
Tax transpare nt
Exists subject to Limited Partnership Agreement, which usually states a fixed term
Personal liability of the owner • Partners personally liable for debts and losses resulting from their own wrongful actions Partners not personally liable for debts and losses of LLP incurred by other partners
Evolution of Firms
Sole proprietorship
Limited partnership
LLC, LLP, Business Trust, etc
Selection of Business Forms
• What are the considerations? • Liability of the owner • Management of the business • Formalities/legal requirement • Transferability • Legal status • Tax treatment • Duration
新加坡公司法简介 companylaw 2015-2016 master lawsseminar dr.lin lin assistant professor nus law basic concepts corporationsole proprietorship llc, llp, business trust, etc limited partnership evolution firmsselection businessforms formalities/legalrequirement legalstatus taxtreatment durationsole proprietorship partnerships companies general partnership limited partnership llp private co joint venture? public co list co firm personal liability ownermanagement businesscapital contribution legal status tax treatment duration general partnership partners personally liable partnership'sdebts lossesincurred otherpartners partners have equal management rights, unless otherwise agreed upon partners generally contribute cash, property separatelegal entity cansue firm'sname cannotown property firm'sname tax transparen existssubject partnershipagreement, which usually states fixedterm limited partnership generalpartner personally liable limitedpartner personallyliable partnershipbeyond his agreed contribution generalpartner(s)

公司注册编号:201607231W公司法(第50章)新加坡共和国有限股份公司总纲及公司章程OFDASSET OIL & GAS PTE.LTD.有限公司注册成立于2016.03.19公司法,第50章节有限股份公司章程的总纲OFDASSET OIL & GAS PTE.LTD.有限公司(在新加坡共和国注册成立)1.公司的名称是DASSET OIL & GAS PTE.LTD.有限公司2.公司的注册办公室会坐落于新加坡共和国:46,SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD,#04-02,KINGLY BUILDING,SINGAPORE 058679.3.公司具有公司法(第50章节)和其他成文法授予的全部权利、权力和特权以及全部的能力来执行或者承担任何商业和活动,做任何行为或者缔结任何交易,包括但不限于以下主要的目的:-(a) 执行所有或者任何电子商务项目管理、产品发展、市场营销和生产制造因特网网络产品,每一类型和储存的电器和电子装置和器具的生产、安装、维护和处理,各种类电子和电器、装置、设备的储存的商事活动。
(b) 执行提供有关上述相关科技的电子解决,电子咨询和顾问服务,执行每一类型与电子和电的使用和应用相关的研究、调查和试验工作的商事活动。
(c) 执行电脑系统咨询、管理咨询、电脑软件发展可行性研究、项目管理、设施管理、电脑时间共享和服务办事处,租借电脑软件系统和/或组件,买、卖、供应、贸易和修理电脑软件系统和/或组件,以及各种类型的为任何目的的与电脑/管理工具相关的服务的商事活动。
4. 公司成员承担有限责任。
2016年3月19日公司法,第50章节有限股份公司公司章程OFDASSET OIL & GAS PTE.LTD.有限公司(注册成立于新加坡共和国)序言1.公司法附录四表格A的章程不适用于本公司,除非本章程重复或者包含了相同条款。

公司法英文版(1)-; Where the board of directors or executive director cannot or does not perform its function, the shareholders meeting shall be convened and presided over by the board of supervisors or the supervisor in the absence of a board of supervisors. Where the board of supervisors or supervisor cannot or does not perform its function, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by shareholders representing more than one-tenth of the voting rights.; Article 42; All shareholders shall be notified fifteen (15) days prior to the convening of a shareholders meeting, unless otherwise stipulated by the articles of association or agreed upon by all shareholders.; The shareholders meeting shall prepare minutes regarding the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the shareholders present at the meeting.; Article 43; Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the shareholders meeting in proportion to their capital contributions, unless otherwise stipulated by the articles of association.; Article 44; Except as provided for in this Law, the rules of deliberation and voting procedures of the shareholders meeting shall be stipulated by the articles of association of the company.; Resolutions of the shareholders meeting on the increase orreduction of the registered capital, the division, merger, dissolution, or transformation of the company must be adopted by shareholders of the company representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights.; Article 45; Except as otherwise provided for in Article 51 of this Law, a limited liability company shall have a board of directors, which shall be composed of three to thirteen members. The members of the board of directors of a limited liability company invested in and established by two or more State-owned enterprises, or by two or more other State-owned investment entities shall include representatives of the staff and workers of the company. The members of the board of directors of other limited liability companies may also include representatives of the staff and workers. Such representatives of the staff and workers shall be democratically elected by the workers and staff members of the company through the congresses or assemblies of the staff and workers or other forms.A board of directors shall have a chairman and may have a vice-chairman. The method for the creation of the chairman and vice-chairmen shall be stipulated in the articles of association of the company.; Article 46; The term of the directors shall be prescribed by the articles of association, provided that each term may not exceed three (3) years.A director may continue to serve his post if he is re-elected upon the expiration of his term. Where a new elect is not yet available upon expiration of a director s term, or the number of the directors on theboard is less than the quorum due to the resignation of a director within his term, such director, before the new elect takes his office, shall continue the performance of his duties in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the articles or association.; Article 47; The board of directors is accountable to the shareholders meeting and shall exercise the following powers:; (1) being responsible for convening shareholders meetings and presenting reports thereto;; (2) implementing resolutions adopted by the shareholders meeting;; (3) determining the company’s operational plans and investment programs;; (4) preparing annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans of the company;; (5) preparing profit distribution plans and plans to cover company losses;; (6) preparing plans for increasing or reducing registered capital of the company or issuing company bonds;公司法英文版(1)-; (7) drafting plans for merger, division, change of corporate form or dissolution of the company;; (8) determining the structure of the company’s internal management;; (9) appointing or removing the general manager of the company, appo inting or removing, upon the general manager’s recommendation, deputy managers of the company and the officer in charge of finance, and determining the remuneration for those officers;; (10) formulating the basic management scheme of the company;; (11) exercising other powers stipulated by the articles of association.; Article 48; A meeting of the board of directors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman. Where the chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the vice-chairman. Where the vice-chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by a director jointly nominated by more than half of the directors.; Article 49; Except as otherwise provided for in this Law, the rules ofdeliberation and voting procedures at the meeting of board of directors shall be stipulated by the articles of association of the company.; The board shall prepare minutes relating to the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the directors present at the meeting.; In the voting process, one director shall represent one vote.; Article 50; A limited liability company shall have a general manager, to be appointed or removed by the board of directors. The general manager is accountable to the board and shall exercise the following powers:; (1) management of the company’s production and operation, and organizing the implementation of board resolutions;; (2) organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company;; (3) preparing the plan for the structure of the company’s internal management;; (4) preparing the basic management scheme of the company;; (5) formulating detailed company rules;; (6) recommending the appointment or removal of a deputy manager and the officer in charge of finance;; (7) appointing and removing officers of the company other than those to be appointed or removed by the board of directors;; (8) exercising other powers delegated by the board of directors.; Where the articles of association stipulate otherwise in respect of the manager s powers, such stipulations shall prevail. The general manager shall be present at board meetings.; Article 51; A small-scaled limited liability company or a limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have an executive director without establishing a board of directors. The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.; The powers of the executive director shall be prescribed in the articles of association.; Article 52; A limited liability company shall have a board of supervisors composed of no less than three (3) members. A small-scaled limited liability company or a limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have one or two supervisors without establishing a board of supervisors. The board of supervisors shall be composed of shareholders’ representatives and representatives of the sta ff and workers of the company. The number of the staff and workers representatives shall not be lower than one third of all the supervisors, the specific percentage of which shall be determined in the articles of association. The representatives of the staff and workers on the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by the staff and workers through the congresses or assemblies of the workers and staff members or other forms. The board of supervisors shall have one chairman elected by more than half of all thesupervisors. The meetings of the board of supervisors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board. In the event that the chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by a supervisor jointly nominated by more than half of all the supervisors.公司法英文版(1)-; A director and a senior officer of the company shall not serve concurrently as a supervisor.; Article 53; Each term of a supervisor shall be three (3) years, and a supervisor may continue to serve his post upon expiration of his term if he is re-elected.; Where a new elect is not yet available upon expiration of a supervisor s term, or the number of the supervisors on the board is less than the quorum due to the resignation of a supervisor within his term, such supervisor, before the new elect takes his office, shall continue the performance of his duties in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the articles or association.; Article 54; The board of supervisors or the supervisor, as the case may be, shall exercise the following authorities:; (1) reviewing the financial affairs of the company;; (2) monitoring the acts of the directors or the senior officers in the course of performance of their duties, and propose recall of the director or senior officer in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the articles of association;; (3) requiring the directors or the senior officers to make rectification when any act thereof causes harm to company interests;; (4) proposing for interim meetings of shareholders meetings, convene and preside over the meeting when the board of directors does not perform its function to convene and preside over a shareholders meeting as set forth in this Law;; (5) submitting proposals at the shareholders meeting;; (6) filing suit against the directors or senior officers of the company in accordance with the provisions of Article 152 in this Law;; (7) exercising other authorities prescribed by the articles of association.; Article 55; The supervisors may attend board meetings, present inquiry or proposal with regards to the issues to be determined by the board of directors.; The board of supervisors or the supervisors of a company that does not have the board may conduct investigations upon discoveryof any unusual operations of the company and, where necessary, engage an accounting firm to assist in such investigations at the expense of the company.; Article 56; The board of supervisors shall have a meeting at least once a year. An interim meeting may be convened at the request of supervisors.; Except as provided for in this Law, the rules of deliberation and voting procedures at the meeting of board of directors shall be stipulated by the articles of association of the company.; The resolution of the board of supervisors shall be adopted by more than half of all the supervisors. The board shall prepare minutes relating to the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the supervisors present at the meeting.; Article 57; Reasonable expenses necessary for the board of supervisors or supervisors of a company that does not have the board to perform their duties shall be borne by the company.; Section Three Special Provisions on One-Person Limited Liability Companies; Article 58; The provisions under this section shall govern the formation and the organizational structure of one-person limited liability companies. Where there are matters that are not covered by this section, the provisions of the first two sections under Chapter Oneshall apply.; A one-person limited liability company referred to herein means a limited liability company with a sole shareholder of either a natural person or a legal person.; Article 59; The minimum amount of the registered capital of a one-person limited liability company shall be RMB100, 000 which must be fully paid at the time of incorporation.。

公司法英文对照(1)-; TABLE OF CONTENTS; 第一章:总则Chapter One:General Provisions; 第二章:有限责任公司的设立和组织机构Chapter Two:Establishment and Organs of Limited Liability Company; 第一节:设立Section One Establishment; 第二节:组织机构Section Two Organs; 第三节:国有独资公司Section Three. Wholly State-owned Company; 第三章:股份有限公司的设立和组织机构Chapter Three:Establishment and Organs of Joint Stock Limited Company; 第一节:设立Section One. Establishment; 第二节:股东大会Section Two. Shareholders’ general committee; 第三节:董事会、经理Section Three. Board Of Directors And General Manager; 第四节:监事会Section Four. Board Of Supervisors; 第四章:股份有限公司的股份发行和转让Chapter Four:Issue and Transfer of Shares of Joint Stock Limited Company; 第一节:股份发行Section One. Issue Of Shares; 第二节:股份转让Section Two. Transfer Of Shares; 第三节:上市公司Section Three. Listed Company; 第五章:公司债券Chapter Five:Company Bonds; 第六章:公司财务、会计Chapter Six:Financial and Accounting Affairs of Company; 第七章:公司合并、分立Chapter Seven:Merger and Division of Company; 第八章:公司破产、解散和清算Chapter Eight:Bankruptcy,Dissolution and Liquidation of Company; 第九章:外国公司的分支机构Chapter Nine:Branch of Foreign Company; 第十章:法律责任Chapter Ten:Legal Liabilities; 第十一章:附则Chapter Eleven:Supplementary Provisions; 第一章:总则Chapter One:General Provisions; 第一条:为了适应建立现代企业制度的需要,规范公司的组织和行为,保护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,根据宪法,制定本法。

