
13.Just in _____ of career preparation, a student is shortchanging himself by shortcutting the humanities
A. terms
B. items
C. clauses
D. kept off
15._____ energy can be transferred from one part of the universe to another, the total quantity of energy available is a constant
A. Like
A. set out
B. set about
C. set up
D. set aside
12.Domain names are ______ on a first-come, first-reserved basis
A. handed up
B.handed on
C.handed out
D. relieve
9.Science will be able to read an individual’s genetic code, finding how ______ she or he may be to cancer or other diseases
A. easy
B. sensitive
C. ordered
D. emptied
7.College costs have been rising ____ relative to family income level for more than a decade

炼化工程UNIT 1 Composition of Petroleum石油的组成Read the text and translate it into Chinese.complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, and other reagents used to make plastics and pharmaceuticals.the petroleum mixture.and form natural gas condensate, often shortened to condensate. Condensate gasoline in appearance and is similar in composition to some volatile light crude oils.Translate the following paragraph into English.有粗柴油加氢脱硫的工艺装置。
【练习参考答案】deposits, but the magnitude of the effect is still a matter of some controversy.gas oils are commonly installed in refineries.UNIT 2 Petrochemicals石化产品Read the text and translate it into Chinese.Petrochemicals are generally chemical compounds derived from petroleum either are, not, in the true sense, chemical compounds but are in fact intimate mixtures hydrocarbons.can be made from other sources, and the terminology is therefore a matter of identification.various compound types to basic chemical reactions, such as oxidation,nitration, dehydrogenation, addition, polymerization, and alkylation. Theweight paraffins and olefins, as found in natural gas and refinery gases, and theof products is being prepared from the heavier fractions of petroleum. For example,may be regarded as chemical entities and are able to participate in numerous easily or the formation of products bearing functional groups that may be Translate the following paragraph into English.石化工业的初始原料大概通过一到两种方法从原油中提取。

39A$210,000W ALLET价值21万美元的钱包.错误!未定义书签。
2.Since1939,scientificstudiestodeterminewhethersmokingis.hasbeenandin dicatesthatthereisthatsmoking,particularlycigarettesmoking,shortenedlife.2、1939年以来,为了确定抽烟是否有害健康进行了大量的科学研究。

U1 How to be happy1、吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和有很大影响。
Noisy neighbors are one of the major causes of domestic upset.2、在职场上,如果一个同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言表的抑郁情绪。
A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness.3、我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康。
We can never fully adapt to hostile relationships, which inevitably damage our wellbeing.4、如果这种坏情绪长时间留在人们的心里,会让人陷入无法解决的恶性心理困境。
If this bad mood stays inside our mind, it will lead us to an unresolved destructive depression.5、我们不应当回避这些问题,而是要正确面对它们。
We should not avoid these problems but face them instead.U21、随着大量市民被迫迁到遥远的效外,汽车的需求量正在飞涨。
The demand for cars is soaring as growing numbers of citizens are pushed into distant suburbs.2、生态城市将把传统设计要素同最先进的绿色技术相结合。
The eco-city will combine elements of traditional design with the latest green technologies.3、预计到2010年将有一千辆燃料电池车投入使用,而到2012年将增至一万辆。

51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights 迷人的北极光1. At 10:00 p.m. on March 23,1969, the Bowater Power Water pany in Deer Lake, Newfoundland experienced a disturbance on its system. The frequency converter at er Brook tripped off, shutting down half of the big paper mill. There was a radio blackout over most of the Atlantic Provinces. And acpanying these activities was a magnificient display of northern lights —boiling up out of the north and hanging in bundles of long rays like draperies across the sky. Ninety-three million miles away, a rather ugly looking sunspot was making its way across the disc of the sun.1、1969年3月23曰晚上10点,保华特水电公司(the Bowater Power Water pany)位于纽芬兰(Newfoundland)鹿湖的设备系统出现了异常;科纳布鲁克(erBrook)的变频器跳间,使得一半的大造纸厂停产;大西洋沿岸各省的无线电中断。

目录中石油职称英语教材_2013年版1. The Value of Time时间的价值 (3)2.English is a Crazy Language 英语是一门疯狂的语言 (4)3.All I Learned in Kindergarten 幼儿园所学的 (6)4. How to Negotiate with Americans如何与美国人谈判 (7)5. Network Security网络安全 (9)6.Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料 (11)7. Automatic Auto: a Car That Drives Itself无人驾驶汽车 (13)8.Our Family Creed 家族的信条 (15)9.The art of public Speaking 公共演讲的艺术 (16)10. Sweep a Fuel Craft Invest Fever清洁能源行业投资热潮 (18)11.Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌 (19)12. The Positive Meanings of Love爱的真谛 (21)13. Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? 运动有奇效吗? (24)14.Taking chances, Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇 (26)15.The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省 (27)16. The American Way: Family美国人的家庭观 (29)17. Computers Give Big Boosts to Productivity计算机技术极大提高生产效率 (30)18. The Principles of International Trade国际贸易原理 (32)19. A World without Oil 假如世界没有石油 (34)20.The Germanic Languages日耳曼语系 (36)21.How Americans Eat and Drink 美国人的饮食 (38)22.The Delights of South Island 南岛之乐 (40)23.A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy 矶鹞带来快乐 (42)24.An Introduction to Distillation 蒸馏概述 (46)25. Hints to Improve Spoken English 提高英语口语须知 (48)26.The Moon-Riddle from the Past月球-来自远古之谜 (50)27.The Delight of Books 书之乐趣 (52)28.The Magic of Energy 能的魔力 (54)29. How to Reduce Employee Turnover如何减少员工流失 (57)30. That "Other Woman" in My Life 我生命中的“另一个女人” (59)31.Geography of USA 美国地理概况 (61)32. The Old Man and the Sea (Excerpt) 参考译文:老人与海(节选) (64)33.Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences 石油地质学与其它科学 (66)34.What Do Parents Owe Their Children 父母欠子女什么? (68)35. Trends for 21st Century 21世纪的趋势 (70)36.You Bet Your Life 以命相赌 (73)37. Radiation and Human Health辐射与人体健康 (75)38. To Be Content with One's Lot 乐天知命 (77)39.I Didn't Know How to Teach Until I Met You 直到遇到你我才知道怎么教学 (80)40. An Introduction to Petrochemicals 石油化工产品概述 (82)41. The Subject of Smiling 微笑问题 (85)42. A $210,000 WALLET1价值21万美元的钱包 (88)43. What's Your Best Time of Day? 何时是你一天中最佳的时间? (90)44. Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 处理人际关系的基本技巧 (94)45. Happiness Index幸福指数 (96)46. Becoming Wealthy: It's Up to You 致富取决于你自己 (99)47. Oil(油) (101)48. Ocean Plant Life in Decline海洋植物数量锐减 (104)49. Cultural Taboos文化禁忌 (106)50.Managing In a Global Environment 在全球环境中进行管理 (108)51.Not Quite Ready to Retire1 退休为时尚早 (111)52.Sales Promotion 产品促销 (114)53.Another Happiness 另一种快乐 (117)54.Why To Mark a Book 怎样在书上做标记 (119)55.Earth's Last Frontier: The Sea 海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域 (122)56.Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 为什么要勘探南极洲 (125)57.Listening Faults 聆听的误区 (128)58.Your Are What You Think 你认为自己是什么样的人,就是什么样的人 (132)59.The Audacity of Hope1有希望则无所畏惧 (135)60. Future of Energy能源的未来 (139)1. The Value of Time时间的价值【2013年新增加文章】1. "Time" says the proverb "is money". This means that every moment well-spent may put some money into our pockets. If our time is usefully employed,it will either produce some useful and important piece of work which will fetch its price in the market, or it will add to our experience and increase our capacities so as to enable us to earn money when the proper opportunity comes. There can thus be no doubt that time is convertible into money. Let those who think nothing of wasting time remember this; let them remember that an hour misspent is equivalent to the loss of a banknote; and that an hour utilized is tantamount to so much silver or gold; and then they will probably think twice before they give their consent to the loss of any part of their time.1.谚语说:“时间就是金钱。

1.English is a Crazy Language英语是一门疯狂的语言1.Let's face it-English is a crazy language.There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger;neither apple nor pine in pineapple.English muffins weren't invented in England nor French fries in France.Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads,which aren't sweet,are meat.1.让我们接受现实吧--英语是一种疯狂的语言。
松饼(English muffin,字面意为英式松饼)并不是英国人发明的,而炸薯条(French fries,字面意为法式油炸食品)也不是法国人的发明。
2.We take English for granted.But if we explore its paradoxes,we find that quicksand can work slowly,boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.And why it is that writers write but fingers don't fing,grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?If the plural of tooth is teeth,why isn't the plural of booth beeth?If you have one goose,two geese,why not one moose,two meese,or one index,two indices?2.我们理所当然地接受了英语的一切,但是如果我们分析一下英语中似是而非的情况,我们马上就会发现“快的沙子”(quicksand,流沙,也指陷阱,困境)往往走得很慢,“拳击的圆圈”(boxing rings,拳击场)是方的,“几内亚猪”(guinea pig,天竺鼠)既不是来自几内亚,也不是猪。

