接力版小学英语六年级上册 lesson1

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There be句型的一般疑问句
1. There is a computer in the room. Is there a computer in the room?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
2. There are some shoes under the bed. Are there any shoes under the bed?
There be句型
There be 句型表示的是:某地有某物或某人。
例句: 1. There is a dog in the room. 2. There is some coffee in the cup. 3. There are some dogs in the room.
There be句型的基本结构
改错 请指出对话中错误的地方
Are there any animals in the park? NAor,etthheerereisann’ty. animals in the park? No, there aren’t. AArreetthheereresoamnye ttrreeeess iinn tthheeppaarrkk?? YYeess,, tthheerreeaarer.e. HHooww mmaannyytrtere easreartheetrhee?re? TThheerreeisareeigehitg.ht.
Is there
How many
there isn’t Are there
there aren’t
总 结
字母c在单词中发[ k]的音。
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candle 蜡烛
Are there any candles on the cake? Yes, there are. How many candles are there? There are five. Are there any gifts on the table? No, there aren’t.
1.There are four apples on the tree. 改成一般疑问句: Are there any apples on the tree? 。 2. There are some birds in the tree. 改成一般疑问句: Are there any birds in the tree? 3.There are five books in the bag. 改成特殊疑问句: How many books are there ?
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Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
总 结
对there be句型进行提问
1. There are two computers in the room. How many computers are there ?
2. There is some coffee on the table. How much coffee is there ?
What is Chenchen doing? What are his family doing? Why are they busy?
Enjoy reading
It’s very hot.
There is no water in the river.
The bird is very thirsty(口渴).
a/an 名词单数
There is
不可数名词 There is a monkey on the tree.
There are 名词复数
There are some birds on the tree.
There be句型的基本结构
若句子中有几个并列主 语时, be动词的形式 采取就近原则。即看be 动词后的第一个名词, 单数就用is,复数用are。
He looks for water here and there.
Enjoy reading
Then he finds a bottle. There is some water in it. But he can’t get the water.
The bird sees some small stones(石头). He has an idea(主意). He can put the stones into the bottle.
对there be句型的数量进行提问,有以下两种 结构: 1. How many +名词复数 +are there ?
2. HowBiblioteka Baidumuch +不可数名词 +is there ?
1.There are many monkeys in the zoo. 2.There is a beautiful garden in our school. 3.There is some water in the cup. 4.There is some bread on the table. 5. Are there any photos on the wall? No, there are no photos. 6. There are some trees near the house. 7. Is there a cup of tea on the table?
总 结
ck组合在单词中发[ k]的音。
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There be句型的否定形式
树上没有鸟。 There isn’t any bird on the tree. There aren’t any birds on the tree. 总 在be动词后加not, 结 some变成any。 There is no bird on the tree. 注 not后一定要加上any, 意 否则用no来进行否定 There are no birds on the tree.