
RPM(rotary per minute)
RSPP(reduced stroke pump pressure)
S.G(specific gravity)
S.P.M(stroke per minute)
SPP(stand pipe pressure)
STC(short thread connection)
LTC(long thread connection)
MAASP(maximum allowable annulus pressure)
MD(mid body)
MWD(measruement while drilling)
NB(near bit)
NC(numbered connection)
API(America Petroleum Institute)
BHA(bottom hole assembelly)
BHP(bottom hole pressure)
BOP control room
BOP(blowout preventer)
TD(total depth)
TDS(top drive syetem)
TMD(total mesured depth)
TVD(total measured depth)
WOB(weight on bit)

常用钻井英语缩写常用钻井英语缩写Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998钻井英语缩写1.DPdrillpipe钻杆2.HWDPheavyweight(wall)drillpipe加重钻杆3.DCdrillcollar钻铤4.BHAbottomholeassembly井下钻具组合5.STBstabilizer钻杆扶正器6.PNMDCponynon-magneticdrillcollar短无磁钻铤7.SMDCshortnon-magneticdrillcollar短无磁钻铤8.PDMpositivedisplacementmotor螺杆9.BOPblowoutpreventer封井器10.BOPEblowoutpreventerequipment封井器设备11.IBOPinsideblowoutpreventer内防喷工具12.CSGcasing套管13.TBGtubing油管14.JNT/JTjoint单根15.XOcross-over配合接头16.IFinternalflush内平17.FHfullhole贯眼18.REGregular正规19.IUinternalupset内加厚20.EUexternalupset外加厚21.EUEexternalupset外加厚22.IEUinterna l&externalupset内外加厚23.OHopenhole裸眼24.WOBweightonbit钻压25.RPMrevolutionsperminute转速/分钟26.SPMstrokesperminute冲程/每分钟27.ECDequivalentcirculatingdensity当量泥浆密度28.MTmetricton公制吨29.DSTdrillstemtest钻具测试30.KSkeyseat键槽31.KSWkeyseatwiper键槽清洁器32.STDSstands立柱33.VISviscosity粘度34.PVplasticviscosity塑性粘度35.YPyieldpoint屈服值36.FLfiltrateloss滤失37.WLwaterloss失水/doc/5815443491.html,Dtrueverticaldepth 垂深39.MDmeasureddepth测量井深40.TDtotaldepth总井深41.PBTDplugbacktotaldepth人工井底42.PCSpiece件,个43.KOPkickoffpoint造斜点44.DIRdirection定向45.AZMazimuth方位46.DEVdeviation井斜47.ROPrateofpenetration机械转速48.IDinside-diameter内径49.ODoutsidediameter外径50.FTGfootage进尺51.PPGpoundspergallon(密度)每加仑磅52.PSIpoundspersquareinch磅每平方英尺53.SGLsingle单根54.LPlowpressure低压55.HPhighpressure高压56.H P horsepower马力57.HHPhydraulichorsepower水马力58.HTHPhightemperaturehighpressure高温高压59.ADassistantdriller副司钻60.LCMlostcirculationmaterial堵漏剂61.APIAmericanpetroleuminstitute美国石油协会62.IADCinternationalassociationofdrillingcontractors国际钻井承包商协会/doc/5815443491.html,PCChinanationalpetroleum中国石油天然气总公司64.P/Npartnumber零件型号65.S/Nserialnumber系列号66.N/Wnetweight净重67.G/Wgrossweight毛重68.P/Upickup吊起69.M/Umakeup接上70.L/Dlaydown甩开71.N/Unippleup接上72.N/Dnippledown卸开73.R/Urigup安装74.R/Drigdown拆卸75.WOCwaitoncement候凝76.WOWwaitonwater等水77.WOWwaitonweather等天气78.WOOwaitonorder等指令79.RIHruninhole下钻80.POOHpulloutofhole起钻81.DRdrilling钻进82.DDRdailydrillingreport钻井日报表83.RMreaming扩眼(划眼)84.BRbackream倒划眼85.TOFtopoffish鱼顶86.SXsacks袋87.MWmudweight泥浆密度88.CBUcirculatebottomup循环一周89.TOHtripoutofhole起钻90.MWDmeasurementwhiledrilling随钻测量91.LWDloggingwhiledrilling随钻测井92.POBpersonnelonboard井场人员93.SGspecificgravity比重94.NDTnon-destructivetest无损探伤95.S/Ishutin关井96.PTWpermittowork工作许可97.BPVbackpressurevalve回压凡尔98.DIBPVdropinbackpressurevalve投入式单流阀99.NPneutralpoint中和点100.UPSuninterruptedpowersup ply不间断供电101.RBPretrievablebridgeplug 可取回桥塞102.SICPshutincasingpressure 关井套压103.SIDPPshutindrillpipepressur e关井立压最大允许环空压力105.BHTbottomholetemperature 井底温度井底压力液柱压力摩擦压力地面压力节流压力容积系数112.DSAdrillingspooladaptor四通转换法兰双头载丝法兰恒定井底压力初始循环压力终了循环压力造斜率钻具扶正器应急压井管线扩眼器近钻头牙轮扩眼器钻具牙轮扩眼器123.RCJBreversecirculationjunkbasket反循环打捞蓝测卡仪负责人作业前安全会泵冲电子防碰天车泥浆体积计量器国际井控论坛righthand大鼠洞/井底口袋地破试验地破试验地层完整性试验梯形扣长圆扣短圆扣循环清洗井底原始钻台面高度急救处理段重水泥返高水基泥浆油基泥浆挂牌上锁总流到面积马达控制中心148.SABAsuppliedairbreathingapparatus空气呼吸器自给式呼吸器钻杆外涂层&Wwaitandweight等待加重法材料安全数据表焊接式翼片扶正器磁粉探伤电潜泵conductorpipe套压/导管油管与套管环空套管与套管环空升/分钟上扣扭矩最大井眼设计压力近钻头扶正器&Aplugandabandon填井、弃井slowcirculatingrate可控硅房/低泵冲作业安全分析下放安全工作载荷顶驱体积压井法定向司钻上半封闸板下半封闸板Anotapplicable不适用的罐度桶秒分钟小时浮箍浮鞋分级箍水泥,固井英尺英寸=pound磅升千磅重量190.@at在……位置全开式安全阀高粘低粘桶每小时压力梯度接箍泥包尽早,safetyandenvironment健康,安全和环保安全工作许可冷作业许可关闭热作业许可用电许可。

钻井英语缩写1.DP drill pipe 钻杆2.HWDP heavy weight (wall)drill pipe 加重钻杆3.DC drill collar 钻铤4.BHA bottom hole assembly井下钻具组合5.STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器6.PNMDC pony non-magneticdrill collar 短无磁钻铤7.SMDC short non-magneticdrill collar 短无磁钻铤8.PDM positive displacementmotor 螺杆9.BOP blowout preventer 封井器10. BOPE blow outpreventer equipment 封井器设备11. IBOP inside blowoutpreventer 内防喷工具12. CSG casing 套管13. TBG tubing 油管14. JNT/JT joint 单根15. XO cross-over 配合接头16. IF internal flush内平17. FH full hole 贯眼18. REG regular 正规19. IU internal upset内加厚20. EU external upset外加厚21. EUE external upset外加厚22. IEU internal&external upset 内外加厚23. OH open hole 裸眼24. WOB weight on bit 钻压25. RPM revolutions perminute 转速/分钟26. SPM strokes perminute 冲程/每分钟27. ECD equivalentcirculating density 当量泥浆密度28. MT metric ton 公制吨29. DST drill stem test钻具测试30. KS key seat 键槽31. KSW key seat wiper键槽清洁器32. STDS stands 立柱33. VIS viscosity 粘度34. PV plastic viscosity塑性粘度35. YP yield point 屈服值36. FL filtrate loss 滤失37. WL water loss 失水38. TVD true verticaldepth 垂深39. MD measured depth测量井深40. TD total depth 总井深41. PBTD plug back totaldepth 人工井底42. PCS piece 件,个43. KOP kick off point造斜点44. DIR direction 定向45. AZM azimuth 方位46. DEV deviation 井斜47. ROP rate ofpenetration 机械转速48. ID inside-diameter内径49. OD outside diameter外径50. FTG footage 进尺51. PPG pounds per gallon(密度)每加仑磅52. PSI pounds per squareinch 磅每平方英尺53. SGL single 单根54. LP low pressure 低压55. HP high pressure 高压56. H P horsepower 马力57. HHP hydraulichorsepower 水马力58. HTHP hightemperature high pressure 高温高压59. AD assistant driller副司钻60. LCM lost circulationmaterial 堵漏剂61. API Americanpetroleum institute 美国石油协会62. IADC internationalassociation of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会63. CNPC China nationalpetroleum 中国石油天然气总公司64. P/N part number 零件型号65. S/N serial number系列号66. N/W net weight 净重67. G/W gross weight 毛重68. P/U pick up 吊起69. M/U make up 接上70. L/D lay down 甩开71. N/U nipple up 接上72. N/D nipple down 卸开73. R/U rig up 安装74. R/D rig down 拆卸75. WOC wait on cement候凝76. WOW wait on water 等水77. WOW wait on weather等天气78. WOO wait on order 等指令79. RIH run in hole 下钻80. POOH pull out of hole起钻81. DR drilling 钻进82. DDR daily drillingreport 钻井日报表83. RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)84. BR back ream 倒划眼85. TOF top of fish 鱼顶86. SX sacks 袋87. MW mud weight 泥浆密度88. CBU circulate bottomup 循环一周89. TOH trip out of hole起钻90. MWD measurementwhile drilling 随钻测量91. LWD logging whiledrilling 随钻测井92. POB personnel onboard 井场人员93. SG specific gravity比重94. NDT non-destructivetest 无损探伤95. S/I shut in 关井96. PTW permit to work工作许可97. BPV back pressurevalve 回压凡尔98. DIBPV drop in backpressure valve 投入式单流阀99. NP neutral point 中和点100.UPS uninterrupted power supply 不间断供电101.RBP retrievable bridge plug 可取回桥塞102.SICP shut in casing pressure 关井套压103.SIDPP shut in drill pipe pressure 关井立压104.MAASP maximum allowable annular surface pressure 最大允许环空压力105.BHT bottom hole temperature 井底温度106.BHP bottom hole pressure 井底压力107.HP hydrostatic pressure 液柱压力108. FP friction pressure 摩擦压力109. SP surface pressure 地面压力110. CP choke pressure 节流压力111.CF capacity factor 容积系数112.DSA drilling spool adaptor 四通转换法兰113. DSA double studded adaptor 双头载丝法兰114. CBHP constant bottom hole pressure 恒定井底压力115. ICP initial circulatingpressure 初始循环压力116. FCP.final circulating pressure 终了循环压力117. BUR. build up rate 造斜率118. SS string stabilizer 钻具扶正器119. EMKL emergency kill line 应急压井管线120. RMR reamer 扩眼器121. NBRR near-bit roller reamer 近钻头牙轮扩眼器122. SR string roller reamer 钻具牙轮扩眼器123.RCJBreverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞蓝124. FPI free point indicator 测卡仪125. PIC person in charge 负责人126. PJSM pre-job safety meeting 作业前安全会127. STK stroke 泵冲128. ACS automatic crown saver 电子防碰天车129. PVT pit volume totalizer 泥浆体积计量器130. IWCF international well control forum 国际井控论坛131. RH rat hole / right hand 大鼠洞 / 井底口袋132. LOT leak off test 地破试验133. PIT pressure integrity test 地破试验134. FIT formation integrity test 地层完整性试验135. BTC buttress thread connection 梯形扣136. LTC long thread connection 长圆扣137. STC small thread connection 短圆扣138. CHC circulate hole clean 循环清洗井底139. ODF original drill floor 原始钻台面高度140. FAT first aid treatment 急救处理141. PPF pound per foot 段重142. TOC top of cement 水泥返高143. WBM water base mud 水基泥浆144. OBM oil base mud 油基泥浆145. LOTO lock out tag out 挂牌上锁146. TFA total flow area 总流到面积147. MCC motor control center 马达控制中心148.SABAsupplied air breathing apparatus 空气呼吸器149.SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus 自给式呼吸器150.EPC external pipe coating 钻杆外涂层151.W&W wait and weight 等待加重法152.MSDS material safety data sheet 材料安全数据表153.WBS weld blade stabilizer 焊接式翼片扶正器154.MPI magnetic particleinspection 磁粉探伤155.ESP electric submersible pump 电潜泵156.CP casing pressure/conductor pipe 套压/导管157.TCA tubing and casing annulus 油管与套管环空A casing and casing annulus 套管与套管环空159.LPM liter per minute 升/分钟160.MUT make up torque 上扣扭矩161.MWDP maximum well design pressure 最大井眼设计压力162.NBS near bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器163.P&A plug and abandon 填井、弃井164.SCR silicon control rectifier/slow circulating rate 可控硅房/低泵冲165.JSA job safety analysis 作业安全分析166.SO slack off 下放167.SWL safe working load 安全工作载荷168.TDS top drive system 顶驱169.VM volumetric method 体积压井法170.DD directional driller 定向司钻171.UPR upper pipe ram 上半封闸板172.LPR lower pipe ram 下半封闸板173.N/A not applicable 不适用的 tank 罐175.DEG degree 度176.bbl barrel 桶177.sec second 秒178.Min minute 分钟179.Hr hour 小时180.FC float collar 浮箍181.FS float shoe 浮鞋182.DVT 分级箍183.CMT cement 水泥,固井184.ft foot 英尺184.in inch 英寸186.lb libra=pound 磅187.L liter 升188.klb kilo-pound 千磅189.WT weight 重量190.@ at 在……位置191.FOSV full opening safety valve 全开式安全阀192.HV high viscosity 高粘193.LV low viscosity 低粘194.BPH barrel per hour 桶每小时195.PG pressure gradient 压力梯度196.CPLG coupling 接箍197.BU balled up 泥包198.ASAP as soon as possible 尽早199.HSE health ,safety and environment 健康,安全和环保201.PA public announcement 202.SWP safety work permit 安全工作许可203.LWP life work permit 204.CWP cold work permit 冷作业许可205.SD shut down 关闭206.CSE confined space entry 207.HWP hot work permit 热作业许可208.EWP electrical work permit 用电许可。

