



Artificial Netural Network 络
所有的自然神经元 都有树突、体细胞、轴 突和神经键4个基本部 分。基本上,一个生物 神经元从其它来源获得 输入,将之以一定方式 化合,执行针对结果的 通常是非线性的操作, 然后输出最后的结果。 如图表示了一个简单的 生物神经元及其四部分 之间的关系。
P2U7A Conventional and Intelligent Control
第二部分第七单元课文A 传统控制与智能控制
另外,为了控制复杂系统,有效处理复杂计算的问题也是研究 的领域之一;传统控制中其还在研究者关心之外,而当尝试控 制复杂系统时,很明显它已经是一个中心的问题。 此时正适合给智能控制中的智能一词作概要的说明。我 们注意到“智能”的精确定义已经不为人类所知数千年了。最 近这个问题以引起多个学科的注意,如心理学、哲学和生物学, 当然还有人工智能(AI);注意AI被定义为使用计算模型实现 智能的研究。对于什么构成了智能还没有一致的意见。关于广 泛使用的智商测验的讨论表明我还远未理解这个问题。在这个 报告中我们也未尝试给智能下一个全面的定义。取而代之,我 们介绍和讨论了几种在前面提及的解决复杂系统控制时表现出 可用性的智能系统的特点。 现在罗列了关于“智能控制”的一些内容。智能控制器 设想模仿人类智力,如自适应和自学习、在巨大不确定性条件 下的自计划和处理大量的数据等等,以便能有效的控制复杂过 程;
Artificial Netural Network

人脑最基本的单元是一种细胞,是它们使我们可以记忆、思 考和运用以往的经验来指导我们的每一个行为。这些细胞被称为 神经元,每个神经元都与大约200,000个其他神经元相连。大 脑的能力就来自于这些基本单元及其之间多样的连接。 所有的自然神经元都有树突、体细胞、轴突和神经键4个基本 部分。基本上,一个生物神经元从其它来源获得输入,将之以一 定方式化合,执行针对结果的通常是非线性的操作,然后输出最 后的结果。下图表示了一个简单的生物神经元及其四部分之间的 关系。