2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试《通用英语选读》培训笔记(考过的大题已标出)目录1.SIX GOLDEN RULES FOR MEETING MANAGEMENT主持会议六大准则(2016新增) (2)2. NETWORK SECURITY 网络安全(2013新增)【2013阅读题】 (4)3 .ALL I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN 幼儿园所学的 (8)4. HOW TO NEGOTIATE WITH AMERICANS 如何与美国人谈判(2013新增) (11)5.CARBON-BASED ALTERNATIVE 碳基替代燃料 (16)6. AUTOMATIC AUTO: A CAR THAT DRIVES ITSELF 无人驾驶汽车(2013版新增) (19)7. OUR FAMILY CREED 家族的信条(2007版) (23)8. THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 公共演讲的艺术(2007版) (26)9. OIL AND GAS GENERATION油气生成(2016版新增) (30)10.THE DRESS CODE FOR OFFICE LIFE办公室的着装礼仪(2016版新增) (34)温馨小语:每篇“学习笔记”将可能涉及到的“考点”做了重点标记,它们基于“职称考试”的四个主要方面,即词汇、语法、阅读和翻译,所以在学习中要认真体会,找到自己要重点学习的内容。
1.Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management主持会议六大准则(2016新增)If you are asked to chair【主持,椅子】 a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management【管理,regulation】.如果要求你主持一个会议,记住以下有关主持会议的六大准则。

2023版中石油通用英语选读教材更新全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Favorite Updated English Reading Material from 2023 China PetroleumHey guys! Today I want to tell you about this super cool English reading material from China Petroleum that just got updated in 2023. It's so awesome!The book is full of interesting stories and articles about all kinds of things related to oil and energy. There are stories about how oil is made, how it's used, and even about the people who work in the oil industry. It's really fascinating!One of my favorite stories in the book is about a scientist who invented a new kind of energy-efficient car. It's so cool to see how people are coming up with new ideas to help save the planet. I also love reading about all the different countries that use oil and how it affects their economies.The best part about this book is that it's written in simple and easy-to-understand English. It's perfect for kids like us whoare still learning the language. There are also lots of pictures and illustrations to help us understand the stories better.I think this updated English reading material from China Petroleum is a great way to learn more about the oil industry and improve our English at the same time. I can't wait to read more stories from the book and learn even more cool stuff!So if you're looking for a fun and educational English reading material, make sure to check out the updated China Petroleum book. You won't be disappointed!篇2Hi guys! Today, I'm gonna talk about the new updated version of the Sinopec General English Reading Materials for 2023. It's super cool and I can't wait to tell you all about it!First of all, the new version of the book has lots of fun and interesting stories to read. There are stories about animals, adventures, and even some science fiction stuff! It's really exciting to read and I'm always eager to see what happens next.Secondly, the new book has lots of new vocabulary words to learn. The words are not too hard, but they're also not too easy.It's just right for us to expand our English vocabulary and become better at speaking and writing in English.Another cool thing about the updated version is that there are more activities and exercises to do. There are crossword puzzles, matching games, and even some role-playing activities that we can do with our friends. It's a great way to practice our English skills and have fun at the same time.Overall, I really love the new version of the Sinopec General English Reading Materials for 2023. It's fun, educational, and helps me become better at English. I can't wait to keep reading and learning with this awesome book!篇3Hi everyone, I'm super excited to share with you the updated version of the 2023 edition of the PetroChina Universal English Reading Materials! Let's dive right in and explore the exciting new stories and articles that have been added to our textbook.One of my favorite new stories is called "The Adventure of Captain Petro and the Oil Discovery." It's all about a brave captain who explores the ocean in search of oil, and the amazing discoveries he makes along the way. It's so cool to learn about how oil is found and extracted from deep beneath the seabed!Another fun read is "The Green Energy Revolution," which talks about how PetroChina is leading the way in developing clean and renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. It's really inspiring to see how we can protect the planet while still meeting our energy needs.I also love the new section on "Global Connections," which showcases how PetroChina is partnering with countries around the world to promote sustainable development and mutual understanding. It's so cool to learn about different cultures and how we can work together to build a better future.Overall, I think the 2023 edition of the PetroChina Universal English Reading Materials is full of exciting and inspiring stories that teach us about the importance of energy innovation, environmental protection, and global cooperation. I can't wait to keep reading and learning more about the amazing work that PetroChina is doing to shape the future!篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about the latest updated version of the English reading textbook for elementary school students in 2023! This new version is from Sinopec, which is a big company that makes oil and gas. Theymade this new textbook to help us learn English in a fun and easy way.In this new textbook, there are lots of interesting and exciting stories to read. We can learn about different cultures, famous people, and even animals from around the world. The stories are written in simple English so that we can easily understand them. There are also new vocabulary words to learn in each story, which will help us improve our English skills.One of my favorite stories in the new textbook is about a boy who travels to outer space and meets aliens. It's a really cool story and it helps us learn new words like "spaceship" and "galaxy". Another story I like is about a panda who goes on an adventure in the jungle. We learn words like "bamboo" and "climb" from this story.The new textbook also has fun activities and games to help us practice our English skills. We can play word games, do crossword puzzles, and even role-play different scenarios. This makes learning English much more interesting and interactive.Overall, I really like the new version of the English reading textbook from Sinopec. It's fun, engaging, and easy to understand. I can't wait to read more stories and learn newwords from it. I'm sure it will help us all become better at English! Thank you, Sinopec, for making learning English so much fun!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the new updated version of the English reading materials for primary school students in 2023. It's all about China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) this time!In the new books, we will learn about CNPC's history, its importance in China's energy industry, and how it contributes to the country's development. We will also read stories about the company's efforts in environmental protection and community service.One of the exciting new sections is about the different jobs people can have in CNPC. From engineers and geologists to environmental specialists and business managers, there are so many cool careers to explore!We will also learn about the company's international projects and partnerships around the world. It's amazing to see how CNPC is a global player in the energy industry and how it collaborates with other countries to support sustainable development.Through these stories and articles, we will not only improve our English reading skills but also gain a better understanding of the importance of energy and environmental protection in today's world. It's an inspiring and educational journey that will help us become more informed global citizens.So get ready to dive into the world of CNPC and explore the fascinating world of energy and sustainability! Let's learn, grow, and make a difference together!篇6Title: Let's Learn About the Updated 2023 Version of PetroChina General English Reading Textbook!Hi everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about the cool new English textbook that we will be using in school - the 2023 version of the PetroChina General English Reading Textbook! It's super fun and interesting, so let's dive right in!First of all, the new textbook has lots of fun stories, articles, and activities for us to read and do. We can learn about all kinds of topics like technology, environment, culture, and more. There are also fun exercises to help us practice our reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. It's a great way to improve our English!Another cool thing about the new textbook is that it has updated content that reflects the latest trends and developments in the world. We can learn about new inventions, breakthroughs in science, and important global issues. It's a great way to stay informed about what's happening around us!The new textbook also has interactive multimedia features that make learning even more fun. We can listen to audio recordings of the readings, watch videos related to the topics, and even participate in online discussions with other students. It's a great way to make learning English more engaging and interactive!In conclusion, the 2023 version of the PetroChina General English Reading Textbook is an awesome resource for us to improve our English skills and learn about the world around us. I can't wait to dive into all the exciting stories and activities it has to offer. Let's have fun learning together!篇7Title: My Trip to the Updated 2023 Version of Sinopec's English Reading MaterialHey guys, today I want to tell you all about my super fun trip to the updated 2023 version of Sinopec's English readingmaterial. It was so cool and I learned a lot of new things, so let me share it with you!First, we started off by reading this awesome story about a little girl who went on an adventure to the jungle. She met all kinds of animals like monkeys, elephants, and tigers. It was so exciting to read about all the things she saw and did. I even learned some new words like "explore" and "wildlife."Next, we learned about different countries and their cultures. We read about China, America, England, and many more. It was really interesting to see how people in different countries live and what they like to eat. I even got to try some new foods like sushi and hamburgers!After that, we read a story about a robot who could do all kinds of cool tricks. It made me want to learn more about robots and how they work. I even tried to make my own little robot out of Legos!Overall, my trip to the updated 2023 version of Sinopec's English reading material was so much fun. I learned a lot of new things and had a great time reading all the stories. I can't wait to go back and read even more next time!That's all for now, see you later alligator!篇8Title: My Adventure with the Updated PetroChina English Reading Textbook 2023Hi everyone! Today, I want to share with you all about my adventure with the new updated PetroChina English reading textbook in 2023. It was super cool and fun!So, in the new textbook, there were lots of interesting stories and articles to read. One of my favorites was about a boy who traveled to different countries and learned about their cultures. It was so exciting to read about all the different places he visited and the people he met.There were also some fun activities in the textbook like word puzzles and quizzes. I loved trying to solve the puzzles and test my English skills. It was a great way to learn new words and expressions.One of the best parts of the new textbook was the audio recordings. We could listen to native speakers reading the stories and articles, which helped us improve our pronunciation and listening skills. It was like having a real English teacher right there with us!Overall, the updated PetroChina English reading textbook in 2023 was amazing. It made learning English so much fun and easy. I can't wait to read more stories and do more activities in the textbook. I'm sure my English will improve a lot with this new textbook!That's all for now. See you next time! Bye-bye!篇9Title: Fun New Changes in the 2023 Edition of PetroChina General English Reading TextbookHello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the super cool updates in the 2023 edition of our PetroChina General English Reading Textbook. Get ready to have a blast while learning English!First off, we have some awesome new stories and articles in the book. There are exciting tales about adventures, friendship, and even some funny jokes to make you laugh. You won't even realize you're learning English while reading these fun stories!Next, there are more pictures and illustrations in the book to help you understand the English words better. You'll see colorfuldrawings and cool photos that make the words come to life. It's like going on a visual adventure while practicing English!And guess what? There are now interactive activities and games in the book to make learning English even more fun. You can play word puzzles, do matching games, and even sing songs in English. Learning has never been this exciting!But the best part is that the 2023 edition of our PetroChina General English Reading Textbook comes with a special online portal where you can watch videos, listen to audio recordings, and chat with other students in English. It's like having a virtual English classroom right at your fingertips!So, are you excited to start using the 2023 edition of our PetroChina General English Reading Textbook? I know I am! Let's dive into the world of English learning together and have a blast while doing it. Happy learning, everyone!篇10Title: Fun Adventures with Updated English Reading Material in 2023Hey everyone! How's it going? Today I want to talk about the new and improved English reading material that we're using inschool this year. It's super cool and I can't wait to tell you all about it!So, the first thing that's different is that we have brand new stories to read. They're all about exciting adventures and funny characters that we can relate to. I love reading about all the fun things they get up to!And guess what? The stories are written in a way that's easier for us to understand. There are lots of pictures and illustrations to help us visualize what's happening. It's like watching a movie in our heads while we read!But that's not all - we also have fun activities and quizzes to do after we finish reading each story. It's like a little game that helps us remember what we learned. I always try to get a high score!One of my favorite things about the new reading material is that it's updated with modern, everyday English. We get to learn how to talk like real native speakers, which is so cool! I can't wait to use all the new words and phrases I've learned in class.Overall, I think the new English reading material is awesome. It's made learning English even more fun and exciting thanbefore. I can't wait to see what other adventures and stories we'll get to read next!That's all for now, guys. Thanks for reading and see you next time! Bye!。

