

第一篇(2022·惠州高三第一次调研)In our kitchen, there was a wooden table and three chairs —one for Dad, one for Mom, and one for me. In the cellar (地窖), the very last jar of apple jam lay quietly on the shelf, waiting to be turned into an apple pie when Dad came back. Mom sat at one end of the table. I sat in the middle between her and Dad. I tried not to look at Dad's empty place. Dad had gone to the city to look for work for a long time.

Every night, I lay awake in bed and waited for the train to stop. I waited to hear the creaky (嘎吱作响的) sound of the gate Dad was going to fix when he came home. I waited to hear the sound of his work boots dropping on the step by the kitchen door, and his voice calling, “I'm home!”

Every night, as I lay there, I stared at the window and the curtains made of empty flour sacks (麻袋) by Mom.

Every night, Mom came to kiss me goodnight—after the train had gone by. She was listening, too. “Go to sleep. Your dad wi ll be home soon. Maybe for the holiday.”

Time dragging by, finally came the day before the holiday. I went to sleep with the sound of train wheels in my head, whispering, “Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.”

Early the next morning, the smell of coffee woke me. I ran into the kitchen. There he was! Dad lifted me onto his shoulders and pretended to stagger from my weight. “How's my boy? You've gotten so big that I can barely lift you up any more.”

He put me down, and I stared at the two sacks on the table. One said FLOUR—I knew that word. I tried reading the other: S-U-G-A-R. Dad whistled admiringly and winked at me. Mom and I had been practicing my letters most days. I could see that Mom was pleased with me. “I'm going to bake a pie for your Dad's homecoming dinner. Jimmy, bring me that jar of apple jam from the shelf in the cellar,”Mom smiled at me.



Itookthestepst w oatatimetothecellar.____________________________________________________ _________

“Ne v ermind, boy, accidentshappen,”Dadsaidand w ipedmytears.___________________________________________________________ __



One possible version:

Hearingthis, Itookthestepst w oatatimetothecellar. “No problem.”I jumped at the request and rushed downstairs. The jar just stood quietly on the shelf, but it seemed a bit high. I climbed up the chair nearby and extended my arms as long as possible. When I just grasped the jar. I lost my balance and fell down. I couldn't help crying.What made me sad (主语从句) was not the pain but the jam (不是……而是……)—now scattered everywhere (散落一地).There came Dad's footsteps and Mom's voice (完全倒装结构). “Are you hurt?”I shook my head slightly.Mom helped me up and asked me to go upstairs.With heavy footsteps, I moved slowly and tears welled up in my eyes (眼睛里饱含泪水).

“Ne v ermind, boy, accidentshappen,”Dadsaidand w ipedmytears. “But I ruined your homecoming dinner.”Sorrow overwhelmed me and I kept sobbing. “No, my son,”Dad smiled gently, “My homecoming dinner is not about the pie, but about you and your mom.”Hearing this, I stopped sobbing, “But what can we eat tonight?”“How about an apple pie without apple jam?”Mom came upstairs and cut in. Dad and I exchanged a glance and nodded. After a while, I found myself sitting in the chair(find+宾语+宾语补足语), and this time, I still sat in the middle between Dad and Mom.

Test 2

第二篇(2022·广东重点中学调研)My mom mentions to the Clarksons that I'm sort of a babysitter and that if they ever need me, I'm responsible.Three days later, I'm playing a matching game with Mr.and Mrs.Clarkson's five­year­old son, Billy, while they enjoy dinner and a movie.

Things get interesting after lightning brightens the darkening sky followed by a crash of thunder.Billy flies off the sofa and runs to his room.The Clarksons gave me emergency numbers and

other instructions, but they didn't tell me what to do if their kid hides under his bed.

“What's wrong, Billy?”I ask as if I didn't know. “Nothing,”he says. “Then why are you missing?”Silence for a moment, then the truth. “I'm afraid of thunderstorms.”Part of being a great babysitter is being an expert in many fields.This time, I need to be a psychologist.

“Billy, lots of people don't like thunderstorms, but...”“I'm not lots of people,”he points out.I don't know how to respond.I also don't want Billy to have a terrible night.What can I do? Then an idea hits me. “If you don't come out, you're going to miss the funderstorm.”

