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1. 给人/ 动物食物feed sb./sth. ___ sth. feed sth.____ sb./ sth.

以…为食________ 对..厌倦__________

2. 没有胃口,食欲_______________ He has no appetite _____ hard work

3. 非常渴望be desperate ____ sth. 非常渴望做某事be desperate ___ ____sth.

4. hold on ______,______ hold on to ________,___________, __________

5. 可以替换as soon as 引导时间状语从句的名词:




6. 我刚一进屋,就下起了雨。

I _____ no sooner _____ into the room than it began to rain.

Na sooner ____ _____ ______ into the room than it began to rain.

类似的结构还有:__________________ ____________________

7. 把下面句子分别变成倒装句和强调句。

I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.



8. 喜爱… ____ ____ ____

9. ___________(finish) their homework , they went out to play.

10. 打算做某事intend ____ ____ something 打算让某人做某事____________________

为某人/ 目的而计划__________________________

The film ____ _____ _____ children only.

11. 分配,分给distribute sth. ___/ ____sb. n. ________

12. 某事是某人所关心,担心的事情________________________


对…担心be concerned _______ 关于…be concerned ______

13. 保存,安置…位置__________________

14. 无拘无束____ _____ ______

15. 点燃的蜡烛_____________ 灯火通明的街道__________________

16. 使…进监狱_________________ 贫困线___________________

17. 在他30岁出头的时候_________________

18. 使某人注意到__________________ 吸引某人的注意力_________________ Module 4

1. make up _____________________________________

由…组成________________ ________________

2.I can dance ___ the song.

3.prefer _______ rather than _____ prefer that sb. ________


5.肩并肩,并排____________ ______________



做实验____/ ________/ _______ an experiment ____/___ sth

7. approach 请翻译以下短语


2 ) 去机场的所有的路


8. 利用;欺骗______________优缺点______________________

9. 对…厌烦________________ 在下降,再衰退___________

10. 除了,除了…之外还______________

11.____________ 而不是_______________除了

12. 几天前的某一天_________________,与___________搭配使用

13. 意味着_____________ 打算做____________ 打算让某人成为/ 做_____________


14. 这不是我喜欢的东西。________________________

15. concentrate (sth) ________ sth./ doing sth. 聚精会神,集中精力

concentrate your _______ /________ /_________/_______ on sth.

16.____________________ 应该;意图是,打算;一般认为

17. arise ______ _______ arouse _______ _______

rise ______ ______ raise _______ _______

Injuries _____ out of /from road accidents. He fell into a sound sleep, don’t ______ him.

The lecture ______ my interest. Steam can be seen ________ from the wet clothes.

He is in charge of ________ funds.

18. 有幸享有_____________ 超出预算____________ 在预算之内___________

19. 释放囚犯_____________ 发行新专辑________________

20. ______________________ 沉溺于…

21. 尝试,实验_____________ 试穿_________________

22. 与…相处融洽________________ 徒劳的,白费力气的______________

23. They claimed _____ ______ _________(discover) a cure for the disease.

They claimed that _______ ______ _______ a cure for the disease.

24. 远远不令人满意_____________________ 一点也不_________________

25. approve vi. 赞同~ _______ sth./sb.

Vt. 通过n. ____________

26. 提醒,使想起_________________ __________________ adj. 令人耳目一新的

27. quit __________ ____________ ______________ (过去式,过去分词,现在分词)

放弃表演_______________ 我戒了烟。________________

28. 给…留下了印象_______ /_________/_________an impression on


1. 给人/ 动物食物feed sb./sth. on sth. feed sth. to sb./ sth.

以…为食feed on 对..厌倦be fed up with

2. 没有胃口,食欲lose one’s appetite he has no appetite for hard work

3. 非常渴望be desperate for sth. 非常渴望做某事be desperate to do sth.

4. hold on 坚持住,别挂断hold on to 抓住,不卖(财产…)不放弃主张,计划

5. 可以替换as soon as 引导时间状语从句的名词:the moment, the second, the minute, the instant副词:hardly, scarcely, immediately, directly, instantly等on arriving, on one’s arrival 结构也可以表示”一…就…”

6. 我刚一进屋,就下起了雨。

I had no sooner gone into the room than it began to rain.
