英语论文 广告英语中双关语的语用功能及其翻译
英语广告中双关语的翻译是一项具有挑战性的任务,需要在保留原文意象和风 格的确保受众能够正确理解广告的含义。通过直译、意译和套用成语等技巧, 我们可以有效地翻译双关语,提高广告的传播效果。在翻译过程中,还要注意 文化差异、语境和信达雅等因素,以确保译文的准确性和可读性。通过对英语 广告中双关语的翻译进行深入研究,我们可以更好地了解广告的语言特点和文 化背景,为广告创意和传播提供有益的启示和建议。
意译法是指将英语广告中的双关语根据其内在含义进行翻译的方法。这种翻译 方法侧重于广告信息的传达和受众的理解,可能会牺牲部分原文的风格和意象。 例如,英语广告“Light as a breeze, gentle as a cloud.”中的“light” 和“gentle”是双关语,可以意译为“轻盈如微风,舒适如云朵”。这个翻 译虽然没有保留原文的所有意象,但仍然成功地传达了产品的特点和优点。
英语广告双关语通常具有押韵和节奏感,让人在短时间内记住并传播。在理解 双关语时,需要注意词语的搭配和音韵的协调。例如,一则卖汽车的广告中说: “Go for a spin with our top-down technology.”这里的双关在于 “top-down”既表示汽车的高科技配置,又表示乘车兜风的感觉,同时具有 节奏感和押韵。
套用成语法是指在翻译英语广告中的双关语时,借用目标语言中的成语或俗语 进行翻译的方法。这种翻译方法既保留了原广告的意象和风格,又能够借助目 标语言的文化元素增强广告的传播效果。例如,英语广告“Tide is in, dirt is out.”中的“tide”和“dirt”是双关语,可以套用成语“一潮平 一潮起”进行翻译。这个翻译既传达了产品去污的效果好,又借助了成语的力 量让广告更加深入人心。
英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements
![英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译 Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f2b403f726fff705cc170ab9.png)
Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements 英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译摘要双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。
AbstractPunning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind. This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements. It expresses the technique of pun by the ways of homophonic pun, homographic pun, grammatical pun and idiom pun. And this paper has some preliminary discussions in punning of English advertisement through the methods of conjunct translation, nimble translation, replenishment translation, transliteration, compensate translations.[Key Words] advertising language; pun; translationContents1. Introduction (5)2. The Puns in English Advertisements (5)2.1 Homophonic Pun (5)2.1.1 Close Sound Pun (5)2.1.2 The Same Sound Pun (6)2.2 Homographic Pun (7)2.3 Grammatical Pun (9)2.3.1 Puns Created by Different Collocations (9)2.3.2 Puns Created by Different Understandings of the Same Words (9)2.4 Idiomatic Pun (10)3. Translations of Puns in English Advertisements (11)3.1 The conjunct translation (11)3.2Nimble Translation (12)3.3Replenishment Translation (13)3.4Transliteration (14)3.5Compensative Translations (16)4. Conclusion (17)1. IntroductionWhat is advertising? Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or idea by identified sponsors through the various media. [1]p4 Whether it is goods advertisement or public service advertisement, the creation of the advertisement is a comprehensive art. The creation of the advertisement involves sociology, aesthetics, psychology, sound of electricity, literature and linguistics etc. The skills needed in this art are more than other forms of writing. It shows the vivid and interesting characters by the principle of salesmanship. And it has special communication to bring the reader''s attention in a moment, stimulates the desire of buying and facilitates the behavior of buying finally. Therefore, the using of precision and appropriate in advertising literary language will make the influence of advertising language far beyond the advertisement itself. The rhetorical of pun is a common skill, in creating advertisement. The pun, in Italian, “puntiglio” means “a fine point,” hence a verbal quibble, and is most likely the source of the English punctilious. A pun is defined by Webster as “the humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible application; a play on words.”[2] As the game of words, pun will leave a deep impression on readers by its readability, wit, and humor. Therefore it is used in the advertisement with a large amount.2. The Puns in English AdvertisementsThere are many kinds of puns exist in English advertisements. In this paper, four mainly types of them are talked. There are homophonic puns, homographic pun, grammatical pun and idiom pun.2.1 Homophonic PunHomophonic means two or more words are of the similar or same sound.Because “There exist no information channels of bilingual conversion at the sound level” [3] the partial sound puns are always seen in the daily life. It concludes close sound pun and the same sound pun.2.1.1 Close Sound PunClose pun means pairs or more of words having the same sound but different meanings.(1) AN ideal marriage is one in which the wife is a treasure and the husband treasury.理想的婚姻—太太是宝贝,而先生是金库.(2) Nowadays, a pair of dice is made a paradise如今,一副股子就可以成为乐园In the two examples above, both the two advertisements successfully convey the satirical tones of the two English sentences. Nevertheless, neither“宝贝,金库”nor“股子,乐园”reflect the partial tones of “treasure, treasury”and “pair of dice, paradise”. It just put one layer of the double meaning into Chinese and the pun affect disappears without any trail.(3) Centrum with beta-caroteneFrom A to ZincMore Complete [4] P15富含胡萝卜的珍多美,从A到锌,应有尽有,营养更全,口味更新!This is one of food advertis ement named centum. “From A to Zinc” harmonics with the English phrase “From A to the Z”, the latter meaning refers “comprehensively, complete”. The pun here wants to explain this kind of food nutrition rich in prominent, all contains from Vitamin A (namely carrot element) to the zinc element, has the extreme power of persuasion..2.1.2 The Same Sound PunThe same sound pun means the words have the same sound but have different meanings.