“You mean thunderstorm,”he corrects. “No. I mean funderst orm.” Billy sticks his head out. “What's that?”“It's having fun during a thunderstorm,”I explain. “When the lightning strikes, you see how many things you can do before the thunder comes.”“Like a contest?”“Yes.” At that moment, lightning lights up the room.Billy looks at me expectantly.

“How many socks can you put on one foot? Go!”He runs to his dresser and starts putting on socks. I count along. “3...4...5...” He gets to 8 before the thunder booms. He seems frightened again.Before he can dive back under the bed, I yell, “Fruits! How many can you name?”The sky lights up. “Apple, banana, pear...”He's in the middle of listing melons when the round ends. “Pretty impressive,”I say. “What else?”he says. “Are you hungry?”I ask, smiling widely. “At the next lightning, go to the kitchen, grab the popcorn, and come back.”


Icanstillseealittle w orryinhiseyesandask, “YouOK?”


“Ho w didourboygetthroughthethunderstorm?”Mrs.Clarksonasks.______________________ _______________________________________

One possible version:

Icanstillseealittle w orryinhiseyesandask, “YouOK?”“Yes,”he says confidently, surprising me. I yell “Go!”when a flash of lightning comes. He rushes out of his room. Quickly, he returns, drops the container of popcorn, and falls breathlessly onto the floor. “Sixteen seconds,”

I say, looking at my watch. “Not bad.”We don't hear anything for a minute or two. “I think the storm is going away,”he says. So is the worried look in his eyes. When the Clarksons return, they apologize for not calling home. They were in the theater and didn't hear the storm.

“Ho w didourboygetthroughthethunderstorm?”Mrs. Clarksonasks. “Funderstorm,”Billy corrects immediately, giving me an excited look. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson both seem very confused. Billy describes our games to his parents cheerfully. At last, he adds, “And I can't wait till the next thunder and lightning!”Billy is not kidding.I can't take other babysitting jobs if storm clouds start rolling in because I know I'll get a call from the Clarksons. Billy has a lot of records to break.

第三篇(2022·福州五月质检)Ms Hart stood in front of her class on the very first day of school and told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her students, saying that she loved them all the same, treating them all alike.And that was impossible because there in front of her, right on the third row, was a little boy named George.

Ms Hart had watched George the year before and noticed he seldom engaged in school games, that he always wore torn dusty clothes and that he constantly needed a bath. As a whole, George was unpleasant.

When Ms Hart was required to review each child's records, she put George's off until last.But his file turned out to be a surprise.His first­grade teacher wrote, “George is a bright child with a ready laugh.He is a joy to be around.”

Another teacher wrote, “George is an excellent student well­liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a serious illness and life at home must be a struggle.”The next wrote, “George continues to work hard but his mother's death has been hard on him.Since his father doesn't show much interest, his home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't taken.”

The last record wrote, “George is silent and doesn't show much interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class.He could become a problem.”

By now Ms Hart realized the problem and New Year was coming fast.Her children brought her presents, all in beautiful ribbon and bright paper, except for George's, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper of a scissored grocery bag.Ms Hart took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents.Some of the children started to laugh when she found a toy bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that was one­quarter full of perfume.She stopped the children's laughter when she declared how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and wearing some of the perfume on the other wrist.

George stayed behind just long enough to say, “Ms Hart, today you smelled just like my mom used to.”



MsHartdecidedtocareforhimlikeamother.________________________________________________ _____________

Manyyearslater, MsHartattendedGeorge's w edding, w earingthe v erybracelethega v eher.


One possible version:

AfterGeorgeleft, MsHartdecidedtocareforhimlikeamother. She thought that she must do something to help George walk out the sorrow for his mother's death. On Friday she would invite George for dinner with her and treat him like her son. In her class she always encouraged George to answer her question and praised him for his progress in study. On George's birthday, Ms Hart would gather some pupils to have a party for George and offer a fancy birthday cake. George grew up merrily and became an excellent student again.

Manyyearslater, MsHartattendedGeorge's w edding, w earingthe v erybracelethega v eher. When she appeared on the stage, George was excited to see his kind teacher. He saw her wearing his gift given many years ago and he knew she treasured it. He embraced her tightly,whispering, “Thank you, Ms Hart, for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important.” Ms Hart was also excited, and her eyes were filled with tears. Then she gave the best wishes to the new couple. The whole wedding went pleasantly and cheerfully.

