

The Silent Way 沉默法

The Silent Way 沉默法

Approach: Theory of language and
理论基础:结构主义(Stracturalism)语言理论。 句子(sentence)是基本的教学单位,教师的注意力放在 命题意义(propositional meaning)而不是其交际价值 (commucative value)上。
Background Approach Design
Approach: Theory of language and
Gattegno对语言理论在外语教学法中的作用 公开持怀疑态度。他认为语言是经历的一种替代物, 经历赋予语言意义;语言学习要关注语言的意义。 语言被看做是一组与特定意义任意相联系的通过语 法规则结合起来的语音组合,从其社会语境中抽离 出来通过虚拟的语境教给学生。
学生接触的是目的语(target language)的结构模式并 通过演绎推理学习语法规则。
词汇(vocabulary)Байду номын сангаас作语言学习的重要部分,认为词汇 的选择及其重要。学习者最需要掌握的是功能词(functional vocabulary)。
Approach: Theory of language and
Gattegno认为第二语言学习完全不同于母语习得 过程。 所谓的“直接法”(direct)或“自然法”(natural) 只会使人误入歧途。 成功的外语学习应该在一种严格控制的“人为”的 方法下进行。("By one that is very 'artificial' and for some strictly controlled") source: purposes, /docs/guides/canvas/

沉默法 PPT课件

沉默法 PPT课件

• 定义和诞生 • 沉默教学法,就是指教师在课堂上尽可能的保持
沉默,从而促使学生尽可能多的活用语言的方法。 • 沉默法是由英国数学家兼心理学家凯莱布·加德尼
奥(Caleb Gattegno)于20世纪70年代创立的。 凯莱布·加德尼奥是提倡外语学习需要学习者自己 去发现(Discovery)和创造(Create)。而非背 诵(Remember)和重复(Repeat)。
• 教师在课堂中的角色只是辅助,因为太多的教学 会干预学习,有时甚至因为教师错误的示范而导 致学生的错误学习。
• 教师在教学中借助手势、彩色木条或彩色木块 (Cuisenaire Rods)、音色对应图标(SoundColour Chart)、彩色译音卡片(Fidel Charts)、 字词表(Word Charts)等教具引导学生说话。此 法也因为教师在课堂上使用特殊教具且保持沉默 而得名。
• 7重复以上步骤,学习其他颜色词汇。
Thank You
• 4以此类推,让学生学会音色对应图表着蓝色的[l]
• 5教师指示音色对应图表上的[u],学生读该 音。教师再指彩色译音卡片上oo,ue,o等字 母组合,作[u]的口型,让学生明白这些字母 组合可读[u],其余[l] [b]的字母组合类推;
• 6教师再指示彩色译音卡片上的blue,让学 生发音。教师再用蓝色木条。蓝色衣服和 蓝色卡片等强化蓝色的发音和词义;
• 1教师利用沉默法的特殊教具引导学生发音, 并结合数音成单词;
• 2教师以手势等协助学生修正不正确的发音 (非不得已教师不出声念外语单词);
• 3学生在教师的协助下不断试错,求得正确 知识。
• 声音—颜色图 • 教师的沉默 • 同伴的更正 • 单词图表 • 自我更正手势

The Silent Way

The Silent Way

左焕琪.英语课堂教学的新发展.上海:华东师范 大学出版社 ,2007 章兼中.国外外语教学法主要流派.上海:华东师 范大 学出版社 ,1983. 蔡巧娜.外语教学中的“默示法”.怀化学院学报, 2008 Jack C.Richards&Theodore S.Rodgers.Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2008
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
声音——颜色图 教师的沉默 同伴的更正 各种小棍 单词图表 自我更正手势
Basic Features of the Silent Way (沉默法的基本特点)
.语言学习的过程由静默思考到实际演练,不采用机 械的重复练习 学习过程中,学生是主角,教师只辅助而不干预学 习。教服从学,学大大超过教,充分调动学生的学 习积极性 借助特殊的辅助教具进行教学。教师在教学过程中 少说,学生多说、多活动 口语领先,读写随后 教师不直接纠正学生的错误,只是协助他们,通过 多次尝试错误而求得正确知识
The Origination of the Silent Way (沉默法的创立)
沉默法(the silent way)由英国数学家兼 心理学家凯莱布·加德尼奥(Caleb Gattegno)于20世纪70年代初创立的。 凯莱布·加德尼奥提倡外语学习需要学习 者自己去发现(Discovery)和创造 (Create),而非背诵(Remember) 和重复(Repeat)。教师在课堂中的角 Repeat 色只是辅助,因为太多的教学会干预学 习,有时甚至因为教师的错误示范而导 致学生的错误学习。教师在教学中借助 手势、彩色木条或彩色木块(Cuisenaire Rods)、音色对应图表(Sound-Color Chart)、彩色译音卡片(Fidel Charts)、 字词表(Word Charts)等教具引导学生 说话。此法也因为教师在课堂上使用特 殊教具且保持沉默而得名。