(4)Have a nice trip, buy-buy![5]祝君旅途愉快,拜拜/快买!“Buy-buy” is a varied spelling, and it unison with “bye-bye”. Airport store says goodbye to the passenger, the purpose is that reminds everybody to buy a present or other thing to bring with just before leaving. “Buy-Buy”! Forms in one''s mind ingeniously, humorous to be humor ous, makes one thump the table and shout praise.(5)Forget hot tasteOnly Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolnessCome up to Kool.[6]P49忘掉辛辣的感觉,只有“酷”牌,纯正的薄荷口味给你特别清凉的酷酷感觉,想酷你就来!This is one of the cigarette advertisements, in sentence “kool” is a unison pun, it both refer to cigarette and the cool feeling. In order to prominent product out of the ordinary cool characteristic, the advertisement maker fabricats word “kool” to take the cigarette’s name, using the “cool” unison, and the “hot” in first sentence also further strengthened this “cool” meaning, contrasts the Kool sign cigarette by the consumers to the “cool” feeling in the mouth.(6) Foyled again? Try Dillon.[7]又失望了?那就来Dillon书店看看吧。
(1)GoodbuyWinter!100%Cotton Knitwear $40这是一则冬季服装削价出售的广告。
最新 论析英文广告中的双关语现象及其翻译策略-精品
![最新 论析英文广告中的双关语现象及其翻译策略-精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb2deb7cc850ad02de8041c6.png)
例如:Goodbuy Winter! 100%Cotton Knitwear $40.这是一则冬季服装减价销售的广告,广告设计者利用goodbye与goodbuy的谐音双关,不仅暗示消费者这是一桩不错的买卖,似乎又告诉消费者寒冷的冬日即将过去,温暖的春天正在向你招手,这难道不是在提示消费者不要错过了最佳的购买时机吗?其中的语音双关正可谓一箭双雕。
例如:Spoil yourself and not your figure.这是某冰淇淋品牌的广告,该广告spoil oneself为“令某人享受”的意思,而spoil one’s figure意为“破坏体形”。
例如:Coke refreshes you like no other can.译文:没有什么可以像可乐那样令您神清气爽。
1)同音异义同音异义:利用所给的词语发音相同,但拼写和意义都不同,使一个句子语义双关在商务英文广告中的运用,如:Eg.1 Make your every hello a real good-buy.译文:让你的每一声“哈罗”都物有所值。
在商务英文广告中的运用,如:Eg.2 Two beers or not two beers is a question.译文:两瓶啤酒还是更多瓶啤酒是个问题。
在商务英语广告中的运用,如:Eg.3 Start Ahead。
语境限制:双关语往往依赖于特定的语境,而在翻译过程中,很难完全 保留原有的语境信息,导致双关语的翻译效果受限。
语言风格差异:不同语言的表达风格和修辞手法存在差异,可能影响双 关语的翻译效果,使其难以达到功能对等。
从功能对等角度浅析英 语广告中双关语的运用 和翻译策略
XX,a click to unlimited possibilities
01 功 能 对 等 理 论 概 述 03 功 能 对 等 理 论 在 双
05 提 高 双 关 语 翻 译 质 量的建议
02 英 语 广 告 中 双 关 语 的运用
注重与同行交流和 合作,互相学习和 借鉴,共同提高翻 译水平和质量。
注释法:在译文中 对原文中的双关语 进行注释,解释其 含义和文化背景, 以帮助读者更好地 理解原文
意译法:根据原文的意思,用符合目标语表达习惯的词汇和句式进行翻 译,保留原文的意境和隐含意义,同时传达原文的文化内涵。
直译法:保留原文的语言形式和文化意象,直接翻译原文的语义和表达 方式,同时注意保持原文的修辞效果和语言风格。
引起受众注意:双关语因其独特性,能够吸引受众的注意力,提高广告 的曝光率。
传递多重信息:双关语可以在一个词或短语中表达多重意义,传递更多 的信息。
提升品牌形象:双关语的使用可以让广告更富有创意和文化内涵,提升 品牌的形象和价值。
关键词:广告英语;双关语;翻译abstractas an applied language,advertising english has its own linguistic style and features. its language is original and beautiful and full of connotations. its sentence structure is succinct. advertisements,giving the charm of language full play,use the simplest language to express the most complex meanings. the purpose of advertisements is to stimulate people’s desire for shopping. therefore,manufacturers try their best to use puns to create new meanings. the skillful use of puns makes advertising language vivid and humorous .many kinds of rhetorical devices are used in advertisements. and punning is one of the most frequently used ways in advertising language to help to achieve desired effects of advertisements. this paper explores punning and the translation of puns in english advertisements. it deals with various ways to form puns,and the techniques of translating puns in advertisements.key words: advertising english; pun; translation随着国际分工的深化、发展和全球经济一体化的趋势日益加强,国际间的商品流通日益频繁,各个国家为了争夺世界市场,竞相推销本国产品。
例如英语中的“hanging on a thread”,即“悬着一条线”,在汉语中可以功能对等地表达为“一丝不挂”,两者都具有让人提醒时间紧迫的意思。
英语广告中双关语的运用技巧翻译1. 引言1.1 什么是双关语A pun is a form of wordplay that exploits multiple meanings of a word or uses similar-sounding words to create humor or a play on words. It is a clever and often humorous way of using language to convey a message or provoke thought. Puns can be found in various forms of communication, including advertising, where they are used to grab the attention of the audience and make a product or service more memorable.1.2 双关语在英语广告中的重要性Double entendres play a crucial role in English advertising, serving as a powerful tool to capture the attention of the audience and leave a lasting impression. These clever language devices allow advertisers to convey multiple meanings within a single phrase or sentence, adding layers of complexity and depth to their messages.2. 正文2.1 双关语的定义和特点Double entendre, a literary device that involves a word or phrase that has two different meanings or interpretations, is commonly used in English advertising to create a sense of wit and humor. This technique allows advertisers to capture the attention of consumers and make their messages more memorable.2.2 英语广告中双关语的优势Another advantage of using puns in English advertising is their ability to create a positive association with the brand. A well-placed pun can convey a sense of creativity and playfulness, which can reflect positively on the brand's image. Puns can also help in creating a unique identity for the brand, setting it apart from competitors and making it more memorable to consumers.2.3 双关语的运用技巧Double entendre is a clever linguistic device often used in English advertising to add humor, create intrigue, and engage the audience. Here are some key techniques for effectively using double entendre in English advertisements:2.4 双关语的翻译挑战Secondly, cultural references and wordplay that are familiar and effective in one culture may not have the same impact inanother. Translators need to be aware of cultural differences and audience expectations to ensure that the humor in the puns is not lost in translation.2.5 如何有效地翻译英语广告中的双关语Effective Translation of Pun in English AdvertisementsTranslating puns in English advertisements can be a challenging task, as it requires careful consideration of both the literal and figurative meanings of the words involved. Here are some tips on how to effectively translate puns in English advertisements:3. 