石油钻井常用词语及缩写汇总标准钻井日报表内容Official Daily Report Form钻井日报表Daily drilling report2.报表号Report No.3.图例(说明)Legend4.公制度量标准Metric expressions5.所有长度均采用米制,并取两位小数All lengths expressed in metres to two decimal places6.泥浆密度——kg/m3 Mud density = kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3)7.泥浆泵冲程mm pump-stroke length=millimetre(mm)8.悬重——十牛顿Weight of string=deca newton(daN)9.单位长度质量——kg/m Linear mass=kilogram per meter(kg/m)10.粘度——秒/升Viscosity=second per litre(s/L)11.排量——m3/min Flow rate=cubic metre per min.(m3/min)12.压力梯度——千帕/米Pressure gradient=kilopascal per metre(kPa/m) 13.屈服点——帕Yield point=pascal(pa),(y. p.)14.塑性粘度——毫帕*秒Plastic viscosity=millipascal second(mPa .s), .) 15.切力—帕Gel strength=pascal(pa)16.大绳完成的功——兆*焦尔Work completed by wire line=megajoule(MJ) 17内径和外径——毫米Inside diameter and outside diameter=millimetre(mm) 18.泵压——千帕Pump pressure=kilopascal(kpa)19.钻压:指重表以十牛顿记录Weight on bit ; Indicator will record decanewton 20.租地Lease21.井号Well No22.井段Well number23.日期Date24.年Yr. 月MO. 日Day25.施工者(单位)Operator26.承包者(单位)Contractor27.钻机编号Rig No.28.施工单位代表签名Signature of operator’s representative29.承包单位队长(技师)签名Signature of contractor’s toolpusher30.钻杆尺寸(规范)D. P. size31.每米重kg/m32.钢级Grade33.接头外径Tool .34.扣型Type thread35.钻柱号String No.36.泵编号Pump No.37.泵生产厂家Pump manufacturer38.驱动方式Type of drive39.冲程Stroke length40.时效分析—小时Time distribution=hours41.序号Code No.42.工作内容Operation43.早班、Morn.=morning tour 中班、Day=day tour 晚班Eve.=evening tour 44.安装与拆卸Rig up and tear down45.纯钻Drill actual46.扩眼Reaming47.取心Coring48.循环与处理泥浆Condition mud & circulate49.起下钻Trips50.保养钻机Lubricate rig51.检修钻机Repair rig52.倒大绳与滑大绳Cut off drilling line and slip drilling line53.测斜Deviation survey54.吊测Wire line logs55.下套管与固井Run casing and cement56.候凝Wait on cement57.安装防喷器Nipple up 防喷器试压Test 中途测试Drill stem test 60.打水泥塞(固堵)Plug back61.挤水泥Squeeze cement62.打捞Fishing63.定向工作Dir. work64.完井Completion65.射孔Perf’R’T’N(Perforation)66.起下油管TBG Trips67.处理Treating68.抽吸Swabbing69.测试Testing70.其它Addit’N’L71.合计Total72.一天工作摘要(只用于办公室)Day work summary(office use only) 73.组织停工小时HRS. Standby74.总工作天数Total days work75.从开钻起天数No. of days from spud76.累计钻进小时Cumulative rotation HRS77.总泥浆费用Total mud cost78.钻具结构Drilling assembly79.交班时At end of tour80.钻头Bit81.扶正器外径STB .82.扩大器外径RMR OD83.钻铤内径、外径OD84.钻杆立柱数Stands DP85.钻杆单根数Stingles .86.方入Kelly down87.悬重(Force)WT of string daN88.钻头记录Bit record89.钻头编号Bit No.90.钻头尺寸(规范)Bit size91.制造厂家MFG92.型号Type93.喷嘴(毫米)Jets(mm)94.顺序号Ser No.95.起出井深Depth out96.下入井深Depth in97.总进尺Total meters drilled98.使用小时Total HRS run99.压力降(千帕)Pressure drop (kPa)100.泥浆记录Mud record101.时间Time102.失水Water loss(ml)103.pH值pH(potential of hydrogen)104.固含(%)Solids(%)105.泥浆与药品Mud & chemical added106.类型Type、用量AMT、公斤kg107.合法地面图Legal Land Description108.完井套管、油管或尾管Last casing, tubing or liner109.厂商Made110.总长Total length111.下入深度Set at112.补心高(转盘面至套管头)TO CSG HD113.钢丝绳记录Wire line record114.滚筒号Reel No.115.尺寸(规范)Size116.股数No. lines117.滑动米数Meters slipped118.倒掉米数Meters cut off119.现存长度Present length120.从...到... from...to...121.钻进(缩写)DR-D 扩眼(缩写)RM-R 取心(缩写)Core-C 122.岩心号Core No.123.地层Formation124.实际岩心收获率Show core recovery125.转盘转速Rotary RPM126.缸套尺寸Liner size127.开泵方式Method run128.单泵S SGL-S 双泵P Par’EL-P 并车C Com’D-C129.测斜记录Deviation Record130.记时Time log131.序号Code No.132.间隔时间Elapsed time133.井斜Dev.134.方位Direction135.井深Depth136.锅炉工作时间Boiler hours137.井队工资表Drilling crew payroll data138.井名及井号Well name & no.139.成员Crew140.技师Toolpusher141.司钻Driller142.架工Derrickman143.机工Motorman144.钻工Floorman145.场地工Roustabout146.机械工长Mechanic147.焊工Welder148.消防员Fireman149.契约人Leaseman150.天数No. of days人身、财产损失报告表内容First Report of Bodily Injury/Property Damage类别Classification2.人身事故Bodily injury财产损失Property damage公司Company地区Division国家Country钻机编号Rig No.监督Supervisor受伤者姓名Name of injured民族(国籍)Nationality社会保险号Social security number地址Address年龄Age性别Sex 男M 女F职业Occupation是否正式工作Regular job 是Yes 否No 每月工资Wages per month在公司工作时间Length of service with co.所在区域In area本岗位In this job受伤日期Date of injury时间Time开始计算损失时间Date lost time began本班开始时间Time this tour began受伤级别Class of injury致命的Fatal承担责任Restricted duty无时间损失No lost time医生姓名Doctor-name医院名字Hospital-name证明人名字Names of witnesses事情发生经过Describe how accident happened不安全行为Unsafe act不安全条件Unsafe condition财产设备损失情况Property or equipment damaged损伤的原始状况Nature of damage估计维修费用(美元)Estimated cost of repair 防止类似事故发生的预防措施Steps taken or needed to prevent similar accident备注Remarks填表人Prepared by职称Title签字Signed附录四数词、年代与日期的读法分数的读法分数由基数词与序数词组合表示。

阿美日报表常用缩写词汇总(更新至2016.4.1)@=atW/=withF/=fromAMV=annulus master valve 环空主控阀ANN.=annular 环形AP=annulus pressure 环空压力API=American Petroleum Institute美国石油学会APL=annulus pressure losses 环空压力损失APP=as per program 根据(作业)计划ASSY.=assembly组合ASV=annular safety valve/annular sliding valve 环形安全阀/环形滑动阀ATFN=any time from now 自现在起任何时候AV=annular velocity环空返速AWV=annulus wing valve 环空翼阀Azi=azimuth 方位B/hr=barrels per hour每小时桶数BC=baffle collar 挡圈箍,缓冲箍BF=buoyancy factor 浮力系数BFPD=barrels of fluid per day 日产液量BGL=below ground level地面以下BH=Braden head井口BHA=bottom hole assembly/bore hole assembly底部钻具组合/井眼钻具组合BHI=Baker Hughes Incorporated 贝克休斯公司BHP=bottom hole pressure井底压力BHFP=bottom hole flowing pressure井底流动压力BHT=bottom hole temperature井底温度BJ=BJ Service Arabia LTD BJ-主要提供固井服务的公司BLK=blocked堵塞住,阻挡住BM=benchmark 基准,标准程序B-NPL=bell nipple喇叭口B/O=break out 卸开(扣)BOP=blowout preventer防喷器BOPD=barrels of oil per day日产油桶数BOPE=blowout preventer equipment防喷器设备BOT=Baker Oil Tool Inc. 贝克休斯石油工具公司BOW=bottom of window窗口底部BP=bridge plug/bull plug桥塞/丝堵,堵头BPH=barrels per hour每小时桶数BPM=barrels per minute每分钟桶数BPD=barrels per day每天桶数BPV=back pressure valve回压阀BRT=below rotary table转盘面以下BS(B/S)=bit sub钻头(双母)接头BTC=buttress Thread and Coupling 偏梯型套管扣型BTF=barrels to fill灌入桶数BTM=bottom底部BU=bottoms up循环一周,迟到时间BUT=buttress thread 梯形套管扣型B.V=ball valve球阀BWPD=barrels of water per day 日产水量CB=core barrel 取芯筒CBL=cement bond logging水泥胶结程度测井CCA=casing and casing annulus 套管与套管间环空CCAP=CCA pressure 套管与套管环空压力CCL=casing collar locator 套管接箍定位器CCW=counter clockwise 逆时针方向CH=cased hole 下入套管的井(段)CHC=circulate hole clean 井底循环干净CHH=casing head housing套管头总成CIRC.=circulate循环C&K=chock and kill 节流和压井CL=cable line 电缆(线)CMT=cement 水泥C.O(C/O)=clean out 清洗,洗井C/O=change out更换(闸板)COC=clean out cement 冲洗水泥(虚塞,软塞)Comp/Compl.=completion完井(作业)COND.=condition 处理(泥浆)CONT.=continue继续CONN.=connection接单根CO ASSY.=clean out assembly 洗井钻具组合COW=crude oil washing (管线内)原油冲洗CP=casing pressure套压CP/CPT=casing point套管下深CP mill=CustomCut Pilot mill 威德福C- Pilot系列的磨鞋(磨铣器)CR=cement retainer 水泥限位器,注水泥定位器CSB=casing stabbing basket 套管扶正吊篮CSG=casing 套管Csghd=casing head 套管头CT=coiled tubing 连续油管CTD=corrected total depth/coiled tubing drilling校正总深度/连续油管钻井CTM=coiled tubing measurement 连续油管测量(深度)CTU=coiled tubing unit 连续油管装置CV=crown valve 顶阀CW=clock wise 顺时针方向CWM=catwalk machine 大门滑道辅助机器D&C= drilling and completion 钻井和完井DC=drill collar钻铤DCP=driller's control panel 司控台DCR=driller's control room 司控房D.D=directional drilling, directional driller 定向钻进,定向司钻DE=drilling engineer钻井工程师DF=derrick floor 钻台DFC=derrick floor correction 钻台高校正值DFE=derrick floor elevation钻台标高DHSV=down hole safety valve 井下安全阀DIR.=directional 定向DISPL.=displace 顶替,排替DL=dog leg狗腿DLS=dog leg severity狗腿严重度DMG=Dhahran main gate 宰赫兰主门,指阿美总部大门D/O=drill out钻(塞)DOC=drill out cement 钻水泥塞DOP=drill out plug 钻塞DP=drill pipe 钻杆DPB=drillable pack off bushing 可钻式密封衬套DPM=drill pipe measurement 钻杆测量(深度)DPU puncher=downhole power unit puncher井下动力装置驱动的油管打孔器DRK=derrick 井架D/S=down stream下游Dr.s=directional survey 定向测斜Drlg=drilling 钻进DS=drill stem 钻柱DSA=double studded adapter 双面栽丝转换(过渡)法兰DSV=drilling supervisor 钻井监督DSDPOF=double stud double pack off flange双面栽丝双密封法兰DSP=downstream pressure下游压力DST=drill stem test 钻柱测试DT=drilling time 钻井时间DV=differential valve/diverter valve差动阀/分级箍DWS=drawworks 绞车ECD=equivalent circulating density 当量循环密度ECP=external casing packer套管外封隔器EDS=Eastman Directional Survey EDS定向服务公司E/L=electric line 电缆EOB=end of build 增斜段末端,增斜段结束点EOT=end of tubing 油管(串)末端E&P=exploration and production 勘探与开发ERA= environmental risk assessment环境风险评估ERC: emergency response and control 应急反应和控制ERD= extended-reach drilling大位移钻井ERP=emergency response plan 应急反应计划,应急部署方案ERW=extended-reach well 大位移井ESD=emergency shut down 急停(装置)ESDV= emergency shut down valve 急停阀ESP=electric submersible pump /estimated stuck point电潜泵/估计卡点位置EUE=external upset ends 外加厚端EZSV-CR =easy drill sliding valve(cement retainer)易钻式注水泥滑动阀Fas drill- CR=Fas drill cement retainer Fas-drill易钻式注水泥定位器FBHP=flowing bottom hole pressure 流动井底压力FBM=flat bottom mill 平底磨鞋F/C=flow check/ float collar溢流检测/ 阻流环,浮箍FCP=flowing casing pressure /final circulating pressure流动套压/终了循环压力FEWD=formation evaluation while drilling随钻地层评价FFP=final flowing pressure 终了流动压力FG=full gauge 满眼,全尺寸FH=full hole/fill hole 满井眼/井内灌入Fin.=final/finish/finished 最终,完成FIT= formation integrity test 地层完整性测试FIV=formation isolation valve地层封隔阀fl.=fluid 液体,流体FL=flowline 出水管FMC=FMC technologies Co. FMC公司,高压管汇和闸阀的知名生产商FOSV=full open safety valve 全开式安全阀FP=final pressure终了压力F/S=float shoe/float sub浮鞋/浮箍FSIP=final shut-in pressure终了关井压力FV(F/V)=float valve浮阀FW=fresh water淡水FWD=forwards 向前FWHP=flowing wellhead pressure流动井口压力G.C=gauge cutter 通井规(与通径规的区别在于通井规底部具有切削的棱,可以除掉油管内壁的铁锈和杂物)GI=gas injection注气GL=ground level/gas lift地平面/气举GLV=gas lift valve气举阀GOC=Geosteering Operations Center 阿美的水平井定向服务中心GOSP=Gas Oil Separator Plant集输厂,分离站,联合站GOR=gas oil ratio 油气比GS tool: 钢丝作业用来取PX plug的“GS”类型工具,其特征是底部为内捞矛形状,用来取出fish neck为外凸形状的堵塞器GWC=gas/water contact 油水接触HCR=hydraulic control remote液动阀HA=hazard analysis 危害分析HCSS=hydraulic cementing sliding sleeve 液压式注水泥滑套HEC=hydroxyethyl cellulose 羟乙基纤维素(用来提高粘度的药品)HES=Halliburton Energy Service哈里伯顿能源服务HGR=hanger悬挂器HHP=hydraulic horsepower液压马力HL=hook load钩载HMCV=hydro-mechanical cementing valve 液压机械式固井阀HMHIT=hydro-mechanical horizontal inflaction tool液压机械式水平膨胀工具HMV=hydraulic master valve液动总阀(主阀)H/M=hydraulic & mechanical 液力机械式HORZ.=horizontal/horizontally 水平(钻进)HP=high pressure/hydrostatic pressure/horse power高压/静液压力/马力HPJSM=held pre-job safety meeting 开施工前安全会HPU=high pressure unit/ horizontal pumping unit/ hydraulic power unit 高压装置/水平泵入装置/液压源装置HV=hydraulic valve/high viscosity 液动阀/高粘度HVP=high viscosity pills高粘塞流HWD=high weight density 高密度HWDP=heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆HWP= hot work permit 动火作业许可IADC=International Association of Drilling Contractors国际钻井承包商协会IBHP=initial bottom hole pressure 初始井底压力IBOP=inside blowout preventer 内防喷工具ICD=inflow control device流入控制装置ICP=initial circulating pressure初始循环压力ICV=inflow control valve流入(入口流量)控制阀ID=inside diameter 内径Imw=initial mud weight 初始泥浆密度Is=limestone 石灰石,灰岩ISIP=initial shut-in pressure 初始关井压力IUE=internal upset ends 内加厚端(扣型)IF=internal flush 内平(扣型)Inc.=incomplete 不完整,不完全ISC=inner- string cementing插入法固井ITS= influx to surface 流入地面J/B=junk basket 打捞蓝JB=junction box接线盒(箱)Jnk(d)=junk(ed) 落物,碎片J/S=junk sub 打捞接头,打捞杯JSA=job safety analysis工作安全分析JT/Jt(s)=joint(s) 根JU= jack up自升式钻井(作业)平台JV=joint venture合资企业KB=kelly bushing 方补心KBM=kelly bushing measurement 补心测高KM=kill mud 压井泥浆KMW=kill mud weight 压井泥浆密度KOM=kick off meeting 井场准备会(监督、井场工程师、作业工程师、井队等各方参加)KOP=kick off point 造斜点KPI=key performance indicator 关键表现指数Lat.