英汉互译 参考译文
red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。
red figure:赤字red ink:赤字in the red:亏损red-ink entry:赤字分录red balance:赤字差额good luck:红运dividen: 红利wedding: 红事red wine :红酒red ruin 火灾red battle 血战red sky 彩霞red flag红旗brown sugar红糖black tea红茶honour roll红榜love pea红豆a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人 a yellow livered 胆小鬼Yellow Pages 黄页Yellow Book 黄皮书yellow boy (俗)金币green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster:十分嫉妒blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如:blue-eyed boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照顾的职工a blue moon:千载难逢的机会;绝无可能out of blue 意想不到once in a blue 千载难逢drink till all’s blue 一醉方休blue-sky market:露天市场blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的工人blue chip:热门证券blue button:喻指有权进入股票交易的经纪人blue-sky law:蓝法blue sky bargaining:漫天讨价white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”white goods:指的是体积大、单价高的家用电器用具white money:银币white coal:水力white sale:大减价the white way:白光大街black in the face 脸色铁青黑心evil mind 黑手evil backstage manipulator 黑幕inside story黑线 a sinister line害群之马black sheep 凶日black day暗淡的前途black future怒目而视to look black at someoneblack money:黑钱black market:黑市交易或黑市black market price:黑市价格black figure / in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差black figure nation:国际收支顺差国interest in the black:应收利息red ink 赤字in the black 盈利grey market:半黑市grey area:灰色地区black and blue 青一块紫一块办公室职员office staff 办公室主任office administrator归国留学生returned student 正教授full professor 讲师lecturer; instructor助教assistant (teacher) 保送生student by recommendation博士生导师doctoral advisor 大学本科生undergraduate (student)化验员chemical analyst 技师, 技术员technician 检验员inspector 建筑师architect院士academician 助理工程师assistant engineer 编辑editor 主编editor in chief高级编辑; 编审senior editor 翻译translator; interpreter节目主持人anchor在职研究生in-service graduate student 研究员research fellow副研究员associate research fellowas timid as a hare 胆小如鼠at a stone's throw一箭之遥wet like a drown rat湿如落汤鸡as stupid as a goose蠢得像猪as stubborn as a mule 犟得像牛 have a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下to be out at elbows 捉襟见肘at one’s wit’s end 山穷水尽a velvet paw 笑里藏刀to find a quarrel in a straw 吹毛求疵Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞。
许渊冲译文:不见棺材不掉泪。 / 不到俄 岛我不倒。
马红军译文:落败孤岛孤败落。 / 若非孤 岛孤非弱。
Better late than the late.
晚了总比完了好。 宁迟一时,不迟一世。 慢行回家, 快行回老家。
You reckon your Dodge would help you up to all these dodges again?
Begot by butchers, but by butchers bred, / How high his highness holds his haughty head.
译文一:屠夫所生,屠夫所养;如此高贵, 这般高尚。
君居屠户屋,君属屠户后;俯仰何佼佼, 倨傲俨倬倬。
你以为坐上你的道奇跑车就可以再 次跑掉么?
The output of the U.N. has not been commensurate with the input.
联合国所起的作用与其所耗的费用已不 相称了。
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
马红军译文:Monastical men make monks, / But become Buddhas barely; / Miserable maidens make maids, / Styled slaves so squarely.
三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined,
Equal Zhu Geliang the mastermind.