结论3.1 双关语在英语广告中的重要性不容忽视In English advertising, the use of puns is essential and cannot be overlooked. Puns not only grab the attention of the audience but also make the advertisement more memorable and engaging. They add a touch of humor and creativity to the message being conveyed, making it more appealing to the target market.3.2 翻译双关语需谨慎处理,保持原意和幽默感Translating puns requires careful handling to ensure that the original meaning and humor are preserved. It is crucial for translators to fully understand the cultural context and linguistic nuances of both languages in order to effectively convey the double meanings present in puns. Additionally, translators must possess a creative mindset and a good sense of humor to successfully recreate the wit and cleverness that are characteristic of puns.。
1. "Say it with flowers" - 以花传情这个双关语的广告口号暗示了送花作为表达情感的方式。
2. "You're worth it" - 你值得拥有这个双关语广告语在化妆品行业非常常见。
3. "Breakfast of champions" - 冠军的早餐这个双关语广告语用于推广某个早餐食品。
4. "When it rains, it pours" - 这下倒霉了这个双关语广告语常用于推广食品或调味品。
5. "Life's a journey, enjoy the ride" - 人生是一场旅程,享受骑行吧这个双关语广告语常用于推广交通工具或旅游产品。
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Negotiation7475 论罗伯特.佩恩.沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求76 Western and Chinese Marriage Differences in Cross-cultural Communication77 论世纪年代以来美国文化冲击对中国青少年的影响及教育策略改革的应对措施78 中国英语学习者道歉言语行为的中介语石化现象79 英语词汇中的性别歧视80 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中麦琪悲剧原因分析81 Cultural Difference between Chinese and English on Politeness82 A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights83 论托妮莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》中的母女关系84 动物词在中英文化中的喻义及其翻译85 On Loss of Fidelity in Translation86 从彼拉特透视托尼·莫里森的妇女主义87 《宠儿》女主人公赛斯人物形象分析88 从英汉动物成语比较中英文化差异89 英汉被动句语义特征对比分析90 Analysis on Requirements for Translation Graduates from the Perspective of Recruit Advertisements91 融入与挑战——从生态角度看《老人与海》与《瓦尔登湖》92 高中英语写作中母语负迁移现象分析93 言语行为理论视角下口语交际误解现象94 论《太阳照常升起》中的象征主义95 The Reli gious Thoughts in The Pilgrim’s Progress96 论《双城记》中的现实主义风格97 对小妇人心灵成长历程的探索98 论中学英语互动教学99 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧的分析100 儒家文化与和谐世界的构建101 回译在翻译教学中的作用102 神经漫游者中的两个世界103 近年来汉语中英语借词的简析104 An Analysis of Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion from the Perspective of Interpersona l Function 105 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策106 Cooperative Principle in Business Letters107 从读者接受理论看《达.芬奇密码》的成功108 从奥巴马演讲的不同译文看语域理论在翻译中的应用109 论《呼啸山庄》中的叙述技巧110 论《杀死一只知更鸟》中的象征111 弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫《达洛维夫人》中印象主义创作手法探讨112 文化意识与外语教学113 从《盲人》中的“血性意识”看劳伦斯的文明观114 论中英数字信息差异及其翻译方法115 女性意识的苏醒--对《愤怒的葡萄》中的约德妈妈形象的分析116 工业化进程中的人性异化——解读wrence《儿子与情人》117 论汉语缩略语的英译118 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性119 科技英语翻译中的词性转换研究120 目的论视角下的广告翻译121 托马斯.哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究122 英汉称谓语的文化差异与翻译--以《京华烟云》为例123 浅析信息时代的汉语新词语英译策略124 从历届美国总统访华演说探讨其对中国所传递的价值观125 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective126 概念隐喻在英语汽车广告中的应用127 The Two Mrs.De Winters of Manderly─The comparison between “I”and Rebecca128 论中西教育观的差异129 英文歌词翻译策略探析130 An Analysis of the D Film Alice in Wonderland from the Perspective of Gothicism131 英语广告的修辞及其翻译132 A Preliminary Study on Christianity133 论<<禁食与欢宴>>中乌玛的觉醒134 从合作原则角度简要分析《老友记》中乔伊的性格特征135 《了不起的盖茨比》中黛西的人物性格分析136 On the Causes of the Tragedies of Tess and Jennie in Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Jennie Gerhardt137 《德伯家的苔丝》的圣经原型解读138 中西方饮食文化的比较研究139 顺从还是叛逆——解读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的基督教义精神140 英汉委婉语中体现的文化异同141 《十日谈》中的乡村意象142 中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例143 《红字》中作者霍桑对清教认识的模糊性144 论远大前程中皮普的道德观145 中国英语学习者在词汇方面的迁移146 广告英语中语言的性别差异147 从接受美学角度看中英旅游文本的翻译148 异化的美国梦:小说《教父》的主题解读149 论英汉翻译中的文化因素150 《野草在歌唱》中野草的象征寓意解读151 从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用152 用言语行为理论分析奥巴马推定总统候选人演讲153 文化视野下的中美家庭教育方法的比较154 从合作原则分析《生活大爆炸》中字幕幽默的翻译155 浅析英语习语的翻译原则和方法156 电影《死亡诗社》中的教育意义157 中学英语阅读教学存在的问题及解决方案158 《白鲸》的象征意义和悲剧内涵分析159 中西广告语言中的文化差异160 Advertisement translation from the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory 161 从目的论看《长腿叔叔》的中译162 汉英动物词文化内涵的对比163 论麦琪的悲剧164 文学翻译中的译者主体性165 论概念隐喻视角下的隐喻翻译166 跨文化交际视角下的英汉动物词语研究167 The Influence of Bob Dylan and His Works on American Social Movements168 美国寻梦—凯鲁亚克小说《在路上》的主题研究169 商务信函中委婉语的使用策略170 《名利场》中蓓基人物形象分析171 浅谈跨文化视角下的英汉习语互译172 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述173 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter 174 浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用175 The Otherization of China in The Woman Warrior176 论词典在高中英语词汇学习中的有效利用177 论《紫色》中的姐妹情谊178 汉语公示语英译之跨文化交际研究179 女权主义翻译理论关照下的《呼啸山庄》多个译本比较研究180 爱米丽的悲剧成因—评福克纳的小说《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》181 英汉数字习语的翻译182 探究中学生厌倦学习英语183 英语电影片名的汉译研究184 从语言角度分析面子理论在英语商务谈判中的作用185 《老人与海》中的存在主义分析186 女性主义视角下《大地》的解读187 浅析电影《我是山姆》中的反智主义188 跨文化视角视阈下英语电影片名的翻译研究189 公示语翻译失当分析——以电影票等的顾客分析为例( )190 从文化角度看林语堂的《吾国与吾民》191 试析广告英语中语言的性别差异——从功能分析的角度着手192 A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo193 论商标名称的翻译对品牌形象的影响194 论凯瑟琳.曼斯菲尔德作品中的彼得.潘情结195 A Brief Study of Chinglish in C-E Translation196 从苔丝的悲剧到托马斯.哈代的宿命论197 盖茨比的人物形象分析198 商务英语和普通英语对比浅析199 The Racial Stereotypes in American TV Media200 论英语广告语中的双关应用及翻译。
双关语(Double entendre)是指在一个句子中,意思同时可以读出
比如,可口可乐宣传口号“Open happiness”,直译:“打开快乐”,双关语的
的技巧来激发大家的共鸣,比如说,微软的宣传语“Where do y ou want
to go today?”,直译:“今天你想去哪里?”这里强调不仅仅是今天,
一、商业广告中的双关语英语Advertisement(广告)源于拉丁语, 原义为“唤起大众对某种事物的注意,并诱于一定的方向所使用的一种手段。
英汉中的双关语(pun),运用同音异义或是同形异义的形式使句子具有几种不同的含意“谐音双关是用拼写相似,发音相同或相近的词构成的” 。
一则关于面包的商业广告是这样写的:“She is the nimblest girl around. Nimble is the way she goes. Nimble is the way she eats. Light, delicious and nimble.”面包的名字叫Nimble.牛津高阶字典这样解释nimble: able to move quickly and easily with light neat movements. (聪慧敏捷).在翻译的时候, 就要适度地展开联想, 认识到广告本意在于暗示人们食用健康的nimble面包可以使人变得行动敏捷,思想活跃。
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Pragmatic Function andTranslation of Pun in English Advertisemen tAbstract: Advertising English is characterized by its originality, flexibility of language usage and the diversity of the forms.Apart from the distinguishing features at lexical and syntactic levels, rhetorical vehicles, as decorative devices of language, are frequently employed in advertising English. Punning, a concise way to express humor and wit, is particularly favored by advertisers to enhance the appeal of language. Drawing on existing studies in the field,the author offers five strategies in the translation of puns in advertisement, i.e. preservation, creation, compensation, explication and omission.The author argues that each of the five strategies is not always applied on its own, and sometimes two or more stratrgies are jointly employed in advertisement translation in accordance with the principle of optimal relevance depending on the situation.Key words: Advertisement; Pun; Pragmatic Function; Translation广告英语中双关语的语用功能及其翻译摘要: 广告英语的独特性在于其新颖、灵活的语及其形式多样化,除了在词汇和句法方面别具一格外,修辞手法也被广泛地运用来润色广告语言。
关键词:广告;双关语;语用功能;翻译IntroductionThe definition of advertisement by AMA(American Marketing Association): Advertising is the nonpersonal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services of ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. It is a device to arouse consumers‘ attention to a commodity and induce them to use it. In modern age, people find themselves surrounded by various advertisements each day. An American writer writes: ― we find advertisement of all kinds everywhere, for example, glittering neon signs on top of high buildings and a long main streets, colorful pictures painted on buses pamphlets sent to very house, advertisement jammed between TV programs various advertisement glutting, newspaper and radio b roadcast; etc.‖Facing so many advertisement, how to make the advertisement impressive is the main purpose of the advertisers. In order to enhance the appeal of an advertisement, advertisers pay much attention not only to such expressive devices as plates, color and the layout of a printed page, but also to the choice of words or phrases, to make an advertisement beautiful and attractive.In the practice of the advertising English, people pay more attention to pun to make the advertisement succinct, accurate and vivid and to provide rich imagination and plentiful associations for readers so as to stimulate their desire.The frequent and wide use of figures of speech is an important characteristic of advertising English, which is an effective way to make the advertisement attractive. Among the figures, pun is loved deeply. Oxford Advanced Dictionary defines pun as ―humorous use of a word that has two meanings or of different words that sound the same‖[1]. A pun (also known as paronomasia) can be understood like that it is a deliberate confusion of similar-sounding words of phrases for rhetorical effect, whether humorous or serious. It leaves a deep impression on readers by its readability, wit and humor. It can satisfy the requirement of advertisement characteristics—selling power, memory value, attention value, and readability. So pun is very popular in advertisement. The article just wants to present the pragmatic function and translatability of pun inadvertisement.海量英语论文尽在英语论文网,免费下载网址:/需要其他类型英语论文可以咨询QQ 2537717351 Definition and classification of pun in advertisement1. 1 Definition of punLooking at the same issue from different perspectives, we may often come up with different definitions of the thing under discussion. And, not surprisingly, pun can be thus defined in many ways. There is such a humorous explanation about pun: ―punning –to torture one poor word ten thousand ways (John Dryden)‖. In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, pun is defined as ―An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words with the same sound but different meanings‖. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, pun is defined as ―the use of word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect‖. In Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, pun is defined as ―A figure of speech depending upon a similarity of sound and a disparity of meaning‖. From the above definitions, we can see that homonyms, homophones, and homographs all are available to construct puns with.1. 2 Types of pun in advertisement1. 2. 1Pun on Polysemy―While different words may have the same of similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy, and such a word is called polysemic word. Historically speaking, polysemy can be understood as the growth and development of or change in the meaning of words.‖ Pun on polysemy is used widely, especially with the name of the product such as the following examples:―From sharp minds. Come sharp products.‖The example is an ad vertisement for the Sharp copier. The word ―sharp‖ praises the consumers‘ brightness, but also refers to the Sharp product. The advertisement praises the consumers who are sharp to buy the product which is sharp. The vanity of the audiences is aroused and they want to use it to show their wise, and also they believe the product is really sharp.―Money doesn‘t grow on the trees. But it blossoms at our branches. Lioyd Bank.‖It is the slogan of Lioyd Bank. ―branch‖ means ―part of a tree growing out from th e trunk‖, but here it implies the division of bank‖. The slogan encourages people to store their money in Lioyd Bank, and their money will be like the blooming flowers, yielding better fruits. After understanding its meaning, readers will figure it out in mind that their money will become more and more daily and daily, just like the leaves in spring.1. 2. 2 Pun on Homonym―Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words with different meanings have the same form, i.e, different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both. When two words are identical in sound, they are homophones. When the words are identical in spelling, they are homographs. When two words are identical in both spelling and sound, they ar e complete homonyms.‖ The follow instances will explain that:― ‗VIPs‘ an atomical comfort.Varia ble Impact Pressure Sole‖The advertisement of sportshoes uses the homophonic word ―VIPs‖. As we know, VIP usually stands for ― very important persons‖, while, here, it stands for ―Variable Impact Pressure Sole‖. It implies if you use VIPs, you will be a VIP. The word ―VIPs‘ motivates the audiences‘ vanity and induces them to buy the product.―Trust us. Over 5000 ears of experience.‖It is an advertisement for audiphone. The literal meaning is that the product has experienced a lot of texts. While ―ears‖ and ―years‖ are a pair of homophone. So it implies that the product has a long history and has high quality.―Goodbuy Winter! 100% cotton knitwe ar $40‖It is an advertisement for the sale of winter clothes. The advertisement seems to people that it s a good and cheap to buy cotton knitwear. But when the audiences read ―goodbuy winter‖ together, they will understand the good use of pun. ―Goodbuy winter‖ sounds the same as ―goodbye winter‖. The advertisement use homophone to show two meanings: it is a good business to buy the cotton knitwear now, and winter has passed away. Naturally, people will associate the situation happening every year that when they say goodbye to winter, the clothes will have a great discount and it is good time to buy them.―More sun and air for your sun and heir.‖The advertisement is for a bathing beach. The advertiser uses homophone sk ilfully, sun vs. son, and air vs. heir. The advertiser encourages people to bring their son and heir to the bathing beach to get sun and air to keep fit. Each couple hopes their son and heir will be healthy all their life. Pun makes the advertising language sound sweet, fluent and persuasive.1. 2. 3 Pun on Parody―Parody is a piece of speech, writing of music that imitates the style of an author, composer, etc in an amusing and often exaggerate way‖[2]. Pun on parody uses the outfit of saying, apothegm, proverb or idiom to form new meanings. English has a lot of well-known phrases, idioms and sayings. They are important part of everyday language spoken by the English speakers, and have become one of the aspects of the English culture. The advertisement designers are sharp-minded and imaginative. They change a part of the expressions and put their ideas into them to achieve sensational effect. And most of them achieve a remarkable success. The transformations are not only eye catching, but also easy to be accepted by the common, who will do according to the tradition. As the sayings of idioms have been one part of the tradition, the people will be easily persuaded by the advertisement works of this kind. So pun on parody is popular in advertisement.―A Mars a day helps you work, rest a nd play.