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1.MESURES Height Identification (身高)

2.MESURES Head girth Identification (头围)

3.MESURES Navel waist girth Identification (自然腰围)

4.MESURES Inside leg length Identification (内侧腿长)

5.MESURES Outside leg length at natural waist Identification (腿外侧到腰长度)6.MESURES Neck base girth Perimeters (领底围)

7.MESURES Right biceps girth Perimeters (右臂肌围)

8.MESURES Left biceps girth Perimeters (左臂肌围)

9.MESURES Right wrist girth Perimeters (右手腕围)

10.MESURES Left wrist girth Perimeters (左手腕围)

11.MESURES Outside leg length at navel Lengths (腿外侧到肚脐长度)12.MESURES Right arm length (Acromion to wrist) Lengths(右上臂长)(肩点到手腕)13.MESURES Left arm length (Acromion to wrist) Lengths(左上臂长)(肩点到手腕)14.MESURES Right arm total length (Neck to wrist) Lengths(颈到手腕)右手臂总长15.MESURES Left arm total length (Neck to wrist) Lengths (颈到手腕)左手臂总长16.MESURES Right arm length (Acromion to hand) Lengths(肩点到手)右手臂的长度17.MESURES Left arm length (Acromion to hand) Lengths(肩点到手)左手臂的长度18.MESURES Right upper arm length Lengths 右上臂长

19.MESURES Left upper arm length Lengths 左上臂长

20.MESURES Stomach girth Perimeters 腹围

21.MESURES Right length from elbow to outside hand Lengths 右肘到手外侧长度22.MESURES Left length from elbow to outside hand Lengths 左肘到手外部长度23.MESURES Waist to hip length Lengths (腰到臀长度)

24.MESURES Inside leg to ankle Lengths (腿内侧根部到脚踝)

25.MESURES Right under knee to calf length Lengths (右下膝到小腿肚长)

26.MESURES Left under knee to calf length Lengths (左下膝到小腿肚长)

27.MESURES Right calf to ankle length Lengths (右小腿肚到脚踝长)

28.MESURES Left calf to ankle length Lengths (左小腿肚到脚踝长)

29.MESURES Right shoulder length Lengths (右肩宽)

30.MESURES Left length from elbow to wrist Lengths (左手肘到手腕长)

31.MESURES Right length from elbow to wrist Lengths (右手肘到手腕长)

32.MESURES Right shoulder slope Body figurations (右肩斜度)

33.MESURES Left shoulder slope Body figurations (左肩斜)

34.MESURES Left shoulder length Lengths (左肩长)

35.MESURES Neck girth Identification (颈围)

36.MESURES Cervical height Heights (颈高)

37.MESURES Across chest Widths (胸宽)

38.MESURES Across back Widths (背宽)

39.MESURES Inter-acromion length Widths 内肩峰长度

40.MESURES Right acromion to 7th cervical Lengths 右肩峰到第七颈椎长

41.MESURES Left acromion to 7th cervical Lengths 左肩峰到第七颈椎长

42.MESURES Across front (Armpit) Widths (腋下点前胸宽)

43.MESURES Across back (Armpit) Widths (腋下点后背宽)

44.MESURES Inside leg height Heights 腿内侧长

45.MESURES Bust girth P erimeters (胸围)

46.MESURES Chest girth Identification 胸膛长度(第一胸围)

47.MESURES Chest height Heights 胸膛高度

48.MESURES Front chest width Widths 前胸膛宽度

49.MESURES Profil chest width Widths 侧胸膛宽度

50.MESURES Width between bust prominence Widths (乳尖距)

51.MESURES Maximum chest girth Perimeters (最大胸围)

52.MESURES Maximum chest height Heights (最大胸围高)

53.MESURES Front chest width Widths (前胸宽)

54.MESURES Back chest width Widths (后胸宽)

55.MESURES Underbust girth Identification半身胸像高度周长

56.MESURES Underbust height Heights 半身胸像高度

57.MESURES Front underbust width Widths 前半身下胸围

58.MESURES Profil underbust width Widths 侧半身下胸围

59.MESURES Natural waist girth Identification (自然腰围)

60.MESURES Natural waist height Heights 自然腰高

61.MESURES Front natural waist width Widths (自然前腰围宽)

62.MESURES Profil natural waist width Widths 自然侧腰围宽

63.MESURES Hips girth Identification 臀围

64.MESURES Hips height Heights 臀围高(立档)

65.MESURES Front seat width Widths 前臀围(前座宽)

66.MESURES Profil seat width Widths 侧臀围(侧坐宽)

67.MESURES Maximum hips girth Perimeters 最大臀围

68.MESURES Body rise Lengths 档到腰起势

69.MESURES Belt girth Identification 腰带围(皮带位置周长)

70.MESURES Belt height Heights 腰带围高

71.MESURES Outside leg length at belt Lengths (皮带处外侧腿长)

72.MESURES Navel waist height Heights 肚脐为基点腰的高度

73.MESURES Front waist height Heights 前腰的高度

74.MESURES Right thigh girth Perimeters 右大腿周长

75.MESURES Left thigh girth Perimeters 左大腿周长

76.MESURES Right calf girth Perimeters 右腿肚周长

77.MESURES Left calf girth Perimeters 左腿肚周长

78.MESURES Right ankle girth Perimeters (右脚踝周长)

79.MESURES Left ankle girth Perimeters 左脚踝周长

80.MESURES Back length to belt Lengths 后背长(从腰带开始)

81.MESURES Back length to natural waist Lengths 后背长(从自然腰围线开始)

82.MESURES Back length to navel Lengths 后背长(从肚脐开始)

83.MESURES Back length to hip Lengths 后背长(从屁股测量)

84.MESURES Back length to crotch point Lengths 后背长(从立档开始算)

85.MESURES Back length at curvature Lengths 后背弯曲的长度

86.MESURES Inclined 1 belt girth P erimeters 倾斜的腰带围1

87.MESURES Inclined 2 belt girth P erimeters 倾斜的腰带围2

88.MESURES Front waist length Lengths 前腰的长
