
( T)
3. Before Mr. Fleagle became the English teacher for Baker’s class, the English course had been interesting. ( F)
From the words “another cheerless year” we can see the English course had been quite boring.
For Part 1 Para2
When our class was assigned to Mr. Fleagle for third-year English I anticipated
Text A Writing for Myself
Russell Baker
Russel Baker -- Who?
• Russell Wayne Baker (born August 14, 1925) is an American Journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer known for his satirical commentary and self-critical prose, as well as for his autobiography, Growing Up(1982).
( F)
As a child in Belleville, he had thought of becoming a writer from time to time.
2. Teachers found it painful to read students’ long and
lifeless essays.
现代大学英语第一册课件 PPT Unit One

Cling: to hold closely; to refuse to let go
He clung to the rope to keep from falling. Figurative meaning: cling to a purpose / outdated customs / the last hope
Байду номын сангаас
A matter of sth. / of doing sth.
a situation that involves sth. or depends on sth. E.g. Learning is a matter of seeing much, suffering much and studying much. Some people like pop music while others prefer serious music. It’s a matter of taste.
Vain: fruitless
In vain: without result e.g. Our labor was in vain. vain talk / a vain attempt / vain promises vain talker
Variety: quality of not being the same
Unit 1
Half a Day
by Naguib Mahfous
Background Information
Naguib Mahfous 纳吉布•马福兹 纳吉布 马福兹
Naguib Mahfous is the first Arabian language author awarded the Nobel Prize in literature(1988). He has been described as the “Dickens”(迪更斯 1812-1870, 英国著名现 实主义小说家)of Cairo Cafés and the “Balzac” (巴尔扎克,1799-1850,法国著名小说 家)of Egypt.

Theme & Structure
The text gives us a general description of college students’ development or changes on campus.
The text is helpful in learning new knowledge, updating old thoughts, getting new habits and taking much self-confidence to tackle with challenges.
3. Topic sentence: • e.g. paras. 3, 5, 10
Techniques in Paragraph Development
1. Development: • quotation: in…(source); according to • categorization: first, second, …; one…another…; in addition to… • illustration/example
3. What changes have you made after one-year study in Zhejiang University of Technology?
There are
four seasons
in one’s
college years,
• Identity is highly relational.
• identity crisis: the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that one goes through when he/she is not sure who he/she is and what his/her purpose in life is

paralleled paradoxes: Without recognizing this we will end up
(2) Antithesis:
a) outer city of wealth and comfort vs. inner city of poverty and despair
b) dark yesterdays vs. bright tomorrows;
C) on the basis of the content of their
of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics
he can never advocate violence.
19 Antithesis
For through violence you may murder a
murderer but you can't murder murder.
Through violence you may murder a liar
life, the Negro has a double share.
There are twice as many unemployed. The rate of infant mortality among Negroes
新编大学英语口语教程1教学课件Unit 1

Part 3 Individual Presentation
Tips for Making an Effective Presentation

6. variety 7. revolve • present • trace 8. daze
Lesson 亮工程"是以区(县)、乡(镇) 、村( 社区) 三级综 治中心 为指挥 平台、 以综治 信息化 为支撑 、以网 格化管 理为基 础、以 公共安 全视频 监控联 网应用 为重点 的“群 众性治 安防控 工程” 。
• Word Study
Lesson 1 – Half a Day
6. variety (1)
n. number or range of different things
Examples: • The T-shirts are available in a wide variety • of colors. • The students come from a variety of
Examples: • I couldn’t convince him of his mistake. • How can I convince you of my sincerity? • I managed to convince them that the story • was true. • a convincing argument
“雪亮工程"是以区(县)、乡(镇) 、村( 社区) 三级综 治中心 为指挥 平台、 以综治 信息化 为支撑 、以网 格化管 理为基 础、以 公共安 全视频 监控联 网应用 为重点 的“群 众性治 安防控 工程” 。
Lesson 1 – Half a Day
• Word Study
• Word Study
1) Customs vary from country to country.