‖It is the slogan of Mars chocolate company. Looking at this advertisement, people will associate it with two idioms: ―An apple a day keeps the doctor away‖ and ― All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy‖. From the meanings of the two idioms, the watchword tells people that a Mars‘ chocolate a day will make you not be a dull boy (make you wise) and keep the doctor away (keep fit).―Try our sweet corn, you‘ll smile from ear to ear.‖It is taken from the advertiseme nt for a kind of sweet corn. The word ―ear‖ has double meanings: the organ of hearing and the seed –bearing part of a cereal. The idiom ― from ear to ear‖ also is a pun. One meaning is that people are satisfied with the product. The other one is that the consumers eat one ear by another. So the advertisement implies that the sweet corn is very delicious, and you will enjoy it and eating one by one. How can people refuse such delicious food?―All is well that ends well.‖This is an idiom, but here, it is taken from an advertisement of a cigarette. ―End‖, as a verb, means ―finish‖, while, as a noun, means ―cigarette butt‖. The sentence means that if the cigarette ends are good that the cigarette is good.1. 2. 4Pun on GrammarMany advertisers use pun produced for grammar problem to attract the audiences, such as ellipsis or word with different grammar functions. If this type of pun can be used properly, it will achieve unexpected effect.―Which lage r can claim to be truly German? This can.‖It is an ad vertisement for Lager beer. ―Can‖ is a modal verb. But in the advertisement, a can of beer beside it reminds people ―can‖ has another meaning—tin. Also ―Lager‖ refers to the name of beer. With the illustration, the whole advertisement brings a humorous effect and impresses the audiences deeply. The Coca-cola company also uses ―can‖ to do their advertisement.―Coke refreshes you like no other can.‖Just like last example, ― can ‖ has double meanings, so the sentence can be understand like that Coke refreshes you like no other (can; tin, drink) can (refresh you). It implies their product is the best one. Of course, people like to buy the best one.1. 2. 5 Pun on Illustration and WordsA lot of advertisement associates with illustrations and words to achieve better effect, especially on TV, because people are more easily attracted by pictures than words. The illustrations and words can help people to understand the advertisement fully. Pun in the advertisement must be connected with illustrations and words, so people can understand the implied meanings. For instances:―50% OFF.‖It is a shopwindow advertisement of E-spirit exclusive shop in Shanghai from 2001 and spring festival. The illustration is a picture with six lights, three on and three off. From the illustration, people know it does not only mean a half of the lights are off, but also means the whole sale discounts 50%. The illustration and words are vivid, and attract the passers-by‘ attention more easily.―Stop at two.‖It is the title of an public service advertising (PSA) which the Population andCommunity Development Association ( PCDA) of Thailand uses to advocate the couple to have children no more than two. The illustration is the photo of Wistern Churchill who formed a ―V‖ letter w ith his forefinger and middle finger. The gesture ―V‖ means victory. So people also can understand that it is a victory to have only one child. This picture is famous, so people will remember it easily. To achieve thesuccess of their country, people may more like to control the population.海量英语论文尽在英语论文网,免费下载网址:/需要其他类型英语论文可以咨询QQ 2537717352 The pragmatic function of pun in advertisementPun has a lot of advantages such as conciseness, wit and humor, novelty and vividness. It produces a particularly rhetorical and pragmatic effect when people use the language creatively in a specified context. The proper use can make the advertisement impressive and attractive.2. 1 Wit and humorPun, the g ame of word, produces wit and humor effect to attract the audiences‘ attention and inspires their association. In the age of rapid rhythm, advertisement with pun like a spice makes people enjoy themselves in the advertising atmosphere, and reduces their pressure in a relaxed environment.―When the wind has a bite… and you feel like a bite… then bite on a whole Nut.‖The word ―bite‖ has several meanings: grip, food, and eat. The whole sentence means that when the strong wind hurts you and you are very hungry, just eat some Nut. After day working, people would feel tired and hungry, while the advertisement is just the situation of them. Therefore, they would be attracted to buy the product, so they will not suffer hunger after work. Also, the sentence sounds like tongue twist.―Excellent Taste!‖It is a word in an advertisement for a whiskey product—Jamson. In the advertisement, when the hero drank the Jamson whiskey that the heroine introduced to him, he said, ―Excellent Taste‖. Generally speaking, ―taste‖ means ―favor‖, but here, another meaning is ―the ability to appreciate what is beautiful‖. So the advertisement means:this kind f whiskey as good flavor; the heroine has high appreciation. The advertiser uses pun to praise both the product and the consumers who choose their product. It caters for people‘ vanity and induces them to buy the product.2. 