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1.Bill ran fast.

2.Girls usully work hard.

3.Girls usually work harder than boys.

4.The girls usually work harder than the boys in our class.

B S+ Lv+P

1.He is a student.

2.My books are in the bag.

3.She looks young in red.

4.It sounds reasonable.

5.Good medicine tastes bitter.

6.Flowers smell sweet.

C, S+ V+ O

1.Boys like sports.

2.Boys like sports very much.

3.The boys in Class Three like sports that are challenging and full of fun.

D. S+V+O+Op

1.The bad news made her sad.

2.I saw a book and a pen on the desk.

3.What made you so happy?

4.He had the light buring all night.

5.The guard told the passers-by to show their passes.

6.When I came back from work, I found my house broken into.

7.The boss made the workers work long hours.(The workers were made to work long hours.)

E. S+ V+ iO+ dO

1.My uncle sent me a bike as a gift on my birthday.

2.Please give me a piece of paper.

3.Mothers tell their babies short stories at times.

4.Will you please show me the photos that you took on the trip.

5.I was told the news last week.

F. There+ be

1.There is a lake to the east of the village.

2.There are lots of rubbish on the street.

3.There stands a tower on the top of the hill.

4.There lies an airport to the north of the city.


Careful—carefully Easy—easily Busy—eaily Deep—deeply

Hard .fast ,well


介词短语(prepositional phrases)可作状语,定语,表语和宾语补足语

1.The old man lived in the village for 30 years.

2.The rats in the church are very thin.

3.The cat is in the box.

4.He goes to school by bike.

5.I saw a pen on your desk.

定语从句(Attributive clause)

1.I will remember the days that we spent together in the mountains.

2. Tourists come to the places that are famous for beautifull landscape.

3. The students whose bikes haven been stolen will get the money back.

状语从句(Adverbial clause)

1. I din’t go to bed until I had finished all my homework last night.

2. I will go to the cinema if I am free.

4.Each time he comes he will bring some gifts to my son.

5.He ran home immediately he heard the news.

6. A bus station has been built where there used to be a temple.

7.So long as you don’t lend the book to others I will lend it to you.

8. Given that he is in poor health, he is not fit to do the job.

主语从句(Subject clause)

1.That he has gone home is true.

2.It is required that everyone should show their passes.

3.Whether he will attend the meeting has not been decided.

4.What he does doesn’t agree with what he says.

宾语从句Object clause

1.The teacher demanded that the exercises should be handed in today.

2.He told us that the flight for Beijing had been cancelled.

3.I am glad that my son has got full marks in the maths exam.

表语从句(Predicative clause)

1.His wish is that all his brothers and sisters can go to university.

2.What impresses me most is that the people there are very friendly


Analyze the following sentences

1. The teacher said that that that that that student had written was in a wrong place.

2.In 1864, Lincoln was elected President of the United States for the second time.

3.They set up a state of their own,where they keep their Negroes as slaves.

4. But his enemies, the slave owners in the South and the bankers in big cities, who had grown rich on the work of the slaves, could not let Lincoln continue his work.

5. He, who let the United Stated through these years, was shot on April 14,1865 at a theatre in Washington, D.C. and died early the next mornig.

6.About seventeen months before his death, at the opening of a memorial of the many men who lost their lives fighting for the freedom of the Negroes, Abraham Lincoln told his people that the living must finish the work of those dead; that they must fight for freedom for all- Negroes and whites; that America must strengthen government of the people, by the people and for the people.

7.All the people in the city were talking about the wonderful cloth which the Emperor had odered to be woven for so much money.

8. The two officials who were following him took great trouble to pretend to hold up higher the train of the robe that was n’t there at all.

9.The poor girl, with a basket on her back, searched all day from the riverside to the foot of the mountain.
