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Hypothesis of information processing theory 信息加工理论的假设
Virtually all information processing theorists believe that learning is essentially formed by the acquisition and use of information. One of their basic presumption is that behavior is determined by the information processes within the organism. Due to this flow of information is just a guess, are never directly observed. So, psychologists have constructed a variety of modes to deduce this information flow; depending on the theorist want to explain what kind of internal processes. Maybe available much of the information flow is valid. But in General, the information processing theorists focused on two issues: (1) the nature of the human memory system and (2) knowledge representation and storage of memory systems.
The evaluation of cognitive information processing theory 对认知信息加工理论的评价
该模型强调职业生涯咨询是一个持续的学习过程, 它区别于其他理论的最主要 方面是着重强调了认知信息 加工(CIP)的重要性。认知信息加工金字塔模型为咨询 师提供了帮助来访者的理论框架,决策制定的五阶段循 环模型可用于发展来访者问题解决的能力,生涯决策能 力的获得可以被视为是一种学习策略。该模型不同于其 它理论的地方还在于其强调了元认知在生涯问题解决中 的作用。促进元认知的发展也是该理论用于咨询所强调 的重要方面。
· To communicate (convey): individuals are beginning to realize that problems do exist; · Analysis (linking the components of the problem): an analysis of all information; · An integrated (formation): individuals develop possible solutions and to search for practical solutions;
Core of cognitive information processing theory 认知信息加工理论的核心
(1) the information-processing pyramid model The theory of career development and counseling process as a process of learning information processing capacity. The proposal in accordance with the theory of information-processing characteristics constitute a pyramid of information processing. Located in the base of the tower is an area of knowledge in the field, including self knowledge and professional knowledge. Intermediate areas are areas of decision-making, including communication-analysis-synthesis-assessment-five stages of implementation. The top area is the area of implementation, also known as meta-cognition, Metacognition is a man with knowledge about their own thinking and learning activities and controls implemented, it is any cognitive process of the regulation of cognitive activity, that is, any cognitive process and the result as an object of knowledge (Fulavell,1978). Including speech, self awareness, self control and supervision.
· Evaluation (assessment): assessing the pros and cons of each option, ranked order;
· Implement (policy enforcement): in accordance with the choice made to the programme of action.
相关文献 1.翻译认知过程视角下译者控制加工与 自动化加工研究-湖南大学学报:社会科 学版-2013年 第1期 (4) 2.口译认知加工机制的理论述评-天津外 国语大学学报-2013年 第1期 (7) 3.多媒体教材改革与实践研究阶段性成 果综合报告-福建广播电视大学学报2003年 第2期 (7)
The role of cognitive information processing theory 认知信息加工理论的作用
Psychological theories of cognitive information processing theory is a relatively new, with it becoming more valued, also entered the field of career planning. This theory focuses on personal career career decision-making process how to use information, solve career problems; the knowledge areas in the career planning process improved, improved career decision, Metacognitive skill improvement is a strong guiding role.
Cognitive Information Processing Theory
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Information processing theory
Information processing theory is not a
theory of names, but referred to a class of theory. Information theory have cited as an information processor, people's behavior is an information processing, information input, encoding, processing, storage, retrieval and use of process.
Overview of cognitive information processing theory
认知信息加工理论认为生涯发展就是看一个人如何 做出生涯决策以及在生涯问题解决和生涯决策过程 中如何使用信息的。 1991年,盖瑞· 彼得森(Gary Peterson),詹姆 斯· 桑普森(James Sampson),罗伯特· 里尔登(Robert Reardon)合著了《生涯发展和服务:一种认知的方 法》(Career Development and Services: A Cognitive Approach)一书,阐述了这一认知信息加工的方法 (简称CIP)。
(2)CASVE 循环 The theory is that, fields of knowledge corresponds to the computer's data file, we need to store. Decision-making is a computer software program, let the stored information to be processed. Area of implementation corresponds to the computer's control functions, manipulating the computer according to the instruction execution procedures. Decisionmaking skills can be obtained through a fivestage circular model. The five stages are:
Classification of information processing theory 信息加工理论 分类
从信息加工的角度来研究学习,起自不同的来源。有人认 为(Ellis,1978),是受了格式塔记忆理论的影响,这种理论 强调,有机体如何组织他们记忆的内容,反映了他们是如 何主动地组织知觉的方式。也有人(Norman,1970)区分了 对当今信息加工理论有影响的三种理论:(1)由埃斯蒂斯和 斯彭思等人最早提出的学习的数学理论(mathematical learning theories);(2)强调以选择性注意为起点、长时记 忆痕迹为终点的信号探示理论(signal detection theories); (3)注重人工智能和计算机模拟的计算机模型理论 (Computer-model theories)。