.探索是进化过程中一个重要地生存策略.; . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习数量不断扩张地物种地迁移有赖于对临近或遥远地新地食物来源或安全地栖息地进行探索,这是人口压力或是环境变化地结果.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习而人类还增加了另外一个探索地原因,即好奇心.这种对未知事物进行探索地思想冲动引领着伟大地欧洲探险家们在世纪到世纪之间来到了美洲,澳大利亚和南极洲.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习对大自然地好奇心同样也是人类探索极地冰冠,攀登山峰和潜入海底背后地驱动力., . . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习现在二十一世纪探索地最终前沿便是太空.天文观测和人造卫星已经为我们提供了关于太阳系内外地宇宙地丰富知识.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习; . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是这些技术只能提供一些有限地概况,让我们知道那里都有些什么.最终人类还是要亲自前往其他星球以进行更详细地研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , .文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习过去五十年间国家安全方面地考虑促使火箭和飞船技术取得了巨大进步.现在,人类已经能够进入近地轨道和月球以便能够更好地实现通讯效果或是观察环境变化以及地面人类活动.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , .可以想象,这些进展将最终能将宇航员送至其他星球,尤其是火星. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. , . ’ , . ; , () . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是探索地球和探索太空有着巨大地差异.首先,太空是一个不容许任何人为错误或技术故障地无情地环境.对于长时间离开地球轨道地人而言风险会更多.一个是太空中几近全无地重力,而另外一个则是高能量电离宇宙射线()核子地存在.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习由于零重力和宇宙射线会对前往火星地飞船上地宇航员有着严重地健康影响,我们首先要研究它们对细胞,组织和人类荷尔蒙与免疫系统地影响.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,尽管我们能够在地面制造核子并研究其对生物材料地影响,但是我们无法长久地模拟低重力时段以及它们二者对细胞和组织地累加效应.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, () . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,国际空间站()将会为人类在太空进行健康风险评估以及制定应对措施方面扮演重要地角色.() . 关于宇航员是如何适应从太空中地零重力()到地球地地信息已经有了很多,文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, ; . 但是我们对这些影响地了解还是不够全面,也不明了有那些对策能够减轻这些影响.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ . , ——. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习通过对在航天飞船上和长期驻扎在俄罗斯和平号空间站上宇航员地观察发现零重力对骨骼和肌肉生理以及心血管系统都有着严重地影响.例如,由返回至会导致人无法在直立地体位维持正常地血压,即直立耐受不良,还会导致脑部供血不足.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 因此,宇航员从轨道返回后需要休息几分钟.恢复正常血压所需地时间和他们在零重力环境中所处地时间成正比.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习——, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习这就意味着前往火星地宇航员无论是在登陆后还是在返回地球后都将需要相当长地时间来重新适应重力,因为他们至少将有一年地时间处于零重力状态,除非我们可以找到一个技术解决方案能在宇宙飞船上人工建立重力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , . . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外还有其他地心血管方面地影响,例如心律失常和心肌萎缩.而这一切都需要更为详尽地研究,然后才能确保执行火星任务地宇航员地安全.长时间处于低重力环境地其它影响还包括骨质地流失和肌肉退化,这些都有可能损害宇航员在飞船中或火星表面执行任务地能力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习人类太空旅行地第二大风险就是前面提到地存在于宇宙射线中地核子,因为他们能对原子或分子施加电离作用.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ ’ , , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习尽管核子无法到达地球表面,因为他们要么是被大气层所吸收,要么是被地球磁场影响而发生偏转,但是已经有实验数据表明宇宙射线中地电子,中子和质子有致癌作用以及其它一些对机体有害地潜在影响.这些都已经在地球上地许多实验室动物中得到观察.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, .文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外,年在日本落下地原子弹地影响研究也为辐射和高能核子对健康地危害提供了进一步地数据.,—. , , , .. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,宇宙射线与核爆炸还是有着很大不同.因为宇宙射线包含大量地核子,即坍塌地行星和超新星爆炸后释放到太空地残留物.核子对诱发癌症,中枢神经系统和眼睛地生理影响还不明确,辐射影响与零重力之间地相互作用也未获研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,我们需要在地面上以及国际空间站进行更多地实验才能放心地保证往返火星和更远地行星地宇航员地健康和安全.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习具有讽刺意味地是,只有在从太空中带回地物质地潜在威胁得到讨论之后才能考虑太空辐射对健康地危害.() , , . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习我曾在年加入美国国家研究理事会()地空间科学委员会,在诸多考虑事宜中就包括了从月球或是太空其他地方返回地物体是否会携带可能危及地球生命地有害生物.那时合适地解决方案是隔离这些对象并用射线或紫外线照射或是高温消毒.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. 要想理解和评估辐射和重力地生理作用不仅要求地球上地实验,还需要在国际空间站上对足够数量地动物和或人体实验对象进行广泛地研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,由于美国宇航局经费地削减以及年月哥伦比亚号航天飞机地失事,国际空间站地工作和建设已经陷入停滞状态.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外,国际空间站还面临人员问题.原本计划安排六到七名宇航员来实行空间站地维护和运转以及科学实验., , , , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而资金短缺意味着没有足够大地太空飞行器,如穿梭机,来运输船员、设备和供给,也无法满足在空间站遇到紧急事故地时候提供救援运输地需求.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , , . . , ’ , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,为了安全起见,船员地数量在年被减少到了三个.因为只有俄罗斯联盟号宇宙飞船可以使用,而该飞船在紧急情况下只能运载三名船员.哥伦比亚号飞船地损失加剧了这个问题.由于船员地规模从六个减少到了三个,宇航员地大部分时间被用于操作和维护空间站,而只能剩下一点时间来进行科学实验.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, – . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习没有可观地巨额资金输入来供应设备并支持更多地船员,科学家们将无法在未来到年内完成对太空旅行风险地基本信息地收集.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习为了获取流行病学有效地数据,我们同时还需要一个持续不断地,轮流上阵地至少六名宇航员来获取零重力对生理和心理地影响并验证对策地有效性.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习不完成这些实验就不可能保证长达三年地火星往返途中宇航员地安全和康健., , ? 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习那么,要怎样做才能满足我们对太阳系内外进行探索地好奇心并继续更详尽地研究距离我们最近地行星呢?. , , ’ , , —’ —. . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习有三种可能地解决方案.第一个,也是最为明显地一个就是使用无人驾驶飞船来探索行星地表面,比如说在火星或是欧罗巴(木星地一个行星)上登陆并将样本送回地球.这有望在未来地十年内完成.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. , , , . . 第二种方法是为国际空间站大量增加资金.我无法估算需要多少资金,因为从过去地经验来看,这样地估计有很大地不确定性.而这些资金甚至可能会超过建造一艘能够搭载六到七名宇航员从火星到地球为期三年地往返地太空飞船所需地费用.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在目前全球经济地环境下,没有有效地物质和经济合作以及多国间地相互协同显然是无法实现地.. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习第三个可能地解决方案是开发新地发射能力以及速度更快地太空飞船来大幅减少在太空中所花费地时间,从而降低辐射地照射和宇航员地其它压力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习《科学》杂志报道说俄罗斯正在研制核动力飞船计划来实现这一目标., . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,很难设想能够满足环境要求地起飞和着陆地场景., . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习鉴于目前地局势,我认为我们需要进一步改建国际空间站并至少在未来年间使用机器人探测棒,然后才可以重新评估将人类送上火星地可能性.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习。



UNIT71. Several leading modern business leaders seem, surprisingly, to downplay the importance of strategy. You can make too much fuss about strategy, they imply--- you have a few clear options; just choose one and get on with it. is it really that simple?2. “Strategy is straightforward---just pick a general direction and implement like hell.”Jack Welch, for example---the chairman and CEO of the USA’s General Electric Company; the man who grow the company from a market capitalization of $27 billion to a $140 billion, making GE the largest and most valuable company in the world. he must know a thing or two about strategy. But here’s what he says: “In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and you implement like hell.”Or Allan leighton, the man who was recruited by Archie Norman to help res cue the UK’s ailing Asda supermarket chain, and went on to build the company into one of Britain’s most successful retailers. “Strategy is important,” says Leighton, “but it is a compass, not a road map. It tells you in which direction you are heading, but the important bit is how you get there.”Or Louis Gerstner, the man who rescued IBM in the 1990’s when the struggling mainframe supplier was about to be driven into extinction by the new, smaller and more agile personal computer manufacturers. “It is extremely difficult to develop a unique strategy for a company; and if the strategy is truly different, it is probably highly risky. Execution really is the critical part of a successful strategy. Getting it done, getting it done right, getting it done better than the next person is far more important than dreaming up new visions of the future.”3. So strategy is simple. And having an ingenious new strategy is less important than carrying it out successfully. In fact it might be dangerous. It that right?Let’s look at one last quote from Mr. Welch. “When I became CEO in 1981, we launched a highly publicized initiative: be number one or number two in every market, and fix, sell or close to get there. This was not our strategy, although I’ve often heard it descri bed that way.It was a galvanising mantra to describe how we were going to do business going forward. Our strategy was much more directional. GE was going to move away from businesses that were being commoditized toward businesses that manufactured high-value technology products or sold services instead of things.”Grand strategy versus strategy4. I would argue that these CEO’s blue chip corporations are taking a slightly Olympian view of the concept of “strategy.” Let’s call what hey are talking about “grand strategy” a strategy, but in the overarching sense, like the American car industry saying that they are going to move out gas-guzzlers and into smaller, more fuel-efficient models. 1.一些领先的现代企业领导人似乎,奇怪的是,淡化战略的重要性。






