中石油职称英语考试大纲——1、名词1. 名词名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。
普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness 等。
归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:名词专有名词不可数名词普通名词物质名词抽象名词集体名词可数名词个体名词1. 名词名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。
普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness 等。
归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:名词专有名词不可数名词普通名词物质名词抽象名词集体名词可数名词个体名词1.1 名词复数的规则变化情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加-s清辅音后读/s/map-maps浊辅音和元音后读/z/ bag-bags /car-cars以s, sh, ch, x等结尾加-es读/iz/bus-buses/ watch-watches 以ce, se, ze,等结尾加-s读/iz/license-licenses以辅音字母+y结尾变y 为i再加es读/z/baby---babies[url=mkhttp://alt=[/url]1.2 其它名词复数的规则变化1)以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。

中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课(20)第一篇:中石油职称英语课文讲稿1-60第01课 (20)1.The need for effective[adj.有效的] public speaking will almost certainly touch you sometime[adv.将来某个时候,过去某个时间] in your life.When it does, you want to be ready.But even if you never give another speech in your life, you still have much to gain from studying public speaking.Your speech class will give you training in researching topics, organizing[(organize):vt.组织] your ideas, and presenting yourself skillfully[技巧的].The training is invaluable[munication[n.交流,交际].非常宝贵的] for every type of1、在你生活的某个时刻,几乎必定需要做某种有影响力的公开演讲。
分析:;effective有效地,efficient效率高的;sometime某个时候,some time 一些时间,sometimes有时候,some times一些次数; even if =即使; present V.介绍,赠给,展现,a.出席的,到场的;invaluable=priceless 无价的,非常宝贵的,valueless=worthless没有价值的;2.There are many similarities[(similarity):n.相似,类似] between public speaking and daily conversation[n.谈话;交谈].The three major[a.主要的] goals of speaking-to inform[vt.传达], to persuade[vt.说服;to entertain[娱乐]-are also the three major 劝说], goals of everyday conversation.In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you employ[vt.使用] a wide range[n.一系列] of skills[(skill):n.技能;技巧].You organize[vt.组织] your ideas logically[符合逻辑的].You tailor[vt.修改] your message to youraudience[n.听众].You tell a story for maximum[最大量(的)] impact[n.You adapt[v.使适应,使适合]影响].to feedback[n.回授,反馈] from your listener.These are among the most important skills[(skill):n.技能;技巧] you will need for public speaking.2、在公开演讲和日常交谈之间有许多类似的东西。

第一部分通用英语Part OneEnglish for General PurposesUNIT 1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福TextRead the text. Answer the given questions and translate the underlined sentences or paragraphs into Chinese.In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient.Step 1: Peace and quietJonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The Happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you areunfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good.Step 2: RelationshipsThis is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.Step 3: ShareIf you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others.1. What's the happiness formula according to the passage?2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronicnoise pollution?3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?4. Where does the unhappiness come from?5. What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship?ExercisesA. Translate the following sentences into English.1.吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。