=latitude 纬度LB=landing base 套管头底盘端面,圆井地面L/C=landing collar 碰压座浮箍,止塞箍LC=lost circulation漏失LCM=lost circulation material堵漏材料LCZ=lost circulation zone 漏失层段L/D=lay down 甩,卸L.H=left hand 左手方向,顺时针方向(旋转)LMMV=lower manual master valve下(低位)手动总阀LNR=liner尾管LOA=length over all全长LOP=leak off pressure (地层)破裂压力LOT= leak off test(地层)破裂压力实验LOTO=log out tag out 上锁挂锁(程序)LP=low pressure低压Ls=limestone 石灰石,灰岩LT=lost time损失时间LTC=long thread and coupling 长圆扣LTI=lost time incident 损失时间事故LTV=low torque valve 低扭矩阀,(固井用的球阀)LUB=lubricator钢丝/电缆防喷器LV=low viscosity 低粘LVP=low viscosity pills低粘塞流LWD=logging while drilling随钻测井LWF=logging while fishing 随打捞测井MAASP=maximum allowable annular shut-in pressure最大允许关井套压MASP=maximum allowable surface pressure 地面最大允许压力MASIP=maximum allowable shut in pressure最大允许关井压力MB=mud bucket/ master bushing 泥浆防喷盒/转盘大方瓦MD=measured depth 测深MDRL=motor drill 用马达钻进,滑动钻进(定向井)MDT=modular formation dynamic tester斯伦贝谢的一种模块化地层动态测试工具ME plug=Medium Expansion bridge plugINTERWELL公司的一种可中等膨胀的桥塞MFIV=mechanical formation isolation valve机械式地层封隔阀MH=mouse hole 小鼠洞MIR=moving in rig 搬入钻机MIRU=moving in & rigging up 搬迁安装MMV=manual master valve手动总阀M/MTR=mud motor泥浆驱动动力钻具MP=mud pump泥浆泵,钻井泵MPas: Mchanic open hole Packer System贝克休斯的机械式裸眼封隔器MPC tool=mechanic pipe cutter 机械式管体切割工具MPD=managed pressure drilling控压钻井MPI=magnetic powder inspection 磁粉探伤MSDS=material safety data sheet (药品)材料安全数据表单MRT=mill and retrieve tool 磨铣和取出一体工具MST=mechanical setting tool 机械式坐封工具MTD=magnetic thickness detector 磁性测厚仪器MTR=motor 马达,动力钻具MTV=multitasking valve 多重任务(功能)阀MWD=measurement while drilling随钻测量M/U=make up接,上扣M.W=mud weight 泥浆密度,泥浆比重N.A=not available 不详N.B=notable 值得注意的NBR=near bit reamer 近钻头扩眼器NBRR=near bit roller reamer 近钻头滚子扩眼器NB.Stab.=near bit stabilizer 近钻头稳定器N/D=nipple down 拆卸,拆下(法兰连接的)NDT=non-destructive testing 无损探伤NG=natural gas 天然气NGL=natural gas liquid 天然气液体NP=neutral point 中性点NPL=nipple 短节NPS=National Petroleum Service沙特的国家石油服务公司,供连续油管、固井,工具租赁等服务NPT=non productive time 非生产时间NRV=non return valve 止回阀,逆止阀N/U=nipple up 安装,装配(法兰连接的)O/B=on board 在车(船,队)上OBM=oil base mud 油基泥浆OD=outside diameter 外径ODF=original drill floor 原钻台面(高)ODFC=original drill floor correction原钻台高校正值ODFE=original drill floor elevation原钻台标高OE=open ended 开口,敞口的OEDP=Open Ended Drill Pipe 光钻杆OH=open hole 裸眼OHGP=open hole gravel pack 裸眼充填砾石OBPD=old plug back depth 原回填深度(返高)OMW=original mud weight 原浆密度OOS=out of service失效,故障O/P=over pull 多提,多拉(悬重)OT=over time超时,加班OWR= oil water ratio 油水比P&A=plugged & abandoned 填水泥,弃井PAC valve:贝克休斯的一种液压式开关的多级固井阀PBD=plugged back depth回填深度,水泥返高PBL valve钻具旁通循环阀(PBL=Paul B. Lee发明这种工具的人的名字)PBR=Polished Bore Receptacle抛光球座PBTD=plugged back total depth回填总井深PBS=ported bypass sub 旁通循环接头PCE=pressure control equipment控压设备PCL=pipe conveyed logging 钻杆输送测井PCV=pressure control valve 控压阀PE=production engineer 作业(生产)工程师Perf.=perforate/perforation射孔P/F=platform 平台PGW=producing gas well 生产气井PKR/pkr=packer 封隔器P.N=plugged nozzle (钻头)堵水眼POB=plug on bottom/personnel on board底塞(井底堵塞子)/住队人员名单POH/POOH=pull out of hole 起钻POS.=position 位置,定位PREC.=precautionally 小心地,谨慎地PRV=pressure reducing valve减压阀PSA=packer set at 封隔器坐封(深度)PSE=pressure safety element 耐压安全元件PSV=pressure safety valve 耐压安全阀PT(P/T)=pressure test 试压PTW=permit to work 工作许可P/U=pick up/pull up 接,上提PV=plastic viscosity 塑性粘度PVT=pit volume totalizer 泥浆池液面监测器PW=portable water/produced water 饮用水/采出水PWS=Pipe and Well Service 当地管具服务公司,提供下油管服务PWV=production wing valve 生产翼阀R/A source=radioactive source放射源RB=rotary bushing 转盘补心RBP=Retrievable Bridge Plug 可回收式桥塞RCD=rotating control device 旋转控制装置RCJB=reverse circulating junk basket反循环打捞蓝RCT=radial cutting torch径向切割炬,HALLIBURTON公司的一种用于切割井下管体的聚热能切割工具。

石油钻井常用词语及缩写汇总一、标准钻井日报表内容Official Daily Report Form1钻井日报表Daily drilling report2.报表号 Report No.3.图例(说明) Legend4.公制度量标准Metric expressions5.所有长度均采用米制,并取两位小数All lengths expressed in metres to two decimal places6.泥浆密度——kg/m3 Mud density = kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3) 7.泥浆泵冲程 mm pump-stroke length=millimetre(mm)8.悬重——十牛顿Weight of string=deca newton(daN)9.单位长度质量——kg/m Linear mass=kilogram per meter(kg/m)10.粘度——秒/升Viscosity=second per litre(s/L)11.排量——m3/min Flow rate=cubic metre per min.(m3/min)12.压力梯度——千帕/米Pressure gradient=kilopascal per me-tre(kPa/m)13.屈服点——帕Yield point=pascal(pa),(y. p.)14.塑性粘度——毫帕*秒Plastic viscosity=millipascal sec-ond(mPa .s), .)15.切力—帕Gel strength=pascal(pa)16.大绳完成的功——兆*焦尔Work completed by wireline=megajoule(MJ)17内径和外径——毫米Inside diameter and outside diame-ter=millimetre(mm)18.泵压——千帕Pump pressure=kilopascal(kpa)19.钻压:指重表以十牛顿记录Weight on bit ; Indicator will record decanewton20.租地 Lease21.井号 Well No22.井段 Well number23.日期 Date24.年Yr. 月MO. 日Day25.施工者(单位)Operator26.承包者(单位)Contractor27.钻机编号 Rig No.28.施工单位代表签名 Signature of operator’s representative29.承包单位队长(技师)签名Signature of contractor’s toolpusher 30.钻杆尺寸(规范) D. P. size31.每米重 kg/m32.钢级 Grade33.接头外径 Tool .34.扣型 Type thread35.钻柱号 String No.36.泵编号 Pump No.37.泵生产厂家 Pump manufacturer38.驱动方式 Type of drive39.冲程Stroke length40.时效分析—小时 Time distribution=hours41.序号 Code No.42.工作内容 Operation43.早班、Morn.=morning tour 中班、Day=day tour 晚班Eve.=evening tour44.安装与拆卸 Rig up and tear down45.纯钻 Drill actual46.扩眼 Reaming47.取心 Coring48.循环与处理泥浆 Condition mud & circulate49.起下钻 Trips50.保养钻机 Lubricate rig51.检修钻机 Repair rig52.倒大绳与滑大绳 Cut off drilling line and slip drilling line 53.测斜 Deviation survey54.吊测 Wire line logs55.下套管与固井 Run casing and cement56.候凝 Wait on cement57.安装防喷器 Nipple up 防喷器试压 Test 中途测试Drill stem test 60.打水泥塞(固堵)Plug back61.挤水泥 Squeeze cement62.打捞 Fishing63.定向工作 Dir. work64.完井 Completion65.射孔 Perf’R’T’N(Perforation)66.起下油管TBG Trips67.处理 Treating68.抽吸 Swabbing69.测试 Testing70.其它 Addit’N’L71.合计 Total72.一天工作摘要(只用于办公室)Day work summary(office use only) 73.组织停工小时 HRS. Standby74.总工作天数 Total days work75.从开钻起天数 No. of days from spud76.累计钻进小时 Cumulative rotation HRS77.总泥浆费用 Total mud cost78.钻具结构 Drilling assembly79.交班时At end of tour80.钻头 Bit81.扶正器外径 STB .82.扩大器外径 RMR OD83.钻铤内径、外径 OD84.钻杆立柱数Stands DP85.钻杆单根数 Stingles .86.方入 Kelly down87.悬重 (Force)WT of string daN 88.钻头记录 Bit record89.钻头编号 Bit No.90.钻头尺寸(规范)Bit size91.制造厂家 MFG92.型号 Type93.喷嘴(毫米)Jets(mm)94.顺序号Ser No.95.起出井深 Depth out96.下入井深Depth in97.总进尺 Total meters drilled 98.使用小时 Total HRS run99.压力降(千帕)Pressure drop (kPa) 100.泥浆记录 Mud record101.时间 Time102.失水 Water loss(ml)103.pH值 pH(potential of hydrogen)104.固含(%)Solids(%)105.泥浆与药品Mud & chemical added106.类型Type、用量AMT、公斤 kg107.合法地面图 Legal Land Description108.完井套管、油管或尾管 Last casing, tubing or liner 109.厂商 Made110.总长 Total length111.下入深度 Set at112.补心高(转盘面至套管头)TO CSG HD113.钢丝绳记录Wire line record114.滚筒号 Reel No.115.尺寸(规范)Size116.股数 No. lines117.滑动米数 Meters slipped118.倒掉米数Meters cut off119.现存长度 Present length120.从...到... from...to...121.钻进(缩写)DR-D 扩眼(缩写)RM-R 取心(缩写)Core-C 122.岩心号Core No.123.地层Formation124.实际岩心收获率Show core recovery125.转盘转速Rotary RPM126.缸套尺寸Liner size127.开泵方式Method run128.单泵S SGL-S 双泵P Par’EL-P 并车C Com’D-C 129.测斜记录Deviation Record130.记时Time log131.序号Code No.132.间隔时间Elapsed time133.井斜Dev.134.方位Direction135.井深Depth136.锅炉工作时间Boiler hours137.井队工资表Drilling crew payroll data138.井名及井号 Well name & no.139.成员Crew140.技师Toolpusher141.司钻Driller142.架工Derrickman143.机工Motorman144.钻工Floorman145.场地工Roustabout146.机械工长Mechanic147.焊工Welder148.消防员Fireman149.契约人Leaseman150.天数No. of days2人身、财产损失报告表内容First Report of Bodily Injury/Property Damagea)类别Classification2.人身事故Bodily injuryb)财产损失Property damagec)公司Companyd)地区Divisione)国家Countryf)钻机编号Rig No.g)监督Supervisorh)受伤者姓名Name of injuredi)民族(国籍)Nationalityj)社会保险号Social security numberk)地址Addressl)年龄Agem)性别Sex 男M 女Fn)职业Occupationo)是否正式工作Regular job 是Yes 否 Nop)每月工资Wages per monthq)在公司工作时间Length of service with co.r)所在区域In areas)本岗位In this jobt)受伤日期Date of injuryu)时间Timev)开始计算损失时间Date lost time beganw)本班开始时间Time this tour beganx)受伤级别Class of injuryy)致命的Fatalz)承担责任Restricted dutyaa)无时间损失No lost timebb)医生姓名Doctor-namecc)医院名字Hospital-namedd)证明人名字Names of witnessesee)事情发生经过Describe how accident happenedff)不安全行为Unsafe actgg)不安全条件Unsafe conditionhh)财产设备损失情况Property or equipment damagedii)损伤的原始状况Nature of damagejj)估计维修费用(美元)Estimated cost of repair 防止类似事故发生的预防措施Steps taken or needed to prevent similar accident kk)备注Remarksll)填表人Prepared bymm)职称Titlenn)签字Signed附录四数词、年代与日期的读法一、分数的读法分数由基数词与序数词组合表示。

石油钻井缩略语ABS................美国船级社American Bureau of ShippingAMF................ automatic mode function自动模式功能API................. American Petroleum Institute美国石油学会APM................ application for permit to modify准许修正申请ASME............. American Society ofMechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会bbl.................. barrel or barrels 桶Bc................... Bearden units of consistency伯登,稠度单位BHCT.............. bottom hole circulating temperature井底循环温度BHST.............. bottom hole static temperature井底静态温度BML................ below mud line泥面以下BOEMRE......... Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement; formerly MMS美国海洋能源管理监督执法局;前身为矿产管理局BOP................ blowout preventer 防喷器bpm................ barrels per minute 桶每分钟BSR................ blind shear ram全封闭剪切闸板°C................... degrees Celsius DPO................ dynamic positioning operator动力定位操作工DTD................ diverter test device 转向器测试装置DWS............... driller's work station 司钻工作站ECD................ equivalent circulating density当量循环密度ECR................ engine control room电机控制室EDS................ emergency disconnect system紧急断开系统ESD................ emergency shutdown紧急关断°F.................... degrees Fahrenheit 华氏温度FRC................ fast rescue craft快速救援船ft..................... foot or feet英尺gal.................. gallons加仑GMDSS........... Global Maritime Distress Safety System全球海上遇险和安全系统gps................. gallons per sack加仑每袋H2S.................氢化硫Hitec............... NOV Hitec Cyberbase drilling rig control system挪威Hitec Cyberbase公司钻杆控制系统HP.................. high pressure高压HPHT.............. high pressure/high高压摄氏度C.F.R.............. Code of Federal Regulations联邦管理法规CBL................ cement bond log水泥胶结测井CCTV.............. closed-circuit television闭路电视CSR................ casing shear ram套管剪切闸板DC.................. direct current直流电DCP................ driller's control panel司钻控制台DER................ driller's equipment room司钻房DP.................. dynamically positioned动力定位/高温temperatureHVAC.............. heating, ventilation, and air conditioning暖通和空调HWDP............. heavyweight drill pipe 加重钻杆IADC............... International Association of Drilling Contractors国际钻井承包商协会in.................... inch or inches英寸KCl................. potassium chloride氯化钾lb.................... pound or pounds磅lbf................... pounds (force)磅(力)LCM................ lost-circulation material堵漏材料MD.................. measured depth测量深度MGS............... mud-gas separator泥浆-气体分离器MMS............... Minerals Management Service, now BOEMRE矿产管理局,现在为海洋能源管理监督执法局MOC............... management of change 变更管理MODU............. mobile offshore drilling unit移动式海上钻井平台MOU............... mobile offshore unit 移动式海上钻井平台MUX................ multiplex多元MWD............... Measurement While Drilling随钻测量NDT................ non-destructive testing无损探伤No................... number编号OBM............... oil-based mud油基泥浆OCS................ outer continental shelf外大陆架OD.................. outside diameter外径OEM............... original equipment manufacturer原始设备生产商OIM................. offshore installation manager海上装置经理PA.................. public address公用ppg................. pounds per gallon磅每加仑psi.................. pounds per square inch磅每立方英寸PWD............... Pressure While Drilling 随钻压力ROV................ remotely operated vehicle遥控潜水器RTE................ rotary table elevation 转盘海拔SBM................ synthetic-based mud合成基泥浆SEM................ subsea electronic module海底电子模块sk................... sack袋SOBM............. synthetic oil-based mud 合成油基泥浆SOLAS............ International Standards of Safety of Life at Sea (1974)国际海上人命安全公约(1974年)SSP................ selected standpipe (drill pipe) pressure选定竖管(钻杆)压力SSS................ Simrad Safety System Simrad安全体系ST锁定............ hydro-mechanical ram locking mechanism水力-机械闸板锁紧机构STM................ subsea transducer module海下传感器模块SVC................ Simrad Vessel Control Simrad海上钻井装置控制TA................... temporary地址PETU.................... portable electronic test unit移动电子试验装置PLC................ Programmable Logic Controller可编程逻辑控制器abandonment临时放弃TD................... total depth总深度TVD................ total vertical depth 总垂直深度UCA................ ultrasonic cement analyzer超声波水泥分析仪USCG.............. United States Coast Guard美国海岸警卫队V..................... volt伏特VBR................ variable bore ram变径闸板VHF................ very-high frequency radio特高频无线电。

石油钻井英语缩写及词汇石油钻井英语缩写及词汇DC: drill collar钻铤DP: drill pipe钻杆HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe加重钻杆X/O: crossover转换接头CSG: casing 套管WOC: wait on cementing侯凝POOH: put out of hole起钻(trip out)短起:short tripRIH: run in hole下钻(trip in)R/U: rig up组装N/U: nipple up组装L/D: lay down甩钻具DD:directional driller:定向司钻(斯伦贝谢的员工)w/: withBOP: blowout preventer防喷器、封井器BHA: bottom hole assembly井底钻具OD: outside diameter外径ID: inside diameter内径IF: internal flush内平FH: full hole贯眼EU: external upset外加厚IU: internal upset内加厚WBM: water base mud水基泥浆OBM: oil base mud油基泥浆TIW: Texas Iron Works全开安全阀MW: mud weight泥浆密度SPP: standpipe pressure立管压力MWD: measure while drilling随钻测量CCL: casing collar log套管接箍测井GR: gamma ray伽马(测井)HTHP: high temperature & high pressure高温高压RPM: round per minute转速SPM: stroke per minute泥浆泵TD: total depth总井深MD: measured depth斜深TVD: true vertical depth垂深PPG: pound per gallonRKB: rotary kelly bushing方钻杆补心GL: ground level地表LCM: loss circulation materials堵漏剂P/U: pick up上提WOB: weight on bit钻压VISC: viscosity泥浆粘度N/D: nipple down拆卸R/D: rig down拆卸SX: sacks袋、包BBL: barrel桶B/U: bottom up循环一周M/U: make up组装LB: poundPSI: pound per square inchESD: emergency shutdown紧急关停装置ROP: rate of penetration进尺速度(机械钻速)ESP:emergency response plan应急响应预案Isolation valve高低压闸门Swab 凡尔提(泥浆泵配件)Hub方卡瓦Bail 吊环Air hoist气葫芦Chain hoist手拉葫芦、倒链V-door (pipe ramp) 斜坡Flowline泥浆天槽Gas buster / poor boy液气分离器Slug pit配浆罐(配药罐)Trip nipple旋转头喇叭口Rotating head旋转头Chickson 活动弯头Trailer/container/cabin/quarter room住井房/生活区Trash pump排污泵Flare pit放喷池/点火池/防火墙pup joint:短节重晶石:bariteWear bushing:防磨套膨润土:gelCasing tally:套管数据Float shoe:浮鞋Float collar:浮匝Protector:护丝WDC:wait on cement:候凝Measure out of hole:校对井深surface casing:表层套管intermediate casing:技术套管production casing:生产套管方瓦:hub卡瓦:slip碳酸钙:calcium carbonate环形防喷器:annular 半封:pipe ram全封:blind ram Drift :通径(vt)Gauge ring:通径规Resistivity:电阻套压:casing pressure油(管)压:tubing pressure XJH:须家河地层KOP:kick-off point:造斜点。

P/U pick up 吊起M/U make up 接上L/D lay down 甩开N/U nipple up 接上N/D nipple down 卸开R/U rig up 安装WOC wait on cement 侯凝RIH run in hole 下钻WOO wait on order 等指令POOH pull out of hole 起钻DR drilling 钻进RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)WOW wait on water 等水TOF top of fish 鱼顶SX sacks 水泥袋数MW mud weight 泥浆密度CBU circulate bottoms up 循环一周TOH trip out of hole 起钻MWD measurement while drilling 随钻测量KSW key seat wiper 键槽清洁器YP yield point 屈服值FL filtrate loss 滤失TVD true vertical depth 垂深MD measured depth 测量井深TD total depth 总井深KOP kick off point 造斜点DIR direction 定向AZM azimuth 方位DEV deviation 井斜ROP rate of penetration 机械钻速ID inside-diameter 外径FTG footage 进尺PPG pounds per gallon (密度)每加仑磅PSI pounds per square inch 每平方英寸磅SGL single 单根HTHP high temperature high pressure 高温高压AD assistant driller 副司钻LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂API American petroleum institute 美国石油协会IADC International association drilling contractor 国际钻井承包商CNPC China national petroleum company 中国石油天然气总公司DP Drill pipe 钻杆HWDP heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆DC drill collar 钻铤STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器SMDC short magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤PDM positive displacement motor 螺杆NMDC nonmagnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤(钻具)BOP blowout preventer 封井器CSC casing 套管JNT joint 单根XO cross-over 配合接头IF internal flush 内平FH full hole 贯眼REG regular 正规IU internal upset 内加厚EU external upset 外加厚IEU internal & external upset 内外加厚OH open hole 裸眼WOB weight on bit 钻压RPM revolutions per minute 转速分钟SPM strokes per minute 冲程每分钟ECD equivalent circulating density 当量泥浆密度MT metric ton 公制吨BHA bottom hole assembly 底部钻具组合DST drill stem test 钻具测试KS key seat 键槽STDS stands 立柱WL water loss 失水PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度DS = drilling supervisor 钻井监督OIM = offshore instrument manager 采油平台经理(采油平台的最高首长)JWE = junior well engineer 实习工程师(油公司内给刚进入公司的工程师设的一个称号, 全球都在用)IP = injured person 受伤人员NBS near bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器NMDC Non Magnetic Drill Collars 无磁钻铤NSTK Number Of Pump Strokes 泵冲OBM Oil Based Mud 油基钻井液OD Outside Diameter 外径OE Open Ended 开端排代量OH Openhole 裸眼P&A Plug and Abandon 弃井PBR Polished Bore Receptacle 抛光孔座PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact PDC钻头PDM Positive Displacement Motor 螺杆钻具PM Preventive Maintenance 预防性维护POAF Pack-Off Adapter Flange 法兰变径转换器POOH Pull Out Of Hole 起钻PPE Personal Protective Equipment 劳保用品PV Plastic Viscosity 塑性粘度PVT Pit V olume Totalizer 计量罐体积R/D Rig Down 拆卸R/U Rig Up 组装RCD Residual Current Device 剩余电流装置RFT Repeated Formation Tester重复地层测试RIH Run In Hole 下钻RKB Rotary Kelly Bushings 转盘面补心ROP Rate Of Penetration 钻速RPM Rotation Per Minute 机械转速RPSP Reduced Pump Strokes Pressure 低泵冲压力S.G. Specific Gravity 密度比等级(相对于水)SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 自给式空气呼吸装置SCR Slow Circulating Pump Pressure 慢循环泵压SD Specific Density比重SHUT-IN Wellhead Or Shut-In Pressure 井口关井压力SICP Shut-In Casing Pressure 关井套压SIDPP Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure关井钻杆压力SJ Single Joint 单根SJA Safe Job Analysis 作业安全风险分析SO Slack-Off 下钻钻具重量SPM Stroke Per Minute 冲数SPP Stand Pipe Pressure 立管压力SRG Surface Recording Gyro 地面记录陀罗SSSV Sub Surface Safety Valve 水下安全阀SWL Safe Working Load 安全载荷TCP Tubing Convoyed Perforation 油管传输射孔TD Total Depth 完钻深度TDS Top Drive System 顶驱TIP Tie in Point 中靶TOC Top of Cement 上层水泥TVD Total Vertical Depth 真实垂深UPR Upper Pipe Ram 上闸板防喷器UTM Universal Transverse MercatorVM V olumetric Method 体积法VSIDPP Virtual Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure 虚拟关井钻杆压力W&W Wait And Weight MethodWBM Water Based Mud 水基钻井液WL Wireline 电缆测井WLL Working Load Limit 最大载荷WOB Weight On Bit 钻压WOC Wait On Cementing 侯凝WOM Weight On MillWP Working Pressure 工作压力X/O Cross Over Sub 变扣YP Yield Point 屈服值HUD = Hold up depth 卡钻井深FCP Final Circulating Pressure 最终循环压力FIT Formation Integrity Test 地层完整性试验FPI Free Point IndicatorQ Flow rate 流速GWDC Great Wall Drilling Contractor 长城钻探HCR Hydraulic Controlled Remote Operated 液压远程操作HDHO Heavy Duty Hole Opener 扩眼器HP High Pressure 高压HPHT High Pressure High TemperatureHSE Health, Safety And Environment 健康安全环保HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆IADC International Association Of Drilling Contractor 国际钻井承包商协会IBOP Inside BOP, Gray Valves 内部防喷器阀ICP Initial Circulating Pressure 初始循环压力ID Inside Diameter 内径IPS Improved Plow SteelIWCF International Well Control Forum 国际井控论坛IWRC Independent Wire Rope CoreKOP Kick Off Point 造斜点L/D Lay Down 拆甩LTA Lost Time Accident 损失时间LCM Low Choke Method, Lost Circulation Material 堵漏剂LOT Leak-Off Test 地漏试验LPM Liters Per Minute 流量LPR Lower Pipe Ram 下闸板防喷器MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface PressureMD Measured Depth 测量深度MEMW Maximum Equivalent Mud Weight 最大当量泥浆比重MPHS Max. Expected Pressure in Next Hole Section 下一井段最大预测压力MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表MUT Make-Up Torque 上扣扭矩MWD Measurement While Drilling 随钻测量MWDP Max. Well Design Pressure 最大设计井底压力ACS Anti-Collision System 防碰系统API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会APL Annulus Pressure Loss 环空压降AR Automated Roughneck 自动铁钻工BHA Bottom Hole Assembly 底部钻具组合BHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating Temperature 井底循环压力BHP Bottom-Hole Pressure 井底压力BHST Bottom-Hole Static Temperature井底静止压力BOP Blow Out Preventer 防喷器CBBL Core Barrels 取心筒CDPP Circulating Drill Pipe Pressure 循环钻杆压力CP Conductor Pipe, Casing Pressure 套压CSO Complete Shut Off 关井CSES Cable Sidedoor Entry Sub 电缆侧门入口接头CSG Casing 套管DC Drill Collar 钻铤DD Directional Drilling 定向钻井DLS Dogleg Severity 狗腿严重度DM Driller's Method 司钻法压井DP Drill Pipe 钻杆DPP, Pdp Drill-Pipe Pressure 钻杆压力DSA Double Studded AdapterDST Drill Stem Test 钻杆测试DTU Double-Tilt UnitsDWCH Docking HeadECD Equivalent Circulating Density 当量循环密度EMW Equivalent Mud Weight 当量泥浆重量EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery 提高采收率ERD Extended Reach Drilling 大位移井EZSV Easydrill Plug。