第四篇(2022·河北六校联考)An anonymous (匿名的) person's rude note was sent to a struggling neighbor.Prior to receiving the unpleasant letter last month, Randa Ragland and her family had been facing a variety of tough challenges.Her husband had lost his job; she had been diagnosed with some health issues; but worst of all, her 3­year­old son Jaxen had been diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma just before his birthday.Jaxen had already suffered seven surgeries and been hospitalized more than 20 times.

Being a desperate Mom, Mrs.Ragland had to care for her little son attentively and tried to get in contact with the best doctor in the world for this condition.She and her husband travelled all the way state after state to give her little son a fighting chance.Exhausted and worn out, she found the sparkle of the hope for lighting the messy situation was to go out.

On top of all of these, she opened her mailbox in Pinson, Alabama, to find an unaddressed note from a neighbor criticizing her for the state of her lawn.The note said that since her yard had fallen into disrepair, its appearance was affecting the resale value of their homes and that Ragland needed to do better.

At first, she felt a little angry.But so much had been going on with her and her family.She just didn't have the energy to be more negative.

She posted a photo of the note on the social media as a means of encouraging her friends to have patience with their own neighbors because we never know what hardships someone might be going through.



herpost w assharedbydozensofpeople.___________________________________________________ __________


Mrs.Raglandhadne v ermetanyofthesepeoplebeforeinherlife.______________________________ _______________________________

One possible version:

Unexpectedly, herpost w assharedbydozensofpeople.It spread throughout the community.The very next day, a team of lawn care service members showed up to take care of her grass; dozens of volunteers showed up with tools to clear the rubbish; and some people brought groceries from the store, while others tidied up the house.All of these volunteers joined together to form a group dedicated to helping the Raglands.

Mrs.Raglandhadne v ermetanyofthesepeoplebeforeinherlife.The compassion of the volunteers had an enormous impact on relieving her struggles.No one had imagined that the note later sparked an outpouring of kindness from across the community.Needless to say, Mrs.Ragland was filled with so much gratitude and her life was actually lit up by the note.


2022届高考英语读后续写精选四篇(含范文) 第一篇(2022·惠州高三第一次调研)In our kitchen, there was a wooden table and three chairs —one for Dad, one for Mom, and one for me. In the cellar (地窖), the very last jar of apple jam lay quietly on the shelf, waiting to be turned into an apple pie when Dad came back. Mom sat at one end of the table. I sat in the middle between her and Dad. I tried not to look at Dad's empty place. Dad had gone to the city to look for work for a long time. Every night, I lay awake in bed and waited for the train to stop. I waited to hear the creaky (嘎吱作响的) sound of the gate Dad was going to fix when he came home. I waited to hear the sound of his work boots dropping on the step by the kitchen door, and his voice calling, “I'm home!” Every night, as I lay there, I stared at the window and the curtains made of empty flour sacks (麻袋) by Mom. Every night, Mom came to kiss me goodnight—after the train had gone by. She was listening, too. “Go to sleep. Your dad wi ll be home soon. Maybe for the holiday.” Time dragging by, finally came the day before the holiday. I went to sleep with the sound of train wheels in my head, whispering, “Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.” Early the next morning, the smell of coffee woke me. I ran into the kitchen. There he was! Dad lifted me onto his shoulders and pretended to stagger from my weight. “How's my boy? You've gotten so big that I can barely lift you up any more.” He put me down, and I stared at the two sacks on the table. One said FLOUR—I knew that word. I tried reading the other: S-U-G-A-R. Dad whistled admiringly and winked at me. Mom and I had been practicing my letters most days. I could see that Mom was pleased with me. “I'm going to bake a pie for your Dad's homecoming dinner. Jimmy, bring me that jar of apple jam from the shelf in the cellar,”Mom smiled at me. 注意:续写词数应为150左右。 Hearingthis, Itookthestepst w oatatimetothecellar.____________________________________________________ _________ “Ne v ermind, boy, accidentshappen,”Dadsaidand w ipedmytears.___________________________________________________________ __


