



英语作文失分原因分析和建议English:One common reason for losing points in English composition is a lack of clear organization and coherence. Some students struggle with transitioning between ideas and paragraphs, resulting in a disjointed and confusing piece of writing. Another reason is the failure to address the prompt or stay on topic, leading to off-topic content that does not fulfill the requirements of the assignment. Additionally, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and poor sentence structure can also contribute to a lower score. These issues may stem from a lack of thorough proofreading and editing, as well as a limited vocabulary or understanding of grammar rules. To improve English writing skills and avoid losing points, students should focus on developing a clear and logical structure for their compositions, paying attention to transitions and staying on topic. Regular practice in proofreading and editing can help eliminate grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, while expanding vocabulary and studying grammar can enhance overall writing quality.中文翻译:在英语作文中失分的一个常见原因是缺乏清晰的组织和连贯性。



英语作文失分多的原因分析与反思The ability to write effective and well-structured essays is a crucial skill for students of all ages and academic levels. However, many students often struggle to achieve high scores on their English essays, leading to frustration and a sense of inadequacy. In this essay, we will analyze the common reasons for low scores in English essays and provide strategies for improvement.One of the primary reasons for low scores in English essays is a lack of understanding of the essay structure. Many students fail to grasp the essential components of an essay, such as the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. They may struggle to develop a clear thesis statement, provide relevant supporting evidence, and effectively organize their thoughts. Without a solid understanding of essay structure, students often produce disjointed and unfocused pieces that fail to meet the expectations of their instructors.Another common issue is the inability to effectively communicate ideas and arguments. Strong writing skills, including the use of proper grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, are essential for producinghigh-quality essays. However, many students lack the necessary language proficiency to express their thoughts clearly and concisely. This can lead to awkward phrasing, grammatical errors, and a general lack of coherence, which can significantly impact the overall quality of the essay.Poor time management and planning can also contribute to low scores in English essays. Students who fail to allocate sufficient time for research, outlining, drafting, and revising their work often produce rushed and incomplete essays. This can result in a lack of depth, inadequate development of ideas, and a failure to address the prompt effectively. Effective time management and planning are crucial for producing high-quality essays that meet the expectations of the assignment.Furthermore, a lack of critical thinking and analytical skills can hinder a student's ability to write compelling and well-reasoned essays. Successful essays require the ability to analyze complex topics, synthesize information from various sources, and develop original and insightful arguments. Students who struggle with critical thinking may produce essays that are overly descriptive, lack depth, or fail to engage with the prompt in a meaningful way.Another factor that can contribute to low scores in English essays is a lack of proofreading and editing. Many students neglect to carefullyreview their work for errors, inconsistencies, and areas for improvement. This can result in the submission of essays that are riddled with grammatical mistakes, typos, and other issues that detract from the overall quality of the work.Finally, a lack of engagement with the writing process can also lead to low scores in English essays. Students who view essay writing as a chore rather than an opportunity for self-expression and intellectual growth often produce work that lacks passion, creativity, and originality. Embracing the writing process, seeking feedback, and continuously improving one's skills can lead to significant improvements in essay performance.In conclusion, the reasons for low scores in English essays are multifaceted and can include a lack of understanding of essay structure, poor communication skills, time management issues, underdeveloped critical thinking abilities, inadequate proofreading and editing, and a lack of engagement with the writing process. By addressing these challenges and implementing effective strategies for improvement, students can enhance their essay-writing skills and achieve greater success in their academic pursuits.。



英语作文失分原因分析和建议Analyzing Reasons for Loss of Marks in English Essays and Providing Suggestions.English essay writing is a complex skill that requiresa blend of language proficiency, logical thinking, and a keen understanding of the topic. Despite diligent efforts, students often encounter challenges that lead to score deductions in their essays. This article aims to identifythe common reasons for such losses and suggests strategiesto overcome them.1. Poor Understanding of the Topic.A fundamental mistake that leads to significant score deductions is a lack of clarity on the essay topic.Students must ensure that they fully comprehend the prompt and its requirements. Failure to do so may result in essays that are off-topic or fail to address the key points raised.Suggestion: Spend sufficient time analyzing the topic and understanding its scope. Brainstorm ideas related to the topic and organize them into an outline before beginning writing. This will ensure that the essay remains focused and relevant.2. Grammatical and Vocabulary Errors.Grammatical errors and inappropriate vocabulary choices are common reasons for score deductions. These mistakes can affect the clarity and flow of the essay, making itdifficult for the reader to understand the author's intended meaning.Suggestion: Proofread your essay carefully, checkingfor grammar and vocabulary errors. Use dictionaries and grammar checkers to ensure accuracy. Additionally, reading and writing regularly can help improve your language skills over time.3. Lack of Logical Flow.An essay that lacks a clear logical flow can be confusing and difficult to follow. Students often fail to establish a strong connection between their ideas,resulting in disjointed and incoherent writing.Suggestion: Develop a clear outline before writing, outlining the main ideas and their relationships. Use transitional words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly. Ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and develops the idea further.4. Insufficient Development of Ideas.A common mistake made by students is not developing their ideas sufficiently. Essays that are too brief or fail to elaborate on key points may not convey the required depth and understanding.Suggestion: Expand on your ideas by providing examples, illustrations, and evidence to support your arguments. Develop each point in detail, ensuring that the reader gains a comprehensive understanding of your perspective.Avoid being concise at the cost of clarity and depth.5. Poor Organization.A poorly organized essay can be overwhelming for the reader, making it difficult to follow the author's train of thought. Lack of structure and coherence can significantly affect the essay's readability and comprehension.Suggestion: Plan your essay structure carefully, dividing it into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Ensure that each paragraph has a clear focus and builds upon the previous ones. Use headings and subheadings to improve readability and organization.In conclusion, achieving high scores in English essays requires meticulous planning, attention to detail, and a continuous effort to improve language skills. By addressing the common reasons for score deductions and implementing the suggestions mentioned above, students can significantly enhance their essay writing abilities and achieve better outcomes.。



















英语作文失分原因和对策Possible essay:Reasons for Losing Points in English Writing and Strategies to Overcome Them。

