不 吉 利 的数 字 , 原 因就 是 与 众 在 “ 被 其 至 ” 英 语 权 威 字 典 Wes V it e oeit Dcinr n 。 bt sNnh N w C l g e it ay ad e l a o 圣 经 故事 中耶稣 被 他 的 第 十 三个 门徒 犹 大 出卖 有 关 。 所 以 , 西方 国 在 We s r hr nent nlDc oay中 对 “ ” 解 释 的 意 义 比《 bt T i It a oa iinr es d r i t 九 所 现 家 , 们 通 常避 免 使 用 “ 人 十三 ” 个 数 字 。在 中 国 的传 统 文 化 中 , 字 这 数 代 汉 语 词 典 》 解 释 的 意 义还 多 , 别 有 : 所 分 “ 三” 十 没有 这 种 文化 含 义 。 在 中 国的 传 统文 化 中 ,九 ” 为 与 “ ” “ 因 久 同



在汉语里,3被写成三,其意义是,上面一横代 表天,下面一横代表地,中间一横代表人,即融天、 地、人为一体,寓意天地人的关系。古人认为,数字 始于一,终于十,成于三。中国的道教有三清之说, 即玉清、太清、上清;佛教中有天、地、人三尊之说。 老子说:‚道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。‛ 可见三在中国文化中被赋予了很大的意义。所以,在 中国,三是一个很吉祥的数字。它有生长、吉祥之意, 如‚三羊开泰‛、‚岁寒三友‛、‚连种三元‛、 ‚吉祥三宝‛。
在我国,南方经济发达区的粤语区的‚八‛与‚发‛谐音,广东人特别 喜欢数字八,以求生财之道,发财致富。现在对八的爱好已经风靡全国, 各行各业,男女老少对‚八‛可以说是特别偏爱,几乎达到迷信的程度。 电话号码喜欢有八,汽车牌照最好有八,有的商店取名‚518‛( ‚我 要发‛ 的谐音) 中国人把八个人坐的桌子叫‚八仙桌‛,功名显赫的人要坐‚八抬大 轿‛,以显‚八面威风‛,会办事的人总是 ‚八面玲珑‛,关系亲密 的朋友称为‚八拜之交‛。
Six in English is an unpopular number, which is viewed as a sinister omen. For instance, at sixes and sevens(乱七八糟的; 糊涂的;迷茫的), hit sb. for six or knock sb. six(给敌人/某人以毁灭性的打击), six of the best(以藤鞭击六下——学校的一种 惩罚手段), six penny (不值钱), etc.
在中国古代,‚五‛指金、木、水、火、土; 与此同时,‚五‛也与中国传统文化密切相关, 诸如五行、五福临门、五方保护神、五湖四海等 等。进一步说,用数字‚五‛代表东西南北中五 方,是中国一项非常悠久的文化传统。现在,北 京奥运吉祥物选择五个福娃,既可与奥运会标志 五环相呼应之外,又符合中国人口众多、历史悠 久、文化丰富的国情。
















如:“功夫”kong fu、“乌龙茶”oolong等。
























例如:a drop in the ocean沧海一粟A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智A cat has nine lives.猫有九命(二)意译由于每个民族的数字具有都有其民族的独特表达和使用方法,因此我们进行翻译时,如过原样照搬,翻译出来的效果可能不会尽如人意,因此,有时须意译。



外国语学院毕业论文开题报告专业:学生姓名:班级:指导教师:开题日期: 2013年3月15日论文题目英文打印英汉数字中“9”的文化内涵及翻译一、本选题的目的和意义研究意义:认知语言学家普遍认为,人们对客观世界的感知、经验、对事物的认知模式影响人们对语言的使用,“认知是语言的基础,语言是认知的窗口”[1]P7。









该文从认知视角出发,通过比较探析英汉数字习语中 9 文化内涵的对等性与不对等性,并揭示其形成原因,以期更好地了解英汉两个民族的认知心理。

二、本选题相关领域研究的现状及基本情况罗云珍池玫在英汉数字文化内涵比较与翻译中对英汉数字的翻译方法进行了研究,他认为数字的基本用途是用来计算的, 但在东西方的民间语言和文学作品中有许多数字往往并不表示确切的数量, 而只是一个泛化的虚数, 这种数字语意的不确定性就是数字的语意模糊现象。




















