Word By Word Primary Phonics Picture Dictionary 自然拼读字典




‘Types’ of phonics
• Synthetic phonics – ss examine every letter within the word as an individual sound. E.g. /shrouds/ = /ʃ, r, aʊ, d, z/. Then ss blend those sounds orally to produce a spoken word, "/ʃraʊdz/." • Analytical phonics -- Analogy phonics – ss look for words with similar sounds. E.g. /shrouds/ = shrink, (sh+r), clouds. Which type is more useful?
8. f
9. s 10. c 11. l 12. r 13. n 14. ame 15. ine
16. at
17. ail 18. it 19. h 20. t 21. g 22. w 23. y
24. ch
25. th 26. all 27. ose 28. ee 29. air 30. ear
Does this agree with Blevins?
A1. What is phonics?
Phonemic awareness is the ability to work with the individual sounds in spoken words.
A2. How useful is Phonics?
•It exploits the sound-spelling relationship of English words, and enables learners to work out the pronunciation.



Teaching Summary and Outlook
Teaching summary of this lesson
Learned the correct promotion of the English
alphabet and its corresponding pinyin
Familiarized individuals with the basic structure and
English learners who want to enhance their self confidence in English communication
Phonics teaching
Pinyin promotion rules
Initial sounds
Teach the correct pronunciation of each initial sound in Pinyin, including bilingual, alveolar, velar, and global
Teacher comments and feedback
Encouragement and motivation
Teachers should give students more encouragement and motivation, so that they can feel their progress and achievements, and enhance their confidence and motivation in learning English. At the same time, teachers should also guide students to handle mistakes and failures correctly, and cultivate a positive learning attitude.