Unit7TheShelter课文翻译大学英语三资料讲解U n i t7T h eS h e l t e r课文翻译大学英语三Unit 7 The ShelterRod SerlingSeveral neighbors hope to find safety in the only bomb shelter on their street when an announcement comes over the radio that enemy missiles are approaching. Can it shelter all of them? Does its owner let them in?Here is the story……SYNOPSIS OF ACT ONE: On a summer evening, a birthday celebration is going on at Dr. Stockton's. Among those present are his neighbors: the Hendersons, the weiss's and the Harlowes. In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a state of emergency of for suspected enemy missiles approaching. The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home. However, shortly afterwards they return one after another to the stockton house for the simple reason that they want to survive —— want to share with the Stocktons the bomb shelter which is the only one on their street.ACT TWO(abridged)OUTSIDE STOCKTON HOMEHENDERSON: It'll land any minute. I just know it. It's going to land any minute——MRS. HENDERSON: (grabs hold of him) What are we going to do?Throughout above and following dialogue, a portable radiocarried by one of the children carries the following announcement:ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. We are still in a state of Yellow Alert. If you are a public official or government employee with an emergency assignment, or a civil defense worker, you should report to your post immediately. If you are a public official or governmen t employee……MRS. HARLOWE: Jerry, ask again.HARLOWE: Don't waste you time. He won't let anyone in. He said he didn't have any room or supplies there and it's designed for three people.MRS.HENDERSON: What'll we do?HARLOWE: Maybe we ought to pick out just one basement and go to work on it. Poll all our stuff. Food, water, everything.MRS.HARLOWE: It isn't fair. (she points toward Stockton house) He's down there in a bomb shelter completely safe. And our kids have to just wait around for a bomb to drop and ——HENDERSON: Let's just go down into his basement and break down the door?A chorus of voices greet this with assent.As HENDERSON rushes through toward the basement entrance, HARLOWE overtakes him saying:HARLOWE: Wait a minute, wait a minute. All of us couldn't fit in there. That would be crazy to even try.WEISS: Why don't we draw lots? Pick out one family?HARLOWE: What difference would it make? He won't let us in. HENDERSON: We can all march down there and tell him he's got the whole street against him. We could do that.HARLOWE: What good would that do? I keep telling you. Even if we were to break down the door, it couldn't accommodateall of us. We'd just be killing everybody and for no reason.MRS. HENDERSON: If it saves even one of these kids out here——I call that a reason.The voice comes up again.WEISS: Jerry, you know him better than nay of us. You're his best friend. Why don't you go down again? Try to talk to him. Pleased with him. Tell him topick out one family —— Draw lots or something ——HENDERSON: One family, meaning yours, Weiss, huh?WEISS: (whirls around to him) Why not? I've got a three-month-old infant——MRS. HENDERSON: What difference does that make? Is your baby's life any more precious than our kids?WEISS: (shouting at her) I never said that. If you're going to start trying to argue about who deserves to live more than the next one ——HENDERSON: Why don't you shut your mouth, Weiss? (with a wild, illogical anger) That's the way it is when the foreigners come over here. Aggressive, greedy, semi-Americans——WEISS: (his face goes white) Why you garbage-brained idiot you——MRS. HENDERSON: It still goes, Weiss! I bet you're at the bottom of the list——WEISS suddenly flings himself through the crowd toward the man and there's a brief, hand-to-hand fight between them broken up by HARLOWE who stands between them breathless.HARLOWE: Keep it up, both of you. Just keep it up. We won't need a bomb. We can slaughter each other.MRS.WEISS: (pleading) Marty, go down to Bill's shelter again.Ask him ——WEISS: I've already asked him. It wouldn't do any good.One again the siren sounds and the people seem to move closer together, staring up toward the night sky. Off in the distance we see searchlights.HARLOWE: Searchlights. It must be coming closer.HENDERSON: (as he suddenly pushes HARLOWE aside and heads for the steps) I'm going down there and get him to open up that door. I don't care what the rest of you think. That's the only thing left to do.MAN # 1: He's right. Come on, let's do it.INSIDE THE SHELTERGRACE is holding tight to PAUL. STOCKTON stands close to the door listening to the noises from outside as they approach. There's a pounding on the shelter door that reverberates.OUTSIDE THE SHELTERHENDERSON: Bill? Bill Stockton? You've got a bunch of your neighbors out here who want to stay alive. Now you can open the door and talk to us andfigure out with us how many can come in there. Or else you can just keep doing what you're doing —— and we'll fight our way in there.HARLOWE appears and pushes his way through the group and goes over to the shelter door.HARLOWE: Bill. This is Jerry. They mean business out here.STOCKTON'S VOICE: And I mean business in here. I've already told you, Jerry. You're wasting you time. You're wasting precious time that could be use for something else……like figuring out how you can survive.NAM # 1: Why don't we get a big, heavy log to break thedoor down? HENDERSON: We could go over to Bennett Avenue. Phil Kline has some giant logs in his basement. I've seen them. Let's get one. And we'll just tell Kline to keep his mouth shut as to why we want it.WEISS: Let's get hold of ourselves. Let's stop and think for a minute——HENDERSON: (turning to face WEISS) Nobody cares what you think. You or your kind. I thought I made that clear upstairs. I think the first order of business is to get you out of here.With this he strikes out, smashing his fist into WEISS's face in a blow so unexpected and so wild that WEISS, totally unprepared, is knocked against the wall. His wife screams and, still holding the baby, rushes to him. There's a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISS's side trying to help him to his feet. Once again the sirens blast.HENDERSON: (should over the noise and commotion) Come on, let's get something to smash this door down.They start out of cellar toward the steps.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.GRACE (looks up) Bill? Who were those people?STOCKTON (turning to stare toward the door) "Those people?" Those are our neighbors, Grace. Our friends. The people we've lived with and alongside for twenty years. (then in a different fixed expression and in a different tone) Come on. Paul. Let's put stuff up against this door. Everything we can.The man and boy then start to pile up a barricade, using furniture, the generator, books, any movable object they can get their hands on.OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERThe mob marches down the street carrying a large heavy log that is perhaps fifteen feet long. Their own shouts mix with the sound of the intermittent siren and with the voice of the announcer on the Conelrad station.ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: We've been asked to once again remind the population that they are to remain calm, stay off the streets. This is urgent. Please remain off the streets. Everything possible is being done in the way of protection. But the military and important civil defense vehicles must have the streets clear. So you're once again reminded to remain off the streets. Remain off the streets!The minute the mob gathers before the STOCKTON house, they smash into it, carrying the giant log. They move down the cellar steps. As the log smashes into the shelter door, the siren goes up louder and more piercing and it is at this moment that we see both WEISS and HARLOW join the men on the heavy log to lend their support to it.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON and Paul lean against it as it starts to give under the weight, under the pressure. The air is filled with angry shouts, the intermittent siren, the cries of women and children.INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERAnd it all reaches one vast pitch just as the door is forced open. PAUL and STOCKTON are pushed back into the shelter and just at this moment the lightgo on in the basement. The siren also reaches its top and then suddenly goes off and there is absolute dead silence for a long moment. Then from the portable radio in the corner comes ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad.Remain turned for an important message. Remain tuned for an important message. (a pause) The President of the United States has just announced that the previously unidentified objects have now been definitely identified as being satellites. Repeat. There are no enemy missiles approaching. Repeat, there are no enemy missiles approaching. The objects have been identified as satellites. They are harmless and we are in no danger. Repeat. We are in no danger. The state of emergency has officially been called off. We are in no danger. Repeat. There is no enemy attack. There is no enemy attack.MRS.WEISS: (her eyes closed and crying softly) Thank God. Oh, thank God. WEISS: (in a whisper, his face bruised and blood clotted) Amen to that. HENDERSON: Hey, Marty ...... Marty (I)went crazy. You understand that, don't you? I just went crazy. I didn't mean all the things I said. (he wets his lips, his voice shaking) We were all of us …… we were so scared ……so confuse. (he holds out his hands in a gesture) Well, it's no wonder really, is it? I mean…… well, you can understand why we blew our tops a little ——There's a murmur of voices, a few half-hearted nods, but they're all still in a state of shock.HARLOWE: I don't think Marty's going to hold it against you. (then turning to STOCKTON) I just hope Bill won't hold this ——(he points to the wreckage around him) against us. We'll pay for the damage, Bill. We'll take up a collection right away.As STOCKTON walks past them across the cellar and up toward the stairs, all eyes are on him and there's an absolute dead silence.WEISS: (his voice shaky and nervous) We could …… we could have a block party or something tomorrow night. A bigcelebration. I think we deserve one now.He looks around smiling at the others, a nervous smiles born of a carry-over of fear and the realization that something has taken hold of all of them now. Something deadening in its effect and disquieting beyond words. STOCKTON takes a step up on the stairs then stops and turns back toward them. His face is expressionless.HARLOWE: (with phony laughter desperately trying to relieve situation) Block party's not a bad idea. (looking around at the others) Anything to get back to normal.STOCKTON: (looks from face to face and slowly shakes his head) Normal? (a pause) I don't know. I don't know what "normal" is. I thought I did, but I don't any more.HARLOWE: I told you we'd pay for the damages——STOCKTON: (stares at him) The damages? (he nods) I wonder if we realize just what those damages are? (he looks from face to face again) Maybe the worst of them was finding out just what we're like when we're normal. The kind of people we are. Just underneath the surface. I mean all of us. A lot of naked animals who attach such great importance to staying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege. (he leans against the stairway wall, suddenly desperately tired, very softly as he turns awa y from them) We were spared a bomb tonight……but I wonder if we wer en't destroyed even without it.He continues up the steps.防空洞第一幕的内容提要:某个夏夜,斯道克顿家正在举行生日庆祝会。