Vocabulary and GrammarLesson 11.The oil Industry of India has traveled a long distance from the ____jungles of Digboi to thedeep-blue ____of Bombay High.A. steam, waterB. steamy, watersC. steamy, waterD. steamy, waters Translation:2 It has, through the decades, ______ technical excellence, established a firm infrastructure .A. strived forB. striven forC. strove onD. striven onTranslation:3 The triumphant milestones encountered so far: Nahorkatiya, Moran, Bombay High _____A. to call a few thingB. to say a few thingC. to name a few oil wellsD. and so onTranslation:4 ____is needed is the great leap forwardA allB thatC whatD whichTranslation:5The nation can rest___ that the oil industry is fully aware ___its responsibility .A assured ,ofB assuring ,onC assured ,withD assuring ,ofTranslation:6 We can expect OIL and ONGC to bring their operations the finest ____managerial ,technical and interpretative skillsA in contrast toB in connection withC in terms ofD in comparison with Translation:7 We can trust them to update their knowledge in the ____world of ideasA explodingB explodedC expoundingD expoundedTranslation:8 We can trust them to constantly remain ___the spear-head of progress.A onB inC atD withinTranslation:9 However, there is one ingredient of success which cannot be ___in the classroom.A importedB impartedC imposedD impressedTranslation:10This is what a distinguished 19 century French mineralogist calls the passion of the pioneer which goes on to describe as “the blend” of an optimism that cannot ____failure ,of a ___that is fanatic in its intensity .A complete ,perseveranceB contemplate ,perseveranceC contempt ,perseveranceD content ,perseveranceTranslation:11 Through the corridors of time and the forests of the night ,she is silently exhorting us ____alive this pioneering spirit .A keepingB keptC to keepD to keepingTranslation:12 It’s important that we respond to this summons for ,quite simply ,it is a summons ___ greatness.A toB ofC inD withTranslation:Lesson 21___in 1918, this 24-cent stamp with a blue plane inside a rose border became the center of ___ attention.A printing, manyB printed, muchC to be printed, muchD to be printing, many Translation:2 One hundred of the stamp ____ to the public became known as “inverts”.A soldB sellC sellingD to sellTranslation:3 The plane was printed ____.A upsideB downC upside downD upwardTranslation:4 These airmail stamps are new worth ever $6,000, so they are ____.A worth collectingB worthy collectingC worth to collectD worth collecting them Translation:5 The story of these stamps began ____ May 14,1918.A onB inC atD fromTranslation:6 They were placed ____.A to saleB on saleC for saleD with saleTranslation:7 When the clerk handed him a sheet of the stamps, Robey noted that they were poorly ____.A centerB centeredC to centerD centeringTranslation:8 About noon Robey came back, and the same clerk was ____.A on dutyB in dutyC with dutyD at dutyTranslation:9 He ____the new sheets and handed one to Robey.A reachedB reached outC reached forD reached inTranslation:10 The collector’s heart stood still as he saw that the sheer ____ had inverted centers.A which has offered himB which has been offered himC which had offered himD which had been offered himTranslation:11____ by his find, Robey shopped other branch pool offices.A excitingB having excitedC excitedD having excitingTranslation:12 ____ a rich man, Robey decided to cash in ___ his good fortune.A Having not a rich man, onB Being not a rich man, inC Not being a rich man, \D Not being a rich man, onTranslation:13 He ____ the first offer of $500 from a Washington stamp shop owner.A turned upB turned downC turned overD turned toTranslation:14 No one else wanted to ____the sheet for fear that Robey’s ____ not be the only upside-down sheet.A bade on, mayB bid on, mightC bid, mightD bade, may Translation:15 These stories ____.A proves to be falseB proves falseC proved to be falseD is proved falseTranslation:16 Robey left New York without having ____, and stopped in Philadelphia ____ home.A made sales, on the wayB made a sales, in the wayC made a sale, on the wayD made sales, by the wayTranslation:17 … the same collector whom Robey had failed ____in Texas.A in contactingB to contactingC to contactD on contactingTranslation:18 … and that Klein phoned him there and sold him the sheet, _____, for $20,000!A sight seeingB sight unseenC seeing sightD unseen sightTranslation:19 Of the 100 stamps first bought by Mr. Robey, stamp collectors are now able to ____ 90.A account toB account forC turn to accountD take into accountTranslation:20 A single such stamp has been sold for ____$6,500.A as much asB as many asC as most asD as more asTranslation:21 ____much this valuable stamp is bought and sold, …A no matter whatB no matter howC no matter whereD no matter when Translation:Lesson 31 Take a cell and through appropriate biological repairing, you can caves it ____ into a duplicate of yourself.A to growB growC growingD grewTranslation:2 ____ the spring of 1996, a book was published.A OnB InC ByD AtTranslation:3 An elderly millionaire succeeded ____ a clone.A to produceB to producingC in producingD producingTranslation:4 The book caused a small ____.A uprightB uprisingC uproarD upsetTranslation:5 Clone movies and clone jokes ____ overnight.A took upB made upC built upD sprang upTranslation:6 A group of scientists demanded that the federal government ____ all the studies.A revealedB having revealedC revealD have been revealedTranslation:7 But some ____ biologists offered their opinion.A distinguishableB distinguishedC distinguishingD distinguishfulTranslation:8 Cell researchers simply do not yet know enough to ____ such a feat, even if they are anxious to.A pull upB pull downC pull offD pull onTranslation:9 We are on the ____ of a new age in the biosciences.A thesholdB thresholdC thresherD threshTranslation:10 If so, the recipe for cloning people should be quite simple, at least ____.A in realityB in theoryC in practiceD in factTranslation:11 But it is still a far cry from the ____ complicated experiment on the carbon copy of human beings.A more muchB much moreC most muchD more mostTranslation:12 One ____ expectation is the crea tion of a new bread of Einstein’s.A favorB favorableC favoriteD favoringTranslation:13 It is more than genetic make-up ____ makes an individual.A thatB whichC whenD whyTranslation:14 People are all products of a particular historical time and of special environment, with so many ____ things affecting the way they develop each and every day.A minuteB minorC mirrorD minerTranslation:15 Fortunately, cloning research is not a technique _ reproductive purpose, but ____ cure human diseases.A to, forB for, toC to, toD for, forTranslation:16 Already biologists studying the cell’s inner workings and the various methods of cloning have made exciting discoveries that may finally lead to ____ in fighting against cancer.A breakdownsB breakthroughsC break offsD breakupsTranslation:Lesson 41 Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack ____ laws guardingprivacy in Britain.A ofB forC \D aboutTranslation:2 As a result, one issue ____ discursion as Parliament returns this week is the possible introduction of legislation to curb press powers.A inB atC withD underTranslation:3 It is also considering the ways ____ the press has invaded the private lives of the famous.A thatB in whichC whichD in thatTranslation:4 This proposal, which was not acted ____, would have made it unlawful to photograph people ____ private property or record their conversations without permission.A upon, inB on, onC in, onD in, withTranslation:5 The committee said that the press should be allowed to invade the privacy of a public figure only when it was____ to expose or prevent criminal activity.A likelyB possiblyC probablyD perhapsTranslation:6 The private lives of Government ministers and members of the Royal Family have ____ prominently in the press.A figuredB featuresC feversD featuredTranslation:7 Some sections of the media justify their intrusion____ saying it is in the public interest.A inB byC atD withTranslation:8 Politicians and others ____ their lives.A are accountable forB account forC accounting forD are accounted forTranslation:9 Privacy laws, these critics say, would protect _____.A the privilegeB privilegeC privilegedD the privilegedTranslation:10 Hence, some editors say they are justified in ____ private lives to uncover any faults.A prying intoB looking intoC going intoD bringing intoTranslation:11 Therefore, it is argued that its members should ____ responsible private lives.A livesB lifeC leadD leadsTranslation:12 Critics of media intrusion say it is hurtful to the individual ____.A involvingB involvedC have involvedD have involvingTranslation:13 As well as the debate ____ privacy and the press, there is another issue that civil-liberty groups think is a greater threat ____ people’s freedom.A to, toB on, onC to, onD on, onTranslation:Lesson 41.Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack ___ laws guardingprivacy in Britain.A. ofB. forC. /D. aboutTranslation:2.As a result, one issue ___ discussion as Parliament returns this week is the possibleintroduction of legislation to curb press powers.A.inB. atC. withD. underTranslation:3.It is also considering the ways ___ the press has invaded the private lives of the famous.A.thatB. in whichC. whichD. in thatTranslation:4.This proposal, which was not acted ___, would have made it unlawful to photograph people___ private property or record their conversations without permission.A. upon, inB. on, onC. in, onD. in, withTranslation:5.The committee said that the press should be allowed to invade the privacy of a public figureonly when it was ___ to expose or prevent criminal activity.A. likelyB. possiblyC. probablyD. perhapsTranslation:6.The private lives of Government ministers and members of the Royal Family have ___prominently in the press.A. figuredB. featuresC. feversD. featuredTranslation:7.Some sections of the media justify their intrusion ___ saying it is in the public interest.A.inB. byC. atD. withTranslation:8.Politicians and others ___ their lives.A. are accountable forB. account forC. accounting forD. are accounted forTranslation:9.Privacy laws, these critics say, would protect ___.A.the privilegeB. privilegeC. privilegedD. the privilegedTranslation:10.Hence, some editors say they are justified in ___ private lives to uncover any faults.A.prying intoB. looking intoC. going intoD. bringing intoTranslation:11.Therefore, it is argued that its members should ___ responsible private lives.A.livesB. lifeC. leadD. leadsTranslation:12.Critics of media intrusion say it is hurtful to the individual ___.A.involvingB. involvedC. have involvedD. have involvingTranslation:13.As well as the debate ___ privacy and the press, there is another issue that civil-liberty groupsthink is a greater threat ___ people’s, toB. on, toC. to, onD. on, onTranslation:Lesson 51.It was just noon ___ that 25th day of April, 1945.A.onB. atC. inD. forTranslation:2.I had ___ my first minutes of combat.A.gone intoB. gone throughC. gone overD. gone backTranslation:3.My job was to drop ___.A.chaffB. staffC. shellD. bulletTranslation:4.An enemy shell had ___ a hole in the floor of the airplane.A.tornB. rippledC. rippedD. ripedTranslation:5.They were the little ___ of tin that confused enemy radar.A.bunchesB. bunchC. bundleD. bundlesTranslation:6.Three inches ___ the left and it would have cut some cables.A.atB. toC. inD. onTranslation:7.It would ___ down to smash in the mountains below.A.dashB. streakC. goD. strikeTranslation:8.I guess most of the ___ forgot about the jet that has us in its sights.A.crewB. staffC. groupD. crowdTranslation:Lesson 61.But even if you never give another speech in your life, you still have much to ___ fromstudying public speaking.A.gainB. grainC. trainD. rainTranslation:2.The training is ___ for every type of communication.A.worthlessB. invaluableC. costlessD. chargeableTranslation:3.In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you ___ a wide range of skills.A.applyB. employC. deployD. multiplyTranslation:4.You tailor your message ___ your audience.A.aboutB. forC. toD. inTranslation:5.You ___ to feedback from your listener.A.adaptB. adoptC. applyD. analyzeTranslation:6.It usually imposes strict time limitations ___ the speaker.A.inB. onC. aboutD. withTranslation:7.Listeners ___ negatively to speeches loaded with slang, jargon, and bad grammar.A.actB. reactC. interactD. transactTranslation:8.Public speaking demands a different method of ___.A.deliverB. deliveryC. delicateD. deleteTranslation:9.Effective speakers adjust their voices ___ the larger audience and work avoiding distractingphysical mannerism and verbal, toB. in, atC. to, atD. to, forTranslation:10.Your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousnesswork for you ___ against you.A.more thanB. most thanC. rather thanD. other thanTranslation:11.You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively, choose speechtopics you really care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate ___ communicating with your audience.A.onB. atC. inD. forTranslation:12.The speech communication process ___ includes seven elements.A.on the wholeB. at a wholeC. as a wholeD. to the wholeTranslation:13.The speaker is the person who ___ a speech transaction.A.initialB. initiateC. initiationD. initiativeTranslation:14.Whatever the speaker communicates is the message, which is sent ___ a particular all meansB. by no meansC. by any meansD. by means ofTranslation:15.Interference is anything that ___ the communication of a message.A.impelsB. importsC. impedesD. impairTranslation:16.The interaction of these seven elements is what determines the ___ in any instance of speechcommunication.A.outcomeB. incomeC. becomeD. welcomeTranslation:17.They do this by doing well-informed ___ their subjects, being honest ___ what they say, byusing sound evidence, and by employing valid reasoning.A.on, atB. on, inC. about, onD. about, inTranslation:Lesson 71.Y ou don’t need a sophisticated grasp of mechanical engineering, ___ of “wear debris particleanalysis”…(1)A. complex B. many C. quantity D. quality(2)A. let it go B. let down C. let off D. let aloneTranslation:2.