例如:《九条命》(Nine Lives)。










关于数字九的英文作文初中英文:As a middle school student, I find the number nine tobe quite fascinating. In mathematics, the number nine has some interesting properties. For example, when you multiply nine by any other number and then add the digits of the result together, the sum will always be nine. For instance, 9 x 5 = 45, and 4 + 5 = 9. This is known as the"multiplying by nine trick," and it never fails to amaze me.In addition to its mathematical properties, the number nine also holds cultural significance in many parts of the world. In Chinese culture, the number nine is considered lucky because it sounds like the word for "long-lasting" or "eternity" in Mandarin. This is why the number nine isoften associated with weddings and other celebrations in Chinese culture.Furthermore, in English, there are several idioms andexpressions that involve the number nine. For example, "dressed to the nines" means being dressed in a verystylish or fashionable way. I remember my friend Sarah always dresses to the nines for school dances, and she looks absolutely stunning every time.Another common expression is "the whole nine yards," which means giving something your all or going the extra mile. For example, when I was preparing for a big presentation, my teacher told me to go the whole nine yards and really impress the class with my research and creativity.Overall, the number nine is not just a mathematical concept, but it also holds cultural significance and is woven into our everyday language in various idioms and expressions.中文:作为一个初中生,我发现数字九相当有趣。



中西方文化中数字“九”的对比与翻译Comparative Study of the Figure Nine in Westernand Chinese Culture and its TranslationWEN Sirui(School of Foreign Languages, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei 430062)Numbers have been endowed with various connotations in Chinese culture and Western culture. The article compares and analyses the different connation and functions of the number"九"in these two cultures. And also generalize some commonly-used translation strategies of"九"and nine. It is necessary to have over-all knowledge of language and culture. In this way, the translators can reveal the connotation of the idioms or expressions containing numbers, especially the typical nine.0 引言数字在人们日常生活中起着至关重要的作用。


















所以西方人常说The third time’the charm.(第三次准灵。

)Number three is always fortunate.(第三号一定运气好。

)莎士比亚戏剧里也说,All good things go by three.(一切好事以三为标准。











分类号密级编号本科生毕业论文题目数字在中西方文化中的差异学院外国语学院专业英语作者杜变变班级2009级二班学号 294010604指导教师马金海提交日期 2013. 5. 23The Cultural Differences of Numerals between China and WestCulturesDu BianbianA thesisSubmitted to the School of Foreign Languages and LiteratureTianshuiNormalUniversity in partial fulfillmentof therequirement for the degreeofBACHELOR OF ARTSinENGLISH LANGUAGETianshui, GansuMay,2013原创性声明本人重声明:本人所呈交的论文是在指导教师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。




论文作者签名:年月日论文指导教师签名:目录一、论文正文………………………………………………1—17二、附录1.毕业论文成绩评定表2.答辩小组意见3.答辩成绩评分表4.论文指导记录5.开题报告CONTENTSAbstract i摘要iiI.Introduction1II. The Analysis of Numerals Differences between China andWest Cultures (2)2.1 The Relationship between Numeral and Religion22.1.1 The Typical Numerals in Western Religion (3)2.1.2 The Typical Numerals in Chinese Religion42.2The Relationship between Numerals and National Psychology52.2.1 Numerals and Chinese Psychology (6)2.2.2 Numerals and Western Psychology (8)2.2.3 Typical Taboo Numerals in Chinese and Western (9)2.3The Relationship between Numerals and Language Aesthetics102.3.1 Numerals and Chinese Aesthetics (10)2.3.2 Numerals and English Aesthetics (12)III. The Cultural Differences of Numerals and Cross-Culture Communication14IV. Conclusion15References (17)Acknowledgements (iii)The Cultural Differences of Numbers between Chinese andEnglishDu Bianbian[Abstract]The human languages convey profound historical cultures and national features. And any language all over the world is rooted in a specific cultural background, reflecting the specific cultural contents. Numerals, being an extremely special language branch, have played crucial roles in the development of human society over thousand of years. Numerals and human life are closely related to each other. The function of numeralin human culture is not only limited in the count of mathematics, but also is a mysterious cultural symbol, which forms a unique numeral culture phenomenon. Numeral plays an important role in human cultural exchanges and development, reflecting the distinctive cultural characteristics. However, there are quite a few differences in religious beliefs, ethical psychology culture, and languages aesthetics in Chinese and westerners, so numerals have been given to the different cultural connotations in different cultural contexts, from the perspective of culture, this paper analyzes these factors to reduce misunderstandings in communication and promote the awareness of cross-cultural communication.Key Words: Numeral culture; Western culture and Chinese culture;Culture differences; Intercultural communication数字在中西方文化中的差异杜变变[摘要]人类的语言传达深厚的历史文化和民族特色。