高考英语读后续写模考练习 班级考号姓名总分 1.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 As the bell was about to ring, our teacher announced a special assignment for next Monday: to share our gratitude for someone instead of giving a daily report.Hearing this, anxiety crawled over my body as the last thing I would do was speaking in front of the entire class! I couldn't help complaining to my best friend Jenny. “You are the chief violinist in our school orchestra,aren't you?"she said.“So what's the point of being afraid of speaking to a few our own classmates since you can handle acting in front of a large audience?” Her point made sense, but being in a performance meant being part of a team.I shook my head.Besides,there were so many people I was grateful to, and choosing just one seemed difficult.Even if I could pick someone,I wouldn't know how to say thank you.And even if I figured out what to say, I was sure I'd stumble(结巴地说)on my words when speaking aloud! Standing there, with everyone's eyes on me,I would feel the spot light was wholly on me,and there would be no place for me to hide!“Oh no!”I covered my face with my hands and said, “I can't do it, just can't!” Real friends,the ones who know you well,don't just do exactly what you ask.Jenny, always supportive and helpful, wrote something on a piece of paper and gently removed my hands from my face.She had drawn a cute cat with the word “CALM” written below it. “Nice meeting you; I am the ‘everything will be fine’ cat,” Jenny laughed and sounded exactly like a cat.Pretending to listen to the cat,she asked,“Well, kitty, you think my friend should come to my house tomorrow, so we can prepare our speeches together?” I laughed ou t loud and relaxed a lot.I have to say Jenny was there for me, always! 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 The next day, I went to Jenny's house. Before the speech, however, I changed my mind and wrote “Jenny” on the blackboard.


【读后续写】2022年读后续写备考优质范文(第56-60篇)(五十六) 【原文内容】 本文以事情发展的顺序为线索展开,讲述了Peter像往常一样走出办公室买早午餐和吃的,但是在去餐馆的路上闻到了恶臭的烟味。周围的人也都闻到这股味道。然后Peter跟着烟味发现是一座大楼正在燃烧。他突然在那看见“搬家公司”的标志。他想起他的哥哥Ryann 在早上告诉他和他的妈妈,他的公司要在今天运货。他认为他的哥哥在大楼里。 【续写范文】 “I cannot leave Ryann alone in the building,”thought Peter. He was so worried about his brother that he wanted to rush into the building. However, when Peter came close to the building, a fireman who was putting out the fire stopped him and said to Peter, “What are you doing, sir? It’s too dangerous. Please stay away from the building.”Pete answered anxiously, “My brother is in the building and I have to go there to rescue him from the burning building.”Meanwhile, he still wanted to dash into the building. The fireman held Peter’s arm strongly in case he went there. Peter was crying loudly so that many people were staring at him when he heard someone was calling his name. It was his brother who was calling his name! His brother was behind him in the crowd. He couldn’t believe his eyes and he said to the fireman,”Look, may brother is still alive. He isn’t in the building.”At the same time, he struggled to free himself from the fireman and ran quickly to his brother. “Are you hurt?”he asked his brother very excitedly and looked at the whole body of his brother. “No, I’m fine. We ran out of the building as soon as it started burning. Everyone is all right.”his brother replied. 【范文译文】 “我不能把瑞恩一个人留在大楼里,”彼得想。他非常担心他的兄弟,以至于他想冲进大楼。然而,当彼得靠近大楼时,一个正在灭火的消防员拦住了他,对彼得说:“先生,你在做什么?这太危险了。请远离大楼。”皮特焦急地回答:“我哥哥在楼里,我得去那里把他从着火的楼里救出来。”与此同时,他还想冲进大楼。消防员紧紧抓住彼得的手臂,以防他去那里。当彼得听到有人喊他的名字时,他哭得很大声,以至于很多人都盯着他看。 叫他名字的,是他的弟弟!在人群中,他的兄弟在他身后。他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,


