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Unit1 Part A 知识点

1.That’ s the tallest dinosaur!那是最高的恐龙

tall(高的)→taller (更高的)→tallest(最高的)




Maybe you are right 也许你是对的

Maybe 与may be,二者都是“也许,可能”的意思;

May be 是两个词的构成,may 是情态动词,后接谓语动词原形。You may be right.你也许是对的。

3.both of us 我们两个:Both of us are students 我们两个都是学生

4.There are more dinosaurs over there ! 那边有更多的恐龙



I have more apples.我有更多的苹果。

②over there在那边get/go there去那边come here来这里

5..and 和or

and ,意为“和”,出现在肯定句当中

I like apples and oranges. 我喜欢苹果和橙子。

or,在疑问句中是“或者”的意思,出现在否定句中是“和”的意思What fruit do you like,apple or orange?你喜欢什么水果?苹果或者橙子?

I don’t like apple or orange. 我不喜欢苹果和橙子。

Unit1 Part B 知识点

1.Those shoes in the window are nice!在窗户里的那些鞋子是很漂亮的!

①those(那些)→ that (那个)these(这些)→ this (这个)


② those shoes in the window 窗户里的那些鞋子

in the window是介词短语shoes 是整个句子的主语!

2.let ’s have a look!让我们看一看!

①Let ’s = let us 让我们,Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

Let me sing a birthday song for you 让我为你唱一首英文歌!

②have a look看一看,have a try试一试,have a rest休息一下,have a walk散散步

3.I wear size 38 shoes. 我穿38码的鞋子

①提问:What size are your shoes?你的鞋子是什么码数的?

I wear size 38 我穿38码的

What color is it?它是什么颜色?What time is it now?现在是什么时间?

② wear,动词,意为“穿(衣服);戴(眼镜);留(长发))”等

She is wearing a red skirt today. 她今天穿着一件红色的短裙。

My sister wears long hair 我姐姐留着一头长发

4.Your feet are bigger than mine. 你的脚比我的脚要大。

① foot(复数)feet 脚goose (复数)geese

②mine,名词性物主代词,是名词,意为“我的东西”,这样东西指代前面谈话中刚出现过,在句中,mine = my feet ,我的东西指的是我的脚。


My hair is longer than yours. 我的头发比你的头发长。

Her eyes are much bigger than ours. 她的眼睛比我们的眼睛大很多。

5.You look taller than me. 你看起来比我更高。

改为一般疑问句:Do I look taller than you?

改为否定句:You don’t look taller than me.

6.But I think you are heavier. 但我认为你更重一点。I think我认为,表主观推测

I think we should finish homework before watching TV.


I think she is very pretty. 我认为她很漂亮。

Unit1 Read and write知识点



grow变得;生长,become开始变得;变成, go down下沉

2、little duck is watching the sun go down小鸭子正在看太阳往下沉(即日落)

① is watching = be + 动词ing,现在进行时,正在做某事,“正在看”

② watch sb do sth 看某人做某事

I watch you play on the playground 我看见你在操场上玩耍

3、It is getting lower and lower 太阳越来越低

His shadow is getting longer and longer 他的影子越来越长

比较级+ and +比较级,表示“越来越......”
