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1. (2018 北京)—Where did you go last weekend?

—I ________ to the Great Wall.

A. go

B. went

C. will go

D. have gone

2. (2018 北京)Please don't make so much noise. The baby

_______ now.

A. sleeps

B. slept

C. will sleep

D. is sleepi ng

3. (2018 北京)lt's nice to see you again. We each other since 201


A. won't see

B. don't see

C. have n't see n

D. did n't see

4. (2018 上海)Last week Vivian a dress for her mother with her firstmo nth salary.

A. buy

B. bought

C. will buy

D. would buy

5. (2018 天津)My mother dinner when I got home yesterday.

A. has cooked


B. was cook

C. will cook

D. cooks

6. (2018 天津)一What a nice watch! How long _______ you ________ it? —For just two weeks.

A. will; buy

B. have; had

D. did; buy

C. were; hav


7. (2018 重庆 A 卷)1 the History Museum twice. I've learned a lot there.

A. visit

B. am visit ing

C. have visited

D. will visit

8. (2018 重庆B 卷)1 _________ Chinese dishes for my foreign friends tomorrow eve ning.

A. will cook

B. have cooked

C. cook

D. cooked

9. (2018 广东)With the developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy, robot cooks _______ in our families in the future.



C. will appear

D. were appeari ng

10. (2018 福州)—The boy misses his parents very much.

—So he does. They _______ the hometow n for n early two years.

A. have left

B. will leave

C. have bee n away from

11. (2018 福州)—Pass the rain coat to me, please. It ____ hard now. —Here you are.

A. is rai ning

B. rained

C. will rain

12. (2018 青海)一It's a great pity that the famous football player gone to ano ther club.

—Don't worry! They _______ ano ther top star rece ntly.

A. buy

B. bought

C. have bought

13. (2018 哈尔滨)一Could you tell me where you found Miss Gao now?

—Certai nly. I n the prin cipal's office. They ______ happily at that time.

A. are talki ng

B. have talked

C. were talki ng

14. (2018 青岛)William Shakespeare _______ for 400 years, but his works

has just

still have great in flue nee today.

A. died

B. was dying

C. has died

D. has bee n dead

15. (2018 威海)—Is that a new coat?

——No, I ______ it for a long time.

A. bought

B. have bought

C. have had

16. (2018 临沂)—Did you call Jenny?

—Oh no, I forgot. I _______ her right away.

A. called

B. have called

C. call

D. will call

17. (2018 湘潭)Marcus is our foreign teacher. He ________ i n our school for two years.

A. was

B. will be

C. has bee n

18. (2018 资阳)—Look, the light is still on in Helen's office.

—Maybe she ________ her work yet.

A . does n't finish

B . won't finish

C . has n't fini shed

D . did n't finish