Chapter 7 Silent Way

Chapter 7 Silent Way

Design: Objectives
The general objective of the Silent Way is to
give beginning level students oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target L. The general goal for L learning is near-native fluency in the target language, and correct pronunciation and mastery of the prosodic elements of the target L are emphasized. An immediate objective is to provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the grammar of the L. This forms the basis for independent learning on the learner’s part.
An example. Let us say that the teacher has introduced the
idea of pronouns as in "Give me a green rod". The class will then use this structure until it is clearly assimilated, using all the other colours. One member of the class would now like to ask another to pass a rod to a third student but she does not know the word "her", only that it cannot be "me". At this point the teacher would intervene and supply the new item: "Give her the green rod" and the learners will continue until the next new item is needed (probably strict avoidance of repetition

the silent way英语教学法

the silent way英语教学法

the silent way英语教学法The Silent Way是一种英语教学法,它最主要的理论包括学习者若能自己去察觉、发现及创造,比覆诵、熟背来得好。


1.理论基础:The Silent Way的理论基础主要源自于语言学和心理学。



2.教学方法:在The Silent Way中,教师会尽量减少在课堂上说话,相反,他们会通过手势、面部表情、肢体语言等非语言方式来与学习者进行交流。


3.教学重点:The Silent Way的教学重点主要放在口语和听力技能的培养上。


4.教学过程:The Silent Way的教学过程通常包括以下几个步骤:首先,教师会用非语言的方式介绍一个新的语言点或概念;然后,他们会给学习者提供一些练习材料,以帮助他们理解和掌握这个新的语言点;最后,教师会通过测试和反馈来检查学习者的学习效果。

5.教学特点:The Silent Way的教学特点包括:鼓励学习者自主学习、重视语言的实用性和功能性、强调语法和词汇的教学、使用真实、自然的语言材料、鼓励学习者通过上下文来理解语言的意义和用法。

6.评估和反馈:在The Silent Way中,评估和反馈是非常重要的环节。



总的来说,The Silent Way是一种非常注重学习者自主性和实践性的语言教学方法。


第七讲 沉默法1

第七讲 沉默法1
(The Silent Way)
美国教育家 凯莱布·加德尼奥 Caleb Gattegno 20世纪70年代 提倡外语学习需要学习者自己去发现(Discovery)和 创造(Create),而非背诵(Remember)和重复 (Repeat)
外语教师在课堂上应该尽量沉默,而让学生尽量 多开口;
1.教师利用沉默法的特殊教具引导学生发音,并结合 数音成单词;
2.教师以手势等协助学生修正不正确发音(非不得已 教师不出声念外语单词);
e.g. 颜色词 如blue等的教法
(步骤1)教师在墙上挂音色对应图表,彩色译音卡片和 字词表;
(步骤5)教师指示音色对应图表上的[u],学生读该音。 教师再指彩色译音卡片上的oo,ue,o等字母组合,作[u] 的口型,让学生明白这些字母组合可以读[u].其余[l] [b]的字母组合类推;
(步骤6)教师再指示彩色译音卡片上的blue,让学生发 音。教师再用蓝色木条、蓝色衣服和蓝色卡片等强化蓝 色的发音和词义;
外语学习是一种“人为”学习。 3、语言学习是一种通过自我意识和自我挑战的个人成 长过程;
4、 学生的学比教师的教更重要;
通过语言的基本要素的训练培养初学者听和说两方 面的能力;
独立的学习者、小组活动成员、教师、陪练、解决 问题者和自我评估者等; 教师的角色