2 Creativeness and originalityThis is typical of advertising language. An advertisement has a high demand of diction every word playing an important role. If human emotions have to be inspired, the words, strong in expressing emotions, will be chosen. In advertisement, originality is king. A new way of sending message can set a brand apart from copycats and also-rans. So it is important to use something novelsuch as coinage in the advertisement to draw people‘ attention. Normally, a new created word accepted by readers can enhance the freshness and attraction of the advertisement. Good advertisers use coinage to refresh the advertisement and to achieve its p ropagandist purpose.―Cab Fourward.‖It is an advertisement title of Ram Car produced by Doqi company. The word ―fourward‖ sounds like ―forward‖. Connecting it with the picture in the advertisement, people would know why it uses ‗fourward‖. Because the four doors of this kind of car could be opened from four directions. The advertiser creates the word ―fourward‖ from ―forward‖ to show the speciality of the car.―Catch the Raincheetah and cheat the rain.‖It is an advertisement in Toronto Daily Star. The punny word ―Raincheetah‖, the name of the raincoat, sounds like ―raincheater‖ while the word ―raincheater‖ derives from ―windcheater‖. The word ―cheat‖ in the sentence makes it wonderful and let people feel that this kind of raincoat can protect the consumers well. Pun gives people impression of novelty and interest.2. 3 Satisfying people’s requirement of beautyA good advertisement is a text from which people can appreciate the art of language, especially advertisement using pun. Pun in advertisement is orderly and antithetic that makes people feel the aesthetic modality of language. The characters of pun, such as vividness, wit and humor, pleasure people‘s spirit and let them enjoy the beauty of language. For instance:―Give your hair a touch of spring.‖It is an advertisement for shampoo. The word ―spring‖ here is very vivid and like a picture in people‘ mind: after using the shampoo, the long hair becomes elastic and shining. When you stand there, your hair will go with wind. Everyone likes beauty, so the advertisement caters for people‘ desire and induces them to buy the product to make them more beautiful.2. 4 Satisfying the requirement of society—EconomyWith the rapid development of the society, people become busier and busier, so they require short and easy remembered advertisement to supply the message they want. But how to impress the audiences is a question. The answer is using pun. But why is pun especially favored by the advertiser? The main reasons as following:―Firstly, advertisement is paid message, with limited space and time, so it doesn‘t allow verbiage to waste the investment. Pun with double meaning has the characteristic of small carrier but plenty of connotations. So it is very econo mic, effective and money-saving to the advertiser. Secondly, in modern society, people pay more and more attention to effect, and get tired of the tedious advertisement. The pun in advertisement is usually formed by short sentences. Some use the name of the product as the theme of the advertisement. Some use excellent phrases to show the specialties of the product. To the audiences, it saves their time to get the information they want. Thirdly, usually, the audiences read or watch advertisement unintentionally and only can remember something unconsciously. So, to achieve expected propagandist effect, the advertisement must reduce the memory message. Pun is suitable for the requirement. The content is short, the form rhythmic, and the style novel, which are easily remembered and impressed people deeply‖ [3]. In a word, pun uses fewer words to express full message which is the content of Economy Principle, and it usually reaches the purpose of advertisement that is arouse consumers‘ attention to a commodity and induce them to use it. For instance:―Two beer or not two beer, that‘s a question.----Shakesbeer‖Looking at the beer advertisement, people would associate it with the proverb ―To be or knot to be, that‘s a question‖ in Hamlet. Shakesbeer i s the name of the beer, but it sounds like ―Shakespeare‖ who is known nearly all over the world, so it is easy forpeople to remember the Shakesbeer. And the word said by Hamlet is also very famous, especially in western country. The sentence is short and the pattern is famous, so people will remember the product naturally.―Go well, Go Shell.‖It is an advertisement for Shell Oil Company. ―Well‖ sounds like ―where‖, so it implies that go to Shell company to buy oil. Only four words are used in the advertisement, but express the meaning fully and impress people deeply. Imagine that one day, when you drive your car, suddenly, the oil is run out. So you are wondering where to go, then, of course, you will remember the words ―Go well, go Shell‖. So you will go to Shell at once. The slogans impress the audiences deeply and persuade them to buy the product invisibly.―Make Time For Time.