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Reading : Is working for Xerox too good to be true?
About Xerox
Xerox is one of the Fortune 500 dealing in office equipment.
Uxbridge is a large suburban town in northwest London, England and the administrative headquarters of the London Borough of Hillingdon.
包括,包含 销售和市场营销 研发和生产 好处;额外津贴;外快 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划 预算 非现金形式的奖赏 千载难逢的,令人难忘的 职业目标 高层管理人员
incentive: n. / adj.
Eg. Incentive plans are used to encourage employees to perform at high levels of productivity. v. incent Eg. Creating Incentive Plans That Actually Incent Employees � incentive mechanism / incentive plan / system � incentive theory � positive incentive � economic incentive � tax incentive � material incentive � incentive pay
2.1 Vocabulary: Benefits and incentives Useful Words and Expressions 1. benefits n. 2. incentive n. 3. job title n. 4. pension 5. flexible working hours 6. parental leave 7. days off 8. too good to be true 9. client service executive 10. take… with a pinch of salt 福利 奖励 职衔;职位;头衔 养老金 弹性工作时间; 父母假;育儿假 几天短假 好得令人难以置信 客户服务主管 对…将信将疑
What is important when choosing a job?
• • • • • • • • • •
显耀的职衔 丰厚的薪水 灵活的工作时间 升职提拔的机会 短假和长假 培训机会 养老金 旅游机会 育儿假 公司配给的车
• • • • • • • • • •
an impressive job title a good salary flexible working hours opportunities for promotion days off and long holidays training and staff development a pension opportunities to travel parental leave a company car
Para.6 � be based at… � in terms of: a particular aspect of sth. Para.7 � hotdesking, hotdesk, hotdesker 写作思路: � 以Kim的话开篇作为引子,用 but转折来吸引读者注意。 Para. 8 � number: make sth. a total, add up to � vary from…to…: be different according to situation � emcompass: The job encompasses a wide range of responsibilities.
Para.2 � tempting: attractive � pinch: 捏,掐自己 I had to pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming. These new shoes pinch. � take sth. with a pinch of salt. 不要轻易相信 � established: respected, given official status. an established company 一家著名公司 an~ actor 一位知名演员 � behind: be responsible for sth./for developing sth. What’s behind that happy smile? What’s causing it? 是什么让他笑的?
� Speaker 2
It wouldn ’t change the way I worked. wouldn’ Some days I can do a half day if … if… Key: flexible working hours
Ex. 2 Listening
� Sperker 3
Para.9 � perk: n 津贴 sth. you receive as well as salary � in the form of …的形式 � behind 表示给予支持 The family was behind us. award: 指通过慎重审核给予的奖赏或补偿 , 如文体奖: Oscar Award 奥斯卡奖 reward 指为别人办事,别人给你的酬劳 cash ~ labour ~ Para.10 � take care of 关心,照顾 take care of children � put in 付出 spend a lot of time
Useful Words and Expressions 资深的 人力资源部经理 资格 临时员工 在职员工培训课程 提拔内部员工 接受,招聘 新加入者 总部,总公司 头脑风暴,集思广益
11. old and established 12. resources director 13. qualification n. 14. temp n. 15. incumbent programme 16. promote from within 17. take on 18. intake n. 19. head office n. 20. brainstorming n.
Useful Words and Expressions 21. encompass vt. 22. sales and marketing 23. research and development and manufacturing 24. perk n. 25. final salary pension scheme 26. budget n. 27. non-cash reward 28. once-in-a-lifetime adj. 29. career goal 30. senior management
� Tasks
Ex. 3 sum up benefits and incentives Ex. 4 multiple-choices Ex. 5 expressions with “take” Para.1 � too… to… 太… 以致于 � can’t say enough 再…说也不为过,赞不绝口,好处数不胜数, � executive � describe as 把… 描述为 � be amazed at 因…惊讶 写作思路: � 写文章把吸引人眼球的部分放在前面,激发读者继续阅读的兴 趣。
Company benefits include--1. Legally Required Benefits 2. Retirement-related Benefits 3. Insurance-related Benefits 4. Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations Other benefits and incentives
help my wife out crying get back to work K百度文库y: parental leave
� Speaker 4
assistant → chief Key: an impressive job title
� Speaker 5
I won ’t have enough to live on when I ’m 60. won’ I’ Key: a pension
incumbent & encompass
incumbent [in'k ʌmb ənt] [in'kʌ mbə adj. � 1. 成为责任的;必须履行的;有义务的,义不容辞的 (upon, on) � It is incumbent on them to pay their own debts. � 2. 在职的;现任的 the ~ governor n. 在职者;现任者 encompass [in'k ʌmp əs] [in'kʌ mpə vt. 1. 包括,包含,包罗万象: � This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds. 2. 围绕,环绕;围住;包围: � The atmosphere encompass the earth. � 大气层包围着地球。
use ideas listed in Ex.1.
What is important when choosing a job?
Ex. 2 Listening
� Tips:
听时注意把握key words; 在选项前用数字标号更节省时间;
� Speaker 1
can use the one I use it for leisure Key: a company car
Module 2.1 Company Benefits
By Effy
LOGO BEC VANTAGE www.themegallery.com
Vocabulary Vocabulary Reading Reading Vocabulary Vocabulary Speaking Speaking Grammar Grammar Writing Writing Benefits Benefits and and incentives incentives
� Rank the ten items in order of importance
from 1 to 10.
� Work in pairs to compare your lists and give
reasons for your answers.
� Practice after-class a similar presentation.
Para. 3 � take: take sb. for example � incumbent Para.4 � take sth. seriously: regard sth. as important take: consider Don’t take it to heart. � promote from within � amazement: amaze � take on : employ, recruit take on new staff � intake: (学校的)新生;(军队的)新兵;(企业的)新加入者
Is Is working working for for Xerox Xerox too too good good to to be be true true
Expressions Expressions with with take take Asking Asking questions questions about about jobs jobs The The past past A A letter letter of of application application