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country; countryside
• • • • in the country 在乡下 over the country 在全国 in the countryside 在农村 country music 民间音乐
• country, nation, state 这组词都可表示“国家”。其区别是:country表示 地理概念,侧重“疆土”,即一个国家的整个区域; nation侧重“人民”,指一个独立政府领导下的全 体人民或整个民族的集合体; state则侧重“政 权”,即独立的国家,也可指其政府。试体会下面两 句中这三个词的含义: The United States is a nation of diverse peoples. 美国是一个由不同民族组成的国家。 That country is now an independent state. 那个国家现在是个独立的国家。
countryside, country 这两个词都可指“农村”,其区别在于前者 常用于泛指一切乡村地域或居民,后者则指 区别于city和town的乡下、乡间。例如: They lived a happy life in the countryside. 他们在乡下过着幸福的生活。 She prefers living in the country to being in the town. 她宁愿住在乡下而不愿住在城市。
【改错】 易混辨析 The President spoke on the radio to the country. ___ nation country指“国家”, 注意! 侧重的是版图、土地, nation着重指 “具有共同的语言历史,居住在同一地区, 有一个独立政府的人群”。
The loss has not yet been____ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.(湖北) A. calculated B. considered C. completed D. controlled 2.Scientists have ___that the world’s population will double by the end of this century. A .numbered B. included C. calculated D added up
合理拆分 生熟联想 形成脑图 长久不忘
【改错】 【谚语】萝卜白菜各有所爱。 Some persons like to eat radishes, _______ others prefer cabbage. cabbages
作为植物的“卷心菜”,指“一棵洋白菜”“一棵 卷心菜”,通常可数。 作为疏菜吃的(尤指切碎的 或煮熟的)“卷心菜”“卷心菜叶”,不可数。 Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage.
calculate v.1.计算;2.估计;3. 计划,打算
calculate +n. /pron./ clause 计算/估计… be calculated to do 目的在于…;打算… be calculated for 打算,为…设计 calculate on/ upon 依靠,指望 calculate sb/sth doing 期待某人/物会… calculator n. 计算器;计算者 calculation n. 计算 calculated adj. 经过计算的;蓄意的
called up happy memories of [即学即练](1)The trip _____________________________
my youth.
旅行勾起了我对年轻时代的美好回忆。 called up (2)He ____________ all the information from the computer. 他从计算机中调出了所有的信息。 called me up just to tell me that he had bought a (3)He ________________ new DVD. 他打电话就是为了告诉我他买了一台新的DVD。
冠词十大典Baidu Nhomakorabea错误例析
【改错】 固定搭配 You find cows in _ a country.
country作“农村”解 时,只用单数形式,而且和定冠词连用。
【country & countryside】 a) country用作可数名词时,表示“国家”;country用作不 可数名词时,表示“城镇四周的土地”,即“乡间、乡 下”,经常用于in the country的短语中: China is a large country. He had planned to settle down in the country. b) 在表示“乡村,乡下”的意思时,countryside与country 相同,但countryside强调景色;另外,如果没有明确的上 下文,选用 countryside更稳妥: The countryside around Vienna is very beautiful. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.
call up 召唤;使人想起;提出;打电话 call at 访问(某地) call on/upon 访问(某人) call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做某事 call back 召回,撤销
call for 需要;要求
call out 大声喊叫 call forth 唤起,引起 call in 召集;收回 call off 取消