How to be a scientistG ina KolataA sk most people– even students majoring in science – to describe the typical life of a successful scientist, and chances are they will describe a dedicated existence: long hours in the laboratory, toiling alone among racks of test tubes and beakers.B ut researchers say that nothing could be further from the truth. I ndeed, they say, the irony is that to succeed in science, most people have to leave the lab completely. L eading biologists and chemists say they spend no time in the laboratory. I nstead they write grant proposals, travel and give talks on their group‟s research; they think up ideas for their staff of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to work on, and try their best to motivate and encourage staff members to be creative and productive.D r. Shirley, Tilghman, a molecular biologist at Princeton University, says that most people have no idea of the skills needed to succeed in science. “I get these undergraduates in my office saying they are trying to decide between medicine and science,” Dr. Tilghman said. “They say, …I really want to go into medicine because I want to be involved with people.‟I just say, …my God.‟ The extraordinary thing about being a principal scientific investigator is that I should have been a psychology major. I do nothing but try to motivate people, try to figure out why they‟re not working hard. M ost of biology is a profession where success depends to a large extent on how you work with people.”S ome researchers say that the most valuable course work for scientists may not even be science.Dr. Ponzy Lu, a chemist at the University of Pennsylvania, says his worst memories of his days as an undergraduate at the California Institute of Technology were the humanities courses he and every other science major were forced to take. “We hadto write 500 to 1,000 words a week in essays,” Dr. Lu said. “I wasn‟t good at that kind of stuff.”But as soon as he become a successful scientist, Dr. Lu said he found that rather than puttering around the laboratory conducting experiments, he had to spend his time writing grant proposals, meeting deadlines. Dr. Lu said, writing “is about all I do.”A nd the dreaded essay writing at Cal Tech was “the most useful thing I learned.”S ome scientist s are delighted to leave the laboratory and find that they can finally shine when they are judged by their ideas and their administrative skills. Y et even people who feel this way are often loath to admit it, Dr. Lu said, because it is part of the mystique of science to say you love the lab. “It‟s like Jimmy Carter saying he lusted after women,” Dr. Lu said. “You can get in a lot of trouble saying things like that.”B ut no matter what they think of laboratory work, most researchers say that it was not until they were in graduate school, well on their way to becoming scientists, that they realized what the career path actually is.Dr. Kenneth Gross, a molecular geneticist at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N.Y., remembers well his epiphany. I t happened when he was a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. O ne day, Dr. Gross was working happily in the lab next to a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Arthur Skoultchi, who is now at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. F ull of enthusiasm, Dr. Gross said, he remarked that “the most incredible thing is that hey paid you to work in a lab.” Dr. Skoultchi, he said, replied, “Enjoy it while you can,”and explained to Dr. Gross what lay ahead. Y oung scientists move up the ladder from graduate student to postdoctoral fellow to assistant professor to, they hope, recipient of a federal grant. F rom then on, their time in the lab rapidly dwindles to nothing.Dr. Lu explained that it was not so surprising that most successful scientists ended up as thinkers rather than doers. “That‟s the whole problem with big science,” he said. “You have to have an army of people to do the work.”B ut, he added, “Part of what makes a person become a scientist is the desire for influence and power. A nd the only way you can have that is to have a group of people working on your ideas.”A typical research group at a leading university has about a dozen people, paid for mainly by grant money either from the federal government, private groups like the American Cancer Society or companies, that the principal investigator raises.D r. Lu said that although his salary is paid by the university, he must bring in $300,000 a year to run his lab. T his includes paying for equipment and paying the budding scientists who perform the experiments. Graduate students earn about $12,000 a year, some of which, is paid by fellowship; the rest comes from grant money. P ostdoctoral fellows receive about $20,000 a year.S ome scientist s run huge groups that have budgets equal to those of small corporations.D r. Jerome Groopman, an AIDS researcher at Brigham and Women‟s Hospital in Boston, said his group of about 50 people had an operating budget of $2 million a year.“It‟s clearly a major problem for a lot of people,”said Dr. Tom Maniatis, a molecular biologist at Harvard. “Nowhere in your education are you trained to be a manager or administer. S uddenly you are faced with writing grants and keeping track of spending. B ut the most difficult challenge is managing people. I don‟t think scientist s are prepared to do that at all.”From the new york times , april 4,1993.怎样成为一名科学家问大多数人- 即使在科学专业的学生- 来形容一个成功的科学家的典型生活,和机会,他们将在实验室中描述了一个专用的存在:时间长,独自之间的试管和烧杯架劳作。



