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1,‘There are many trees on ___ side of the road. Each/every (A)

2,What are you doing when I call you __ the telephone On/by/with (A) on the radio/ internet/ computer on TV

3, Ted has ___ Sydney since last Wednesday. Been in/ been to/ gone in/gone to (A) 4, Not only you but also he___ it . know/knows (B)

5, No one sits at the door,____ Do they/does none (A) 人复物单

6, We ___ seen each other for ten years since we met last. have/haven’t (B)

7, There are some people ___outside the room. talking / talk/ to talk (A)

8, The farmers ___pigs and chickens at home. keep/grow/plant (A)

9,I study French ___ English. except/ besides (B)

10,Can it be No, it___ be him. He has gone to Shanghai. can’t/mustn’t/may not (A) 11, Let me know ___you can come. whether/ where/when (A)

12, ___can I see you again In two days. How soon/How long (A)

13, Li ming always works hard at English. So ___. does he / he does/is he / he is (B)

14, So far, I still __ not ___able to find the lost wallet. am. be/will. be/can. be /have. been (D) 15, When he was young, he __always ___new ideas. (B)

is, try out /was, trying out /was, tiring out/ has, tried out

16, No matter __ he does ___ me. I won’t be angry ___ him. (C)

how, to, at/ what, for ,with /what, to , with/ how ,to ,on

17, The baby was so ___ that she kept ___all the time. (C)

Frighten, crying /frightened, cry / frightened, crying / frightened, to cry

18, The great _____ ____ 1093 ____ in his life. (C)

invent, inventor, inventions / invention, invented, inventors

inventor, invents, inventions / inventor, invented, inventions/

19, The radio is too noisy. Would you mind______ (A)

turning it down/ to turning it down/ turning it on/ turning down it

20, Did you hear something ___at he door Yes ,I heard him ___ three times. (C)

knocking, knocking/ knock, knocking/ knocking, knock/ knock, knock

21, _____ do you know ____ the man_____picture ____the right (B)

Who ,about, on, in/ What ,about, in, on/

Who ,about, on, to/ What ,about, to, on/

22, What do you ____by this word____ what’s the _____of this word (B)

mean,meant,means / mean,means,meaning/

meaning,means,mean /means,mean,meaning

23, ______he has been away____two years ago, you can’t see him. (D)

Because, for/ As, in / For , since/ Since, since

24, English is widely used______business____different countries. (C)

by, in/ as , among/ for, between/ in, by

25, ______ of the twins are in good health, ____of them is ill. (C)

None, both/ All, none/ Both , neither/ Some, either