“Wear particles, or debris can be see n as the product of the ___ of material from surfaces inrelative motion, especially when a machine enters an ___ wear mode.”A.remove, innormalB. removal, imnormalC. removal, abnormalD. remove, abnormalTranslation:3.Bits fall off machines ___ especially when they start to ___.A.break throughB. break upC. break overD. break downTranslation:4.But academics ___ talk like that.A.are supposing toB. suppose toC. supposeD. are supposed toTranslation:5.This example is part of a thesis that appears to ____ at Swansea University.A.have plagiarizedB. have been plagiarizingC. have been plagiarizedD. have being plagiarizingTranslation:6.This case ___ when a student from Sierra Leone appealed against a decision not to award hima Ph. D.A.brought to lightB. came to lightC. gave lightD. hid lightTranslation:7.When he became ___ the matter, he found three examples of direct copying of Ph.D. theses inthe department.A.concernB. concerningC. concernedD. to concernTranslation:8.Substantial chunks appeared to have been copied from a 1993 Ph. D. thesis.rgeB. hugeC. large quantities ofD. bigTranslation:9.“Particle” is sometimes replaced with “debris” when describing the ___ left in machine oil.A.residentsB. residuesC. resemblesD. reservoirTranslation:10.“I believe academic standards, particularly in the ___ of post graduate research, are wanting.”A.suppositionB. superiorityC. supervisionD. superstitionTranslation:11.He is ___ University of Wales to conduct an inquiry.A.calling forB. calling atC. calling inD. calling onTranslation:12.No one in the engineering department have the necessary ___ to supervise his work.A.expertiseB. expertC. experienceD. explanationTranslation:13.He alleges that his department took five months to provide him ___ the oil necessary to hisresearch.A.toB. withC. forD. inTranslation:14.His appeal is ___ consideration.A. onB. underC. aboutD. forTranslation:Lesson 81.When we talk about ears, we usually mean the oddly wrinkled appendages ___ the sides ofour heads.A.inB. onC. besideD. atTranslation:2.We are aware that ___ the end of the central hole in this outer ear there is something called themiddle ear.A.atB. in C by D. withinTranslation:3.Animals such as dogs and cats also have ___ outer ears.A.considerableB. consistentC. conspicuousD. constructiveTranslation:4.Hunters know that birds are attracted by ___ calls.A.artisticB. assumingC. assemblyD. artificialTranslation:5.You should be as quite as possible if you don’t wa nt to go home ___.A.emptily-handedB. empty-handC. empty-handedD. emptily-handTranslation:6.biologists have discovered that practically all animals have ___ sense of hearing or vibration.A.someB. aC. /D. certainTranslation:7.The inner ear ___ delicate membranes.poses ofB. is composed ofC. is composing ofD. composesTranslation:8.What message is carried by a macula ___ how it is effected.A.depend onB. depending onC. depends onD. depended onTranslation:9.This spiral-shaped organ ___ the macula itself.A.containB. containsC. is contained ofD. is contained inTranslation:10.It is called “organ of Corti” ___ its discoverer.A.toB. forC. atD. afterTranslation:11.This is something like the way ___ high and low sounds are produced by a flute or whistle.A.whichB. thatC. in whichD. in thatTranslation:12.Scientists must explore much ___ for more knowledge about how animals use their ears.A.furtherB. featherC. fartherD. fatherTranslation:Lesson 91.Their job was to ___ whales.A.captainB. capture c. capital D. capitalistTranslation:2.They are good stories to read because they always ___ adventure.A.tell ofB. talk ofC. speak ofD. speakTranslation:3.___ the whaling ship you would hear a man shout.A.AbroadB. AboardC. BoardD. BroadTranslation:4. A crew of men ___ to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.A.setB. settingC. setsD. settsTranslation:5.It is for the valuable oil in blubber ___ whales are hunted.A.whichB. thatC. whereD. in whichTranslation:6.Whales cannot breathe under water, but must come above water for air ___ thirty or fortyminutes.A.everyB. aC. someD. certainTranslation:7.The whales’ lookouts watch for the misty steam of water when the whale ___.A.exhaustB. inhaustC. inhaleD. exhaleTranslation:8.Although it may weigh ___ twenty elephants, this giant of the sea feeds ___ sea plants andanimals.A as many as , onB as much as, onC as many as , withD as much as , withTranslation:9. It often dives thousands of feet down into the ocean ____ its favorite dirrerA searchB search forC in search ofD in search forTranslation:10 Many a whale ___ battle scar.A carryB carriesC carringD carriedTranslation:11 It could ___ the early whaling boats with one lash of its powerful tailA turn onB turn offC turn downD turn overTranslation:12 They make its ___ into clothing and its flesh into foodA furB featherC skinD hideTranslation:13 The blubber is used___ fuel.A toB forC withD atTranslation:14 ___, this greasy, ill-smelling product is used in making fine perfumesA strange enoughB enough strangeC strangely enoughD enough strangelyLesson 10. Permeability1. So far permeability is referred to rock conditions _____a single-phase fluid saturation was considered. (where)2. In petroleum reservoirs, however, the rocks are usually _____with two or more fluids, such as interstitial water, oil. and gas.(saturated )3. Effective permeability is introduced here to describe the _____flow of more than one fluid. (simultaneous)4. In the definition of effective permeability each fluid phase is considered to be completely _____of the oilier fluids in the flow network. (independent)5. The effective permeability is a relative measure of the conductance of the porous medium for one fluid phase _____the medium is saturated with more than one fluid. (when)6. This definition of effective permeability implies that the medium can have a distinct and _____conductance to each phase _____in the medium. (,measurable, present)7. Experiments have _____that effective permeability is a function of the prevailing fluid saturation, the rock-wetting characteristics, and the geometry of the pores of the rock. (established )8. The effective permeability is _____some numerical value at some given saturate conditions. (stated as)9. _____k is the accepted symbol for permeability, Ko, Kw, Kg are the respected symbols for the effective permeability to oil, water, and gas_____. (Just as, respectively)10. The saturation’s, if known, should be specified to define completely the conditions _____a given effective permeability exists. (at which)11. _____the previously defined permeability, many values of effective permeability now exist, one for each particular condition of fluid saturation. (Unlike) 12. Effective permeability’s are normally measured directly in the laboratory_____small core samples. (on)13. _____the many possible combinations of saturation for a single medium, laboratory' data are usually summarized and reported as relative permeability. (Owing to)14. Relative permeability is defined as the effective ratio of the effective permeability of a fluid at a_____ value of saturation _____the effective permeability of that fluid_____100 per cent saturation. (given, to, at )15. It is normally assumed that the effective permeability is the same for all fluidsat 100 percent saturation, this permeability_____ the permeability of this porous medium. (being denoted as)16. In addition, there are many instances _____not two fluids, but three fluids exist in the rock simultaneously. (when)Lesson 11. A World without Oil1. Have you ever stopped to think how your life would change if the world _____oil? (ran out of)2. If you are comfortably cool in a tropical_____, your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators.(climate)3. Cosmetics such as face creams, lipsticks and hair preparations are often____petroleum. (based on)4. Fertilizers and insecticides made _____petroleum can improve crop production.(from)5. Recently protein feeds for animals _____by growing yeast in a petroleum based stock. (have been developed )6. Scientists predict that the world's known oil resources will _____early in the next century. (run out)7. There is an old English saying, "necessity is the mother of invention," _____that when you _____a need you will discover some way of fulfilling it. (which means, are faced with)8. One company has _____an idea _____metal strips inserted in pavements and roads operate fly wheels by means of a piston action using hydraulic fluid. (parented, in which)9. Engines can _____alcohol, so surplus sugar cane could be used to produce energy. (run on)10. Such "sun ship" would have a large enough surface area to carry the enormous number of solar cells necessary to move any _____load. (appreciable )11. In such circumstances, of course, the tropical parts of the world would havea _____in the race to find new energy sources. (head start)Lesson 121 Rock and soil samples and information of many other kinds have become ___ in recent yearsA accountableB considerableC availableD possibleTranslation:2 Many felt___ the astronauts could bring back to earth some strange infectionA it was a chance thatB there was a chance thatC it is a chance thatD there is a chance thatTranslation:3 Like the earth ,the moon is in___, with a crust on the outside and a deep mantle belowA liarsB layersC lavaD leadTranslation:4 It has the same chemical elements___ have the earth and the rest of the solar system but in verydifferent___.A that, amountsB which, numbersC as, amountsD that, numbersTranslation:5 The surface itself ranges from heat of 23F to cold of ___290F, depending upon where the sun isA plusB minusC majorD minorTranslation:6 The moon was born someplace else in the solar system and then ___ by the earth,s gravityA captainedB capitalizedC capturedD cappedTranslation:7 ___, all we have learned from space flights ,the moon is still a riddle from the distancepastA Despite ofB DespitedC In spiteD In spite ofTranslation:Lesson 131 The most interesting things are the ——and face cards.A suitesB suitsC sweetsD sortsTranslation:2 With ___ imagination, you can see the handle and the blade.A fewB a fewC littleD a littleTranslation:3 The club looks a little like a three-leaf___ design.A coverB cloverC colorD columnTranslation:4 These man made themselves famous ——their courage and braveryA atB inC forD withTranslation:Lesson 141 This provision is made in____ with the General Principles of the civil lawA accordB accordingC accordanceD accordanceTranslation:2 ___ with that of the three existing contract laws, the scope of application of the Draft contract law is___ enlargedA comparing, appreciablyB compared, appreciablyD compared, appropriately D comparing, appropriatelyTranslation:3 The basic principles of the contract law____ the Draft contract law are as follow:A provide withB provideC provided withD provided forTranslation:4 With equal legal status, the parties to contract enjoy according to law the right to___a contract voluntarilyA includeB excludeC concludeD decludeTranslation:5 No party may impose his own will___ another.。