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1)东西方大多数人把数字"九"看成神秘的数字, 其象征意义均有"神 圣"之意。
数字“九”在东西方文化中的个性恐怕主要在于:对中国人来说,其神奇色 彩要比西方人更浓;其象征意 义的历史在东方文化中比西方文化中更悠久;其 涉及面在东方文化中比西方文化中更广泛。
a nine-day's wonder (an object or event that creates ashort-lived sensation)
____Those political expositions…that make a nine day'snine wonder till something fresh c omes alone——Mary Deasy. nine times out of ten(very often)
此外,《词源》中说:"九:虚指多数。""九"作虚数解时,是数的一种 语义模糊现象。《现代汉语词 典》中,"九"的意思有三个:(1)数目,八加一 后所得;(2)从冬至起每九天是一个"九",从一"九" 数起,二"九"、三 "九",一直数到九"九"为止。冬练三九,夏练三伏;(3)表示多数或多次: 九泉,三 弯九转等。因此, 汉语中有不少和"九"有关的成语。如:"九牛一 毛"、"九死一生"、"九牛二虎之力" 、"九流宾客"等等。
be dressed up to the nines(elaborately dressed, as for aformal occasion)
____She dressed herself up to the nines and went to theparty.
in the nineholes:in the difficult situation nine-men's morris: morris played with nine counters A cat has nine lives: A cat can move so fast and jump sowell that he seems to escape being killed many times.
东西方已有不少有关数字科学的专著和论文, 如毕达哥拉斯(phythagoras) 学派的T·丹齐克的《数 科学语言》(商务印书馆,1998),英国人伦拉德·法 拉的《七的探源》;国内也有不少学者就数字写过著作 和论文,并开展过学术探 讨。如,王秉钦教授在其《语言与翻译新论》的中篇第六章就以"数的语义范围 比较 与翻译"为专题;苏金智曾写过《数的灵物崇拜》(载〈语言、社会、文化》 440页, 语文出版社,1991,1) 等。在1998 年南昌大学主办的"中国英汉语 比较研究会第二届年会暨第三次学术研讨会"上,英汉文化对比专 业委员会会 员曾就中南工业大学外语学院吴玲英老师的《中西文学中"以三为法”的文化模 式》展开了激烈的 讨论。本人认为东方人,尤其是中国人,自己心目中的天数 是"九"而不是"三",也并非完全是因为"九" 是"三"的倍数。
中国人以"九"为大数,刘师培在《古书疑义举例补》一书中写道:"凡数 指其极者,皆得称之为'九' ;"《素问》中说:"天地之数,始于一,终于 九。"因此,汉语中有"九九归一"或"九九归原"之说。因 从"九"为数之 极而引出人生之限,故"明九"或"暗九"均为人生之"坎",避讳有“九”之 岁。例如:“ 老太太因明年八十一岁,是个暗九。"(《红楼梦》)。日本人一般 认为"九"是"苦命和痛苦"的象征,因 为"九"与"苦"同音,因此忌讳 "九"。然而,《外语与外语教学》曾报道过国内一位学者曾为考证这一点 ,采 用"全选法"将日本某地电话号码其中的几千个姓和名分别进行统计,结果发现 将"九"作为姓的只占极 少数(约占0.35%),而将"九"作为名的却不少(约 占35%)。看来,日本人忌讳"九"也并非绝对。
