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1. switch 11. component

2. device 12. circuit

3. instruction 13. resistor

4. junction 14. capacitor

5. combination 15. diode

6. manufacture 16. transistor

7. structure 17. current

8. principle 18. voltage

9. wafer 19. amplifier 10. analog

20. insulator

二、词组互译(20%) 1. 广泛应用于 11. electronic circuit 2. 把…. 分成…… 12. variable resistor 3. 打算…… 13. direct currents 4. 根据…… 14. integrated circuit 5. 将…..应用于 15. forward bias 6. 提到、指 16. N-type material 7.由……组成 17. electronic counter 8. 用做…… 18. frequency synthesizer 9. 被称做…… 19. digital instrument 10. 形成 20. operational amplifier

三、判断正误,用“T ”或“F ” 表示(10%)

1. The conductivity of semiconductors is higher than that of insulators But lower than that of conductors. ( )

2. Silicon materials can conduct electricity when they are in pure

state. ( )

3. A semiconductor of n-type means that the pure material have been added impurities with three outer electrons. ( )

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4. It is called forward bias if a diode is connected to an external voltage to make the p-type region positive and the n-type region negative. ( )

5. An n-type and a p-type material created side by side can form a p-n junction. ( )


1. What component can restrict the flow of electrons?

2. What component can be used to change AC into DC?

3. What component can amplify small signal?

4. Material can be divided into three types, what are they?

5. What function can integrated circuits perform?


1. The transistor acts as a switch.

2. Diodes conduct electricity in only one direction.

3. Digital ICs can be used in computers.

4. ICs have a small size and low cost and therefore they are widely used in different fields.

5. Substance can be divided into three types: conductors, semiconductors and



An integrated circuit look like nothing more than a tiny chip of metal, perhaps one-half of a centimeter on a side, and not much thicker than a sheet of paper. It is so small that if it fell on the floor, it could be easily swept up with the dust. Although it is very small, it represents the most highly skilled technology at every step of its manufacture. At today’s level of development, it might comprise more than ten thousand separate electronic elements including elements of many different functions, such as diodes, transistors, capacitors and resistors.
