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1.Never will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 2. At no time will we give up learning English. 3.Out rushed the children laughing loudly. 4.Only by working hard can we succeed.
c. He seldom goes to school late. Seldom does he go to school late.
【结论】 含有否定意义的副词或短语如:few, little, never, not, not until, nowhere, rarely, seldom, hardly…when…= no sooner…(than)…,not only…(but also), at no time, by no means等放在句首时,需用部分倒装。
请输入你的题目 1. 在过去,人们很少(little)意识到环保的重要性。 In the past, little did people realize the importance of environment protection. 2.我们不但应该采取有效的措施,而且还要提高人们的环保意识。 Not only should we take effective measures, but we need to enhance people’s awareness of environment protection.
【结论】 地点状语放在句首且谓语动词为be, come, live, lie, go等时用完 全倒装。 【练习】 • In south of the river __li_e_s_____ a small factory.(lie)
• From the valley__c_a_m__e___ a cry.(come)
将整个谓语Biblioteka Baidu词提到主语前。
倒装句的考法: 主要放在写作中考查。能提
高句子的灵活度,提升写作档次。 主要考查与部分倒装相关的重要句 型。
Partial inversion
Full inversion
Inversion 倒装句
Teaching Aim
1. Master the basic knowledge of inversion. 2. Learn to use inversion in real situation by self-study and practice.
请输入你的题目 Full inversion 完全倒装
—__S__o_ _h_a_v_e__ __I___(我也是). 2)If she doesn't agree to the plan, _n_ei_t_h_er_/ _w_i_l_l _ ____I_.(我也不会).
【规则】在 “so…that” 和 “ such…that”结构中,将“so+adj. ”和 “such+n. ”提到句首时,句子用部分倒装。
【例句】 1.There goes the bell. 2.There are many people in the cinema.
【结论】 There lie / exist / stand / live/ go +主语+…是there be 句型的变 式。 【练习】 There__i_s____a tall building on the top of the mountain.(be)
【例句】 1. Only in this way can you learn English well. 2. Only when you are devoted to study can you make progress. 【结论】“only + 状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)”放在句首时,句 子用部分倒装。
【练习】 He spoke so loudly that even people in the next room could hear him.
So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.
5.只有采用这些措施,我们才能减少空气污染。 Only by taking these measures can we reduce the air pollution.
亲爱的,冰箱里有两瓶可乐。 Honey,_t_h_er_e_a_r_e_t_w_o__b_o_tt_l_es__o_f_c_o_k_e___ in the fridge. 只有当我像她身材一样好的时候,我才能喝可乐。 _O_n_l_y__when I am as slim as her, __w_i_ll__ I drink Coke. 她总是这么说,但是我从没见过她这么做过。 ___A_l_w_a_y_s_d_o_e_s____she say so, but__n_e_v_e_r_h_a_v_e__ I seen her do so.
02 部分倒装
a. I did not make a single mistake. Not a single mistake did I make.
b. We have never seen such a sight before. Never before have we seen such a sight.
1.中国将永远不会成为第一个使用核武器的国家。 China will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. 2、我们绝对不能放弃学英语。 We will in no case give up learning English. 3、孩子们大笑着冲了出去。 The children rushed out laughing loudly. 4、只有通过努力工作,我们才会成功。 We can succeed only by working hard.
【训练】请根据以下内容要点,尽量运用倒装句写一篇短 文,介绍自己学习英语的经历。
1.我将永远不会忘记我学习英语的经历。 2.我一上高中就发现英语比以前难学了很多。 3.直到第一次考试不合格,我才意识到我要努力学习英 语,赶上其他同学。 4.我向教师求助,他告诉我无论如何都不能放弃英语学 习。他还给了我一些学习建议:你不仅要牢记单词和好句 子,还要学会正确的运用它们。只有这样,你才能取得进 步。
1.我将永远不会忘记我学习英语的经历。 _N_e_v_e_r __w__il_l I forget my experience of learning English. 2.我一上高中就发现英语比以前难学了很多。 _N_o___s_o_o_n_er_ I had stepped into senior school _t_h_a_n_ I found it much harder to learn English. 3.直到第一次考试不合格,我才意识到我要努力学习英语,赶上其他同学。 And then I failed (in) the first English test. __N_o_t_ _u_n_t_il_ then __d_id_ I realize I should work har to catch up with my classmates.
【规则】as引导让步状语从句时,意为“尽管”= though 要倒装(形容 词/ 副词/ 名词/ 动词 + as + 主语 + 谓语)。
1. Proud as they are,they are afraid to see me.
2. Child as he is,he seems to know everything.
1. __H__a_rd__ as he worked(尽管他努力工作),he made little progress.
2. Much ___a_s_I__li_k_e_i_t ____(虽然我很喜欢), I will not buy it.
【规则】用于某些表示祝愿的句子里。 May you succeed! Long live the People's Republic of China!
3. 尽管他很有钱,但他从不在别人面前炫富。 Rich as he is, he never shows off his wealth in front of others.
4. 私家车如此重要,给人们的生活带来了便利。 So important are private cars that they bring convenience to people’s life.
【结论】 表方位的副词如here/ there/ up/ down/ out/ in/ away等位句首时, 句子完全倒装。
【练习】 • Here __c_o_m_e_s___ the train to Beijing.(come)
1.A tree stood in front of the house. 2.Some English books are on the desk. 1.In front of the house stood a tree. 2.On the desk are some English books
1.At no time _d_i_d__ they actually break the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.(2013 辽宁,26)
2.Not until recently _d_i_d__ they encourage the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.(2016 江苏,34)
There __s_ta_n_d_s_a splendid statue in the park.(stand)
从前有座山, 山里有座庙, 庙里有个老和尚。
There was a mountain. On the mountain stood a temple. In the temple lived an old monk.
1.An apple fell down from the tree. 2.The girl went away. 3.Your dog runs here.
1. Down fell an apple from the tree. 2. Away went the girl. 3. Here runs your dog.
【例句】 1.Such is Zhu Yilong, a famous young actor. 2.Such are the facts.
【结论】such, the following等放句首时, 句子要完全倒装。 。
【练习】 • Such ___is______ life.(be) • The following___i_s_____ the answer to the question.(be)
只有你能保护我 Only you can protect me.
【规则】在以so, nor, neither开头,表示谓语所述的情况也 适用于另一个人或一事物的肯定或否定句中。
【例句】He has been to Beijing. So have I.
Jack can not answer the question. Neither / Nor can I. 【练习】 1) — I've got a large amount of work to do.
【衔接高考】Only when you find peace in your heart _c_a_n_/_w__il_l__ you keep good relationships with each other.(2014湖南,29)
【注意】 only之后跟的不是状语时不可倒装。