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共 6 页第 1 页

三、根据英文缩写写出中文含义(每题 0.5 分,二十个小题,共 10 分)

1). CDMA2). ALU

3). DAS4). HLL

5). SCR6). I/O

7). MIPS8). MMX

9). DCS10). HDD

11). PLA12). VSWR

13). DC14). FDM

15). GBW16). TDM

17). IP18). DCT

19). MRI20). PCM

四、将下列句子翻译为中文(每题 2 分,五个小题,共 10 分)

1). At present, the state of most semiconductor device technology is such that the device design and process technology must be supplemented by screening and inspection procedures, if ultimate device reliability is to be obtained and controlled.

2). The converter is essentially a highly over –sampling 1-bit ADC (the comparator) followed by digital filtering and decimation to realize the processing gain. The effective performance of the converter is greatly enhanced by the addition of circuitry to shape the quantization noise such that, instead of being uniformly spread throughout the 0 to fs/2 band, it is minimized in the band of interest.

3). Although the individual integrated circuits might cost as little as 10 cents each, the cost of designing the printed circuit board for such a system and the cost of assembling the board are very significant and this design style is no longer cost-effective.

4). Rather than just matching the abilities of the human ear, these systems are designed to exceed the limits of hearing. It's the only way to be sure that the reprod uced music is pristine.

5). In the case that the object types in a video sequence belong to known object classes, knowledge-based coding can be employed, which uses a wireframe specially designed to describe the recognized object type. Several approaches have been developed to code human heads using predefined wireframes. Using a predefined wireframe increases coding efficiency because it is adapted to the shape of the object. Sometimes. this technique is also referred to as model based coding.

五、将下列句子翻译为相应的英文(每题 3 分,五个小题,共 30 分)

1). 在测量应用中,选择合适的探头是获得最佳信号保真度的关键。在高频测量中,采用有源探头可以获得更加真实的信号再现效果和保真度。

2). “模块化”是软件提供的一个重要优势。当进行大型项目时,工程师和科学家采取的一般方法是把任务分解为若干个“可解”功能单元。这些“子任务”便于管理、易于测试,降低了“依赖性”(“依赖性”可能造成不可预料行为)。用户可以设计虚拟仪器来解决每一个子任务,然后把它们连接成一个完整系统来解决更大的任务。实现这种分解的难易程度依赖于软件的基础结构。


4). 信号处理还可以满足以下需求:在不损失重要信息的前提下,对信号的频率成分进行压缩、赋以新的格式并以低数据率进行传输,从而减小可用带宽。和数字移动射频系统、运动图像专家组(MPEG)录放设备和高清晰度电视一样,在高速调制解调器和ADPCM 中也大量使用数据压缩算法。

5). “硬核”是一种在芯片电路级设计的、具有特定功能的逻辑模块。微处理器就是典型的“硬核”,微处理器和特定芯片制造商的半导体生产工艺是联系在一起的。微控器或片上系统可能全部都是“硬核”,也可能是由“硬核”(硬连线)和“软核"(可编程)组合而成的。
