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英语科学案序号8-7 初二年级10,19 班教师朱洪生学生___

Grammar 动词时态(完成时背诵版)

Learning Aim:(学习目的):熟练掌握现在完成时和过去完成时的基本句型

Learning Content::掌握现在完成时和过去完成时的时间状语和标志词及短暂性动词与一段时间连用时的变化。

Learning Procedure:(学习步骤):

Step 1:要点学习


1. 动作发生时间:过去发生的动作对现在造成的结果或影响;过去开始延续到现在的动作或状态。

2. 时间词:already, yet, so far, in the last/ past few years, just, recently, since…


1) 我已经吃过早餐了。I have already eaten breakfast.

2) 她看过这部电影? 不,还没有Has she seen this movie yet? No, not yet.

注意:already(已经)用于肯定句, 可紧跟在have/has后,也可放句尾。

… yet(….没有/了吗?)用于疑问句,常位于句尾。not yet (还没有) 用于否定句。

3) 你曾经去过北京吗?Have you ever been to Beijing?

4) 她从来没有读过这本书。She has never read this book.

5) 我参观这个博物馆两次。I have visited the museum twice.

6) 我以前没有听说过这个故事。I have never heard of the story before.

7) 到目前为止我已经学了3000个单词了。I have learnt 3000 words so far.

8) 我刚刚完成了作业。I have just finished my homework. 区别过去时:I bought a book just now.

9) 我自从2000年学英语。I have studied English since 2000.

10) 她收集邮票多久了?How long has she collected stamps?

11) 她收集邮票已经10年了。She has collected stamps for 10 years./ since 10 years ago.

12) 过去十年中国发生了很大的变化。Great changes have taken place in China in the past ten years.

3. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别


过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情, 强调动作;


yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, one day , the other day等。

用When 提问的疑问句用一般过去时,不用现在完成时。When不与现在完成时连用。

★区别过去时:1) 她什么时候开始收集邮票的?When did she start collecting stamps?


2) 她十年前开始收集邮票的。She started collecting stamps ten years ago.

She started collecting stamps in 1992.

4. 短暂性动词与一段时间连用时的变化形式:在现在完成时表动作的持续性的用法中,

标识词since/ for/how long,必须用延续性动词;需把短暂性动词(也叫瞬间动词)改为对应的延续性动词.


open --- have/has been open; close ---have/has been closed;

arrive/ come / go--- have/has been in; begin/ start --- have/has been on;

leave--- have/has been away (from) die---have/has been dead;

buy --- have/has had; join --- have/has been(in)

borrow--- have/has kept; finish- have/has been over


1) The shop has opened. The shop has been open for 2 hours.

2) The shop has closed. The shop has been closed for 2 hours.

3) He has come to Zhongshan already. He has been in Zhongshan since last week.

4) He has gone to Guangzhou. He has been in Guangzhou for a week.

5) He has left Zhongshan. He has been away from ZS for a year.

6) The dog has died. The dog has been dead for two days.

7) He has bought a computer. He has had a computer for a week.

8) He has just borrowed a book. He has kept a book for a week.

9) He has joined the army. He has been in the army since 2000. / He has been a soldier since 2000.

10) She has married. She has been married for 6 years.

11) The film has finished. The film has been over for 10 minutes.

12) The TV program has started/ begun. The TV program has been on for an hour.

5. have been to…表示“去过某地,已回来”, 可接次数eg: He has been to Beijing twice.

have gone to…表示“去某地了,还没回来”,一般指第三者

eg: -- Are your parents in? --Sorry, they aren’t here. They have gone to Beijing.

have been in/at…表示“一直待在某地”, 可接一段时间eg: They have been in China for 2 years. 注意:碰到here/there/home等副词时,要省略to/ in/ at.

1. -- Where is Mr Green? – He has gone home. (已经回家了。)

2. Jim has gone to America. He has been there for three months.(已经在那儿三个月了。)

3. Have you been to Beijing? Yes, I have been there twice. (已去过两次了。)