结构主义语言理论 认为语言是一组与特定意义任意相联系的通过语法 规则结合起来的语音组合。语言从其社会语境中抽离 出来通过虚拟的语境教给学生。



THESILENTWAY默⽰教学法THE SILENT WAY 默⽰教學法(SW)歷史背景與淵源SW是由Caleb Gattegno在觀察⼀位歐洲學者進⾏數學教學後研發出來的教學法。

它最主要的學習理論包括了:(1)學習者若能⾃⼰去察覺(discover)、發現、及創造(create) ,將遠⽐覆誦(repeat)、熟背(remember)來的好--- 普通的教學通常可分為講述模式(expository mode)和假設模式(hypothetical mode)。


Gattegno認為SW可以讓學習者獲得假設模式的上課效果;(2)SW所使⽤的教具,如依顏⾊來分類的彩⾊⽊條(colored cuisenaire rods)和發⾳卡(Fidel pronunciation charts),是⼼理學中所說可以幫助學⽣學習和記憶的輔助媒介(associate mediator);(3)SW採⽤實驗⼼理學中〝解決問題〞(problem-solving)的⽅法來進⾏語⾔教學,也就是教師不再多遍地重述教學內容,⽽要求學⽣專⼼主動地去觀察、摸索出L2的各層⾵貌。




學習中常⾒的覆誦(repetition)反⽽會攪擾⼼思運作的狀態;(2)意識狀態(awareness)---Gattegno⾮常重視⼼理學中〝如何學好學習〞(learning to learn)這⾨學問。



Silent Way沉默教学法

Silent Way沉默教学法

Learning activities Use charts, rods, and other aids to elicit learners response . Response to commands, questions, and visual cues thus constitute the basis for classroom activities. The role of learners To be independence, autonomy, and responsibility The role of teachers write the script, choose the props, sets the mood, models the action, designates the players, and is critic for the performance
The innovations in Gattegno’s method derive primarily from the manner in which classroom activities are organized, the indirect role the teacher is required to assume in directing and monitoring learner performance, the responsibility placed on learners to figure out and test their hypotheses about how the language works, and the materials used to elicit and practice language.

The Silent Way

The Silent Way

Aims and goals
• The general goal of the Silent Way is to help beginninglevel students gain basic fluency in the target language, with the ultimate aim being near-native language proficiency and good pronunciation. • An important part of this ability is being able to use the language for self-expression; students should be able to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs in the target language.
Teaching techniques
• Just as the name implies, silence is a key tool of the teacher in the Silent Way. From the beginning levels, students do 90 percent or more of the talking. Being silent moves the focus of the classroom from the teacher to the students,and can encourage cooperation among them. It also frees the teacher to observe the class. • Silence can be used to help students correct their own errors. Teachers can remain silent when a student makes a mistake to give them time to self-correct; they can also help students with their pronunciation by mouthing words without vocalizing, and by using certain hand gestures.



英语沉默教学法 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN英语沉默教学法 (The Silent Way)2011-02-26 21:05英语沉默教学法 (The Silent Way)是西方人本主义教学法中一个较有特色的流派,为美国心理学家兼数学家凯莱布·加特尼奥(有人也译成卡帝格罗) (Caleb Gattegno)所创立。

是基于结构主义的基本理论于上世纪 60 年代产生在美国的现代教学法,成熟于七十年代。


沉默教学法理论设定了 3 条基本假设:其一,让学习者自己去发现或创造,而不是去背诵和复述那些指定他们学习的东西,这样会有利他的学习。

















英语教学要求发挥学生在课堂上的主体地位,而教师则主要是起到主导作用 .教学目标是培养学习者使用目标语的基本成分,进行听说的能力的培养。



Learning activities Use charts, rods, and other aids to elicit learners response . Response to commands, questions, and visual cues thus constitute the basis for classroom activities.
The role of learners To be independence, autonomy, and responsibility
The role of teachers write the script, choose the props, sets the mood, models the action, designates the players, and is critic for the performance
fidel charts
words charts
colored Cuisenaire rods
Relevant learning theories and educational philosophies
1. Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. 2. Learning is facilitated by accompanying mediating physical objects. 3. Learning is facilitated by problem solving involving the material to be learned.


(The Silent Way)
The Silent Way
• Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.
—— Benjamin Franklin
• 不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之; 见之不若知之,知之不若行之; 学至于行而止矣。
1.以学生为学习的主角,强调学习重于教学; 2.利用特殊教具进行教学,有助于学生学习; 3.创造性地发现学习优于记忆、重复性的学习; 4.不断的试错过程,有利于训练学生独立的个
1.忽视教师的指导作用; 2.由于学生在学习过程中要不断试错,有时难免教学
附录:沉默教学法沉默法的基本特点 沉默法的教学过程 沉默法的教学技巧 沉默法的主要优缺点
(一)定义和诞生 • 沉默教学法,就是指教师在课堂上尽可能保持沉默,从而促
使学生尽可能多的活用语言的方法。 • 沉默法是由英国数学家兼心理学家凯莱布·加德尼奥(Caleb
Fidel charts

Word charts

• 它的理论基础是结构主义理论。语言被看作是一组与特定 意义相联系的通过语法规则结合起来的语音组合。语言从 其社会语境中抽离出来通过虚拟的语境教给学生。
• 沉默教学法的总体目标是通过语言基本要素的认练,培养 初学者听和说的能力。
(步骤1)教师在墙上挂音色对应图表,彩色译音卡片和字词表; (步骤2)教师作[u]的口型,但不发音,学生猜测发音,直到有人猜
对,教 师点头,并指示音色对应图表上的绿色[u]符号; (步骤3)教师作[b]的口型,但不发音。学生猜测发音,直到有人

Silent Way沉默教学法PPT课件

Silent Way沉默教学法PPT课件

fidel charts
words charts
colored Cuisenaire rods
Relevant learning theories and educational philosophies
1. Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. 2. Learning is facilitated by accompanying mediating physicaБайду номын сангаас objects. 3. Learning is facilitated by problem solving involving the material to be learned.
as much as possible. Elements
The use of color charts and the colored Cuisenaire(奎西奈彩色 棒) rods,grew out of Gattegno's previous experience as an educational designer of reading and mathenatics programs.
Background Approach Design Procedure
Definition 1. The Silent Way is the name of a method of language teaching devised by Caleb Gattegno. 2. It is based on the premise that the teacher should be silent


Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.
Question :what is silent way in your mind?
沉默法是由英国数学家兼心理学家加蒂格 诺(Caleb Gattegno)于20世纪70年代初创 立的。加蒂格诺提倡外语学习需要学习者 自己去发现(Discovery)和创造(Create), 而非背诵(Remember)和重复(Repeat)。
To put it simply, the Silent Way is a
method of language teaching which is based on
the premise that the teacher should be silent as
much as possible in the classroom and the
它的理论基础是结构主义理论。语言被看 作是一组与特定意义相联系的通过语法规 则结合起来的语音组合。语言从其社会语 境中抽离出来通过虚拟的语境教给学生。
沉默教学法的总体目标是通过语言基本要 素的认练,培养初学者听和说的能力。
1.语言学习的过程由静默思考到实际演练,不采用机械的重 复练习;
5.The teacher must not interfere with the
learning process.
Aims & Goals
The general goal of the Silent Way is to help beginning level students gain basic fluency in the target language, with the ultimate aim being near-native language proficiency and good pronunciation.



生 命 蛋 生 的 地 方
陈洋 高敏 闵芳沁 魏丽霞 马莉莉 08400234 08400115 08400226 08400224 08400321
Silent Way originated in the early 1970s and was the brainchild of the late Caleb Gattegno. The last line of Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote about teaching and learning can be said to lie at the heart of Silent Way. The three basic tenets of the approach are that learning is facilitated if the learner discovers rather than remembers or repeats, that learning is aided by physical objects, and that problem-solving is central to learning.
(步骤5)教师指示音色对应图表上的[u],学生读该音。教 师再指彩色译音卡片上的oo,ue,o等字母组合,作[u]的口型, 让学生明白这些字母组合可以读[u].其余[l] [b]的字母组合类 推。 (步骤6)教师再指示彩色译音卡片上的blue,让学生发音。 教师再用蓝色木条、蓝色衣服和蓝色卡片等强化蓝色的发音 和词义。 (步骤7)重复以上步骤,学习其它颜色词汇。
The role of the teacher is that of technician or engineer. The teacher's task is to focus the students' attention, and provide exercises to help them develop language facility; however, to ensure their self-reliance, the teacher should only help the students as much as is strictly necessary. As Gattegno says, "The teacher works with the student; the student works on the language." For example, teachers will often giv students time to correct their own mistakes before giving them the answer to a question. Teachers also avoid praise or criticism, as it can discourage students from developing self-reliance.