THE STATUTES OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE FINANCE COMPANIES ACT(CHAPTER108)(Original Enactment:Act43of1967)REVISED EDITION2011(15th July2011)Prepared and Published byTHE LAW REVISION COMMISSIONUNDER THE AUTHORITY OFTHE REVISED EDITION OF THE LAWS ACT(CHAPTER275)2011Ed.CHAPTER108Finance Companies ActARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONSPART IPRELIMINARYSection1.Short title2.InterpretationPART IILICENSING OF FINANCE COMPANIES3.Licensing of finance companiese of words“finance company”5.Examination of persons suspected of transacting financingbusiness6.Application for licence7.Minimum capital requirements7A.Capital ratio8.Restriction on opening of branches of finance company9.Mergers,etc.,of finance company10.Control of takeovers of finance companies incorporated inSingapore11.Arrangements affecting control of finance company incorporatedin Singapore12.Control of substantial shareholding in finance companiesincorporated in Singapore13.Power of Authority to require finance company that isincorporated in Singapore to obtain information as to beneficialinterests in shares of finance company14.Amendment of constitution of finance company15.Revocation of licence16.Effect of revocation of licence17.Publication of list of finance companies1PART III RESERVE FUNDS,DIVIDENDS,BALANCE-SHEETS AND INFORMATION Section18.Maintenance of reserve fund by finance companies 18A.Maintenance of adequate provision for bad and doubtful debts 19.Restriction on payment of dividends by finance companies 20.Publication and exhibition of audited balance-sheet 21.Information and statistics to be furnished by finance companies 21A.Monthly statements of advances,loans and credit facilities 21B.Disclosure of interest by directorsPART IVREGULATION OF BUSINESS22.Acknowledgment of indebtedness 23.Dealings by finance companies and credit facilities and limits 24.Dealing by finance company in its own shares,etc.25.Restrictions on trade by finance companies 26.Restrictions on investments by finance companies 27.Restrictions on holding immovable property by finance companies 28.Control over finance companies in the acquisition of shares in companies 29.Power of Authority to secure compliance with sections 23,26,27and 3130.Notices to finance companies 31.Orders by AuthorityPART VMINIMUM LIQUID ASSETS32.Minimum holdings of liquid assets by finance companiesPART VIINSPECTION AND CONTROL OF FINANCE COMPANIES33.Inspection and investigation of finance companies and production of books,etc.34.Information of insolvency,etc.34A.Interpretation of sections 34A to 39Finance Companies2011Ed.C AP .1082Section35.Action by Authority if finance company unable to meet obligations,etc.36.Effect of assumption of control under section 3537.Duration of control 38.Responsibilities of officers,member,etc.,of finance company 39.Remuneration and expenses of Authority and others in certaincasesPART VIAVOLUNTARY TRANSFER OF BUSINESS39A.Interpretation of this Part 39B.V oluntary transfer of business 39C.Approval of transferPART VIISUBMISSION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND DUTIES OF AUDITORS 40.Directors to submit copy of financial statements 41.Appointment and duties of auditorsPART VIIIMISCELLANEOUS42.Authority to administer Act 43.Prohibition against transacting of financing business on public holidays 44.Priority of specified liabilities 44A.Priority of specified liabilities inter se 45.[Repealed ]46.Memorandum and articles of association of finance company 47.Disqualification or removal of director or executive officer 48.Penalty for offences not otherwise provided for 48A.Composition of offences 48B.Recovery of fees,expenses,etc.49.Offences by directors or managers 50.Falsification of books,documents,etc.51.Holding out as finance company 52.Consent of Public Prosecutor 52A.Jurisdiction of District Court 53.ExemptionsFinance Companies 3C AP .1082011Ed.Section 54.Winding up provisions55.Redemption of securities held by finance company56.Operation of Act not to affect Companies Act57.Regulations An Act to license and control finance companies and for matters connected therewith.[10th January 1968]PART IPRELIMINARYShort title1.This Act may be cited as the Finance Companies Act.Interpretation2.In this Act,unless the context otherwise requires —“agreement ”means an agreement whether formal or informal and whether express or implied;“auditor ”means any person approved by the Authority as a finance company auditor for the purposes of this Act;“Authority ”means the Monetary Authority of Singapore established under section 3of the Monetary Authority ofSingapore Act (Cap.186);“capital funds ”,in relation to a finance company,means the paid-up capital and published reserves of that company,deductionhaving been made in respect of any debit balance appearing in the profit and loss account of the company;“chief executive ”,in relation to a finance company,means any person,by whatever name described,who —(a )is in the direct employment of,or acting for or byarrangement with,the finance company;andFinance Companies2011Ed.C AP .1084(b )is principally responsible for the management andconduct of the business of the finance company;[Act 10of 2013wef 18/04/2013]“company ”means a company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act (Cap.50)or pursuant to any corresponding previous written law;“credit facilities ”means —(a )the granting by a finance company of advances,loansand other facilities whereby a customer of the financecompany has access to funds or financial guarantees;or(b )the incurring by a finance company of other liabilitieson behalf of a customer;“deposit ”means a loan of money at interest or repayable at a premium but does not include a loan to a company or other body corporate upon terms involving the issue of debentures or other securities;“depositor ”means a person entitled,or prospectively entitled,to repayment of a deposit whether made by him or not;“director ”includes any person occupying the position of director of a finance company by whatever name called and includes a person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a finance company are accustomed to act and an alternate or substitute director;“executive officer ”,in relation to a finance company,means any person,by whatever name described,who —(a )is in the direct employment of,or acting for or byarrangement with,the finance company;and(b )is concerned with or takes part in the management of thefinance company on a day-to-day basis;[Act 10of 2013wef 18/04/2013]“finance company ”means any company licensed under this Act to carry on financing business,and all branches and offices in Singapore of such a company shall be deemed to be one finance company for the purposes of this Act;Finance Companies 5C AP .1082011Ed.“financing business ”means the business of —(a )borrowing money from the public,by acceptance ofdeposits and issuing certificates or other documentsacknowledging or evidencing indebtedness to the publicand undertaking to repay the money on call or after anagreed maturity period;and(b )lending money to the public or to a company deemed tobe related to the finance company by virtue of section 6of the Companies Act (referred to in this Act as therelated company)on the basis that the public or therelated company undertakes to repay the money,whether within an agreed period of time or not,or byinstalments,and includes the business of financing hire-purchase transactions arising out of hire-purchase agreements,as defined in the Hire-Purchase Act (Cap.125),where the money used,or to be used,for such business is borrowed from the public and such other business as the Authority may prescribe for the purposes of this Act;“Government securities ”has the same meaning as in the Government Securities Act (Cap.121A);“licence ”means a licence granted under section 6;[Act 10of 2013wef 18/04/2013]“limited liability partnership ”has the same meaning as in section 2(1)of the Limited Liability Partnerships Act(Cap.163A);“officer ”,in relation to a corporation,includes —(a )a director,secretary or employee of the corporation;(b )a receiver or manager of any part of the undertaking ofthe corporation appointed under a power contained inany instrument;and(c )the liquidator of the corporation appointed in avoluntary winding up;Finance Companies 2011Ed.C AP .1086“partner ”and “manager ”,in relation to a limited liability partnership,have the respective meanings assigned to them in section 2(1)of the Limited Liability Partnerships Act;“person ”includes a corporation;“public company ”means a company incorporated in Singapore other than a private company;“published reserves ”,in relation to a finance company,means reserves which appear in the accounts of the finance company but does not include any reserves which are represented by the writing down of the value of assets or by provision for the depreciation of fixed assets or which are maintained for any specific purposes;“share ”,in relation to a finance company,means a share in the share capital of the finance company and includes an interest in such a share.[33/84;27/94;5/2005]PART IILICENSING OF FINANCE COMPANIESLicensing of finance companies3.—(1)No financing business shall be transacted in Singapore except by a public company that is in possession of a valid licence granted by the Authority authorising it to conduct financing business in accordance with the provisions of this Act.(2)Any person who contravenes subsection (1)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $20,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3years or to both.[33/84]Use of words “finance company ”4.—(1)No person or body of persons,whether incorporated or not,other than a finance company licensed under this Act shall,without the consent of the Authority,use the words “finance company ”or anyFinance Companies 7C AP .1082011Ed.of its derivatives in any language,or any other words indicating that it transacts financing business,in the name,description or title under which that person or body of persons is transacting business in Singapore or make or continue to make any representations to that effect in any bill-head,letter-paper,notice,advertisement or in any other manner.(2)Nothing in this section shall prohibit an association of finance companies formed for the protection of common interests from using the words “finance company ”or any of its derivatives in any language as part of its name or description of its activities.Examination of persons suspected of transacting financing business5.—(1)Whenever the Authority has reason to believe that a person is conducting financing business without a licence,the Authority may call for the books,accounts and records of that person in order to ascertain whether or not that person has violated or is violating any provisions of this Act.(2)Any person wilfully refusing to submit such books,accounts and records shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12months or to both.[33/84](3)Upon the conviction of any person under subsection (2),the court shall have power to order the production of any books,accounts and records to the Authority.[9/2003](4)Any person failing to comply with any order under subsection (3)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12months or to both and,in the case of a continuing offence,to a further fine not exceeding $500for every day during which the offence continues after conviction.[33/84]Finance Companies 2011Ed.C AP .1088Application for licence6.—(1)Any public company proposing to conduct financing business in Singapore shall,before commencing any such business,apply in writing to the Authority for a licence under this Act.(2)In considering any application by a public company for a licence,the Authority may require to be satisfied as to —(a )the financial condition of the company;(b )the character of the management of the company;(c )the adequacy of the capital structure and earning prospects ofthe company;(d )the objects of the company as disclosed in its memorandum ofassociation;(e )the convenience and needs of the community to be served;and(f )whether the public interest will be served by the granting of alicence.(3)The Authority may grant a licence with or without conditions,or refuse to grant a licence.(4)The Authority may at any time vary or revoke any existing conditions of a licence or impose additional conditions.(5)Where a licence is granted subject to conditions,the finance company shall comply with those conditions and any finance company that fails to comply with any of the conditions of its licence shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $20,000and,in the case of a continuing offence,to a further fine of $2,000for every day during which the offence continues after conviction.[33/84](6)Any person who knowingly or recklessly furnishes any document or information which is false or misleading in a material particular in connection with an application for a licence falling within subsection (1)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable onFinance Companies 9C AP .1082011Ed.conviction to a fine not exceeding$50,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding3years or to both.[33/84] (7)Every finance company shall pay such annual licence fee (including fees in respect of each of its branches)as the Authority may determine by notice in writing and in such manner as the Authority may determine.[27/94] (8)Any applicant who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Authority to grant a licence under subsection(3)may,within30days of the decision of the Authority,appeal in writing to the Minister whose decision shall be final and shall be given effect to by the Authority.[27/94] Minimum capital requirements7.—(1)Subject to this Act,a company shall not be granted or hold a licence unless—(a)in the case of a finance company which holds a licence tocarry on financing business on18th January1995,its capitalfunds are,subject to this section,not less than$50million;and(b)in the case of a finance company which is granted a licence tocarry on financing business after18th January1995,its issuedand paid-up capital is not less than$50million and its capitalfunds are not less than that amount.[27/94] (2)Notwithstanding subsection(1)(a),the Authority may,at any time,after8years from18th January1995,by order require the issued and paid-up capital of a finance company to which that subsection applies to be not less than$50million within such time as may be specified in that order.[27/94] (3)Subject to subsection(4),a finance company to which subsection(1)(a)applies which has capital funds of less than$50 million on18th January1995shall be exempt from the requirement of that provision for8years from18th January1995and shall not duringthat period allow its capital funds to be less than its capital funds on that date.[27/94] (4)If20%or more of the issued and paid-up capital of a finance company is acquired by one or more persons who,alone or acting together with any associate or associates,by virtue of such acquisition becomes a substantial shareholder of the finance company on or after 18th January1995,the finance company—(a)shall have not less than$50million in issued and paid-upcapital;and(b)shall cease to be eligible for the exemption undersubsection(3),unless all the new substantial shareholders are finance companies each with capital funds of not less than$50million at the time of the acquisition.[27/94] (5)A finance company shall not reduce its paid-up capital during the currency of its licence without the approval of the Authority.[27/94] (6)The Authority may restrict or suspend the operations of a finance company which fails to comply with subsection(2),(3),(4)or(5).[27/94] (7)In this section,“substantial shareholder”has the same meaning as in section81of the Companies Act(Cap.50).[27/94] Capital ratio7A.—(1)The Authority may require every finance company to maintain capital funds in Singapore in proportion to its total assets or to every category of assets at such ratio or ratios as may from time to time be determined by the Authority by notice in writing.[27/94] (2)A finance company shall maintain a capital adequacy ratio of not less than12%or such other percentage as may be determined by the Authority from time to time,as calculated in accordance with suchform,content and manner as may be determined by the Authority by notice in writing.[27/94] (3)The Authority may suspend or restrict the operations of a finance company which fails to comply with subsection(2)or any requirement of the Authority under subsection(1).[27/94] Restriction on opening of branches of finance company 8.—(1)No finance company shall open any new branch,agency or office,whether in Singapore or elsewhere,without submitting an application in writing to the Authority.(2)In considering the application,the Authority may require to be satisfied by an inspection under section33or otherwise,as to—(a)the financial condition of the company;(b)the general character of the management of the company;(c)the adequacy of the capital structure and earning prospects ofthe company;(d)the convenience and needs of the community to be served;and(e)whether the public interest will be served by the opening or,asthe case may be,change of location of the place of business.(3)Upon being so satisfied as to the matters referred to in subsection(2),the Authority may—(a)grant the application;or(b)without assigning any reason,refuse to grant the application, and the decision of the Authority shall be final.(4)Any finance company which fails to comply with subsection(1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding$2,000for every day during which the default continues.[33/84]Mergers,etc.,of finance company9.—(1)No finance company carrying on business in Singapore shall be merged or consolidated with or acquire a majority interest in any other finance company without the prior approval of the Authority.(2)In considering such an application,the Authority shall have power to call for such information as it may require.(3)The Authority may approve or refuse the application. Control of takeovers of finance companies incorporated in Singapore10.—(1)This section and sections11and12shall apply to and in relation to all natural persons whether resident in Singapore or not and whether citizens of Singapore or not,and to all bodies corporate or unincorporate,whether incorporated or carrying on business in Singapore or not.[33/84] (2)Without prejudice to section9,no person shall enter into an agreement to acquire shares of a finance company that is incorporated in Singapore by virtue of which he would,if the agreement is carried out,obtain effective control of that finance company without first notifying the Authority of his intention to enter into the agreement and obtaining the approval of the Authority to his entering into the agreement.[33/84](3)For the purposes of this section—(a)a person shall be regarded as entering into an agreement byvirtue of which he would obtain effective control of a financecompany if the person alone or acting together with anyassociate or associates of that person would be in a position tocontrol not less than20%of the voting power in the financecompany or would hold interests in not less than20%of theissued shares of the finance company;(b)a reference to an agreement by which a person would obtaineffective control of a finance company that is incorporated inSingapore includes a reference to an agreement by which theperson would acquire any interest in shares in the finance company where,upon the acquisition of those interests and of any other interests in other shares of the finance company that he has offered to acquire,he would have effective control of the finance company;(c)a reference to a person offering to acquire interests in sharesincludes—(i)a reference to a person making or publishing astatement,however expressed,that expressly orimpliedly invites a holder of interests in shares tooffer to dispose of interests in shares;and(ii)a reference to a person taking part in or proposing to take part in negotiations with a view to the acquisitionof shares;(d)a person holds an interest in a share if he has any legal orequitable interest in that share and,without limiting the generality of the foregoing,an interest in shares shall have the meaning assigned to that expression in section7(6)to(10)of the Companies Act(Cap.50);(e)a reference to the voting power in a finance company is areference to the total number of votes that might be cast in the general meeting of the finance company;(f)the following persons are associates of a person:(i)the person’s spouse or a parent or remoter linealancestor,son,daughter or remoter issue,brother orsister of the person;(ii)any partner of the person;(iii)any corporation of which the person is an officer;(iv)where the person is a corporation,any officer of the corporation;(v)any employee or employer of the person;(vi)any officer of any corporation of which the person is an officer;(vii)any employee of a natural person of whom the person is an employee;(viii)any corporation whose directors are accustomed or under an obligation,whether formal or informal,to actin accordance with the directions,instructions orwishes of the person or,where the person is acorporation,of the directors of the person;(ix)any corporation in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of which,or of the directors ofwhich,the person is accustomed or under anobligation,whether formal or informal,to act;(x)any corporation in which the person who is in a position to control not less than20%of the votingpower in the corporation;and(xi)where the person is a corporation,a person who is in a position to control not less than20%of the votingpower in the corporation.[33/84] (4)Any person who contravenes subsection(2)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding3years or to both.[33/84] Arrangements affecting control of finance company incorporated in Singapore11.—(1)No person shall enter into any arrangement in relation to any finance company that is incorporated in Singapore by virtue of which he would,if the arrangement is carried out,obtain control of the finance company without first notifying the Authority of his intention to enter into the arrangement and obtaining the approval of the Authority to his entering into the arrangement.[33/84](2)For the purposes of this section—(a)a person shall be regarded as entering into an arrangement byvirtue of which he would obtain control of a finance companyif he alone or acting together with an associate or associateswould be in a position to determine the policy of the financecompany;(b)the reference to entering into any arrangement is a referenceto any formal or informal scheme,arrangement orunderstanding,whether expressly or by implication and,inparticular,includes a reference—(i)creating a trust whether express or implied;and(ii)entering into a transaction or agreement,and references to an arrangement shall be construedaccordingly;and(c)the reference to associates of a person has the same referenceas under section10.[33/84] (3)Any person who contravenes subsection(1)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding3years or to both.[33/84] Control of substantial shareholding in finance companies incorporated in Singapore12.—(1)No person shall enter into any agreement to acquire shares by virtue of which he would,if the agreement is carried out,acquire a substantial shareholding in a finance company that is incorporated in Singapore without first notifying the Authority of his intention to enter into the agreement and obtaining the approval of the Authority to his entering into the agreement.[33/84](2)For the purposes of this section—(a)a reference to an agreement by which a person would acquirea substantial shareholding in a finance company includes areference to an agreement by virtue of which the personwould acquire any interests in shares in the finance companywhere,upon the acquisition by him of those interests or ofthose interests and of any interest in other shares in thefinance company,being interests that he has offered toacquire,he would acquire a substantial shareholding in thefinance company;(b)a reference to a person offering to acquire interests in sharesand to a person having an interest in shares shall be construedin the same way as under section10;and(c)a substantial shareholding has the same meaning as insection81of the Companies Act(Cap.50).[33/84] (3)Any person who contravenes subsection(1)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding12months or to both.[33/84] Power of Authority to require finance company that is incorporated in Singapore to obtain information as to beneficial interests in shares of finance company13.—(1)The Authority may by notice in writing direct a finance company that is incorporated in Singapore to obtain from any shareholder of the finance company and to transmit to the Authority information—(a)as to whether that shareholder holds any voting shares in thefinance company as beneficial owner or as trustee;and(b)if he holds them as trustee,to indicate,as far as it can,theperson for whom he holds them(either by name or by otherparticulars sufficient to enable those persons to be identified)and the nature of their interest,and the finance company shall comply with that direction within such time as is specified in the notice.[33/84] (2)For the purposes of this section,“voting shares”has the same meaning as in the Companies Act(Cap.50).[33/84](3)A finance company which fails to comply with a direction under this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding$10,000.[33/84] Amendment of constitution of finance company14.—(1)Every finance company that intends to alter its memorandum of association or articles of association shall,before proposing any resolution in this regard,furnish to the Authority for its approval particulars in writing(verified by a statutory declaration made by the secretary of the finance company)of the proposed alteration.(2)The Authority may thereupon—(a)approve the proposed alteration without modification;(b)approve the proposed alteration with modification;or(c)refuse to approve the proposed alteration.(3)If the Authority approves the proposed alteration with modification,the finance company shall adopt the proposed alteration as so modified or not proceed with the proposed alteration.(4)If the Authority refuses to approve the proposed alteration it may request the finance company to withdraw the proposed alteration and the finance company shall comply with the Authority’s request. (5)Any finance company which fails to comply with the requirements of subsection(1)or with any request by the Authority made under subsection(4)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding$1,000for every day during which the default continues after conviction.[33/84] Revocation of licence15.—(1)The Authority—(a)shall,by order,revoke the licence of a finance company if thecompany ceases to carry on the business for which it has beenlicensed in Singapore or goes into liquidation or is wound upor otherwise dissolved;。