2018年泽林牛津版九年级英语下Unit1单元卷(附答案)本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址9BUnit1测试卷一选择填空1._________westayinjapan,we’llvisitmountFuji.A.DuringB.whenc.UntilD.Before2.It’ssaidthatthehiddentreasurewasfoundin________caveoft hemountains.A.someB.anyc.everyD.each3.Look!Betweenthetwotrees________ayoungboy.A.isB.arec.lieD.arelying4.we’dbettergetupbefore5a.m.tomorrowsothatwewon’tmissthe_______ofthesun.A.riseB.raisec.risingD.raising5.I’msorryto______toomuchofyourtime.A.takeonB.takeupc.takeawayD.takeoff6.IthinkmountFujiiswellworth_____.A.visitB.travellingc.visitingtoD.travellingto7.Itwasat10p.m.yesterday______hecamehomefromwork.A.thatB.whenc.whichD.what8.Now_________peopleliketowriteletterstoothersandth eyprefere-mails.A.onlyfewB.veryfewc.afewD.lotsof9.TheGreatwallruns________manyforests_______norther nchina.A.across,acrossB.through,throughc.across,throughD.through,across10._________thefansarewaitingforthepopularsingerout sidetheconcerthall.A.TwothousandB.Thousandsofc.TwothousandsofD.Twothousandof11.Sheseldomeatscandies,_________she?_________,thoughshelikesthemverymuch.A.does,yesB.does,Noc.doesn’t,yesD.doesn’tyes12.Doyouknowthewaytothecompany_________yourfatherwo rk?A.thatB.whichc.inwhichD.inwhat13.Itoldtheyoungboy__________.A.thatthesunroseintheeastB.hewouldleaveforBeijingfor2monthsc.whotomakefriendswithhimD.whichwasthewaytothebookshop14.---____itisfromourownplanetEarthtomars!--yes,itt akesmonthstotraveltomarsbyspacecraft.A.HowsoonB.Howfarc.HowlongD.Howoften15.Hefound_________difficulttoimprovehisEnglish____ ______theteacher’shelp.A.itis;withoutB.itwas;withc.it;withoutD.thatis;with16.Heoffered______valuableadvicethat______peopledis agreed.Asuch;afewBsuch;fewcso;afewDso;few17.---Iamoutofbreath.Ican’tgoanyfurther.---__________.Iamsureyoucanmakeit.A.NoproblemB.whatapityc.Notbadeon二完形填空jenny,fromGermany,spentsometimetravelinginIndia.whi leshewasthere,shestayedwithherIndianfriend,Leela.Ho wever,therewasalanguagebarrierforherthere.Itwasvery 8forhertocommunicateinthenewenvironment,whichwasvery differentfrom9ofherowncountry.oneday,togetherwithLeela,jennywentto20anorphanage.Allthechildrentherewereveryyoung.Atfirs t,jennywasnotsureifshecouldhaveawaytocommunicatewit hthem.Shewentovertothechildren21andsatbesidethem.Aftersometime,oneofthechildren22her.Shefeltalittlerelaxedandsmiledback.Thenshewentclosetothechild.Sheslowlyputherarmaroundthechildands tarted23asonginGerman.Thechildkeptsmilingandstartedrepeatin gthewordsafterher.Thewordsthatcamefromthelittlemout hweredifferentfromthosethatjennysang,buttherhythmwa sthesame.jennysangalittlemoreandthechildfollowedher again.wantingtojoininthe24,anotherchildwentuptojennyandstartedsingingther hythm.Thenmorechildrenjoined.They25manysmilestogether.Fromtheothersideofthehall,Leelawassmilingandwatchin gthem.NoticingLeela’s26onher,jennyhadanexcitingfeelingfromherheart:“See,Idon’thaveanylanguagebarriershere.we27speakandcommunicate!”Atthatmoment,sheunderstood:we’reallsimplehuman,andwehavetheabilitytoconnectwithea chother.18.A.niceB.dangerousc.difficultD.easy19.A.theseB.thosec.thisD.that20.A.showB.visitc.buildD.improve21.A.slowlyB.earlyc.hardlyD.easily22.A.lookedatughedatc.shoutedatD.smiledat23.A.singingB.writing c.sayingD.playing24.A.clubB.talkc.funD.dance25.A.forgotB.remembered c.sharedD.missed26.A.handsB.eyesc.influenceD.question27.A.canB.mustc.needD.should三阅读理解(A)Needed:Full—timesecretaryPosition(职位)availableApplicants(申请人)shouldhaveatleast2years’experienceandbeabletotype60wordsaminute.Nocomputers killsneededApplyinpersonatUnitedBusinessLtd,17Broen ingStreet,orcallat427—882108.Areyoulookingforapart—timejob?weneed3part—timeshopassistantstoworkduringtheevening.Noexperien ceneeded.Applicantsshouldbebetween18and26.callat366 ---765648formoreinformation.computertrainedsecretaries:Doyouhaveexperienceworkingoncomputers?wouldyoulikea full—timepositionworkinginanexcitingnewcompany?Ifyourans werisyes,giveusacallat457—896758.Part—timeworkavailable:wearelookingforretired(退休的)adultswhowouldliketoworkparttimeattheweekend.workin cludesansweringthetelephoneandgivecustomersinformation.Formoreinformationcontactusbycallingat345—674132.28.janerecentlyretiredandislookingforapart—timeposition.Shewouldliketoworkwithpeople.Thebestjobforjaneis________.A.thefull—timesecretaryB.theshopassistantc.thecomputertrainedsecretaryD.thepart—timeworkattheweekend29.IfAnngetsthejobasacomputertrainedsecretary,she’llprobablywork____A.inafactoryB.inashopc.inacompanyD.inaschool30.IfAliceappliesforthepositionatUnitedBusinessLid, sheneeds_____.A.2years’experienceputerskillsc.toworkattheweekendD.toworkintheeveningchildrenwithautismmaylearnbetterfromrobotsthanfromh umanteachers,accordingtoanexperimentatTopeliffePrim arySchoolinBirmingham.HeadteacherIanLowesaid,"Therobotshavenofeelings,soc hildrenwithautismfinditeasiertogetintouchwiththerob otsthanwiththeirteacher."Headded,"Theylooklikerealmen,andtheyareverycute.chi ldrenwithautismarehardtocommunicatewithadultsandwit hotherchildren,butforsomereasontheycanacceptthesero bots."Therobotsareknee-highandmovelikechildren.Theschooli susingthemtoteachphonicsandplaycardsormemoryandimit ationgameswithchildrenagedfromfivetoten."wedodifferentactivitieswiththerobotsactingasamodel forthechildren'sbehaviour.Forexample,memorygames,wh ichgetthechildrentoimitatetherobots'movements,canhelpthembecomeinvolvedandmotivatedinlearning."Dr.Guld bergsaid,"Itcanbeverydifficulttogetchildrenwithauti smtopayattention.weareamazedtoseehowinvolvedtheycan bewhentheyareworkingwiththerobots."Sheadded,"Ifyoucanmeettheneedsofchildrenwithautism, youcanmeettheneedsofallchildren.whenpeoplefeelsafea ndaremotivated,theylearnmuchbetter."31.whydoesTopeliffePrimarySchoolusethetworobots?A.Toteachchildrenwithautismphonics.B.Toteachchildrenwithautismmemorygames.c.Tohelpchildrenwithautismbeinvolvedinlearning.D.Tohelpchildrenwithautismimitatetherobots'movement s.32.whatdoestheunderlinedword"motivated"meaninthepas sage?A.encouragedanizedD.shocked33.Accordingtothepassage,whichofthefollowingistrue?A.Peoplelearnmuchbetteriftheyfeelsafeandaremotivate d.B.TopeliffePrimarySchoolisusingtherobotstoteachchil drenofallages.c.childrenwithautismmaybecomebetterfromhumanteacher sthanrobots.D.Theneedsofchildrenwithautismarethesameasthoseofth eotherchildren.It'sFridayevening.mydaughters,3and9,sighwhenIgently taketheiPadsawayfromtheirlaps.onebyone,ourscreensar eturnedoff.welightthecandlesandsitdowntohaveabigmea l.mostpeopleinourlivesknowtheywillnotbeabletocontactu sbyusingcomputerormobilephonesfor24hours.Andsoithas gone,everyweekforthreeyears.wecallitour"TechnologyShabbat"whichlastsfromsunsetonFridaytosunsetonSaturd ay.IfirstunderstoodtheimportanceofdisconnectinginXX,wh enmyfatherwastoldthathehadgotbraincancer.Somedayshe wouldhaveonlyonegoodhour,andIwasn'twillingtobedistu rbedwhenIwaswithhim,soI'dturnoffmymobilephone.Soonafter,encouragedbyNationalDayofUnpluggingonmarc h1st,myhusbandandIdecidedtounplugforonefulldayevery week.Duringour"TechnologyShabbats",timeslows.ourSaturday snowfeellikemini-vacations.wedriveourcarorrideourbi ke.we,withourkids,workinthegarden,playboardgamesand cookmeals.Ifeelmorebalanced.Ifeellikeabettermother, wifeandperson.keepingabalancebetweenthegoodandthebadoftechnologyi smylastingstate.Thetechnologywe'vecreatedmakesitpos sibleforustoshareknowledgeandtakeinvariousideasallo vertheworld.Butthetechnologyalsotakessomethingawayfromus.whenwestayuplateatnightlinkingfromwebsitetowe bsiteorsendingmessagesore-mailing,weclickagain,anda gain,andagainuntilwe'veoverloaded.whenwerushintothetimefullofhightechnology,it'sneces saryforustopayattentiontowhatwearedoingonlineandwhe nweshouldgooff.Iwillalwaysrememberthemostimportantthinginmyfamily: "TechnologyShabbat".32.whenis"TechnologyShabbat"inthewriter'sfamily?A.onlyonSunday.B.FromsunsetonFridaytosunsetonSaturday.c.onlyonFriday.D.FromsunsetonSaturdaytosunsetonSunday.33.Thewriter'sfamilyhave"TechnologyShabbat"everywee kmainlybecausetheyhopeto________.A.saveenergyB.enjoylifetogetherc.stayawayfromothersD.followNationalDayofUnplugging34.whatdothewriter'sfamilyNoTdoduringtheir"Technolo gyShabbats"?A.Theydrivetheircarorridebikesformini-vacations.B.Theylightthecandlesandsitdowntohaveabigmeal. c.Theyworkinthegarden,playboardgamesandcookmeals.D.Theystayuplateatnightlinkingfromwebsitetowebsite.35.what'sthemainideaofthispassage?A.Everyfamilymusthave"TechnologyShabbat".B.Awomanshouldlearntobeagoodmotherorwife.c.Peopleneedtostayawayfromtechnologyproperly.D.Peop lehadbetternotsendmessages,e-mailorchatonlinecom] Sayingnostartssmall“Allrightthen—justonemorepiece...”wordseverygirlhassaidwhentheyarefacedwiththedelicio uscheesecake.ofcourse,manyofusknowwemayeatthewholet hingintheend.Itisn’tjustgirls.mostofusfindithardtosay“no”tosomethingattractive.However,scientistsnowsaythatwillpowerisveryimportanttosuccessandahappylife.Scientistsindifferentcountrieshavebeenstudyingtheef fectsofwillpoweronpeople’slivesforalongtime.Theresultsaresimilar,accordingto anarticleonFebruary7intheGuardian,afamousBritishnew spaper.Inoneexperiment,scientiststoldyoungchildrenthatthey couldeitherhaveamarshmallownow,ortwomarshmallowsin1 5minutes.waitingobviouslyneededmorewillpower.Scient iststhencontinuedstudyingthechildrenastheygrewup.Th eywantedtoseeifsomechildrenalwayshadstrongerwillpow er.Theyalsowantedtoseehowhavingstrongerwillpoweraff ectedtheirlives.yearslater,scientistsfoundthatthechildrenwhohadwait edfortwomarshmallowswereallhealthier,happierandrich eradults.oppositely,thechildrenwhohadshownweakerwil lpoweratthatyoungageweremorelikelytobeinlow-paidjob s,tobeoverweight,tohavesocialproblems.Butthereishope,RoyFBaumeister,anAmericansocialpsych ologyprofessortoldtheGuardian.Baumeistersayswecantr ainourwillpowerjustlikewetrainourmuscles(肌肉).Evenalittlepracticecanstrengthen(加强)ouroverallself-controlifwedoitregularly.youcouldstartbymakingyourselfstandupstraight,speaki ngincompletesentences,orusingacomputermousewiththeo therhand.Scientistshavefoundthatpeoplewhomanagetoch angelittlehabitsoftenperformmuchbetterinlaboratoryw illpowertests.Likemuscles,willpowercan“gettired”.Don’ttrytodotoomanythingsatthesametime,orwhenyoudon’thaveenoughenergy,forexamplewhenyouareill.Ifyoualre adyfeeltired,youcantrytorechargeyourwillpowerwithag oodnight’ssleepandbyeatingwell.38.TheexampleofagirleatingcheesecakeisusedtoA.provethatgirlshaveweakwillpowerB.introducethetopicofwillpowertothereadersc.showthatcheesecakeisespeciallyattractivetogirlsD.showtheconnectionbetweenwillpowerandsuccess39.whatcanweinferfromtheexperiment?A.Thescientistshadalreadyknowntheresultsbeforetheex periment.B.Itshowedthatwillpoweristhemostimportanttosuccessa ndahappylife.c.Thechildrenwhochosetowaitweremorelikelytobesucces sfulintheirlives.D.Thechildrenwhochoseonlyonemarshmallowatfirsthadst rongerwillpower.40.whichofthefollowingisNoTmentionedaboutthetrainin gofwillpower?A.youshouldhaveagoaleveryday.B.Goodrestandproperdietcanhelp.c.willpowerneedstobeexercisedregularly.D.keepwillpowerfrombeingusedtoomuch.41.whatisthearticlemainlyabout?A.Howwillpowerandmusclesaresimilarandhowtheycanbetr ained.B.Howwillpoweraffectspeople’slivesandhowitissimilartomuscles.c.Howwillpowerisimportanttosuccessandhowwecanmakeit stronger.D.Howwillpowerisconnectedwithsuccessandhowtheyaffec teachother四用所给单词的适当形式填空.It’s___________tolookafterpre-schoolchildrenforyoungmo thers.2.Theywillcarryonastudyof___________andPakistanislivi nginSouthall.3.It’ssaidthatNo1People’shospital_________inthemiddleofourcityinthepast.4.Greystone________gouptothehouse.5.IsShanghaiinthe______partofchina.6.Theairporthasbeenin______fortenyears.7.Sheisamazedattheclock______onthewall.8.There’refifty____________intheUSA,andAlaskaisthelargestone.9.Therearesomebigfactoriesinthe__________ofthetown.0.whichofthe______________isthebiggestinthatcountry?五动词填空.Noattentionwaspaidtothegirlthat_______inthecorneroftheclassroomatthattime.2.youcanhaveadayoffunlessthelatestnews________________tomorrow.3.---_____you_____yourlessonsforyourcomingexam?---yes,Ididithalfanhourago.4.Ifindthenoticeswhich__________byyouattheentrancemis sing.5.wearesurethatthepriceofgasoline___________overthela styear.6.I’msohungrythatIhopemymum_________abigdinnerathomenow.7.Theshow___________withsinganddanceisabigsuccess.8.Thiskindofmedicinewillleadtodeathiftoomuch________.9.---what’sthenoise?---oh,therearesomechildren___________thei rcomingholiday.0.Threequartersoftheroomwhereweoftenhaveparties______ _____upbythepiano.1.---whatareyoutalkingabout?---Theposters__________at thehall.六中译英1.借助于科技,电脑的价格越来越便宜。



Practical application and practice
Word phonics practice
通过PPT展示26个英文字母,并逐一 展示每个字母的自然发音,让学生模 仿并练习发音。
帮助学生掌握26个英文字母的自然发 音,提高发音准确性和口语表达能力 。
The 26 letters of English
Classification of letters
A, E, I, O, U
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
Natural phonics
What is natural phonics
Natural phonics is a method of teaching reading and writing English through an understanding of the sounds (phonemes) and their corresponding spellings (graphemes) in the English language.
PowerPoint presentation on 26 letters and natural phonics in English
目 录
• introduction • The 26 letters of English • Natural phonics • Practical application and practice • Summary and Review

Phonics学习卡片-wk201b-word groups

Phonics学习卡片-wk201b-word groups

1. She has a pet 2. The 3. He 4. His hat is
has a bell the ball
fit fish wish pig big peg hats fits hits big bag dig
Comments welcome at /feedback
Circle the things that have the short a sound, then write about the picture. Use the Word Bank to help you.
Word Bank
In the blanks below, write the words that end with ing, then say the words.
Comments welcome at /feedback
Write these words in the correct shapes, then say the words.
ham and at
Comments welcome at /feedback
an nts ants
Circle the word that best completes the sentence, then write the word in the blank.
2. 4. 6.
p t cl ck d g
Circle the words that rhyme. 22



202X年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语词汇学真题课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.〔30%〕1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.〔〕A.meaning B.soundC.combination of sounds D.group2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.〔〕A.more slowly than B.as quickly asC.more rapidly than D.not so quickly as3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.〔〕A.use frequency B.notionC.origin D.sound4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.〔〕A.green revolution B.fast foodC.moon walk D.space shuttle5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need.〔〕A.form B.meaningC.look D.pronunciation6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall〞means ______ in British English.〔〕A.four B.fellC.for D.autumn7.The plural morpheme “-s〞is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______.〔〕A./t/ B./g/C./p/ D./k/8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.〔〕A.one B.twoC.three D.four9.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT ______.〔〕A.works B.prewarC.postwar D.bloody10.30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through ______.〔〕A.compounding B.affixationC.conversion D.shortening11.The word “motel〞is created by ______.〔〕A.compounding B.clippingC.blending D.suffixation12.“BBC〞is formed in the way of ______.〔〕A.acronymy B.clippingC.back-formation D.prefixation13.The types of meanings include the following EXCEPT ______.〔〕A.grammatical meaning B.conceptual meaningC.associative meaning D.literal meaning14.By ______ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.〔〕A.onomatopoeic B.morphologicalC.semantic D.etymological15.______ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.〔〕A.Reference B.ConceptC.Sense D.Motivation16.Semantic field, according to the course book, is also considered an integral part of ______.〔〕A.word formation B.word meaningC.meaning change D.sense relations17.When a word is first coined, it is always ______.〔〕A.semantic B.onomatopoeicC.monosemic D.polysemic18.The following are all synonymous pairs, but in each the second is standard in usage whereas the first is archaic, EXCEPT ______.〔〕A.ire/anger B.rich/wealthyC.forlorn/distressed D.bliss/happiness19.Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.〔〕A.senses B.formsC.dialects D.terms20.The mode of ______ is well reflected in the word “picture〞, which originally denoted mere “painting〞, but now has come to include “drawings〞and even “photographs〞〔〕A.extension B.elevationC.narrowing D.degradation21.In the sentence “The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman.〞, the word “respectable〞is used in the ______ sense of transfer.〔〕A.subjective B.objectiveC.sensational D.physical22.Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of context〔〕A.Elimination of ambiguity.B.Indication of referents.C.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.D.Provision of culture background for inferring word-meaning.23.The sentence “I lost Betty’s picture.〞is ambiguous due to ______.〔〕A.grammatical context B.polysemyC.antonymy D.hyponymy24.In the sentence “An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou’Wester usually brings rain.〞, the meaning of “sou’wester〞can be inferred from the clue of ______.〔〕A.relevant details B.synonymyC.antonymy D.hyponymy25.The idiom “toss and turn〞is a(n) ______ as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.〔〕A.alliteration B.metaphorC.metonymy D.rhyme26.Which of the following is NOT one of the types of idioms〔〕A.Sentence idioms. B.Idioms adverbial in nature.C.Clausal idioms. D.Idioms nominal in nature.27.The following are all variations of idioms, EXCEPT ______.〔〕A.replacement B.additionC.shortening D.repetition28.Generally speaking, a dictionary will cover the following content EXCEPT ______.〔〕A.spelling B.syntactical usageC.pronunciation D.definition29.As a general Chinese-English dictionary, ______ is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated one〔〕A.A Chinese-English Dictionary (1995)B.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese TranslationC.A New English-Chinese DictionaryD.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation30.Collins COBUILD English Usage (1992), is a(n) ______ dictionary.〔〕A.unabridged B.deskC.specialized D.encyclopedicⅡ.Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B according to 1) types of transfer; 2) rhetorical features of idioms; 3) types of vocabulary by notion; and 4) the function of affixes. (10%)A B〔〕31.She burst into passionate sobbing. A.juxtaposition〔〕32.He drops off to sleep, the lamb. B.notional word〔〕33.and C.transfer of sensations〔〕34.the man’s coat D.abstract to concrete〔〕35.here and there E.derivational affix〔〕36.moon F.alliteration〔〕37.rough and ready G.functional word〔〕38.ex-prisoner H.inflectional affix〔〕39.fair and square I.associated transfer〔〕40.Helen looks a fright in that old black dress. J.rhymeⅢ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.〔10%〕41.When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ________ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.42.Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ________, semantic change and borrowing.43.We might say that free morphemes are free ________.44.The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called ________. 45.Semantic ________ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word.46.Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully ________ with regard to spelling and pronunciation.47.V ocabulary is the most ________ element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.48.Ambiguity often arises due to ________ and homonymy.49.Idioms consist of set ________ and short sentences.50.Monolingual dictionaries are written in ________ language.Ⅳ.Define the following terms.〔10%〕51.morpheme52.homonym53.connotation54.elevation55.idiomⅤ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.〔20%〕56.As far as growth of present-day English vocabulary is concerned, what are the three main sources of new words57.What are the semantic features of compounds Give an example to illustrate your point. 58.Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the characteristics of antonyms. State your reason with one example.Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate members in between.59.How do you account for the context function as indication of referentsⅥ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.〔20%〕60.Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.—“You’re not eating your fish,〞a waitress said to a customer. “Anything wrong with it〞—“Long time no sea.〞the customer replied.61.Analyze the three causes of meaning change within the scope of the linguistic factors, based on the given words below.〔1〕gold, bulb;〔2〕deer, beast, animals;〔3〕fortuitous, fruition.。

Scholastic ReadingLine

Scholastic ReadingLine
Teachers present new vocabulary words each lesson following the Vocabulary Instructional Routines. Vocabulary and site words are reviewed throughout the week with direct instruction and student practice in Student Vocabulary Activity Book.
The diagnostic assessments in the assessment handbook are designed to drive instruction by determining each child’s instructional needs, diagnosing each child’s strengths and weaknesses, and providing a starting point from which you can measure a child’s literacy growth. All assessments are aligned to state standards and learning outcomes for Kindergarten and Grade 1.
Children reread the Little Book to work on fluency skills such as reading with expression.
Every lesson has a Comprehension Check that offers questions that help teachers evaluate children’s progress and understanding. Writing activities in each lesson encourage children’s’ comprehension.





下面介绍的有多种类型的,有时下比较热门的(也就是国内用的比较多的吧),有不太热门的(但是不表示在国外不热门哦),还有介绍了starfall,还介绍了一个适合学Phonics用的词典,还介绍了一些分级读物(包含有自然拼读Phonics学习资料的),一共22个哦,当然市场上还有些我没有写进来的,很长哦,可以先收藏,需要的时候慢慢研究,选教材时可以参考1.Phonics kids(已分享到免费资源中)这一套在前几期的免费资源分享中已经分享过了,大家需要的可以去看看,回复pkids可以获得获取方法。





2.Phonics Fun(庆庆家有点读书卖)这一套系列教材由香港朗文出版社出版,适合小学1-6年级使用,全套共六册,系统的介绍了小学英语的拼音知识和拼读技能。




Reading instruction
Decoding skills
Teaching students to decode words by applying phonics rules and sound letter relationships
Sight words
Introducing common sight words that do not follow regular phonology patterns to help students read fluently
Letter combinations
Certain letter combinations, or digraphs and trigraphs, report distinct sounds For instance, "sh" reports the sound/ ʃ/ As in "ship," and "th" can represent either/ θ/ Or/ ð/ Depending on the word
Introduction to Natural Phonetic Pronunciation
• Definition: Natural telephone promotion is a system of teaching promotion that emphasizes the relationship between letters and sounds in English It helps students to understand how to promote words by breaking them down into smaller sounds, or phones, and then blending these sounds together to form words



四年级英语自然拼读教程Phonics instruction is a crucial component of early literacy education. It provides students with the foundational skills necessary to become proficient readers and writers. In the fourth grade, when students have typically developed a basic understanding of letter-sound relationships, a more comprehensive phonics curriculum can be implemented to further enhance their reading and spelling abilities. The fourth-grade English phonics curriculum should focus on advanced phonetic patterns, multi-syllabic word decoding, and the application of phonics skills in reading and writing.One of the primary goals of a fourth-grade phonics curriculum should be to introduce and reinforce more complex phonetic patterns. While students in the earlier grades have likely learned the basic short and long vowel sounds, as well as common consonant blends and digraphs, the fourth-grade curriculum should delve deeper into advanced vowel combinations, such as diphthongs, r-controlled vowels, and vowel teams. Diphthongs, which are the combination of two vowel sounds within a single syllable (e.g., /oi/ in "coin" or /ow/ in "house"), can be challenging for some students tomaster. Explicitly teaching the pronunciation and spelling of diphthongs, as well as providing ample practice opportunities, can help solidify this concept.Similarly, r-controlled vowels, where the "r" sound influences the preceding vowel (e.g., /ar/ in "car" or /er/ in "her"), can be a point of confusion for some students. Incorporating lessons on r-controlled vowels, including the various spellings and pronunciations, can enhance students' ability to accurately decode and spell these words. Vowel teams, which are two or more vowels that work together to represent a single sound (e.g., /ea/ in "dream" or /oo/ in "moon"), are another important phonetic pattern to address in the fourth-grade curriculum. By exploring the different vowel team combinations and providing opportunities for students to apply this knowledge in reading and writing, educators can build upon the foundational phonics skills acquired in the earlier grades.In addition to focusing on advanced phonetic patterns, the fourth-grade phonics curriculum should also emphasize the decoding of multi-syllabic words. As students progress through their academic journey, they will encounter an increasing number of longer, more complex words. Providing explicit instruction on syllabication rules and strategies for breaking down multi-syllabic words can significantly improve students' word recognition and reading fluency. This may include teaching students to identify the different types ofsyllables (e.g., open, closed, r-controlled, vowel-consonant-e), as well as the various syllabication patterns (e.g., VCCV, VCV, VCCCV). By equipping students with these skills, they will be better equipped to tackle the more advanced vocabulary they will encounter in their academic and personal reading.Furthermore, the fourth-grade phonics curriculum should focus on the application of phonics skills in both reading and writing. While phonics instruction is often associated with decoding and word recognition, it is equally important for students to be able to apply their phonics knowledge when spelling words and composing written texts. Incorporating activities that require students to use their phonics skills to spell words correctly, construct sentences, and even write short compositions can reinforce the connection between phonics and overall literacy development. This may involve dictation exercises, where students write words or sentences based on what they hear, or writing prompts that challenge students to utilize their phonics knowledge to spell words accurately.Moreover, the fourth-grade phonics curriculum should be designed to be engaging and interactive, incorporating a variety of instructional strategies and learning modalities. This may include the use of multisensory techniques, such as incorporating kinesthetic or visual elements to support auditory instruction. For example, students could physically manipulate letter tiles or magnetic lettersto build words, or they could create visual representations of phonetic patterns. Additionally, the use of technology, such as interactive games, digital resources, and multimedia presentations, can enhance student engagement and reinforce phonics concepts in a dynamic and appealing manner.Throughout the fourth-grade phonics curriculum, it is essential to provide ample opportunities for practice and reinforcement. This may involve incorporating regular review activities, such as word sorts, spelling tests, and reading fluency exercises, to ensure that students are consistently applying and mastering the phonics skills they have learned. Furthermore, the curriculum should be differentiated to meet the diverse needs of students within the classroom. This may involve offering tiered activities, providing additional support for struggling learners, and challenging advanced students with more complex tasks.In conclusion, the fourth-grade English phonics curriculum should be a comprehensive and engaging program that builds upon the foundational skills acquired in the earlier grades. By focusing on advanced phonetic patterns, multi-syllabic word decoding, and the application of phonics skills in reading and writing, educators can equip students with the necessary tools to become proficient readers and writers. Through the implementation of a well-designed phonics curriculum, fourth-grade students can develop a deeperunderstanding of the English language and a stronger foundation for their future academic success.。


• There are various variations in the pronunciation of vowels in words, such as long and short sounds, which need to be determined based on the spelling and phonetic symbols of the word.
Pronunciation and Phonetic Alphabet
Each English letter has a corresponding pronunciation and phonetic symbol, such as A pronouncing/ei/, B pronouncing/bi:, etc.
M and N: M consists of two Vs, and N consists of one V and a diagonal.
U and V: U is a rounded arc, while V is a sharp V-shape.
Other easily confused letters, such as O and 0, I and l, need to be distinguished by paying attention to the differences in details.
B and D: B's semicircle is on the right, and D's semicircle is on the left.
P and Q: The semicircle of P is on the right, while the semicircle of Q is on the left and has a small tail.


Listening Practice Design
Design diverse listening exercises such as multiplechoice questions, fill in the blank questions, and dictation to test students' listening comprehension ability.
Sentence completion exercises
Provide presence completion exercises where students fill in missing words or complete presence based on their understanding of the text This helps to improve their language expression and composition skills
Topic 1
Course objectives and expectations
Topic 2
Introduction to the English language system
Course outline
Unit 2
Basic Grammar
Topic 1
Present simple tense
Basic Grammar
Understand basic English grammar rules
Students need to understand basic grammar knowledge such as simple subject verb object structures, noun clauses, and attributive clauses, and be able to correctly apply them in oral and written expressions.



Name_____________________________________Date_____________________Lesson 1 - Skill 2 - CVC WORDS - Beginning SoundDirections: Say the picture word slowly. Guess which letter makes the beginning sound in the word. Circle the letters that make the middle and final sound. Then spell the word in the space below the letters.Name_____________________________________Date_____________________Lesson 2 - Skill 1 - BLENDS - Recognition MemoryDirections:Circle the correct letter or letters from each column to spell the picture word. Then write the word neatly in the space below. Illustrations courtesy of LeapFrog Inc. from Phonics Desk Reading Tool.Name_____________________________________Date_____________________ Lesson 2 - Skill 2 - BLENDS - Beginning SoundsDirections: Say the picture word slowly. Guess which letter makes the beginning sound in the word. Circle the letters that make the middle and final sound. Then spell the word in the space below the letters.Name_____________________________________Date_____________________Lesson 2 - Skill 3 - BLENDS - Final ConsonantDirections:Circle the correct letter or letters from each column to spell the picture word. Then write the word neatly in the space below. Illustrations courtesy of LeapFrog Inc. from Phonics Desk Reading Tool.Name_________________________________Date__________________Lesson 3 - Skill 1 - FINAL E RULE - Recognition MemoryDirections:Say the picture word slowly and listen to the sounds. Circle one letter from each column for the beginning - middle - and final sound. Write the word in the space provided.Name_____________________________________Date_____________________Lesson 3 - Skill 2 - FINAL-E RULE - Beginning SoundDirections: Say the picture word slowly. Guess which letter makes the beginning sound in the word. Circle the letters that make the middle and final sound. Then spell the word in the space below the letters.Name________________________________Date___________________Lesson 4 - Skill 1 - DIGRAPHS - ch sh th wh - Recognition Memory Directions:Circle the correct letter or letters from each column below to spell the word seen in thepicture. Then write the word in the space below the letters.Name________________________________Date___________________Lesson 4 - Skill 2 - DIGRAPHS - ch sh th wh - Beginning Sound Directions:Say the picture word slowly. Guess which letters make the beginning sound in the word. Circle the letters that make the middle and final sound. Then spell the word in the space provided.Name__________________________________Date____________________Lesson 5 - Skill 1 - 2 Letter Vowel Sounds - Recognition Memory Directions:Circle the correct letter or letters from each column below to spell the word seen in the picture. Write the word in the space below the letters.Name_____________________________________Date_____________________Lesson 5 - Skill 2 - 2 Letter Vowel Sounds - Beginning Sound Directions:Say the picture word slowly. Guess which letter makes the beginning sound in the word. Circle the letters that make the middle and final sound. Then spell the word in the space provided.Name________________________________Date___________________Lesson 6 - Skill 1 - R-Controlled Vowels - Recognition MemoryIllustrations from LeapFrog Phonics DeskDirections:Circle the correct letter or letters from each column below to spell the word seen in the picture. Write the word in the space below the letters.Name________________________________Date___________________Lesson 4 - Skill 2 - DIGRAPHS - ch sh th wh - Beginning Sound Directions:Say the picture word slowly. Guess which letters make the beginning sound in the word. Circle the letters that make the middle and final sound. Then spell the word in the space provided.。

Word Formation英语构词法PPT课件

Word Formation英语构词法PPT课件
mis-misunderstand, misdirect(误导)
• (C)表示两个,双边的前缀:bi- bicolor ( 双色的), bicycle
• (D)表示相互, 交互, 在一起的前缀 inter—interview, international,
• (E)表示又,再,重新的前缀 re—review, return, rewrite
Some types of backformation
Noun-verb pedlar - peddle (叫卖)
swindler -swindle (诈骗)beggar - beg (乞讨)editor - edit (编辑
Adjective →verb
peevish - peeve (气恼) cozy - coze(使感 到舒适)lazy - laze (偷懒)greedy greed (贪婪)gruesome - grue (因害怕 发抖)
-ness happiness,meanness, carelessness -ity ability, possibility 3.名词变形容词: -y windy, rainy, healthy, funny, -ish foolish, feverish -some handsome, troublesome -ous dangerous, humorous -ful helpful, careful, peaceful, -less homeless, helpless, careless
Types of Word Formation
Compounding(合成法) Acronym Derivation(派生法) Initialism Conversion(转化法) Backformation(逆向构词法) Clipping(截短构词法) Blending


Basic Sentence Structures
Familiarize students with simple, complex, and complex senses, helping them understand how to combine ideas effectively
Vocabulary Memory Methods Shared
Verb Tensions
Introduce simple present, present progressive, and simple past tense, emphasizing their formation and usage in various presence structures
01 Background and objectives of t
Current situation of primary school English
Limited resources
Many primary schools lack sufficient educational resources, such as qualified teachers, textbooks, and multimedia tools, which behind the effective implementation of English teaching
Promotion Drills
Practice activities and games to correct promotion of individual words and word lists
Sentence Introduction and Rhythm



2023年中考综合模拟测试卷(一)Name____________ Scores_______________一、单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分,计15分)1.----Have you seen_________film The Wandering Earth 2<流浪地球2>?----Yes, it’s quite _________ exciting and moving film.I want to see it again.A.a,anB.the;theC.a;theD.the;an2. —Yesterday I bought a robot which could help me to clean the floor.—Really? That’s great. I’ll buy .A. oneB. itC. thisD. that3. --- The air pollution is terrible. --- It will be worse ___ we take action to protect the environment.A. ifB. unlessC. untilD. when4. —Both David and his sister went to university when they were only 16.—No wonder ________ of them is well-educated.A. eitherB. bothC. neitherD. none5. It is said that over 50 percent of China’s population ________ working in the cities in 2022, so there arefewer and fewer people on the farm now.A. areB. isC. wasD. were6.The famous star Zhang Yixin once said, “As a singer, you_______ never be too hard-working.”A. mustB. canC. shouldD. may7.—I am afraid I can’t go to your party. —__________! The party won’t be perfect without you.A. You’re welcomeB. That’s nothingC. What a pityD. It doesn’t matte r8. Mrs. White is very strange. I found ________ on well with her.A. it is difficult to gettingB. it difficult to getC. it's difficult of gettingD. it difficult for getting9. —Teamwork is very important in a football match. — I agree. __________.A. The early bird catches the wormB. Every dog has its dayC. One tree can’t make a forestD. Everything comes to him who waits10. The housing price is _______. A large number of people can’t afford _____ one house.A. expensive, buyB. high, to buyC. dear, buyD. cheap, to buy11.I really can’t see anything. His head is____ of my view.A.on the wayB.in the wayC.by the wayD.in this way12.----Have you found the information about the famous scientists ______you can use for the report?----Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.A.whichB. WhoC. whomD.what13. It’s not the right time to argue about who should be blamed. We’d better and find a way out as soon as possible.A.stay upB.give upC.calm downD.look down14. The machine needs _________. You’d better ________.A. repaired; to have it fixedB. to be repaired; to have it fixedC. repairing; have it fixD. repairing; have it fixed15. ----Your father never watches the drama series on TV, __________?----_____________. He thinks these drama series are boring and dull.A. does he; Yes, he does.B. does he; No, he doesn’tC. doesn’t he ; Yes, he does.D. doesn’t he ; No, he doesn’t .二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Recently, I felt like I reached a very low point in life. My relationships weren't good,I wasn't enjoying my classes, and I felt like I had nothing to 1 .My life seemed tobe full of endless homework, tests and loneliness. Nothing anyone said seemed 2to me. I wasn't sure what to do about myself. All I wanted was to be happy again, but Ididn't know who or what would 3 that.During these days, I had trouble sleeping. I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight. I had no 4 but to tell my dad. He 5 the book The Secret. Iat once bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. I'm 6 quite astubborn(固执的) person, but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was 7 .Suddenly, I felt like life was beautiful again. I had never felt such a deep and quick 8 in my life before.In fact, the book's message was very simple—think positively(积极地).The book had many success stories about how people were able to 9 money, soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives.I started learning to thank everything in my life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could onlywork 10 I believed these people's success stories.Now I'm sure I can bring myself happiness.1. A. take care of e up with C. look down on D. look forward to2 A. helpful B. colourful C. peaceful D. powerful3. A. serve B. offer C. answer D. prevent4. A. problem B. idea C. need D. doubt5. A. borrowed B. collected C. returned D. recommended6. A. normally B. mainly C. finally D. probably7. A. realistic B. common C. obvious(显而易见) D. serious8. A. breath B. notice C. surprise D. change9. A. attract B. control C. imagine D. mention10. A. until B. when C. unless D. before三、阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分)【A】Children with autism(自闭症) may learn better from robots than from human teachers, according to an experiment at Topcliffe Primary School in Birmingham.Head teacher Ian Lome said, “The robots have no feelings, so children with autism find it easier to get in touch with the robots than with their teachers.”He added, “They look like real men, and they are very cute. Children with autism are hard to communicate with adults and with other children, but for some reason they can accept these robots."The robots are knee-high and move like children. The school is using them to teaching phonics(读音法) and play cards or memory and imitation(模仿) games with children aged from five to ten.“We do different activities with the robots acting as a model for the children's behaviour. For example, memory games, which get the children to imitate the robots’ movements, can help them become involved(积极参与) and motivated in learning." Dr. Guldberg said, “It can be very difficult to get children with autism to pay attention. We are amazed to see how involved they can be when they are working with the robots."She added. “If you can meet the needs of children with autism, you can meet the needs of all children. When people feel safe and are motivated, they learn much better.”1. Why does Topcliffe Primary School use the two robots?A. To teach children with autism phonics.B. To teach children with autism memory games.C. To help children with autism be involved in learning.D. To help children with autism imitate the robots' movements.2. What does the underlined word "motivated" mean in the passage?A. encouragedB. experiencedC. organizedD. shocked3. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. People learn much better if they feel safe and are motivated.B. Topcliffe Primary School is using the robots to teach children of all ages.C. Children with autism may become better from human teachers than robots.D. The needs of children with autism are the same as those of the other children.【B】It’s Friday evening. My daughters, 3 and 9, sigh(叹息) when I gently take the iPads away from their laps. One by one, our screens are turned off. We light the candles and sit down to have a big meal.Most people in our lives know they will not be able to contact us by using computer or moblie phones for 24 hours. And so it has gone, every week for three years. We call it our “Technology Shabbat(科技安息日)" which lasts from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.I first understood the importance of disconnecting in 2008, when my father was told that he had got brain cancer. Some days he would have onl y one good hour, and I wasn’t willing to be disturbed when I was with him, so I’d turn off my mobile phone.Soon after, encouraged by National Day of Unplugging(全国断网断电日) on March 1st, my husband and I decided to unplug for one full day every week.During our “Technology Shabbats”, time slows. Our Saturdays now feel like mini-vacations. We drive our car or ride our bike. We, with our kids, work in the garden, play board games and cook meals. I feel more balanced. I feel like a better mother, wife and person.Keeping a balance between the good and the bad of technology is my lasting state. The technology we’ve created makes it possible for us to share knowledge and take in carious ideas all over the world. But the technology also take something away from us. When we stay up late at night linking(连接) from website to website or sending messages or e-mailing, we click again, and again, and again until we’ve overloaded(超负荷的).When we rush into the time full of high technology, it's necessary for us to pay attention to what we are doing online and when we should go off.I will always remember the most important thing in my family: “Technology Shabbat".4. When is “Techtwhgy Shabbat' in the writer's family?A. Only on Sunday.B. From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.C. Only on Friday.D. From sunset on Saturday to sunset on Sunday.5. The writer's family have “Technology Shabbat" every week mainly becausc they hope to ______.A. save energyB. enjoy life togetherC. stay away from othersD. follow National Day of Unplugging6. What do the writers family NOT do during their “Technology Shubbats”?A. They drive their car or ride bikes for mini-vacations.B. They light the candles and sit down to have a big meal.C. They work in the garden, play board games and cook meals.D. They stay up late at night linking from website to website.7. What's the main idea of this passage?A. Every family must have ''Technology Shabbat”.B. A woman should I learn to be a good mother or wife.C. People need to stay away from technology properly.D. People had better not send messages, e-mail or chat online.四、词汇运用,每空一词。



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2024年教师资格考试初级中学英语学科知识与教学能力模拟试卷及解答参考一、单项选择题(本大题有30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1、The sentence “She is not only a talented singer but also a dedicated teacher.” is an example of which grammatical structure?A)Parallel structureB)Appositional structureC)Cumulative structureD)Coordinate structure答案:A) Parallel structure解析:这个句子使用了平行结构(parallel structure),即通过使用“not only…but also…”这样的连接词,使得两个并列的名词短语(talented singer 和 dedicated teacher)在结构上保持一致,从而增强了句子的平衡和节奏感。

2、In the following dialogue, which word is used incorrectly?A)“He has been playing the guitar for ten years.”B)“She will go to the store after finishing her homework.”C)“They are eating lunch at the moment.”D)“I have lived in this house since I was born.”答案:D) “I have lived in this house since I was born.”解析:在这个选项中,“since”一词的使用不正确。

“Since”通常用来表示从过去某个时间点开始一直持续到现在的状态或动作,但在这个句子中,“since”应该与现在完成时态连用,例如:“I have lived in this house since 1990.” 而不是从出生开始,因此正确的表达应该是:“I was born in this house.” 或者“I have lived in this house for as long as I can remember.”3、In which sentence is the word “cultural” used correctly in terms of its adjectival form?A、This video game is cultural popular among teenagers.B、Her cultural performance reflects the traditions of her community.C、The cultural diversity of the city is celebrated in its annual festival.D、The museum exhibits cultural ancient artifacts.Answer: CExplanation: In English, “cultural” is an adjective that describes something related to culture. In option A, “cultural popular” is awkward. In option B, “cultural performance” would be more formal, but it’s not wrong. In option D, “cultural ancient artifacts” should be “ancient cultural artifacts.” Option C is correct as it describes the diversity in the city in a grammatically correct way.4、Which of the following best illustrates the indirect object in an English sentence?A、He gave the book to the librarian.B、She baked a cake for herself.C、They showed their achievements to the audience.D、The teacher asked the students several questions.Answer: AExplanation: In English, the indirect object receives the direct object from the verb. In option A, “the librarian” is the indirect object because “he gave” (the direct verb) the book (the direct object) to the librarian. In option B, “herself” is the refl exive pronoun, not the indirect object. In option C, “to the audience” is a prepositional phrase indicating the recipient, not an indirect object. In option D, “the students” is the direct object receiving the verb of asking, with no separate indirect object.5、In a primary school English class, the teacher wants to encourage students to develop their speaking skills. Which of the following activities would be most suitable?A. Pair work exercisesB. Listening comprehension tasksC. Role-playing gamesD. Vocabulary recitationAnswer: C. Role-playing gamesAnalysis: Role-playing games are an excellent activity for encouraging speaking skills. They provide a framework for students to practice real-life communication in a safe, controlled environment, which makes them feel more comfortable and confident about speaking in English.6、A teacher is planning a lesson to introduce the theme of friendship. Whichof the following is the best approach to introduce the new theme?A. Begin with a review of previously learned vocabulary related to friendshipB. Start by reading a short story about friendship and discussing the themesC. Conduct a survey to find out how many friends each student has, followed by a class discussionD. Present a series of pictures related to friendship, allowing students to make connections and share their thoughtsAnswer: B. Start by reading a short story about friendship and discussing the themesAnalysis: Reading a short story about friendship can set the stage for meaningful discussion and sharing among students. It allows the teacher to introduce the theme in a relatable context and prompts students to relate their personal experiences, making the learning experience more engaging and impactful.7、The sentence “She has a natural flair for languages” implies that she is:A) not interested in learning languagesB) very skilled in learning new languagesC) a teacher of languagesD) planning to become a translatorAnswer: B) very skilled in learning new languagesExplanation: The phrase “a natural flair for languages” suggests that she has an innate talent or a natural ability for learning languages, which is a characteristic of being very skilled in that area.8、In the following sentence, the word “notwithstanding” is used as a:A) conjunctionB) prepositionC) adverbD) interjectionAnswer: C) adverbExplanation: “Notwithstanding” is an adverb that means “in spite of” or “despite.” It is used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or qualifies the previous statement.9、Which of the following best describes the primary focus of phonics in English early literacy education?A、It focuses on understanding the sounds of words.B、It emphasizes the memorization of sight words.C、It aims to improve fluency in reading aloud.D、It teaches the relationship between sounds and letters.Answer: D解析: Phonics primarily focuses on teaching the relationship between sounds (phonemes) and written letters (graphemes). This helps students decode words by sounding them out, which is crucial for early literacy development.10、In designing an English lesson plan, which of the following is the most appropriate sequence for the main teaching steps?A、Explain, Practice, Present, Assess.B、Present, Explain, Practice, Assess.C、Assess, Explain, Practice, Present.D、Practice, Assess, Explain, Present.Answer: B解析: The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) suggests an instructional model where teaching steps follow the sequence: Present (introduce new language elements), Explain (clarify usage), Practice (apply the new elements in context), and Assess (evaluate the students’ understanding and performance).11.The following sentence is written correctly from the perspective of grammatical structure and meaning. Which one is it?A. I don’t think that he will win the next match.B. It is not that he is lazy; it is that he is always responsible for others.C. She is easy to get along with, and it’s very interesting to have an argument with her.D. He seemed not happy, when he laughed at others.Answer: AExplanation: Option A is grammatically correct and maintains the intended meaning. Options B, C, and D contain grammatical errors or ambiguity that altersthe meaning of the sentence.12.In the following sentence, which word is a noun?A. They will meet tomorrow. (tomorrow)B. She can read the book. (can)C. She went to Beijing last year. (she)D. I am happy to be here. (happy)Answer: CExplanation: In option C, “she” is a noun that refers to a person. Options A, B, and D have the following function words: “tomorrow” is a determiner and “can” and “happy” are adverbs and adjectives respectively.13、The following sentence contains a common error in subject-verb agreement. Which underlined word needs to be corrected?A. The teacher___________the students in the classroom.a)is correctingb)were correctingc)is correctedd)were correctedAnswer: AExplanation: The correct answer is “is correcting” because the subject “the teacher” is singular, and thus requires a singular verb, “is” in this case.14、In the following paragraph, identify the sentence that contains a misplaced modifier.A. The principal, who was present at the meeting, emphasized the importanceof student engagement.B. The meeting, which was held last week, was well-attended.C. Engaging students in active learning is essential for student success, according to the teacher.D. The teacher, who teaches seventh-grade English, has been with the school for ten years.Answer: AExplanation: The sentence in option A contains a misplaced modifier. The phrase “who was present at the meeting” is meant to modify “the principal,” but it is placed after the subject, causing ambiguity. The correct placement would be “The principal, prese nt at the meeting, emphasized the importance of student engagement.”15、Which of the following best describes the primary focus of the Communicative Approach in language teaching?A、Mastering the rules of grammar and vocabulary.B、Developing cognitive skills through analyzing texts.C、Focusing on the accuracy of the language production.D、Using language for meaningful communication and interaction.Answer: DExplanation: The Communicative Approach in language teaching emphasizes the use of language for communication and interaction. It focuses on the students’ ability to use language meaningfully and effectively in real-life situations.(D is correct.)16、Why is it important to incorporate an inductive learning approach when teaching English vocabulary to junior middle school students?A、It allows students to acquire vocabulary through direct instruction.B、It helps students infer patterns and construct their own language rules.C、It reinforces rote learning techniques for memorizing vocabulary.D、It encourages passive learning and comprehension.Answer: BExplanation: The inductive learning approach involves students discovering rules and patterns in language through observation and practice. This method is effective in enhancing st udents’ ability to infer meanings and understand the usage of new words through context, which is crucial for junior middle school students as they develop their language skills. (B is correct.)17、The teacher explains the text to the students using a limited vocabulary, which is primarily aimed at:A) increasing the complexity of the languageAnswer: B) facilitating student understandingExplanation: Using a limited vocabulary is generally done to facilitate understanding, especially when teaching children or those with limited language proficiency.18、Which of the following strategies is most appropriate for promoting critical thinking among middle school students during the reading of a novel?A)Asking students to repeat back what they have just readAnswer: C) Encouraging students to question the motivations of the characters in the storyExplanation: Encouraging students to question the motivations of characters is a technique that helps develop critical thinking, as it requires students to analyze and evaluate the text beyond mere comprehension.19、Which of the following best describes the primary goal of communicative language teaching?A. To teach grammar rules effectively.B. To enhance students’ ability to use language for real-world communication.C. To prepare students for standardized tests.D. To focus on the accuracy of language production.Answer: BExplanation: Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach focused on teaching language for real-life communication, emphasizing the use of language in context and promoting interaction and meaningful exchange. While grammar and accuracy are important, the central goal of CLT is to enable students to effectively use language in practical, communicative situations.20、In a reading comprehension lesson, which strategy helps students infer the meaning of unfamiliar words based on the context?A. Vocabulary flashcardsB. Context cluesC. Translation from their native languageD. DictionariesAnswer: BExplanation: Context clues refer to information within a text that can provide hints about the meaning of unfamiliar words. This strategy encourages students to deduce the meaning of new words based on surrounding text, enhancing their reading comprehension skills.21.The sentence “The boy is running fast” can be transformed into the passive voice by using the following structure:A. The boy is being run fastB. Fast is being run by the boyC. Fast is being run by the boyD. The boy is being run by fastAnswer: DExplanation: In the passive voice, the subject receives the action, so the structure is “Subject + is/are + being + past participle + by + agent.” In this case, “The boy” is the subject, “is” is the auxiliary verb, “being” is the past participle of the verb “run,” “run” is the main verb, and “by fast” is the agent phrase. Therefore, the correct answer is D. “The boy is being run by fast.”22.Which of the following sentence is correct according to the rules of capitalization?A. She has a cat named Max.B. She has a cat named max.C. She has a cat named MAX.D. She has a cat named MaX.Answer: AExplanation: According to the rules of capitalization, proper nouns, such as names, should be capitalized. In this case, “Max” is the name of the cat, so it sh ould be capitalized. The correct sentence is “She has a cat named Max.” Therefore, the correct answer is A.23.The teacher encourages students to participate in group discussions during English class. Which of the following teaching strategies does this best represent?A. Direct instructionB. Guided discoveryC. TPR (Total Physical Response)D. Cooperative learningAnswer: D. Cooperative learningExplanation: Cooperative learning involves students working together in groups to achieve a common goal. This approach encourages participation