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• mistake …… for…… 把…误认为… Eg:I mistook the stick for a snake.
keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事
The policeman kept the children from crossing the road when it was dangerous. 危险的时候,这位警察阻止了孩子们过马路。
keep in touch with 与……保持联系
(is filled with)
mistake /mɪ'steɪk/ n.错误
例:Everyone can make a mistake, but we must correct them .
correct /kə'rekt/ v.改正
mistake n. 错误 Words
Don't make the same mistakes.
This dress was an expensive/ a stupid mistake.
这件衣服是个昂贵的/ 愚蠢的错误。
• 2) v. 误解,弄错,误会 • (mistake - mistook - mistaken) • Eg: mistake the date
• mistake …… for…… 把…误认为… Eg:I mistook the stick for a snake.
She wants him to carry it. He wants him to correct it.
he wants them to listen to it. he wants them to move it.
She wants him to try it. He wants him to keep it.
e.g. 我想让他们搬出去。 I want them to move out.
come to +地点“来......”
1. want sth./sb. ➢ I want a bike. ➢ I want Lisa. 否定句 I don’t want…
2. want to do I want to type a letter.
T: Picture N. Why is the attendant talking to the man? S: Because he wants him to describe it.
T: Picture X. Why is the man showing his new car to his wife? S: Because he doesn't want her to drive it.
英式英语-E105.mp 3
THE BOSS:Where’s Sandra, Bob? I want her.
want sth./sb.想要见或找某人\某物
I want a bike.
the boss
I want Lisa.
I don't want her .
找动词? 谁是谓语?
• intelligence n. 智力 例:IQ = intelligence quotient
• present 1) n. ['preznt] 礼物 --present 指礼物的一般性用语 --gift 是稍正式的说法
2)adj. [pri'zent] 出席的 • 反意词absent • 很多学生出席那会议。 • A lot of students were present at the meeting.
She was carrying a suitcase.
keep v.保持, 保留
I kept his letters for years.
Please keep me a place in the queue. 排队时请给我占个位置。
T: Look at picture K. Why is the lady pointing at the suitcase? S: Because she wants him to carry it.
T: Picture R. Why is he giving her his photograph? S: Because he wants her to keep it.
look up a word in a dictionary 查字典
carry /'kæ rɪ/ v. 携带, 运送, 搬运
She carried her baby in her arms.
New Word s
3. want sb. to do sth. I want you to answer my question.
找动词? 谁是谓语?
• Tell her to come at once. 不定式作宾语补足语
• tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 • tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事 • 他叫我 (开车) 不要开得太快 • He told me not to drive too fast. • at once 立刻 • 你必须马上离开。 • You must leave at once.
•speak to sb. 跟某人说话 •我会和她说。 •I’ ll speak to her
THE BOSS:Yes, I do .
找动词? 谁是谓语?
I want her to come to my office.
想让某人做某事 want sb. to do sth.
Watch the video and then answer the question?
Q1. Did Sandra make mistakes in her boss’s letter? Q2. Is the letter full of mistakes? Q3. What present did the boss give Sandra?
Do you want to speak to her?
•want to do sth. 想要做某事 •E.g. 我想买辆新车。
to+动词原形在英文中被 称为不定式,to speak
•I want to buy a new car. 在这里是不定式做宾语。
•She wants to go to England.
• spell /spel/ v.拼写 ---spelt(过去式) 例:How do you spell your name?
How to spell the word?
• intelligent /ɪn'telɪdʒənt/ • adj.聪明的,有智慧的
例:The girl looks intelligent.
SANDRA:Did you want to see me ?
want to do sth .想要做某事 不定式做want 的宾语。
THE BOSS:Ah, yes,Sandra. How do you spell 'intelligent'?
spell v. 拼写 spelt-spelt 特殊疑问词“怎样”,对于方式方法提问 Can you tell me ?
T: Picture M. Why is he putting a record on? S: Because he wants them to listen to it.
T: Picture S. Why is she talking to the little boy? S: Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.
We must keep in touch with each other.
correct adj. 正确的
v. 改正, 纠正
The correct answers are at the top of page 8.
The teacher corrected my mistakes.
T : Picture O. Why is the policeman talking to the man and the woman? S: Because he wants them to move it.
T: Picture Y. Why is the woman telling tBiblioteka Baidue girl to be careful? S: Because she doesn't want her to lose it.
Tell him to keep away from the danger.
keep in touch with... 保持联系
keep/ ki:p / v.保持、保留
1. 用作系动词,意为“保持(某种状态)”,其 后常接形容词作表语。
Please keep quiet / silent! After the accident, he still kept alive.
Lesson 105 Full of mistakes
This paper is full of mistakes!
be full of ... = be filled with...
mistake /mɪ'steɪk/ n. 错误
be full of (充满了)
The glass is full of water.
• This letter's full of mistakes.
• mistake • 1) n. 错误 • 拼写错误 • a spelling mistake
• make a mistake 做错,犯错
• 2) v. 误解,弄错,误会 • (mistake - mistook - mistaken) • Eg: mistake the date
THE BOSS: That's right. You've typed it with only one 'L'.
此句是现在完成时,强调过去某个时间发生 的动作对现在的影响。即单词拼错了
it = intelligent这个词
with 是介词,在这里是指“用”。
2、用作实义动词,可表示:保管;保存;保留 Keep the change. 零钱不用找了。 Please keep these things for me while I am
away. 在我离开期间,请你替我保管这些东西
keep (on) doing sth.继续做某事
He kept sitting there for half an hour. 他在那儿站了半个小时 They kept on working in the field, though it was raining. 虽然天正在下雨,他们还是继续在田里干活。
Please, everybody, please be more careful about your handwriting. I found so many mistakes in someone’s homework last night. I could not read them. The same thing happens in our story today.
T: Picture V. Why is she saying good bye to them? S: Because she doesn't want them to miss it.
T: Picture Z. Why is she taking the knife from him? S: Because she doesn't want him to cut himself.