高考英语读后续写参考范文(10篇)01南京市2023届高三年级英语学情调研(2023年) 第二节(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 My teenage son, Jordan, always complained about having to be home earlier than all his friends. He would tell me that he was already seventeen, but still had a curfew (宵禁),He believed he was practically an adult. I pointed out that he was not an adult as he was still in high school. “You don't trust me!” he yelled. Before I continued, he rolled his eyes, slammed the door and walked away. I sighed. How could I make Jordan see that I only wanted to keep him safe? I decided to go for a walk, hoping the December air would clear my head. I opened the front door and nearly stepped on her: a small black cat, just like a meatball. “Hi, Meatball," I said, bringing her int o my arms. I walked back in, touching her neck gently. Meatball seemed happy enough to come in the house, but after an hour or two, she sat by the door, meowing to go back outside. “Why won't she just stay in with us all the time?” Nathan, my youngest son asked. I explained to him that she was happy here but she liked being able to come and go as she pleased. “That must be nice,” Jordan muttered from the other room, complaining why the cat, not him, could come and go. He even asked me to give Meatball a curfew. Meatball became a regular. One night, temperatures were unusually low. Meatball stood at the door, meowing to go outside. I shook my head at her, afraid that she might freeze to death. She stared at me and meowed again. I patted her head, “I know you're not happy, but it's for your own good.” “Mom's not being mean to you,” Nathan told the cat. “She's just trying to keep you from turning into a frozen meatball.”We both laughed at his joke. The next morning, I couldn't find Meatball. I asked the kids if anyone had seen her.注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Jordan nodded,“I let her out last night.” As I drove to the animal hospital, Jordan sat in the back, holding Meatball inside his coat. 话题:亲子关系 主要内容:文章讲述了作者的儿子抱怨作者不让他晚上外出,但是在通过猫被夜里放出而差点被东死的事情后,他儿子终于明白作者不让他出去是为了他的安全着想。


2021年1月浙江高考英语读后续写范文十篇(附试题原文) Pumpkin(南瓜) carving at Halloween is a family tradition. We visit a local farm every October. In the pumpkin field, I compete with my three brothers and sister to seek out the biggest pumpkin. My dad has a rule that we have to carry our pumpkins back home, and as the eldest child I have an advantage — I carried an 85-pounder back last year. This year, it was hard to tell whether my prize or the one chosen by my 14-year-old brother, Jason, was the winner. Unfortunately we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides, but I was determined to prove my points. All of us were hard at work at the kitchen table, with my mom filming the annual event. I’m unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would settle the matter, but it seemed to make perfect sense at the time. With the pumpkin resting on the table, hole uppermost, I bent over and pressed my head against the opening. At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then, as I went on with my task, unwilling to quit, my nose briefly prevented entry. Finally I managed to put my whole head into it, like a cork(软木塞) forced into a bottle. I was able to straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting on my shoulders. My excitement was short-lived. The pumpkin was heavy. “I’m going


2022全国高考英语卷续写分析及范文 A MOTHER' S DAY SURPRISE Excitement as they thought of the twins were filled with surprise they were planning for Mother s Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do. The big day came at Iast. The alarm rang at 6 a m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely. Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now. Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well 注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph1: As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ Paragraph 2: The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ 【原文分析】 本文以第三人称,描述了一对双胞胎在母亲节为妈妈做早餐,送上一份惊喜的故事。这也是新高考的第一次续写真题。整体难度不大,所描述事件贴近生活,是每个孩子都可能经历过的事情,故事情节的发展也目了然。如何在平淡的情节上增加故事色彩,则是本篇文章写作的更高境界。 明线: A surprise暗线:1 ove between families 根据续写部分第一段的首句,可以知道正在双胞胎失望之时,父亲的出现给他们带来了希望。可以从以下的几个方面入手去考虑问题: 承上: How did father feel on seeing the mess"细节: What did father do to help? 5: Who cooked the breakfast at last?在第一段的描写当中,同学们可以充分的利用原文中的信息,描写做饭的场景。以达到对原文呼应的目的。父亲帮忙后,怎样还让母亲感觉到惊喜呢?这是父亲和孩子们之间的一个小秘密。第二段则是向妈妈献上惊喜的时刻了。


一阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。 I always thought becoming a grandmother would be a good experience. When my only child, David, and his girlfriend, Line, got married, both were in their early thirties. They weren't in any hurry to have a baby, so I simply accepted that no new branch would grow on my family tree. It didn’t matter to me as long as they were happy. One morning in early December, my husband and I woke up because of a loud knock at our bedroom door, followed by my sons voice urging (催促) us to get up .We jumped out of bed and thought that something bad may have happened . “What's wrong?”I asked “Nothing, "David said to me. I wanted to give you an early Christmas present, "he said excitedly “ But we agreed not to exchange gifts this year,”I said.“ And we “Mom, please listen to me. You will become a grandmother," he interrupted(打断)me.I was happy and rushed up to hug and congratulate my son. I was excited but I knew I was not so enthusiastic compared to most people. Even my husband was doing a victory dance across the living room floor. I spent the next few months saying and doing what was expected of a grandmother-to-be. I was worried about Line's health and asked her about the result of every checkup. I helped plan a baby shower. I chose names back and forth until we were all satisfied. I also enjoyed selecting other things for a baby and a mother-to-be Finally, Kara, my granddaughter, made her appearance two weeks early, so we had to wait until the next day to see her. Meanwhile, Line mentioned a backache several times that day. I whispered to my son that he should keep an eye on her Paragraph 1: The next morning, when my husband and I arrived at the hospital, David was holding Kara. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Paragraph 2: From then on, I felt very happy at every moment I spent with Kara. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 参考答案: Paragraph 1: The next morning, when my husband and I arrived at the hospital, David was holding Kara. Before I could speak, David placed Kara into my arms. Then he went to take care of Line. I looked carefully at the little baby. I touched each of her fingers carefully so as not to wake her up. As I did so, she took hold of my finger, opened her eyes and looked at me. As a grandmother, all I wanted then was to hold the precious child in my arms forever Paragraph 2: From then on, I felt very happy at every moment I spent with Kara. My husband was also happy when staying with her. Kara was the best present for the whole family. I often patiently took care


2022年高考英语二轮复习:书面表达之读后续写专项练习题15篇第一篇 A Midnight Rescue It was not uncommon to carry out tasks at night as rescuers. Harry and David were informed of their task when it was nearly midnight. It was urgent so there was no time to hesitate. They headed into the forest. The forest was black and silent. A little way into it they reached a fork in the earth path. Harry and David took the left path. They walked in silence, their eyes on the ground, watching out for the traps like big pits (坑)set by the illegal hunters. Every now and then a ray of moonlight through the branches above lit a spot of scarlet (猩红的)blood on the fallen leaves. David saw that Harry looked very worried, asking/ Could Unicom be hurt that badly?n Harry answered, H If we can't find it as soon as possible, it doesn't stand much chance to survive.n Of course, Unicorn was not the animal in fairy tales but the nickname of a 3-year-old elephant, the last wild elephant in this forest. The nickname was given by the biodiversity rescuers who were protecting every member in this forest. They knew Unicorn was obedient and not afraid of human beings and that sometimes put it in danger. "Without it, the forest was not complete. Those illegal hunters should be thrown into prison. n Harry thought, carrying his first aid kit (,急救箱)on his back and walking forward with his flashlight. It seemed that thick fog would come at any time, which would increase the danger. Harry hurried into the heart of the forest with David. They walked for nearly half an hour, deeper and deeper. There were blood splashes (血迹)on the roots of a tree, as though the poor creature had been struggling around in pain close by. n We must hurry up : said Harry. 注意: 1)续写词数应为15。左右; 2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph 1: However, it was really not easy for them to find it.


2022届高考英语作文写作之读后续写三篇 一阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。 I always thought becoming a grandmother would be a good experience. When my only child, David, and his girlfriend, Line, got married, both were in their early thirties. They weren't in any hurry to have a baby, so I simply accepted that no new branch would grow on my family tree. It didn’t matter to me as long as they were happy. One morning in early December, my husband and I woke up because of a loud knock at our bedroom door, followed by my sons voice urging (催促) us to get up .We jumped out of bed and thought that something bad may have happened . “What's wrong?”I asked “Nothing, "David said to me. I wanted to give you an early Christmas present, "he said excitedly “ But we agreed not to exchange gifts this year,”I said.“ And we “Mom, please listen to me. You will become a grandmother," he interrupted(打断)me.I was happy and rushed up to hug and congratulate my son. I was excited but I knew I was not so enthusiastic compared to most people. Even my husband was doing a victory dance across the living room floor. I spent the next few months saying and doing what was expected of a grandmother-to-be. I was worried about Line's health and asked her about the result of every checkup. I helped plan a baby shower. I chose names back and forth until we were all satisfied. I also enjoyed selecting other things for a baby and a mother-to-be Finally, Kara, my granddaughter, made her appearance two weeks early, so we had to wait until the next day to see her. Meanwhile, Line mentioned a backache several times that day. I whispered to my son that he should keep an eye on her Paragraph 1:
