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• 公共事业管理学是 研究公共事业管理 活动、制度、体制 及其运行机制的学 科。它主要反映政 府管理公共事业的 活动,并通过对这 些活动的本质与现 象、主体与客体、 观念与技术、内容 与形式、制度与过 程、历史与未来的 研究,掌握公共事 业管理的规律性, 帮助和推动这些活 动的科学化、法制 化、合理化、规范 化和时代化进程。
在培养具备现代管 理理论、技术与方 法等方面的知识以 及应用这些知识的 能力,能在文教、 体育、卫生、环保、 社会保险、艺术等 公共事业单位的行 政管理部门从事管 理工作的高级专门 人才。
三、Employment direction (就业方向)
The party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, social organizations, the public service system of office work and management.
二、Training objectives (培养目标)
Public administration specialty aims to train with the modern management theory, technology and method and other aspects of knowledge and ability to apply these knowledge, senior professionals engaged in management work in the administrative department of culture and education, sports, health,environmental protection, social insurance, art and other public institutions.
公共物品是指无论个人是否想要购买, 其利益不可分割地被扩散给社会全体 成员的物品。
4、Public organization 公共组织
公共支出就是公共财政的支 出,是政府为市场提供公共 服务所安排的支出。公共支 出可以确保国家职能的履行, 政府经济作用的发挥,在市 场经济社会中,可以支持市
2、 Public affairs公共事务
Public affairs is the production of public goods, is a series of activities invol ving the whole society overall quality of life and common interests, its product has the non exclusive and complete.
公共事务是生产公共物品的活动,指 涉及全体社会公众整体的生活质量和 共同利益的一系列活动,其产品具有
• 3、公共物品
• Public goods is that regardless of whether the individual wants to purchase,the interest c an not be separated by diffusion to all members of the society of goods.
Inner Mongolia University of Technology
Public administration 12 Lijiamei huoshanshan
• Public administration introduction
一、Baidu Nhomakorabeaefinition (定义)
• Public enterprise management system research activities, public utilities management system, and its running mechanisms. It mainly reflects the government management of public activities, and through the essence and phenomenon, the activities of the subject and object, ideas and technology, content and form, system and process, history and future research, law Master of public affairs management, help and promote the scientific activities, the legalization, rationalization, standardization and modernization.
党政机关、企 事业单位、社 会团体、公共 服务系统的办 公和管理工作。
•四、5 jargons •(5个专业术语)
1、Public expenditure 公共支出
Public expenditure is the public finance expenditure, the government provides the public service for the market forexpenditure. Public expenditure can ensure the fulfillment ofgovernment functions, government economic function, in the market economy society, can support the formation and expansion of market economy.