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Keys,Notes and V ocabulary

Passase 1

Keys to Exercises

I.1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B II.1.scored 2.district 3.streamed 4.cloud

III.1.A.victory B.victorious C.victor

2.A.resistant B.resistance C.resistor D.resist

3.A.protector B.protective C.protection D.protect

4.A.infectious B.infection C.infected

IV.1.made/taken 2.making 3.same 4.unfit 5.percent 6.to 7.diet

8.cancer 9.to 10.that 11.related 12.realized 13.caused 14.remain 15.all 16.on 17.or 18.all 19.to 20.COWS 21.drugs 22.for 23.order 24.on

V.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.B

①yellow fever:黄热病

②a victory over the disease:征服疾病(注意:表示“战胜某人/物的胜利”习惯说a/the victory over sb./sth.;表示“有利于某人/组织的胜利”习惯说a/the victory for sb.or an organization。)




④Asibi by name:named Asibi,called Asibi一个名叫阿西比的人

⑤went down with yellow fever:fell ill with yellow fever因得了黄热病而病倒了

⑥in the Americas:在美洲(注意:这里Americas表示南美洲和北美洲。)

⑦the Brazilian Yellow Fever Service:巴西黄热病服务中心

⑧a cloud of blue mosquitoes:一大群蓝色的蚊子(注意:cloud常指“运动着的一大群”,如a cloud of mosquitoes,locusts,bees,butterflies等。)

New Words

chain n.一连串;一系列pattern n.模式

cloud n.一大群roof n.枝叶荫蔽处;顶部

good-looking adj 帅的,漂亮score vt取得,获得的

touch n.(病等的)少许,一点

line n.思路;方法treetop n.树梢

mass n.一团;一群;一堆woodcutter n.樵夫,打柴人

Passage 2

Keys to Exercises

I.1.C 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A

II.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.E

III.1.exemplified 2.extinguished 3.sized up 4.short 5.can

IV.1.was 2.go 3.spend 4.people 5.man 6.o’clock 7.until 8.for

9.at/in 10.after 11.off 12.medicine(s) 13.for 14.near/by 15.likes 16.lying 17.for 18.coming 19.hurry 20.animals 21.understand

V.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B

maze:labyrinth,network of winding path迷宫

②dead ends:the terminus of a line,from which any further progress is impossible


on the wing:(while it is)flying在飞行中

built-in:innate;possessed from birth先天的

beyond it:too complex for its level of intelligence复杂得超出了它的智力水平

New Words

evolution n.化;进展,发展impose vt强加于

preliminary adj.初步的;

exemplify vt举例,例示开端的

extinguish vt扑灭,使熄灭quench vt扑灭;淬火

unparalleled adj无比的;

grasp vt理解无双的

Passase 3

Keys to Exercises

I.1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B

II.1.burglar alarms 2.chore 3.scampering 4.hold-up man 5.cops 6.safes

III.1.B 2.C 3.D 4.E 5.F 6.G 7.A

IV.1.thing 2.deal 3.in 4.1ived 5.patented 6.created 7.something 8.in 9.prevent 10.being 1 1.also 12.science 13.fund 14.used 15.contributions 16.world 17.and 18.on 19.Nobel’S 20.awards 21.winners 22.Science 23.1iterature 24.chosen

V.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A

Notes to Text

1.burglary is popular with thieves:burglary is liked or enjoyed by thieves小偷喜


2.not worth risking a prison term:不值得冒服刑的危险(a prison term意为“刑期”)

3.short circuit them:使它们(电线)短路

4.a black market:黑市

5.checked the time against the clock in the window:与窗口的钟对了一下自己的表

6.stooped to pick it up:弯腰把它捡起来(注意:表示“弯腰去干某事”只能说stoop to do sth.;表示“堕落到干某事的地步”时常用stoop to doing sth.。)

7.an all-clear sign:the signal that the danger is over:危险已过的信号,安全的信号

8.the cops:policemen(俚语)警察

9.stand sentry:stand guard,be on guard站

New Words

ajar adj (门等)半开着的

alarm n.警报器

burglar n.夜盗

buzzer n.蜂音器

chore(一decalcomania) n.例行工作;日常零活

decal n.贴花
