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第一节 词语的增补与省略
• 一、根据英语与汉语在语法结构或行文 习惯上的需要
• 二、根据英语与汉语的词语含义或修辞 手法上的需要
一、根据英语与汉语在语法结构 或行文习惯上的需要
• 有些词语在英语中使用比较广泛(如关 联词、代词)或者不能随便省略(如冠 词、虚词it、联系动词等),而在汉语却 使用较少或可以省略;有些词语在汉语 中使用比较广泛(如范畴词、量词、语 气助词等)而在英语中却可以省略或较 少使用。
• 冬天,北方比南方冷得多。 • (10)The force due to gravitation causes
objects to have weight. • 地心引力使物体具有重量。
• 英语中为了避免重复名词,往往使用代 词,特别是人称代词和物主代词的使用 极为广泛;而汉语中却使用代词较少, 只要不妨碍意义的表达,往往要把代词 省去。所以英译汉时往往可以省略代词 (或把代词改换为名词);汉译英时则 往往需要增补必要的代词。
• (1)那位老人把手 插在口袋里在田野里 散步。
• The old man was walking in the field with his hands in pockets.
• (2)原子虽小,但 具有很大的能量。
• Small as atoms are, they contain vast amounts of energy.
• (1) If I had known this beforehand,I would not have gone back.
• 早知如此,我就不回去了。 • (2) Will you call as soon as you can
conveniently spare a moment? • 可否请你有空就来一下? • (3) Take the whole into consideration,
• (7)A cup of tea? • 要给你倒杯茶吗?
• (8)How are you • 今天感觉怎么样? feeling today?
• Bad news has wings.
• (4)留得青山在,不怕 没柴烧。
• While there is life, there is hope.
• (5)我通宵没睡,非常 • I was fatigued because of
sitting up all night.
• (6)人生自古谁无死, 留取丹心照汗青。
• 全国各地都在欢度春节。
• (8)Most substances expand on heating and contrast on cooling.
• 大多数物质都热胀冷缩。
• (9)In whiter,it is much colder in the north than in the south.
but do the job bit by bit. • 大处着眼,小处着手。
• (4) As it was getting very late,we soon turned back.
• 天很晚了,我们马上就回来了。
• (5) The soft can overcome the hard, and the weak can defeat me strong.
• Smoking is not allowed in public places.
. • (9)这屋子冬暖夏凉。 • This room is warm in winter and cool in
• (10)我们早 8点上班。 summer. • We go to work at 8 in
the morning
• (3)我上周给他写 去一封信,但不知收 到没有。
• (4)请你原谅,我 以后不再提这事了。
• I wrote a letter to him last week, but I wonder if he has received it.
• Please excuse me, I shall not mention the matter.
• An death befalls all men alike , I’ll keep a loyal
heart to make a name in history.
• (7)空气很轻,也具 有重量。
• (8)公共场合不准抽 烟。
• Air has weight,though it is very light.
• 柔能克刚,弱能制强。
• (6)He will not leave until his business is concluded.
• 他不把事办完是不会走的。
• ( 7 ) The Spring Festival is celebrated jΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduyfully in all over the country.
• (3)好事不出门,坏 事传千里。
• The array of the traditional products for export are rich and colorful.
• He worked in China for one year,and then returned to Japan.
• (5) That dress was • 那件衣服很贵,我买 so expensive that I 不起。
couldn't afford it.
• (6) As soon as I arrived at Shanghai,I
will send you a telegram.
• 我一到上海,就给你 打电报来。
• 由于汉语意合句多,不强调形式上的完 整,只要不妨碍意义的表达,即可省去 形式上的东西,英语形合句多,注重把 各种关系用语言形式表达出来。所以在 汉译英时往往需要增补必要的关联词 (连词、介词等);在英译汉时则往往 可以省去这些关联词。
• (1)传统的出口商品 丰富多彩。
• (2)他在中国工作了 一年,然后就回日本 去了。