‖It is an advertisement for Time magazine. The advertisement uses the pun on homonymy of the word ―time‖ to refer two meani ngs: common sense of time, and the name of he magazine. The advertisement means that read Time magazine to seize time. In the society full of competition, time is important and magazines also play an important role which people have to read to broaden their view. While Time magazine will not only broaden view, but also save your time. It satisfies people‘s requirement.2. 5 Implying WarningSome advertisements imply warming. Pun can make the warming vivid and effective so that people can pay attention to it. For instances:―Better late than the late.‖It is a public service advertising of traffic. It derives from the proverb ―Better late than never‖. In the sentence, ―the late‖ means‖ the dead‖, and it reminds the drivers to drive slowly and carefully. The advertisement with pun here has more powerful to persuade the drivers to care their security.Another example:―The driver is safer when the road is dry; The road is safer when the driver is dry.‖It is also an advertisement for safe driving. The exce llent word is ―dry‖ which has double meanings: without water and without drinking. It expresses if the road is dry and the driver doesn‘t drink, all drivers will be safer. The antitheses and thyme of the sentence has more powerful to warm people.2. 6 Marking product more profitable and competiveThe speciality of pun is useful in advertisement, and favored by people. If a advertiser can make full use of it to satisfy people‘s requirement, the product may precede others and gain the market.―A deal with us means a good deal to you.‖Here, the double meanings of ―deal‖ are: the amount and business. The meanings of the advertisement are that: do trade with us is a good business to you; doing business with us, you will get a lot. Advertisers use pun skilful to inspire the audiences‘ curiosity and attract their interest to do the deal.―Powe to influence others.‖It is an advertisement for a Hector Powe Clothing Company. They advocate that if you wear their clothes, you will have power to influence other people. Because ―Powe‖ is like ―power‖. It satisfies people‘s desire of power, so they like to have a try. Thus, it will bring great profit to the Powe company. Maybe people with the clothes can‘t have more power, but the company has the power to influence the market.3 Five strategies of translation of puns in English advertisem entOn the basis of previous studies on translation of puns, the author tentatively proposes five potential strategies for translation of puns in English advertisements, some of which have already been touched upon in the previous section. They include preservation, creation, compensation, explication and omission[4]. These five strategies, adopted in accordance with the principle of optimal relevance,have some advantages. First, they have already been widely employed in practice and are generalized from the previous studies, thus they have solid foundation. Secondly, they can cover most of the important methods proposed by other scholars as we can see in the analysis in the previous sections. Thirdly, these five strategies stem from a comprehensive perspective: such aspects as form, meaning and function have been taken into account. So we hope these strategies will prove to be effective in real work. It should be pointed out that each of the five strategies is not always applied on its own; sometimes two or more strategies are jointly employed in an advertisement depending on the situation. When there is more than one pun in an advertisement,different strategies can be applied to different pun depending on the situation. For instance, some can be preserved, some explicated, and some omitted. However,whatever the situation is, whatever strategies the translator should choose, depends on whether optimal relevance can be achieved, i.e. the choice has to be made in accordance with the principle of optimal relevance. In the following sections, thesefive strategies will be explained.3. 1 PreservationFor those advertisements that mainly appeal to emotions, e.g. texts abundant with rhetorical devices such as pun, the persuasive power lies in the successful conveyance of the rich meaning in these rhetorical devices. Preservation is one of the effective ways to represent the strength of the original, and it is also one of the often-employed approaches available to the translator, but it should be adopted on the condition that there is a large degree of overlap in both the source language and the target language in terms of linguistic features and the cognitive environment of the source language and the target language reader on the subject to be translated, so that by doing so it neither causes clash in the target language culture nor misleads the reader when he/she processes it and therefore the original and the translated closely resemble each other, and if possible have the same effects on the reader. Such linguistic features may be morphologic, phonetic, syntactic and semantic, etc., which still preserve(as much as possible)the communicative clues of the original,or resemblance in linguistic properties. Eg. An Apple for everybody keeps worries away.V ersion A: 电脑选苹果,烦恼远离我。