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汽车:The Set Of PiCtUreS PreSent a distinguishable Contrast Of the role Of the automobile OVer time:
a Cen tury ago, people CeIebrated the inven ti On Of SUCh rapid equipme nt for tran SPOrtati on, WhiCh could take US to WhereVer We want. Yet now, particularly in Urban areas, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in freque nt traffic jams. DriVerS in the SeC Ond PiCtUre eve n fall asleep Whe n trapped in this “disaster ” .
TraffiC jams have Iong bee n a problem that PreOCCUPieS many metropolita n CitieS SUCh as NeW York, Tokyo, and
Beiji ng. The harm and loss they cost are in calculable. FirSt and foremost, they WaSte a huge amount of people ' S time PaSSed Waiting idly in their cars. SeCondly, CarS in traffic jams PrOdUCe more exhaust that exacerbates air pollution. MoStimPortantly, a SeVere traffic jam might results in the dysfu nction Of a whole city, WhiCh Can affect reside nts
' life as well as bus in esses and in dustries.
In my OPinion, it is an Urge nt task to reduce the freque ncy of traffic jams. The first SteP should be to Cha nge people ' S IifeStyIeS fun dame ntally so that the Car is no Ion ger Part and ParCeI of their everyday life. Gover nments also n eed to apply attractive measures to draw CitiZe ns to adopt means of PUbIiC tran SPOrtati on, for in Sta nce, to reduce PriCeS and improve releva nt facilities. In short, the CeaSe of traffic jams will largely ameliorate life quality in cities.
1. 产品质量低下问题inferior quality of PrOdUCtS
In the first place,QUite a few bus in essme n PUt the econo mic in terests in the first place while overlook the importa nce of quality and safety.
(AdditiOnally ,In Order to reduce costs,they tend to USe inferior materials ,SimPIify the PrOdUCtion
PrOCeSS and ShOrte n the manu facturi ng time.)
LaSt but not least ,the absence of StriCt SUPerViSiOnand SeVere PUniShment On those who PrOdUCe
low quality PrOdUCtS has also rein forced the trend. (74words)
FirStly , releva nt adm ini Strati On departme nts should SPare no efforts to Stre ngthe n SUPerViSi On On the manu facturi ng PrOCeSS.
SeCon dly , releva nt IawS and regulati OnS Should be made and impleme nted to impose a heavy Pen alty On those who manufacture fake and in ferior products.
Onlyin this Way Can We guara ntee the quality of PrOdUCtS and the in terests of Con SUmers/ people '
S safety. (58 WOrdS)
2. 物价过高High PriCeS ( 民生问题,映射楼价政策等)
For Onething ,Greed is largely to blame, most companies and manufacturing Units raise PriCeS to rake in excessive PrOfitS at the expe nse of CUStOmerS ' in terests.
For another ,The reductiOn Of SUbSidieS from the government has forced companies and manufacturing
Units to depend largely on high prices. It is obvious that WithOUt remarkable inCreaSe in government support, they will ContinUe to regard CUStOmerS as their Primary SOUrCe of revenue, (71words)
For Onething ,ReIeVant adminiStratiOn departments should SPare no efforts to Strengthen SUPerViSiOn
On PriCeS of basic commodities.
For another ,The authorities should inCreaSe SUbSidieS for Certain companies to enCOUrage them to lower their prices.
Only With these measures adopted Can We en SUre a healthier market and en able those who have low financial conditiOnS to afford to buy basic goods. (62words)
3. 信任缺失问题The gradual loss of trust between people
For OnethingS ,A host of dishOnest behaviors in the SOCiety have CaUSed distrust between people.
additi On ally, the abse nce of deep com muni Cati On is also resp On sible for the gradual loss of trust between people. In SUCh a COmPetitiVe world of today, enormous PreSSUre and the fast -PaCed Way of life has also deprived people of their Chance of in-depth communication.
Firstly, A Iarge-SCaIe educati On CamPaig n should be IaUn Ched to inform the PUbIiC of the importa nce
of trust betwee n each other.