English writing is an essential skill for students to master in order to communicate effectively and succeed academically and professionally. However, many students struggle to achieve high scores in their English writing assignments due to various reasons that lead to losing points. In this essay, I will identify some common reasons for losing points in English writing and suggest some strategies to overcome them.One reason for losing points in English writing is poor grammar and punctuation. Many students lack a solid understanding of English grammar rules and fail to use them correctly in their writing. As a result, their sentences may be incomplete, run-on, or fragmented, and theirpunctuation may be inconsistent or incorrect. For example, they may confuse homophones like "there," "their," and "they're," or misuse apostrophes in possessive nouns or contractions. To avoid these errors, students can review grammar and punctuation rules in textbooks, websites, or apps, and practice applying them in their writing. They can also seek feedback from teachers, peers, or tutors, who can identify specific errors and suggest ways to correct them.Another reason for losing points in English writing is weak organization and coherence. Many students struggle to structure their writing in a logical and coherent way that guides readers from one idea to another. As a result, their paragraphs may lack topic sentences, supporting details, or transitions, or their essays may lack clear introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions. For example, they may jump from one idea to another without explaining the connections between them, or repeat the same ideas without adding new information or insights. To improve their organization and coherence, students can create outlines or mind maps that plan their ideas and their relationships, and use them as a guide for their writing. They can alsouse signal words and phrases that indicate therelationships between ideas, such as "however," "therefore," "in addition," or "on the other hand."A third reason for losing points in English writing is inadequate development and support. Many students fail to provide enough details, examples, or evidence to illustrate and explain their ideas, or use irrelevant or unreliable sources that weaken their arguments. As a result, their writing may be vague, general, or unsupported, and may lack depth, complexity, or originality. For example, they may make claims without providing evidence to back them up, or use sources that are biased, outdated, or insufficiently researched. To enhance their development and support, students can brainstorm multiple ideas and perspectives on a topic, and choose the most relevant and compelling ones to develop further. They can also use credible and diverse sources that provide different viewpoints and evidence, and integrate them smoothly and accurately into their writing.A fourth reason for losing points in English writing is lack of creativity and style. Many students write in aformulaic or boring way that fails to engage readers or showcase their individual voice and personality. As a result, their writing may be predictable, repetitive, or uninspired, and may lack originality, humor, or emotion.For example, they may use clichés, jargon, or ac ademic language that sounds stiff or unnatural, or avoid using figurative language, imagery, or other literary devicesthat add depth and richness to their writing. To enhance their creativity and style, students can experiment with different writing techniques and genres, such as narrative, descriptive, or argumentative writing, and use them to express their ideas and feelings in a more engaging and memorable way. They can also read widely and critically,and analyze how other writers use language and style to convey their messages and connect with their audiences.In conclusion, losing points in English writing can be caused by various reasons, such as poor grammar and punctuation, weak organization and coherence, inadequate development and support, and lack of creativity and style. To overcome these challenges, students can adopt different strategies, such as reviewing grammar and punctuation rules,creating outlines or mind maps, using credible and diverse sources, experimenting with different writing techniques and genres, and reading widely and critically. By improving their English writing skills, students can not only achieve higher scores in their assignments but also enhance their communication and critical thinking abilities, which are essential for their academic and professional success.。



英语作文失分原因和措施Title: Analyzing the Causes of Loss of Marks in English Essays and Strategies for Improvement.English essay writing is a crucial skill that students need to master. However, many students struggle with this skill, often losing marks due to various reasons. This article aims to identify the common causes of loss of marks in English essays and provide practical strategies for improvement.Common Causes of Loss of Marks in English Essays.1. Poor Understanding of the Topic: Students may fail to grasp the essence of the topic, resulting in essays that are off-topic or do not address the key points. A thorough understanding of the topic is crucial for writing a focused and coherent essay.2. Grammar and Spelling Mistakes: Grammatical errorsand spelling mistakes are common reasons for losing marks. Students need to proofread their essays carefully to eliminate these errors.3. Insufficient Vocabulary: A limited vocabulary can restrict the expression of ideas and affect the quality of the essay. Students should strive to expand theirvocabulary by reading widely and practicing vocabulary-building exercises.4. Lack of Logical Structure: Essays that lack a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion can be difficult to follow. Students should organize their ideas logically and ensure that their essays have a clear structure.5. Inadequate Paraphrasing and Citation: Failure to paraphrase and cite sources properly can lead to plagiarism, which is a serious academic offense. Students should learn the rules of paraphrasing and citation to avoid this issue.6. Insufficient Development of Ideas: Essays may lack depth and substance if students fail to develop their ideasfully. They should provide examples, evidence, and analysis to support their arguments.Strategies for Improvement.1. Thorough Understanding of the Topic: Before starting to write, students should spend time understanding thetopic and its requirements. They can brainstorm ideas, research relevant material, and make an outline to organize their thoughts.2. Proofreading and Editing: Students should proofread their essays carefully to eliminate grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. They can also ask a friend or teacher to proofread their work for additional feedback.3. Vocabulary Enhancement: Students can improve their vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and other materials that are relevant to their field of study. They can also practice vocabulary-building exercises such as word games and quizzes.4. Logical Structure: Before writing, students should plan their essays by creating an outline that includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion. They should ensure that each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and that ideas are developed logically.5. Paraphrasing and Citation Skills: Students should learn the rules of paraphrasing and citation to avoid plagiarism. They can practice these skills by reading and summarizing articles, books, and other sources.6. Idea Development: To develop their ideas fully, students can use examples, evidence, and analysis to support their arguments. They can also practice critical thinking skills by analyzing different perspectives and evaluating evidence.In conclusion, losing marks in English essays can be avoided by addressing the common causes such as poor understanding of the topic, grammar and spelling mistakes, insufficient vocabulary, lack of logical structure, inadequate paraphrasing and citation, and insufficientdevelopment of ideas. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, students can improve their essay writing skills and achieve better grades.。







2. 抓不准要点书面表达必须严格按试题所提供的要求去写,需要表达的内容要点不可偷工减料、随便删减,而对于无关的内容也不能随意增添,注意切不可凭自己的想象任意发挥,下笔千言,离题万里,把没用的内容写了很多,却漏掉了规定的内容、要点,或把次要的内容当作主要内容来写,主次不分。