Lesson One Your College YearsI. Teaching Objectives:After learning this unit, students are supposed to:1get familiar with some grammatical points;2get to know what college is designed to be3get a list of the new words and expressions and be able to use them freely in writing and daily conversation;4 have a thorough understanding of the whole text:Your College Years5 retell the text as a wholeII.Listening and speaking activities1.Listen to the recording of the text and fill in the blanks about the main ideas of the article.2.Talk about the purpose of your college years.III. Reading Comprehension and Language Activities1. Pre-reading discussions:1Being a college student for more than one year, have you realized your changes What are they2What’s your opinion about the purpose of a college•Identity Crisis 认同危机• A A psychosocial state or condition of disorientation and role confusion occurring especially in adolescents as a result of conflicting internal and external experiences ,pressures, and expectations and often producing acute anxiety .• B An analogous state of confusion occurring in a social structure , such as an institution or a corporation.•Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary•Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, located in Fort Worth , Texas ,is a private ,non-profit institution of higher learning associated with Southern Baptist convention whose stated mission is “to provide theological education for individuals engaging in Christian ministry .”It is one of the largest seminaries in the world and is credited by the Associations of Theological schools and also by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools toward diploma, masters and doctoral degrees. The school uses the Baptist and Message as its confession of faith .3. About the text:It’s about the author’s idea towards the college years. It can be divided into six parts:Part 1 Introduction: College students will go through key changes in their college years. Part 2 Para. 2-6 Establishment of college students’ personal sexual and social identity in the college.Part3 Affirmation of personal values such as religious faith, their values, and their morals.Part 4 Development of new ways to organize and use knowledge.Part 5 Expansion of their world knowledge.Part 6 Summary: College students are growing in their understanding of themselves, others and the world in which they live.4. Language points1 Words and expressionsto handle(1)to turn, to lift or turn with the handsThis box contains delicate china .Please handle with care .(2)to operate with handsThis computer is easy to handle .(3)to manage control or cope withThank you . But I can handle it myself .handle n. 把, 柄This knife has a carved handle.to apply(1)to make a formal and usually written request for a job , position , permission etcShe is applying for a scholarship(2)to use a method , law ,principle etc in a particular situation(3)applicant n. the one who applies. We should apply this theory to practice.(4)to affect or concern somebody or somethingNot all natural laws can apply to human society .(5)to bring something into nearness or contact with somethingApply some of this ointment to the swollen part ,and the pain will soon be gone .application n.2. Grammatical structure•I knew we had them licked.•She’d never say a word about all the weeks he’d been away, not leaving us a cent for food.•I found myself seeing my father in a different way and relating to him as a friend whom I could encourage.•It seemed to me then that he was always showing off.5. Post-reading discussion:What are your goals for the college years。

2 Task: Exchange business cards with Mr. Green.
3 Task: Introduce an English teacher to your classmate.
4 Task: Greet your business partner, Mr. Johnson, at a trade fair.
B: Thanks. T. his is mine.
Unit | One
Window on Key Words 介绍
3) Introducing Friends A: May I introduce my friend Lily? She is from Class One. B: Oh, hello, Lily. I'm Jack from Class Two. C: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.
You: My 3 ___p_le_a_s_u_r_e____. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin.
4 ____H_e_r_e_i_s____ my card. Mr. Smith: Thank you. Here is mine. And 5 ____t_h_i_s_i_s_____ my wife.
Unit | One
Putting Language to Use
Speak and Complete
5 Imagine you are meeting an English teacher from the USA at the airport. Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.

Prepositions of Time
Prepositions used to indicate time, such as "in," "on," "at," etc.
Subordinate Clauses
A clause that depends on another clause for its meaning and structure, usually introduced by a subordinating conjunction such as "because," "when," "where," etc.
• Enhance reading comprehension: The course aims to improve students' reading comprehension skills, allowing them to understand and analyze a variety of English texts.
New words
1. Precision (noun): the quality of being exact or precise.
2. Verbosity (noun): the quality of being verbose or wordy.
New words and phrases
Course outline
Unit 1
Basic Grammar and Vocabulary
Unit 2
Listening and Speaking Practice

B. education C. suggestion
B. profession C. decision
Next page 6
大学英语听说教程1 Unit 1
2 Read the following sentences and pay attention to the pronunciation
大学英语听说教程1 Unit 1
1 Listen to 10 words in the recording and identify the word from
each group which has the same sound as the word you hear.
neighbor snacks themes now thousand
What’s your name?
Where are you from?
What are you most proud of about your home town? Which three words would you use to describe your personality?
Student 1
Student 2