Page 5
Approach: Theory of language
Theory of language: a structural approach. Gattegno's view of language: 1. Language is groups of sounds arbitrarily associated with specific meanings and organized into sentences or strings of meaningful units by grammar rules. 2. Language “as a substitute for experience, so experience is what gives meaning to language”. 3. Language is separated from its social context and through artificial situations represented by rods.
Page 6
Approach: Theory of language
4. Learning a L is to grasp its “spirit” — the way each language is composed of phonological and suprasegmental elements that combine to give the language its unique sound system and melody. The learner must gain a “feel” for this aspect.
Chapter Six



•步驟五 老師來回指拼字發音對應表與 字彙表,讓學生唸blue,唸出音[blu]。 老師指藍色木條(rod)、藍色衣服、藍色 卡片,要學生唸blue。 •步驟六 重複步驟,教red, yellow等顏 色。

• 相較於其他教學法中教師的強勢主導作風以及 嚴禁學生犯錯的方式,SW將學習環境轉換成一 個可以讓學生有時間去咀嚼、反芻而後有自發 表現的機會空間。 • L2的學習者,雖然其後天條件上已經不能以 「時間」來換取「實力」 ,但若在課程的安排 上可以多給學生一些安靜觀察(和傳統的「大聲 覆誦」相反)以及熱烈參與的時間(如英語說故事 比賽、話劇比賽等),就算初期錯誤連連,但學 生在親身體驗到「語言」(包括其所正在學習的 標的語)就是「力量」後,一定會更有學習動機, 進而提升自己的語言實力。
• (2) SW所使用的教具,如依顏色來分類 的彩色木條(colored cuisenaire rods)和 發音卡(Fidel pronunciation charts),是 心理學中所說可以幫助學生學習和記憶的 輔助媒介(associate mediator) 。 • (3) SW採用實驗心理學中〝解決問題〞 (problem-solving)的方法來進行語言教學, 也就是教師不再多遍地重述教學內容,而 要求學生專心主動地去觀察、摸索出 Second Language(L2)的各層風貌。
組別:第6組 指導教師:溫宏悅 組員:陳佳伶 9813147 陳敏容 9813148 賴妍靜 9813149 黃妤婷 9813151
• THE SILENT WAY 默示教學法 (SW) 是由Caleb Gattegno在觀察一位歐洲學 者進行數學教學後研發出來的教學法。