其中的公共汽车只是同学们去工厂的“方式”(by bus),那一轮红日只是告诉你出发的时间是“早上”(in the morning)。

3. 拼写错误多在每年的高考英语阅卷中,我们经常可以发现各式各样的单词拼写错误,有的属于笔误,有的则属于考生对单词记忆不牢导致的。

如许多考生将turn写成trun,将Saturday 写成Saterday,将devoted写成divoted,将noise写作niose等等。




1. 语法错误:学生在写作中常犯语法错误,如错用时态、主谓不一致等。


2. 拼写错误:学生在书面表达中可能会存在拼写错误,这是因为他们缺乏练习、不熟悉单词拼写、没有使用拼写检查器等。

3. 表达不清:学生在写作中可能会表达不够清晰、简明,甚至会造成误解。

4. 语言不够丰富:学生在写作中使用的词汇较少,句型简单,表达不够丰富,影响了作文的质量。

1. 学生可以通过更多的语法练习来提高自己的语法水平,可以自己查找相关资料,或使用语法学习软件等。

2. 学生可以使用拼写检查器来避免拼写错误,并且可以多阅读英语文章来提高单词拼写和词汇水平。

3. 学生应该在表达时清晰明了,可以先构思,列出清晰的写作大纲,可以请教英语老师或者同学来帮助自己改进。

4. 学生可以通过多阅读英语文章,积累更多的词汇和句型,以及通过语言学习软件、参加英语写作班等来提高自己的英语水平。



英语作文失分原因分析及措施When analyzing the reasons for losing points in English composition, several factors come to light. Firstly, a lack of vocabulary often leads to the use of repetitive or inappropriate words, which can dilute the message.Another common issue is grammatical errors, which can confuse the reader and detract from the overall quality of the writing. It's crucial to have a solid grasp of English grammar to convey thoughts accurately.Sentence structure is another area where students frequently lose points. Complex sentences can enhance the depth of writing, but overuse or incorrect formation can lead to a loss of clarity.Furthermore, the organization of thoughts is pivotal. A well-structured essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion is more likely to score higher than a disjointed one.To address these issues, students should engage in regular reading to expand their vocabulary. Practice in writing, particularly focusing on grammar exercises, can also be beneficial.Peer review sessions can be a great way to learn from others' mistakes and improve one's own writing. Constructivefeedback is invaluable in identifying areas for improvement.Lastly, understanding the specific requirements of the essay prompt is essential. Tailoring the composition to meet these criteria can significantly increase the chances of scoring well.In conclusion, improving English composition involves a combination of expanding one's linguistic resources, refining grammatical skills, practicing effective sentence structuring, and organizing thoughts logically. With these measures in place, students can enhance their writing and reduce the chances of losing points.。



英语作文分析失分原因和改进措施英文回答:Reasons for Losing Marks in English Essay Writing and Measures to Improve.Writing an effective English essay is a complex task that requires a combination of critical thinking, language proficiency, and writing skills. Unfortunately, many students struggle to achieve high marks in essay writing due to a variety of reasons.Common reasons for losing marks in English essay writing include:Poor understanding of the prompt: Failing to fully comprehend the topic or question being asked can lead to essays that are off-topic or irrelevant.Lack of organization: Essays that lack a clearstructure and logical flow make it difficult for the reader to follow and understand the writer's argument.Insufficient development: Essays that fail to provide adequate support and evidence for the writer's claims appear weak and unconvincing.Grammatical errors: Grammatical mistakes, such as errors in punctuation, grammar, or spelling, can detract from the overall quality of the essay.Insufficient vocabulary: A limited vocabulary can hinder the writer's ability to express ideas clearly and effectively.Measures to improve English essay writing:Thoroughly analyze the prompt: Take the time to carefully read and understand the essay question. Identify the key terms and concepts, and determine the specific requirements of the prompt.Develop a clear outline: Before writing the essay, create an outline that organizes your thoughts and ideas in a logical manner. This will help you to structure your essay effectively and ensure that all relevant points are addressed.Provide strong evidence and support: Use specific examples, facts, and evidence to support your claims and arguments. Avoid generalizations and unsubstantiated assertions.Pay attention to grammar and mechanics: Proofread your essay carefully for any grammatical errors. Use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling to ensure that your essay is both clear and concise.Expand your vocabulary: Read widely and actively seek to expand your vocabulary. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to find the most appropriate words to express your ideas.中文回答:丢分原因:对题目理解不透彻。



小学三年级英语作文失分原因分析Title: Analysis of Reasons for Loss of Marks in English Composition for Grade 3 Primary School StudentsIntroduction:In recent times, it has become increasingly important for primary school students to excel in English composition. However, many students in Grade 3 face challenges that result in loss of marks. This document aims to analyze the common reasons behind these score deductions.1. Lack of Vocabulary:One of the primary reasons for losing marks in English composition is a limited vocabulary. Students who have not mastered a wide range of words find it difficult to express their thoughts effectively. This leads to repetitive words, inadequate descriptions, and a lack of variety in their writing.2. Grammatical Errors:Incorrect grammar usage is another significant factor contributing to mark loss. Students often make mistakes in sentence construction, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and punctuation. These errors can distort the intended meaning and make the composition difficult to understand.3. Incoherent Sentence Structure:Many students struggle with organizing their thoughts into coherentsentences. This results in compositions that lack proper structure, making it hard for readers to follow the logic and flow of the text. Incoherent sentence structure hampers the overall clarity and impact of the composition.4. Weak Narrative Skills:Grade 3 students are expected to develop basic narrative skills. However, some students fail to create engaging stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This leads to a lack of plot development, flat characters, and insufficient descriptions, all of which contribute to lower marks.5. Limited Creativity:A lack of creativity can also be a reason for mark deduction. T eachers often reward originality and unique ideas in compositions. Students who rely on clichés and predictable storylines may find their marks reduced due to the absence of fresh and imaginative content.6. Inadequate Practice:Regular practice is crucial for improving composition skills. Students who do not engage in frequent writing exercises struggle with speed, fluency, and the ability to express thoughts effectively. Inadequate practice results in slower progress and lower marks in compositions.7. Lack of Revision:Some students fail to revise their compositions thoroughly beforesubmission. This leads to overlooked errors, poor word choices, and incomplete ideas. Without a proper revision, the overall quality of the composition is compromised, resulting in lower marks.Conclusion:To improve marks in English composition, Grade 3 students should focus on expanding their vocabulary, mastering grammar rules, developing coherent sentence structures, enhancing narrative skills, fostering creativity, and practicing regularly. Encouraging students to revise their work and seek feedback can also contribute significantly to better scores. By addressing these areas of improvement, students can overcome the common challenges faced in English composition and achieve higher marks.。



