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1912 Death of Emma Hardy.
February, 6, 1914 Married Florence Dugdale
Westminster Abbey
• 哈代在英国文坛上 曾一度被忽视,20 世纪以来他的声誉 逐渐上升,晚年倍 受英国人推崇。
• 死后遗体葬在伦敦 威斯特敏斯特教堂 的诗人之角,心葬 在了家乡多塞特郡。
1962 Started working for Arthur Blomfield in London. 1863 Awarded a cash prize for architecture. Did not accept the cash prize.
September 17, 1874 Married Emma Gifford.
• 表现人与自然的对称关系。哈代笔下的塔布篱,鲜花 盛开,在碧绿青翠的背景下,少女婀娜多姿的体态, 与劳伦斯笔下(《虹》)艾利哇希山谷、布莱文农场 的段落有一曲同工之妙。
• 劳伦斯说:我们不应该把哈代看作一个玄学家。作为 玄学家他是很蹩脚的……然而撇开他的玄学不谈,他 的情感、他的直觉、他对美的理解是很伟大、很深刻 的,也wk.baidu.com比英国任何一位小说家都深刻。
• 长篇小说14部,短篇小说集4部,诗集8 部,史诗剧《列王》3部。
• 小说分为三类:
– “传奇和幻想作品”(罗曼史) – “机巧和实验小说”(爱情阴谋故事) – “性格和环境小说”(最重要的部分)
Wessex Novels 威塞克斯小说
• 哈代以其故乡英国西南部农村(古称威塞克斯 地区)为背景所作小说的总称(又称性格与环 境小说)。反映了十九世纪中叶以来英国农村 的生活,特别是反映了资本主义侵入农村之后 所激起的剧烈社会变动,农民的破产,农村经 济、道德、风俗等方面的变化以及人们的精神 痛苦。对资本主义社会的法律、道德、宗教、 教育制度多有批判。有浓厚的宿命观念和悲剧 气氛。
• 从表现形式、创作方法、结构技巧来说,他是 现实主义作家;
• 从作品反映的思想来看,他被称为“现代派的 先驱”。
• “人生究竟是什么?”“我们为什么而活 着?”“我们最宝贵、最珍惜、最向往的为什 么不能实现?”《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝所表 现的“现代痛苦”尤为明显。
1848-56 Educated on different schools – The National School (Church of England) in Lower Bockhampton, the British School in Dorchester.
1856-62 Apprenticed as an architect for four years to John Hicks.
• Thomas Hardy is one of the greatest literary figures of the 19th century. His literary genius is apparent in his poems and novels. Some of his best works include The Return of the Native, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’ Urbervilles and Jude, the Obscure. His novels had an indelible impact during his time and also till date many of his novels inspire theatre productions as well as films. His novels, which reflect the Victorian society with all its idiosyncrasies, were perceived as irreligious. Nevertheless, current scholars believe Hardy to be one of the greatest tragic novelists of English literature.
Higher Bockhampton, Dorchester, Dorset
Thomas and Jemima Hardy
June 2, 1840 Thomas Hardy was born to Thomas and Jemima Hardy at Higher Bockhampton Dorset.
• 哈代的“性格和环境小说”,表现出作 者对造成威塞克斯社会和威塞克斯人悲 剧命运的探讨,经历了“命运悲剧” — “性格悲剧”—“社会悲剧”的发展过程。
Wessex Novels
• Far from the Madding Crowd (1874)远离尘嚣 • The Woodlanders (1887) 林地居民 • The Return of the Native (1878) 还乡 • The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) 卡斯特桥市长 • Tess of the D‘Urbervilles (1891) 德伯家的苔丝 • Jude the Obscure (1895) 无名的裘德 • Under the Greenwood Tree (1872) 绿荫下
Poet’s Corner
• 1928 Thomas Hardy died on January 11. His body was buried in Westminster Abbey, whereas his heart was buried in Stinsford Churchyard.

Hardy’s Cottage
• 英国西南部的多塞特郡。 • 1849年,进入多塞特郡学校学习。 • 1856年—1862年,跟一名建筑师做学徒。 • 1862年前往伦敦学习建筑,并从事文学、神学
和近代语言的研究。接受了不可知论。获得过 两项建筑奖。 • 1883年哈代携妻子离开伦敦,在家乡为自己设 计并建造了麦克斯门宅第。一生基本在家乡度 过。