1 IntroductionIn the 21st century, with the rapid development of economic globalization, the exchanges, among the nations become increasingly frequent around the world. English, as one of the most widely used languages around the world, is playing an indispensable role in the international communication and cultural exchange, it is necessary to improve the students‟ English ability. English teaching as the main route to help the students to master English should be paid more attention in China. Therefore, with the New English Curriculum Standards that were put into effect in 20003, classroom English teaching has changed from merely imparting knowledge to guiding students to learn English autonomously. Training students‟ autonomous English learning ability has become the internal requirement of new curriculum reform. Under the new English curriculum standard, English learning is no longer a single subject learning; teachers should pay more attention to training students‟ initiative and innovative spirit of learning so as to stimulate their study enthusiasm and improve their learning efficiency. The SW is an effective way to develop students‟ autonomous learning ability. The SW rests on cognitive rather than affective arguments. It shares certain principle with the cognitive code approach. For example, one of the basic principles of the SW is that “teaching should be subordinated to learning”. It is characterized by a problem-solving approach to learning (Xu 41). In the traditional English teaching class the learning was subordinated to teaching in most instances, the students lack the initiative and interest of English (Nunan 148). The SW pointed that the production and active learning should be as student-centered as possible. The SW is a good way to cultivate students‟autonomous English learning ability, and it is meet the new English curriculum standard. To develop students‟ English autonomous learning ability is also the requirements of modern society development and the students‟ development. How to improve the students‟ autonomous learning ability becomes a key issue. It is necessary to cultivate students‟ autonomous learning ability, at the same time changing the teaching method is equal importance, both of them can help the students and the teachers to be aware of and make up for their weaknesses and disadvantages in the learning and teaching process. Only with the strong ability of autonomous learning and the scientific and reasonable teaching method, the Chinese education can adequately meet the challenge of the knowledge economy society.In order to explore the current situation of autonomous English learning in senior highschool, the author surveyed and interviewed one hundred students and 10 high school English teachers in Handan Qiuxian First High School. The questions involve students‟ attitude towards autonomous English learning, views of teachers and the learning goals and planning, and the strategies; and the teachers‟view of the SW. Then the author analyses the factors affecting autonomous English learning in senior high school and the effects of the SW for cultivate students‟English autonomous learning. At last the author puts some effective suggestions to promote students‟ autonomous English learning, and the development prospect of the SW.2 Literature reviewIn order to understand the SW better, the following part deals with the studies of the SW theoretical foundation and the development in China.2.1 The theoretical foundation of the Silent WayThe Silent Way (SW) is a language-teaching method created by Caleb Gattegno that is striking for its extensive use of silence on the part of the teacher as a technique. It was first introduced in Gattegno‟s book Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: the SW in 1963(Stevick 1-2). Gattegno was critical of the mainstream language education of the time, and conceived of the method as a special case of his general theories of education. The method emphasizes the autonomy of the students, the teachers‟ role is to guide the students learning new knowledge and monitor their efforts, and the students are encouraged to have an active role in learning the language. The teachers use silence for multiple purposes in the SW. It is used to focus students‟attention, to elicit student responses, and to encourage them to correct their own errors. In the SW the teachers use the specialized teaching materials to guide the students to learn new knowledge. They usually use the sound-color chart, which type of chart is used right from the beginning stages to teach pronunciation and word stress. Sometimes they also use other teaching aids to help the students to deduce the meaning of the sentence or master the new knowledge points by themselves. In the SW, the teacher should keep silence properly and the students and the students try their best to work on the language. The unique part of SW teaching method is the teachers‟ different role in class. Teachers will provide the model for students to follow and remain silent as much as possible and which could make the students use the newlylearned language as much as possible. The success of this approach is enhancing learning as it is based on the subordination of teaching to learning.The SW views learning language as a problem-solving task. Gatetegno believes that learners should develop independence, autonomy and responsibility (Xu 41). At the same time the learners have to learn to cooperate with other students to solve the problems in the classroom. In the SW the role of the teacher is that of technician or engineer. The teacher‟s task is to focus the students‟ attention, and provide exercises to help them develop language facility; however, to ensure their self-reliance, the teacher should only help the students as much as is strictly necessary (Freeman 64-65). As Gattegno says, “The teacher works with the student; and the student works on the language” (Freeman 65). In the SW the teachers should through the helps of the teaching aids such as colored rods and charts to show the new knowledge to the students and give them time to learn it by themselves. And j ust like Benjamin Franklin said “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn” (Xu 41), Benjamin Franklin told us that learning is facilitated if the learner discovers rather than remembers or repeats, and which is the basic tenet of the SW.2.2 The development prospect of the SW in ChinaThe SW is in an embarrassing situation in China. Though now many teachers use the SW in the English teaching class, but they don‟t know the SW very well. The SW adopts a highly structural approach, with language taught through sentences in a sequence based on grammatical complexity, described by some as a “building-block”approach. The structural patterns of the target language are presented by the teacher and the grammar “rules” of the language are learnt by the learners (Xu 41). The SW is a special case of Gattegno‟s broader educational principles. Gattegno developed these ideas to solve general problems in learning. Broadly, these principles are: ( Stevick 1-2)1. Teachers should concentrate on how students learn, and their teaching should grow out of this2. Imitation and dill are not the primary means by which students learn3. Learning consists of trial and error, deliberate experimentation, suspending judgement, and revising conclusions4. In learning, learners draw on everything that they already know, especially their native language5. The teacher should take care not interfere with learning processThese principles situation the SW in the tradition of discovery learning, that sees learning as a creative problem-solving activity (Richards 81).The new English Curriculum Standards points out the traditional teaching method should be change, the teachers should be subordinated to learning, and the SW is conforms to the tendency. To some extent the SW had occupy a certain position in China, but it is not so popular like the traditional teaching method. Comparing the SW and the traditional