2013新版选读目录(20篇新课文,考过大题的已标出)1, The Value of Time 时间的价值(新)2, English is a Crazy Language 英语是一种疯狂的语言3, All I Learned in Kindergarten 幼儿园所学的......4, How to Negotiate with Americans 如何与美国人谈判(新)5, Network Security 网络安全(新)6, Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料7, Automatic Auto: a Car That Drives Itself 无人驾驶汽车(新)8, Our Family Creed 家族的信条9, The Art of Public Speaking 公共演讲的艺术(06年阅读题)10, Sweep a Fuel Craft Invest Fever 清洁能源行业投资热潮(新)11, Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌(11年阅读题)12, The Positive Meanings of Love 爱的真谛(新)13, Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits?运动有奇效吗?(新)14, Taking chances,Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇15, The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省16, The American Way: Family 美国人的家庭观(新)17, Computers Give Big Boosts to Productivity 计算机技术极大提高生产效率(新)18, The Principles of International Trade国际贸易原理(新)19, A World without Oil假如世界上没有石油20, The Germanic Languages日耳曼语系21, How Americans Eat and Drink美国人的饮食22, The Delights of South Island南岛之乐23, A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy矶鹞带来快乐24, An Introduction to Distillation蒸馏概述25, Hints to Improve Spoken English提高英语口语须知26, The Moon---Riddle from the Past月球---来自远古之谜(08年阅读题)27, The Delight of Books书之乐趣28, The Magic of Energy能的魔力(07年阅读题)29, How to Reduce Employee Turnover如何减少员工流失(新)30, That "Other Woman" in My Life我生命中的“另一个女人”31, Geography of USA美国地理概况32, The Old Man and the Sea(Excerpt)老人与海(节选)33, Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences石油地质学与其他科学(12年翻译题)34, What do Parents Owe Their Children父母欠子女什么?35, Trends for 21st Century21世纪的趋势(新)36, You Bet Your Life以命相赌37, Radiation and Human Health辐射与人体健康(新)38, To Be Content with One's Lot乐天知命(新)39, I Didn't Know How to Teach until I Met You直到遇到你我才知道怎么教学40, An Introduction to Petrochemicals石油化工产品概述(05年翻译题)41, The Subject of Smiling微笑问题(新)42, A $210,000 Wallet价值21万美元的钱包43, What's Your Best Time of Day?何时是你一天中最佳的时间?(新)44, Fundamental Techniques in Handling People处理人际关系的基本技巧45, Happiness Index幸福指数(新)44, The Versatile Lead Pencil(07版,07年阅读题)46, Becoming Wealthy: It's Up to You致富取决于你自己(04年翻译题)47, Oil 油(06年阅读题)48, Ocean Plant Life in Decline海洋植物数量锐减(新)49, Cultural Taboos文化禁忌(新)50, Managing in a Global Environment在全球环境中进行管理51, Not Quite Ready to Retire退休为时尚早52, Sales Promotion产品促销53, Another Happiness另一种快乐54, Why to Mark a Book为什么要在书上做标记55, Earth's Last Frontier: the Sea海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域56, Why Antarctica is Being Explored为什么要勘探南极洲(11年阅读题)57, Listening Faults聆听的误区(12年阅读题)58, Your are What You Think你认为自己是什么样的人,就是什么样的人(10年翻译题)59, The Audacity of Hope有希望则无所畏惧60, Future of Energy能源的未来(新)。