DC: drill collar钻铤DP: drill pipe钻杆HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe加重钻杆X/O: crossover转换接头CSG: casing 套管WOC: wait on cementing侯凝POOH: put out of hole起钻(trip out)短起:short tripRIH: run in hole下钻(trip in)R/U: rig up组装N/U: nipple up组装L/D: lay down甩钻具DD:directional driller:定向司钻(斯伦贝谢的员工)w/: withBOP: blowout preventer防喷器、封井器BHA: bottom hole assembly井底钻具OD: outside diameter外径ID: inside diameter内径IF: internal flush内平FH: full hole贯眼EU: external upset外加厚IU: internal upset内加厚WBM: water base mud水基泥浆OBM: oil base mud油基泥浆TIW: Texas Iron Works全开安全阀MW: mud weight泥浆密度SPP: standpipe pressure立管压力MWD: measure while drilling随钻测量CCL: casing collar log套管接箍测井GR: gamma ray伽马(测井)HTHP: high temperature & high pressure高温高压RPM: round per minute转速SPM: stroke per minute泥浆泵TD: total depth总井深MD: measured depth斜深TVD: true vertical depth垂深PPG: pound per gallonRKB: rotary kelly bushing方钻杆补心GL: ground level地表LCM: loss circulation materials堵漏剂P/U: pick up上提WOB: weight on bit钻压VISC: viscosity泥浆粘度N/D: nipple down拆卸R/D: rig down拆卸SX: sacks袋、包BBL: barrel桶B/U: bottom up循环一周M/U: make up组装LB: poundPSI: pound per square inchESD: emergency shutdown紧急关停装置ROP: rate of penetration进尺速度(机械钻速)ESP:emergency response plan应急响应预案Isolation valve高低压闸门Swab 凡尔提(泥浆泵配件)Hub方卡瓦Bail 吊环Air hoist气葫芦Chain hoist手拉葫芦、倒链V-door (pipe ramp) 斜坡Flowline泥浆天槽Gas buster / poor boy液气分离器Slug pit配浆罐(配药罐)Trip nipple旋转头喇叭口Rotating head旋转头Chickson 活动弯头Trailer/container/cabin/quarter room住井房/生活区Trash pump排污泵Flare pit放喷池/点火池/防火墙pup joint:短节重晶石:bariteWear bushing:防磨套膨润土:gelCasing tally:套管数据Float shoe:浮鞋Float collar:浮匝Protector:护丝WOC:wait on cement:候凝Measure out of hole:校对井深surface casing:表层套管intermediate casing:技术套管production casing:生产套管方瓦:hub卡瓦:slip碳酸钙:calcium carbonate环形防喷器:annular半封:pipe ram全封:blind ramDrift :通径(vt)Gauge ring:通径规Resistivity:电阻套压:casing pressure油压:tubing pressure KOP:kick-off point:造斜点。

常用缩略语与换算Abbreviation and The Metroc-U.S.System第 1 节常用缩略语Abbreviation 空调 A.C 桶bbl 井底压力BHP 防喷器BOP 厘米cm 内径ID 外径OD加仑/分gpm 高压HP 高温HT 高电压h.v 国际钻井承包商协会IADC(international association of drilling company) 英寸in. 国际标准化组织ISO ACS Anti-Collision System 防碰系统API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会APL Annulus Pressure Loss 环空压力损失AR Automated Roughneck 自动送钻装置,自动化的钻工BHA Bottom Hole Assembly井底钻具组合BHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating Temperature 井底循环温度BHP Bottom-Hole Pressure 井底压力BHST Bottom-Hole Static Temperature 井底静止温度BOP Blow Out Preventer 防喷器CBBL Core Barrels 岩心筒CDPP Circulating Drill Pipe Pressure 循环钻杆压力或循环立压CP Conductor Pipe, Casing Pressure 导管或套压CSO Complete Shut Off 全关CSES Cable Sidedoor Entry Sub 电缆侧门入口的接头CSG Casing 套管DC Drill Collar 钻铤DD Directional Driller 定向钻井司钻DLS Dogleg Severity 狗腿度DM Driller's Method 司钻压井方法DP rill Pipe 钻杆DPP, Pdp Drill-Pipe Pressure 钻杆压力或立压DSA Double Studded Adapter 双头栽丝法兰DST Drill Stem Test 钻杆测试DTU Double-Tilt Units 双倾斜装置ECD Equivalent Circulating Density 当量循环密度EMW Equivalent Mud Weight 当量泥浆比重EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery提高采收率法采油ERD Extended Reach Drilling 大位移钻井 FCP Final Circulating Pressure 最终循环压力FIT Formation Integrity Test 地层破裂试验FPI Free Point Indicator 卡点指示器,测卡仪Q Flow rate 排量GWDC Great Wall Drilling Company 长城钻井公司HCR Hydraulic Controlled Remote 液控阀HDHO Heavy Duty Hole Opener 深井扩眼器HP High Pressure 高压HPHT High Pressure High Temperature 高温高压HSE Health, Safety And Environment 健康,安全和环境HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆IBOP Inside BOP, Gray Valves 防喷器内部,Gray 阀ICP Initial Circulating Pressure 初始循环压力ID nside Diameter 内径IPS Improved Plow Steel 改良犁钢IWCF International Well Control Forum 世界井控学会IWRC Independent Wire Rope Core 中性麻心钢丝绳KOP Kick Off Point 造斜点L/D Lay Down 放下,拆卸LTA Lost Time Accident 损失时间事故LCM Lost Circulation Material堵漏剂LOT Leak-Off Test 地层漏失试验LPM Liters Per Minute 升/分LPR Lower Pipe Ram 下半封闸板MAASP Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure 最大允许环空压力MD Measured Depth 斜深MEMW Maximum Equivalent Mud Weight 最大当量泥浆比重MPHS Max. Expected Pressure in Next Hole Section 下一井段最大预测压力MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets 材料安全数据表MUT Make-Up Torque 上紧力矩MWD Measuring While Drilling 随钻测量MWDP Max. Well Design Pressure 井最大设计压力NBS Near Bit Stabilizer 近钻头稳定器NMDC NonMagnetic Drill Collars 无磁钻铤NSTK Number Of Pump Strokes 泵冲数OBM Oil Based Mud 油基泥浆OD Outside Diameter 外径OE Open Ended 水眼开启的OH Openhole 裸眼P&A Plug and Abandon 注塞和弃井P/U,PU Pick Up 提升,拉起,上提PBR Polished Bore Receptacle 抛光孔座PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact聚晶金刚石复合片PDM Positive Displacement Motor 容积式马达PM Preventive Maintenance 预防性检修POAF Pack-Off Adapter Flange 变径/转换法兰的密封POOH Pull Out Of Hole 起钻PPE Personal Protective Equipment 个人防护装备PV Plastic Viscosity 塑性粘度PVT Pit V olume Totalizer 泥浆液面计R/D Rig Down 拆卸R/U Rig Up 安装RCD Residual Current Device 漏电保护器RFT Repeated Formation Tester 多次地层测试器RIH Run In Hole 下钻RKB Rotary Kelly Bushings 方钻杆补心ROP Rate Of Penetration 机械钻速RPM Rotation Per Minute 转速,转/分RPSP Reduced Pump Strokes Pressure 低泵冲压力S.G. Specific Gravity 比重SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 增压式呼吸面具SCR Slow Circulating Pump Pressure 低泵冲循环泵压SD Specific Density 密度SHUT-IN Wellhead Or Shut-In Pressure 关井井口压力SICP Shut-In Casing Pressure关井套管压力SIDPP Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure 关井立管压力SJ Single Joint 单根SJA Safe Job Analysis 安全工作分析SO Slack-Off 下放SPM Stroke Per Minute 泵冲SPP Stand Pipe Pressure 立管压力SRG Surface Recording Gyro 表面记录陀螺SSSV SubSurface Safety Valve 井下安全阀SWL Safe Working Load 安全工作荷载TCP Tubing Convoyed Perforation 油管输送射孔TD Total Depth 总井深TDS Top Drive System 顶部驱动装置TIP Tie In Point 连接点TOC Top Of Cement 水泥顶部TVD Total Vertical Depth 总垂深UPR Upper Pipe Ram 上半封闸板UTM Universal Transverse Mercator 通用墨卡托式投影图法VM V olumetric Method 体积法压井VSIDPP Virtual Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure 实际的关井立管压力W&W Wait And Weight Method 等待加重法WBM Water Based Mud 水基泥浆WL Wireline测井电缆,钢丝绳WLL Working Load Limit 工作极限负荷WOB Weight On Bit 钻压WOC Wait On Cementing 候凝WOM Weight On Mill 磨铣钻压WP Working Pressure 工作压力X/O Cross Over Sub 配合接头YP Yield Point 屈服点第 2 节.钻井现场常用公英制换算长度 1 英里(mile,mi.)=1.609 公里(km.) 1 米=3.28 英尺 1 码(yard,yd.)=3 英尺=0.914 米(m.) 1 英尺(foot)=12 英寸= 30.48 厘米(cm) 1 英寸(inch,in.)= 2.54 厘米(cm)面积 1 平方英尺(square foot,sq.ft.) =929 平方厘米(sq.cm.)重量 1 吨=10 千牛=2.2504 千磅 1 磅(pound,lb.=0.454 公斤(kg.) 1 盎司(ounce,oz.)=28.35 克(g.)体积容量(液量) 1 桶=42 加仑=158.98 升1 加仑(gallon,gal.) =3.785 公升(cubic cm.)密度1g/cm3=8.33ppg 温度t° C=5/9(° F-32)。

钻井英语缩写1.DP drill pipe 钻杆2.HWDP heavy weight (wall)drill pipe 加重钻杆3.DC drill collar 钻铤4.BHA bottom hole assembly井下钻具组合5.STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器6.PNMDC pony non-magneticdrill collar 短无磁钻铤7.SMDC short non-magneticdrill collar 短无磁钻铤8.?9.PDM positive displacementmotor 螺杆10.B OP blowout preventer 封井器11.BOPE blow out preventerequipment 封井器设备12.IBOP inside blowoutpreventer 内防喷工具13.CSG casing 套管14.TBG tubing 油管15.JNT/JT joint 单根16.XO cross-over 配合接头17.)18.IF internal flush 内平19.FH full hole 贯眼20.REG regular 正规21.IU internal upset 内加厚22.EU external upset 外加厚23.EUE external upset end 外加厚端24.IEU internal&externalupset 内外加厚25.OH open hole 裸眼26.;27.WOB weight on bit 钻压28.RPM revolutions per minute转速/分钟29.SPM strokes per minute冲程/每分钟30.ECD equivalent circulatingdensity 当量泥浆密度31.MT metric ton 公制吨32.DST drill stem test 钻具测试33.KS key seat 键槽34.KSW key seat wiper 键槽清洁器35.(36.STDS stands 立柱37.VIS viscosity 粘度38.PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度39.YP yield point 屈服值40.FL filtrate loss 滤失41.WL water loss 失水D true vertical depth垂深43.MD measured depth 测量井深44.~45.TD total depth 总井深46.PBTD plug back total depth人工井底47.PCS piece 件,个48.KOP kick off point 造斜点49.DIR direction 定向50.AZM azimuth 方位51.DEV deviation 井斜52.ROP rate of penetration机械转速53.,54.ID inside-diameter 内径55.OD outside diameter 外径56.FTG footage 进尺57.PPG pounds per gallon(密度)每加仑磅58.PSI pounds per square inch磅每平方英尺59.SGL single 单根60.LP low pressure 低压61.HP high pressure 高压62.|63.H P horsepower 马力64.HHP hydraulic horsepower水马力65.HTHP high temperaturehigh pressure 高温高压66.AD assistant driller 副司钻67.LCM lost circulationmaterial 堵漏剂68.API American petroleuminstitute 美国石油协会69.IADC internationalassociation of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会PC China nationalpetroleum 中国石油天然气总公司71.?72.P/N part number 零件型号73.S/N serial number 系列号74.N/W net weight 净重75.G/W gross weight 毛重76.P/U pick up 吊起77.M/U make up 接上78.L/D lay down 甩开79.N/U nipple up 接上80.·81.N/D nipple down 卸开82.R/U rig up 安装83.R/D rig down 拆卸84.WOC wait on cement 候凝85.WOW wait on water 等水86.WOW wait on weather 等天气87.WOO wait on order 等指令88.RIH run in hole 下钻89.}90.POOH pull out of hole 起钻91.DR drilling 钻进92.DDR daily drilling report钻井日报表93.RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)94.BR back ream 倒划眼95.TOF top of fish 鱼顶96.SX sacks 袋97.MW mud weight 泥浆密度98.!99.CBU circulate bottom up循环一周100.TOH trip out of hole 起钻101.MWD measurement while drilling 随钻测量102.LWD logging while drilling 随钻测井103.POB personnel on board 井场人员104.SG specific gravity 比重105.NDT non-destructive test 无损探伤106.S/I shut in 关井107.;108.PTW permit to work 工作许可109.BPV back pressure valve 回压凡尔110.DIBPV drop in back pressure valve 投入式单流阀111.NP neutral point 中和点112.UPS uninterrupted power supply 不间断供电113.RBP retrievable bridge plug 可取回桥塞114.SICP shut in casingpressure 关井套压115.SIDPP shut in drill pipe pressure 关井立压、maximum allowable annular surface pressure 最大允许环空压力105.BHT bottom hole temperature 井底温度bottom hole pressure 井底压力hydrostatic pressure 液柱压力108. FP friction pressure 摩擦压力109. SP surface pressure 地面压力110. CP choke pressure 节流压力capacity factor 容积系数]112.DSA drilling spool adaptor 四通转换法兰113. DSA double studded adaptor 双头载丝法兰114. CBHP constant bottom hole pressure 恒定井底压力115. ICP initial circulating pressure 初始循环压力116. circulating pressure 终了循环压力117. BUR. build up rate 造斜率118. SS string stabilizer 钻具扶正器119. EMKL emergency kill line 应急压井管线~120. RMR reamer 扩眼器121. NBRR near-bit roller reamer 近钻头牙轮扩眼器122. SR string roller reamer 钻具牙轮扩眼器123.RCJBreverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞蓝124. FPI free point indicator 测卡仪125. PIC person in charge 负责人126. PJSM pre-job safety meeting 作业前安全会127. STK stroke 泵冲!128. ACS automatic crown saver 电子防碰天车129. PVT pit volume totalizer 泥浆体积计量器130. IWCF international well control forum 国际井控论坛131. RH rat hole / right hand 大鼠洞/ 井底口袋132. LOT leak off test 地破试验133. PIT pressure integrity test 地破试验134. FIT formation integrity test 地层完整性试验135. BTC buttress thread connection 梯形扣^136. LTC long thread connection 长圆扣137. STC small thread connection 短圆扣138. CHC circulate hole clean 循环清洗井底139. ODF original drill floor 原始钻台面高度140. FAT first aid treatment 急救处理141. PPF pound per foot 段重142. TOC top of cement 水泥返高143. WBM water base mud 水基泥浆【144. OBM oil base mud 油基泥浆145. LOTO lock out tag out 挂牌上锁146. TFA total flow area 总流到面积147. MCC motor control center 马达控制中心148.SABAsupplied air breathing apparatus 空气呼吸器self-contained breathingapparatus 自给式呼吸器external pipe coating 钻杆外涂层&W wait and weight 等待加重法<material safety data sheet 材料安全数据表weld blade stabilizer 焊接式翼片扶正器magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤electric submersible pump 电潜泵casing pressure/conductor pipe 套压/导管tubing and casing annulus 油管与套管环空casing and casing annulus 套管与套管环空liter per minute 升/分钟>make up torque 上扣扭矩maximum well design pressure 最大井眼设计压力near bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器&A plug and abandon 填井、弃井silicon control rectifier/slow circulating rate 可控硅房/低泵冲job safety analysis 作业安全分析slack off 下放safe working load 安全工作载荷|top drive system 顶驱volumetric method 体积压井法directional driller 定向司钻upper pipe ram 上半封闸板lower pipe ram 下半封闸板A not applicable 不适用的tank 罐degree 度)barrel 桶second 秒minute 分钟hour 小时float collar 浮箍float shoe 浮鞋分级箍cement 水泥,固井【foot 英尺inch 英寸libra=pound 磅liter 升kilo-pound 千磅weight 重量190.