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About Hofstede’s Six Cultural D imensions Hofstede’s six dimension of culture values is a usefull theory in culture’s understanding.To

describe different value to certain cultures,Hofstede mention 6 aspects as following: i individualism or collectivism orientation,uncertainty avoidance,power distance,masculinity or

femininity,long-term or short-term orientation,indulgence or restraint.

I will share my view one by one on each issue.

Firstly,there is a contrast between individualism and collectivism.Individualistic

people,typically,Americans,are inclined to give a priority to self-interests.In cultural

communication,it appears more personal space needed.You should pay attention to avoid

sharp question about privacy when getting along with these people.And in works,it have to be

no surprise to see how these people emphasize their own achievements.As manager,you may

give encouragement moderately.Refer to collectivism,China surely get a high score.In

China,people are educated to put collective interests first.So,Chinese are modest and shy to

acknowledge their own contributes or values.In these culture,people are cohesion seeker.It’s a

big point to make these staff feel in a family instead of insulation. It seems perfect when all kinds

of people born from various culture find their attribution of individualism or

non-individualism,namely,collectivism.However,embarrassing to see some standing in the

middle of two incompatible circle and don’t know where to go.Maybe we should create a world

named “collecvidualism”.

Then it comes to the second topic,uncertainty avoidance.Personally,I’m a uncertainty

avoidance man of high grade.No one can compel me to do something unpredictable for me or

risky and I do know myself,a conservative obsolete sheep.People like me will bring less innovation to company,but can always have a steady performance.As a fundamental part of an organization,these people are needed.Japan ranks highly on this item.Japanese are notable for uncerntainty avoidance. Meticulousness and prudence,and images of a bowing traditional chermant in suit is often what we see of Japanese. A nation which is largely inclined to join into activities organized,is supposed to be technology behind.But somehow Japan do a brilliant job in innovation of technology and produce good idea often. I wonder if it is the longing for quality and advancement push people to try and try,using all the patience and vigors to do a better thing.If so,the longing must be some kind of secure and conservative longing.Meanwhile,the opposite characteristic,which itch to try everything,deem uncertainty as a challenge,likely to harvest unexpected gains.I won’t give an example.Manager can make a fantastic combination to get a balance of them.

Power distance is a disappointing conception.It means unequal.Working in a unfree circumstance is absolutely an uncomfortable thing,and we try to avoid it.But when you trap in country in this culture,you can do nothing except for taking it easy and maintain your manner if you don’t want to screw things up.In management,it might be ok if managers come from this culture.But for a freedom-loving man,it’s a little bit cruel.

About long or short-term orientation there is still no much to say.Take a instance in living place.Chinese like to save money for a long time then buy a house while Americans changes their houses frequently and generally by renting them.It’s a obvious contrast of long-term orientation and short-term orientation.But in business,we anticipate a steady long-term collaboration so that we can obtain tangible benefits.

It always reminds us of sexism when words “masculinity” and “femininity” are mentioned.As we can get from the over-all situation,there does exist sexism.Though a weak glimmer,but