Soil Compressibility and Settlement土的压缩性和结算Types of Ground Movement and Causes of Settlement沉降的地面运动的类型及成因The relationship between ground movement and the stability of related structures is a complex one. 地面运动和相关结构稳定性之间的关系比较复杂。

First of all, there are several mechanisms which may produce ground movement, and furthermore there are many types of structure, each with a varying potential to withstand or to be distressed by movement. 首先,导致地面运动的机理有多种,而且,结构形式也多种多样,每一种抵抗地面运动的能力也不同。

Some buildings, such as those of brick and masonry construction, are exceedingly brittle and may sustain cracks and even structural damage following very small foundation displacements. 一些建筑物,如砖石结构,脆性很大,即使在很小的基础位移发生时就可能导致其开裂,甚至结构破坏。

Others may be constructed to sustain movements of considerable magnitude without suffering real damage.其它结构形式可经受很大的地面运动而不发生真正破坏。

unit7 things翻译

unit7 things翻译

of a cityscape seen from the window of a jet—these are the intimate realities of his existence. Man-made things enter into and color his consciousness. Their number is expanding with explosive force, both absolutely and relative to the natural environment. This will be even more true in super-industrial society than it is today.我们周围人造物品的海洋外围还有更广阔的自燃物品的海洋。





Anti-materialists tend to deride the importance of “things.” Yet things are highly significant, not m erely because of their functional utility, but also because of their psychological impact. We develop relationships with things. Things affect our sense of foreshortening of our relationships with things accelerates the pace of life.唯心主义者试图否认物品的重要性,但是物品是非常重要的,不仅因为它有实用功能,还因为其对精神的影响,我们发展和物品的关系,物品影响我们对关联和断联的意识。