36.Oil(油) 1. The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. Some of the Indians of North America used to collect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania. No one, however, seems to have realized the importance of this oil until it was found that paraffin-oil could be made from it; this led to the development of the wells and to the making of enormous profits. When the internal combustion engine was invented, oil became of worldwide importance. 1、油井的存在由来已久。
2. What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past, and was formed from living things in the sea. Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed. They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. For there creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. They are sedimentary rocks, rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. Almost always the remains of shells, and other proofs of sea life, are found close to the oil. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil. 2、现在驱动汽车和飞机的油的起源是什么?科学家对煤的形成⼀清⼆楚,然⽽论及⽯油时,它们就不那么有把握了。

2023年中石油职称英语考试通用选读全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Super-Duper Important CNPC English ExamHey there, kids! Are you ready to hear about something really exciting? I'm talking about the CNPC Professional Title English Exam that happened in 2023! I know, I know, exams don't sound like much fun. But trust me, this one was pretty darn special.You see, the CNPC (that stands for China National Petroleum Corporation) is a huge company that deals with oil and gas. They have workers all over China, and even in other countries too! These workers have all sorts of different jobs, like engineers, scientists, and even office workers who help keep everything running smoothly.Now, in a company as big and important as CNPC, it's really important that everyone can communicate well in English. After all, English is like the universal language of the world! It helps people from different countries and cultures understand each other better.That's why, every year, CNPC holds a special English exam for all their workers. The ones who do really well on the exam might even get a promotion or a new, fancier job title! Imagine being called a "Senior Petroleum Engineer" or a "Chief Geologist" – how cool would that be?But let me tell you, this exam is no walk in the park. It tests your English skills in all sorts of ways, like reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You have to answer questions about tricky grammar rules, read long passages and understand what they're saying, and even have conversations in English with the examiners!Thousands and thousands of CNPC workers from all over China took this exam in 2023. Some of them had been studying English for months and months, practicing with textbooks, online courses, and even hiring private tutors! They knew how important it was to do well on this exam.And you know what? Some of the kids' parents were even taking the exam too! That's right, CNPC has all sorts of workers, from fresh-out-of-school young'uns to experienced veterans who have been in the company for decades. English is important for everyone!I heard some pretty wild stories about the exam day too. There were test centers set up in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, but also in tiny little towns way out in the countryside. Some workers had to travel for days just to get to the nearest exam site!And let me tell you, those exam rooms were no joke. They had cameras everywhere to make sure nobody was cheating, and strict rules about what you could bring in (definitely no secret notes or cheat sheets allowed!). The examiners were professionals who had been specially trained to catch even the slightest mistakes or funny business.But you know what the craziest part was? The exam wasn't just about English – it was also about oil and gas stuff! That's right, the questions were all related to the petroleum industry, with technical terms and everything. So not only did you need to know your English, but you also had to understand all the science and engineering behind drilling for oil, refining it, and transporting it safely.Phew, just thinking about it makes my head spin a little! I don't know how those CNPC workers managed to cram all that knowledge into their brains. But I guess that's what makes them the professionals, huh?Anyway, after the big exam day was over, it was time for the waiting game. The examiners had to grade thousands and thousands of test papers, which took weeks and weeks. I can only imagine how tired their eyes must have been after reading all those essays and listening to all those recordings!Finally, the results were announced, and there was a whole bunch of celebrating going on! Workers who did really well were overjoyed, and their families threw them parties to congratulate them. Some people even got promotions or new job titles right away, which meant more money and more responsibility.But you know what? Even the workers who didn't do as well weren't too upset. They knew that taking the exam was already a big accomplishment, and that they could always try again next year. The important thing was that they had challenged themselves and worked hard to improve their English skills.And that's really what this whole CNPC English exam thing was all about – encouraging everyone in the company to keep learning, keep growing, and keep communicating better. Because when you can understand people from all over the world, that's when the real magic happens!So there you have it, kids – the inside scoop on the 2023 CNPC Professional Title English Exam. I don't know about you,but I'm already looking forward to hearing about the next one! Who knows, maybe someday you'll be the ones taking it and becoming the next generation of oil and gas superstars. Stranger things have happened, right?篇2My Big Important English TestHi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I go to Sunshine Elementary School in Beijing. Today I'm going to tell you all about the big important English test I had to take recently. It was called the 2023 Sinopec Professional English Exam and it was really hard!My mom works at a big oil company called Sinopec. Every few years, all the employees have to take this huge English test to show they can speak and understand English well. If they don't pass, they might not get promoted or could even lose their job! So it's a really big deal.This year, my mom was signed up to take the test again. She studied really hard for months - reading books, doing practice tests, and listening to English audio lessons. She said the test covers all kinds of English skills like reading, writing, listening,speaking, grammar, and vocabulary. It sounded super difficult to me.A few weeks before the test date, my mom started getting really stressed out. She would come home from work and then study late into the night. Sometimes I would hear her muttering English words and phrases under her breath while she was cooking or folding laundry. My little brother and I tried to help her practice her English conversation skills, but she said our Beijing accents were "too cute" and not proper enough!Finally, the week of the big test arrived. My mom had to go to a special test center really early in the morning for the speaking and listening sections. She said there were hundreds of other test takers there too, all looking just as nervous as she felt. The speaking part was hard because she had to respond to questions, describe scenarios, and have whole conversations - all in English! She said her heart was pounding the entire time.After a quick lunch break, it was time for the reading, writing, and language use sections in the afternoon. My mom said those parts were just as challenging. The reading passages were full of advanced vocabulary about science, technology, business, and current events that she wasn't familiar with. The writing tasks required her to write essays, reports, emails and summaries - allwithout making any grammar mistakes! By the end of the day, her brain was completely fried.While we waited for her results, my mom was a nervous wreck. She didn't know if she had passed or failed. If she failed, she might not get promoted to a management position that she had been hoping for. Our whole family had our fingers crossed!A few weeks later, the results finally came out. We ripped open the envelope mom had passed! She got a qualifying score and earned her Sinopec English certification. We all cheered and celebrated her hard work. My mom treated us to pizza at our favorite restaurant. She said this exam was one of the hardest things she'd ever done, but she had persevered through all the reading, writing, listening, and speaking practices.I was so proud of her!After seeing my mom go through this tough English exam, I realized how important it is to learn another language. It opens up so many opportunities in your career. You can communicate with people globally, read things from other countries, and understand different perspectives. My mom's English skills are going to help her get ahead at Sinopec.I've decided that I'm going to start studying English extra hard at school. One day, I'll be taking big important tests like thistoo! Who knows, maybe I'll grow up to work for an international company or even travel the world. But I know studying English will open up so many doors for me, just like it did for my mom. Tests like the Sinopec Professional Exam are difficult, but overcoming that challenge makes you feel capable of anything.I'm really lucky that my mom set such a great example for me by working so diligently towards her English certification. She showed me how useful English skills are in the real world. I'm going to follow in her footsteps and keep practicing reading, writing, listening and speaking as much as I can. Then when it's my turn to take a big test like that someday, I'll be prepared!篇3My Big Sis Took the Sinopec English ExamHi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. I go to Sunshine Elementary School here in Beijing. Today I want to tell you all about my big sister Meimei and the big important English test she just took for her job at Sinopec.Meimei is 25 years old and she's a petroleum engineer at Sinopec, which is one of the biggest oil and gas companies in China. Sinopec has operations all over the country and even in other parts of the world. Meimei's job is to help design andoperate the systems that extract oil and gas from deep underground.Every few years, the engineers and other professionals at Sinopec have to take exams to get certified for higher titles and ranks within the company. The titles show their level of expertise and experience. This year, Meimei took the exam for the title of Senior Engineer. It had sections testing her knowledge in areas like oil drilling, refining, safety procedures, and English language skills.The English part was really important because Meimei has to read a lot of technical manuals and research papers written in English. She also needs to communicate with co-workers and partners from other countries where they speak English. The English section had reading comprehension passages about topics related to the oil and gas industry.Meimei studied really hard for months leading up to the exam day. After dinner every night, she would retreat to her bedroom and review thick textbooks filled with technical terms and practice exam questions. Sometimes she would have me quiz her on vocabulary words in English. Words like "sedimentary" and "hydraulic fracturing" that were super hard for me to pronounce!On the weekend before the exam, Meimei did a full practice run, taking a mock test with a timer set for the full 3 hours just like the real thing would be. She said it helped her get used to the intense time pressure of having to read long passages quickly and answer questions accurately. I helped her practice by timing her and verifying her answers against the answer key.Finally, exam day arrived two weeks ago. Meimei put on her nicest pantsuit and headed to the exam center bright and early in the morning. The test had a total of 5 sections including the English reading part. From what Meimei told me, the English passages were about topics like offshore oil platforms, environmental safety regulations, and techniques for enhanced oil recovery.To prepare for the reading section, Meimei said she did lots of practice skimming through passages and identifying the main ideas. She had to move quickly through the technical articles without getting bogged down on minor details. Then she learned strategies for answering different types of comprehension questions accurately and efficiently.There were multiple choice vocabulary questions that tested definitions of key terms from the energy industry. There were also true/false and short answer questions about important facts,concepts and procedures described in the passages. Meimei found it challenging to manage her time wisely and avoid running out of time before finishing all the questions.After the full 3 hour exam was finally over, Meimei felt relieved but also completely drained from the intense mental workout. She rehydrated with some water and a nutrient bar before heading back home on the bus. Even though she felt good about having prepared thoroughly, she still felt nervous waiting for her results.A couple weeks went by before the exam scores were finally released online last Friday. I could hear Meimei squealing with joy from the other room when she logged in and saw that she passed the English section and the overall exam! With a big smile on her face, she came and gave me a huge hug to celebrate her achievement.Meimei told me that performing well on the English reading section was crucial for her career advancement at Sinopec. The exam verified she has the language skills needed to understand complex technical information and communicate effectively with global partners in the energy industry. By passing the exam, Meimei earned the Senior Engineer title which comes with more responsibilities but also higher pay.I'm so proud of my big sis Meimei for her hard work and perseverance in studying for this important exam. Seeing her dedication has inspired me to keep working hard in school so I can achieve my own goals in the future, maybe even becoming a petroleum engineer at Sinopec just like her!I hope you enjoyed learning about Meimei's experience with the 2023 Sinopec Professional Title English Exam. Even though the technical details were way over my 8-year-old head, I think it's really cool how important English skills are for engineering careers nowadays with so much international collaboration happening. The energy industry sounds pretty interesting too with all the big machinery and science involved in extracting resources like oil and gas from underground reservoirs. Who knows, maybe I'll end up following in Meimei's footsteps someday! But for now, I've got plenty of time to just be a kid and focus on my times tables. Take care everyone!篇4My Big Oil Adventure!Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I just had the craziest experience and I can't wait to tell you all about it! It all started when my dad told me he had to go to work at the big oilcompany he works for called Sinopec. He's a petroleum engineer which means he helps get oil and gas out of the ground. Pretty cool, right?Anyway, he said I could go to work with him for "Take Your Kid to Work Day"! I was so excited because I love learning about science and I've always wondered what my dad actually does at his job. So bright and early that morning, we hopped in the car and headed to this huge oil field in the desert.When we got there, I couldn't believe my eyes! There were these massive metal towers everywhere shooting flames out of the top. My dad called them "flare stacks" and said they burn off extra gas. He also showed me the drill rigs which are like huge machines that drill way down into the earth to reach the oil and gas reservoirs. They were taller than skyscrapers!After checking out the drilling rigs, we went inside the main operations building. That's where all the engineers and geologists work to monitor and control everything happening at the oil field. There were so many big computer screens showing maps and diagrams and numbers. It was like a fancy mission control room!My dad's friend Sarah, who is a petroleum geologist, took me on a tour to explain how they find new oil reserves. Sheshowed me these cool 3D images of underground rock formations on the computer. Using math, science, and technology, the geologists can analyze the pictures and data to figure out the best spots to drill for oil and gas! Sarah said it's like being a detective, but instead of looking for criminals they look for hydrocarbons trapped in the rocks.Then it was lunchtime, but not just any lunchtime! We got to eat in the camp living quarters where the workers stay for weeks at a time. I had my first taste of "rig pig" stew which is a hearty soup made for the drill crews. After refueling with lots of food, it was off to see more of the field.We went inside this big fenced area full of huge cylindrical tanks. My dad said those were the oil storage tanks whereall the crude oil gets pumped into after it comes out of the ground. He showed me how they carefully measure and monitor the oil levels in each tank. There was also a network of pipes connecting all the tanks to each other and to the places where trucks load up and take the oil away to refineries.The last stop was definitely the smelliest - we visited the natural gas processing plant! This was where they separate out the various hydrocarbons like propane and butane from the natural gas, so it can be safely used for heating homes andbusinesses. Between the rotten egg smell of sulfur and the thick maze of equipment and piping, it felt like we were on an alien planet!After the grand tour, I was in awe at how much amazing science, math, and engineering goes into getting the oil and gas out of the ground and processed. Who knew my dad had such a cool job? I came home exhausted but excited to share everything I had learned.Maybe I'll grow up to be a petroleum engineer or geologist too! I can't wait for the next Take Your Kid to Work Day with Sinopec. The oil fields are like modern-day frontiers waiting to be explored. It's a big endeavor keeping the world's energy supply flowing, but there are so many brilliant men and women up for the challenge. I'm proud my dad is one of them! That's my big oil adventure for now, but I'm sure there will be many more to come.篇5My Amazing Adventure in the Oil FieldHello, everyone! I want to tell you about my incredible adventure in the oil field. It was so exciting and I learned a lot of interesting things there. Let me share my story with you!Last summer, my family and I went on a vacation to an oil field. I was super curious because I had heard a lot about oil and how important it is for our daily lives. When we arrived, I couldn't believe my eyes. There were huge machines, tall towers, and lots of pipes everywhere. It looked like a whole different world!We had a guide who took us around and explained how oil is extracted from the ground. He told us that oil is formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Can you imagine that? It's like a time capsule from the past! The guide showed us a picture of a dinosaur and said that its remains could turn into oil someday. I thought that was super cool!Next, we visited an oil well. It was like a big hole in the ground, and there was a machine that pumped oil out. The guide told us that it takes a lot of hard work and advanced technology to extract oil safely. He also explained that oil is used to make many things we use every day, like gasoline for cars, plastic for toys, and even the clothes we wear. I never realized how important oil is in our lives!After that, we went to a refinery. It was a massive facility where they process the crude oil and turn it into useful products. The guide showed us how they separate the different components of oil, like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. It was like abig science experiment! I learned that they have to be very careful because some of the components can be dangerous if not handled properly.At the end of our tour, we visited a museum that had lots of interactive exhibits about oil and energy. I played games and learned even more interesting facts. Did you know that solar and wind power are also important sources of energy? I was amazed at how many different ways we can generate power!My adventure in the oil field was truly amazing. I learned so much and had a lot of fun too. It made me appreciate all the hard work that goes into extracting and using oil. I now understand why it's important to conserve energy and explore alternative sources. Who knows, maybe one day I'll become an engineer and help develop new ways to power our world!That's the end of my story. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my adventure in the oil field. Remember, learning can be exciting and you never know what amazing things you might discover!篇6The Big Day for Oil Workers!Hi there, kids! Today I'm going to tell you all about a very important test that many oil workers have to take. It's called the 2023 PetroChina Professional Title English Exam. Now, I know what you're thinking - "Boring! Why do I care about some test for oil workers?" But trust me, this is going to be a fun story!You see, PetroChina is a huge company that deals with oil and gas. They have workers all over China who help get the oil and gas out of the ground and to people's homes and cars. But it's not an easy job! These workers have to learn all sorts of things to be really good at their jobs.One of the most important things they have to learn is English. Can you believe it? Even though they work in China, they still need to know English! That's because a lot of the big machines and tools they use come with instructions and manuals written in English. Plus, they sometimes have to talk to people from other countries who only speak English.So every few years, PetroChina has all of its workers take a big English test. It's kind of like the tests you take at school, but it's just on English and it's really, really hard! The workers have to study for months and months to get ready for it.Now, you might be wondering, "Why does it matter if the oil workers know English or not?" Well, let me tell you! If theworkers don't understand the instructions on how to use the machines properly, they could make a big mistake. And when you're dealing with oil and gas, even a tiny mistake can cause a huge problem! So it's super important that the workers really know their English.The test has four main parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. For the listening part, the workers have to listen to recordings in English and answer questions about what they heard. The reading part has them read passages in English and answer comprehension questions. Writing tests their ability to write clear and correct English sentences and paragraphs. And speaking checks if they can properly pronounce English words and have conversations.Phew, that's a lot to prepare for, isn't it? Imagine having to take a test on every single subject you learn at school, all in one day! That's kind of what it's like for these oil workers.Now, I'm sure you're wondering how the workers get ready for such a huge test. Well, many of them take extra English classes or hire private tutors to help them practice. They read English books and newspapers, watch English movies and shows, and listen to English music. Basically, they try to surround themselves with English as much as possible!The days leading up to the test are probably really stressful for the workers. They're probably cramming as much last-minute studying as they can and feeling really nervous. I bet some of them even have trouble sleeping the night before because they're so anxious!But you know what? I think it's really amazing that these workers are willing to work so hard to learn English. It just shows how dedicated they are to being the best oil workers they can be. They're trying their best to keep us all safe while still getting us the oil and gas we need.On the day of the test, I imagine there's a lot of excitement and tension in the air. The workers probably arrive at the test center feeling a mix of nerves and determination. As they sit down to begin the exam, I'll bet they take a few deep breaths to calm themselves down. And then, it's time to put all those months of studying to the test!I don't know about you, but I'll be sending them all my positive thoughts and cheering them on from the sidelines. Getting through a test like that is no easy feat!Once it's all over, I'm sure there's a huge feeling of relief for the workers. Some of them will probably go out to celebrate, while others might just want to go home and sleep for a weekstraight! Whatever they do, they should be really proud of themselves. They worked incredibly hard, and that's something to feel great about.So there you have it, kids - the whole story behind the big 2023 PetroChina Professional Title English Exam. It might not seem that exciting at first, but when you think about how important it is and how much effort goes into it, it's actually pretty amazing!I don't know about you, but this story has given me a whole new appreciation for the oil workers who make sure we have the energy we need. The next time you flip on a light switch or hop into a car, remember all the hard work that went into making that possible - including passing tough English exams!What did you think of my story? Let me know if you have any other questions! I'll do my best to explain more about this test and the incredible people who take it. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to study hard - you never know when you might need to take an important English exam yourself!。