and communication skills, which are both valuable in language learning. By promoting group discussions, the teacher is employing a cooperative learning strategy.24.What is the best way to assess if a student understands a new grammarconcept taught in an English class?A. Ask the student to explain the concept in their own words.B. Have the student write a composition using the new grammar structure.C. Conduct a multiple-choice quiz on the new grammar rules.D. Give the student a fill-in-the blanks exercise using the new grammar.Answer: A. Ask the student to explain the concept in their own words.Explanation: Asking a student to explain a new grammar concept in their own words is an effective form of formative assessment. It allows the teacher to gauge the student’s understanding by evaluating their ability to articulate the concept and apply it independently. Writing assignments, quizzes, and fill-in-the-blanks exercises are also valuable but may be developmental assessments that require more structured forms of student response.25.The teacher is using a_______to help students practice speaking English in class.A. grammar bookB. dictionaryC. speaking activityD. reading passageAnswer: CExplanation: A speaking activity is the most appropriate tool for a teacher to use to assist students in practicing their speaking skills in the classroom.26.I n the context of language teaching, the term “authentic materials”refers to:A. teacher-made exercisesB. real-life language used by native speakersC. vocabulary listsD. textbooksAnswer: BExplanation: Authentic materials are real-life language examples used by native speakers, which help learners acquire language in a context that is as close to natural language use as possible.27、Which of the following is a key component of the English curriculum standards for junior high school?A) Vocabulary memorizationB) Test-taking techniquesC) Communication skills in real-life contextsD) Grammar rulesAnswer: C) Communication skills in real-life contextsExplanation: The English curriculum standards for junior high school focus on developing students’ ability to communicate effectively in real-life contexts, enhancing their language proficiency through various communicative activities.28、What type of assessment is most effective for evaluating the contextual understanding and application of language skills?A) Standardized multiple-choice questionsB) Sentence completion testsC) Project-based assessmentsD) Oral presentationsAnswer: C) Project-based assessmentsExplanation: Project-based assessments are more effective for evaluating students’ ability to use language skills in a context, as they require students to apply their language knowledge to complete a task or project, thus demonstrating deeper understanding and practical application.29.The following sentence is an example of which tense in English?A. Present Perfect tenseB. Past Continuous tenseC. Future Perfect tenseD. Future Perfect Continuous tenseAnswer: D. Future Perfect Continuous tenseExplanation: The sentence “I will have been teaching ESL for five years by the end of this month” is in Fu ture Perfect Continuous tense. It refers to an action that will start in the future, continue indefinitely, and may or may not be completed by a specified future time.30.Which of the following is NOT a function of vocabulary knowledge in language learning?A. Aids in comprehending reading materialB. Assists in effective communicationC. Facilitates the development of grammar skillsD. Enhances writing skillsAnswer: C. Facilitates the development of grammar skillsExplanation: Vocabulary knowledge is crucial for comprehending reading material, effective communication, and enhancing writing skills. However, vocabulary knowledge does not directly facilitate the development of grammar skills. Grammar skills typically develop through practice, exposure to rules, and understanding syntactical patterns.二、简答题(20分)Question:Explain the importance of vocabulary teaching in the English language classroom for junior high school students. How can teachers effectively incorporate vocabulary learning into their teaching methods?Answer:Vocabulary teaching is of utmost importance in the English language classroom for junior high school students for several reasons. Firstly, a strong vocabulary base is essential for comprehension, expression, and communication in a foreign language. Secondly, vocabulary acquisition is directly linked to reading comprehension and writing skills, which are crucial for academic success.To effectively incorporate vocabulary learning into their teaching methods,teachers can adopt the following strategies:1.Contextual Learning: Introduce new vocabulary within the context of real-life situations, stories, or thematic units. This helps students understand the meaning and usage of new words in a meaningful context.2.Multiple Intelligences: Cater to different learning styles by incorporating visual (e.g., flashcards, posters), auditory (e.g., songs, rhymes), and kinesthetic (e.g., role-playing, games) activities.3.Spaced Repetition: Utilize spaced repetition techniques, such as flashcards or apps, to reinforce vocabulary learning over time. This method helps students remember new words more effectively.4.Collaborative Learning: Encourage students to work in pairs or groups to practice and reinforce vocabulary through activities like word searches, crossword puzzles, and vocabulary games.5.Technology Integration: Use educational technology tools, such as interactive whiteboards, online dictionaries, and educational apps, to enhance vocabulary learning and make it more engaging.Explanation:The question focuses on the significance of vocabulary teaching in the English language classroom for junior high school students and suggests various methods to incorporate vocabulary learning effectively. By addressing these aspects, the answer provides a comprehensive understanding of the importance of vocabulary teaching and practical strategies to achieve it.三、教学情境分析题(30分)Sure, here is a teaching scenario analysis question for the “English Discipline Knowledge and Teaching Ability” section of the Junior High School Teacher Certification Exam, including an answer and explanation in English:Three (3) Teaching Scenario Analysis QuestionBackground Context:Ms. Li is teaching a junior high school English class focused on reading comprehension. The lesson is on a short passage about the importance of perseverance. The class size is 30 students, and the majority are at an intermediate English proficiency level.Teaching Context:Ms. Li starts by introducing the topic of perseverance and providing students with a set of questions related to the text. She then divides the class into small groups for a discussion on the questions, expecting that each group will share their interpretations and findings with the class.Task:Please analyze Ms. Li’s teaching approach. Identify one strength and one weakness of her teaching method, and provide suggestions for improving her lesson plan.Answer and ExplanationStrength:Ms. Li’s approach of dividing the class into small groups for discussionis effective. This method promotes active learning, allows students to engage with the text on a deeper level, and fosters collaborative skills. By working in groups, students are encouraged to articulate their ideas, listen to others, and build on each other’s thoughts, which is beneficial for their overall understanding and retention of the text’s message.Weakness:Despite the strengths, Ms. Li’s approach lacks a structured debriefing session following the group discussion. Without a formal discussion of the group outcomes, some students might miss the broader interpretation and key themes of the text. Additionally, not all groups might have had a chance to share their findings, which could leave students in those groups feeling less involved or supported.Suggestions:1.Debriefing Session: Ms.Li could allocate time at the end of the class for a debriefing session where each group briefly presents their findings. This could be done in a whole-class format to ensure that all groups have the opportunity to share and contribute. Follow-ups could be made to the discussion with key points that are missed by the other groups.2.Self-Assessment and Reflection: Including a self-assessment or reflection component in the group activity could help students evaluate their own understanding and participation levels. This not only promotes personal responsibility but also helps Ms. Li monitor and address any issues during the lesson.By implementing these suggestions, Ms. Li can enhance the effectivenessof her teaching method, ensuring a more comprehensive learning experience for her students.This question allows for a detailed analysis of a teaching scenario, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the teacher’s approach and suggesting improved strategies.四、教学设计题(40分)Question:Design a lesson plan for a 45-minute lesson, teaching the song “Rockin’ in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen to a group of Grade 8 English language learners. The students should be able to understand the lyrics, recognize the structures of the song, and express their opinions on the song’s themes. The lesson includes a warm-up, a listening activity, a speaking activity, and a writing activity. Support your response with specific teaching strategies and assessment methods.Answer:Lesson Plan: “Rockin’ in the USA”Objective:Students will be able to understand and sing the song “Rockin’ in the USA” by Bruce Springsteen, recognizing its structures and discussing the themes presented in the lyrics.Materials:1.Lyrics of the song “Rockin’ in the USA”2.Translated lyrics (optional)3.Music video or karaoke version of the song4.Whiteboard or blackboard5.Markers or chalk6.Copies of the assessment form7.Peer review sheetTimeline:1.Warm-up (5 minutes)a.Show the class a map of the United States and discuss different statesand landmarks. Ask students to talk about their favorite places and why.b.Elicit from the students what they think might be the main themes of thesong “Rockin’ in the USA.”2.Listening activity (10 minutes)a.Play the music video or karaoke version of “Rockin’ in the USA” forthe students to listen and sing along.b.Pause the song for discussion after “WTF” section to ensurecomprehension and identify the themes of the song.3.Speaking activity (15 minutes)a.Distribute the lyrics of the song to the students.b.Discuss the lyrics in pairs or small groups. Encourage them to share theirinterpretations and opinions about the themes. Common themes include the nostalgia for the past, the spirit of adventure, and the struggle to find one’s identity.c.Invite student pairs to present their discussions to the class, and havea class discussion on the overall themes.4.Writing activity (15 minutes)a.Ask students to write a short essay on how the song “Rockin’ in the USA”resonates with them personally or how they can relate to its themes.b.Have students peer review each other’s essays using the provided peerreview sheet.c.Conclude the writing activity by asking for volunteers to read theiressays to the class or summarize their findings.Assessment:Students will be assessed based on:•Participation in warm-up activities and discussions (30%)•Understanding of the song structure and ability to sing along (30%) •Ability to discuss and present the themes of the song to the class (20%) •Quality of the written essay on the themes of the song (20%)Explanation:This lesson plan incorporates a range of teaching strategies to cater to different learning styles. The warm-up fosters engagement by connecting the topic to students’ personal experiences. Listening and speaking activities address comprehension and interpretation skills while promoting participation and communication. The writing activity encourages critical thinking and allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the song’s themes. Peer reviews create an opportunity for students to gain feedback on their work and develop teamwork skills. The lesson’s structure and activities cater to English languagelearners, making it appropriate for Grade 8 level.。