英语试卷作文失分原因和改进措施全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1English Exam Essay Boo-Boos and How to Fix ThemHey there, friends! I'm here to talk about something super important – those English exam essays we all have to write. You know, the ones that can make or break our grades? Yeah, those pesky things! But don't worry, I've got some tips and tricks to help you avoid losing marks and ace those essays like a pro!First things first, let's talk about why we might be losing marks in the first place. One of the biggest reasons is not following the instructions properly. I know, I know, reading the instructions can be sooooo boring, but trust me, it's crucial! If the question asks you to write about your favorite book, but you end up writing about your favorite movie instead, that's an instant mark deduction right there.Another common issue is poor organization. Imagine your essay is like a big sandwich – you can't just throw all the ingredients together and expect it to taste good, right? You need to have a clear introduction (the top bun), body paragraphs (thefillings), and a conclusion (the bottom bun). Without proper organization, your essay will be a mess, and the teacher won't be able to follow your train of thought.Speaking of trains, let's talk about grammar and spelling! These are like the tracks that your essay needs to run smoothly on. If you have too many grammar mistakes or spelling errors, your essay will derail, and your marks will suffer. It's essential to proofread your work carefully and maybe even have a friend or family member take a look to catch any mistakes you might have missed.Okay, now that we've covered some of the reasons you might be losing marks, let's talk about how to fix them!First up, read the instructions carefully, and make sure you understand what you're being asked to do. If you're unsure, don't be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification. It's better to ask questions now than to lose marks later!Next, plan your essay before you start writing. Decide on your main points, and organize them in a logical order. This will help your essay flow smoothly and make it easier for the reader to follow your thought process.When it comes to grammar and spelling, there are a few things you can do. First, try to learn and understand the rules of grammar as best as you can. It might seem boring at first, but trust me, it'll pay off in the long run! You can also use online tools like spell checkers and grammar checkers to help you catch any mistakes you might have missed.Another important tip is to practice, practice, practice! The more you write, the better you'll get at organizing your thoughts, using proper grammar, and expressing yourself clearly. You can even ask your teacher or a friend to look over your practice essays and give you feedback on what you can improve.Finally, don't get discouraged if you don't get the marks you were hoping for on your first few essays. Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to master. Just keep trying your best, and you'll see improvement with each essay you write.So, there you have it, friends! Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to writing amazing English exam essays that will knock your teacher's socks off! Remember, a little bit of effort and preparation can go a long way. Good luck, and happy writing!篇2Why I Lost Points on My English Essay and How I Can Get BetterHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm in 5th grade. I really like writing and my favorite class is English. But the last time we had to write an essay for a test, I didn't do as well as I wanted. I lost quite a few points and I was pretty disappointed. My teacher gave me some feedback though on what went wrong and how I can improve for next time. Let me tell you about it!The biggest issue was that my essay didn't really have a clear main idea or thesis statement. A thesis statement is like the original claiming or argument you are trying to make and then the whole essay should back that up with evidence and examples. Well, my essay kind of went all over the place instead of sticking to one main point. I just started writing about the topic without really focusing on making one clear claim. Opps!My teacher circled one sentence and wrote "Could this be your thesis?" next to it. Looking back, that probably should have been my thesis because it was kind of making an overall point. But then I didn't really give good examples and reasons to support that point throughout the rest of the paragraphs. They just kind of bounced around to random other ideas instead of allrelating to proving the thesis. No wonder I lost a bunch of points for lack of coherence and unity!Another problem was that I didn't use very many transition words or phrases to connect my ideas smoothly. Things like "additionally", "for example", "however", "on the other hand", etc. My paragraphs and sentences just didn't flow together very well because I didn't use enough transitions to guide the reader along. My teacher reminded me how important those transition words are to make the writing coherent and show how all the thoughts link together nicely.I also got comments about not having enough specific details, evidence, facts, examples or reasons to back up the points I was trying to make. A lot of my paragraphs were just vague, general statements instead of being packed with lots of vivid, descriptive details to really prove my argument. My teacher could tell I kind of ran out of steam and ideas by the end.As for grammar, spelling and mechanics, I didn't get too many deductions for that compared to everything else. Phew!I've been working hard on proper capitalization, punctuation, subject-verb agreement and all that. Although my teacher did circle some wonky verb tenses and remind me to proofread super carefully. There were also a couple of commonly confusedwords I messed up, like their/they're/there. Easy mistakes to make when you're writing quickly!So to sum up, here are the main things I need to work on for next time:Have a focused, clear thesis statement that the whole essay provesUse lots of transition words to connect ideas smoothlyPack in more specific details, facts and examples as evidenceDouble check verb tenses and commonly confused wordsWith some practice on those things, I'm sure my essay scores will go way up. It's all about having a tight, coherent structure, reinforcing your main idea, and supporting every claim with vivid details. Oh, and proofreading at the end of course!Writing effective essays just takes a little planning and effort. As long as I make a solid outline, back up my thesis, throw in transitions, check mechanics, and most importantly just keep working hard, my English essay scores will be top-notch. Thanks for reading about my lesson learned! Hopefully some of those tips are useful for you too. Over and out!篇3My English Essay Didn't Get a Good Grade and Here's WhyOh man, I was so bummed when I got my English essay back from Miss Taylor and saw that I only got a C-! I worked really hard on that thing. I spent like three whole nights staying up late working on it after I finished my homework. I used lots of big words and wrote a ton of sentences to make it super long. But I guess it wasn't good enough.Miss Taylor had written a bunch of notes all over my paper about what I did wrong. First of all, she said my introduction paragraph was too vague and didn't clearly state the main idea of my essay. I just wrote some general stuff about the essay topic instead of explaining exactly what I was going to discuss. She said introductions need to grab the reader's attention and let them know right away what the essay will be about. Oops, my bad!Then, she marked that a lot of my sentences were grammar nightmares! I tried to use all these fancy words that I looked up in the thesaurus, but I guess I didn't put them together correctly. She circled parts where I used the wrong verb tenses or my sentences didn't make sense. I really need to work on my grammar skills.Miss Taylor also noticed that I just kept repeating the same ideas over and over again in different paragraphs instead of developing my points more fully. She said good essays explore the main ideas in depth and use lots of specific details and examples to back up the key points. Just restating the same thing a million times with slightly different words doesn't cut it.Another big issue was that my essay didn't really flow smoothly from one paragraph to the next. The transitions between ideas were abrupt and didn't connect well. Miss Taylor mentioned that I should use transition words more, like "furthermore," "in addition," "however," etc. to guide the reader along. Without those bridges, my writing was just a bunch of separate chunks rather than one cohesive whole.Oof, she really called out my conclusion too! Miss Taylor noted that I didn't summarize my main points clearly and left the reader hanging instead of wrapping things up with a solid concluding paragraph. Endings are important to give the essay a definite sense of closure. Just stopping abruptly with no real conclusion is sloppy.So those were the big issues - vague introduction, poor grammar, repetitive ideas, choppy paragraph transitions, and a weak conclusion. No wonder I didn't get a better grade! MissTaylor wrote that with some work on those areas, my essays could really improve. She gave me lots of constructive criticism instead of just giving me a bad grade, which was actually pretty nice of her.I definitely don't want to keep making the same silly mistakes over and over. For my next essay, I'll be sure to:Write a focused introduction that clearly states my main idea/thesis right awayCarefully proofread to fix any grammar errors and awkward phrasingFully explore each main point with details and examples instead of restating the same thingUse good transitions between paragraphs to create smooth flowHave a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes everythingPhew, there's a lot to keep in mind! Following an outline and doing multiple drafts will probably help a bunch. I could also ask a parent or friend to read my essay and point out any issues before I hand it in.Oh, and I should definitely go to Miss Taylor's Writing Workshop after school for extra help. She's offered to go over essay techniques with anyone who's struggling. That would be way better than trying to figure it all out by myself.Writing a really good, high-scoring essay is hard work, but I'm determined to improve. I don't want to be a grammar nightmare forever! With more practice and by fixing the big issues Miss Taylor pointed out, hopefully I can turn things around and start getting A's on my English essays. Wish me luck!篇4Why I Lost Points on My English Exam and How to Fix ItHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 5th grader. I just got my English exam back and I'm kind of bummed because I lost a bunch of points on the writing section. I really tried my best, but I guess there are some things I still need to work on. Let me tell you about where I went wrong and what I'm going to do better next time!On the short answer part, I lost points because my answers were too brief and didn't have enough details or examples. The question was "Why is reading important?" and I just wrote "Reading is important because it helps you learn." That wasn't aterrible answer, but it was way too short and vague. I should have written something more like:"Reading is important because it helps you learn new words, facts, and ideas. When you read books, you go on adventures and see new places, even if it's just in your imagination. Reading helps build your vocabulary and teaches you how to write better by seeing how authors put sentences together. If you're a good reader, you'll become a stronger writer and do better on tests in all your subjects."See how that answer has way more details and even some examples? That's the kind of full, complete response that would get all the points.Another place I goofed was the essay question. The prompt asked us to write a few paragraphs describing our favorite book and explaining why we liked it so much. Well, I have about a million favorite books because I'm a huge reading nerd. So instead of just picking one book, I tried describing little bits of a bunch of different stories. My essay was all over the place and didn't stick to the prompt at all. Oops!For the essay section, you've got to pick one single book to focus on - probably your most favorite book of all time. Then you tell the reader right up front which book it is by naming the titleand author in your first sentence. The next few sentences should summarize what the book is about - the main characters, the setting, and the basic plot. Don't give away the whole story and endings though!After that, you start a new paragraph where you describe which parts of the book you loved and why. If it's a funny book, tell about the scenes that made you laugh out loud. If it's an adventure story, explain how the book kept you on the edge of your seat with all the excitement and suspense. You can talk about your favorite characters and why you admired them. Just make sure to give plenty of specific details and examples from the actual book.In your last paragraph, you wrap things up by stating again why this book is your absolute favorite and how it's meaningful or special to you in some way. Maybe it opened your eyes to a fascinating time in history. Maybe it taught you an important life lesson about courage, friendship, or never giving up. Or maybe it just showed you that reading can take you on magical journeys to incredible make-believe worlds.Besides not following the prompt closely enough on that essay question, I also lost a bunch of points for silly spelling and grammar mistakes throughout my exam. Things like forgettingto capitalize proper nouns or make sentences start with capital letters. Leaving out periods at the ends of sentences. Mixing up words like they're/their/there or to/too/two. Boring stuff like that.To avoid those dumb little errors next time, I'm going to double and triple check my work before handing it in. Reading my writing out loud is a great way to catch mistakes because I'll hear them better than just seeing them on the page. I can also ask a parent, teacher, or friend to proofread my work with fresh eyes.My handwriting was pretty sloppy too, which probably made it harder for my teacher to read what I wrote. From now on when I have to hand-write an assignment, I'll do my neatest printing and make sure to space things out nicely so it looks neat and tidy on the page.So those are the main reasons why I ended up losing points on my English exam writing - not giving full enough answers on the short responses, not following the essay prompt closely, and having careless errors with spelling, grammar, and sloppy handwriting. But now I know exactly what I need to improve, so watch out! On the next exam, I'll blow it out of the water by:Giving detailed and thorough answers with examplesCarefully reading the essay prompt and sticking to itProofreading my work to avoid silly mistakesWriting neatly so it's easy to readWith those fixes, I'll be sure to get an A+ on my next English writing assignment! Thanks for reading about my exam struggles.I better get back to studying now, but wish me luck! Knowledge is power!篇5My English Teacher is Really Strict!Uh oh, I got my English composition back from Miss Johnson and I lost a lot of points again. I worked really hard on it too! Writing in English is just so hard. Miss Johnson always marks up my papers with her red pen and takes away points for all kinds of reasons. It's not fair!The biggest reason I lose points is because of grammar mistakes. I mix up words like "they're", "their" and "there" all the time. Or I'll forget to make the verb agree with the subject, like saying "He go to the park" instead of "He goes to the park." Simple mistakes, but Miss Johnson counts them all off. She says good grammar is super important in English.Another thing that makes Miss Johnson mark me down is when I use the same words over and over again. Like if I say "fun" five times in one paragraph, she'll circle it and write "Word Variety" next to it. I'm just a kid though, I don't know that many English words yet! How am I supposed to keep coming up with new ones?Sometimes I also lose points for not having a clear main idea or wandering off topic. My mind gets distracted easily when I'm writing. I'll start writing about my summer vacation, then go off on a tangent about my favorite video game, and then somehow end up talking about my dog Rufus. No focus at all! Miss Johnson says my essays need to be organized and focused on one main topic.And get this - Miss Johnson even counts off for small mistakes in capitalization, punctuation and spelling! It's so picky. Just because I accidentally capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence or forget a period at the end, she has to take away points. And English spelling is impossible with all the weird rules and exceptions. How am I supposed to remember if it's "friend" or "freind"?Despite all my complaining though, I actually understand why Miss Johnson deducts points for all these things. If I don'tlearn proper English grammar, varied word choice, clear organization, and accurate mechanics now, my writing will always have mistakes. It's better that she's strict now so I can improve.So what can I do to stop losing so many points? For grammar, I need to study the rules really hard - things like subject-verb agreement, pronoun cases, and common grammatical errors. Making simple grammar mistakes makes my writing look sloppy.To improve my word variety, I can get a thesaurus or read more to learn new vocabulary words. Then when I'm writing, I can think of synonyms to use instead of repeating the same words over and over again. It will make my writing sound more sophisticated.For organization and focus, Miss Johnson says I should outline my ideas before I start writing the actual essay. That way I can plan out what my main idea is, what supporting details I want to include, and how I want to organize everything from introduction to conclusion. No more going off on random tangents!And finally for mechanics, I need to get back to basics - reviewing capitalization rules, how to properly punctuatesentences, and spelling practice. It's the little details, but they matter. If my writing has improper capitalization, missing or incorrect punctuation, and misspellings all over, it's going to be really hard to read and understand.Writing is hard work, but I'm determined to improve. I don't want to keep disappointing Miss Johnson and losing points for silly mistakes. Maybe if I follow all her suggestions - studying grammar, expanding my vocabulary, staying organized, and being neat with mechanics - I can finally earn back those points on my next essay. An A+ would be amazing! Wish me luck!篇6Why Did I Lose Points on My English Composition and How Can I Do Better Next Time?Writing an English composition for school can be really hard sometimes! There are so many little rules to remember about grammar, spelling, organizing your ideas, and more. That's probably why many of us lose points on our compositions. But don't worry, I've looked into the common reasons students lose points, and I have some tips to help us improve for next time!One of the biggest reasons students lose points is from grammar mistakes. Grammar is the way we put sentencestogether following the rules of the language. In English, we have to make sure our verbs agree with the subject, that we use the right articles like "a" and "the," and that we put words in the right order. Mistakes in grammar can make it really hard for the teacher to understand what we're trying to say.For example, if I wrote "Her go to park yesterday," that doesn't follow the grammar rules because "go" should be "went" to agree with "her," and we need the article "the" before "park." See how confusing that is to read? The teacher will lose track of what I'm saying if there are too many mistakes like that.To avoid losing points for grammar, we need to double check our work for common mistakes before handing it in. It can also help to read our composition out loud - if something sounds weird, there's probably a grammar issue there. And we can ask a friend, parent or teacher to proofread our work too!Another big issue is with spelling and word choices. Using the wrong word can really change the meaning of our sentence in a way we didn't intend. Like if I meant to say "I was unhappy with my grade" but accidentally wrote "I was happy with my grade," that's giving the opposite meaning! Obviously the teacher will be confused.Spelling is super important in English too since words can look and sound really similar. A small spelling mistake can make a word look like a totally different word. Like if I wrote "I could sea the oshun" instead of "I could see the ocean," that makes it very hard to understand.The best way to catch spelling and word choice errors is to use spell check, keep a dictionary handy to look up words we're unsure of, and to read through our work really carefully before submitting it. Doing a flat-out loud reading helps with this too.Another issue that can lose us points is not following the prompt or instructions properly. Maybe the prompt asked us to write a narrative story but we turned in an opinion essay instead. Or it said to keep our composition between 300-500 words but we only wrote 100 words. Not carefully reading and following the prompt is an easy way to lose a bunch of points right off the bat.To avoid this, we need to READ THE PROMPT SUPER CAREFULLY and make sure we understand what it's asking for before starting to write. It can help to underline or highlight the key instructions in the prompt. Then we can check back on those underlined parts as we're writing to make sure we're following them correctly.The final major area where students tend to lose points is organization and structure. Even if our grammar and spelling is perfect, if our ideas jump around with no clear flow, the whole composition will be hard for the teacher to follow. A good composition needs to have an introduction, body paragraphs that each develop one main idea, and a conclusion that restates and wraps things up.To keep our composition organized, we should plan it out with an outline before writing the full draft. The outline lets us figure out the main ideas we want to cover and where they should go. During the actual writing we can focus on developing and connecting those points. Then when we're done, we can go back through and make sure the overall structure makes sense and flows logically from one idea to the next.So those are some of the biggest reasons students lose points on English compositions - grammar, spelling, not following the prompt, and lack of organization. By being really careful with each of those areas and using strategies like proofreading, checking dictionaries, reading prompts closely, and outlining, hopefully we can avoid losing too many precious points next time!Just remember - writing is hard, but as long as we keep practicing and using strategies to avoid common mistakes, we'll get better and better. Our English compositions will start knocking it out of the park in no time! So don't get discouraged, keep writing and keep improving. I know we've got this!。



