常见的中文词汇英译版及翻译1. 问候语 (Greetings)1.1 你好(nǐ hǎo)•英译:Hello•翻译:常见的中文问候语,用于打招呼或开场白。
1.2 早上好(zǎo shàng hǎo)•英译:Good morning•翻译:用于早晨时间段的问候语。
1.3 下午好(xià wǔ hǎo)•英译:Good afternoon•翻译:用于下午的问候语。
1.4 晚上好(wǎn shàng hǎo)•英译:Good evening•翻译:用于晚上的问候语。
2. 谢谢 (Thank you)2.1 谢谢(xiè xie)•英译:Thank you•翻译:表达对他人的感激之情,用于接受礼物、帮助等情况下。
2.2 非常感谢(fēi cháng gǎn xiè)•英译:Thank you very much•翻译:表示非常感激,程度更强烈。
2.3 不用谢(bù yòng xiè)•英译:You’re welcome•翻译:用于回答对方的感谢,表示不需要对方客气。
3. 问候 (Asking about well-being)3.1 你好吗?(nǐ hǎo ma)•英译:How are you?•翻译:用于问候对方的身体或心情状况。
3.2 最近怎么样?(zuì jìn zěn me yàng)•英译:How have you been?•翻译:用于询问对方近期的生活状况,一般带有关心的语气。
3.3 好久不见!(hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn)•英译:Long time no see!•翻译:用于长时间未见面后的问候语,表达对再次见到对方的高兴之情。
4. 口头禅 (Phrases)4.1 对不起(duì bù qǐ)•英译:Sorry•翻译:用于表示道歉或请求原谅。
1. 英文翻译成中文:
- She is a beautiful and talented actress.
- The weather is sunny and warm today.
- He is studying hard to prepare for the exam.
2. 中文翻译成英文:
- 我喜欢阅读各种不同类型的书籍。
I like reading various types of books.
- 这个城市有很多美丽的公园和历史建筑。
This city has many beautiful parks and historic buildings.
- 我们应该珍惜时间,充分利用每一分钟。
We should cherish time and make full use of every minute.
英汉互译(一)第4课参考译文1. Greater Panama has a population of 695,000, accounting for / which accounts for more than one third the country’s total.2. Last summer vacation I went with my parents on a sightseeing tour along the Panama Canal, which / and that is still fresh in my memory.3. Panama City has a hot and humid climate, with / as it has an annual average temperature of 26.9℃and an average annual rainfall of 1903 mm.4. When news of her failure came, Madame Curie still smiled, without showing the slightest pain or unease, as if it had never happened.5. It’s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to face internal perplexities.Wang MianHowever / In spite of that, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was born an extraordinary man / a man of a unique character, who was named / was called / went by the name of Wang Mian, and (who) lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang // whose name was Wang Mian, and who lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang // who, by the name of Wang Mian, lived in a village in Zhuji County, Zhejiang. When he was seven his father died / At seven he lost his father, so / but / and his mother took in sewing so that he could study at the village school. Soon three years had passed and Wang Mian was ten (years old) / ten years of age / aged ten. His mother called him to her and said, “Son / Child / Boy, it’s not that I want to stand in your way / to hold you back. But since your father died, leaving / and left me a widow // since your father’s death, leaving / which left me a widow, I have had nothing coming in / no income. The harvest is bad, and fuel and rice (are) expensive. Some of our few old clothes and few pieces of old furniture have been pawned, and others of them (have been) sold / Our few old clothes and few pieces of old furniture have been pawned or sold. How can I pay for your schooling / pay your tuition / send you to school with nothing but what / the money that I make / earn by sewing for others? Now I have no choice / no alternative // Now there is nothing for it but to hire you out to our neighbour to graze his buffalo. You’ll be making a little money every month, and you’ll have free meals to eat too / get free meals too. You start / begi n right tomorrow.”