五年级上册啪第一单元帕特a部分的英语句型怎么读陕旅版全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I am going to tell you how to read Part A of Unit 1 in the 5th Grade English textbook of the Shangri-La version.First of all, let's start with the title of Part A. It is called "Hello! I'm Amy". You should read it as "Hello! I'm Amy".Next, there are some key words and phrases in this part that you need to know how to read. For example, "Hello" should be read as "hello", "Amy" should be read as "Amy", and "I'm" should be read as "I am".There are also some sentences that you need to practice reading aloud. For example, "Hello! I'm Amy. I'm a new student." should be read as "Hello! I'm Amy. I'm a new student." And "This is my school bag. It's heavy." should be read as "This is my school bag. It's heavy."In addition to practicing reading, you also need to pay attention to the intonation and stress in the sentences. This will help you sound more natural when speaking English.Overall, reading Part A of Unit 1 in the 5th Grade English textbook of the Shangri-La version is a great way to improve your English skills. So keep practicing and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Remember, practice makes perfect!篇2Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about how to read the text in Unit 1 Part A of the fifth-grade English textbook.First, let's start with the title "My Family". When we see the word "Family", we need to stress the first syllable "Fam-i-ly". Remember to say it slowly and clearly.Next, let's look at the first paragraph. When we read "This is my family", we should read it as "This is my fam-i-ly". Make sure to pause after each word and say it with expression.In the second paragraph, we see the sentence "This is my mum". Remember to say "mum" as "mum", not "mom". And when we read "She is..." we need to make the sound "sh" at thebeginning of "she". You can say it with a big smile on your face to show that you love your mum.Moving on to the last paragraph, we see the sentence "These are my grandparents". Remember to say "grand-parents" slowly and clearly. And when we read "They are..." we need to make the sound "th" at the beginning of "they".So, when you read the text in Unit 1 Part A, remember to say the words clearly, pronounce them correctly, and use expression in your voice. Happy reading!篇3Title: Let's Learn English with Pat!Hey guys, today let's talk about how to pronounce the English words in Lesson 1 of Grade 5 Unit 1. It's super fun and easy, so let's get started!First, let's look at the letter 'a'. When 'a' is followed by a consonant, it is usually pronounced as the short 'a' sound like in 'cat' or 'bat'. But when 'a' is followed by an 'e', it is pronounced as the long 'a' sound like in 'cake' or 'hate'. Remember, the long 'a' sound is like saying 'ay'.Now let's practice saying some words together. Repeat after me: cat, bat, date, gate, mat, late. Great job!Next, let's learn how to pronounce the letter 'p'. The 'p' sound is made by putting your lips together and then quickly releasing them like a popping sound. It's like saying 'puh'.Let's try some words with the 'p' sound. Repeat after me: pet, pat, pen, pot, pig, pack. Awesome job!Now let's put it all together and practice saying some sentences. Repeat after me: Pat has a pet cat. The pig ate a banana. Great job everyone!Keep practicing and soon you'll be a pro at pronouncing English words. See you next time for more fun English lessons with Pat!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you how to read the words in Unit 1 of Grade 5 Part A in our textbook. Are you ready? Let's get started!First, let's learn how to read the words in Lesson 1. The words are "Hello", "my", "name", "is", "what", "your", "how", "old", "I'm",and "goodbye". Remember to pronounce each letter clearly and slowly so that you can hear the sounds.Next, let's move on to Lesson 2. The words in this lesson are "sorry", "excuse", "me", "please", "thank", "you", "very", "much", "it's", and "ok". Make sure to practice saying these words out loud so that you can remember how they sound.In Lesson 3, we have the words "parent", "mother", "father", "sister", "brother", "friend", "grandmother", "grandfather", "teacher", and "classmate". Try to say these words with the correct intonation and stress on the syllables.Finally, in Lesson 4, we have the words "perhaps", "perish", "person", "people", "paper", "pen", "pencil", "pepper", "plane", and "play". Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and practice saying them over and over again.Great job, everyone! Now you know how to read the words in Unit 1 of Grade 5 Part A. Keep practicing and you will become a fluent English speaker in no time. Good luck!篇5Title: My First Unit in Grade Five Part A - English Pronunciation Fun!Hi everyone! I'm so excited to share with you all about the first unit in our Grade Five English book. It's all about pronunciation, which is super important in learning English. I'm going to tell you how to pronounce the words in Part A of the first unit. Let's have some fun with English pronunciation together!First up is the word "cat". It sounds like "kat", with a short 'a' sound. Remember to say it quickly, like you're a cool cat! Meow!Next we have the word "dog". It sounds like "dawg", with a long 'o' sound. Woof woof! Imagine a cute little puppy when saying this word.Then we have "pen". It sounds like "pen", with a short 'e' sound. Imagine you're writing a letter to your best friend with your favorite pen.After that, we have "pig". It sounds like "pig", with a short 'i' sound. Oink oink! Picture a cute pink piggy when you say this word.Moving on to "sun". It sounds like "suhn", with a short 'u' sound. Imagine a bright, sunny day with clear blue skies when you say this word.And lastly, we have "zip". It sounds like "zip", with a short 'i' sound. Imagine zipping up your jacket on a chilly day.Practice saying these words out loud and have fun with it! Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep practicing your English pronunciation and you'll become a pro in no time.That's all for now, friends. I hope you enjoyed learning about English pronunciation with me. Stay tuned for more fun English lessons in Grade Five! Bye for now!篇6Title: How to Read Phonics in Grade 5 Unit 1 Part AHey everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about how to read phonics in Grade 5 Unit 1 Part A of our English textbook. Phonics is super important because it helps us learn how to read and pronounce words correctly. Let's dive right in!First off, let's start with the letter "a". In phonics, the letter "a" can be pronounced in different ways. It can be a short sound like /æ/ in the word "cat" or a long sound like /eɪ/ in the word "gate". Remember to pay attention to the vowel sounds in words to know how to pronounce them correctly.Next, let's move on to the letter "b". The letter "b" makes the sound /b/ in words like "big" or "book". It's important to practice saying the sound out loud so you can get familiar with it.Now, let's talk about the letter "c". The letter "c" can make two different sounds. It can sound like /k/ in the word "cat" or like /s/ in the word "city". Pay attention to the context of the word to know how to pronounce the letter "c".Lastly, let's look at the letter "d". The letter "d" makes the sound /d/ in words like "dog" or "dark". Practice saying the sound and remember to use it correctly when reading words.Phonics may seem a bit tricky at first, but with practice and patience, you'll get the hang of it. Remember to pay attention to the sounds of each letter and practice reading phonics words regularly. You'll be a phonics pro in no time!That's all for today, guys. Keep practicing and have fun learning phonics in Grade 5! Let's ace those reading quizzes together! Thanks for listening!篇7Title: Let's Learn How to Read in Primary School!Hi everyone, I'm so excited to share with you all about how we can read in English! In our English textbook, we are learning about the first unit called "Pat A". It's super fun and interesting, so let's get started!First, let's talk about how to pronounce the letters in English. For example, the letter 'a' is pronounced as /æ/, like in the word "cat". The letter 'b' is pronounced as /b/, like in the word "bat". Remember to pay attention to the phonetic symbols next to the words, they will help us to pronounce the words correctly.Next, let's practice reading the words in our textbook. We can start with simple words like "cat", "dog", "sun", "moon", and "book". Try to sound out each letter in the word and then blend them together to form the whole word. It's like a puzzle, but once you figure it out, it's super satisfying!Now, let's move on to reading sentences. Sentences are just a group of words put together to express a complete thought. For example, "I have a cat." Try to read the sentence out loud and pay attention to the punctuation marks like periods and question marks.Lastly, let's read some short stories in our textbook. Stories are a great way to practice our reading skills and improve ourcomprehension. Don't forget to read with expression and try to picture the story in your mind as you read.I hope you all have fun learning how to read in English! Remember to practice reading every day and soon you'll be a pro at reading English texts. Keep up the good work, my fellow classmates! Let's read on!篇8Hello everyone, I'm a fifth grader and today I'm going to share with you how to read the Pat A part of the first unit in our English textbook.First, let's start with the vowels. Remember, A E I O U and sometimes Y! Make sure to pronounce them clearly and don't forget those tricky sounds.Next, let's move on to the consonants. There are so many of them, like B, C, D, F, G, H... Whew, it's a long list! But don't worry, just take your time and practice each one.Now, let's practice some simple words. Repeat after me: cat, dog, pig, hat, sun. Great job! Remember to sound out each letter and blend them together smoothly.As we continue to learn new words and phrases, it's important to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher or classmates for help if you're not sure how to say something.Lastly, let's have fun with our English lessons! Try to read English books, watch English cartoons, and listen to English songs. The more you practice, the better you'll get.I hope this guide helps you with reading the Pat A part of the first unit in our English textbook. Keep practicing and don't give up! Remember, practice makes perfect. Thank you for listening and good luck with your English learning journey!篇9Hi everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you how to pronounce the words in Unit 1 Part A of our fifth grade textbook in a fun and easy way. Let's get started!1. Pat:Let's say "p" like you're popping a bubble, "a" like the sound a baby makes, and "t" like you're tapping someone on the shoulder. Put them together and you get "pat"!2. Cat:Start with the "c" sound like a sneeze, then "a" and "t" like before. Say it fast and you've got "cat"!3. Sat:Just like "cat" but with an "s" at the beginning. Easy peasy!4. Mat:Imagine you're putting a mat on the floor. "M" sounds like a motor running, "a" and "t" as usual. Now say "mat"!5. Hat:Think of a hat on your head. Pronounce "h" like you're breathing out heavily, "a" and "t". Say it with me, "hat"!6. Rat:Ah, the naughty rat! Start with "r" like a purring cat, then "a" and "t". Try it out, "rat"!7. Sat:Same as before, but this time you can sit while saying it!8. Pat:Remember, it's the same as before, but don't forget to pat yourself on the back for getting it right!Practice these words every day until you can say them fluently. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher for help if you're having trouble. Good luck and keep up the good work!篇10Title: How to Pronounce Words in Grade 5 Unit 1 Part A of the Shanxi Edition TextbookHey guys, today I’m gonna teach you how to pronounce the words in Grade 5 Unit 1 Part A of the Shanxi Edition English textbook. Let’s get started!First, let’s learn how to say the words correctly. Repeat after me:1. Apple: A-pple (like the fruit)2. Banana: Ba-na-na (mmm, yummy!)3. Car: C-ar (vroom vroom!)4. Dog: D-og (woof woof!)5. Egg: E-gg (crack, crack!)6. Frog: Fr-og (ribbit ribbit!)7. Girl: G-irl (hi girls!)8. Hat: H-at (keep your head warm!)9. Ice: I-ce (nice and cold!)10. Jump: J-ump (jump up and down!)11. Kite: K-ite (fly high in the sky!)12. Lion: L-ion (roar like a lion!)13. Monkey: M-on-key (cheeky monkey!)14. Nose: N-ose (smell the flowers!)15. Orange: Or-ange (orange you glad to see me?)16. Pig: P-ig (oink oink!)17. Queen: Qu-een (royal wave!)18. Rabbit: R-ab-bit (hop hop!)19. Sun: S-un (shine bright!)20. Turtle: T-ur-tle (slow and steady!)Great job, guys! Keep practicing and you’ll be speaking English like a pro in no time. See you next time! Bye bye!。

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