teaching method, the traditional teaching method is monotonous. The teacher is in the domain position and the students have to imitate the teacher‟s movement and behavior, they don‟t have their own time to learn the knowledge by themselves. Especially among the senior high schools in China, the traditional teaching method is so popular that almost all the students don‟t have their own time to develop autonomous learning ability. Therefore the senior high school students have less autonomy, the education system should be reformed urgently. Otherwise we will not keep up with the times. Until now, the quality-oriented education is only applied in the developed areas, and the corresponding teaching methods also implement in those areas. So the SW has a very good development foreground.3 Survey the Senior High School students’ English autonomous learning and the application of the SW.Autonomous learning is a school of education which sees learners as individuals who can and should be autonomous. In order to obtain reliable information,the author surveyed and interviewed one hundred students and 10 senior high school English teachers in Handan Qiuxian First High School. The main purpose of the survey and interview is to investigate the current situation of the senior high school students‟ autonomous learning ability.The SW is a teaching method which is different from the traditional teaching way the traditional teaching method is the most one than any others. The author intends investigate the application of the SW, so the author interviewed 10 teachers in the in Handan Qiuxian First Middle School.3.1 Survey about the current situation of the senior high school students ’English autonomous learningIn the recent years the students ‟ autonomous learning ability is a common concerned topic of the pedagogy and psychology. The traditional teaching method made the students lack of initiative and independence. In the Normal Senior English Curriculum (2003), the basic concept is “optimizing the way of learning and fostering ability of autonomous learning ”. In order to know well the current situation of the senior high school students ‟ English autonomous learning, the author surveyed one hundred students and 10 high school English teachers in Handan Qiuxian First High School. The author found that there are many factors affected the students ‟ English autonomous learning ability, and the current situation is that the students almost dependent on their teacher, and they rarely learning the new content by themselves. What ‟s worse the students ‟ didn ‟t realize the seriousness of this problem, most students ‟ purpose of learning English is get the top grades and admit the university. The original intention of the curriculum provision was ignored and the teaching method is malformation and no prospects. In one word, the students ‟ English autonomous learning ability is very poor in this school as a whole. And the teachers ‟ teaching method is unscientific. The survey results are bellow :The result of the survey reflects the students ‟ autonomous ability and some problems which exist in the English teaching process. Through the survey the author analyze the factors affecting autonomous English learning in senior high school.The affecting factors of the English autonomous learning ability are mainly from twoaspects: the external causes such as society 、school 、culture and etc. The internal causes are the cognition 、meta-cognition and the self-efficacy.There are many external factors influence the senior high school students ‟ autonomous题号选项1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10A 42% 65% 42% 12% 15% 11% 22% 15% 7% 17% B39% 15% 20% 45% 43% 55% 40% 21% 27% 29% C10% 8% 25% 30% 31% 23% 22% 40% 36% 26% D 9% 12% 13% 13% 11% 11% 17% 24% 30% 28%learning ability, the main factors are conception of teaching、the teachers‟ view of the students and the learning environment, at the same time, there are some other external factors(Su and Zhuang 12-13).The conception of teaching is the teachers‟ view of the teaching activities and the teaching method. For a long time, the traditional teaching method influenced by the “dualism of the subject and the object”, in teaching process, the teachers and the students were deemed as the two opposites, because that the teachers have the authority of the knowledge and the more important social status than students, so the teachers dominated the class at the same time teachers play the role of the administrator and the educator in the teaching process. In this way, the teaching activities become a teacher-centered process. The teaching method was decided by the teacher and the students almost be ignored, however, the teaching method have a strong impact to the students‟ autonomous learning ability.The learning environment is also important to the senior high school students, as Chinese old saying goes: “He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea”and “birds of a feather flock together”, these saying tell us the environment is important. The learning environment is a significant external factor to develop the students‟ autonomous learning ability.The internal factors are more important than the external factors. Philosophically, under the certain condition, the internal factors play a decisive role. The mine internal factors of the autonomous learning of the senior high school students are the interests and the students‟learning habits.Interest is the best teacher, in the English teaching class, the teacher should foster the students‟ interests of the English. In the traditional classroom teaching, the students only answer the teachers‟questions. The teachers ask and the students answer, which is a common phenomenon of the traditional teaching. The teachers neglected to cultivate the students‟ interest in language learning. Boring teaching pattern, thousands of words, and complex grammar rules all make students depressed and lose intestine learning. The traditional teaching method made the students regard the language learning as a heavy burden, rather than enjoyment. Students‟interest in English learning is very important, only when the students begin like English, they can learn it well. The students‟ interests in English learning are benefit to cultivate the autonomous learning ability.The students‟poor learning habits lead to students‟English learning difficulties. Many students do not preview before class and do not review after class. At the same time many students do not learning any knowledge by themselves, they almost relying on the teacher completely and they lack of the learning initiative. They cannot concentrate in class and lack of the awareness of active thinking. So the students‟learning habits is very important for the students‟ autonomous learning ability.3.2 The survey about the application of the SW in the senior high schoolEnglish teachingIn order to obtain reliable information of the application of the SW, the author interviewed 10 teachers in the in Handan Qiuxian First High School. The main purpose of this interview is to investigate the SW application in senior high school. Based on the interview, the author will analyze the factors affecting the application of the SW.The SW application is conditioned by many factors. The main factors are the teachers and the students. In the traditional teaching method the teacher dominant the class and the students act as audiences, the students almost only receive the knowledge which the teachers tell them. The teachers almost have no awareness of cultivate students‟ autonomous learning ability. Soin the SW the teachers should change idea, and realize the students should dominate the class and the students are the leading actors.In the SW the students should be interested in English at first, and the most important is the students should not depend on the teachers completely. They should find the learning method which suit themselves rather than memorize mechanically. So the most important for the students is to cultivate the autonomous。