“Yes / Ok / All right, Mother,” said Wang Mian. “I feel bored (when / while) sitting in school anyway / I find it boring sitting in school anyway. It’s more pleasant grazing a buffalo / I’d rather graze a buffalo / I prefer to graze a buffalo. If I want to study, I can take a few books along to read all the same.” So that very night the matter was decided.The next morning his mother took him to Old Qin’s next door. He gave them breakfast, and when they had finished, he led out a water buffalo and made it over to Wang Mian.From then on, Wang Mian looked after the Qins’ buffalo single-mindedly; and every evening he went home to sleep. Sometimes, when the Qins gave /cooked him salted fish or bacon to eat, he would wrap it up in a lotus leaf and take it home to his mother. He didn’t buy snacks to eat with each day’s snack money either // He also saved each day’s snack money / the snack money he was given each day, and every month or so (he) would seize an opportunity to go to the village school to buy / where he would buy a few old / secondhand books from the book vendor making his rounds. Every day, when he had tethered the buffalo, he would sit down in the shade of / under/ beneath the willows to read / and read // he would sit in the shade of the willows reading / andread.。
第20课1. Bon appetite. (饭前说) / Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself. (饭后说)2. This is a gift for your memory. Hope you like it.3. “You’ve found a better job, haven’t you?” “Not at all. I am still in my old trade.”4. 我失陪一会儿。
5. “今晚如果有空,你可以和我们一起块去看电影。
”“到时候再说吧!”Endurance (2)The camel conquers the desert while the pigeon conquers the air / and the pigeon (conquers) the air.The camel cannot run as fast as the horse, nor can the pigeon fly with as much agility / as agilely as the petrel. But both camel and pigeon are hardy / have endurance. Their endurance is so great / such that both the raging sandstorm and the violent typhoon lose countenance in their presence / as to put to shame both the raging sandstorm and the violent typhoon.Their great endurance enables them to get to any place / any destination they want to. Seldom is any camel found to have dropped dead in the midst of a desert, nor is any pigeon discovered to have fallen halfway across the sea.Both camel and pigeon are gentleness itself / very gentle, // Neither camel nor pigeon is fierce, (with) their eyes always twinkling timidly / with timidity. But their eyes are never blinded by any sandstorm, and can always endure / bear / stand the lashing of a furious tempest.The camel’s hump is (like) an arch bridge linking up the cultures of (the) East and (the) West, and the jingling of its bell is the most reliable courier / messenger and the most exciting message.The pigeon is a most trustworthy / loyal messenger, who can deliver secret intelligence to a military commander with (unerring) accuracy / accurately.The pigeon whistle is ringing again overhead / over my head. To me, however, the sound does not seem faint, but instead / rather the whole firmament seems to be paling / fading into insignificance // to be becoming insignificant in comparison with it…。
译文翻译大全 Translation DictionaryAAccount 账户;账号Accurate 准确的Achievement 成就;成绩Action 行动;作用Adapt 适应;改编Address 地址Advantage 优势Advertising 广告BBalance 平衡;余额Beauty 美丽;美妙Behavior 行为;举止Bold 大胆的;勇敢的Book 书籍;本子CCareful 仔细的Challenge 挑战;难题Championship 冠军赛Character 字符;角色Church 教堂DData 数据;资料Debt 债务Decision 决定;抉择Description 描述;描写 Design 设计;布置EEducation 教育Electricity 电Employment 雇佣;就业 Energy 能量;力量Engineer 工程师FFamiliar 熟悉的Fashion 时尚;潮流Finance 金融;财政Forgive 宽恕;饶恕Freedom 自由;自主GGift 礼物Goal 目标;目的Golf 高尔夫Government 政府;行政 HHabit 习惯;习性Hall 大厅;厅堂Harmful 有害的Healthy 健康的History 