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The beginning of modern novel
Smollett: First important sea novelist Laurence Sterne斯泰恩 : Sentimentalism Sterne斯泰恩 Samuel Richardson 理查生: 理查生: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded 《帕美拉》Clarissa 帕美拉》 Harlowe, or Virtue Triumphant 《克拉丽莎》 克拉丽莎》 1.Daniel Defoe迪福 : Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记 Defoe迪福 Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记 Robinson is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist. 2.Jonathan Swift斯威夫特 2.Jonathan Swift斯威夫特 : a master satirist Gulliver‘s Travels 格列佛游记 3.Henry Fielding: Father of English novel、The Fielding: novel、 founder of English realistic novel Tom Jones汤姆·琼斯 Jones汤姆·
The Rise of Novel: Bourgeoisie
The 18th century witnessed the rise of the modern English novel, which, contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people. After the tempestuous events of the 17th century, England entered a period of a comparatively peaceful development. The early literature was to delight and entertain the aristocrats, and most people were illiterate. With the growth of London publishing industry and the emergence of urban bourgeoisie, the English middle class began to take shape and they needed a new kind of realistic literature of their own to express their ideas and serve their intere Century 兴起
Main contents
Emergence of English Novel Causes of the rise of English novel Different styles of novel writing Realism Jonathan Swift
1688年的“光荣革命”推翻复辟王朝,确定了君主立宪制, 建立起资产阶级和新贵族领导的政权,英国从此进入一个相对 安定的发展时期。 18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。新古典主义推崇理性,强调 明晰、对称、节制、优雅,追求艺术形式的完美与和谐。 亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope, 1688-1744)是新古典主义 诗歌的代表,他模仿罗马诗人,诗风精巧隽俏,内容以说教与 讽刺为主,形式多用英雄双韵体,但缺乏深厚感情。 18世纪 中叶,英国发生了工业革命。许多作家对资本主义工业化发展 给大自然和农村传统生活方式带来的破坏发出悲哀的感叹,以 大自然和情感为主题的感伤主义作品一度流行。 奥利弗·哥尔德斯密斯(Oliver Goldsmith, 1730-1774)的长 诗《荒村》(The Deserted Village)是感伤主义诗歌的杰作。
Since the Glorious Revolution 光荣革命 1688,Britain has 光荣革命in become a constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制国家 君主立宪制国家.The power has been passed from the monarch(the King or Qeen)to the Prime Minister首相 首相through election between major political 首相 parties—the Whigs辉格党 辉格党and the Tories托利党 托利党. 辉格党 托利党 Swift&Defoe:the begaining of the English novel It was in the early years of the 18th centry that the novel began to be written.Cervantes`s Don Quixote塞万提斯的 塞万提斯的 吉可德》 《唐·吉可德》became a model for the early English novel,and 吉可德 later on,in the works of the great innovators(Swift&Defoe),the novel emerged when anthors combined adventure and romance with realistic qualities and heroes that were not superman but unimportant common men.
Cultural Background
1. Enlightenment Movement 启蒙运动
⑴A progressive intellectual movement ⑵Enlighteners considered “Enlightenment” or Enlightenment” education” “education” of the people to be their chief objective. ⑶ They believed in the power of reason (the age of reason ) ⑷two groups: Addison)(温和派) ① the moderate (Pope, Defoe, Addison)(温和派) → support the principles of the existing social order) Sheridan)(激进派) ②the radical (Swift, Fielding, Sheridan)(激进派) →crisis →Sentimentalism(感伤主义) →Sentimentalism(感伤主义) 英国文学史上的启蒙运动是英国文学18世纪产生的一种进步思潮。 启蒙运动,这一时期的思想家和作家们崇尚理性,认为启蒙教化 是改造社会的基本手段,因此18世纪又被称为"理性的时代".在文 学领域体现为18世纪上半期的新古典主义,代表作家有诗人蒲伯 (A. Pope)和期刊随笔的创始人斯梯尔(R.Steele)和艾迪生 (J.Addison).
E m e r g e n c e o f E n g lis h N o v e l
The modern European novel began after the Renaissance, with Cervantes’s Don Quixote(1605-1615). ’ The modern English novel began two centuries later, in the 18th century. The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature 西方的“小说”概念是指18世纪后期才正式定名的文学式样, 西方的“小说”概念是指18世纪后期才正式定名的文学式样, 18世纪后期才正式定名的文学式样 以前只能叫“准小说” 是用散文写的虚构故事。 以前只能叫“准小说”,是用散文写的虚构故事。英国所说的 小说” “小说”,就是指从笛福所开创的通过一个主人公的遭遇对现 实生活进行描写的文学样式,所以他们把18 18世纪看作小说的开 实生活进行描写的文学样式,所以他们把18世纪看作小说的开 端时期。 端时期。
Causes of the rise of English novel
18世纪英国文学Cultural Background 18世纪英国文学Cultural Realism plays a leading role in the 18th century literature. enlarging readers of novel colorfulness of novel writing. Excellent novelists emerged in this period.
二、小说 (一)丹尼尔·笛福
1.概况 丹尼尔·笛福被英国文学史专家认为是“当代小说的源头” 丹尼尔·笛福被英国文学史专家认为是“当代小说的源头”。 英国文学史》认为把小说加强, 《英国文学史》认为把小说加强,使之成为一种文学形式的过 程是从“迷离而神秘的人物——丹尼尔·笛福”开始的。 程是从“迷离而神秘的人物——丹尼尔·笛福”开始的。 ——丹尼尔
It is no surprise,then,that Swift and Defoe`s influntial works of fiction,now seen as the progenitors先驱 the novel 先驱of 先驱 form,were pseudo-histories伪历史 伪历史.Defoe`s Robinson 伪历史 Crusoe(1719)was based on the actual desert island荒岛 荒岛 adventures of Alexander Selkirk.Swift`s Culliver`s Travels(1726),though a satire and parody戏仿 the travel 戏仿of 戏仿 literature of the Middle Ages,was written as a narration by a traveler.Crusoe was said to be"the universal representative,the person,for whom every reader could substitute with himself".There in lies the key to the universal appeal 世界性 普遍性的吸引力 the novel:the real world.Of 世界性/普遍性的吸引力 普遍性的吸引力of course,neither a happy desert island rest nor capture in a land full of giants can be termed'realistic',but the narrators of these first novels spoke as if they were real,and they themselves were ordinary representatives of humanity.