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fidel charts
words charts
colored Cuisenaire rods
Relevant learning theories and educational philosophies
1. Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. 2. Learning is facilitated by accompanying mediating physical objects. 3. Learning is facilitated by problem solving involving the material to be learned.
Goal The general goal set for language learning is nearnative fluency in the target language,and correct pronunciation and mastery of prosodic elements of the target language are emphasized. An immediate objective is to provide the learner with basic practical knowledge of the grammer.
Objective The general objective of the Silent way is to give begining-level students oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target language.
Silent Way By Gu Wanhong
• Tell me and I forget, td I learn.
—— Benjamin Franklin
• 不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之; 见之不若知之,知之不若行之; 学至于行而止矣。
Theory of language and learning
By looking at the material chosen and the sequence in which it presented in a slient Way classroom, it is clear that the Silent Way takes a structural approach to the organization of language to be taught.
The Silent Way adopts a basically structural syllabus, with lessons planned around grammatical items and related vocabulary.Gattegno provides details as to the precise selection and arrangement of grammatical items and lexical items to be covered.
Background Approach Design Procedure
Definition 1. The Silent Way is the name of a method of language teaching devised by Caleb Gattegno. 2. It is based on the premise that the teacher should be silent
Gattegno takes an openly skeptical view of the role of linguistic theory in language teaching methodology. He feels that linguistic studies "may be a specialization, that carry with them a narrow opening of one's sensitivity and perhaps serve very little towards the broad end in mind". Considerable disscussion is devoted to the importance of grasping the "spirit" of the language, and not just its component forms.By the "spirit" of the language Gattegno is referring to the way each language is composed of phonological and suprasegmentalelementsthat combine to give the language its unique sound system and melody. The learner must gain a "feel" for this aspect of target language as soon as possible.
as much as possible. Elements
The use of color charts and the colored Cuisenaire(奎西奈彩色 棒) rods,grew out of Gattegno's previous experience as an educational designer of reading and mathenatics programs.