Reading material新加坡公司法—公司解散、揭开公司面纱SECTION 9WINDING UP第九节公司解散16.9.1 Despite the best of efforts, an insolvent company may not be able to overcome its difficulties. In such circumstances, the company may be dissolved to enable its assets to be liquidated so that its creditors may be repaid part of what is owing to them. This process by which a company is dissolved is known as winding up or liquidation. A healthy company may also be wound up if its members no longer wish the business to continue. When a company is wound up, its assets or the proceeds thereto will be used to pay off creditors after which the balance, if any, is distributed pro rata amongst shareholders.16.9.1 即使尽了最大努力,破产公司仍有可能无法摆脱困境。

【字体:大中小】TheCompanyLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChina(《公司法》英文版)2006年10月26日来源:国家工商总局外商投资企业注册局The Company Law of the People's Republic of China has been amended and adopted at the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005. The amended Company Law of the People's Republic of China is promulgated hereby and shall go into effect as of January 1, 2006.The President of the People's Republic of China Hu JintaoOctober 27, 2005The Company Law of the People's Republic of China(revised in 2005)(Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 in accordance with the Decision of the Thirteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 in accordance with the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the third time at the 18th Session of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005)ContentsChapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Incorporation and Organization of a Limited Liability CompanySection 1 IncorporationSection 2 OrganizationSection 3 Special Provisions on One-person Limited Liability CompaniesSection 4 Special Provisions on wholly State-owned CompaniesChapter III Transfer of Stock Right of a Limited Liability CompanyChapter IV Incorporation and Organization of a Joint Stock Limited CompanySection 1 IncorporationSection 2 Assembly of shareholdersSection 3 Board of Directors, ManagersSection 4 Board of SupervisorsSection 5 Special Provisions on the Organization of a Listed CompanyChapter V Issuance and Transfer of Shares of a Joint Stock Limited CompanySection 1 Issuance of SharesSection 2 Transfer of SharesChapter VI Qualifications and Obligations of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers of a CompanyChapter VII Company BondsChapter VIII Financial Affairs and Accounting of a CompanyChapter IX Merger and Division of a Company; Increase and Deduction of Registered CapitalChapter X Dissolution and Liquidation of a CompanyChapter XI Branches of a Foreign CompanyChapter XII Legal LiabilitiesChapter XIII Supplementary ProvisionsChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of regulating the organization and operation of companies, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, maintaining the socialist economic order, and promoting the development of the socialist market economy Article 2 The term "company" as mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company established within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of this law.Article 3 A company is an enterprise legal person, which has independent legal person property and enjoys the property right of the legal person. And it shall bear the liabilities for its debts with all its property.As for a limited liability company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the capital contributions they have paid. As for a joint stock limited company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the shares they have subscribed for.Article 4 The shareholders of a company shall be entitled to enjoy the capital proceeds, participate in making important decisions, choose managers, and so on.Article 5 When undertaking business operations, a company shall comply with the laws and administrative regulations, social morality and business morality. It shall act in good faith, accept the supervision of the government and the general public, and bear social responsibilities.The legitimate rights and interests of a company shall be protected by laws and may not be infringed.Article 6 For the incorporation of a company, an application for incorporation shall be filed with the company registration authority. If the application meets the requirements of this Law, the company registration authority shall register the company as a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company. If the application fails to meet the requirements, it shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company.If any law or administrative regulation stipulates that the incorporation of a company shall be subject to approval, the relevant approval formalities shall be gone through prior to the registration of the company.The general public may consult the relevant matters on company registration at company registration authority, who shall provide consulting services.Article 7 For a legally established company, the company registration authority shall issue thecompany business license to it, and the date of issuance of the company business license shall be the date of incorporation of the company. The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, paid-up capital, scope of business, the name of the legal representative and etc. If any of the items as stated in the business license is changed, the company shall apply for modification registration, and the company registration authority shall re new the business license.Article 8 For a limited liability company established according to this Law, it shall indicate in its name with the words "limited liability company" or "limited company". For a joint stock limited company established according to this Law, it shall indicate in its name the words "joint stock limited company" or "joint stock company".Article 9 The change of a limited liability company to a joint stock limited company shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed in this Law for joint stock limited companies. The change of a joint stock limited company to a limited liability company shall meet the conditions as prescribed in this Law for limited liability companies. Under any of the aforesaid circumstances, the creditor's rights and debts of the company prior to the change shall be succeeded by the company after the change.Article 10 A company shall regard the location of its principal office as its domicile.Article 11 The company established according to this law shall formulate its articles of association which are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.Article 12 The company's scope of business shall be defined in its articles of association and shall be registered according to law. The company may change its scope of business by modifying its articles of association, but shall go through the modification registration. If the company’s scope of business coversany item subject to approval according to laws or administrative regulations, the approval shall be obtained beforehand.Article 13 The legal representative of a company shall, according to the provisions of its articles of association, be assumed by the chairman of the board of directors, executive director or manager, and shall be registered according to law. If the legal representative of the company is changed, the company shall go through the modification registration.Article 14 The company may set up branches. To set up a branch, the company shall file a registration application with the company registration authority, and shall obtain the business license. The branch shall not enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person, and its civil liabilities shall be born by the company.The company may set up subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterprise legal person and shall be independently bear civil liabilities.Article 15 A company may invest in other enterprises. However, it shall not become a capital contributor that shall bear the joint liabilities for the debts of the enterprises it invests in, unless it is otherwise provided for by any law.Article 16 Where a company intends to invest in any other enterprise or provide guarantee for others, it shall, according to the provisions of its articles of association, be decided at the meeting of the board of directors or shareholders’s meeting or shareholders' assembly. If the articles of association prescribe any limit on the total amount of investments or guarantees, or on the amount of a single investment or guarantee, the aforesaid total amount or amount shall not exceed the responsive limited amount. If a company intendsto provide guarantee to a shareholder or actual controller of the company, it shall make a resolution through the shareholder's meeting or shareholders' assembly.The shareholder as mentioned in the preceding paragraph or the shareholder dominated by the actual controller as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not participate in voting on the matter as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Such matter requires the affirmative votes of more than half of the other shareholders attending the meeting.Article 17 The company shall protect the lawful rights and interests of its employees, conclude employment contracts with the employees, buy social insurances, strengthen labor protection so as to realize safe production.The company shall, in various forms, reinforce the vocational education and in-service training of its employees so as to improve their professional quality.Article 18 The employees of a company shall, according to the Labor Union Law of the People's Republic of China, organize a labor union, which shall carry out union activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the employees. The company shall provide necessary conditions for its labor union to carry out activities. The labor union shall, on behalf of the employees, conclude the collective contract with the company with respect to the remuneration, working hours, welfare, insurance, operation safety and sanitation and other matters.According to the Constitution and other relevant laws, a company shall implement democratic management in the form of meeting of the representatives of the employees or any other ways.To make a decision on restructuring or any important issue related to business operation, or to formulate any important regulation, a company shall solicit the opinions of its labor union, and shall solicit the opinions and proposals of the employees through the meeting of the representatives of the employees or in any other way.Article 19 An organization of the Chinese Communist Party shall, according to the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party, be established in the company to carry out activities of the Chinese Communist Party. And the company shall provide necessary conditions for the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.Article 20 The shareholders of a company shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations and articles of association, and shall exercise the shareholder's rights according to law. None of them may injure any of the interests of the company or of other shareholders by abusing the shareholder's rights, or injure the interests of any creditor of the company by abusing the independent status of legal person or the shareholder's limited liabilities.Where any of the shareholders of a company causes any loss to the company or to other shareholders by abusing the shareholder's rights, it shall be subject to compensation.Where any of the shareholders of a company evades the payment of its debts by abusing the independent status of legal person or the shareholder's limited liabilities, and thus seriously damages the interests of any creditor, it shall bear joint liabilities for the debts of the company.Article 21 Neither the holding shareholder, nor the actual controller, any of the directors, supervisors or senior managers of the company may injure the interests of the company by taking advantage of itsconnection relationship. Anyone who has caused any loss to the company due to violation of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to compensation.Article 22 The resolution of the shareholders' meeting, shareholders’s assembly or board of directors of the company that has violated any law or administrative regulation shall be null and void.Where the procedures for convoking and the voting form of a shareholders' meeting or shareholders’s assembly or meeting of the board of directors, violate any law, administrative regulation or the articles of association, or the resolution is in violation of the articles of association of the company, the shareholders may, within 60 days as of the day when the resolution is made, request the people's court to revoke it.If the shareholders initiate a lawsuit according to the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall, in light of the request of the company, demand the shareholders to provide corresponding guarantee.Where a company has, in light of the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, shareholders’s assembly or meeting of the board of directors, completed the modification registration, and the people's court declares the resolution null and void or revoke the resolution, the company shall file an application with the company registration authority for cancelling the modification registration.Chapter II Incorporation and Organization of a Limited Liability CompanySection 1 IncorporationArticle 23 The incorporation of a limited liability company shall satisfy the following conditions:(1) The number of shareholders accords with the quorum;(2) The amount of capital contributions paid by the shareholders reaches the statutory minimum amount of the registered capital;(3) The articles of association are worked out jointly by shareholders;(4) The company has a name and its organization complies with that of a limited liability company; and(5) The company has a domicile.Article 24 A limited liability company shall be established by not more than 50 shareholders that have made capital contributions.Article 25 A limited liability company shall state the following items in its articles of association:(1) the name and domicile of the company;(2) the scope of business of the company;(3) the registered capital of the company;(4) names of shareholders;(5) forms, amount and time of capital contributions made by shareholders;(6) the organizations of the company and its formation, their functions and rules of procedure;(7) the legal representative of the company;(8) other matters deemed necessary by shareholders. The shareholders should affix their signatures or seals on the articles of association of the company.Article 26 The registered capital of a limited liability company shall be the total amount of the capital contributions subscribed for by all the shareholders that have registered in the company registration authority. The amount of the initial capital contributions made by all shareholders shall be not less than 20% of the registered capital, nor less than the statutory minimum amount of registered capital, and the margin shall be paid off by the shareholders within 2 years as of the day when the company is established; as for an investment company, it may be paid off within 5 years. The minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company shall be RMB 30, 000 Yuan. If any law or administrative regulation prescribes a relatively higher minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company, the provisions of that law or administrative regulation shall be followed.Article 27 A shareholder may make capital contributions in currency, in kind or intellectual property right, land use right or other non-currency properties that may be assessed on the basis of currency and may be transferred according to law, excluding the properties that shall not be treated as capital contributions according to any law or administrative regulation.The value of the non-currency properties as capital contributions shall be assessed and verified, which shall not be over-valued or under-valued. If any law or administrative regulation prescribes the valueassessment, such law or administrative regulation shall be followed.The amount of the capital contributions in currency paid by all the shareholders shall be not less than 30% of the registered capital of the limited liability company.Article 28 Every shareholder shall make full payment for the capital contribution it has subscribed to according to the articles of association. If a shareholder makes his/its capital contribution in currency, he shall deposit the full amount of such currency capital contribution into a temporary bank account opened for the limited liability company. If the capital contributions are made in non-currency properties, the appropriate transfer procedures for the property rights therein shall be followed according to law. Where a shareholder fails to make his/its capital contribution as specified in the preceding paragraph, it shall not only make full payment to the company but also bear the liabilities for breach of the contract to the shareholders who have make full payment of capital contributions on schedule.Article 29 The capital contributions made by shareholders shall be checked by a legally established capital verification institution, which shall issue a certification.Article 30 After the initial capital contributions made by the shareholders for the first time have been checked by a legally established capital verification institution, the representative designated by all the shareholders or the agent authorized by all the shareholders shall apply for incorporation registration with a company registration application, the articles of association, capital verification report and other documents to the company registration authority.Article 31 After the incorporation of a limited liability company, if the actual value of the capital contributions in non-currency properties is found to be apparently lower than that provided for in the articlesof association of the company, the balance shall be supplemented by the shareholder who has offered them, and the other shareholders of the company who have established the company shall bear joint liabilities.Article 32 After the incorporation of a limited liability company, every shareholder shall be issued with a capital contribution certificate, which shall specify the following:(1) the name of the company;(2) the date of incorporation of the company;(3) the registered capital of the company;(4) the name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital contribution, and the day when the capital contribution is made; and(5) the serial number and date of issuance of the capital contribution certificate. The capital contribution certificate shall bear the seal of the company.Article 33 A limited liability company shall prepare a register of shareholders, which shall specify the following:(1) the name of every shareholder and his/its domicile thereof;(2) the amount of capital contribution made by every shareholder;(3) the serial number of every capital contribution certificate.The shareholders recorded in the register of shareholders may, in light of the register of shareholders,claim to and exercise the shareholder's rights. A company shall register every shareholder's name and the amount of its capital contribution in the company registration authority. Where any of the registration particulars is changed, it shall apply for modification registration. If the company fails to do so, it shall not, on the basis of the unregistered or un-modified registration particulars, stand up to any third party.Article 34 The shareholder shall be entitled to consult and copy the articles of association, records of the shareholders' meetings, resolutions of the meetings of the board of directors, resolutions of the meetings of the board of supervisors, as well as financial reports.The shareholders may request to consult the accounting books of the company. Where a shareholder requests to consult the accounting books of the company, it shall submit to the company a written request which shall state its motives. If the company, pursuant to any justifiable reason, considers that the shareholder's request to consult the accounting books for any improper purpose may damage the legitimate interests of the company, it may reject the request of the shareholder, and shall, within in 15 days after the shareholder submits a written request, give it a written reply which shall include an explanation. If the company rejects the request of any shareholder to consult the accounting books, the shareholder may plead the people's court to demand the company to approve consultation.Article 35 The shareholders shall distribute dividends in light of the percentages of capital contributions actually made by them, unless all shareholders agree that the dividends are not distributed on the percentages of capital contributions. Where the company is to increase its capital, its shareholders have the preemptive right to contribute to the increased amount on the basis of the same percentages of the capital contributions they have already made, unless all shareholders agree that they will not contribute to theincreased amount of capital on the basis of the percentages of the capital contributions they have already made.Article 36 After the incorporation of a company, no shareholder may illegally take away the contribution capital.Section 2 Organization StructureArticle 37 The shareholders' meeting of a limited liability company shall comprise all the shareholders. It shall be the authority of the company, and shall exercise its authorities according to this Law.Article 38 The shareholders' meeting shall exercise the following authorities:(1) determining the company's operation guidelines and investment plans;(2) electing and changing the director and supervisors assumed by non-representatives of the employees, and determining the matters concerning their remuneration;(3) deliberating and approving the reports of the board of directors;(4) deliberating and approving the reports of the board of supervisors or the supervisor;(5) deliberating and approving annual financial budget plans and final account plans of the company;(6) deliberating and approving profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans of the company;(7) making resolutions on the increase or decrease of the company's registered capital;(8) making resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;(9) adopting resolutions on the assignment, division, change of company form, dissolution, liquidation of the company;(10) revising the articles of association of the company;(11) other functions as specified in the articles of association.Where any of the matters as listed in the preceding paragraph is consented by all the shareholders it in writing, it is not required to convene a shareholders' meeting. A decision may be made directly with the signatures or seals of all the shareholders.Article 39 The shareholders' meeting shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder who has made the largest percentage of capital contributions and shall exercise its authorities according to this Law.Article 40 The shareholders' meeting shall be classified into regular meetings and temporary meetings. The regular meetings shall be timely held in pursuance with the articles of association. Where a temporary meeting is proposed by the shareholders representing 1/10 of the voting rights or more, or by directors representing 1/3 of the voting rights or more, or by the board of supervisors, or by the supervisors of the company with no board of supervisors, a temporary meeting shall be held.Article 41 Where a limited liability company has set up a board of directors, the shareholders'meeting shall be convened by the board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. If the chairman is unable or does not perform his duties, the meetings thereof shall be presided over by the deputy chairman of the board of directors. If the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or does not perform his duties, the meetings shall be presided over by a director jointly recommended by half or more of the directors. Where a limited liability company has not set up the board of directors, the shareholders' meeting shall be convened and presided over by the executive director.If the board of directors or the executive director is unable or does not perform the duties of convening the shareholders' meeting, the board of supervisors or the supervisor of the company with no board of supervisors may convene and preside over such meetings. If the board of supervisors or supervisor does not convene or preside over such meetings, the shareholders representing 1 / 10 or more of the voting rights may convene and preside over such meetings on his/its own initiative.Article 42 Every shareholder shall be notified 15 days before a shareholders' meeting is held, unless it is otherwise prescribed by the articles of association or it is otherwise contracted by all the shareholders. A shareholders' meeting shall make records for the decisions on the matters discussed at the meeting. The shareholders who attend the meeting shall affix their signatures to the records.Article 43 The shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the shareholders' meeting on the basis of their respective percentage of the capital contributions, unless it is otherwise prescribed by the articles of association.Article 44 The discussion methods and voting procedures of the shareholders' meeting shall be prescribed in the articles of association, unless it is otherwise provided for by this Law. A resolution made ata shareholders' meeting on amending the articles of association, increasing or reducing the registered capital, merger, division, dissolution or change of the company type shall be adopted by the shareholders representing 2 / 3 or more of the voting rights.Article 45 The board of directors established by a limited liability company shall comprise 3 up to 13 members, unless it is otherwise provided for in Article 51 of this Law. If a limited liability company established by 2 or more state-owned enterprises or other state-owned investors, the board of directors shall comprise the representatives of employees of this company. The board of directors of any other limited liability company may also comprise the representatives of employees of the company concerned. The employees' representatives who are to serve as the board of directors shall be democratically elected by the employees of the company through the assembly of the representatives of employees, the assembly of employees of the company or or by any other means. The board of directors shall have one board chairman and may have one or more deputy chairman. The appointment of the chairman and deputy chairman shall be prescribed in the articles of association.Article 46 The terms of office of the directors shall be provided for in the articles of association, but each term of office shall not exceed 3 years. The directors may, after the expiry of their terms of office, hold a consecutive term upon re-election. If no reelection is timely carried out after the expiry of the term of office of the directors, or if the number of the members of the board of directors is less than the quorum due to the resignation of some directors from the board of directors prior to the expiry of their term of office, the original directors shall, before the newly elected directors assume their posts, exercise the authorities of the directors according to laws, administrative regulations as well as the articles of association.。