Unit 7Exploration is an important survival strategy in evolution.探索是进化过程中一个重要的生存策略。

The migration of expansive species depends on exploring their immediate or distant surroundings for new food sources or safe habitats; it can also come as a result of population pressures or environmental changes.数量不断扩张的物种的迁移有赖于对临近或遥远的新的食物来源或安全的栖息地进行探索,这是人口压力或是环境变化的结果。

The human species has added another reason for exploration, namely curiosity. This intellectual urge to explore the unknown led the great European explorers to the Americas, Australia and Antarctica between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries.而人类还增加了另外一个探索的原因,即好奇心。


Inquisitiveness about nature is also the driving force behind humans exploring the polar caps, climbing mountain peaks and diving into the abysses of the oceans.对大自然的好奇心同样也是人类探索极地冰冠,攀登山峰和潜入海底背后的驱动力。



U27 The acid-base titra‎tion start‎s with the disso‎lutio‎n of the solid‎ acid sampl‎e in deion‎i zed water‎. Add the end-point‎indic‎a tor, which‎is pheno‎l phth‎a lein‎, with two drops‎to each flask‎conta‎i ning‎the acid sampl‎e and deion‎i zed water‎.Prope‎r ly label‎the flask‎s. Be consi‎s tent‎in all of the sampl‎e s when addin‎g the indic‎a tor. Swirl‎the flask‎s until‎the solid‎acid is compl‎e tely‎disso‎l ved. Final‎l y, rinse‎with deion‎i zed water‎three‎times‎aroun‎d, which‎is criti‎c al to ensur‎e that all solid‎acid has been remov‎e d from the flask‎walls‎and disso‎l ved in the solut‎i on. All solid‎parti‎c les must be disso‎l ved prior‎to the titra‎t ion.7、酸碱滴定伴‎随着于固体‎酸溶解于去‎离子水中发‎生。








以太网以IEEE 802。














Unit 7防空洞第一幕的内容提要:某个夏夜,斯道克顿家正在举行生日庆祝会。



























应用化学(万有志)专业英语unit7 化学键翻译

应用化学(万有志)专业英语unit7 化学键翻译

PART TWO THE FUNDATIONS OF CHEMISTRYUnit7Chemical Bonds化学键There are approximately 100 chemical elements.世界上大概有100种元素。

There are millions of chemical compound, and about 600000 new compounds are prepared every year.现有数百万种化合物,而且每年有60万种新化合物被合成出来。

To form these compounds, atoms of different elements must be held together in specific combinations.be held togetherin specific combinations 以特定的方式为了合成这些化合物,不同种类的原子必须以特定方式结合在一起。

Chemical bonds are the forces that maintain these arrangements.That引导定语从句,修饰forces化学键是保持这种结合状态的力。

Chemical bonding also plays a role in determining the state of matter.plays a role 起作用化学键同时在决定物质状态方面也起作用。

At room temperature, water is a liquid, carbon dioxide is a gas, andtable salt is a solid because of differences in chemical bonding.在室温下,水是液体,二氧化碳是气体,晶体盐是固体,是由于化学键的不同。

As scientists developed an understanding of the nature of chemical bonding, they gained the ability to manipulate the structure of compounds.As引导原因状语从句to manipulate the structure of compounds不定式短语做宾补随着化学家对化学键认识的发展,他们获得了控制化合物结构的能力。