历史IIdentity 身份;本质 Income 收入;收益Interest 兴趣;利息 Interview 面试;会谈 Involve 包含;牵扯JJob 工作;职务Judge 审判;裁定KKitchen 厨房;厨具Knowledge 知识;学问 LLanguage 语言Liberty 自由;豁达Lifestyle 生活方式Logic 逻辑;推理MMajor 专业;主要Mark 标志;印记Material 物质;材料Mile 英里;里程NNature 自然;本质Negative 负面的;消极的 Notice 通告;注意OObject 物体;目标Opinion 意见;看法Organization 组织;机构 PPayment 付款;费用Performance 表演;表现 Pollution 污染;环境污染 Position 位置;姿势QQuantity 数量;量Question 问题;疑问RRace 种族;人种Religion 宗教;信仰Response 回应;答复Reward 奖励;报酬SService 服务;业务Skill 技能;技巧Social 社会的;社交的 Solution 解决方案;溶液 TTeacher 老师;教师Technique 技术;方法Team 团队;组织Technology 技术;科技 Thought 思想;想法UUnit 单位;部门University 大学VValuable 有价值的Victory 胜利;成功 Vision 视觉;远见WWorth 价值;可取之处 XX-ray X光YYard 码;院子Year 年;一年ZZone 区域;地带。
翻译作业2 译文点评
批注 [xiao3]: 注意借助上文 relationship 正确理解词义。即 使没有上下文,也不能理解为“更有钱了”,因为本句谈论 的是夫妻双方的关系,从逻辑上与财富没任何关系。
批注 [xiao7]: 物质至上的 批注 [xiao8]: 目的
这种实利主义的观念严重的影响着教育。现在,越来越少的年轻人仅仅为了求 知本身的乐趣而学习,每一门功课都要有一定的导向,比如为了获得更高的薪酬。 技能型人才供不应求,大公司竞相在学生尚未毕业时就录用他们,为他们提供的诱 人的薪水和附加福利。这样的人才录用策略已导致“人才流失”,也就是高技能人 才流向出最高价码的雇主。富国就这样从相邻的穷国掠走了他们最富才干的公民。 在对财神的膜拜已经史无前例的今天,富者更富,穷者更穷。
不只是在富裕的社会里人们才沉迷于赚钱,消费品到处受到人们热捧,现代工 业主动出击不断开辟新市场。以前工业品做得坚固耐用的日子已经一去不复返了。 工业化的车轮必须滚滚向前,商品内在的过时性提供了一个办法:制造产品的目的 就是要淘汰的,轿车造得越来越单薄。人们刚刚买到今年的新款式就开始考虑寻找 它的替代品了。
4. It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are the days when industrial goods were made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning. “Built-in obsolescence” provides the means: goods are made to be discarded. Cars get thinner and thinner. You no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement.
第16课1. We hate to see any country or group of countries pushing hegemony and power politics.2. World multi-polarization and economic globalization are developing despite twists and turns.3. With the rapid extinction of many wild species, more and more people are gradually realizing the great significance of wildlife protection.4. 在妊娠期,男性胎儿多于女性胎儿,比例约为110:100。
5. 现在人们能够登录上网,在以计算机扬声器“播放”分类音乐的许多站点中进行选择。
Make Joint Efforts to Advance Man’s Lofty Cause of Peace and Development—2008 New Year Message by Hu Jintao (II)At present, the overall international situation is / remains stable // the international situation as a whole is / remains stable // the international situation is / remains stable on the whole, but at the same time, with (global) economic imbalance growing / growing more serious / deteriorating (globally) and the international security situation becoming more complicated, man is faced with / is confronted with / is facing an increase in troubles / difficulties and challenges. Sharing the opportunities for development, meeting / responding to / facing / confronting the challenges together / jointly and pushing forward man’s lofty cause of peace and development are the common wishes of people in all countries. Here I would like to avail myself of / take advantage of this opportunity to reiterate that China will hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation and make unremitting efforts to follow the road of peace and development and to implement the opening-up strategy which brings mutual benefit and double(-)win / win-win. She will continue to commit / devote / apply herself to pushing forward the democratization of international relations, to helping economic globalization develop in the direction of balance, universal benefit and double win, to promoting exchange and mutual learning between different human civilizations, to protecting / taking care of man’s home—the earth—on which he depends / relies for survival, and to safeguarding / preserving / maintaining world peace and stability.At this