@ at 在……位置full opening safety valve 全开式安全阀high viscosity 高粘low viscosity 低粘barrel per hour 桶每小时pressure gradient 压力梯度coupling 接箍balled up 泥包as soon as possible 尽早health ,safety and environment 健康,安全和环保public announcementsafety work permit 安全工作许可life work permitcold work permit 冷作业许可shut down 关闭confined space entryhot work permit 热作业许可electrical work permit 用电许可。


钻井工程报表常见缩写词第一篇:钻井工程报表常见缩写词钻井工程报表常见缩写词(Abbreviations)APIAmerican Petroleum Institute美国石油学会APLAnnulus Pressure Loss环空压力损失ARAutomated Roughneck 铁钻工 BHABottom Hole Assembly底部钻具组合 BHPBottom-Hole Pressure井底压力 BHCTBottom-Hole Circulating Temperature井底循环温度 BHST Bottom-Hole Static Temperature井底静止温度BOPBlow Out Preventer防喷器DDDirectional Driller定向工程师 CDPPCirculating Drill Pipe Pressure钻杆循环压力CSGCasing套管 CPConductor Pipe, Casing Pressure导管,套压CBBLCore Barrels岩心筒 DCDrill Collar钻铤DLSDogleg Severity 狗腿严重度DPDrill Pipe钻杆 DMDriller's Method钻井方法DPP, PDPDrill-Pipe Pressure钻杆压力DSTDrill Stem Test中途测试ECDEquivalent Circulating Density当量循环密度 EMWEquivalent Mud Weight当量泥浆密度QFlow rate流量EOREnhanced Oil Recovery 增产ERDExtended Reach Drilling大位移钻井 FCPFinal Circulating Pressure最终循环压力HPHigh Pressure高压FITFormation Integrity Test地层整体测试HSEHealth, Safety And Environment HPHTHigh Pressure High Temperature高温高压IDInside Diameter内径 HWDPHeavy Weight Drill Pipe加重钻杆KOPKick Off Point造斜点 IADCInternational Association Of Drilling Contractor国际钻井承包商协会 ICPInitial Circulating Pressure初始循环压力LTALost Time Accident事故损失时间LOTLeak-Off Test漏失试验 LCMLost Circulation Material堵漏材料LPMLiters Per Minute升/分 MAASPMaximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure最小环空地面压力MDMeasured Depth测深MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheets材料安全数据表 MEMWMaximum Equivalent Mud Weight最大泥浆当量密度MPHSMax.Expected Pressure in Next Hole Section下个井眼最大预测压力 MUTMake-Up Torque上扣MWDMeasurement While Drilling随钻测量 MWDPMax.Well Design Pressure井最大设计压力NBSNear Bit Stabilizer近钻头稳定器NMDCNon Magnetic Drill Collars无磁钻铤 NSTKNumber Of Pump Strokes泵冲OBMOil Based Mud油基泥浆 ODOutside Diameter外径OEOpen Ended 裸眼完钻 OHOpenhole裸眼P&Alug and Abandon打塞报废 PDCPolycrystalline Diamond Compact聚晶金刚石钻头PDMPositive Displacement Motor螺杆PMPreventive Maintenance预防保养 POAFPack-Off Adapter Flange封隔法兰POOHPull Out Of Hole起钻 PPEPersonal Protective Equipment个人防护设备(劳保)PVPlastic Viscosity塑性粘度PVTPit Volume Total 泥浆池总量 R/DRig Down放井架R/URig Up 立井架RCDResidual Current Device漏电断路器RIHRun In Hole下钻RFTRepeated Formation Tester地层测试RKBRotary Kelly Bushings方补心 ROPRate Of Penetration钻速RPMRotation Per Minute转速 RPSPReduced Pump Strokes Pressure降低泵冲压力S.G.Specific Gravity比重SDSpecific Density比重 SCBASelf Contained Breathing Apparatus自主式呼吸器SCRSlow Circulating Pump Pressure 低循环泵压SOSlack-Off 下放钻具 SHUT-INWellhead Or Shut-In Pressure关井压力TDTotal Depth总深度 SICPShut-In Casing Pressure关井套压SPM Stroke Per Minute冲/分 SIDPPShut-In Drill Pipe Pressure关井立压TDSTop Drive System顶驱 SJASafe Job Analysis安全工作分析SPPStand Pipe Pressure立压 SSSVSub Surface Safety Valve井下安全阀TVDTotal Vertical Depth垂深 SWLSafe Working Load安全工作载荷WOBWeight On Bit钻压 TIPTie In Point数据连接点(定向造斜时或随钻测井时)TOCTop Of Cement水泥面高度VMVolumetric Method容积法 UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator统一横墨卡托方格网 VSIDPP Virtual Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure实际关井钻杆压力W&WWait And Weight Method等待加重法YPYield Point屈服值 WBMWater Based Mud水基泥浆WLLWorking Load Limit载荷极限 WLWireline有线,电缆作业, 或者钢丝作业HUDHold up depth 卡钻井深 WOCWait On Cementing候凝WOMWeight On Mill 磨铣钻压 WPWorking Pressure 工作压力X/OCross Over Sub转换接头PKRpacker 封隔器assyassembly 工具总成S/Lslickline 钢丝作业 X-treechristmas tree 采油树DSdrilling supervisor 钻井监督 JWEjunior well engineer 实习工程师IPinjured person 受伤人员 tbgtubing 油管COGcost of goods 货物成本JOjob order 工作记录 DTdelivery ticket 移交用的单据PTproduction technologist 采油工程师DPDrill pipe 钻杆HWDPheavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆JNTjoint 单根 DCdrill collar 钻铤STBstabilizer 钻杆扶正器IFinternal flush 内平SMDCshort magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤FHfull hole 贯眼REGregular 正规IUinternal upset 内加厚EUexternal upset 外加厚 IEUinternal & external upset 内外加厚MTmetric ton 公制吨KSkey seat 键槽DSTdrill stem test 钻具测试STDSstands 立柱 VISviscosity 粘度WLwater loss 失水PVplastic viscosity 塑性粘度FLfiltrate loss 滤失DIRdirection 定向AZMazimuth 方位DEVdeviation 井斜ROPrate of penetration 机械钻速FTGfootage 进尺 PPG pounds per gallon(密度)每加仑磅PSI pounds per square inch 每平方英寸磅 SGL single 单根ADassistant driller 副司钻P/Upick up 吊起 CNPCChina national petroleum company 中国石油天然气总公司P/Npart number 零件型号S/Nserial number 系列号N/Wnet weight 净重 G/Wgross weight 毛重M/Umake up 接上L/Dlay down 甩开 N/Unipple up 接上N/Dnipple down 卸开R/Urig up 安装 RIHrun in hole 下钻WOOwait on order 等指令DRdrilling 钻进 RMreaming 扩眼(划眼)WOWwait on water 等水TOFtop of fish 鱼顶 MWmud weight 泥浆密度CBUcirculate bottoms up 循环一周 TOHtrip out of hole 起钻KSWkey seat wiper 键槽清洁器第二篇:常见化学试剂缩写化学试剂缩写A英文缩写全称A/MMA 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物AA 丙烯酸AAS 丙烯酸酯-丙烯酸酯-苯乙烯共聚物ABFN 偶氮(二)甲酰胺ABN 偶氮(二)异丁腈ABPS 壬基苯氧基丙烷磺酸钠B英文缩写全称BAA 正丁醛苯胺缩合物BAC 碱式氯化铝BACN 新型阻燃剂BAD 双水杨酸双酚A酯BAL 2,3-巯(基)丙醇BBP 邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯BBS N-叔丁基-乙-苯并噻唑次磺酰胺BC 叶酸BCD β-环糊精BCG 苯顺二醇BCNU 氯化亚硝脲BD 丁二烯BE 丙烯酸乳胶外墙涂料BEE 苯偶姻乙醚BFRM 硼纤维增强塑料BG 丁二醇BGE 反应性稀释剂BHA 特丁基-4羟基茴香醚BHT 二丁基羟基甲苯BL 丁内酯BLE 丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物BLP 粉末涂料流平剂BMA 甲基丙烯酸丁酯BMC 团状模塑料BMU 氨基树脂皮革鞣剂BN 氮化硼BNE 新型环氧树脂BNS β-萘磺酸甲醛低缩合物BOA 己二酸辛苄酯BOP 邻苯二甲酰丁辛酯BOPP 双轴向聚丙烯BP 苯甲醇BPA 双酚ABPBG 邻苯二甲酸丁(乙醇酸乙酯)酯BPF 双酚FBPMC 2-仲丁基苯基-N-甲基氨基酸酯BPO 过氧化苯甲酰BPP 过氧化特戊酸特丁酯BPPD 过氧化二碳酸二苯氧化酯BPS 4,4’-硫代双(6-特丁基-3-甲基苯酚)BPTP 聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯BR 丁二烯橡胶BRN 青红光硫化黑BROC 二溴(代)甲酚环氧丙基醚BS 丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物BS-1S 新型密封胶BSH 苯磺酰肼BSU N,N’-双(三甲基硅烷)脲BT 聚丁烯-1热塑性塑料BTA 苯并三唑BTX 苯-甲苯-二甲苯混合物BX 渗透剂BXA 己二酸二丁基二甘酯BZ 二正丁基二硫代氨基甲酸锌C英文缩写全称CA 醋酸纤维素CAB 醋酸-丁酸纤维素CAN 醋酸-硝酸纤维素CAP 醋酸-丙酸纤维素CBA 化学发泡剂CDP 磷酸甲酚二苯酯CF 甲醛-甲酚树脂,碳纤维CFE 氯氟乙烯CFM 碳纤维密封填料 CFRP 碳纤维增强塑料CLF 含氯纤维CMC 羧甲基纤维素CMCNa 羧甲基纤维素钠CMD 代尼尔纤维CMS 羧甲基淀粉D英文缩写全称DAF 富马酸二烯丙酯DAIP 间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯DAM 马来酸二烯丙酯DAP 间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯DATBP 四溴邻苯二甲酸二烯丙酯DBA 己二酸二丁酯DBEP 邻苯二甲酸二丁氧乙酯DBP 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯DBR 二苯甲酰间苯二酚DBS 癸二酸二癸酯DCCA 二氯异氰脲酸DCCK 二氯异氰脲酸钾DCCNa 二氯异氰脲酸钠DCHP 邻苯二甲酸二环乙酯DCPD 过氧化二碳酸二环乙酯DDA 己二酸二癸酯DDP 邻苯二甲酸二癸酯DEAE 二乙胺基乙基纤维素DEP 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯DETA 二乙撑三胺DFA 薄膜胶粘剂DHA 己二酸二己酯DHP 邻苯二甲酸二己酯DHS 癸二酸二己酯DIBA 己二酸二异丁酯DIDA 己二酸二异癸酯DIDG 戊二酸二异癸酯DIDP 邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯DINA 己二酸二异壬酯DINP 邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯 DINZ 壬二酸二异壬酯DIOA 己酸二异辛酯< lan> E英文缩写全称E/EA 乙烯/丙烯酸乙酯共聚物E/P 乙烯/丙烯共聚物E/P/D 乙烯/丙烯/二烯三元共聚物E/TEE 乙烯/四氟乙烯共聚物E/VAC 乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯共聚物E/VAL 乙烯/乙烯醇共聚物EAA 乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物EAK 乙基戊丙酮EBM 挤出吹塑模塑EC 乙基纤维素ECB 乙烯共聚物和沥青的共混物ECD 环氧氯丙烷橡胶ECTEE 聚(乙烯-三氟氯乙烯)ED-3 环氧酯EDC 二氯乙烷EDTA 乙二胺四醋酸EEA 乙烯-醋酸丙烯共聚物EG 乙二醇2-EH :异辛醇EO 环氧乙烷EOT 聚乙烯硫醚EP 环氧树脂EPI 环氧氯丙烷EPM 乙烯-丙烯共聚物EPOR 三元乙丙橡胶EPR 乙丙橡胶EPS 可发性聚苯乙烯EPSAN 乙烯-丙烯-苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物EPT 乙烯丙烯三元共聚物EPVC 乳液法聚氯乙烯EU 聚醚型聚氨酯EVA 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物EVE 乙烯基乙基醚EXP 醋酸乙烯-乙烯-丙烯酸酯三元共聚乳液 F英文缩写全称F/VAL 乙烯/乙烯醇共聚物F-23 四氟乙烯-偏氯乙烯共聚物F-30 三氟氯乙烯-乙烯共聚物F-40 四氟氯乙烯-乙烯共聚物FDY 丙纶全牵伸丝FEP 全氟(乙烯-丙烯)共聚物FNG 耐水硅胶FPM 氟橡胶FRA 纤维增强丙烯酸酯FRC 阻燃粘胶纤维FRP 纤维增强塑料FRPA-101 玻璃纤维增强聚癸二酸癸胺(玻璃纤维增强尼龙1010树脂)FRPA-610 玻璃纤维增强聚癸二酰乙二胺(玻璃纤维增强尼龙610树脂)FWA 荧光增白剂G英文缩写全称GF 玻璃纤维GFRP 玻璃纤维增强塑料GFRTP 玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料促进剂GOF 石英光纤GPS 通用聚苯乙烯GR-1 异丁橡胶GR-N 丁腈橡胶GR-S 丁苯橡胶GRTP 玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料GUV 紫外光固化硅橡胶涂料GX 邻二甲苯GY 厌氧胶H英文缩写全称H 乌洛托品HDI 六甲撑二异氰酸酯HDPE 低压聚乙烯(高密度)HEDP 1-羟基乙叉-1,1-二膦酸HFP 六氟丙烯HIPS 高抗冲聚苯乙烯 HLA 天然聚合物透明质胶HLD 树脂性氯丁胶HM 高甲氧基果胶HMC 高强度模塑料HMF 非干性密封胶HOPP 均聚聚丙烯HPC 羟丙基纤维素HPMC 羟丙基甲基纤维素HPMCP 羟丙基甲基纤维素邻苯二甲酸酯HPT 六甲基磷酸三酰胺HS 六苯乙烯HTPS 高冲击聚苯乙烯 I英文缩写全称IEN 互贯网络弹性体IHPN 互贯网络均聚物IIR 异丁烯-异戊二烯橡胶IO 离子聚合物IPA 异丙醇IPN 互贯网络聚合物IR 异戊二烯橡胶IVE 异丁基乙烯基醚J英文缩写全称JSF 聚乙烯醇缩醛胶JZ 塑胶粘合剂K英文缩写全称KSG 空分硅胶L英文缩写全称LAS 十二烷基苯磺酸钠LCM 液态固化剂LDJ 低毒胶粘剂LDN 氯丁胶粘剂LDPE 高压聚乙烯(低密度)LDR 氯丁橡胶LF 脲 LGP 液化石油气LHPC 低替代度羟丙基纤维素LIM 液体侵渍模塑LIPN 乳胶互贯网络聚合物LJ 接体型氯丁橡胶LLDPE 线性低密度聚乙烯LM 低甲氧基果胶LMG 液态甲烷气LMWPE 低分子量聚乙稀LN 液态氮LRM 液态反应模塑LRMR 增强液体反应模塑LSR 羧基氯丁乳胶M英文缩写全称MA 丙烯酸甲酯MAA 甲基丙烯酸MABS 甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物MAL 甲基丙烯醛MBS 甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物MBTE 甲基叔丁基醚MC 甲基纤维素MCA 三聚氰胺氰脲酸盐MCPA-6 改性聚己内酰胺(铸型尼龙6)MCR 改性氯丁冷粘鞋用胶MDI 3,3’-二甲基-4,4’-二氨基二苯甲烷MDI 二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯(甲撑二苯基二异氰酸酯)MDPE 中压聚乙烯(高密度)MEK 丁酮(甲乙酮)MEKP 过氧化甲乙酮MES 脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐MF 三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂M-HIPS 改性高冲聚苯乙烯MIBK 甲基异丁基酮MMA 甲基丙烯酸甲酯MMF 甲基甲酰胺MNA 甲基丙烯腈MPEG 乙醇酸乙酯 MPF 三聚氨胺-酚醛树脂MPK 甲基丙基甲酮M-PP 改性聚丙烯MPPO 改性聚苯醚MPS 改性聚苯乙烯MS 苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸甲酯树脂MSO 石油醚MTBE 甲基叔丁基醚MTT 氯丁胶新型交联剂MWR 旋转模塑MXD-10/6 醇溶三元共聚尼龙MXDP 间苯二甲基二胺N英文缩写全称NBR 丁腈橡胶NDI 二异氰酸萘酯NDOP 邻苯二甲酸正癸辛酯NHDP 邻苯二甲酸己正癸酯NHTM 偏苯三酸正己酯NINS 癸二酸二异辛酯NLS 正硬脂酸铅NMP N-甲基吡咯烷酮NODA 己二酸正辛正癸酯NODP 邻苯二甲酸正辛正癸酯NPE 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚NR 天然橡胶O英文缩写全称OBP 邻苯二甲酸辛苄酯ODA 己二酸异辛癸酯ODPP 磷酸辛二苯酯OIDD 