2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试《通用英语选读》培训笔记(考过的大题已标出)目录41. Happiness Index幸福指数 (1)42 Becoming Wealthy: It's Up to You 致富取决于你自己 (5)43 Oil 石油 (9)44 Job Satisfaction工作满意度(2016新增) (12)45. How to Become a Scientist怎样才能成为一名科学家(2016新增) (17)46. Cultural Taboos文化禁忌 (20)47 Managing In a Global Environment 在全球环境中进行管理 (24)48. The Conscious Use of the Subconscious Mind对潜意识的有意识利用(2016新增)2849. The British through My Eyes我眼中的英国人(2016新增) (32)50 Not Quite Ready to Retire 退休为时尚早 (36)41. Happiness Index幸福指数(index n. 索引;偏意:指数)1. In terms of happiness, your spouse—if you have one—is worth $100,000 a year.1、就幸福而言(in terms of 依据;按照),你的配偶(spouse)——如果你有的话——值10万美元一年(a year)。
2. That's the finding of two economists who have tried to put a monetary value on happiness by measuring the emotional value of everything from religion to racial discrimination in dollars.2、这就是两位经济学家研究的结果(finding n. 发现;调查的结果; economist n. 经济学家),他们试图从金钱的角度来衡量幸福,以美元为单位(in dollars),对从宗教到种族歧视等各种情感进行估价(who 引导的定语从句修饰two economists; try to do sth. 试图做某事;monetary value 货币价值;emotional value 情感价值;religion n. 宗教;信仰;racial discrimination 种族歧视)。

2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试《通用英语选读》培训笔记(考过的大题已标出)目录1.SIX GOLDEN RULES FOR MEETING MANAGEMENT主持会议六大准则(2016新增) (2)2. NETWORK SECURITY 网络安全(2013新增)【2013阅读题】 (4)3 .ALL I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN 幼儿园所学的 (8)4. HOW TO NEGOTIATE WITH AMERICANS 如何与美国人谈判(2013新增) (11)5.CARBON-BASED ALTERNATIVE 碳基替代燃料 (16)6. AUTOMATIC AUTO: A CAR THAT DRIVES ITSELF 无人驾驶汽车(2013版新增) (19)7. OUR FAMILY CREED 家族的信条(2007版) (23)8. THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 公共演讲的艺术(2007版) (26)9. OIL AND GAS GENERATION油气生成(2016版新增) (30)10.THE DRESS CODE FOR OFFICE LIFE办公室的着装礼仪(2016版新增) (34)温馨小语:每篇“学习笔记”将可能涉及到的“考点”做了重点标记,它们基于“职称考试”的四个主要方面,即词汇、语法、阅读和翻译,所以在学习中要认真体会,找到自己要重点学习的内容。
1.Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management主持会议六大准则(2016新增)If you are asked to chair【主持,椅子】 a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management【管理,regulation】.如果要求你主持一个会议,记住以下有关主持会议的六大准则。
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1. President Hu Urges Efforts to Ensure Global Energy Security.(胡锦涛主席敦促国际社会协同努力保障全球能源安全)1. The international community should take joint efforts to ensure global energy security, Chinese President Hu Jintao said in St. Petersburg, Russia on July 17.2. "To ensure global energy security, we need to develop and implement a new energy security concept that calls for mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified forms of development and common energy security through coordination," Hu said in a written speech to the outreach session of the G8 summit.3. While global energy security is crucial to the economic growth and people's livelihood of all countries, the world peace and stability, and common development, "few countries can achieve energy security without joining in international cooperation," he stressed.4. In this regard, efforts should be made in the following three priority areas, Hu said.5. First, cooperation should be enhanced for mutual benefit in energy development and utilization.6. "To ensure global energy security, it is important to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between energy exporters and consumers and among major energy consumers," he said.7. He urged the international community to strengthen policy coordination and improve mechanisms for monitoring the international energy market and responding to energy emergencies.8. Second, a system for R&D and extension of advanced energy technologies needs to be put in place, Hu said.9. International cooperation should be promoted in R&D of key technologies in renewable energies, hydrogen power, nuclear power and other energy resources, and energy-saving technology should also be promoted, he said.10. Third, efforts should be made to maintain a sound political climate favorable to energy security and stability, Hu said.11. "We should join hands to safeguard stability of energy-producing countries and regions, the Middle East in particular," he said. "Energy issues should not be politicized, still less should countries willfully resort to force in tackling energy issues."12. Hu also explained China's energy strategy that can be summarized as follows: Give high priority to conservation, rely mainly on domestic supply, develop diverse energy resources, protect the environment, step up international cooperation of mutual benefit and ensure the stable supply of economical and clean energies.13. Hu pledged that China, as a major energy consumer and producer, "will make proper use of the international energy market and strengthen win-win cooperation with other energy producers and consumers on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to jointly safeguard global energy security."1、中国国家主席胡锦涛七月十七日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡发表讲话说,国际社会应该共同努力,保障全球能源安全。
”2. How to Learn with Success. (如何学有成效)1. To learn with success is not a very difficult task if some fundamental principles are laid down. While discussing this subject, I'd like to mention four indispensable principles: diligence, devotion, constancy, and punctuality.2. All things can be conquered by diligence. It makes the foolish wise, the poor rich, and the humble noble. It producesa wonderful effect. In learning, the work of a diligent fool doubles that of a lazy wit.3. Devotion means to set our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts. Never think of learning another subject while studying one subject. Those who often change their studies will never succeed in the long run. Therefore, in order to be successful we need devotion.4. Constancy makes success a certainty. On the other hand, inconstancy often results in failure. If we study day after day, there is nothing that cannot be achieved. We should remember a worthy proverb "Constant dropping of water wears away a stone."5. Besides, there is another rule that contributes to one's accomplishments, that is, punctuality. The habit of keeping regular hours is of extreme importance to successful learning. Work while you work; play while you play. Every man will certainly become strong and wise if he does so.1、如果定下几条基本的行为准则,学有成效并非难事。