CHAPTER 8 THE LAW OF CONTRACTSection 1 IntroductionSection 2 Offer and AcceptanceSection 3 ConsiderationSection 4 Intention to Create Legal RelationsSection 5 Terms of the ContractSection 6 Capacity to ContractSection 7 Privity of ContractSection 8 Discharge of ContractSection 9 MistakeSection 10 MisrepresentationSection 11 Duress, Undue Influence and UnconscionabilitySection 12 Illegality and Public PolicySection 13 Judicial Remedies for Breach of ContractSECTION 1 INTRODUCTION8.1.1 Contract law in Singapore is largely based on the common law of contract in England. Unlike its neighbours Malaysia and Brunei, following Independence in 1965, Singapore’s Parliament made no attempt to codify Singapore’s law ofcontract. Accordingly, much of the law of contract in Singapore remains in the form of judge-made rules. In some circumstances, these judge-made rules have been modified by specific statutes.8.1.2 Many of these statutes are English in origin. To begin with, 13 English commercial statutes have been incorporated as part of the Statutes of the Republic of Singapore by virtue of s 4 of the Application of English Law Act (Cap 7A, 1993 Rev Ed). These are listed in Part II of the First Schedule of this Act. Other statutes, eg the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap 53B, 2002 Rev Ed), are modelled upon English statutes. There are also other areas where statutory development based on non-English models has taken place, eg the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (Cap 52A, 2004 Rev Ed) (which was largely drawn from fair trading legislation enacted in Alberta and Sasketchewan).8.1.3 The rules developed in the Singapore courts do, nevertheless, bear a very close resemblance to those developed under English common law. Indeed, wherethere is no Singapore authority specifically on point, it will usually be assumed that the position will, in the first instance, be no different from that in England.Return to the topSECTION 2 OFFER AND ACCEPTANCEAgreement8.2.1 A contract is essentially an agreement between two or more parties, the terms of which affect their respective rights and obligations which are enforceable at law. Whether the parties have reached agreement, or a meeting of the minds, is objectively ascertained from the facts. The concepts of offer and acceptance provide in many, albeit not all, cases the starting point for analysing whether agreement has been reached.Offer8.2.2 An offer is a promise, or other expression of willingness, by the ‘offeror’ to be bound on certain specified terms upon the unqualified acceptance of these terms by the person to whom the offer is made (the ‘offeree’). Provided the other formation elements (ie consideration and intention to create legal relations) are present, the acceptance of an offer results in a valid contract.8.2.3 Whether any particular statement amounts to an offer depends on the intention with which it is made. An offer must be made with the intention to be bound. On the other hand, if a person is merely soliciting offers or requesting for information, without any intention to be bound, at best, he or she would be making an invitation to treat. Under the objective test, a person may be said to have made an offer if his or her statement (or conduct) induces a reasonable person to believe that the person making the offer intends to be bound by the acceptance of the alleged offer, even if that person in fact had no such intention.Termination of Offer8.2.4 An offer may be terminated by withdrawal at any time prior to its acceptance, provided there is communication, of the withdrawal to the offeree, whether by the offeror or through some reliable source. Rejection of an offer, which includes the making of a counter-offer or a variation of the original terms, terminates the offer. In the absence of an express stipulation as to time, an offer will lapse after a reasonable time. What this amounts to depends on the particular facts of the case. Death of the offeror, if known to the offeree, would render the offer incapable of being accepted by the offeree. Even in the absence of such knowledge, death of either party terminates any offer which has a personal element.Acceptance8.2.5 An offer is accepted by the unconditional and unqualified assent to its terms by the offeree. This assent may be expressed through words or conduct, but cannot be inferred from mere silence save in very exceptional circumstances.8.2.6 As a general rule, acceptance must be communicated to the offeror, although a limited exception exists where the acceptance is sent by post and this method of communication is either expressly or impliedly authorised. This exception, known as the ‘postal acceptance rule’, stipulates that acceptance takes place at the point when the letter of acceptance is posted, whether or not it was in fact received by the offeror.Certainty8.2.7 Before the agreement may be enforced as a contract, its terms must be sufficiently certain. At the least, the essential terms of the agreement should be specified. Beyond this, the courts may resolve apparent vagueness or uncertainty by reference to the acts of the parties, a previous course of dealing between the parties, trade practice or to a standard of reasonableness. On occasion, statutory provision of contractual details may fill the gaps. For more on implication of terms, see Paragraphs 8.5.5 to 8.5.8 below.Completeness8.2.8 An incomplete agreement also cannot amount to an enforceablecontract. Agreements made ‘subject to contract’ may be considered incomplete if the intention of the parties, as determined from the facts, was not to be legally bound until the execution of a formal document or until further agreement is reached.Electronic Transactions Act8.2.9 The Electronic Transactions Act (Cap 88, 1999 Rev Ed) (‘ETA’) clarifies that, except with respect to the requirement of writing or signatures in wills, negotiable instruments, indentures, declarations of trust or powers of attorney, contracts involving immovable property and documents of title (s 4(1)), electronic records may be used in expressing an offer or acceptance of an offer in contract formation (s 11). A declaration of intent between contracting parties may also be made in the form of an electronic record (s 12). The ETA also clarifies when an electronic record may be attributed to a particular person (s 13) and how the time and place of despatch and receipt of an electronic record are to be determined (s 15).Return to the topSECTION 3 CONSIDERATIONDefinition8.3.1 A promise contained in an agreement is not enforceable unless it is supported by consideration or it is made in a written document made underseal. Consideration is something of value (as defined by the law), requested for bythe party making the promise (the ‘promisor’) and provided by the party who receives it (the ‘promisee’), in exchange for the promise that the promisee is seeking to enforce. Thus, it could consist of either some benefit received by the promisor, or some detriment to the promisee. This benefit/detriment may consist of a counter promise or a completed act.Reciprocity8.3.2 The idea of reciprocity that underlies the requirement for consideration means that there has to be some causal relation between the consideration and the promise itself. Thus, consideration cannot consist of something that was already done before the promise was made. However, the courts do not always adopt a strict chronological approach to the analysis.Sufficiency8.3.3 Whether the consideration provided is sufficient is a question of law, and the court is not, as a general rule, concerned with whether the value of the consideration is commensurate with the value of the promise. The performance of, or the promise to perform, an existing public duty imposed on the promisee does not, without more, constitute sufficient consideration in law to support the promisor’s promise. The performance of an existing obligation that is owed contractually to the promisor is capable of being sufficient consideration, if such performance confers a real and practical benefit on the promisor. If the promisee performs or promises to perform an existing contractual obligation that is owed to a third party, the promisee will have furnished sufficient consideration at law to support a promise given in exchange.Promissory Estoppel8.3.4 Where the doctrine of promissory estoppel applies, a promise may be binding notwithstanding that it is not supported by consideration. This doctrine applies where a party to a contract makes an unequivocal promise, whether by words or conduct, that he or she will not insist on his or her strict legal rights under the contract, and the other party acts, and thereby alters his or her position, in reliance on the promise. The party making the promise cannot seek to enforce those rights if it would be inequitable to do so, although such rights may be reasserted upon the promisor giving reasonable notice. The doctrine prevents the enforcement of existing rights, but does not create new causes of action.Return to the topSECTION 4 INTENTION TO CREATE LEGAL RELATIONSContractual Intention8.4.1 In the absence of contractual intention, an agreement, even if supported by consideration, cannot be enforced. Whether the parties to an agreement intended tocreate legally binding relations between them is a question determined by an objective assessment of the relevant facts.Commercial Arrangements8.4.2 In the case of agreements in a commercial context, the courts will generally presume that the parties intended to be legally bound. However, the presumption can be displaced where the parties expressly declare the contrary intention. This is often done through the use of honour clauses, letters of intent, memoranda of understanding and other similar devices, although the ultimate conclusion would depend, not on the label attached to the document, but on an objective assessment of the language used and on all the attendant facts.Social Arrangements8.4.3 The parties in domestic or social arrangements are generally presumed not to intend legal consequences.Return to the topSECTION 5 TERMS OF THE CONTRACTExpress Terms8.5.1 The rights and obligations of contracting parties are determined by first, ascertaining the terms of the contract, and secondly, interpreting those terms. In ascertaining the terms of a contract, it is sometimes necessary, especially where the contract has not been reduced to writing, to decide whether a particular statement is a contractual term or a mere representation. Whether a statement is contractual or not depends on the intention of the parties, objectively ascertained, and is a question of fact. In ascertaining the parties’ intention, the courts take into account a number of factors including the stage of the transaction at which the statement was made, the importance which the representee attached to the statement and the relative knowledge or skill of the parties vis-à-vis the subject matter of the statement.8.5.2 Once the terms of a contract have been determined, the court applies an objective test in construing or interpreting the meaning of these terms. What is significant in this determination therefore is not the sense attributed by either party to the words used, but how a reasonable person would understand those terms. In this regard, Singapore courts have consistently emphasised the importance of the factual matrix within which the contract was made, as this would assist in determining how a reasonable man would have understood the language of the document.8.5.3 Where the parties have reduced their agreement into writing, whether a particular statement (oral or written) forms part of the actual contract depends on the application of the parol evidence rule. In Singapore, this common law rule and its main exceptions are codified in s 93 and s 94 of the Evidence Act (Cap 97, 1997 Rev Ed). Section 93 provides that where ‘the terms of a contract…have been reduced …tothe form of a document…, no evidence shall be given in proof of the terms of such contract …except the document itself’. Thus, no evidence of any oral agreement or statement may be admitted in evidence to contradict, vary, add to, or subtract from the terms of the written contract. However, secondary evidence is admissible if it falls within one of the exceptions to this general rule found in the proviso to s94. Some controversy remains as to whether s 94 is an exhaustive statement of all exceptions to the rule, or whether other common law exceptions not explicitly covered in s 94 continue to be applicable.8.5.4 It should, however, be noted that the scope of s 93 and s 94 has been circumscribed by Parliament in certain circumstances.Implied Terms8.5.5 In addition to those expressly agreed terms, the court may sometimes imply terms into the contract.8.5.6 Generally, any term to be implied must not contradict any express term of the contract.8.5.7 Where a term is implied to fill a gap in the contract so as to give effect to the presumed intention of the parties, the term is implied in fact and depends on a consideration of the language of the contract as well as the surrounding circumstances. A term will be implied only if it is so necessary that both parties must have intended its inclusion in the contract. The fact that it would be reasonable to include the term is not sufficient for the implication, as the courts will not re-write the contract for the parties.8.5.8 Terms may also be implied because this is required statutorily, or on public policy considerations. The terms implied by the Sale of Goods Act (Cap 393, 1994 Rev Ed) (eg s 12(1) – that the seller of goods has a right to sell the goods) provide examples of the former type of implied terms. As for the latter, whilst there has been no specific authority on the point, it is not inconceivable that Singapore courts, like their English counterparts, may imply ‘default’ terms into specific classes of contracts to give effect to policies that define the contractual relationships that arise out of those contracts.Classification of Terms8.5.9 The terms of a contract may be classified into conditions, warranties or intermediate (or innominate) terms. Proper classification is important as it determines whether the contract may be discharged or terminated for breach [as to which see Paragraphs 8.8.11 to 8.8.12 below].8.5.10 The parties may expressly stipulate in the contract how a particular term is to be classed. This is not, however, conclusive unless the parties are found to have intended the technical meaning of the classifying words used. In the absence of express stipulation, the courts will look objectively at the language of the contract to determine how, in light of the surrounding circumstances, the parties intended a particular term to be classed. There are also instances where statutes may stipulatewhether certain kinds of terms are to be treated as conditions or warranties, in the absence of any specific designation by the contracting parties.Exception Clauses8.5.11 Exception clauses that seek to exclude or limit a contracting party’s liability are commonly, but not exclusively, found in standard form agreements. The law in Singapore relating to such clauses is essentially based on English law. The English Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, which either invalidates an exception clause or limits the efficacy of such terms by imposing a requirement of reasonableness, has been re-enacted in Singapore as the Unfair Contract Terms Act (as Cap 396, 1994 Rev Ed).Incorporation8.5.12 Whether an exception clause will have its intended effect depends on a number of factors. The threshold requirement is that the clause must have been incorporated into the contract. There are generally three ways in which such incorporation may occur. Where a party has signed a contract which contains an exception clause, the signatory is bound by the clause, even if he or she had not read or was unaware of the clause. An exception clause may also be incorporated, in the absence of a signed contract, if the party seeking to rely on the clause took reasonably sufficient steps to draw the other party’s attention to the existence of the clause. The determination of this issue is heavily dependent on the facts of the particular case. Finally, exception clauses may be incorporated because there has been a consistent and regular course of dealing between the parties on terms that incorporate the exception clause. Even if no steps were taken to incorporate the clause in a particular contract between such parties, it may have been validly incorporated by the parties’ prior course of dealing.Construction8.5.13 The next consideration is one of construction (or interpretation). This is necessary to determine if the liability, which the relevant party is seeking to exclude or restrict, falls within the proper scope of the clause. Here, the courts adopt the contra proferentum rule of construction, and will construe exception clauses strictly against parties seeking to rely on them. Nevertheless, the Singapore courts appear to construe clauses which seek to limit liability more liberally than those which seek to completely exclude liability.Unfair Contract Terms Act8.5.14 Finally, the limits placed by the Unfair Contracts Terms Act (Cap 396, 1994 Rev Ed) (the ‘UCTA’) on the operation and efficacy of exceptions clauses must be considered. It should be noted that the UCTA generally applies only to terms that affect liability for breach of obligations that arise in the course of a business or from the occupation of business premises. It also gives protection to persons who are dealing as consumers. Under the UCTA, exception clauses are either rendered wholly ineffective, or are ineffective unless shown to satisfy the requirement of reasonableness. Terms that attempt to exclude or restrict a party’s liability for deathor personal injury resulting from that party’s negligence are rendered wholly ineffective by the UCTA, while terms that seek to exclude or restrict liability for negligence resulting in loss or damage other than death or personal injury, and those that attempt to exclude or restrict contractual liability, are subject to therequirement of reasonableness. The reasonableness of the exception clause is evaluated as at the time at which the contract was made. The actual consequencesof the breach are therefore, in theory at least, immaterial.Return to the topSECTION 6 CAPACITY TO CONTRACTMinors8.6.1 Under Singapore common law, a minor is a person under the age of 21. The validity of contracts entered into by minors is governed by the common law, as modified by the Minors’ Contracts Act (Cap 389, 1994 Rev Ed).Contracts with Minors8.6.2 As a general rule, contracts are not enforceable against minors. However, where a minor has been supplied with necessaries (ie goods or services suitable for the maintenance of the station in life of the minor concerned: see also s 3(3), Sale of Goods Act (Cap 393, 1999 Rev Ed)), the minor must pay for them. Contracts of service which are, on the whole, for the minor’s benefit are also valid. The minor is also bound by certain types of contracts (ie contracts concerning land or shares in companies, partnership contracts and marriage settlements), unless the minor repudiates the contract before attaining majority at age 21 or within a reasonable time thereafter.Minors’ Contracts Act8.6.3 Under s 2 of the Minors’ Contracts Act, a guarantee given in respect of a minor’s contract, which may not be enforceable against the minor, is nevertheless enforceable against the guarantor. Section 3(1) of the Minors’ Contracts Act empowers the court to order restitution against the minor if it is just and equitable to do so.Mental Incapacity and Drunkards8.6.4 A contract entered into by a person of unsound mind is valid, unless it can be shown that that person was incapable of understanding what he or she was doing and the other party knew or ought reasonably to have known of the disability. In this case, the contract may be avoided at the option of the mentally unsound person (assisted by a court-sanctioned representative where necessary). The same principle applies in the case of inebriated persons. Under s 3(2) of the Sale of Goods Act, persons incapacitated mentally or by drunkenness are required to pay a reasonable price for necessaries supplied.Corporations8.6.5 Subject to any written law and to any limits contained in its constitution, a company has full capacity to undertake any business, do any act or enter into any transaction (s 23 – Companies Act, Cap 50, 1994 Rev Ed). Where there are restrictions placed on the capacity of a company and the company acts beyond its capacity, s 25 of the Companies Act validates such ultra vires transactions if they would otherwise be valid and binding. Contracts purportedly entered into by a company prior to its incorporation may be ratified and adopted by the company after its formation (s 41 – Companies Act).8.6.6 A limited liability partnership is also a body corporate under Singapore law – see Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2005 (Act No 5 of 2005). It may, in its own name: sue and be sued in its own name; acquire, own, hold and develop property; hold a common seal; and may do and suffer such other acts and things as any body corporate may lawfully do and suffer – see s 5(1). Section 5(2) also extends s 41 of the Companies Act to apply to a limited liability partnership.Return to the topSECTION 7 PRIVITY OF CONTRACTThird party Enforcement of Contractual Rights Generally not Permitted8.7.1 As a general proposition, only persons who are party (ie ‘privy’) to a contract may enforce rights or obligations arising from that contract. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘privity rule.’8.7.2 A third party who is not privy to a contract is generally not allowed to bring any legal action in his or her own name for breach of contract against a contracting party who fails to perform his or her contractual obligations, even if such failure of performance has caused the third party to suffer a loss.When is Someone Party or Privy to a Contract?8.7.3 There is no clear definition as to when a person is/is not privy to a contract. Generally, a party who is an offeror or offeree will be privy to the contract. However, it seems that merely being mentioned in the contract is not enough.8.7.4 It is, nevertheless, possible to have a multilateral contract where there are multiple offerees (one or more of whom accept the offer on behalf of the others) or where there are multiple offerors (one or more of whom make the offer on behalf of the others). In either case, each offeree or offeror is a joint party to the contract and the privity rule will not apply to them.Non-statutory Exceptions to the Privity Rule8.7.5 The privity rule is not absolute. It is subject to many exceptions. Apart from the possibility of a multilateral or multi-party contract (mentioned above), some other exceptions can be found in the law relating to: (a) agency; (b) trusts; or (c) land (in relation to covenants which ‘run’ with the land or lease). For an in depth discussion of these other legal techniques to circumvent the privity rule, please see Chapters 15 and 18.Statutory Exceptions to the Privity Rule8.7.6 There are also statutory exceptions. Most of these are only applicable to specific and narrowly defined cases. Two examples of such statutes include: (a) the Bills of Exchange Act (Cap 23, 1985 Rev Ed) [see Chapter 22 on Banking Law]; and (b) the Bills of Lading Act (Cap 384, 1994 Rev Ed) [see Chapter 25 on Shipping Law]. Of more general application, the Singapore Parliament enacted the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap 53B, 2002 Rev Ed) in 2001.Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)Act8.7.7 Section 1 provides that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act has no retrospective effect – it cannot apply to any contract formed before 1 January2002. Section 1 also provides that the Act does not apply to any contracts which were formed on or after 1 January 2002, but before 1 July 2002, unless the contracting parties expressly provided in their contract for it to do so. Contracts formed on or after 1 July 2002 are always subject to the Act.8.7.8 Where the Act applies, it gives a third party a statutory right to enforce a term of a contract against a party who is in breach of his or her obligations under the contract (the ‘promisor’), even though even though the third party is a volunteerwho has not provided any contractual consideration – see s 2(5).8.7.9 This may occur if either: (a) the contract expressly provides that the third party may enforce a term of the contract in his or her own right – s 2(1)(a); or (b) the contract, ‘purports to confer a benefit on the third party’ – s 2(1)(b). However, s 2(1)(b) is qualified: a third party will not be granted the direct statutory right of suit in the absence of an express provision permitting him or her to do so, ‘if, on a proper construction of the contract, it appears that the parties did not intend the term to be enforceable by the third party.’ – s 2(2).8.7.10 This statutory right of enforcement is not just limited to cases where the promisor is under an obligation to act to confer a positive benefit on the thirdparty. ‘Negative’ benefits, such as the benefit of a term excluding or limiting the third party’s legal liabilities to the promisor, may also be enforced –s 2(5).8.7.11 The third party’s statutory right of enforcement against the promisor is qualified in a number of ways. First, the third party’s statutory right of recovery may be qualified by a defence or set-off which the promisor would have been able to assert vis-à-vis the other party to the contract (the ‘promisee’) – s 4. Second, any sum to be recovered by the third party pursuant to the Act may be reduced to take into account sums recovered by the promisee from the promisor in respect of the promisor’s breach – s Once third party rights are created under the Act, certain restrictions are imposed on the ability of the parties to the contract to vary or rescind their contract if this would extinguish or alter the third party’s rights under the Act – s Though wider in its scope than many of the other legal techniques for circumventing privity, the Act is not of universal application. Section 7 of the Act sets out a number of situations where the Act does not apply. Excluded cases include:(a) contracts on a bill of exchange, promissory note or other negotiable instrument;(b) limited liability partnership agreements as defined under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2005 (Act 5 of 2005); (c) the statutory contract binding a company and its members under s39 of the Companies Act (Cap 50, 1994 Rev Ed); (d) third party enforcement of any term of an employment contract against an employee; and (e) third party enforcement of any term (apart from any exclusion or limitation of liability for the benefit of the third party) in a contract for carriage of goods by sea, or a contract for the carriage of goods or cargo by rail, road or air, if such contract is subject to certain international transport conventions.Return to the topSECTION 8 DISCHARGE OF CONTRACTDischarge by Performance8.8.1 If all the contractual obligations as defined by the terms of the contract are fully performed, the contract is brought to an end or ‘discharged’ by performance. In theory, such performance must be precise. However, trivial defects in performance may be ignored as being negligible or ‘de minimis.’ In addition, where full performance is only possible with the cooperation of the other party (as is almost invariably the case with obligations of payment or delivery), tender of performancein circumstances where the other party refuses to accept it is generally deemed to be equivalent to full performance so as to discharge the contract.Non- or Defective Performance8.8.2 In the event that a contractual obligation is not performed or is performed defectively in a non-trivial fashion, Singapore law provides for a variety of legal responses and remedies, depending on the nature of the failure of performance.Lawful Excuses for Breach of Contract8.8.3 If the failure of performance is not subject to any lawful excuse, thecontract is said to be ‘breached.’ In this context, ‘lawful excuses’ may take the following forms.Discharge by Agreement8.8.4 First, just as parties are free to agree to bind themselves to a contract, they are free to negotiate with each other to release themselves from the obligations of。

Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China No. 42The Companies Law of the People’s Republic of China has been revised and adopted at the 18th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on October 27, 2005, and its revised version is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of January 1, 2006.Hu JintaoPresident of the People’s Republic of ChinaOctober 27, 2005Companies Law of the People’s Republic of China(Adopted at t he 5th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People’s Congress on December 29, 1993; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision on Revision of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China made at the 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress on December 25, 1999; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Revision of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China made at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Commi ttee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on August 28, 2004; and revised at the 18th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on October 27, 2005)ContentsChapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Incorporation and Organizational Structure of a Company with Limited LiabilitySection 1 IncorporationSection 2 Organizational StructureSection 3 Special Provisions on One-person Companies with Limited LiabilitySection 4 Special Provisions on Wholly Stated-owned CompaniesChapter III Equity Transfer of Companies with Limited LiabilityChapter IV Incorporation and Organizational Structure of a Company Limited by SharesSection 1 IncorporationSection 2 Shareholders General AssemblySection 3 Board of Directors, and the ManagerSection 4 Board of SupervisorsSection 5 Special Provisions on Organizational Structure of Listed CompaniesChapter V Issue and Transfer of Shares of Companies Limited by SharesSection 1 Issue of SharesSection 2 Transfer of SharesChapter VI Qualifications and Obligations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers of CompaniesChapter VII Corporate BondsChapter VIII Financial Affairs and Accounting of CompaniesChapter IX Merger and Division of Companies, Increase and Reduction of CapitalChapter X Dissolution and Liquidation of CompaniesChapter XI Branches of Foreign CompaniesChapter XII Legal ResponsibilityChapter XIII Supplementary ProvisionsChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1This Law is enacted in order to standardize the organization and behavior of companies, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, to maintain the socio-economic order and to promote the development of the socialist market economy.Article 2For the purposes of this Law, the term company refers to a company with limited liability or a company limited by shares incorporated within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with this Law.Article 3 A company is an enterprise legal person, which has independent property of a legal person and enjoys the property rights of a legal person. The company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of its entire property.Shareholders of a company with limited liability shall assume liability towards the company to the extent of the capital contributions subscribed respectively by them; and the shareholders of a company limited by shares shall assume liability towards the company to the extent of the shares subscribed respectively by them.Article 4 The shareholders of a company shall, in accordance with law, enjoy such rights as benefiting from the assets of the company, participation in making major decisions and selection of managerial personnel.Article 5 In its operational activities, a company shall abide by laws and administrative regulations, observe social morals and commercial ethics, persist in honesty and good faith, accept supervision by the government and the public, and assume social responsibility.The legitimate rights and interests of companies shall be protected by law, and shall be inviolable.Article 6 Where an entity intends to incorporate a company, it shall, in accordance with law, apply to a company registration authority for registration of such incorporation. Where the conditions for incorporation provided for by this Law are met, the company registration authority shall have the company registered as a company with limited liability or a company limited by shares; and where the said conditions are not met, the company shall not be registered as one with limited liability or as one limited by shares.Where laws or administrative regulations provide that approval is required for incorporation of a company, the procedures of approval shall be completed according to law prior to registration of the company.The public may apply to the company registration authority for inquiry about the items registered by a company, and the authority shall provide services for such inquiry.Article 7 The company registration authority shall issue a business license to a company incorporated according to law. The date on which the business license is issued shall be the date on which a company is incorporated.In the business license of a company shall clearly be stated such items as the name, domicile, registered capital, actually received capital, scope of business and name of the legal representative of the company.Where the items stated in the business license of a company are altered, the company shall have the alterations registered according to law, and the company registration authority shall renew its business license.Article 8 A company with limited liability incorporated according to this Law shall have the words “company with limited liability” or “limited company” indicated in its name.A company limited by shares incorporated according to this Law shall have the words “company limited by shares” or “company by shares” indicated in its name.Article 9Where a company with limited liability is to be changed into a company limited by shares, it shall meet the conditions of a company limited by shares provided for by this Law. Where a company limited by shares is to be changed into a company with limited liability, it shall meet the conditions of a company with limited liability provided for by this Law.Where a company with limited liability is changed into a company limited by shares, or a company limited by shares is changed into a company with limited liability, the rights of credit and the debts of the company prior to the change shall be inherited by the company after the change.Article 10The domicile of a company shall be the place where its main administrative organization is located.Article 11 Articles of association shall be formulated according to law when a company is incorporated. The Articles of association of a company shall have binding force on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.Article 12The business scope of a company shall be defined in the company’s Articles of association, and shall be registered according to law. A company may revise its Articles of association and alter its scope of business, but shall have such revision and alteration registered.The items within the scope of business of a company that are subject to approval as provided for by laws and administrative regulations shall be submitted for approval according to law.Article 13 The chairman of the board of directors, the executive director or the manager shall, in accordance with the provisions of a company’s Articles of association, serve as the legal representative of the company, which shall be registered according to law. Where the legal representative of a company is replaced, the company shall have such replacement registered.Article 14 A company may establish branches. Where a company intends to establish a branch, it shall apply for registration to the company registration authority, in order to obtain a business license for the branch. However, such a branch shall not possess the status of a legal person, and its civil liabilities shall be borne by the company.A company may establish subsidiaries, which shall possess the status of legal persons, and shall independently bear civil liabilities according to law.Article 15 A company may invest in other enterprises; however, it shall not become the investor that assumes joint and several liability for the debts of the enterprises in which it invests, except where otherwise provided for by law.Article 16Where a company intends to invest in another enterprise or provide guarantee for another entity, the matter shall, in accordance with the provisions of the company’s Articles of association, be subject to a resolution adopted by the board of directors or the shareholders assembly or the shareholders general assembly; and where norms for the gross amount of investments or guarantees and for the amount of a single investment or guarantee are specified in the company’s Articles of association, such norms shall not be exceeded.Where a company intends to provide a guarantee for its shareholder or its actual controller, the matter shall be subject to a resolution adopted by its shareholders assembly or shareholders general assembly.The shareholder specified in the preceding paragraph or the shareholder dominated by the actual controller specified in the preceding paragraph shall not participate in the vote on the matter specified in the preceding paragraph. The resolution on such matter shall be adopted if it is voted for by other shareholders present at the meeting who hold more than half of the voting rights.Article 17 Companies shall protect the lawful rights and interests of their staff and workers, sign labor contracts with them according to law, participate in social insurance, and improve occupational protection so as to achieve safety in production.Companies shall, in various forms, improve vocational education and on-the-job training among their staff and workers so as to enhance their quality.Article 18 The staff and workers of a company shall, in accordance with the Trade Union Law of the People’s Republic of China, organize a trade union to carry out trade union activities and protect the lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers. The company shall provide the trade union of the company with the conditions necessary for carrying out its activities. The trade union of a company shall represent the staff and workers to sign with the company collective contracts on such items as the payment for work done, working hours, welfare and insurance benefits as well as occupational safety and health of the staff and workers according to law.Companies shall, through the conference of the representatives of the staff and workers or other forms, carry out democratic management in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and relevant laws.When a company discusses to make decisions on structural reform or on major issues in business operation, or formulate important rules and regulations, it shall listen to the opinions of the trade union, and shall listen to the opinions and proposals of the staff and workers through the conference of the representatives of staff and workers or other forms.Article 19In companies, Communist Party organizations shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, be set up to carry out activities of the Party. Companies shall provide the necessary conditions for the Party organizations to carry out their activities.Article 20 The shareholder of a company shall observe laws, administrative regulations and the company’s Articles of association, exercise the rights of a shareholder according to law, and shall not abuse his rights to damage the interests of the company or other shareholders; and he shall not abuse the independent status of the company as a legal person or the limited liability of shareholders to damage the interests of the creditors of the company.Where the shareholder of a company abuses the rights of shareholders and thus causes losses to the company or other shareholders, he shall be liable for compensation according to law.Where the shareholder of a company abuses the independent status of the company as a legal person or the limited liability of shareholders, evades debts and thus seriously damages the interests of the creditors of the company, he shall assume joint and several liability for the debts of the company.Article 21 Proprietary shareholders, the actual controllers, directors, supervisors and senior managers of a company shall not take advantage of their affiliated relations to damage the interests of the company.A person who, in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, causes losses to a company shall be liable for compensation.Article 22 The resolution adopted by the shareholders assembly or the shareholders general assembly or the board of directors of a company, which in content violates laws or administrative regulations, shall be invalid.Where the procedures for convening the meeting of the shareholders assembly or the shareholders general assembly, or the board of directors, or the voting formulas are against laws, administrative regulations or the Articles of association of a company, or the content of the resolution adopted is against the company’s Articles of association, the shareholders may, within 60 days from the date the resolution is adopted, request the people’s court to rescind the resolution.Where shareholders take legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the people’s court may, upon request of the compan y, demand the shareholders to provide appropriate guarantee.Where a company has registered for alteration in accordance with the resolution adopted by the shareholders assembly, the shareholders general assembly or the board of directors, and the people’s court declares the resolution invalid or rescinds it, the company shall apply for cancellation of the registration for such alteration.Chapter II Incorporation and Organizational Structure of a Company with Limited LiabilitySection 1 IncorporationArticle 23The following conditions shall be met for the incorporation of a company with limited liability:(1) The number of shareholders conforms to the statutory number;(2) The capital contributions of the shareholders reach the statutory minimum amount of capital;(3) The shareholders have jointly formulated the Articles of association;(4) The company has its name and has established an organizational structure in conformity with the requirements for a company with limited liability; and(5) The company has its own domicile.Article 24 A company with limited liability shall be jointly invested in and incorporated by not more than 50 shareholders.Article 25 The Articles of association of a company with limited liability shall specify the following items:(1) the name and domicile of the company;(2) the scope of business of the company;(3) the registered capital of the company;(4) the names or titles of the shareholders;(5) the forms of capital contributions, the amounts and dates of capital contributions made by shareholders;(6) the bodies of the company, and the measures for their establishment, their functions and powers, as well as the rules of procedure;(7) the legal representative of the company; and(8) other items which the shareholders assembly deems necessary to be specified.The shareholders shall sign their names on and affix their seals to the company’s Articles of association.Article 26 The registered capital of a company with limited liability shall be the amount of capital contributions subscribed for by all of its shareholders, as is registered with the company registration authority. The amount of the initial capital contributions made by all of the shareholders of the company shall be not less than 20 percent of the company’s registered capital, or not less than the statutory minimum amount of the registered capital either, and the remainder shall be paid for in full by the shareholders within two years from the date the company is established; and in the case of an investment company, it may pay for the remainder in full within five years.The minimum amount of the registered capital of a company with limited liability shall be RMB 30,000 yuan. Where a greater amount is provided for by laws or administrative regulations, such provision shall prevail.Article 27A shareholder may make his capital contributions in currency or do so by contributing such non-curreny property as material objects, intellectual property rights and land-use rights that can be evaluated in currency and can be transferred according to law, except for the property that is not allowed to be used as capital contributions, as is provided for by laws or administrative regulations.Non-curreny property used for capital contributions shall be evaluated and verified, and shall not be overvalued or undervalued. Where laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise, those provisions shall prevail.The amount of capital contributions made by all of the shareholders in currency shall not be less than 30 percent of the registered capital of a company with limited liability.Article 28 A shareholder shall pay, on schedule and in full, the amount of the capital contributions subscribed for in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of association of a company. Where a shareholder makes capital contributions in currency, he shall deposit the full amount of such capital contributions in currency in the bank account opened by the company with limited liability; and where a shareholder makes capital contributions with non-corrency property, he shall, according to law, go through the formalities for the transfer of his property rights.Where a shareholder fails to make capital contributions in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in addition to paying to the company of his portion of the capital contributions in full, he shall be liable for breach of contract towards the shareholders who have, on schedule and in full, made their capital contributions.Article 29After the shareholders have made their capital contributions, such capital contributions shall be subject to capital verification by a capital verification authority set up according to law, which shall issue capital verification certificates.Article 30 After the initial capital contributions made by shareholders have been verified by a capital verification authority set up according to law, a representative designated by all the shareholders or a proxy jointly entrusted by them shall submit to the company registration authority such documents as a w ritten application for registration of the company, the company’s Articles of association and the capital verification certificates, in order to apply for registration of the incorporation of the company.Article 31 Where after the incorporation of a company with limited liability, it is discovered that the actual amount of the value of the non-currency property used as capital contributions for the incorporation of the company is obviously less than the amount of the value prescribedin the company’sArticles of association, the shareholders that made such contributions shall make up the difference; and the others who are shareholders at the time of the incorporation of the company shall bear joint and several liability therefor.Article 32 After a company with limited liability is incorporated, it shall issue investment certificates to its shareholders.In an investment certificate the following items shall be specified:(1) the name of the company;(2) the date on which the company is incorporated;(3) the registered capital of the company;(4) the name or title of the shareholder, the amount and date of capital contributions; and(5) the serial number of the investment certificate and the date of its verification and issue.An investment certificate shall bear the seal of the company.Article 33 A company with limited liability shall prepare a roster of its shareholders in which the following items shall be recorded:(1) the names or titles and domiciles of the shareholders;(2) the amounts of the capital contributions made by the shareholders; and(3) the serial numbers of their investment certificates.The shareholders recorded in the roster of the shareholders may claim to exercise their rights in such capacity on the basis of the said roster.The company shall register with a company registration authority the names or titles of its shareholders and the amount of their capital contributions; and where items of registration are altered, it shall have the registration altered accordingly. Without registration or without registration for alteration, the company shall not act against the third party.Article 34 A shareholder shall have the right to consult and duplicate the company’s Articles of association, the minutes of the meeting of the shareholders assembly, the resolutions of the board of directors, the resolutions of the board of supervisors, and the financial and accounting reports of the company.A shareholder may request to consult the accounting books of the company. To do that, the shareholder shall submit a written request to the company and explain his purposes. Where the company deems, on reasonable grounds, that it is for illegitimate purposes that the shareholder requests to consult its accounting books, which may damage the lawful interests of the company, the company may refuse to provide its accounting books for the shareholder to consult, and shall, within 15 days from the date the shareholder submits the written request, give a written reply to the shareholder and state its reasons. Where the company refuses to provide its accounting books, the shareholder may request the people’s court to demand the company to provide such books.Article 35 Shareholders shall draw dividends in proportion to the capital contributions they made; and when a company increases its capital, its shareholders shall have the right of first refusal to make their subscriptions in proportion to the capital contributions they made, except where all the shareholders have agreed to draw the dividends not in proportion to their capital contributions or to do without the right of first refusal in proportion to their capital contributions when making subscriptions.Article 36 Once a company is incorporated, its shareholders shall not secretly withdraw their capital contributions.Section 2 Organizational StructureArticle 37 The shareholders assembly of a company with limited liability shall be composed of all of its shareholders. The shareholders assembly is the organ of power of the company and shall exercise its functions and powers in accordance with this Law.Article 38 The shareholders assembly shall exercise the following functions and powers:(1) to decide on the operational policy and investment plan of the company;(2) to elect or replace directors and supervisors who are not representatives of the staff and workers, and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of the directors and supervisors;(3) to examine and approve reports of the board of directors;(4) to examine and approve reports of the board of supervisors or the supervisors;(5) to examine and approve the annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan of the company;(6) to examine and approve the company’s plans for profit distribution and for making up losses;(7) to adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of the company;(8) to adopt resolutions on the issue of corporate bonds;(9) to adopt resolutions on the merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or transformation of the company;(10) to amend the Articles of association of the company; and(11) other functions and powers provided for in the company’s Articles of association.Where the shareholders express, in writing, their unanimous agreement on the matters specified in the preceding paragraph, they may directly make a decision without convening a meeting of the shareholders assembly, and all the shareholders shall sign their names on and affix their seals to the documents of the decision.Article 39 The first meeting of the shareholders assembly of a company shall be convened and presided over by the shareholder who has made the greatest capital contributions to the company, and he shall exercise the functions and powers in accordance with the provisions of this Law.Article 40 The meetings of the shareholders assembly shall be divided into regular meetings and interim meetings.Regular meetings shall be convened on schedule as specified by the provisions of the company’s Articles of association. An interim meeting shall be convened when it is proposed by shareholders representing one-tenth or more of the voting rights, by one-third or more of the directors, by the board of supervisors, or by the supervisors of a company without a board of supervisors.Article 41 Where a board of directors is set up in a company with limited liability, the meeting of the shareholders assembly shall be convened by the board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors; where the chairman of the board cannot perform such function or fails to do so, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice-chairman of the board; and where the vice-chairman cannot perform the function or fails to do so, the meeting shall be presided over by a director jointly elected by half and more of the directors.Where no board of directors is set up in a company with limited liability, the meeting of the shareholders assembly shall be convened and presided over by the executive director.Where a board of directors or the executive director cannot perform or fails to perform the duty of convening a meeting the shareholders assembly, such a meeting shall be convened and presided over by a board of supervisors or the supervisor of a company where no board of supervisors is set up; and where the board of supervisors or the supervisor fails to convene and preside over the meeting, the shareholder representing one-tenth or more of the voting rights may convene and preside over such a meeting on his own.Article 42 All the shareholders shall be notified 15 days prior to the convening of a meeting of the shareholders assembly, except where otherwise provided for by the company’s Articles of association or agreed upon by all of the shareholders.The shareholders assembly shall keep minutes of the decisions that are made on the matters discussed at the meeting, and the shareholders present at the meeting shall sign the minutes.Article 43 Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at a meeting of the shareholders assembly in proportion to their respective capital contributions, except where otherwise provided for by the company’s Articles of association.Article 44 The modes of meeting and voting procedures of the shareholders assembly shall, in addition to what is provided for in this Law, be stipulated by the company’s Articles of association.Resolutions made at a meeting of the shareholders assembly on amendment to the company’s Articles of association, the increase or reduction of the registered capital, or on the merger, division, dissolution or transformation of the company shall be subject to adoption by the shareholders representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights.Article 45 A company with limited liability shall set up a board of directors, which shall be composed of 3 to 13 members, except where otherwise provided for by Article 51 of this Law.The members of the board of directors of a company with limited liability that is incorporated with the investment of two or more State-owned enterprises or two or more State-owned investment entities shall include representatives of the staff and workers of the company; and the members of the board of directors of other companies with limited liability may include representatives of the staff and workers of the companies. The representatives of the staff and workers on the board of directors shall be democratically elected by the staff and workers of the company through the conference of the representatives of the staff and workers, the general meeting of the staff and workers, or through other forms.A board of directors shall have a chairman and may have a vice-chairman. The measures for the election of the chairman and vice-chairman of the board shall be stipulated by the company’s Articles of association.Article 46 The term of office of a director shall be stipulated by the company’s Articles of association, but each term of office shall not exceed three years. A director may, if reelected upon expiration of his term of office, serve consecutive terms.Where no election is conducted in time before the expiration of the term of office of a director, or the number of the directors is less than the statutory number due to the resignation of a director within his term of office, the existing director shall, before the director-elect takes office, continue to perform his duty as a director in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the company’s。