邻苯二甲酸正辛异癸酯OPP 定向聚丙烯(薄膜)OPS 定向聚苯乙烯(薄膜)OPVC 正向聚氯乙烯OT 气熔胶P英文缩写全称 PA 聚酰胺(尼龙)PA-1010 聚癸二酸癸二胺(尼龙1010)PA-11 聚十一酰胺(尼龙11)PA-12 聚十二酰胺(尼龙12)PA-6 聚己内酰胺(尼龙6)PA-610 聚癸二酰乙二胺(尼龙610)PA-612 聚十二烷二酰乙二胺(尼龙612)PA-66 聚己二酸己二胺(尼龙66)PA-8 聚辛酰胺(尼龙8) PA-9 聚9-氨基壬酸(尼龙9)PAA 聚丙烯酸PAAS 水质稳定剂PABM 聚氨基双马来酰亚胺PAC 聚氯化铝PAEK 聚芳基醚酮PAI 聚酰胺-酰亚胺PAM 聚丙烯酰胺PAMBA 抗血纤溶芳酸PAMS 聚α-甲基苯乙烯PAN 聚丙烯腈PAP 对氨基苯酚PAPA 聚壬二酐PAPI 多亚甲基多苯基异氰酸酯PAR 聚芳酰胺PAR 聚芳酯(双酚A型)PAS 聚芳砜(聚芳基硫醚)PB 聚丁二烯-[1,3]PBAN 聚(丁二烯-丙烯腈)PBI 聚苯并咪唑PBMA 聚甲基丙烯酸正丁酯PBN 聚萘二酸丁醇酯PBR 丙烯-丁二烯橡胶PBS 聚(丁二烯-苯乙烯)PBS 聚(丁二烯-苯乙烯)PBT 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯PC 聚碳酸酯PC/ABS 聚碳酸酯/ABS树脂共混合金PC/PBT 聚碳酸酯/聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯弹性体共混合金 PCD 聚羰二酰亚胺PCDT 聚(1,4-环己烯二亚甲基对苯二甲酸酯)PCE 四氯乙烯PCMX 对氯间二甲酚PCT 聚对苯二甲酸环己烷对二甲醇酯PCT 聚己内酰胺PCTEE 聚三氟氯乙烯PD 二羟基聚醚PDAIP 聚间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯PDAP 聚对苯二甲酸二烯丙酯PDMS 聚二甲基硅氧烷R英文缩写全称RE 橡胶粘合剂RF 间苯二酚-甲醛树脂RFL 间苯二酚-甲醛乳胶RP 增强塑料RP/C 增强复合材料RX 橡胶软化剂S英文缩写全称S/MS 苯乙烯-α-甲基苯乙烯共聚物SAN 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物SAS 仲烷基磺酸钠SB 苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物SBR 丁苯橡胶SBS 苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物SC 硅橡胶气调织物膜SDDC N,N-二甲基硫代氨基甲酸钠SE 磺乙基纤维素SGA 丙烯酸酯胶SI 聚硅氧烷SIS 苯乙烯-异戊二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物SIS/SEBS 苯乙烯-乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物SM 苯乙烯SMA 苯乙烯-顺丁烯二酸酐共聚物SPP :间规聚苯乙烯SPVC 悬浮法聚氯乙烯 SR 合成橡胶ST 矿物纤维T英文缩写全称TAC 三聚氰酸三烯丙酯TAME 甲基叔戊基醚TAP 磷酸三烯丙酯TBE 四溴乙烷TBP 磷酸三丁酯TCA 三醋酸纤维素TCCA 三氯异氰脲酸TCEF 磷酸三氯乙酯TCF 磷酸三甲酚酯TCPP 磷酸三氯丙酯TDI 甲苯二异氰酸酯TEA 三乙胺TEAE 三乙氨基乙基纤维素TEDA 三乙二胺TEFC 三氟氯乙烯TEP 磷酸三乙酯TFE 四氟乙烯THF 四氢呋喃TLCP 热散液晶聚酯TMP 三羟甲基丙烷TMPD 三甲基戊二醇TMTD 二硫化四甲基秋兰姆(硫化促进剂TT)TNP 三壬基苯基亚磷酸酯TPA 对苯二甲酸TPE 磷酸三苯酯TPS 韧性聚苯乙烯TPU 热塑性聚氨酯树脂TR 聚硫橡胶TRPP 纤维增强聚丙烯TR-RFT 纤维增强聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯TRTP 纤维增强热塑性塑料TTP 磷酸二甲苯酯U英文缩写全称 U 脲UF 脲甲醛树脂UHMWPE 超高分子量聚乙烯UP 不饱和聚酯V英文缩写全称VAC 醋酸乙烯酯VAE 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物VAM 醋酸乙烯VAMA 醋酸乙烯-顺丁烯二酐共聚物VC 氯乙烯VC/CDC 氯乙烯/偏二氯乙烯共聚物VC/E 氯乙烯/乙烯共聚物VC/E/MA 氯乙烯/乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物VC/E/VAC 氯乙烯/乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯共聚物VC/MA 氯乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物VC/MMA 氯乙烯/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物VC/OA 氯乙烯/丙烯酸辛酯共聚物VC/VAC 氯乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯共聚物VCM 氯乙烯(单体)VCP 氯乙烯-丙烯共聚物VCS 丙烯腈-氯化聚乙烯-苯乙烯共聚物VDC 偏二氯乙烯VPC 硫化聚乙烯VTPS 特种橡胶偶联剂W英文缩写全称WF 新型橡塑填料WP 织物涂层胶WRS 聚苯乙烯球形细粒X英文缩写全称XF 二甲苯-甲醛树脂XMC 复合材料Y英文缩写全称YH 改性氯丁胶YM 聚丙烯酸酯压敏胶乳 YWG 液相色谱无定型微粒硅胶Z英文缩写全ZE 玉米纤维 ZH 溶剂型氯化天然橡胶胶粘剂ZN 粉状脲醛树脂胶此外,有关化学试剂按杂质含量的多少分:实验试剂:缩写为LR,又称四级试剂。

钻井英语缩写1.DP drill pipe 钻杆2.HWDP heavy weight (wall)drill pipe 加重钻杆3.DC drill collar 钻铤4.BHA bottom hole assembly井下钻具组合5.STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器6.PNMDC pony non-magneticdrill collar 短无磁钻铤7.SMDC short non-magneticdrill collar 短无磁钻铤8.PDM positive displacementmotor 螺杆9.BOP blowout preventer 封井器10.BOPE blow out preventerequipment 封井器设备11.IBOP inside blowoutpreventer 内防喷工具12.CSG casing 套管13.TBG tubing 油管14.JNT/JT joint 单根15.XO cross-over 配合接头16.IF internal flush 内平17.FH full hole 贯眼18.REG regular 正规19.IU internal upset 内加厚20.EU external upset 外加厚21.EUE external upset 外加厚22.IEU interna l&externalupset 内外加厚23.OH open hole 裸眼24.WOB weight on bit 钻压25.RPM revolutions per minute转速/分钟26.SPM strokes per minute冲程/每分钟27.ECD equivalent circulatingdensity 当量泥浆密度28.MT metric ton 公制吨29.DST drill stem test 钻具测试30.KS key seat 键槽31.KSW key seat wiper 键槽清洁器32.STDS stands 立柱33.VIS viscosity 粘度34.PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度35.YP yield point 屈服值36.FL filtrate loss 滤失37.WL water loss 失水D true vertical depth垂深39.MD measured depth 测量井深40.TD total depth 总井深41.PBTD plug back total depth人工井底42.PCS piece 件,个43.KOP kick off point 造斜点44.DIR direction 定向45.AZM azimuth 方位46.DEV deviation 井斜47.ROP rate of penetration 机械转速48.ID inside-diameter 内径49.OD outside diameter 外径50.FTG footage 进尺51.PPG pounds per gallon(密度)每加仑磅52.PSI pounds per square inch磅每平方英尺53.SGL single 单根54.LP low pressure 低压55.HP high pressure 高压56.H P horsepower 马力57.HHP hydraulic horsepower水马力58.HTHP high temperaturehigh pressure 高温高压59.AD assistant driller 副司钻60.LCM lost circulationmaterial 堵漏剂61.API American petroleuminstitute 美国石油协会62.IADC internationalassociation of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会PC China nationalpetroleum 中国石油天然气总公司64.P/N part number 零件型号65.S/N serial number 系列号66.N/W net weight 净重67.G/W gross weight 毛重68.P/U pick up 吊起69.M/U make up 接上70.L/D lay down 甩开71.N/U nipple up 接上72.N/D nipple down 卸开73.R/U rig up 安装74.R/D rig down 拆卸75.WOC wait on cement 候凝76.WOW wait on water 等水77.WOW wait on weather 等天气78.WOO wait on order 等指令79.RIH run in hole 下钻80.POOH pull out of hole 起钻81.DR drilling 钻进82.DDR daily drilling report钻井日报表83.RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)84.BR back ream 倒划眼85.TOF top of fish 鱼顶86.SX sacks 袋87.MW mud weight 泥浆密度88.CBU circulate bottom up循环一周89.TOH trip out of hole 起钻90.MWD measurement whiledrilling 随钻测量91.LWD logging while drilling随钻测井92.POB personnel on board井场人员93.SG specific gravity 比重94.NDT non-destructive test无损探伤95.S/I shut in 关井96.PTW permit to work 工作许可97.BPV back pressure valve回压凡尔98.DIBPV drop in backpressure valve 投入式单流阀99.NP neutral point 中和点100.UPS uninterrupted power supply 不间断供电101.RBP retrievable bridge plug 可取回桥塞102.SICP shut in casing pressure 关井套压103.SIDPP shut in drill pipe pressure 关井立压104.MAASP maximum allowable annular surface pressure 最大允许环空压力105.BHT bottom hole temperature 井底温度106.BHP bottom hole pressure 井底压力107.HP hydrostatic pressure 液柱压力108. FP friction pressure 摩擦压力109. SP surface pressure 地面压力110. CP choke pressure 节流压力111.CF capacity factor 容积系数112.DSA drilling spool adaptor 四通转换法兰113. DSA double studded adaptor 双头载丝法兰114. CBHP constant bottom hole pressure 恒定井底压力115. ICP initial circulating pressure 初始循环压力116. FCP.final circulating pressure 终了循环压力117. BUR. build up rate 造斜率118. SS string stabilizer 钻具扶正器119. EMKL emergency kill line 应急压井管线120. RMR reamer 扩眼器121. NBRR near-bit roller reamer 近钻头牙轮扩眼器122. SR string roller reamer 钻具牙轮扩眼器123.RCJBreverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞蓝124. FPI free point indicator 测卡仪125. PIC person in charge 负责人126. PJSM pre-job safety meeting 作业前安全会127. STK stroke 泵冲128. ACS automatic crown saver 电子防碰天车129. PVT pit volume totalizer 泥浆体积计量器130. IWCF international well control forum 国际井控论坛131. RH rat hole / right hand 大鼠洞/ 井底口袋132. LOT leak off test 地破试验133. PIT pressure integrity test 地破试验134. FIT formation integrity test 地层完整性试验135. BTC buttress thread connection 梯形扣136. LTC long thread connection 长圆扣137. STC small thread connection 短圆扣138. CHC circulate hole clean 循环清洗井底139. ODF original drill floor 原始钻台面高度140. FAT first aid treatment 急救处理141. PPF pound per foot 段重142. TOC top of cement 水泥返高143. WBM water base mud 水基泥浆144. OBM oil base mud 油基泥浆145. LOTO lock out tag out 挂牌上锁146. TFA total flow area 总流到面积147. MCC motor control center 马达控制中心148.SABAsupplied air breathing apparatus 空气呼吸器149.SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus 自给式呼吸器150.EPC external pipe coating 钻杆外涂层151.W&W wait and weight 等待加重法152.MSDS material safety data sheet 材料安全数据表153.WBS weld blade stabilizer 焊接式翼片扶正器154.MPI magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤155.ESP electric submersible pump 电潜泵156.CP casing pressure/conductor pipe 套压/导管157.TCA tubing and casing annulus 油管与套管环空A casing and casingannulus 套管与套管环空159.LPM liter per minute 升/分钟160.MUT make up torque 上扣扭矩161.MWDP maximum well design pressure 最大井眼设计压力162.NBS near bit stabilizer 近钻头扶正器163.P&A plug and abandon 填井、弃井164.SCR silicon control rectifier/slow circulating rate 可控硅房/低泵冲165.JSA job safety analysis 作业安全分析166.SO slack off 下放167.SWL safe working load 安全工作载荷168.TDS top drive system 顶驱169.VM volumetric method 体积压井法170.DD directional driller 定向司钻171.UPR upper pipe ram 上半封闸板172.LPR lower pipe ram 下半封闸板173.N/A not applicable 不适用的 tank 罐175.DEG degree 度176.bbl barrel 桶177.sec second 秒178.Min minute 分钟179.Hr hour 小时180.FC float collar 浮箍181.FS float shoe 浮鞋182.DVT 分级箍183.CMT cement 水泥,固井184.ft foot 英尺184.in inch 英寸186.lb libra=pound 磅187.L liter 升188.klb kilo-pound 千磅189.WT weight 重量190.@ at 在……位置191.FOSV full opening safety valve 全开式安全阀192.HV high viscosity 高粘193.LV low viscosity 低粘194.BPH barrel per hour 桶每小时195.PG pressure gradient 压力梯度196.CPLG coupling 接箍197.BU balled up 泥包198.ASAP as soon as possible 尽早199.HSE health ,safety and environment 健康,安全和环保201.PA public announcement 202.SWP safety work permit 安全工作许可203.LWP life work permit 204.CWP cold work permit 冷作业许可205.SD shut down 关闭206.CSE confined space entry 207.HWP hot work permit 热作业许可208.EWP electrical work permit 用电许可。
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Abbreviation Detail+VE PositiveA/D Analog/DigitalAACE American Association of Cost Engineers AAR After Action ReviewABC Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences ABHD Abu Hadriya AramcoABJF Abu Jifan AramcoABL Alternate Borehole LinerABQQ Abqaiq AramcoABR Additional Budget RequestABSF Abu Sa'fah AramcoAC Alternating CurrentAC Alternating Current or Air Conditioning Aramco ACC Acceptable Ceiling Concentration Aramco ACD Above chart datumACGIH American Conference Of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AramcoACI American Concrete Institute AramcoACS Anti-Collision System AramcoACT Accident Control TechniqueACV Approved Contract ValueAD Assistant DrillerADM Arrow Diagram Method AramcoADS Applications Software Development System AEA Asia Emergency AssistanceAED Automated External DefibrillationAEDC Award Engineering/Design ContractAEIC Association of Edison Illuminating companies AELB Atomic Energy Licensing ActAEOS All Employees Opinion SurveyAFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AramcoAFC Approved for Construction; Automatic Frequency Control AramcoAFE Authorisation for expenditureAFE Approval for ExpenditureAFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalization AGA American Gas AssociationAGC Automatic Generation Control; Associated General ContractorsAGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AH Arabian Heavy Crude OilAH Along holeAHBDF Along hole below derrick floorAHBRT Along Hole Below Rotary Table Datum line from which measurements are takenAHBTHF Along hole below tubing head flange AHD Along hole depthAHORT Along hole original rotary