Born in 1911, educated at Cairo University
Wrote short stories and historical novels
before WWII and novels of social realism
after WWII
◆ the first Arabic-language author
Comprehensive Reading ---- The author
His influence
The first Arab Writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature – 1988, The Cairo Trilogy
His works have been compared in spirit and tone to
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving
Rip went to hunt squirrels. He drank something a queer old man offered him and fell fast asleep. When he woke up he found himself an old man and that great changes had occurred in his village during his absence.
Half a Day
➢ About the author ➢ Skimming and scanning ➢ Group discussion
现代大学英语精读Unit1 Thinking as a hobby_language study PPT

consider ponder meditate deliberate brood over
I. Word Study
6. contempt
n. scorn; a feeling that sb. or sth. is not important and does not deserve any respect
醉人的烈酒 振奋人心的获胜消息 猛一声怒喝 一股湍流 机敏的战术 太专横而无法与之理论
I. Word Study
9. hustle vt. a. to convey in a hurried or rough manner b. to cause or urge to proceed quickly c. to gain by energetic effort vi. to work or move energetically and rapidly
Examples: The government conferred a medal on the hero. Diplomas were conferred on members of graduating class. The engineers and technicians are still conferring on the unexpected accident.
contemptuous: manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful 鄙视的;看不起;鄙视的
Examples: It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable teacher! It was a contemptible trick to tell lies and play on an old friend! He was contemptuous of Britain’s army. Seeing I failed to understand, he gave me a contemptuous look.

Lesson 1 – Half a Day
Discuss these
questions with your partners.
To be continued on the next page.
I. Text Analysis
Part Three
Lesson 1 – Half a Day
Text Appreciation
I. Text analysis
1. General Analysis 2. Thematic Analysis 3. Structure 4. Further Discussion
Walking out of the school, he Part 3 (paras. 17—20) about: found time had changed
The end of Structure.
Lesson 1 – Half a Day
I. Text Analysis
positive ones
…… …… …… ……
negative ones
…… …… …… ……
To be continued on the next page.
Lesson 1 – Half a Day
I. Text Analysis
Further discussion on the text
现代大学英语精读1课件ppt Unit1

Text Appreciation
for group discussion in class
Naguib Mahfouz —— important works
Naguib Mahfouz —— important works
Naguib Mahfouz —— important works
Works of his second writing period: The Children of Gebelawi (1959) The Thief and the Dogs (1961) Autumn Quail (1962) Small Talk on the Nile (1966) Miramar (1967) several collections of short stories.
Naguib Mahfouz
—Education & Background
Although widely translated, his works are not available in most Middle Eastern countries because of his support of Sadat’s Camp David initiative. In 1994 he survived an assassination(暗杀) attempt by Islamic extremists(极端主义分子).
How the boy felt about school.
Walking out of the school, he found time had changed everything.

A Poem
First Day at School
It’s hard to explain, the way I feel; A place unknown but is so real! A soft voice welcomes me to the place, I look up to see a lady’s smiling face.
thorough, systematic, sustained, all-around training listening, reading, speaking, writing, translating skills
Intensive reading training develops through different stages, each stage with its own emphasis
To help students both clarify and consolidate grammar knowledge, particularly in terms of use
To help students further develop basic reading skills
Intensive reading is not evaluated by the course alone; its assessment has to be done in relation to the overall development of all the basic skills in all the courses
I feel like I’m on a roller coaster, which never seems to end.