由代表行事的公司 ............................................................................................................... 27
董事 .................................................................................................................................... 27
董事的委任、退任和撤換..................................................................................................... 29
替任董事 ............................................................................................................................. 30
股票 .................................................................................................................................... 12
催繳股款 ............................................................................................................................. 13

董事的委任、退任和撤換..................................................................................................... 29
替任董事 ............................................................................................................................. 30
首席執行官 .......................................................................................................................... 28
罷免董事職務 ...................................................................................................................... 29
由代表行事的公司 ............................................................................................................... 27
董事 .................................................................................................................................... 27

公司法英文版Company LawChapter 1: General Provisions- Article 1: Purpose- Article 2: Definitions- Article 3: Formation of Companies- Article 4: Legal Personality- Article 5: Limited Liability- Article 6: Company Name- Article 7: Registered Office- Article 8: Scope of ApplicationChapter 2: Incorporation- Article 9: Types of Companies- Article 10: Incorporation Procedures- Article 11: Memorandum and Articles of Association - Article 12: Share Capital- Article 13: Registered Agent- Article 14: Corporate Bylaws- Article 15: Corporate Seal- Article 16: Directors and Officers- Article 17: Shareholders' Meetings- Article 18: Shareholders' Rights and Obligations- Article 19: Share TransfersChapter 3: Management and Control- Article 20: Board of Directors- Article 21: Directors' Duties and Liability- Article 22: Directors' Meetings- Article 23: Appointment and Removal of Directors - Article 24: Executive Officers- Article 25: Company Secretary- Article 26: Auditors- Article 27: Shareholders' Meetings- Article 28: Voting Rights- Article 29: Proxy Voting- Article 30: Annual General Meeting- Article 31: Financial ReportingChapter 4: Capital and Shares- Article 32: Share Capital Increase- Article 33: Share Capital Reduction- Article 34: Share Transfers- Article 35: Shareholders' Rights- Article 36: Shareholders' Meetings- Article 37: Dividends- Article 38: Other Distributions- Article 39: Treasury Shares- Article 40: Share Certificates- Article 41: Shareholders' Agreements- Article 42: Capital ReserveChapter 5: Corporate Governance- Article 43: Board of Directors- Article 44: Independent Directors- Article 45: Committees- Article 46: Board Meetings- Article 47: Remuneration of Directors and Officers - Article 48: Related Party Transactions- Article 49: Corporate Auditors- Article 50: Audit Committees- Article 51: Internal Control Systems- Article 52: Disclosure Requirements Chapter 6: Mergers and Acquisitions- Article 53: Merger by Acquisition- Article 54: Merger by Consolidation- Article 55: Share Exchange- Article 56: Transfer of Undertaking- Article 57: Squeeze-out and Sell-out Rights - Article 58: Disclosure of Information- Article 59: Voluntary Dissolution Chapter 7: Liquidation and Bankruptcy- Article 60: Liquidation- Article 61: Distribution of Assets- Article 62: Bankruptcy Proceedings- Article 63: Liquidation Committee- Article 64: Liquidator and Supervisor- Article 65: Debt Priority- Article 66: RestructuringChapter 8: Miscellaneous Provisions- Article 67: Applicable Law- Article 68: Dispute Resolution- Article 69: Penalties and Liability- Article 70: Transition Provisions- Article 71: Amendments to the Law- Article 72: Effective Date。

2015-2016 Master of Laws Seminar 1
Dr. Lin Lin Assistant Professor NUS Law
Basic Concepts
Organizational forms
• Sole proprietorship • Company • Partnership • Limited partnership • Limited liability partnership • Business Trust
• Who will choose unlimited company? • E.g. architectural company
• Limited co must have the word ‘Limited’, ‘Ltd’, ‘Berhad’ or
‘Bhd’ at end of its name (s 27) • This course is only concerned with limited liability co. • Company limited by shares vs company limited by guarantee
Legal status
Tax treat ment Tax transp arent
• •
A separate legal entity Partners have limited liability Can sue or be sued in LLP’s name Can own property in LLP’s name

公司法英文版(1)-; Company Law of the People’s Republic of China; (The Company Law of the People s Republic of China has been amended and adopted by the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on October 27, 2005. This Law, as amended, is hereby promulgated and will come into force on January 1, 2006.); Chapter One: General Provisions. 1; Chapter Two: Incorporation and Organizational Structure of a Limited Liability Company. 6; Section One Incorporation. 6; Section Two Organizational Structure. 9; Section Three Special Provisions on One-Person Limited Liability Companies. 14; Section Four Special Provisions on Wholly State-owned Companies. 15; Chapter Three: Share Transfer of a Limited Liability Company.16; Chapter Four: Establishment and Organizational Structure of a Joint Stock Limited Company. 18; Section One Establishment18; Section Two General Meeting of Shareholders. 23; Section Three Board of Directors and General Manager25; Section Four Board of Supervisors. 27; Chapter Five Issue and Transfer of Shares of Joint StockLimited Companies. 28; Section One Issue of Shares. 28; Section Two Assignment Of Shares. 31; Chapter Six: Qualifications and Obligations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Officers. 32; Chapter Seven: Company Bonds. 35; Chapter Eight : Financial and Accounting Affairs of Company.36; Chapter Nine:Merger and Division of Company, Increase and Decrease of Registered Capital38; Chapter Ten: Dissolution and Liquidation of Company. 40; Chapter Eleven : Branch of Foreign Company. 42; Chapter Twelve: Legal Liabilities. 43; Chapter Thirteen : Supplementary Provisions. 47; Chapter One: General Provisions; Article 1; This Law is enacted in order to standardize the organization and activities of companies, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, to maintain the socio-economic order and to promote the development of the socialist market economy.; Article 2; Th e term ‘company’ referred to in this Law means a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company incorporated within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with this Law.; Article 3; A company is an enterprise legal person that shall enjoy the right to the entire independent property of the legal person. A company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of all its assets. In the case of a limited liability company, shareholders shall assume liability towards the company to the extent of their respective capital contributions. In the case of a joint stock limited company, shareholders shall assume liability towards the company to the extent of their respective shareholdings.; Article 4; The shareholders of a company shall enjoy such rights as benefiting from assets of the company, making major decisions and selecting managerial personnel in accordance with the law.; Article 5; In conducting its business, a company must abide by laws and administrative rules and regulations, observe social morals and business ethics, conduct businesses in good faith, subject itself to the supervision of the government and the public and fulfill social responsibilities.; The company’s lawful rights and interests are protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.公司法英文版(2)-; Article 90; After the proceeds from issue of the shares are paid in full, the share capital shall be verified by a legally-prescribed capital verification institution and a certificate shall be issued thereby. Within thirty (30) days, the sponsors shall convene and preside over the establishment meeting, which is composed of the subscribers.; If the issued shares are not fully placed upon expiration of the time limit prescribed in the prospectus, or the sponsors fail to hold the establishment meeting within thirty (30) days of full payment of the proceeds from issue of the shares, the subscribers may demand that the sponsors return the share proceeds.; Article 91; The sponsors shall notify each subscriber of the date of the establishment meeting or make a public announcement for such meeting fifteen (15) days in advance. The establishment meeting may not be held unless attended by subscribers representing at least half of the shares.; The establishment meeting shall exercise the following authorities:; (1) considering the report on pre-establishment activities prepared by the sponsors;; (2) adopting the articles of association;; (3) electing members of the board of directors;; (4) electing members of the board of supervisors;; (5) verifying expenses incurred for the establishment of the company;; (6) verifying the value of the assets contributed by the sponsors in lieu of share proceeds;; (7) where an event of force majeure or any material change in operating condition affecting the company’s establishment has occurred, a resolution not to establish the company may be adopted.; A resolution adopted at the establishment meeting on any of the matters mentioned in the preceding paragraph requires affirmative votes by subscribers present at the meeting representing more than half of the voting rights.; Article 92; Upon payment of the share proceeds or delivery of the items as contribution of share capital in lieu of share proceeds, the sponsors and subscribers may not withdraw their share capital, except where the shares issued are not fully placed in time, the sponsors fail to hold the establishment meeting in time, or the establishment meeting adopts a resolution not to establish the company.; Article 93; Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the establishment meeting, the board of directors shall apply for establishment registration by submitting to the company registration authority the following:; (1) the company registration application;; (2) the minutes of the establishment meeting;; (3) the articles of association;; (4) the capital verification certificate;; (5) the engagement letters and identity certificates of the legal representative, directors and supervisors;; (6) the legal person s qualification certificate of sponsors or identity certificate of natural persons;; (7) the company s certificate of domicile.; The verification documents issued by the securities regulatory department under the State Council shall be submitted to the company registration authority in the event of public share offer by a joint stock limited company established by public share offer.; Article 94; Sponsors failing to contribute in full after the establishment of a joint stock limited company shall make up the rest of the contribution. Other sponsors shall bear joint and several liability for such contribution.; Where the actual value of the non-currency property contribution, after the establishment of a joint stock limited company, is found to be obviously lower than the amount prescribed in the articles of association of the company, the sponsor making such contribution shall make up the balance and other sponsors shall bear joint and several liability therefor.。

第1篇1. 新加坡宪法(Constitution of Singapore)新加坡宪法是新加坡的最高法律文件,规定了国家的政治制度、政府机构、公民权利和义务等。
2. 新加坡刑事法典(Criminal Code of Singapore)新加坡刑事法典是新加坡刑法的基本法律,规定了各种犯罪行为及其相应的刑罚。
3. 新加坡民法(Civil Law in Singapore)新加坡民法主要涉及合同、侵权、财产、家庭关系等方面的法律问题。
4. 新加坡合同法(Contract Law in Singapore)新加坡合同法规定了合同的成立、效力、解释和解除等方面的法律问题。
5. 新加坡证据法(Evidence Act, Singapore)新加坡证据法规定了在诉讼过程中,哪些证据可以被接受,哪些证据不能被接受。
6. 新加坡公司法(Companies Act, Singapore)新加坡公司法规定了公司的设立、运营、解散等方面的法律问题。
7. 新加坡土地法(Land Act, Singapore)新加坡土地法规定了土地的购买、租赁、转让、抵押等方面的法律问题。

