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in which her subject was involved
(E)the author mentions none of the scandals in which
her subject were involved
3. Founded in 1919, the aim of the Bauhaus
❖ 定义:悬垂结构主要是指现在分词(V-ing)或过去分词(V-ed)在
句子里作状语时,其逻辑主语(动作的发出者)从语法的要求来 看,必须是句子的主语;但如果该主语和现在分词或过去分词 在逻辑上又没有联系,那么现在分词或过去分词就变成了一个 没有依附的分词,这样的错误在语法上称为“悬垂结构。”
❖ 悬垂结构是SAT的重点考查内容;认识悬垂结构可以帮助 我们迅速排除一些错误选项。
1. While living in New York City, the speed and
convenience of the subway system was something I
came to appreciate.
A) the speed and convenience of the subway system
SAT Grammar
Warm-up practice
In this section, there are some SAT questions. For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given.
A. Gerunds
❖The agency reports that by rigorously enforcing state regulations, industrial pollution has been successfully reduced to acceptable levels.
School was to create a revolutionary
modern style that would unite art and mass
production. (2012.1.4)
A) aim of the Bauhaus School was
B) aim of the Bauhaus School having been
❖The agency reports that by rigorously enforcing state regulations, it has succeeded in reducing industrial pollution to acceptable levels
Other Frequently Tested Dangling Modifiers
involved is mentioned by the author
(C) none of the scandals in which her subject was
involved are mentioned by the author
(D)the author does not mention any of the scandals
C) Bauhaus School, whose aim was
D) Bauhaus School aiming
E) Bauhaus School aimed
4. Not filling out the forms carefully, there was a two-week delay in processing his paycheck. A) Not filling out the forms carefully B) The forms, not filled out carefully C) Not carefully filling out the forms D) Because he had not filled out the forms
Right or Wrong:
1. Waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head.
Waiting for a bus, I was hit by a brick.
2. Driving on the road that night, a squirrel suddenly leapt out of the jungle. Driving on the road that night, Tom saw a squirrel leaping... 3. Getting down from the bus, my ankle was sprained.
1_S)_假u_p_如p_o__发s_in_生g__t战h_e_争r_e_,_w_a_你s_a_会_w_怎_a_r么__办___呢_,?what would you do?
2) 考虑到剩下的时间不多了,我想我们应该加快我 们的进度。
_G_i_v_e_n_/_C_o_n_s_id__e_ri_n_g_t_h_a_t_t_h_e_re__is__li_tt_le__ti_m_e__l_e_ft_, I think we
Practice: 坦白讲,他没有你想像中的坏。
Frankly speaking, he is not so bad as you might think.
❖B. V-ing + 介词
如:judging from(从…上判断),talking/speaking of(谈到 …),allowing for(=considering考虑到)
carefully E) BHale Waihona Puke Baidu him not being careful while filling out the
悬 垂 结 构 Dangling Modifiers
While walking on a clear day, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.
should accelerate our progress.
_G_ra_n_t_in_g_t_ha_t_h_e_w_a_s__dr_u_n_k_, that is no excuse for his conduct.
Other Frequently Tested Dangling Modifiers
appreciate about the subway system
D) I came to appreciate the speed and convenience
being had by the subway system
E) I came to appreciate the speed and convenience
3) 从他的口音判断,他一定是来自英国。
_J_u__d_g_in__g_f_r_o_m__h_i_s_a_c_c_e__n_t _________, he must be from Britain.
• C. V-ing/V.-ed + 从句 Assuming/supposing / supposed that + 从句 = if + 从句 providing / provided that 从句 = if + 从句 granting / granted that 从句 = although + 从句 Considering / given that 从句 考虑到
involved. (2012.1. 8)
(A)there is no mention by the author of any of the
scandals in which her subject was involved
(B)none of the scandals in which her subject was
of the subway system
2. Apparently honoring the actor’s desire for a
flattering biography, there is no mention by the author
of any of the scandals in which her subject was
Hot tip!!
• 当句子以V-ing开头时,句子的主语必须是该动作的发出 者;当句子以V-ed开头时,主语就必须和该动作构成被 动关系。
• 当看到一个句子以V-ing或V-ed开头时(有时前面有while或 when连词),首先要考虑句子主语必须和V-ing或V-ed在逻 辑上有关系,一般凡是没有关系的必定是错误项。
was something I came to appreciate
B) the subway system’s speed and convenience
were things I came to appreciate
C) its speed and convenience were things I came to
Getting down from the bus, I got my ankle sprained.
Right or Wrong:
4. Looking in this way, the situation didn’t seem that bad. Looked in this way, the situation didn’t seem that bad. 5. Ranked as one of the top ten universities, many students are
eager to have the chance to study in Princeton.
Ranked as one of the top ten universities, Princeton is the dream of many students who are eager to study in it.
Other Frequently Tested Dangling Modifiers
C. Appositives A splendid example of late synthetic cubism, Picasso painted Three Musicians in the summer of 1924. --A splendid example of late synthetic cubism, Three Musicians was painted by Picasso in the summer of 1924. --Picasso painted Three Musicians, a splendid example of late synthetic cubism, in the summer of 1924.
• Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
• 英语里有些固定的表达方式,特别是在一些表示说话人 态度的结构中,句子的主语和句首的V-ing或V-ed没有任 何关系,但句子依然正确。常见的有:
• A. 副词(strictly / frankly / generally / seriously) + speaking
B. Infinitives To get our attention, we saw Mr. Green take out a red flag.
To get our attention, Mr. Green took out a red flag. We saw Mr. Green take out a red flag to get our attention.
A_l_lo_w__in__g_f_o_r_/C__o_n_s_i_d_e_r_in_g__h_is__a_g_e__, he has done a good job.
S_p_e_a_k_i_n_g_/_T_a_lk_i_n_g__o_f _E_n_g_l_is_h__w__ri_ti_n_g_, I have an excellent tutor.