Lesson1 Half A Day Lesson 1 –Half a Day Sentence Paraphrase 1 There are some exceptions to this reaction2 Were there no air on the earth there would be no life on it3 In no case should we waste our time4 There goes the bell5 Away hurried the customers back to 18 Lesson 1 –Half a Day Sentence Paraphrase 19 Then there was a band announcing the opening of a circus with clowns and weight lifters walking in front 17 Then there was a band that was announcing the opening of a circus The clowns and weight lifters were walking in its front Withndoing construction is used adverbially modifying announcing More examples To be continued on the next page Lesson1 –Half a Day Sentence Paraphrase 1 He stood there with a stick in his hand with n prep2 Paul soon fell asleep with the light still burning with n participle3 She cant go out with all these dishes to wash with n to do4 He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on with n adv The end of Sentence Paraphrase Lesson 1 –Half a Day Part Five ENTER Extension Oral Work Quiz Writing Lesson 1 –Half a Day Lesson 1 – Half a Day I Oral Work List Group discussion Memorable quotes Debating Lesson 1 – Half a Day I Oral Work If you had only half a day left to live what would you most want to do List the top five things you would do and give us your reason Suppose the narrator found his home at last What would happen afterthat Work in groups Make up your own story of Half a Day and perform it Tell your funny stories about your first day at schoolBrainstorm in groups The end of Group discussion Lesson 1 –Half a DayI Oral Work Education has for its object the formation ofcharacter SpencerHerbert Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance W Durant Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult todrive easy to govern but impossible to slave H P Brougham How do you understand the following quotes Translation Tobe continued on the next page Lesson 1 – Half a Day I Oral Work教育以造就人的品质为其目标斯宾塞英格兰哲学家教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程杜兰特美国历史学家散文家教育使一个国家的人民容易领导但是难于驱使容易治理却不可奴役布罗厄姆英国政治家 The end of Memorable quotes Lesson 1 – Half a Day Howdid the boy feel the first day he went to school What happened the firstday at school How did the boy like school life Was school life just a matterof playing and fooling around What did he see on his way home Text AnalysisFurther discussion on the text The end of Further Discussion Lesson 1– Half a Day Writing Devices Now observe the following paragraphcarefully What strikes you most I did not know what to say The gatewas now closed Some of the children burst into tears The bell rang A ladycame along followed by a group of men The men began sorting us into ranksWe were formed into an intricate pattern in the great courtyard surroundedby high buildings from each floor we were overlooked by a long balconyroofed in wood Para 11 The great use of short and simple sentencesTo be continued on the next page Lesson 1 – Half a Day Writing DevicesMore examples I walked a few steps then came to a startled halt Good LordWhere was the street lined with gardens Where had it disappeared to Whendid all these cars invade it And when did all these people come to reston its surface How did these hills of rubbish find their way to cover itssides And where were the fields that bordered it High buildings had takenover the street was full of children and disturbing noises shook the airPara 17 Good God I was in a daze My head spun I almost went crazy Para18 Why did the author prefer to use short and s。
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• Text One
• TV series and movies:Prison Break, Lost, Ugly Betty,
• The Big Bang Theory, Home of Lies, Friends, American Got Talents, Brave Heart, Forrest Gump…
• others:Wild China, CCTV Speaking Contest, 21st Century Speaking Contest, New concept English, BBC Documentary, Discovery…
• 1. 形成性考核
• 2. 总结性考试
Unit One
First Day in College
• Go ahead表示允许或者鼓励别人的用语。
• How are you!
• hello • 建议阅读:《最容易搞错的英语文化常识268例》,汪
• 3.话题讨论:通过对不同话题的讨论加深对英、美等主 要英语国家文化背景和生活习俗的了解,学会在具体语 境中进行正确得体的交际
Note:We introduce people who don’t know each other and we introduce ourselves to people who don’t know us.We can do this either in a formal way or in an informal way.When introducing people,we must follow the rule:a man is introduced to a woman,unless he is much older and more senior,young men are introduced to older men, and young women to older women.
• 二. 要求
• 学生大量的口语实践中基本完成从单纯模仿语言到 比较自由运用语言的过渡,具备良好的口头表达习惯和 口头表达和交际能力,对英、美国家政治、经济、文化 各方面的知识有一定的了解和认识,具体要求如下:
• 1.通过接触大量的视听及文字材料,增加语言输入,然 后经过模仿、训练达到对语言的自由运用.
Background information
The World‘s Most Expensive College ---American University of Paris(AUP) How many American teenagers dream of going to school in Paris? The American University of Paris makes that dream a reality--for a hefty price tag. Moreover, living in Paris doesn't come cheap, so the university's estimate of at least $12,000 per year for living expenses should not be surprising. At a total cost approaching $45,000 per year, AUP easily ranks as one of the most expensive in the world.
• Websites: • (大耳朵), (普特)(听力快车)
• 2. 了解英语国家的社会、文化习俗,理解交际过程中
• Give me five= gimme five 是"give me five fingers!"的缩 略形式,意指双方举手相互击掌,用于打招呼或者相互 庆贺。因为是举手击掌,所以也称为"high five".
• Theme: Meeting people • Functions: Introduction; Greetings and Addressing system.
• Warm-up • Questions (for the dialogue to be made): • 1. where are the three people? • 2. what kind of relationship do you think they are? • 3. how do they address to each other?
by Duke Lin
• 一. 目标(Objective)
• 本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实 践,逐步培养和提高英语口头交际的能力,同时 了解主要英语国家的文化背景和生活习俗。通过 本课程的学习,学生应能就日常生活中的一般情 景进行恰当的交谈;能就社会生活中的一般话题 进行连贯的发言;能比较准确地表达思想,做到 语音、语调、语法基本正确,语言运用基本得体 ,掌握本专业基本口语技能。
• 4.课前个人展示(presentation):讲一个英语小故事 或者一段新闻,时间不能少于1分钟。展示部分作为平 时成绩计入期高需要大量、反复的实践
,仅靠口语课上的训练是远远不够的还要积极参加丰富 多彩的英语课外活动,如学习兴趣小组、英语角、英语 演讲、英语竞赛等。