新加坡公司法第十六章公司法第一节导言第二节公司成立及其后果第三节公司治理第四节公司权利的行使第五节股东的救济第六节公司股份第七节公司债据与资产抵押第八节公司困境第九节公司解散第一节导言16.1.1 在新加坡,与公司有关的主要法律是《公司法(Cap50, 1994 Rev Ed)》(以下称“公司法”)。
如保险公司和银行,还要分别受《保险法(Cap142,1994 Rev Ed)和《银行法(Cap20, 1994 Rev Ed)》的规制。
有限责任合伙组织其实也是公司,受《有限责任合伙组织法(Cap289,1994 Rev Ed)》规制。
在诸如《证券与期货法(Cap289, 1994 Rev Ed)》等其他成文法中,也有一些与公司有关的条款。
16.1.2 应该注意的是,普通法也会对与公司有关的成文法规范进行补充。
第二节公司成立及其后果设立公司的义务16.2.1 根据公司法第17(3)条的规定,拥有20名以上成员的经营组织都必须设立为公司。
法律职业的从业者,受《法律职业法(Cap161,1994 RevEd)》的规制,他们可以设立成员超过20人的合伙组织。
公司的登记16.2.2 一般来说,只要提交相应的文件,缴纳规定的费用,任何人都可以在新加坡通过登记设立公司。
16.2.3 公司章程一经登记,登记官便签发设立通知,宣布公司成立并在通知中载明成立的日期。
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CHAPTER 16 SINGAPORE COMPANY LAWSection 1 IntroductionSection 2 Incorporation and its ConsequencesSection 3 Corporate GovernanceSection 4 Enforcement of Corporate RightsSection 5 Shareholder RemediesSection 6 SharesSection 7 Debentures and ChargesSection 8 Companies in DistressSection 9 Winding upSECTION 1 INTRODUCTION16.1.1 InSingapore, companies are principally governed by the Companies Act (Cap 50, 1994 Rev Ed) (hereinafter “the Act”). It should be noted though that specific types of companies may, in addition to the Companies Act, be regulated by other statutes. For example, insurance companies and banks are also regulated by the Insurance Act (Cap 142, 1994 Rev Ed) and the Banking Act (Cap 20, 1994 Rev Ed) respectively. Limited liability partnerships, which despite their name are companies, are governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act (Act 5 of 2005). Certain provisions in other statutes such as the Securities and Futures Act (Cap 289, 1994 Rev Ed) are also relevant to companies.16.1.2 It should also be noted that the statutory provisions governing companies are supplemented by the common law.SECTION 2 INCORPORATION AND ITS CONSEQUENCESObligation to Incorporate16.2.1 Under section 17(3) of the Act, a business organization that has more than 20 members must be incorporated as a company. However, this requirement does not apply to a partnership of persons carrying on a profession that is formed in pursuance of some other written law inSingapore(section 17(3) of the Act). Thus members of the legal profession who are governed by the Legal Profession Act (Cap 161, 1994 Rev Ed) may establish partnerships of more than 20 partners.Registration of a Company16.2.2 As a general rule, any person may, upon lodgment of the requisite documents and payment of the prescribed fee, register a company in Singapore. The mandatory documents to be lodged under section 19(1) of the Act are the memorandum and articles of association. The memorandum and articles of association are the constitutional documents of the company. Under section 22(1) of the Act, the memorandum of association must prescribe the name of the company, the amount of its share capital (if any) and whether the liability of the members of the company is limited or unlimited. The articles of association are the regulations of the company and contain provisions relating to how the company is to be governed. Where the memorandum and the articles are in conflict, the former will prevail.16.2.3 Once the memorandum of the company is registered, the Registrar will issue a notice of incorporation stating that the company is, from the date specified in the notice, incorporated and thetype of company it is, i.e. whether it is a limited or unlimited company and where applicable that it is a private company –see section 19(4) of the Act.Effects of Incorporation16.2.4 Section 19(5) of the Act sets out the general effect of incorporation which is that the company is a body corporate with all such powers as flow from such an entity. The company may sue and be sued in its own name, it has perpetual succession in that it can survive indefinitely until it is wound up, it may hold land, and the liability of its members is limited in the event the company is wound up. 16.2.5 Cases have established that as a body corporate a company has a distinct personality that is recognized by law. In other words, a company has an existence and identity separate from that of its members –see Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22; Lee v Lee’s Air Farming Ltd [1961] AC 12. The most important consequence of this is that the debts and obligations incurred by the company are its own and its members do not share the company’s liabilities. Creditors of the company may only look to the company for payment of debts owed to them by the company. If the company is insolvent and cannot pay its debts, the creditors will have to bear the loss however solvent the company’s individual members may be. All that the members of a company are obliged to do is to contribute the amount that remains unpaid on the shares that the members have subscribed. This obligation is owed to the company, not the creditors of the company. As such, if the shares were issued on a fully paid basis, or have already been fully paid, the members have no further liability to the company. Thus, when speaking of limited liability it is important to note that what is meant is not that the company’s liability is limited but that the members’liability to contribute to the company is limited to the share capital for which the members have agreed to subscribe.‘Lifting the Veil’of Incorporation16.2.6 While an incorporated company has a personality separate from that of its members, there are circumstances when the courts will ignore such separate personality and treat the company and its members (or officers) as one for limited purposes. Thus, for example, there may be circumstances when the courts will hold the members of a company liable for debts incurred by the company. When the courts do so, it is said that the veil of incorporation is lifted or pierced. Generally, the cases of veil lifting fall into two categories: by statute and at common law.Statutory Exceptions to the Separate Personality Doctrine16.2.7 It is open to Parliament to limit the effects of incorporation by a suitably worded statutory provision. One of the more important statutory limitations on the separate personality doctrine arises under sections 339(3) and 340(2) of the Act. The combined effect of those provisions is that, where debts are contracted without any reasonable or probable expectation that the company would be able to pay the debts, any officer of the company who was a party to the contracting of such debts is guilty of an offence and may, after conviction, be made personally liable by the court for the payment of the whole or any part of such debts.16.2.8 Another important exception is found in section 340(1) of the Act. Where it appears in the course of the winding up of a company that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or creditors of any other person or for any fraudulent purpose, the court may declare that any person who was knowingly a party to the carrying on of the business in such a manner shall be personally liable for all or any of the debts or liabilities of the company as the court may direct.16.2.9 A third important exception arises where dividends are paid even though there are no available profits out of which to pay such dividends –see section 403(2)(b) of the Act. Since dividends may only be paid where there are profits so as not to unduly prejudice creditors of the company, a director or manager of a company who wilfully pays or permits the payment of a dividend in the absence of profits will be liable to the creditors of the company for the amount of the debts due to them to the extent by which the dividends exceed the available profits.Common Law Exceptions to the Separate Personality Doctrine16.2.10 Persons incorporate companies for various reasons but, undoubtedly, one of the reasons is to insulate themselves from personal liability should the business fail. Accordingly, the mere fact that members or officers of a company utilize the corporate vehicle to shield themselves from personal liability is no -reason to disregard the company’s separate personality –see Adams v Cape Industries plc [1990] 1 Ch 433. However, the position is different where the members or officers of a company abuse the corporate form for improper means.16.2.11 Thus, if an individual already has existing legal obligations, but attempts to use the corporate vehicle to evade such obligations, the courts will ignore the company’s separate personality. For example, it has been held that a person who has agreed to sell a house cannot avoid his contractual obligations by transferring the house to a company. Both he and the company were ordered to specifically perform the contract even though the company was not a party to the contract –see Jones v Lipman [1962] 1 WLR 832.16.2.12 Similarly, if a company is used to perpetrate a fraudulent act, the courts will treat the company and those behind it as one and the same. Thus, if a company has been incorporated todefraud innocent investors, the court may hold the promoter of the company liable even though the promoter and company are separate persons –see Re Darby [1911] 1 KB 95.SECTION 3 CORPORATE GOVERNANCESeparation of Ownership and Management16.3.1 Section 157A of the Act states that the business of the company shall be managed by or under the direction of the directors. The directors may exercise all the powers of a company except any power that the Act or the memorandum and articles of the company require the company to exercise in general meeting. This reflects one of the features of company law, namely, that it can facilitate a separation of ownership and management. The members or shareholders who own the company need not necessarily be involved in its management as directors. While in some companies, particularly small ones, the members of the company may also be involved in its management - either as directors or in some other executive capacity - in many other companies, the members are not involved in management. Instead, such companies are managed by boards of directors in which many of the directors are not members of the company. Even when the directors are members of the company, their shareholdings in the company may be relatively small. It should also be noted that, in such companies, even this management by the board may often be notional as the majority of the members of the board may not be full-time directors but are non-executive directors. In such companies, the day-to-day management of the company will be in the hands of the senior executive officers of the company, some of whom may be board members. The role of boards in such companies is then to exercise a general oversight but not to be involved in executive matters.Statutory Duties16.3.2 Under common law, directors are regarded as fiduciaries and therefore owe fiduciary duties to their companies. At the same time, the Act also prescribes certain duties on directors which mirror their general duties under the common law. One important provision is section 157(1) of the Act which prescribes that a director shall at all times act honestly and use reasonable diligence in the discharge of the duties of his office. Section 157(2) of the Act goes on to state that an officer or agent of a company shall not make improper use of any information acquired by virtue of his position as an officer or agent of the company to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for himself or for any other person, or to cause detriment to the company.16.3.3 Section 157 of the Act does not purport to be an exhaustive statement of the law relating to the duties that directors owe to their companies. In this regard, section 157(4) provides that the section is in addition to and not in derogation, of any other rule of law relating to the duty or liability of directors or officers of a company. The effect of section 157 is to render those duties mandatory while the duties at common law are capable of exclusion by agreement between the company and its directors, assuming that the company has made such a decision independently of the interested directors. Under section 157(3) of the Act, a breach of sections 157(1) and 157(2) renders the officer or agent liable to the company for any profit made or any damage suffered by the company as a result of the breach. At the same time, a breach of these sections is an offence, and the officer or agent shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.Duty at Common Law to Act in the Best Interests of the Company16.3.4 In the exercise of their duties, directors must act bona fide in what they consider is in the best interests of the company. When the acts of directors are challenged, the courts do not substitute theirown judgment for that of the directors –see ECRC Land Pte Ltd v Wing On Ho Christopher [2004] 1 SLR 105; Vita Health Laboratories Pte Ltd v Pang Seng Meng [2004] 4 SLR 162. All that the courts are concerned about is whether the directors have acted honestly in what they (and not the courts) considered to be in the company’s best interests. Of course, if the decision is one that no reasonable board would have arrived at, this casts serious doubt on the bona fides of the directors.16.3.5 It should be noted though that, while the directors’overriding duty is to the company, section 159 of the Act provides that in exercising their powers, directors are entitled to have regard to the interests of the company’s employees generally, as well as the interests of its members. That directors may have regard to the interests of its members is also the position at common law since the members collectively do in a sense comprise the company notwithstanding the company’s separate personality –see Peters American Delicacy Co Ltd v Heath (1939) 61 CLR 457; Greenhalgh v Arderne Cinemas Ltd [1951] Ch 286. The entitlement to have regard to the interests of employees is also a sensible one since advancing the interests of employees will often be in the best interests of the company.16.3.6 There are also circumstances where directors must have regard to the interests of creditors. Generally speaking, creditors have no interest in the company’s assets. A creditor who wishes to enforce the debt owing to him from the company must bring a claim against the company. In the absence of an interest in the company’s assets, the directors of a company do not have to take the interests of creditors into account when making corporate decisions. However, when a company is unable to pay its debts, and is thereby effectively insolvent, the interests of its creditors must be taken into account. This is because creditors of an insolvent company are entitled to appoint a liquidator to get in the assets of the company to which the creditors have a prior claim before the