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2005 年复旦大学生物医学前沿文献讨论课参考资料2

Dr. Plopper ’s Guide To Critical Reading of Primary Literature Overall tips: 总技巧

1. Just because a scientific study has been published, this does not mean it is perfect. And the

imperfections are not so minute that a non-expert cannot find them. Any student of science can, and indeed should, read science critically. This means you can read a paper by a Nobel laureate and find fault with it. It is in fact expected that, as a practicing scientist, you can criticize any science. The level of your critical analysis will differ with your experience level, but you should be able to criticize science even as a relatively inexperienced undergraduate. 1、科学研究不能仅因为已发表,就认为它是完美的。它们的不足也不是微小到只有专业人员才能发现。任何从事科研的学生都能,而且确实应该能够,批判性地阅读科学文献。这意味着你读一篇诺贝尔奖获得者的文章都能在其中发现不足。它实际上期望作为科学工作者的你能对


2. Manuscripts are not read the same way newspapers or novels are read. One does not simply read every word, from the front to the back, in a single pass. The reason for this is fairly obvious:

manuscripts contain a high density of information, and not all of this information is of equal value to the reader. In fact, quite a lot of effort is made by the authors and editors to break the

information into discrete units that can be read almost independently. Inexperienced readers of primary literature should pay close attention to how manuscripts are organized, and seek specific types of information from each section. You should read the manuscript many times, but each time read only a portion of it, and do so because you are looking for specific information.


3. Have a good textbook handy to look up background information and definitions.


4. Reading a manuscript takes a lot of time, especially if you are unused to it. To do all of the procedures outlined here will take you at least three hours.


Step-by-step method: 逐步顺序阅读

1. Read the Title. 读题

1a. Understand each word. The title provides the most important information in the manuscript. What, really, does this mean? This means the authors have combed through their data and have decided that if you remember nothing else about the paper, this is the one thing you should remember. You may be surprised to learn that most authors spend quite a lot of effort on the title, because they are forced to distil many months (or even years) of work into a single sentence. Imagine crunching an entire year of college courses into a single sentence! As a result, they shuffle and reshuffle their data until the most important point comes out. They also shuffle and reshuffle the words in the title. 1a 理解每个单词 题目提供了原稿的最重要的信息。它真正的含义是什么?这意味着作者综合他们的资料,并决定如果这篇文章其它别的东西你记不住的话,这个是你应该记住的。你可能会对大部分作者在题目上花了很多气力感到吃惊,因为他们不得不将数月(甚至数年)的工作浓缩到一句话内。想象一下,将整整一年的课程咀嚼揉合成一句话多么困难!因此,他们将数据改组再改组,直到能够表现最重要的观点。同样,题目中的文字他们也是反复斟酌。 The result is that each word in a title usually carries a lot of weight. Because a lot of effort is put into creating a title, it should be rich in information content. To the reader, this means you should be able to get a lot of ideas out of the title. I usually spend at least five (real) minutes thinking about the title before I read anything else; most beginning students spend about five seconds on a title, figuring, “If it ’s important, I ’ll learn about it later in the paper.” Bad idea! 结果当然是题目中的每个单词都常极有分量。因为花如此大的气力来确定题目,它理所当然地饱含着信息。对于读者来说,这意味着你应从题目中得出许多的想法。我通常花至少5分钟(真的)来在阅读其它内容前思考题目;大部分初学者用大约5秒钟的时间来读题目,估摸一下,“如果它很重要,我会在下面的文章中学习它。”馊主意! 1b. Create a list of experiments you expect to see in the paper. In practical terms, this means you should consider the implications of each word in a title. You should be able to derive a list of what sort of experiments you think the authors performed, what the data might have looked like, and how the authors reached their conclusions, before you even read the paper. Write this list down. It may be completely wrong, that ’s OK. But try to think ahead about what will be coming. If eventually you discover that your list looks nothing like what the authors did, that is very instructional: did you miss a critical point, or (this happens) did they ? Did they mislead you with their title? Many papers have titles that border on being advertisements: they paint the data in the most positive light, but may not be entirely accurate. Your job is to see through that! 1b 、将你期望在文献中能看到的实验列表。从实践角度来说,这意味着你应该考虑过题目中每个单词的含义。甚至在你读论文前,你就应该能够由题目列出你觉得作者会作的实验清单,数据会是什么样子,作者怎样得出他们的结论。把这些清单记下来。它可能完全错误的,那没关系。但你在阅读全文之前就努力提前思考过了。如果最终你发现你的实验清单与作者根本不一样,那非常有指导性了:我遗漏了关键点吗,或者是(有时确实是这样)作者遗漏了?他们的题目对你误导了吗?许多论文的题目近乎于广告:他们将数据涂上“阳性”的光彩,但这些数据却可能不是完全精确的。你的任务就是要识破它! Example: Although not usually written as a declarative sentence, a title can be translated as such. Here is an example from a cell biology paper: “A Splice-Isoform of Vesicle-associated Membrane Protein-1 (VAMP-1) Contains a Mitochondrial Targeting Signal.” This sentence can be deconstructed easily: “X (verb) Y.” The verb “contains ” is not overly scientific, but is has implications you should consider. The “X ” in this case is rich in terms: “A Splice-Isoform of Vesicle-associated Membrane Protein-1…” When you read a title, make sure you understand what