Unit 7 The Shelter课文翻译大学英语三资料讲解

Unit 7 The Shelter课文翻译大学英语三资料讲解

U n i t7T h eS h e l t e r课文翻译大学英语三Unit 7 The ShelterRod SerlingSeveral neighbors hope to find safety in the only bomb shelter on their street when an announcement comes over the radio that enemy missiles are approaching. Can it shelter all of them? Does its owner let them in?Here is the story……SYNOPSIS OF ACT ONE: On a summer evening, a birthday celebration is going on at Dr. Stockton's. Among those present are his neighbors: the Hendersons, the weiss's and the Harlowes. In the midst of it comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a state of emergency of for suspected enemy missiles approaching. The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home. However, shortly afterwards they return one after another to the stockton house for the simple reason that they want to survive —— want to share with the Stocktons the bomb shelter which is the only one on their street.ACT TWO(abridged)OUTSIDE STOCKTON HOMEHENDERSON: It'll land any minute. I just know it. It's going to land any minute——MRS. HENDERSON: (grabs hold of him) What are we going to do?Throughout above and following dialogue, a portable radio carried by one of the children carries the following announcement:ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. We are still in a state of Yellow Alert. If you are a public official or government employee with an emergency assignment, or a civil defense worker, you should report to your post immediately. If you are a public official or governmen t employee……MRS. HARLOWE: Jerry, ask again.HARLOWE: Don't waste you time. He won't let anyone in. He said he didn't have any room or supplies there and it's designed for three people.MRS.HENDERSON: What'll we do?HARLOWE: Maybe we ought to pick out just one basement and go to work on it. Poll all our stuff. Food, water, everything.MRS.HARLOWE: It isn't fair. (she points toward Stockton house) He's down there in a bomb shelter completely safe. And our kids have to just wait around for a bomb to drop and ——HENDERSON: Let's just go down into his basement and break down the door?A chorus of voices greet this with assent.As HENDERSON rushes through toward the basement entrance, HARLOWE overtakes him saying:HARLOWE: Wait a minute, wait a minute. All of us couldn't fit in there. That would be crazy to even try.WEISS: Why don't we draw lots? Pick out one family?HARLOWE: What difference would it make? He won't let us in. HENDERSON: We can all march down there and tell him he's got the whole street against him. We could do that.HARLOWE: What good would that do? I keep telling you. Even if we were to break down the door, it couldn't accommodate all of us. We'd just be killing everybody and for no reason.MRS. HENDERSON: If it saves even one of these kids out here——I call that a reason.The voice comes up again.WEISS: Jerry, you know him better than nay of us. You're his best friend. Why don't you go down again? Try to talk to him. Pleased with him. Tell him topick out one family —— Draw lots or something ——HENDERSON: One family, meaning yours, Weiss, huh?WEISS: (whirls around to him) Why not? I've got a three-month-old infant——MRS. HENDERSON: What difference does that make? Is your baby's life any more precious than our kids?WEISS: (shouting at her) I never said that. If you're going to start trying to argue about who deserves to live more than the next one ——HENDERSON: Why don't you shut your mouth, Weiss? (with a wild, illogical anger) That's the way it is when the foreigners come over here. Aggressive, greedy, semi-Americans——WEISS: (his face goes white) Why you garbage-brained idiot you——MRS. HENDERSON: It still goes, Weiss! I bet you're at the bottom of the list——WEISS suddenly flings himself through the crowd toward the man and there's a brief, hand-to-hand fight between them broken up by HARLOWE who stands between them breathless.HARLOWE: Keep it up, both of you. Just keep it up. We won't need a bomb. We can slaughter each other.MRS.WEISS: (pleading) Marty, go down to Bill's shelter again. Ask him ——WEISS: I've already asked him. It wouldn't do any good.One again the siren sounds and the people seem to move closer together, staring up toward the night sky. Off in the distance we see searchlights.HARLOWE: Searchlights. It must be coming closer.HENDERSON: (as he suddenly pushes HARLOWE aside and heads for the steps) I'm going down there and get him to open up that door. I don't care what the rest of you think. That's the only thing left to do.MAN # 1: He's right. Come on, let's do it.INSIDE THE SHELTERGRACE is holding tight to PAUL. STOCKTON stands close to the door listening to the noises from outside as they approach. There's a pounding on the shelter door that reverberates.OUTSIDE THE SHELTERHENDERSON: Bill? Bill Stockton? You've got a bunch of your neighbors out here who want to stay alive. Now you can open the door and talk to us andfigure out with us how many can come in there. Or else you can just keep doing what you're doing —— and we'll fight our way in there.HARLOWE appears and pushes his way through the group and goes over to the shelter door.HARLOWE: Bill. This is Jerry. They mean business out here.STOCKTON'S VOICE: And I mean business in here. I've already told you, Jerry. You're wasting you time. You're wasting precious time that could be use for something else……like figuring out how you can survive.NAM # 1: Why don't we get a big, heavy log to break the door down? HENDERSON: We could go over to Bennett Avenue. Phil Kline has some giant logs in his basement. I've seen them. Let's get one. And we'll just tell Kline to keep his mouth shut as to why we want it.WEISS: Let's get hold of ourselves. Let's stop and think for a minute——HENDERSON: (turning to face WEISS) Nobody cares what you think. You or your kind. I thought I made that clear upstairs. I think the first order of business is to get you out of here.With this he strikes out, smashing his fist into WEISS's face in a blow so unexpected and so wild that WEISS, totally unprepared, is knocked against the wall. His wife screams and, still holding the baby, rushes to him. There's a commotion as several men try to grab the neighbor and HARLOWE is immediately at WEISS's side trying to help him to his feet. Once again the sirens blast.HENDERSON: (should over the noise and commotion) Come on, let's get something to smash this door down.They start out of cellar toward the steps.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON slowly turns to face his wife. The angry screaming cries of the people ring in their ears even as they depart.GRACE (looks up) Bill? Who were those people?STOCKTON (turning to stare toward the door) "Those people?" Those are our neighbors, Grace. Our friends. The people we've lived with and alongside for twenty years. (then in a different fixed expression and in a different tone) Come on. Paul. Let's put stuff up against this door. Everything we can.The man and boy then start to pile up a barricade, using furniture, the generator, books, any movable object they can get their hands on.OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERThe mob marches down the street carrying a large heavy log that is perhaps fifteen feet long. Their own shouts mix with the sound of the intermittent siren and with the voice of the announcer on the Conelrad station.ANNOUNCER'S VOICE: We've been asked to once again remind the population that they are to remain calm, stay off the streets. This is urgent. Please remain off the streets. Everything possible is being done in the way of protection. But the military and important civil defense vehicles must have the streets clear. So you're once again reminded to remain off the streets. Remain off the streets!The minute the mob gathers before the STOCKTON house, they smash into it, carrying the giant log. They move down the cellar steps. As the log smashes into the shelter door, the siren goes up louder and more piercing and it is at this moment that we see both WEISS and HARLOW join the men on the heavy log to lend their support to it.INSIDE THE SHELTERSTOCKTON and Paul lean against it as it starts to give under the weight, under the pressure. The air is filled with angry shouts, the intermittent siren, the cries of women and children.INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE SHELTERAnd it all reaches one vast pitch just as the door is forced open. PAUL and STOCKTON are pushed back into the shelter and just at this moment the lightgo on in the basement. The siren also reaches its top and then suddenly goes off and there is absolute dead silence for a long moment. Then from the portable radio in the corner comesANNOUNCER'S VOICE: This is Conelrad. This is Conelrad. Remain turned for an important message. Remain tuned for an important message. (a pause) The President of the United States has just announced that the previously unidentified objects have now been definitely identified as being satellites. Repeat. There are no enemy missiles approaching. Repeat, there are no enemy missiles approaching. The objects have been identified as satellites. They are harmless and we are in no danger. Repeat. We are in no danger. The state of emergency has officially been called off. We are in no danger. Repeat. There is no enemy attack. There is no enemy attack.MRS.WEISS: (her eyes closed and crying softly) Thank God. Oh, thank God. WEISS: (in a whisper, his face bruised and blood clotted) Amen to that. HENDERSON: Hey, Marty …… Marty ……I went crazy. You understand that, don't you? I just went crazy. I didn't mean all the things I said. (he wets his lips, his voice shaking) We were all of us …… we were so scared ……so confuse. (he holds out his hands in a gesture) Well, it's no wonder really, is it? I mean…… well, you can understand why we blew our tops a little ——There's a murmur of voices, a few half-hearted nods, but they're all still in a state of shock.HARLOWE: I don't think Marty's going to hold it against you. (then turning to STOCKTON) I just hope Bill won't hold this —— (he points to the wreckage around him) against us. We'll pay for the damage, Bill. We'll take up a collection right away.As STOCKTON walks past them across the cellar and up toward the stairs, all eyes are on him and there's an absolute dead silence.WEISS: (his voice shaky and nervous) We could …… we could have a block party or something tomorrow night. A big celebration. I think we deserve one now.He looks around smiling at the others, a nervous smiles born of a carry-over of fear and the realization that something has taken hold of all of them now. Something deadening in its effect and disquieting beyond words. STOCKTON takes a step up on the stairs then stops and turns back toward them. His face is expressionless.HARLOWE: (with phony laughter desperately trying to relieve situation) Block party's not a bad idea. (looking around at the others) Anything to get back to normal.STOCKTON: (looks from face to face and slowly shakes his head) Normal? (a pause) I don't know. I don't know what "normal" is. I thought I did, but I don't any more.HARLOWE: I told you we'd pay for the damages——STOCKTON: (stares at him) The damages? (he nods) I wonder if we realize just what those damages are? (he looks from face to face again) Maybe the worst of them was finding out just what we're like when we're normal. The kind of people we are. Just underneath the surface. I mean all of us. A lot of naked animals who attach such great importance to staying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege. (he leans against the stairway wall, suddenly desperately tired, very softly as he turns away from them) We were spared a bomb tonight……but I wonder if we wer en't destroyed even without it.He continues up the steps.防空洞第一幕的内容提要:某个夏夜,斯道克顿家正在举行生日庆祝会。



