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After reading the article “only one earth”, I can't calm down for a long time. In front of us, the beautiful earth emerges: in the vast universe, there is a crystal clear sphere, on which there are colorful lines and marks interlaced, surrounded by a thin layer of white “pajamas”, which is the earth on which we live.


I know that when human beings ask for the earth's resources, they are destroying the earth's ecology: sewage from factories is put into rivers and lakes, trees and minerals are exploited infinitely, and the ozone layer in the atmosphere is also polluted by human beings,

resulting in a “big hole”. In recent hundreds of years, many biological species have been extinct, such as South China tiger, Red Crowned Crane, Chinese alligator and so on Few. In this way, the result will affect our human survival and development.


Take the plants we see every day for example. They create the conditions for us to survive: fresh air, coal and oil, and the soil and water on land. It can be said that plants and people are inseparable. But I didn't pay attention to protecting plants before. I remember once, I grabbed the branch in the park, played around and pulled the branches and leaves to the ground. Now I think it's really guilty. Look at the small river in front of my grandma's house. The river used to be clear and bottomless. There were water caltrops big and small in the river. People could swim in the river, but now the river

is dirty and smelly. There are many garbage floating on it, and the polluted river moans. Moreover, we often see on TV that due to the destruction of plants, soil erosion, floods and mudslides have flooded large areas of grain fields and villages.


Yeah! Our planet is too lovely and easy to destroy. If we allow human beings to hurt freely, human beings will eventually have their own consequences. Drought, waterlogging and air pollution will follow, and human survival will be seriously threatened. To solve the problem, we need to tie the bell man. Human beings should start from now, from themselves, take good care of the environment, develop and utilize natural resources scientifically and rationally, and take the road of sustainable development. We want to protect our earth, heal her wounds, and leave a blue sky and green grass for our grandchildren!