members of thecompany. Accordingly, in such circumstances, directors must ensure that the affairs of the company are properly administered and that its property is not dissipated or exploited to the prejudice of the creditors –see Winkworth v Edward Baron Development Co Ltd [1987] 1 All ER 114.Duty at Common Law to Avoid Conflicts of Interest16.3.7 As a fiduciary, a duty of loyalty is imposed on a director vis-à-vis the company. As a result, a director is obliged not to place himself in a position where his duty to the company may conflict with his own interests –see Chew Kong Huat v Ricwil (Singapore) Pte Ltd [2000] 1 SLR 385;Kumagai-Zenecon Construction Pte Ltd v Low Hua Kin [2000] 2 SLR 501. One particular application of this duty is that a director is not permitted, without the fully informed consent of the company, to make a profit in connection with the director’s position. Thus, if the director comes across a business opportunity while discharging his role as a director, he cannot personally take advantage of such an opportunity unless the company has, with full knowledge of the facts, permitted him to do so. This permission may be given by the rest of the board (assuming the other board members giving approval do not stand to benefit personally) or by the members in general meeting.Duty at Common Law to Act for Proper Purposes16.3.8 The management of a company is generally vested in the board of directors and the board will often have other more specific powers such as the power to issue shares under section 161 of the Act, provided that the directors have obtained a specific or general mandate to do so. Such powers must be exercised for proper purposes. Even if directors have acted in good faith in what they believe is in the best interests of the company, they may have exercised certain powers in an improper manner. For example, it has been held that, where the power to issue shares was used to facilitate a takeover bidfor a company, that was not a proper exercise of such a power even though the directors felt that they were acting in the company’s best interests –see Howard Smith Ltd v Ampol Petroleum Ltd [1974] AC 821.Effect of Breach of Fiduciary Duties16.3.9 If a director places his own interests above those of the company, the director will be liable for any loss caused to the company. If the director has profited from his position without the informed consent of the company, the director may have to account for the profits to the company. Where the director has contracted with the company, e.g. the director has sold an asset to the company, the company may be able to avoid the contract if the contract with the company was entered into in breach of the director’s fiduciary obligations to the company. Where a third party has entered into a contract with the company knowing that the directors of the company have acted improperly, the company may also be able to avoid the contract vis-à-vis the third party.SECTION 4 ENFORCEMENT OF CORPORATE RIGHTSThe ‘Proper Plaintiff’Rule16.4.1 As a company has a personality separate from that of its members, a member of the company cannot sue to enforce rights that belong to the company. This is known as the ‘proper plaintiff’rule, namely, that the company is the proper plaintiff in respect of any rights that it has –see Foss v Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461; Ng Heng Liat v Kiyue Co Ltd [2003] 4 SLR 218. Where a company has rights to be enforced, or is being sued, the usual body that is empowered to decide whether the company should either bring an action or defend the claim is the board of directors in whom the power of management is usually vested.Derivative Actions16.4.2 Notwithstanding the proper plaintiff rule, there may be occasions where a member of the company is entitled to bring an action on behalf of the company. Where a member does this, the action is referred to as a derivative action as the right is derived from the company. The member is not suing to enforce any rights that belong to him personally. In such actions, the company is included as a nominal defendant so that any decision of the court will bind the company as well.16.4.3 A member may bring a derivative action in respect of a wrong done to the company where the wrongdoer is the person who has control of the company and is in a position, or has used such control, to prevent a proper action from being brought against him. The wrong done may have arisen because the person in control of the company has appropriated the company’s assets for himself, or it may consist of an abuse of the powers vested in the wrongdoers, e.g. where the majority shareholders attempt to use their voting power in an illegitimate manner. In such a situation, the wrongdoers would use their control of the company to prevent a claim from being brought against themselves. Accordingly, a member will be allowed to institute a derivative action against the wrongdoers if the member is bringing the claim bona fide for the benefit of the company in circumstances where there is no other remedy available. If the action is being brought for an ulterior motive or in bad faith, the court is entitled to take that into account in determining if it is in the best interests of the company that the action should proceed.Statutory Derivative Action16.4.4 In addition to the common law derivative action discussed above, sections 216A and 216B of the Act make provision for a statutory derivative action. This action is potentially available to anymember of a company, the Minister of Finance (in certain cases), or any other person who in the discretion of the court is a proper person to make an application under the section. Such persons are potential complainants under sections 216A and 216B.16.4.5 Section 216A(2) of the Act provides that a complainant may apply to the court for leave to bring an action in the name and on behalf of the company or intervene in an action to which the company is a party for the purpose of prosecuting, defending or discontinuing the action on behalf of the company. The court will only grant leave if the court is satisfied under section 216A(3) of the Act that the complainant has given 14 days’notice to the directors of the company of the complainant’s intention to apply for leave; the complainant is acting in good faith; and it appears to be prima facie in the interests of the company that the action be brought, prosecuted, defended or discontinued. One advantage of the statutory derivative action is that if the court authorizes the bringing of the action, it can order the company to pay reasonable legal fees and disbursements incurred by the complainant in connection with the action. Under the common law derivative action, the risk of legal costs falls on the person bringing the action.16.4.6 Section 216B(1) states that an application under section 216A shall not be stayed or dismissed by reason only that it is shown that an alleged breach of a right or duty owed to the company has been or may be approved by the members of the company However, evidence of approval by the members may be taken into account by the court in making an order under section 216A.SECTION 5 SHAREHOLDER REMEDIESThe Oppression Remedy16.5.1 In addition to the ability to bring a common law or statutory derivative action to protect the legitimate interests of the company, there are two other important remedies open to shareholders who feel that their interests are being prejudiced. The first arises under section 216 of the Act. Section 216(1) provides that any member or holder of a debenture of the company, or the Minister of Finance in certain cases, may apply to the court for an order that the affairs of the company are being conducted in a manner oppressive to one or more of the members or holders of debentures, or in disregard of their interests as members, shareholders or holders of debentures of the company. A similar application may be made if an act of the company has been done or is threatened which unfairly discriminates against or is otherwise prejudicial to one or more of the members or holders of debentures. Section 216 is commonly referred to as the ‘oppression remedy’.16.5.2 Where such an application is made, and the court after hearing the evidence is satisfied that the complaint is a valid one, the court may, with a view to bringing an end or remedying the matters complained of, make such order as it thinks fit. Such orders may include directing or prohibiting any act or canceling or varying any transaction or resolution; regulating the conduct of the affairs of the company in future; authorizing civil proceedings to be brought in the name of the company; providing for the purchase of the shares and debentures of the company by other members or holders of debentures or the company itself; or even winding up the company.16.5.3 Section 216 of the Act is intended to provide relief to members or holders of debentures where those in control of the company exhibit conduct that is equivalent to abuse or wrongdoing. The courts are not concerned whether a company is well managed. Business decisions are for the board to make and the courts will not generally second guess business decisions. Nor are the courts concerned that a member or some members are frequently outvoted. It is part and parcel of corporateadministration that decisions are taken by the majority. What the courts are concerned with is whether the affairs of the company are being run by those in control in such a way that there is a visible departure from the standards of fair dealing and a violation of the conditions of fair play which a shareholder is entitled to expect –see Re Kong Thai Sawmill (Miri) Sdn Bhd [1978] 2 MLJ 227. This may arise where key shareholders are excluded from management; where shareholders are deprived of information about the company; where the dominant members are clearly preferring their own interests; and where the patriarch of a family company behaves in an autocratic manner, just to give some common examples.Winding Up on the Just and Equitable Ground16.5.4 Under section 254(1)(i) of the Act, the court may wind up a company where it is just and equitable to do so. This is an important remedy for shareholders as it provides a means for disgruntled shareholders to use the winding up process to disengage from a company.16.5.5 The just and equitable ground for winding up has been used in a number of different circumstances. For example, where the main object of the company cannot be achieved or has been departed from, aggrieved members of the company may petition for the company to be wound up. Similarly, a company may be wound up if it engages in acts that are entirely outside of what can fairly be regarded as having been within the general contemplation and understanding of the members when they became members of the company. Another situation where the just and equitable ground has been used is where the company’s business has been carried on in a fraudulent manner. In addition, where the company is a quasi-partnership, in that the way the business is run resembles how a partnership is managed despite the use of the corporate form, and further, trust and confidenceamong the members has been irretrievably damaged, the court may order the winding up of the company since the members can no longer work with one another.SECTION 6 SHARES16.6.1 A share is the interest of a shareholder in the company measured by a sum of money, for the purpose of liability in the first place, and of interest in the second, but also consisting of a series of mutual covenants entered into by all the shareholders between themselves in accordance with section 39(1) of the Act –see Borland’s Trustee v Steel Brothers & Co Ltd [1901] 1 Ch As mentioned earlier, the liability of a member/shareholder is to contribute to the company only that amount unpaid on the shares taken up by the member/shareholder. This is what is meant by limited liability. A shareholder is entitled to participate in the life of the company on the terms set out in the company’s constitutional documents, namely, the memorandum and articles of association, and to the extent allowed by the Act. The exact rights of the shareholder will depend on the terms of the memorandum and articles. Generally, all shareholders will be entitled to a pro-rata share of any dividends that are declared and paid. Where a company is wound up, again all shareholders are generally entitled to a pro-rata share of any assets remaining after the creditors of a company have been paid. Shareholders are also entitled to appoint and remove the directors of the company.16.6.3 Generally speaking, there are two broad classes of shares –ordinary shares and preference shares. Preference shares, as the name suggests, are shares that confer some preference on the holders of those shares. That preference may be in the form of dividends or return of capital. For example, the terms of a preferential share may provide that the holders of those shares are entitled to a particular rate of dividend before any dividends may be paid to holders of ordinary shares.Maintenance of Capital16.6.4 A company underSingaporelaw is required to maintain its capital in the sense that it cannot, as a general rule, return capital to its members. This general rule is intended to protect creditors. Creditors of a company are said to give credit to the company on the faith that the capital of the company will be applied only for the purposes of the business and therefore have a right to insist that such capital be kept and not returned to the shareholders –see Re Exchange Banking Co (1882) 21 ChD 519.16.6.5 This is not to say that members of a company cannot obtain any return on their investment. Indeed, if a company makes profits in a particular year, the company may pay dividends to its shareholders out of the profits made. The rules relating to capital maintenance also do not mean that members of the company must continue to contribute to the company when trading losses have occurred thereby depleting the company’s capital. A member’s liability to the company is limited only to the amount he has agreed to contribute to the company when the shares are issued to him. The rules relating to capital maintenance simply mean that, absent profits, a company must not take any steps that in effect return capital to its shareholders.16.6.6 Arising from this general principle, the following 5 propositions may be made:(i) a company may not purchase its own shares or those of its parent company –see section 76(1)(b) of the Act;(ii) a company may not lend money on the security of its own shares or those of its parent company - see section 76(1)(c) of the Act;。