moment, we are deeply / greatly concerned about / over / with people suffering from war / the flames of war, poverty, disease, and disaster. We Chinese people are sincerely deeply / profoundly sympathetic with them in their misfortune / (painful) experiences and willing to do our utmost / our best / everything in our power / everything possible to help // spare no efforts in helping them out of / to extricate themselves from their plight / misery as early as possible. And we sincerely hope that people of all nations will live in freedom, equality, harmony, and happiness under the same blue sky, sharing the fruits of man’s peace and development.In 2008, the 29th Summer Olympic Games and Paralympics will be held in Beijing. We, as host, will spare no effort and enthusiasm in trying to turn the two occasions into grand gatherings that will enhance / boost the mutual understanding and friendly cooperation between the Chinese people and people of the rest of the world. We warmly welcome athletes from all nations to China to participate in the Olympics and Paralympics, and welcome friends from around the world as well to this country to watch the games.Finally, from Beijing, I wish you all a new year of happiness and good health / the best of health // I wish you happiness and good health / the best of health in the new year!。
人说我们不过如此, 这话根本无需介意, 即使笨拙不堪, 仍会不懈努力, 我愿一直守望那燃烧的永恒之火, 我将坚定守护你所有的狂热梦想, 我就是那时光之沙, 沉淀在沙漏的底端, 我试图想象没有你的未来, 可我做不到, 因为我们将永恒不朽, 即使这样也不够长久,不够,
E.g. I'll be the watcher , Of the eternal flame. I'll be the guard dog, Of all your fever dreams. 译文1:我会是 永恒之火的潜心观测者 我会是 你狂热梦想的护卫犬 译文2:我愿一直守望那燃烧的永恒之火 我将坚定守护你所有的狂热梦想 改译:我将是那永恒之火的观测者 我将是你狂热梦想的守卫犬
Immortals, Just not for long, for long, And live with me forever now, Pull the blackout curtains down, Just not for long, for long, Because we could be
Immooooooo- Immortals,
Immooooooo- Immortals, Immooooooo- Immortals, Immooooooo- Immortals,
我试图想象没有你的画面,但 我做不到, 因为我们能成为不朽, 并不会太久,不会太久, 现在和我永远在一起, 拉下黑色窗帘, 并不会久,不会太久, 因为我们能成为不朽, 不朽, 不朽, 不朽,
2.翻译要符合原文文体特征, 例如这是篇歌词,既要翻译的 符合原文意义,又要符合歌词 朗朗上口的特点。
3.歌词翻译要直译意译相结 合。
1. 英文翻译成中文:
- 书籍是人类进步的阶梯。
Books are the ladder of human progress.
- 生活就像一面镜子,你若对她笑,她就对你笑。
Life is like a mirror. If you smile at her, she will smile at you.
2. 中文翻译成英文:
- 知识就是力量。
Knowledge is power.
- 塞翁失马,焉知非福。
A blessing in disguise.
3. 中文翻译成中文:
- 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country.
- 海纳百川,有容乃大。
The ocean is vast because it admits all rivers.
09年英汉互译The Texas Ruffian(无赖)他是个精力充分的人,雄心勃勃,永不安分。
作为一名伟大的杰出人物,,成就斐然之士兼华盛顿典型公民,他觉察自己与华盛顿众多重要场合格格不入——夹在一群打了香水、有着东部血统的城市宠儿面前,自己成了德州土生土长的流氓胚子, 匪气逼人。
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So Mr. Osborne, having a firm conviction in his own mind that he was a woman-killer and destined to conquer, did not run counter to this fate, but yielded himself up to it quite complacently. And as Emmy did not say much or plague him with her jealousy, but merely became unhappy and pined over it miserably in secret, he chose to fancy that she was not suspicious of what all his acquaintance were perfectly aware—namely, that he was carrying on a desperate flirtation with Mrs. Crawley. He rode with her whenever she was free. He pretended regimental business to Amelia (by which falsehood she was not in the least deceived), and consigning his wife to solitude or her brother’s society, passed his evenings in the Crawley’s company; losing money to the husband, and flattering himself that the wife was dying of love for him.
W. M. 萨克雷
4.And as Emmy…Crawley:可用拆译法。
5.in the Crawley’s company:跟克劳莱夫妇混在一起。
6.dying of love:爱得要死。