小学英语作文分析失分原因和改进措施Why Do I Keep Losing Points on My English Compositions?I absolutely love writing compositions for English class. Getting to express my thoughts and creativity through words is so much fun! However, I often end up feeling frustrated when I get my graded compositions back covered in red ink with points deducted. No matter how hard I try, I seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. I really want to improve, so I decided to take a closer look at where I'm losing points and what I can do to fix those issues.One of the biggest problems I have is with spelling and grammar errors. I know how to spell a lot of simple words, but longer or trickier words frequently stump me. I'll admit that sometimes I just flat out guess on how to spell something instead of taking the time to look it up. Grammar rules like when to use contractions or possessives also get me confused sometimes. All those little spelling and grammar slip-ups really add up to a lot of lost points.To cut down on this issue, I need to get better at proofreading my work carefully. Instead of just glancing over it quickly, I should read through it very slowly and deliberately,looking up any words I'm unsure about in the dictionary. Having a parent or older sibling check over my writing before turning it in would also help catch mistakes I missed. Additionally, I could make flashcards or write out grammar rules I tend to mix up so I can study them more.Another area I often get marked down is for lacking detail and description in my compositions. I have a bad habit of giving just bare-bones facts or a basic plot summary instead of fleshing things out with vivid sensory details. For example, if I'm writing about my summer vacation, I'll just say something like "I went to the beach and swam in the ocean." That's so boring and vague! I need to set the scene with descriptions of what I saw, heard, smelled, tasted, and felt. Maybe something like "The warm summer sun beamed down on the soft golden sand as the salty ocean air whipped my hair around my face. I excitedly ran towards the bright turquoise waves crashing against the shore, shivering as the cool water crashed over my toes."Using a lot more descriptive language and specific details will really help enliven my writing and allow the reader to envision what I'm trying to convey. Looking back at past compositions that received good scores for description could give me a better idea of how much detail to include. I could alsopractice by describing objects, people, and scenes from observation and see how many vivid sensory details I can come up with.My final big area for improvement is in following the prompt and instructions properly. Sometimes I get so caught up and excited about the topic that I veer off in a different direction from what was actually assigned. Other times, I overlook specific guidelines about things like word count requirements or which writing style to use. Deviating from the prompt ends up lowering my score, even if the writing itself is decent.Before starting my compositions from now on, I need to double check that I understand exactly what is expected of me. If anything is unclear, I shouldn't be afraid to ask my teacher for clarification. Once I begin writing, I should frequently refer back to the original prompt and instructions to ensure I'm still on track and fulfilling all criteria. Having a checklist of requirements to review before submitting my final draft would also help immensely.I know I have a lot of room for growth when it comes to my English writing skills, but now that I've pinpointed my main weaknesses, I feel much more prepared to work on improving them. By proofreading carefully, adding more detaileddescriptions, and closely following prompts, I'm confident my composition scores will start rising. Writing is a skill that takes practice, but I'm determined to put in the effort to become a stronger writer. Who knows, maybe I'll even grow up to be an author someday! For now though, I'll settle for earning back those lost points on my elementary school English assignments.。



