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3a. Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas.
Qomolangma — the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World? One of the world’s most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of
Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should nevergive up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.
achieve our dreams. It also shows that
humans can sometimes be stronger than
the forces of nature.
4. Even more serious difficulties include freezing
weather conditions and heavy storms.
The first people to reach the top were Tenzing
Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29,1953.
The first Chinese team did so in I960, while the
first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from
Japan in 1975. Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.
3c. Answer the questions using information from the article.
1.Where are the Himalayas?
The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.
2. How high is Qomolangma?
此用作可数名词。作可数名词时, difficulty通常用
If you have any difficulties, you can call me for help.
thick clouds It is hard to take in air Freezing weather conditions; Heavy storms; Snow slide, snow can fall very hard facts and dangers
Tenzing Norgay
China. Of all the mountains, Qomo百度文库angma
rises the highest and is the most famous. It is
8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to
climb. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can
The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Spirit of climbers Achievements of climbers Facts and dangers
fall very hard. Even more serious difficulties
include freezing weather conditions and heavy
storms. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.
2 ) achieve our dreams 相当于make our dreams come true 其中动词achieve表示“(通过努力)实现;取得; 获取;达到(梦想、成绩、成功、目的)”等。 例如: He achieved great success in a short time. 他用很短的时间取得了极大的成功。 Lin Tao achieved very good exam results. 林涛考试取得了 很好的成绩。
we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.
3a. Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas.
Qomolangma — the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Spirit of climbers Achievements of climbers Facts and dangers
Edmund Hillary
Nepal [nə'pɔːl] n 尼泊尔
Nepalese [ˌnepə'liːz] n 尼泊尔人
Tenzing Norgay
1953年5月29日上午 11时30分,引导和陪 伴新西兰登山家埃德 蒙· 希拉里 (Edmund Hillary)克服千难万 险,从珠穆朗玛南坡 携手登上顶峰,完成 了人类登上地球之巅 的梦想,完成人类对 世界最高峰珠穆朗玛 峰的首登。
It is 8,844.43 meters high.
3. Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous? Because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. 4. What does the spirit of the climbers tell us? The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.
we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.
Can you think of more examples to show …is
5. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. 这些登山者的精神向我们表明:我们绝不应该放 弃实现自己梦想的尝试。 1)give up doing sth. 的意思是“放弃做某事;半 途而废” He gave up learning a third language after he got the job.
Why do so many climbers risk their lives?
One of the main reasons is because people
want to challenge themselves in the face of
difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to
Edmund Hillary
埃德蒙· 希拉里,新西兰5元正面 为他的肖像
The first Chinese team reached the top in I960 Tibet n 西藏
Junko Tabei
Junko Tabei from Japan was the first woman to succeed reaching the top of Qomolangma in 1975. succeed (in) doing sth 成功做某事
It is hard to take in air
take in 吸入;吞入
freezing weather conditions freezing adj 极冷的;冰冻的
heavy snowstorms
snow can fall very hard. snow slide 雪崩
So dangerous
作不可数名词时,difficulty可译作“困难;艰难; 辛苦;费劲”, have difficulty (in) doing sth. 例如: •He had great difficulty in finding a new job. 他找新的 工作费了很大劲。 . •We found the house without difficulty. 我们轻而易举地找到广那座房子。
The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山脉
China Nepal [nə'pɔːl]
The Himalayas run arealong in the southwestern part of China.
the most famous mountain
Qomolangma rises is the highest.
Why do so many climbers risk their lives?
people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties and achieve their dreams.
What can we learn from the mountain climbers?
It is 8,843.43 meters high.
Qomolangma is also one of the most popular places to climb.
mountain climber
one of the most dangerous sports Why????
thick clouds thick adj 厚的;浓的