• 7.2.2英语特殊结构汉译时主语的选择 •英语的被动句 • 英语的被动句表述客观的实事和态度, 多用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍、 景物描写等,汉语被动句表示发生的不 愉快的事实。 • 一,保留主语,谓语动词可用“被”结 构,也可转换为主动语态。 • 例13:They were defeated by themselves, rather than by their enemies.
• 5, They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems,which involve moral judgment. • 2006年全国英语考研翻译试题
• 例14:Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth’s crust. • 例15:A prototype of another display, called the Military E-book, should be completed next January or February. • 二,用“我们、人们、大家”等表泛指的 代词充当译语主语。 • 例16:The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. • 例17:After many years, regular mail carriers on horseback were hired.
第七章英汉句子翻译 7.1 英汉句子结构对比
• • • • • • • • 英语 主语突出 常用无灵主语 叙述多呈静态 组句多焦点透视 句式呈树式结构 思维重逻辑 句式严谨规范 • • • • • • • • 汉语 主题突出 有灵主语 叙述多呈动态 组句多散点透视 句式呈竹状结构 思维重语感 句式灵活多变

unit7 专业英语的翻译-4

unit7 专业英语的翻译-4

Skills of Translation:增词译法
1.翻译省略句时补充省略部分; 2.在被动句中添加行为主体,如:“人们”、“有 人”、“大家”、“我们”等; 3.添加需要的关联词; 4.可数名词添加量词,复数前可增补“许多”、 “一些”、“各种”等词,使复数意义更加明确; 5.根据需要适当增加一些概括性词; 6.增加适当的说明性词语使单独的词语意思明 确; 7.当含有动作意义的抽象名词表示具体概念时, 可以增加说明性词缀使译文具体化,常用的说 明性词缀主要有:作用、现象、效应、方法、 情况、过程等等。
Skills of Translation:省词译法
Steel and iron products are often rusted if they are located in moist places. 译:钢铁制品放于潮湿处常常生锈。 It seems that the invention of the electronic watch has made a great impact on the mechanical watch making industry. 译:电子表的发明似乎对于机械钟表业 产生了巨大的影响。
Skills of Tran harder we work,the better results we get. 译:我们越努力,效果越好。
To be sure ,the change of the earth is slow, but, nevertheless, it is continuous. 译:确实,地球的变化很缓慢,但这一变化确实连 续不断的。 Later the term “gilt-edged” came to have a wider meaning , standing for safety and security. 译:后来“金边”一词有了更广泛的意义,代表安全。

大学英语通识教程第二册 Unit 7 参考译文

大学英语通识教程第二册    Unit 7 参考译文

【第七单元·Text A 参考译文】敞开的窗门萨基“我的姑妈马上就下楼来,纳特先生,”一位神态自若的十五岁姑娘说,“她没下来以前只得请你包涵,由我来作陪了。
























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