tableAI Artificial IntelligenceAIMS Aramco IMS SystemAIO Area ID OfficeAISC American Institute of Steel ContructionAISOD Area Industrial Security OperationsDepartmentAITD Air Information Technology DepartmentAKO Adjustable kick-off sub (directional drillingtool)AL Arabian Light Crude OilALARP As Low As Reasonably PracticableAM Arabian Medium Crude Oil; Amplitude Modulation AMC Area Maintenance CenterAMRS Advanced Mobile Radio SystemANDR ' Ain Dar (Ghawar) AramcoANSI American National Standards InstituteANSI American National Standards Institute API American Petroleum Institute AramcoANSI American National Standards InstituteAramcoANSI American National Standards Institute(previous ASA)AOA Asian and Other Arab Employees Aramco AOB Any Other BusinessAOC Aramco Overseas Company AramcoAOSM Arab Organization of Standardization &Materials AramcoAOV Air Operated Valve AramcoAPD Automated Piping Design AramcoAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPL Annulus Pressure LossAPNE Apprenticeship Program for Non-Employee APP As per programmeAPP Arabian Project Proposal or AssociatedProfessional Program AramcoAPS Applications Software AramcoAR Automated RoughneckARP Asset Reference PlanARPR Annual Review of Petroleum ResourcesASA American Standards Association (now ANSI) ASA Anchor Seal Assembly1ASAP As Soon As PossibleASC Aramco Services Company in Houston ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange AramcoASCL Acoustic Super Combo LogASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrig. & Air Condit. EngineersASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASR Appraisal & Strategy ReviewASS Asset ManagementAssy AssemblyASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM American Society-for Testing MaterialsAT Audit TeamATB All Trunks BusyAUP Average Unit PriceAVG AverageAVO Visa On ArrivalAWG American Wire GaugeAWO Additional Work OrderAWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWS American Welding SocietyAWWA American Water Works AssociationAzim Azimuth (compass bearing)B/D Barrels per dayB/H Bent housing (directional drilling tool)B/O Break outBA Breathing ApparatusBAA Business Alignment AreaBALS Baker Atlas Logging ServicesBB Budget Brief AramcoBBL Barrelbbls/d Barrels per daybbls/min Barrels per minuteBBS Behavior Based Safety (WFT)BCD Below chart datumBCOT Bintulu Crude Oil TerminalBDF Below derrick floorBDO Baram Delta OperationsBDT Bulk Data TransferBFO Beneficial OccupancyBG Back groundBGG Background gasBGT Borehole geometry toolBHA Bottom hole AssemblyBHC Borehole compensated sonic logBHCT Bottom-Hole Circulating TemperatureBHD (Type of packer)BHP Bottom Hole PressureBHP Brake horsepowerBHST Bottom-Hole Static TemperatureBHT Bottom hole temperatureBI Number Budget Item Number AramcoBIF Bintulu Integrated FacilitiesBIM Business Interface ManagerBISR Budget Item Summary Report AramcoBJ Blast jointBLC Big Lever ClubBLIND A Blank FlangeBO E xplosive service (back-off)BOE Barrel of Oil EquivalentBOP Blowout PreventerBOP Blowout Preventer (Prevention of gas blow out from well)BOP Blow out PreventersBOPD Barrels of Oil Per Day AramcoBOPE Blow Out Prevention EquipmentBOPs Blowout Preventer StacksBP Bridge plugBP Business PlanBPC Bean performance curveBPCD Barrels Per Calendar DayBPD Barrels Per DayBpf Blow per footBPH Barrels per hourBPM Barrels per minuteBPR Bottom Pipe RamBPS Bytes Per SecondBPV Back Pressure ValveBPV Backpressure valveBS Base sedimentBS & W Base sediment and waterBSI British Standards InstitutionBSIT Basit AramcoBSP Brunei Shell PetroleumBTFS Basic Training For SupervisorsBTI Big Ticket ItemBTM BottomBTM Business Technology MappingBTU, Btu British thermal unitBU Business Unit2BU Bottoms up (circulating)BU Build up (pressure, temperature, inclination) BUPs Business Unit PlansBUS Build up section (of a deviated well)BV Ball valveBWPD Barrels of Water Per DayC&C Circulate & ConditionC/R Change RequestC/R Construction/RepairC/w Comes withC2V Capital to ValueCA Capital AllocationCA Corporate AffairsCAD Computer Aided Drafting AramcoCADD Computer Aided Drafting & Design Aramco CALM Catamery anchor leg mooringCAMA Centralized Automatic Message Accounting CAO Certified Acceptance by OperationsCAO Computer applications for operationsCAO Computer assisted operations (Obsolete) CAPEX Capital Expenditure AramcoCAPO Computer assisted production operation CAPS Corrective Action Preventive SystemCAR Campaign Action RegisterCART CAM ActuatedCAS Chemical Abstract ServiceCAT Corrective Action TeamCB Control BuildingCBBL Core BarrelsCBD Competency Based DevelopmentCBHP Closed in bottom hole pressureCBHT Closed in bottom hole temperatureCBL Cemented Bond Log To test the integrity of the cementingCBP Country Business PlanCCC Commodity Classification Code Aramco CCEI Common Class Expansion Indices Aramco CCIR International Radio Consulative Committee CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signalling CCL Casing collar locatorCCN Catalog Classification NumberCCO Current Cost OutlookCCOS Construction Camp Office ServicesCCR Continuing Certification RequirementCCS Computer and Communication Services CCSD Central Community Services DepartmentCD C hart datumCDC Central Dispatch CenterCDOI Communications Department OperatingInstructionsCDPNE College Degree Program for Non-Employee CDPP Circulating Drill Pipe PressureCDR Critical Design ReviewCDS Central Dispatch SystemCE Chief EngineerCE Capital EmployedCEC Change Evaluation CommitteeCEMA Conveyor Equipment ManufacturersAssociationCEO Chief Executive OfficerCEP Current Estimated PotentialCERCLA Comprehensive EnvironmentalResponse, Compensation, and Liability Act Aramco CERP Capital Expenditure Review PanelCESP Conceptual Estimate Scoping PaperCESR Computer Equipment Service RequestCET Cement evaluation toolCFP Capital Facilities PlanCFR Code of Federal Regulations (USA) Aramco cft Cubic feetCG Casing gun (shaped charge perforator)CGA Compressed Gas Association (USA)CGS Chevron Geothermal SafetyCGT Combustion Gas TurbineCGTG Combustion Gas Turbine GeneratorCHH Casing head housingCHP Casing head pressureCHS Casing head spoolCHT Casing head tensionCI Close(d) inCIBHP Closed in bottom hole pressureCIBHT Closed in bottom hole temperatureCIF Community and Industrial FacilityCIIP Condensate Initially In PlaceCirc CirculateCIS Contract Information System (now SAP)CIS Customer instrument serviceCITHP Closed in tubing head pressureCITHT Closed in tubing head temperatureCL, C/L Control lineCLFL Choke Line Friction LossesCM Capability Management/ Manager3CMC Crisis Management CentreCMC Chronic Medical Conditions Aramco CMC Carboxy methyl celluloseCMT CementCMT Crisis Management TeamCMT Construction Management TeamCNG Compressed Natural GasCNL Compensated neutron logCNPC China National Petroleum CorporationCO Change OrderCOB Close Of BusinessCoEs Centres Of ExcellenceCOMM OPS Communications Operations DepartmentCompl Complete(d), completionCONT, C ont’d ContinuedCOPES Cost Planning and Evaluation System CORAL Cost Reduction Alliance MalaysiaCOS Computer Operations and SupportCOSHH Control of substances hazardous to health COT Character Oriented TerminalCP Casing pressureCP Conductor pressureCP Conductor Pipe, Casing PressureCP&B Capital Programs & Budgets Aramco CPAR Corrective Preventative Action Request CPC Corporate Planning Committee Aramco CPC Computer production controlCPCP Communications and Process Computer PlanningCPD Corporate Planning DepartmentCPDS Control Pressure Drilling ServicesCPDT Control Pressure Drilling & TestingCPH Baker Oil Tools tie back packerCPO Corporation Planning OrganizationCPR Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationCPS Completion and Production Services Division CPU Central Processing UnitCR Company RepresentativeCRCC Contract Review and Cost ComplianceCRG Control Risks GroupCRP Commercial Review PanelCRS Computerized Reporting SystemsCRT Cathode Ray TubeCS Construction StartCSA Customer Service AgreementCSC CORAL Steering CouncilCSES Cable Sidedoor Entry SubCSF Critical Success FactorCsg CasingCSI Customer Satisfaction IndexCSL Computer Security LiasionCSO Complete Shut OffCSR Company Site RepresentativeCSSM Construction Support Services Material CST Casing seat testCSUD Construction Start-up DateCT Coiled tubingCT Check tripCTC Central Tender CommitteeCTD Coiled Tubing DrillingCTHP Closed in tubing head pressureCTHT Closed in tubing head temperatureCTI Cooling Tower InstituteCTS Composite Tubular SystemsCTS Construction Technical SupportCTT Cup type testedCTT Cup type testerCTU Coiled Tubing UnitCW, C/W Complete withCWOP Completing the well on paperCWP Contractor's Work PlanCYA Cover your arse (political astuteness and insurance…)D & I Diversity and InclusivenessD & O Development & OperationsD&WOOD Drilling and Workover OperationsDepartmentsD-A Digitial to AnalogDAQ Data AcquisitionDASD Direct Access Storage DeviceDAV Data Above VoicedB DecibeldBA Decibels using the A-Weighted scaleDBM Design Basis MemorandumDBSP Design Basis Scoping PaperDC Drill CollarDC Direct CurrentDCC Disaster Control CenterDCCS Drilling Cost Control SystemDCLM Direct Charge List of MaterialsDCS Distributed Control System4DD Directional DrillerDD Depth determinationDDD Direct Distance Dial AramcoDDM Data & Document ManagementDDOR Daily Drilling Operations ReportDDS Document Distribution SystemDEL Direct Exchange LineDEMA Diesel Engineer Manufacturers Association DEPCO Dammam Electric Power CompanyDF Drilling floorDFE Derrick floor elevationDHALPD Dhahran Area Loss Prevention Division DHYN Duhaynah AramcoDID Direct Inward DialingDIH Drilling Information Highway.DIL Dual induction laterologDIMS Drilling Information Management System Directional ( O ) Orientate Same as 'sliding' drilling Directional ( R ) RotateDIS Downhole and Industrial ScreensDLL Dual laterologDLS Dogleg SeverityDM Driller's MethodDNV Det Norske Veritas 挪威船级社DO Drop off section (in a deviated well)DOBIS/LIBIS Dortmunder Bibliothek system/Leuvens Integraal Bibliotheek SystemDOD Direct Onward DialingDOE Department of EnergyDOE Department of EnvironmentDOI U. S. Department of Interior AramcoDOL U. S. Department of Labor AramcoDOSH Department of Occupational Safety & Health DOT U. S. Department of Transportation Aramco DOX Direct Overhead Expense AramcoDP Drill PipeDP Dynamically PositionedDP Dial Pulse•5。