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Dear Student, We the faculty take no pride in our educational achievements with you. We have prepared you for

a world that does not exist, indeed, that must not ________

exist. You have spent four years supposing that

failure leaves no record. You have learned that

when your work goes poorly, the painless solution

is to drop out. But start now, in the world___________

which you go, failure marks you. Confronting difficulty_____

by quitting leaves you changed. Outside the college

, quitters are no heroes.

With us you could argue about why your errors

were not errors, why mediocre work really

was excellent, why you could take pride in routine

and slipshod(不严谨的)presentation. Most of

you, after all, can look back on honor grades for

most of what you have done. So, here grades can

have meant little in distinguishing the excellent

from the ordinary. But tomorrow, in the world to

which you go, you had best not defend errors but

learn them. You will ill-advised to demand________

praise for that does not deserve it, and abuse those______

who do not give it. For years we created an altogether forgiving world, in which whatever slight effort you gave

was all that was demanded. When you did not keep appointments, we made new ones. When your

work came in beyond the deadline, we pretended

not to care. Worse still, when you were boring, we acted

as if you are interesting. When you were garrulous ________ and talked to hear yourselves talk, we

listened as you were saying something important. _________ When you were dull, we pretended you were

smart. When you were predictable, imaginative___________ and routine, we listened as if to new and wonderful

things. And all this why?

Inspite your fantasies, it was not even that we ___________ wanted to be liked by you. It was that we did not

want to be bothered, and the easy way was pretense: ________ smile and easy Bs.


I strongly disagree with some people’s assessment of the disadvantages

of children growing up without access to computers and the internet. Somehow, generations of people if all races and economic backgrounds Tried to succeed without computers. _________

I am a child of the’50s and graduated from college in mid 1970s_______ without the aid of a computer or even a calculator. We used our brains to add and abstract and slide rules for more complicated math. We learned to spell words, not use spell-check; we learned to diagram sentences, not click on the grammar-check. We learned

penmanship so out handwriting papers could be read.__________

I grew up with two sisters on the “wrong side” of my hometown (you know, the poor side ).My parents graduated during the Great Depression with eighth grades of education and worker hard for meager_________ wages. We had a telephone, but we did not have television until 1968.I guess we were deprived. Did it affect me? No. My sister and I are successful because our parents struggled to scrape up for_____________ the tuition to send us to private schools. They cared enough to make sure we learned out factions, our spelling words an our sentence diagrams .They instilled in us the love of books and reading. I became computer illiterate at 30,.__________

I an a curious soul, so I learn new applications that improve my work and