罗马西塞罗说过:"翻译不是字当句对,而是保留语言的总风格和力 量。""按分量而不是按数量译词" 。此处所说的数字是指经过神化、泛化、 虚化了的"虚数","实数"的翻译不在此例。根据这一理论,结合 东西方文 化的共性与个性,可采用如下的翻译方法,并遵循以数字"九"及其倍数在西方也被广泛运 用于文娱和体育活动中。如, 保龄球(bowling )中的瓶状木柱数(ninepins) 为"九";高尔夫球球场有一十八个洞:跳子棋的棋板上各 方均为九个孔; 古 时英国还有一种九个男人一起跳的舞蹈(morrisdance)等。由此看来,数字"九" 也倍 受西方人的青睐。
在我国,数字"九"涉及面在所有数字中最广。含有数字"九"的词汇也十 分丰富。如,"九州"是指传 说中的我国上古行政区划,后用作"中国"的代 称。因此,有的全国性的电视节目就取名为“九州方圆”;“ 九族"(the nine degrees of kindred: either thenine generations from one's great-great-gr andfather down toone's great-great-grandson;or four generations of one'spatemal relations, three generations of one's matemalrelations, and two generations of noe's wife's relatio ns),古代有一种残酷的刑法叫"诛灭九族";古代传说 "龙生九子,各有所好"。因此,《红楼梦》第九回 中用"一龙生九种,种种各 别"来比喻贾氏家族族大人多,龙蛇混杂,好坏不一,各种各样的人都有。还有 " 九龙杯"等。此外,在文娱、体育等词汇中,数字"九"也比比皆是。如, 许多歌名都以"九"开头:"九妹 "、"九九艳阳天"、"九百九十九朵玫瑰" 等;乐器中也有"九音锣";在体育活动中,"九柱戏"(nine pins),兵器中 有"九节鞭"[但这与西方文化中的"九尾鞭”(cat-o '-nine- tails: an instrurnent of punishment so calledfrom the nine pieces of leather or cord which compose it)意义不大一样]。 地名中也有一些以"九"开头的,如"九 寨沟"、"九华山"、"九江"和"九龙"等。此外,中国人常把" 九"看成 为吉祥数字之一。在申请电话号码时,人们宁愿多出
在我国,人们之所以把"九"看成是自己心目中的"天数"和最富有神奇色 彩的数字, 是因为"九" 这个数字的象征意义(symbolicmeaning),在我国可 以说历时最久,涉及面也最广。 "九"作为数不同于一 般数字,在中国古代被 认为是一种神秘的数字,它起初是龙形(或蛇形)图腾化之文字,继而演化出"神 圣" 之意,于是中国古代历代帝王为了表示自己神圣的权力为天赐神赋,便竭 力把自己同“九”联系在一起。如天 分九层,极言其高,天证/诞日为正月初 九,天子祭天一年九次。更有趣的是连皇宫建筑都与"九"有关。例 如,北京 城有九门,天安门城楼面阔九问,门上饰有九路钉(即每扇门的门钉纵横各九排)。 汉语词汇中也常 用"九"来形容帝王将相的称谓,如"九五之尊"(imperial throne);称官位仅次于皇帝的王爷为"九千岁 "等。
根据阴阳五行与数的关系,万物之根均为数,宇宙也是数。数始于1而终于 10,五行也是数,按传统的五行 理论来划分,则1、2为木:1为阳木,2为阴 木。以3、4为火:3为阳火,4为阴火。以5、6为土:5为阳土,6为 阴土。 以7、8为金:7为阳金,8为阴金。以9、10为水:9 为阳水,10为阴水。这 就是将"象"、"数"与五行 结合起来推演变化,用以显示事物发展变化的内 在联系。由此看来,"九"是最大的阳数,象征着天。传说古 代中国人把天分 为九层,九层天是天的最高处,汉语中有关词汇有"九重霄"(指极高的天空, "九霄云外" ,"九天揽月","九天九地"等。另外,天坛,这个明清两代 祭天的场所,其建筑无处不体现着“九”的象 征意义。 民间传说中还有"九头 鸟"(nine-headed bird: a fabulous bird whose appearance was f ormerlyregarded as a bad omcn)的故事。