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Unit 1 Going to different places


必备词组:go swimming去游泳go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼go riding去骑车兜风go dancing 去跳舞

重点句子:Where would you like to go in the holiday?(假日你想去哪儿度假?)

I’d like to go to the countryside.(我想去乡下)

Where did you go on the holiday?(假期你去哪里了?)

Did you go to Huang Mountain? (你去黄山了吗?)

Unit2 What’s the weather like today?


必背词组:enjoy oneself玩的开心get off下车have to不得不eat snacks吃零食stay at home呆在家里重点句子:

What’s the weather like today?(今天天气怎么样?)

It’s sunny.(晴天)

I like……because I can …….(我喜欢…….因为我能……)

eg: I like music because I can play the piano.

I don’t like……because ……(我不喜欢……因为……)

eg: I don’t math because it’s difficult to learn.

Unit3 Let’s play with doctors

必背单词:earache耳朵痛toothache牙痛stomachache胃痛cold冷temperature体温cough咳嗽headache头痛sweet甜的medicine药物bandage绷带kiss吻zookeeper动物园管理员knee膝盖必背词组::run a temperature发烧all night整晚all right好吧 a lot of许多too much太多

重点句型:What’s the matter with…….? (……怎么了?)

……has/have got a headache.(……头痛。)

Have you got a toothache? (你牙痛吗?)

Unit4 I can see with my eyes


必背词组:each part of ……的每一部分help….to…帮助….做…. In many different ways用各种不同的方法

重点句型:(1)I can…..with…… (我能用……做….)

I can see with my eyes.

I can hear with my ears.

I can touch with my hands.

(2) do sth. without …….

It moves without any arms or legs.(它不用胳膊或腿来移动)

She can’t read without her glasses. (她不戴眼镜就无法看书)

Unit5 Simon Paul lives in the country

必背单词:country乡下field田地forest 森林island小岛mountain大山sofa沙发cousin堂兄弟姐妹live居住city 城市

必背词组:near a lake在湖的附by a river在河边next to a supermarket在超市旁breathe clean air呼吸新鲜空气have a picnic野餐see a film看电影meet lots of people见到许多人visit friends拜访朋友go fishing去钓鱼


(1)Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend? (你想这个周末去拜访你的Bob堂兄吗?)

(2)I don’t like going to the city. (我不喜欢去城市。)

(3) What can you do in the city? (你能在城市里做什么?)

Unit 6 I’d like a glass of water.

必背单词:tea茶coffee咖啡glass杯子juice果汁bowl碗soup汤bottle瓶子lemonade 柠檬汁pasta意大利面cry哭nothing没有什么pick捡起moment时刻

必背词组:a cup of tea一杯茶 a cup of coffee一杯咖啡 a glass of water一杯水 a bottle of juice一瓶果汁a bowl of soup一碗汤 a bottle of lemonade一瓶柠檬汁 a bag of popcorn一袋爆米花 a box of toys一盒玩具a pair of shoes一双鞋

重点句型:What would you like? I’d like a cup of tea.

Would you like a glass of milk? Yes, I would. / No, thank you.

Unit7 I’ve got to go and see!


必背词组:put on上演in the yard在院子里on the tree在树上knock at the door敲门look out of the window 向窗外看

重点句型:You’ve got to go and see. (你的去看看。)

How many windows are there in your classroom? (你的教室有多少个窗户?)

Unit8 Who is the first?




必背词组:want to想要come back home回家go home回家have nothing to do无所事事lots of许多的重点句型:Which floor do you live in?(你住在几楼?)

I live in the ninth floor. (我住在九楼。)

Unit9 I like sunny days but I don’t like rainy days.

必背单词:sand沙子boat小船sunbathe日光浴ride骑trunk象鼻need需要cute可爱的cloudy 多云的windy有风的sunny晴天的

必背词组:take off脱下drop down掉下look up向上看come from从….来

重点句型:(1) Why do you like ……? eg: Why do you like sunny days?

(2) I like ….. but I don’t like……eg: I like bananas but I don’t like oranges.

Unit10 Let’s guess.


重点句型:She is a person who teaches children at school.(她是在学校教孩子的人。)

This is a thing that we can use to take photos. (这是一个我们可以用来照相的东西。)

Unit11 What’s your hobby?

必背单词:table tennis乒乓球tennis网球badminton羽毛球baseball棒球hockey曲棍球basketball篮球skating滑冰football足球piano钢琴comic漫画film电影

重点句型:(1) What’s your hobby? I like to…… / I like doing…….

(2) What did you do yesterday? I went fishing yesterday.
