人教版高中英语必修五Unit 5 First Aid

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必修5 Unit 5 First Aid

I. 单元基础知识

1. 核心单词

(1) liquid n._________

(2) tissue n._________

(3) sleeve n._________

(4) cupboard n.__________

(5) damp adj.__________

(6) squeeze vt._________

(7) organ n.__________

(8) complex adj.___________

(9) barrier n.__________

(10) vital adj.__________

(11) _________ n.勇敢;勇气

(12) _________ n.款待;招待

(13) _________ n.典礼;仪式

(14) _________ adj.暂时的,临时的

(15) _________ adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的n.公司

(16) ________ v.隆起;(使)膨胀→________ adj.肿胀的

(17) ________ adj.温和的→________ adv.温和地

(18) ________ adj.难以忍受的→_________ adj.可忍受的→______ vt.承受n.熊

(19) ________ n.毒药vt.使中毒;毒害→_________ adj.有毒的;恶毒的

(20) ________ n.多样化;种类→_________ adj.多方面的,各种各样的

→________ vi.变化


(1) _________ 生病

(2) _________ 在适当的位置

(3) _________ 有影响;起(重要)作用

(4) _________ 各种各样的

(5) _________ 脱下;成名

(6) knock over _________

(7) stick to _________

(8) act as _________

(9) get injured / burnt / infected ___________

(10) put one’s hands on __________

3. 重点句型

(1) So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it __________________.


(2) If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, ___________.


(3) John _________ in his room ________ he heard screaming.


(4) ____________ John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms. Slade’s life.


(5) ____________________ and knowledge of first aid_____ saved Ms. Slade’s life.正是约翰的快速反应和急救知识拯救了斯莱德女士的生命。

II. 考点精析及演练

1. injury n.伤口;伤害;损害

injure v.伤害;损害injured adj.受伤的

[易混辨析] injure,hurt,harm,wound

(1) It ______me to think that he would lie to me.

(2) Two women have been badly______ in the accident.

(3) Luckily no one got______ in the battle.

(4) Don’t ______your eyes by reading in poor light.

2. essential adj.必不可少的;最重要的;本质的;基本的;n.必需品;要素;实质




(1) It is essential __________(你赢得) the voters’ hearts.

(2) Sun and water __________(对……必不可少) the growth of crops.

3. variety n.[C,U]变化;多样(化);多变(性)





Your support___________ the success of my plan.

5. treat n.招待;款待;v.以……态度对待;把……看作;治疗;招待;请客[常见用法]

If he was treated in a proper way,he was likely to be saved.

①________________________________________________. (改为省略句)


6. apply vt. & vi.涂;应用;适用;申请


If you apply yourself to the job in hand,you’ll soon finish it.



7. make a difference区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用