英语试卷失分深度分析与改进策略In the realm of academic assessments, the English examination often poses a significant challenge for students, particularly when it comes to the writing section. The writing component not only tests one's grasp of the language but also their ability to communicate ideasclearly and coherently. However, despite the importance of this skill, many students often find themselves strugglingto achieve the desired results, resulting in avoidable losses of marks.To understand the reasons behind these losses, a thorough analysis of the common mistakes made by studentsis crucial. One such mistake is the failure to plan and organize the essay effectively. Many students rush into writing without a clear outline, leading to a disjointedand incoherent flow of ideas. To avoid this, studentsshould spend some time planning their essay, identifyingthe main points they want to make and how they will connect these points to form a coherent argument.Another common mistake is the use of inappropriate vocabulary or sentence structures. English is a richlanguage with a vast vocabulary and a wide range ofsentence structures. However, this richness can sometimes intimidate students, leading them to settle for simpler,less precise words or phrases. To address this, students should aim to expand their vocabulary and practice using a variety of sentence structures in their writing.Grammar mistakes are also a common cause of loss of marks. From subject-verb agreement to tense usage, grammar rules can be complex and easy to overlook. It is, therefore, essential for students to have a solid grasp of these rules and to proofread their work carefully before submitting it. Lastly, students often lose marks due to a lack of critical thinking and analysis. Merely stating facts or quoting sources is not enough; one needs to analyze and interpret these facts to make a meaningful argument. To develop this skill, students can engage in critical reading and discussion, challenging themselves to think beyond the surface level of information.In conclusion, while the English examination can be challenging, with the right strategies and practice, students can overcome the common mistakes that lead to lossof marks. By planning their essays, expanding their vocabulary, mastering grammar rules, and developingcritical thinking skills, they can improve their writing abilities and achieve better results in their English assessments.**英语试卷失分深度分析与改进策略**在学术评估中,英语考试往往对学生构成重大挑战,特别是在写作部分。



范文试卷失分原因分析总结英文回答:Analysis of Causes for Loss of Marks in Mock Examination.1. Lack of Content Knowledge:Students may have a superficial understanding of the concepts or theories tested on the exam.They fail to grasp the depth and complexity of the subject matter, which leads to incorrect answers or incomplete responses.2. Poor Comprehension Skills:Students may struggle to understand the instructions or questions on the exam.They misinterpret the meaning of the prompt, which results in off-topic or irrelevant answers.3. Time Management Issues:Students may not adequately allocate their time during the exam.They spend excessive time on certain questions, leaving insufficient time to complete others.4. Lack of Critical Thinking Skills:Students may be unable to analyze information and form independent judgments.They rely heavily on memorization and regurgitation, which limits their ability to apply knowledge in new situations.5. Test Anxiety:Students may experience anxiety during the exam, which can impair their cognitive abilities.They lose focus, make careless mistakes, or fail to recall information they have studied.6. Grammatical Errors:Students may make grammatical errors in their written responses.These errors can detract from the clarity and accuracy of their answers, resulting in a loss of marks.7. Lack of Practice:Students who do not practice answering exam-style questions may be unprepared for the format and rigors of the actual exam.They may fail to develop the necessary skills and strategies to perform well.中文回答:模拟试卷失分原因分析总结。



英语作文失分原因分析和建议English Answer:Reasons for Losing Points on English Essays.Lack of clarity and organization: Essays should have a clear thesis statement, logical structure, and smooth transitions between paragraphs.Grammatical and lexical errors: Incorrect grammar, spelling, and vocabulary can detract from the overall quality of the essay.Insufficient evidence and analysis: Essays should be supported by specific examples, evidence, and analysis to demonstrate the writer's understanding of the topic.Insufficient vocabulary and variety: Using a limited range of vocabulary and phrases can make the essay appear repetitive and unoriginal.Failure to adhere to prompt requirements: Essays should address the specific prompt, topic, and requirements outlined in the instructions.Lack of specific examples and details: Essays should provide specific examples, anecdotes, or details to illustrate points and support arguments.Weak or unclear thesis statement: The thesis statement should clearly state the writer's main argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of the essay.Limited sentence variety and structure: Using a variety of sentence structures and lengths can improve the flow and readability of the essay.Errors in punctuation and formatting: Improper punctuation and formatting can hinder the reader's understanding and distract from the content.Lack of revision and proofreading: Careful revision andproofreading can help identify and correct errors before submitting the essay.Suggestions for Improvement.Understand the prompt and task: Carefully read the essay prompt and ensure that the essay addresses all the requirements.Develop a clear thesis statement: Craft a thesis statement that is specific, arguable, and supported by evidence.Organize the essay logically: Use an outline to structure the essay, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.Use evidence and analysis: Support arguments with specific examples, evidence, and analysis to demonstrate understanding and critical thinking.Expand vocabulary and variety: Use a variety ofvocabulary and phrases to enhance the essay's richness and sophistication.Proofread carefully: Check for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting before submitting the essay.Seek feedback and revision: Share the essay with a peer, teacher, or tutor for constructive criticism andsuggestions for improvement.Practice writing: Regular writing practice can improve fluency, vocabulary, and overall writing skills.Study grammar and style: Review grammar rules andwriting conventions to strengthen the essay's technical aspects.Read widely: Reading diverse texts can expose writersto different writing styles, vocabulary, and ideas.中文回答:英语作文失分原因分析。



英语作文分析失分原因和改进措施English.There are a multitude of reasons why students may struggle with writing analytical essays in English. These reasons can be attributed to a variety of factors,including linguistic, cognitive, and contextual.Linguistic factors.Limited vocabulary: Students may lack the necessary vocabulary to express their ideas clearly and concisely. This can lead to the use of vague or imprecise language, which can make it difficult for readers to understand their arguments.Poor grammar and mechanics: Grammatical errors and mechanical mistakes can distract readers from the content of the essay and make it difficult to follow the author's train of thought.Lack of fluency: Students may struggle to write in a fluent and coherent manner. This can lead to choppy sentences, poor organization, and a lack of cohesion between ideas.Cognitive factors.Difficulty understanding the prompt: Students may not fully understand the requirements of the essay prompt. This can lead to confusion, digressions, and a lack of focus in their writing.Lack of critical thinking skills: Analytical essays require students to critically evaluate information and form their own interpretations. Students who lack critical thinking skills may struggle to develop original arguments and provide evidence to support their claims.Difficulty organizing ideas: Students may have difficulty organizing their thoughts and ideas in a logical and coherent manner. This can lead to essays that arefragmented, disjointed, or difficult to follow.Contextual factors.Lack of motivation: Students may not be motivated to write analytical essays. This can lead to a lack of effort, poor writing quality, and a reluctance to revise their work.Time constraints: Students may feel rushed to complete their essays, which can lead to careless mistakes, inadequate research, and insufficient development of their ideas.Lack of feedback: Students may not receive enough feedback on their writing from teachers or peers. This can hinder their ability to improve their writing skills and identify areas for improvement.Improvement measures.There are a number of strategies that students can employ to improve their analytical writing skills.Expand vocabulary: Students can expand their vocabulary by reading widely, using a dictionary or thesaurus, and engaging in vocabulary-building exercises.Improve grammar and mechanics: Students can improve their grammar and mechanics by studying grammar rules, practicing writing exercises, and seeking feedback from teachers or peers.Develop fluency: Students can develop fluency by writing regularly, engaging in speaking exercises, and seeking opportunities to practice their writing in avariety of contexts.Understand the prompt: Students should take time to read the essay prompt carefully and identify the key requirements. They should also ask questions if they are unsure about the instructions.Develop critical thinking skills: Students can develop critical thinking skills by reading widely, engaging indiscussions, and practicing problem-solving exercises.Organize ideas: Students can organize their ideas by using an outline or mind map. They should also consider the logical flow of their arguments and the relationship between different ideas.Increase motivation: Students can increase their motivation by setting realistic goals, rewarding themselves for completing tasks, and engaging in activities that they find interesting.Manage time: Students can manage their time byplanning ahead, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and setting deadlines for completing different parts of the essay.Seek feedback: Students should seek feedback on their writing from teachers, peers, or writing tutors. This feedback can help them identify areas for improvement and develop their writing skills.By addressing the challenges associated with analytical writing and implementing these improvement measures, students can enhance their writing skills and achieve success in their English studies.中文回答:失分原因:语言因素,词汇量有限、语法和机制薄弱、缺乏流畅性。

小学五年级英语作文my day失分原因

小学五年级英语作文my day失分原因

小学五年级英语作文myday失分原因一、基础薄弱1. 语法错误五年级的学生语法知识还在积累阶段,像一般现在时的第三人称单数形式,很多孩子容易忘记加“s”或者“es”,例如“He go to school”这种错误就会扣分。

在英语里,这是很基础的语法规则,就像数学里1 + 1 = 2一样重要,要是搞错了,老师肯定会扣掉一些分数。

2. 词汇量少有些孩子可能想表达“吃早餐”,但是只知道“eat”,不知道“have”也有这个意思,结果写出来的句子很别扭。


3. 单词拼写错误英语单词拼写很考验记忆力,像“yesterday”这个单词,有些孩子可能会写成“yestarday”。


二、内容方面1. 流水账式写作很多孩子就按照早上起床、吃饭、上学、放学、回家吃饭、睡觉这样的顺序写,没有什么细节。


比如说,写吃早餐,只是说“I have breakfast”,却不描述吃了什么,怎么吃的。


2. 缺乏创意大家写的内容都差不多,没有自己独特的想法。


三、格式与书写1. 标点符号使用不当有的孩子一逗到底,不知道什么时候该用句号,什么时候该用感叹号。



2. 书写不规范字母大小写混乱,手写体不清晰。


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【2010高考作文】高考英语书面表达失分原因分析 来源:网络 时间:2010-04-15 14:51:49 【字体:大 中 小】 随着英语教学及考试改革的不断深入,书面表达的重要性也越来越突出了。因为它强调了“学以致用”的道理。但是学生在这一方面的能力却不尽人意。究其原因笔者认为有如下几点:
三:学生英语知识运用能力不过关。这一点可分为两方面:一是由最基本的语法失误导致的。常见的语法失误有:时态混用,如:I didn‘t notice him and pass by. (改为passed)If there is no books he needs, he would copy them.(改为will);缺少或多余谓语动词,例如:It will more and more beautiful.(will后加be) I am think I will work hard in the future.(去掉am);冠词错误,例如:He is good at many subjects, especially the English. (去掉the) We’ll have holiday the day after tomorrow. (在have后加a);缺少连词或关系词,例如:There are many students can use the computers.(在can前加 who) He came to my home asked me to going shopping with him.(在home后加and)等。二是学生使用句子太过单调,整篇文章十几句话基本都是简单句。而英语书面表达的一个要求就是会使用较高级的句型,达到文理通畅。实际上,除了基本的五种句型外,我们还学过多种状语从句、主语从句、宾语从句以及强调句和倒装句等。此外我们还懂得分词做状语或某些过度性的词语、句字例如:and ,so,then,but,otherwise,however,at the same time,one the other hand,what‘s more等。这些句型、短语如果是在单项选择题中考查,大家基本都过关,但就是不会用在写作中。这样导致句式单调,文章结构显得松散,或出现了汉语式英语。这一点是书面表达失分的一个重要原因。
二:体裁格式把握不准。纵观近几年的高考书面表达,体裁大多数是记叙文、说明文和应用文。不同的体裁有不同的特点和写作格式。例如记叙文就应当注意写作主题、时态、人称和写作顺序等;应用文中的书信格式就很特别,与汉语式不同,以及开头结ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的各种格式都应注意。而许多学生在写作时忽略了这些,造成了作文失分。